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Worship: Our Ultimate Goal
Worship has not been a common theme in my writing. That, as I think about it, has been a serious oversight. From the beginning, worship has been an essential part of our Global Disciples’ DNA. Just ask anyone who's attended an Annual Equipping Event or one of our international staff gatherings. We love to worship!
In light of who God is and the finished work of Christ on the cross, worship and adoration are the normal, appropriate responses. Worship prepares our hearts to be attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit and to receive the Word of God that refreshes and challenges us.
In worship, we are fulfilling the prayer for the Kingdom to come here on earth as it is in heaven. Worship is the language of heaven. Consider Revelation 7:9-12, where a great multitude which no one could count from every tribe, people, and language gathers before the throne and the Lamb in whole-hearted, full-voice worship!
As Global Disciples we want to see every person have an opportunity to choose and follow Jesus. Only then can our ultimate goal be realized: men and women, young and old, from every race, tribe, ethnic group and language worshiping the Lamb of God. In the words of John Piper, “Missions is not the ultimate goal…Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't.”
Meaningful worship, in its many different expressions, is important in the discipleship of new believers around the world. Appropriate expressions of genuine worship are foundational for fellowships as they grow and multiply.
We are so grateful the Lord has led Tim Bentch to our Global Disciples team. His role is to work with gifted worship leaders around the world to equip and multiply others to lead new disciples of Christ into deeper, authentic expressions of local worship. Just as our Regional Prayer Leaders build up local intercessory teams, we envision preparing Regional Worship Leaders to equip local worship leaders.
With Tim’s leadership, we also anticipate an opportunity for us to share in this global worship. We invite you to join us for Nations Worship, a virtual gathering coming up in November. You’ll have the privilege of participating with worship leaders, artists, and musicians, and hear stories from around the world, as we share the language of heaven and focus on our ultimate goal.