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Becoming a Global Disciple
“I thought being a believer in Jesus was enough, but during the discipleship training, the Holy Spirit showed me that I have to join in God’s ministry,” Bahadur said.
Bahadur is a young man in Nepal, and like many Christ-followers, he has discovered that believing in Jesus is the first step in becoming a disciple and living with a mission to fulfill. His perspective changed thanks to his local discipleship-mission training provided by Global Disciples.
From the mountains of Asia to the heart of Africa, God is raising up global-minded disciples—men and women with a vision to share the Good News of Jesus with those who don’t know Him. As Global Disciples, our training simply makes room for God to change and shape hearts and empower His people to fulfill the mission of making disciples among the nations.
Today, Bahadur pastors a village church planted among a least-reached people through the efforts of his local discipleship-mission program.
Kul is another Christ-follower whose heart was stirred through discipleship-mission training. “I realized my calling from God,” he said. “My heart was filled with compassion for the ES-- people, one of the unreached tribes here in Nepal.” In fasting and prayer, Kul went out to share the Gospel with this least-reached community.
“God heard my prayer,” Kul said. “Last year, one family came to faith in Jesus. Now we have a small fellowship among this tribe!”
An ocean away in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Bunani also participated in a local Global Disciples training. He was deeply moved to hear that more than two billion people in our world still need to hear about Jesus. With another training participant, he decided to act and set off for a remote, unreached village.
There Bunani saw God answer his prayers for a crippled boy—healing in a miraculous way. This led to reconciliation among the boy’s fractured family, and the visible transformation in their lives opened the way for Bunani to share Jesus with the whole community. Now this once unreached village has a church of 52 believers and continues to grow as Bunani and others spread the Good News.
The heart of God is for all people to be saved, and sharing this Good News is the great commission Christ has given to each of us.
As Global Disciples, and with your help, Christ-followers like Kul, Bunani, Bahadur, and many others are becoming global disciples on a mission to reach least-reached people with the Good News.