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Local News

Ukraine Fundraiser Follow-Up

The Wendover Youth For Ukraine music concert that took place at St Mary’s Church, Wendover on Sunday, 25 September was a huge success. £1,495 was raised for UNICEF for its work helping Ukrainian children.

The organisers, Emma Harrington and Jude Kayakiran, together with fellow musicians Lucy Howitt, Thomas Harrington, Iris Kayakiran and Jozef Hatton are very grateful to St Mary's for allowing them to use the church for the concert and to the people who came to support them. The church was packed and everyone was very generous, many thanks!

Following the concert the musicians have been asked to perform a similar concert as part of the Amersham Music Festival, on 23 April

Tapathon, Sunday 20 November

Thank you all 78 dancers from the Rozelle School of Dance who participated in the Children in Need Tapathon on Sunday 20 November 2022. All tappers and supporters had a great time with Pudsey Bear, raising a fantastic total of £1360 including pre-sales of official T-shirts and refreshments on the day.

Ivan Cammack Best Dressed Window

Congratulations to Ivan Cammack Opticians whose Christmas window was judged best. Proud father Ivan was able to give the cup to his daughter in this family run business.

Santa ecoSleigh

Rotary in Wendover and District would like to thank everyone in Wendover and Weston Turville for the warm welcome received by Santa and the ecoSleigh as they tramped the streets on some very chilly evenings. More details in February.

Wendover Cricket Club

The club starts its junior winter training programme in January for age groups under 8 to under 14; existing members have been contacted but any prospective recruits must contact the Juniors Manager Viral Patel on 07930 360495 or wccjuniorscontact@gmail.com as places are limited with some age groups already at maximum capacity. There are also 5 girls-only sessions starting 25 February for ages 9 to 13, contact Viral if interested.

Senior indoor nets start 25 February for ages 15 and above.

Wendover Warm Welcome

As we go to press the weather is very cold. Wendover Warm Welcome is still available in the New Year. A hot drink and cheerful company on Tuesdays 10am-3pm (plus soup from 12.30 to 1.30); Thursday 2pm-5pm; from Fri 6 Jan 7.30pm9.30pm (including table tennis); from Sat 7 Jan 10am-12noon in Wendover Christian Centre, Aylesbury Road, HP22 6JG, opposite Wharf Road.

Wendover Consultation Event

Are you wondering how you might vote at the next election? Why not come to Wendover Labour’s consultation event at Wendover Library Room on 11 February, from 10am to 12 noon?

Come and meet local party members who can answer your questions and who want to understand your local and national concerns. No matter what your politics are…we will listen.

Please join the local conversation. Everyone is welcome. Stop by for as much time as you have and pick up some information, join the small group conversations and meet our local party members.

Labour came second in this seat in 2017 and 2019 and can win next time. Labour is ready for government – and ready to serve locally and nationally. Labour can deliver a fairer, greener future. See advert page 5.

Wendover Bowls Club

Good heavens Christmas seems to have arrived with a rush. I have only just got used to writing 2022 on cheques and here we are in 2023!! There is always a bit of a squeeze to get the internal matches fitted in before the end of the year.

Mid December saw indoor hostilities between the Ladies and Gentlemen come to a head with an all day series of games. Last year the Gentlemen had an emphatic win so it was decided to give the Ladies a two shot start for each game. However, the scores at the end after more than 1400 shots were exactly equal. This caused a problem as we only have a presentation cup for the winners and nothing for the unlikely event of a draw. After the match we all sat down for a meal together which finished off a most enjoyable day!

The year will conclude with a New Year's Eve party with games and more food. Those of us that are still awake will link hands and wish each other and, indeed everyone, a happy and healthy 2023.

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