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Club Corner

Wendover Horticultural Society

On 1 December, Wendover Horticultural Society is holding its Annual Christmas Social, members gathering for eats, a raffle and a quiz if they wish. It will be at St Anne’s Hall at the usual time of 2.30, cost £3.00.

Our short AGM will be on 5 January 2023, with Chris Barlow, who has agreed to talk on Arctic Flora and Fauna.

N Morton

Aylesbury Dolls House Club

At the meeting this month, we are celebrating Christmas. We will be starting with a fish and chip supper and follow this with a small free Christmas project. Following on from our Christmas-decorated fireplace last month, we will be decorating Christmas trees, in different scales, to go with the fireplace. We are also excited to be welcoming some new members - some who came along as a result of visiting our exhibition, and some who have responded to these magazine notices. So if you think you might be interested, and would like to know more, we meet on the first Wednesday of each month, at Halton Village Hall, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm.

Contact Diane on 07899090399 or arcadia96@ btinternet.com.

Wendover Cricket Club

Progress on Wendover Cricket Club’s new ground continues to be stalled. However a recent meeting with HS2 suggests there is at last some impetus by them to progress, although challenges remain if construction works are to start in 2023.

Aylesbury RSPB Group

The next indoor talk is on Monday 12 December at the Prebendal Hall Community Centre, Fowler Road, Aylesbury HP19 7QW, starting at 7.30pm and is given by Tony Williams on “La Brenne, France” exploring its birds & other wildlife. Entry for non-Aylesbury Group members is £6 but under 18s are free. group.rspb.org.uk/aylesbury

J Seabrook (Cricket & RSPB)

Wendover Tennis & Squash Club


Squash and Racketball - New squash beginners' session at 10.20 on Mondays. 1st session is FREE. Please contact Tricia Malliff for details.

We have a regular coaching programme as well as weekly social sessions for members and squash and racketball Leagues. There is a very active Junior section in squash with its own League.

Our resident squash superstar Katie Malliff has just won the PSA Swiss open and is currently ranked 63 in the world in women's squash even though she is only 19!

Tennis - We are all very pleased with our newly refurbished Tiger Turf Pro court (In the photo: The new court with Sean Stephenson (Chair), Richard Fogden (Tennis Chair) and Nicola Cliffe (Club Secretary)). This court now matches our 3 other courts, which were done in 2018. The courts are very well used with 12 teams being entered into the Aylesbury and District and Bucks Leagues and club sessions most evenings.

Our Squash and Tennis Christmas dinner has been organised at the Red Lion.

Wildlife Trust activities in December

December is a great month to help with conservation work on our six local reserves. Please contact volunteering@bbowt.org.uk and ask which groups are looking for new helpers near Wendover. It's best to sign up this way so you can be covered by the Trust's insurance. Dancersend, Bacombe Hill, College Lake and Weston Turville Reservoir all have regular monthly winter work sessions in winter and Aston Clinton Ragpits usually has them in January and February.

If you feel like indoor activities, the Learning Team at College Lake has sessions for adults and children which you can book on bbowt.org.uk/events. For example, an adult Winter Wreath Workshop on Thursday 1 Dec at 11.30am is repeated on Saturday 3 Dec for families (children12+) and the ever popular Nature Tots is on Tuesday 13 Dec and Thursday 15 Dec.

The talks organised by the Chilterns Group continue with the entertaining John Tyler on 'The Winter Landscape' on Tuesday 20 Dec at Great Missenden Memorial Centre at 7 for 7.45pm. No booking, admission £5 at the door includes refreshments.


Up, Up and Away with KEHS

Tuesday 6 December Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel through the air in a balloon? For many people, the thought of floating through the sky is both exciting and mysterious. While it may seem like magic, there is actually both an art and science to flying a balloon. In his talk, Peter George will share photos, video and stories of thrills and spills from over 35 years of piloting these beautiful aircraft.

Our monthly meetings are held at 8pm at Stewart Hall, Little Kimble. If you are not a member but would be interested in more information please check our website for any updates. www.e-voice. org.uk/kehs/

Wendover Art Club

8 December, St Anne's Hall, Aylesbury Road, Wendover 7:30-9:30pm Members Christmas Get Together. Our chance to relax and enjoy a few nibbles and a drink whilst indulging in some party game loosely associated with art. Regular monthly meetings are the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month.

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