1 minute read
Rotary in Wendover and District, D1260
Thank you so much, generous people of Wendover and Weston Turville, for your donations to the Rotary Santa ecoSleigh collections in 2021.
Inevitably, weather stopped us occasionally but we did our best to revisit when possible. At the time of writing, collections were continuing so a final total cannot be given at the moment. All charities have been suffering as their regular fundraising activities have been curtailed during the current pandemic. Our beneficiaries, local charities Pace and Chilterns MS Centre, will receive the donations as soon as possible.
We received many requests to visit roads which is why we extended the number of days of collecting. We are also very grateful
to members of the public who volunteered to help us. We could not have completed as many routes as we did without you.
It's never too soon to volunteer so if you'd like us to contact you for the 2022 Rotary Santa ecoSleigh, justmessage https://www.facebook.com/ RotaryinWendoverandDistrict or email cheryl@monkeypuzzlehighwycombe.co.uk. We'd love to share this beautiful experience with you. Cyclists and walkers alike are welcome!