视觉 防伪产品 Visual Anti-counterfeiting Products
一枚标签,一身正气。 一枚小小的标签, 标示着国际高科技视觉防伪市场的垄断被天臣击破; 标示着国酒茅台、五粮液、日本理光、美国金士顿等100多种国际性和民族性知名品 牌从此贴上中国的印记; 标示着天臣的专业、领先、正天下。
A label, with deep sense of righteousness. A small label, Marks TECHSUN and breaks the monopoly of the visual international anti-counterfeiting market. Marks Moutai, Wuliangye, Ricoh, Kingston etc., more than 100 well-known domestic and international brands, now on the Chinese label. Marks TECHSUN’s professional, leadership and integrity.
BrandPro® 以天臣专利材料“Photomer”制作的品保系列防伪产品具有 极其简单的视觉辨别方式,只需转动角度即可轻松辨别真 伪,极大的提高了消费者识别真伪的信心。 The BrandPro® series of anti-counterfeiting products based on Techsun's patented “Photomer” material utilizes an easy visual identification method and simple turning angle that can easily be identified and greatly improve the confidence of consumers in distinguishing between real and fake products.
品保® 防伪标签观察示意图: Observation Direction of BrandPro® Anti-counterfeiting Label:
From left to right
From right to left
From up to down
From down to up
天臣采取在立体图像四周标记不同点数的方式来帮助消费者轻松鉴定标识的真伪:只要在点光源照 射下,以不同的角度观察即可在标识上显示出真实的立体效果或多层次的图像。 This 3D technology allows viewers to see all four sides of different dots to help consumers easily authenticate items. Observing the label at different angles can display the real 3D or multi-layered images on the label.
捕探®防伪技术壁垒高、工艺复杂、不可复制,因此综合防伪力度强并受多项中国专利与商业秘密保护。它可广泛应用于食品药品、数码电子、电力、 通讯等领域各类产品的防伪保真。 The Protector® anti-counterfeiting technology comprises strong, comprehensive anti-counterfeiting efforts with high technology barriers, complex processes, and is hard to copy. This technology is subject to a number of Chinese patents and trade secret protection. It can be widely used in the fields of food and medicine, digital electronics, and communications for security authentication in all kinds of products.
Tamper evidence technology prevents the label from being transferred to counterfeit goods
Color change is obvious, easy to authenticate
主要技术特点 Key Technical Features
可实现全透明材质,不覆盖底纹 Completely transparent material without covering the background information
t-OVDs Color Shifting Anti-counterfeiting Technology
t-OVDs变色防伪技术 一线防伪特征便于普通消费者凭肉眼直接鉴别,二线防伪特征适用于企业打假部门或是政府监督机 构对于产品真伪的再次鉴定。 t-OVDs technology has overt anti-counterfeiting features that make it easy for consumers to authenticate with the naked eye. It also includes a covert feature for internal staff of the enterprise or government supervision organization to re-authenticate the products.
PDI Dual Color Shifting Anti-counterfeiting Technology
PDI变色防伪技术 独创的PDI专利技术,转动标签即可肉眼观测到图文色和背景色同时呈现红绿或绿蓝的双色变 化,其色泽角度效应无法用其它设备复制效仿。 The PDI patented technology is wholly developed by Techsun and fills the blank in national industry and abroad. Turning the label, the image and background on the label change color simultaneously, from red to green or green to blue. Other devices cannot copy the angled color effects.
浮雕技术 / Embossed Effect Technology 在变色防伪技术基础上通过创新提升,实现了独特的立体凹凸浮雕技术,通过肉眼观测即可观察到明显 的立体浮雕效果,进一步提高标签的个性化和安全性。 Embossed effect technology improves on the color shifting technology using unique embossed effects. The color changing effects and 3D embossed image can be observed with the naked eye, which improves the level of security and unique features of the label image.
可变色数码技术 / Variable Code of Color Shifting Technology 采用捕探技术使得序列码具备了优秀的防伪功能,数据验证也更为便捷、可靠,同时天臣可提供相应 软件协助客户进行产品跟踪管理。 Variable code technology combined with PDI technology ensures that the label achieves its anti-counterfeiting function. The data is easy, fast and reliable to identify. Techsun can provide the software to assist clients in managing, tracking and tracing the products.
特种功能膜 Unique Functional Films
A large family of anti-counterfeiting technologies exists everywhere.
Each Chinese ID card is covered in anti-static printable film,
Every piece of film mirrors the consummation of TECHSUN’s innovative research and development.
云膜-包装示意图: Cloud Film Packaging Sample Design:
Cloud Film
说明:云膜是天臣最新研发并生产的一款具有革命性意义的包装材料,该产品美观的动感立体效果具有强烈的视觉冲击力,过目难忘,其特殊防伪的 功能也使该产品拥有极高的附加价值。 适用:白卡纸的复膜材料与印刷工艺结合,适用于各类包装装饰和不干胶标签制作。 特点:新颖、独特、动态的立体图案。
Introduction: Cloud film is a newly launched packaging material with a revolutionary design by Techsun. The film looks impressive and has a visual impact with 3D and dynamic effects. The special security features of the film add the value. Applications: Combination of white paperboard laminating materials and printing technology; Suitable for a variety of packaging decorations and adhesive labels. Features: Unique and dynamic 3D patterns.
肉眼检测 Visual
Roll Material
先高® Securo®
先高®防伪技术综合防伪性能卓越,受多项国家专利与商业秘密保护。可 广泛应用于中高档食品药品、数码电子、化妆品等多行业各类商品的防伪。 Securo® anti-counterfeiting technology has an excellent security level protected by national patents and trade secrets. It can be applied widely to various products, including pharmaceuticals, food, electronics and cosmetics, among others.
肉眼检测 Visual
反光水印 Reflective Watermark
Fragile Paper
Authentication Device
Bottle Cap
透过专业识别器观测:表面图文消失,显现水印 文字的红绿变色效果。 Observing through the identifier, the hidden watermark image will appear and the color changes from red to green.
动感密文 Flash Image
透过专业识别器观测:表面图文消失,转动标签 可见银色图文的动态闪烁效果。 Observing through the identifier, the hidden flash image will appear and the color to sliver.
反光彩虹 Reflective Rainbow
透过专业识别器观测:表面图文消失,使用于 曲面时可见多色的独特视觉效果。 Observing through the identifier, the hidden reflective rainbow image will appear and the multiple colors display as a unique effect when the label is bent.
浮点飘移 UFO Floating Dots
透过专业识别器观测:表面图文消失,转动标签 可见一个或多个黑点漂浮移动,且若隐若现。 Observing through the identifier, the hidden image will appear and display one or more black dots floating and moving on the label.
Anti-counterfeiting features:
防伪特征: 1、材料表面具有独特触感; 2、通过专业识别器观察,标签表面图文消失,可显示四种不同效果; 3、可定制多种效果组合。
1. Unique label surface technical feeling different from other label. 2. By using identifier to observe, the hidden image appear, four different Securo® technologies combination can display in one label. 3. Customize and combine with more than one effect in one label.
镭盾®RFID 防伪溯源管理系统 RFIDIUM® Anti-counterfeiting&Traceability Management System
Future world, IOT world.
Anti-counterfeiting traceability, benefits by association.
RFID of TECHSUN group,
Based on traceability, fused TECHSUN’s top anti-counterfeiting technology.
Provides comprehensive RFID anti-counterfeiting traceability solutions for various industrial enterprises.
Technology Background
RFID是一种非接触式自动识别技术,它通过无线射频采集设备自动获取或写入相关数据。RFID技术可工作于各种恶劣环境、高速识别运动物体和同时 识别多个对象。该技术作为物联网的重要组成部分,应用范围极其广泛。
Technology background: RFID is a non-contact automatic identification technology that uses a radio frequency capture device to obtain data automatically. RFID technology can be used in a variety of harsh environments, for high-speed identification of moving objects and to recognize more than one object simultaneously. This technology is an important part of the Internet of Things (IOT) that can be applied broadly to many fields.
RFIDIUM® Anti-counterfeiting & Traceability Management System
镭盾®RFID防伪溯源系统是以天臣以自主研发的新材料、物理防伪技术,结合先进电子信息技术系统集成的物联网防伪溯源系统,可实现从生产、物 流、经销到消费多个环节的信息储存及追溯。 天臣拥有该系统的多项自主知识产权,曾先后成功建设了茅台、五粮液、景芝等多项国内大型RFID防伪溯源物联网应用项目。 The RFIDIUM® Anti-counterfeiting & Traceability Management System is based on Techsun's new materials and physical security technology that combined with advanced information technology systems integration source of Internet security systems, its through application in the production, logistic, distribution and consumption of more than one aspect to manage traceability and information storage. Techsun holds a number of independent intellectual property rights for the systems and has been successful at constructing a number of large domestic RFID anti-counterfeiting & traceability management applications for Moutai, Wuliangye and Jingzhi, among others.
RFID防转移标签/RFID防转移防伪胶帽 RFID Tamper Evidence Label/Bottle Cap RFID防转移标签 RFID Tamper Evidence Label 产品说明:天臣RFID防转移标签是以视觉防伪、新材料技术为基础并结合 RFID制造工艺所研发的一款兼具一二线防伪技术的高科技产品,具有极高 的防伪性能和多项国内外专利保护。不同于普通的RFID标签,只要一旦粘 贴于目标载体,便无法再次揭起。
Introduction:Techsun's RFID tamper evidence label is based on visual anti-counterfeiting technology and new materials technology combined with RFID technology, resulting in a high-tech product that combines overt and covert anti-counterfeiting technologies. It has a very high level of security performance, with a number of patents in China and abroad. The RFID label is different from ordinary RFID tags because, after the label is pasted in the target carrier, removing it is impossible.
RFID防转移防伪胶帽 Tamper Evidence Bottle Cap
手机检测 Mobile Authentication
产品说明:天臣RFID防转移防伪胶帽适用于白、红酒及调味品的RFID防伪 追溯系统,具有防转移,防复制的功能。
Introduction: Techsun RFID tamper evidence wine cap is suitable for use with liquor, wine and seasoning caps in the RFID anti-counterfeiting & traceability management system to protect against tampering and copying.
防伪溯源 管理系统 Anti-counterfeiting & Traceability Management System
RFID Terminal Query Device 天臣RFID终端设备是专业为读写RFID标签信息而开发的设备,可用于普通消费者或用户简单读取RFID电子标签信息。该设备可根据使用环境或根据客 户要求灵活定制,如立式、便携式、礼品式等。 天臣RFID终端设备适用于产品生产、仓储、物流以及终端销售门店等各个环节的信息读写及溯源管理,同时便于市场监管人员、终端消费者辨别产品 真伪和查验产品信息。 The Techsun RFID terminal query device is a specially developed device to read/write RFID tag information. This device is available for consumers or users to read basic information from RFID tags. This device can be based on the clients’ requirements to customize the device, such as standing machine, hand-held device or gifts design. The Techsun RFID terminal query device is suitable for product manufacturing, warehousing, logistics, stores and all aspects of reading and writing and traceability management. The market regulator and end-consumers can easily identify product authenticity and identify product information.
RFID & 视觉防伪 & 二维码溯源管理系统
RFID & Visual Anti-counterfeiting & QR Code Traceability Management System 二维码追溯系统流程图: QR Code Traceability Management System Flow Chart
为满足于不同客户需求,天臣使用RFID、二维码及防伪技术三者不同的特点进行整合,在国内率先推出了RFID、二维码防伪溯源管理系统。RFID、二 维码防伪溯源管理系统应用便捷,在解决防伪应用的同时,可以实现物流追溯。企业负担低、消费者体验优秀,是一种极佳的防伪溯源解决方案。
In order to satisfy different customers’ needs, Techsun combines RFID, QR codes and anti-counterfeiting technologies to develop a new security solution. Techsun is the first in China to launch the RFID, QR code anti-counterfeiting & traceability management system. The RFID system, QR code is easy to operate in achieve traceability management and can also address anti-counterfeiting applications. The system can achieve lower logistics traceability costs for enterprise and good consumer experience. Therefore, this system is an excellent solution for anti-counterfeiting and traceability management.
防伪溯源 管理系统
QR Code & Anti-counterfeiting Label
二维码防伪标签集合了天臣自主产权的防伪技术和材料制作而成,可实现在捕探、云膜等特种防伪材料上进行二维码印制,通过这种方式可杜绝二维 码容易被复制、假冒的劣势。 The QR code & anti-counterfeiting label is based on Techsun's proprietary anti-counterfeiting technologies and unique materials to obtain a QR code printed on unique security materials, such as Protector technology and cloud film to reduce the disadvantages of QR code, whichh can easily be copied and counterfeited.
RFID/QR Code Mobile Phone Authentication System
作为防伪溯源管理系统的验证核心,天臣所开发手机防伪溯源系统软件具有可分别读取RFID信息和二维码图像的 功能,使消费者在验证真伪时更简便、安全。 As the authentication core of the anti-counterfeiting & traceability management system, Techsun developed mobile software for the RFID anti-counterfeiting & traceability system that can read the QR code image and RFID information. This software will help consumers verify authenticity easier and more safely.
消费者通过手机即可获取RFID 标签或二维码内的加密信息; Via their mobile phone, consumers can obtain the encrypted information from RFID tags or QR codes.
软件对所读取的信息进行验证 并解析; Software will authenticate and analyze the information.
数据中心进行数据交换后在手机 上显示商品基本信息、批次以及 其它定制的信息。 After the data exchange process, the phone will display the information for the basic message, batch, and other custom product information.
QR Code Only