2 minute read
Who First Told You About Jesus?
by Wendy Nagle
Who first told you about Jesus? How did you hear about Him in a way that made sense to you…and led you to respond?
In North America, we have thousands of opportunities a day to hear about Jesus. Pat heard the good news of Jesus as teenager from a youth counselor. Annie found Jesus Christ through a radio broadcast. Like many, Steve learned about Jesus from his mom and dad. Jerry heard the Gospel from the beginning—in church at three days old!
On the other hand, Ebo was nearly 100 years old. He lived his long life in a community along the Somali border where there was no witness for Jesus Christ—until Aman and disciple-makers from a Global Disciples partner program came to visit. They met Ebo at a well, and in conversation introduced him to Jesus Christ.
“Where did you hide this good news?” Ebo cried as he accepted Jesus. In joy, he invited the whole community to evening coffee, declaring his new faith in Christ and encouraging them to believe the Good News. And they did!
Sometimes people hear the name of Jesus but without understanding He is the Savior. During an outreach in Myanmar, several people told the disciples, “We believed we would go to hell because of our sins, but we didn’t know Jesus was the one to save us. Knowing that He forgives is like coming out of darkness into light!”
Tefe was a university student searching for peace and coming up empty. He asked his roommate who didn’t know either but introduced Tefe to a friend—a believer who explained how Jesus gives life and hope and peace.
When Tefe accepted Christ, he realized the Holy Spirit had been working in his life to prepare him. Is the Spirit sending someone your way who needs your story?
Someone like Mazi. A young musician from Cameroon, Mazi was living in France and enjoying great success with his music but he felt lost and empty inside. In despair, he planned to kill his wife and then commit suicide. First, he went for a walk.
A stranger approached Mazi and asked, “Do you know Jesus? If you did, you wouldn’t plan to commit suicide.” Stunned, Mazi began to weep, confessing his sins and fears; the stranger shared the Gospel and led him to Jesus.
This conversation not only saved his life but transformed it. Mazi returned to Cameroon, empowered by the Holy Spirit to use his gifts to open the door for others to know Jesus.
A third of our world is still waiting for an opportunity to hear about Jesus, his love and salvation. As Global Disciples, we equip people to create those opportunities. You can too: Who first told you about Jesus?
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