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Bacombe Lane enabling works

During May the track of the temporary link road between Bacombe Lane and Ellesborough Road became visible with the removal of the topsoil, and widening of the lane to allow water main diversion.

Photos of the road excavation and water main works

Protracted Small Dean conveyer works

Installation of the conveyor bridge over the A413 at Small Dean is causing further disruption with delays due to the need to install a roadside crash barrier and an underground power cable. These will require further “traffic management” measures including more closures of the A413 and Rocky Lane.

We’re pleased to see that Small Dean Lane has been reopened for pedestrians and cyclists, who will now be escorted past the works compound and conveyor bridge rather than need to brave the traffic on the A413 to get from Wendover to Dunsmore.

Small Dean Lane conveyor bridge

Delay for the main Green Tunnel construction

We understand that the Environment Agency has stopped any work on constructing the Green Tunnel and North Cutting due to inadequate mitigation for the Aquifer impact. We’ve been pointing out since 2013 that the excavation would interfere with the flow of water into the Wendover Arm Canal and Weston Turville Reservoir SSSI nature reserve; diverting it towards Stoke Mandeville and increasing the flood risk in Fairford Leys. The EA and Bucks Council are now using their powers to protect the community and environment. We’ve also been proposing an alternative to HS2’s recent suggestion that they bore a second tunnel alongside the Green Tunnel to act as a storm drain. The water needs to go into Hampden Pond, not add yet further flood risk downstream.

Monitoring HS2 Lorries in Wendover

Following the recent CCTV monitoring at Church Lane a number of HS2 related HGV lorries were detected and Bucks Council have taken this up with HS2. We’re pleased to see a sign installed at the end of London Road indicating the HS2 traffic should not come through the village. If you see any HS2 traffic please contact BC by email to EWRANDHS2enquiries@ buckinghamshire.gov.uk with the date and time of any instances.

Fundraising & ideas

If you would like to help us “Do what’s right for Wendover”, have a look at our website whs2.org where you’ll find details of what we’re doing, and our ‘donate’ button which leads to our fundraising page. All contributions are gratefully received to help us fight the HS2 Scheme before it’s built.

If you have ideas or suggestions that would mitigate the community impact, then get in touch at enquiries@whs2.org and we’ll assist however we can. Remember that the HS2 Helpdesk is available 24 hours a day to handle any complaints on 08081 434 434.

Doing what’s right for Wendover - See whs2.org

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