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Wendy Nan Rees

Los Angeles, United States

Please visit my New website at and be sure to bookmark it so you can keep checking for my latest articles, radio broadcasts and specials! Spokesperson , Writer , Radio Host & All Natural Pet Products ************************** Picture Taken By Kendra Luck Thank you Kendra!! Wendy Nan Rees has been involved in the pet industry for over 25 years. Her career began when she founded Lip Smackers, Inc., a company dedicated to providing healthy all-natural treats to consumers concerned about their pets’ well-being. The Lip Smackers bakery operated out of The PetCare Company, Hermosa Beach, and CA. for over five years. Wendy has come full circle with her new book “The Dog Devotional: 365 Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Living a Rich Life with Your Dog”. It is a collection of many of Wendy’s most popular tricks and techniques used over her 25+ years as a Pet Lifestyle Advisor™, and is one of the most comprehensive “How to” dog books that has come along in many year
