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Local News and Letters

Scarecrow Trail continues . . .

Wendover Scarecrow Trail continues until 8am on 3 October. If you haven't had time to visit the scarecrows yet, don't forget to collect your map and form (£3) from the Rennie Grove Hospice Shop at 5, High Street, Wendover HP22 6DU. There is also a Quiz Night with Fish & Chips on Friday 7 October at 7.30pm, tickets £15 from the Rennie Grove Hospice Shop, High St, Wendover.

Buckinghamshire Council Revenue & Benefits System

On page 15 of the September issue of Wendover News there is reference to BC upgrading its revenue and benefits system.

I rang BC helpline (Council Tax section) in August and was told:- 1. As a benefits claimant or CT payer or for any other benefits or revenue related purpose, you should continue to notify BC of, for example, a change of circumstances (benefits or CT) or make payment of CT (by regular payments by phone for example other than D/D or S/O), or for any other purpose during the period from 22.9.22 to 27.10.22.

2. You can use your usual method of contact (online, letter or telephone).

3. However, during the period highlighted at (1), BC staff will not be able to check your communication has been received or payment has been made, as a consequence of the work on the upgrade being undertaken. As a result they will not be sending out reminders, or chasing up CT arrears during this period.

4. At the end of the period (from 28.10.22) you will be able to ring up/check online that your CT account is up to date and/or BC have received your communication on any other revenue and benefits matters, and discuss this with BC. From 28.10.22 BC will start again to issue reminders or take enforcement action.

I hope the above is clear.

I have raised this because BC treat those paying CT other than by D/D or S/O differently and many of the less well off are in this position. Some of the less well off will be in the minority who will be affected.

I have raised a complaint with BC (upheld) about this different treatment earlier in the year.

Mr J Clover, Wendover

Holland Close Gardens

The residents of Holland Close (and Vine Trees) are very grateful to Michael Wattam who has made sure that they maintained their beauty throughout the long hot summer.

£2 bus fare cap across England to save passengers money

Millions across England will save money through a new £2 cap on single bus journeys from January to March, backed by up to £60 million to ensure affordable transport across the country.

The Transport Secretary has announced the Government will provide up to £60 million from January to March next year, to help bus operators to cap single adult fares at £2 per journey.

The move will help passengers with travel costs for work, education, shopping and medical treatments over the winter months while they are facing pressures from the rising cost of living.

Bus fares vary across different parts of the country and between bus operators, and can even reach almost £6 for a single journey in rural areas. The new cap means passengers in those areas could save more than £60 a month if they took four single trips a week.

The average single fare for a three-mile journey is estimated at over £2.80, meaning that the new fare will save passengers almost 30% of the price every time they travel.

The funding to keep fares down follows the Government’s announcement of £130 million last month to protect vital bus routes and services across the country, which those on lower-incomes in particular rely on.

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps (sic) said: “Buses are by far and away the most used form of public transport, so ensuring that almost all bus journeys are no more than £2 will assist passengers over the winter months and provide direct help to thousands of households across the country.

“This £60 million boost will mean everyone can affordably get to work, education, the shops and doctor’s appointments.

“We know people will be feeling the pressure of rising costs this winter, and so we have been working hard this summer to provide practical concrete help that will lower daily expenditure.”

The new initiative follows the allocation of more than £2bn to support bus services in England through the pandemic and a commitment to fund improved services, new bus priority measures and new electric or hydrogen buses as part of “Bus Back Better,” the ambitious national bus strategy, published last year.

The Government will continue to work closely with bus operators and local authorities and consider future support to help passengers continue accessing reliable and affordable bus services after March.

Tell Buckinghamshire Council your crime concerns

Buckinghamshire residents are being asked to highlight their concerns about crime in their local area as part of the Safer Bucks Community Safety survey.

Safer Bucks is a partnership of organisations that work together to reduce crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. Every year the partnership looks at community safety issues in the county. As part of this process, everyone living or working in Buckinghamshire is invited to take part in the survey.

This survey aims to find out what community safety matters concern local residents. It is quick and easy to complete and this year all those who complete the survey will be entered into a prize draw to win one of three £100 shopping vouchers.

The results of the survey will be combined with an analysis of all crimes that happen in the county to help Safer Bucks set priorities for the year.

Arif Hussain, Deputy Cabinet Member for Community Safety, said: “This survey is an opportunity for everyone who lives or works in the county to highlight their concerns about crime, antisocial behaviour, and drugs and alcohol issues. There is also an opportunity to add additional comments that people feel need to be considered.

“Please do take a few minutes to have your say – it will really help Safer Bucks focus its efforts to reduce these issues that matter most to local people.”

The survey is open until Sunday 16 October The results of the survey will be analysed and taken to the Safer Bucks Partnership to agree any actions. A summary of the survey results will be included in the winter Community Safety Newsletter.

To take part in the survey visit: https:// yourvoicebucks.citizenspace.com/ communities/safety-2022.

Pace Christmas Gift Fair

Saturday 19 November, 11am-3pm, Buckinghamshire College, HP21 8PD A beautiful selection of gifts from some fabulous businesses including Christmas decorations, jewellery, food, homeware, skincare and more… Entrance £3 / Concessions £1.50. Free Parking.

By supporting the Christmas Gift Fair, you will not only have the opportunity to wrap your Christmas shopping up early, but you will also be helping to provide life changing support to the children and young people who access Pace services.

Fun at Ashbrook (Castle Park) before the new school term began. Photo Ben Hinsby and Wendover Youth Centre.

Back to School Festival

The Team at Wendover Youth Centre had a busy summer holiday with Project Engage activities and topped it all off with a Summer Festival on Thursday 1 September. A great time was had by all.

To learn more about Wendover Youth Centre, see the article page 23, visit their social media pages or get in touch on admin@ wendoveryouth.co.uk or 07950667895.

Wendover Celebrates

Earlier this year, Wendover Celebrates was postponed to 5 November, and the venue changed to Ashbrook Park. Please see below the application for a licence for live music and sale of alcohol during the event.

Buckinghamshire Council Form LA18 (09/13)




Sale of Alcohol on the 5 th NovemberPlaying of Live Music on the 5 th November

______________________________________________________at Ashbrook Park, Aylesbury Road, Wendover, HP22 6JG______________________________________________________

Interested parties or responsible authorities wishing to oppose the application must give notice in writing to: Licensing Services Manager, The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury, HP19 8FF or email licensing.av@buckinghamshire.gov.uk

By 10 th October 2022


The record of this application may be inspected Monday to Friday (except Bank Holidays) at The Gateway, Gatehouse Road, Aylesbury HP19 8FF or at www.aylesburyvaledc.gov.uk

This Notice must be completed on the day after which the application is made and must be exhibited on a conspicuous part of the premises where it can easily be seen and read by persons in the street even when the premises is closed. The notice must be kept exhibited for not less than 28 days.

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