Boter Architecter An Architecture Portfolio by
Wen Shan Foo
Only when architecture is not egoistic it can be in symbiosis. 只有放下自我的建築才能與他物共生
-Wen Shan Foo
With my radish flowers.
List of Contents Community as Energy
Nature as Knowledge
Interaction as Productivity
Biochar as an Urban Aid
Torre Bar贸 Community Green House
The Wind Chimes
Sant Adr铆a del Bes贸s Emergence Garden
Charring Cities
Hands On as Realization WWOOFing
Local Skills as an Education
Permaculture as the Big Picture
Hobby as a Bonus
The CREAF Community Centre
The Permaculture Approach
Extracurricular Skills
Community as Energy Torre Bar贸 Community Green House
The Neighbourhood of Torre Baró
Community Power
Torre Baró is situated on the out-skirt of Barcelona, its residents have mostly lived in the neighbourhood for a long time. However, because of the lack of importance from the government, the community does not have a platform for bonding. As our site sits on the main road which has to be passed by everyone to reach their houses on the higher hill, we propose a centre for community gathering, at the same time to harvest the power of the community in exchange of food production.
Torre Baró是坐落在巴塞羅那城市的邊界的一 個社區,這裏的居民大多數已經在這裏立足 了很長的時間。但是由於政府一向沒有給予 此社區足夠的支援,Torre Baró缺乏了一個讓 居民能交流的平臺。由於我們的建築地點位 于社區的主街道上,大部分居民都必須進過 才能到達他們在山區上面的房子,我們提議 建立一個讓居民交流的一個平臺,以及善用 社區居民的力量來運作生產食物的系統。
According to survey, Use of public spaces among the residents 23% Young population 56% Knowledge in gardening among the residents 91%
The aim of the community centre is to acheive a food - energy cycle, providing a place for the residents to do exercise and to harvest food. It is a greenhouse that apart from a platform for community bonding, it includes a gym space for the residents, a garden space for food production, and some residential units for 12 professionals to maintain the system. The residents produce energy by doing exercise using the machines, at the same time produce CO2 and heat for the greenhouse. The energy that is produced is used to provide electricity for the sensors in the garden used for monitoring, and the residential units. While the food that is produced will be provided back to the residents, it creates a cycle which has a neutral energy accounting.
社區中心的宗旨是要達到一個食物-能量的循 環,爲居民提供一個又可以運動又可以收成 食物的場所。我們提議一個以一個溫室作爲 一個平臺以容納一個社區居民的互動空間, 一個可以讓居民做運動的健身空間,一個能 種植食物的菜園,還有讓12個維持整個系統 的專業人員的居住空間。居民透過做運動的 器材產生電能,同時他們做運動所產生的二 氧化碳與體溫能利於溫室的操作。所產生的 電能被運用在菜園的傳感器及專業人員的居 住空間上。由於所生產的食物都會回饋來做 運動的居民,一個能量平衡的循環便得以達 成。
The Gym - Greenhouse Energy Accounting 11 Average Women / 8 Average Men doing moderate exercise per hour = 1 degree Celcius increase
Researchers Gym Users
HEAT + CO2 Greenhouse O2 + FOOD
Researchers and Gym Users 1.38KWh
Total Energy Produced 6.91KWh/8 ppl
6 Laptops/8hrs 0.4KWh
Group Biking*6 1.8KWh
12 Smartphones/ day 0.228KWh
Elliptical Machines*6 1.8KWh
12 LEDs/2.5hrs 0.04KWh
Rowing*3 0.612KWh
6 CFLs/5hrs 0.07KWh
Boxing*2 0.36KWh
Kitchen/Dining 4LEDs/5hrs 0.16KWh
Stepping*10 0.095KWh
Common Area 28 LEDs/3hrs 0.48KWh
Hamster Wheel*3 2.16KWh
Water Pump
Natural Ventilation (Chimney Effect)
Orchid Wax Pistons (Automatic Vent Control)
20 LEDs
Existing Trees (Shading)
ETFE Adjustable Skin (Lighting & Shade)
Pounding*10 0.19KWh
I. Terrain Modification
The terrain is modified with an equal excavation and filling groundwork to optimize the soil irrigation by studying the existing contour. Keyline swales are added where the water flows the fastest to optimize the absorption of water in the soil, combined with a pond at the lowest point which acts as a dam and at the same time accommodate an aquatic ecosystem. The water accumulates nutrients from the aquatic ecosystem in the pond before being pumped to the highest point again using the electricity produced from the gym to feed the soil again. The terrain is also terraced at some area to slow down the water flow.
我們依據水源的運動來進行地勢 的改裝,以便能讓土壤保留最大 量的水分。由於原本的地勢是個 陡坡,所以在水源往下流的過程 中我們依據地形在水流動最快的 地點建立了小溝來提高水分的吸 收,然後在最低處建立了一個小 湖泊讓收集的水分得到水中生物 的養分,再通過健身器材產生的 電能把充滿營養的水分重新運輸 到最高點重新被土壤吸收。除此 之外一些部分也被改爲梯田以紓 緩水源的流動。最終的改裝結果 有平衡的挖掘與填補的分量。
Modified Terrain
Original Terrain
The Optimised Irrigation System
The Keyline Swales are an irrigation system based on the study of water direction. The swales are put where the water flows the fastest (where the concave and convex of the topography meets), in order to optimize the absorption of water into the soil.
The Pond
The pond is used as a nutrient collector and distributor. It is located where the water gathers according to the contour. The water is then pumped to the highest points to feed the soil continuously.
The Flow of Water From the Highest Point to the Pond Following the Contour
II. Polyculture Food Producing The food producing plants are zoned 溫室裡的食物種植系統是依據跟 according to the proximity to the 厨房與專業人員居住所的距離而 System and Gym Activites kitchen and the residential units in order to be sustainable in harvesting. The planting system is done in a diverse manner to promote both biodiversity and soil quality. The main gym space consists of machines to harvest energy from the activities of the users. The energy is then allocated to corresponding functions according to the amount of energy production and usage. The maintenance and monitoring of the system will be done by the researchers who are living in the building.
Gym Activities and Built Spaces
Polyculture Food Planting System
定。這樣在食物的采集方面可以 達到能量的節省。食物的種植方 式以多元化爲主,除了可以達到 豐富的生物系統也可以提高土壤 的品質。溫室内的健身器材也依 據不同的電能生產與運用而被分 配,以便提高電能運輸的效率。 整個電能流動的控制和維持是 由居住在溫室裡的專業人員來負 責。
The Sustainable Food and Energy Organisation
The distribution of plants is according to their frequency of harvest and maintenance in order to achieve a balanced energy accounting to achieve sustainability, complemented with corresponding machines according to their energy output level.
III. Climatically Responsive Skin System
Outer Skin
Automatic Moving Skin
A double layered ETFE skin system is used to capture the heat produced by the gym users in the greenhouse while providing insulation in the winter. The system is collaborated with Orchid Wax Pistons that extend and contract sensitively to temperature change, which are placed at the vents to control the opening of the vents and insulation level of the skin system. As the angle of the skin goes against the main wind direction in the summer the wind carries the hot air from the greenhouse effectively. Such passive system achieves climatic control without the use of electricity,.
溫室采用雙層的外皮以便在冬天 的時候可以達到隔熱的效果,從 而保留運動者健身時身體產生的 熱能。這雙層的外皮結合了蘭花 蠟活塞對於溫度有敏感反應的技 能而不用電能地調節溫室里的氣 候。由於蘭花蠟活塞連接著兩層 外皮,它在15攝氏度的情況下長 度的延長拉長了外皮之間的距離 而形成了厚實的隔熱層;在28攝 氏度它達到最短的長度而把外皮 的距離縮到最薄,使得溫室裡的 空氣可以通過洞口散發出來。
The Automated Double Skin System
Detail of the Orchid Wax Piston Automatic Vents
Fixed Outer Skin
Flexible Enclosure
Flexible Inner Skin Fixed Connector Layer
Orchid Wax Piston (Expands and contracts vertically, moving the flexible Inner Skin)
As the main wind direction in the summer is from the lowest point to the highest point of the greenhouse, hot air suction is optimized.
While the orchid wax in the pistons expands while the temperature gets higher than the ideal 23’C and contracts to its biggest volume at 15’C, the pistons that connect the inner skin layer and flexible enclosure move in order to create the biggest ventilation when it’s hot and the thickest insulation when it’s cold, resulting in a responsive system without the use of electricity. 15
The Gym Sp
Floor Plan
The Researchers’ Quarter with an Overlook of the whole Greenhouse
pace With Air Access in the Summer
Nature as Knowledge The Wind Chimes
The Backyard of Valldaura
Transparent Machines
‘Valldaura’ is a residential building located on the out-skirt of the Barcelona City, at the same time an off-grid learning centre of sustainable energy, constantly receiving students to learn about sustainability. It is a showcase of how sustainability can be integrated into household. The Wind Chimes, the propellers that generate lighting from wind energy, aim to light up the back yard of the site that currently neither have any electricity nor lighting. As the design of the Wind Chimes uses transparency to show its simplistic mechanism and is installed in the common backyard, they provoke interest and curiosity of the high flow of people, raising awareness of the feasibility to create such device themselves.
Valldaura是坐落于巴塞羅那邊境的一座住宅 大樓,同時也是常年接受大量學生前往學習 建築持續性的中心。它是一個展示如何在居 家生活中置入持續性的模範。 ‘風鈴’是利用風能力啓動電能而產生燈光 的螺旋槳。‘風鈴’案子的宗旨是除了在爲 目前沒有燈光及電能供應的Valldaura後院提 供燈光之外,其透明的設計可以讓該中心大 流量的探訪者看見從自然能源得到的電能的 過程而產生興趣及好奇心,從而推廣對於自 然能量的知識。
The Wind Chimes
The prototype started with exploring different forms for the propeller to reach an optimum result in terms of electricity production while keeping a reasonable volume as a simple module that can be installed easily on site. We also learned from some precedents of dynamo systems such as the dynamo torch to understand the logic behind dynamo energy production. After a series of experiments, the final prototype could reach a production of 3-4.5V at nominal wind speed, while at top speed it can produce 5V of electricity.
風鈴的樣板從嘗試不同的形狀對於 風的效率開始,我們做出的樣板保 留著適當的大小以便能達到容易被 裝置的方便性。我們也從其他的發 電機的例子(例如手轉手電筒)來 學習透過齒輪系統轉換成電能背後 的邏輯。經過不斷的嘗試,我們的 最終樣板在中等風力下可以達到 3-4.5V的電能,而在最高的電能產 量高達5V。
The Testing Prototypes
The Final Prototype
Plan View
The Mechanism Ball bearing that allows rotation while holding the supporting wooden stick
Multiple gear system to maximize the rotation output
2 3
Rotation is transferred from big gear to small gear twice to reach maximized rotation frequency
Motor that generates electricity from rotation
Electricity board that connects to a battery for electricity storage, two LED lights and an on-off switch
The Propeller
Plywood blades adjusted to an angle to receive wind from any direction.
Acrylic box that contains the gear and battery/light system give transparency to the inner mechanism in order to allow more understanding for the observers
The Prototype - Night and Day
We installed the prototypes at the backyard of Valldaura within a tensegrity structure, using nylon strings to provide tension strength. As an effect the wind chimes appeared floating in the air while providing lighting to the backyard of Valldaura. The visitors were interested in the illuminated structure, their knowledge of utilizing the nature was illuminated together.
我們將完成的‘風鈴’樣板裝置在 Valldaura的後院。整個裝置是以張 拉整體的形式來呈現,其中我們利 用尼龍綫作爲拉的部分。這樣的呈 現方式使‘風鈴’們看起來像是 漂浮在空中點亮Valldaura後院的明 燈。當天來訪的學生對點亮‘風 鈴’產生興趣,也點亮了他們對於 利用自然能量的知識。
Imagining the integration of the Wind Chimes in a real occasion
Interaction as Productivity Sant Adr铆a del Bes贸s Emergence Garden
The Imbalance of the Besós River
The Besós River is situated on the periphery of the Barcelona City, after being put some effort to improve its once polluted water, the residents started to utilize its natural environment as a platform to do relax, do exercise and hang out. However the south side of the river, with its residents being disconnected by the lack of access, resulted as under utilized space despite its precious quality for the residents.
Besós河坐落在巴塞羅那的邊界上。它原來遭 受污染的河水經過市政府的努力净化後,附 近的居民就開始利用其自然環境作爲一個休 閑的平臺來做運動,放鬆,還有跟家人朋友 一起聚聚。但這樣的活躍度隻發生在Besós河 的北邊。南邊的居民因爲缺乏可以抵達河邊 的管道而導致河流的南邊很可惜地變成了未 被充分利用的空間。
The Map- Highlighting the pedestrian paths indicates a huge gap between the southern residents and the river
s Be
Map showing the distribution of different functions on the map that indicates the southern residents are blocked by other utilities
Extending the Atmosphere of the River to the Gap
In order to connect the southern residents and the Besós River, we proposed extending the atmosphere of the river towards the residents. We analysed the atmosphere of the river and came out with two important elements to achieve, which are (a) vegetation and natural environment, (b)space for pedestrian activities. We proposed to incorporate a platform for food production as we discovered interests among the residents from a survey. The extension of the atmosphere of the Besós River is achieved by creating a connecting bridge.
爲了使住在南邊的居民和Besós河能夠互相 連接,我們決定把河邊的氣氛延伸到居民的 位置。我們分析河流的氣氛而得到了兩個必 須達到的素質,(a)植物與自然生態;及 (b)居民能活動的空間。由於我們在調查 中發現了當地居民對於種植的興趣與知識, 我們也提議將能讓居民種植的平臺結合在其 中。這樣的氣氛延伸是以一個橋梁的方式來 實現。
Vegetation/Gardening Area
Pedestrian Activity Area
The Master Plan
The bridge is a form that consists of garden pockets within pedestrian spaces. The garden pockets are used as a community garden for the residents. It is made of collective modules that have different functions in order to maintain the vegetation. The collective modules are equipped with sensors in order to respond accordingly to help the gardeners technologically. The sensors can send data to the mobile device of the gardeners to keep track of their gardens’ microclimate remotely.
把住在南邊的居民和河邊鏈接在一起的橋梁 是由分散的菜園和行人的活動空間組成。 分散的菜園就像是提供給居民一個社區式菜 園。整個橋梁由各種不同功能的組件做組 成,以便能幫助維持植物的健康。各個不同 的組件設有傳感器,使它們能針對不同的情 況做出反應來利用科技的方式來幫助種植的 居民。傳感器也能把資料寄到種植者的手 機,以便能隨時知道菜園的微氣候狀況。
The Modules
Climatically Responsive Modules
Energy Harvesting Modules
The modules are divided into two general functions, which are to respond to the climate and order to maintain a desirable microclimate for the plants, and to harvest energy to power the sensors. The energy harvesting modules harvest energy from the sound of the adjacent highway, the sun, the wind, and the vibration of the stepping of the pedestrians, while the responsive modules respond to the light, moisture and humidity of the climate using the technology of Arduino.
組件的功能主要分爲兩個部分, 分別是對氣候感應以便爲植物提 供適當的微氣候的組件,以及爲 傳感器收采電能的組件。收采電能 的組建從隔壁高速公路的聲音,太 陽,風,及行人活動對地板提供的 震動轉換成電能,而傳感器則透過 Arduino的科技針對光亮度,土壤 的濕度及空氣的潮濕度做出反應。
The Movable Skin
Desired Movement
Garden User
Form that allows maximum sunlight access to the pocket garden
Form that is moved to limit sunlight access to the pocket garden
Level of sunlight access is according to different planting needs Energy Harvesting Modules Climatically Responsive Modules
The movement of the form that surrounds the pocket gardens is controlled by the gardeners manually. With their mobile devices and the mechanism connected to the server, the movement can be controlled from their mobile devices. The ability to move the surrounding form allows the control of sun access of the pocket gardens, at the same time creating an interesting environment for the pedestrians.
環繞菜園的結構可以被菜園的使用 者通過移動網路設備控制。由於組 件也都連上同樣的服務器,菜園的 氣候狀況資料的輸入跟在移動網路 設備上的顯示可以達到最快速的更 新。結構的移動及更改主要是針對 菜園里的植物種類對於陽光的需求 量而定,同時間也給予行人一個有 趣的環境。
Biochar as an Urban Aid Charring Cities
Carbon Neutral
the natural carbon distribution in the carbon cycle
Carbon Positive
the imbalance of carbon distribution, with the excess in the atmosphere (global warming)
Carbon Negative
the reduction of carbon flow to the atmosphere, with the carbon stored in a permanent deposit
In order to approach global warming from its roots, the carbon cycle has to be studied and understood. My thesis proposes that Biochar creates a permanent deposit in the carbon cycle that reduces the amount of carbon back to the ongoing cycle. Biochar is a form of charcoal that is extremely stable that the carbon that is stored in the structure does not easily transform back to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. As the application of Biochar in the soil enhances the soil fertility and rejuvenates the dead soil in the urban areas, the production of Biochar should be from biomass waste as an alternative for the current biomass waste management system for our cities.
爲了探討全球暖化最根本的原因,我們必須 探討‘碳’最基本循環,知道它是一個流動 循環的元素。我的論文主要以‘生物炭’爲 主題。生物炭因爲其極度穩固的結構使得碳 元素幾乎永久保留在結構内而不容易回到循 環中,使它全面性的減低空氣炭(二氧化 碳)的容量。生物炭的結構不容易被分解, 被融入進土壤中其促進土壤生產能力及恢復 城市已死去的土壤的效果可以維持頗長久的 時間,所以生物炭的生產必須是我們的城市 中的處理生物質垃圾的替代。 45
The Biochar Zoomed In, showing the complexity of its surface and capability to retain micro elements
The structure of the Biochar is made of collective micro-pores that form macro-pores, so intense that the surface area of a small amount of Biochar is extremely big. The ions on the surface attract numerous elements that provides function to the soil in which it is applied. The biochar is able to retain moisture and nutrients that are fundamental to the environment for the micro-organism in the soil to strive. Apart from that Biochar can be used as a medium to reduce the pollution level of the soil by attracting heavy metal in the soil. All these capabilities of Biochar, due to its extreme stability, can last for decades without regular application. It is undoubtedly a highly positive strategy to revive the soil in the urban areas in order to bring back its fertility, that is a base for vegetation and food production.
生物炭的結構是有許多微小孔形成宏小孔不 斷地建立而成的,因此少量的生物炭可以達 到很龐大的表面積。生物炭表面的離子與土 壤元素的離子互相吸引而使它身在土壤中可 以達到很大的效果。它可以留住水分和養分 的功能爲土壤中的微生物提供高質量的生長 環境,以便微生物可以繁殖而提供土壤生產 能力。除此之外,生物炭可以吸引土壤中的 重金屬,作爲土壤中除去污染物質的媒體。 各種功能因爲生物炭極度穩定的性質而達到 長時間的有效期而不需重複施用。這使生物 炭成爲可以讓城市中的土壤復生的用具,讓 城市土壤回復生產能力而重新建立種植植物 和生產食物的基礎。
The type of production of Biochar that produces the highest ratio of Biochar is the slow pyrolysis, which is a smokeless incineration. If compared to the biomass incinerator used in the cities nowadays, its negative impact in air pollution is extremely low. The slow pyrolysis can be a self sustained system as apart from using its own heat to dry the biomass, it can use the two other main products - Bio-oil and syngas as energy source to generate the system. Bio-oil is an environmental friendly alternative to petroleum whereas the combustion of syngas produced to produce electricity is a carbon neutral process.
生產生物炭的各種方式中生物炭生產的比例 最高的是‘慢性熱解’,其燃燒是個無烟的 燃燒,造成空氣污染指數跟現今城市使用的 生物焚化爐比起來非常微少。慢性熱解的系 統中除了可以利用燃燒過程產生的熱能來用 干樹木,它也利用另外兩個主要的產品 -生 物油及合成氣來提供系統中能量的需求。生 物油是個石油的環境友善的代替品,而合成 氣可在碳中性的平衡中被燃燒來產生電能。 慢性熱解的焚化爐可以依據需求調整成不同 的大小。
The Current Waste Management System in Barcelona
The compost is rarely used in the city because of the undesirable odour produced
Regardless of heating demand the biomass is incinerated in a frequency of 3.5ton/hr. When the biomass fuel is finished the heating system is switched to burning Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
The fuel consumption for transportation for the current centralized biomass waste management system in Barcelona
The current biomass waste management system in Barcelona works in a centralized manner. The government collects the biomass around the city and sends it to a central point which is 25.3km out of the city, where the biomass get sorted into two portions, one to be turned into compost, and the other to be sent back to the city to a biomass incinerator together with a huge contribution of biomass from the national park in Barcelona, Parc de Collserola, to produce heat and energy. The compost that is produced is not used back in the city as it emits undesirable odour, while the biomass incinerator does not work sustainably as the centre incinerates the biomass disregarding the demand of heat of its recipients, as its priority is to produce electricity. As the amount of biomass is not enough for such system the biomass incinerator switches to Liquefied Petroleum Gas once the biomass is finished.
巴塞羅那目前的生物質垃圾的處理 是一個中心化的系統。市政府在城 市收集各個社區的垃圾然後運輸到 一個離巴塞羅那25.3公里外的中 心,在那把生物質垃圾分成兩個部 分,分別爲將被轉爲堆肥的生物質 及將被送回巴塞羅那的一個生物質 焚化爐生物質,結合巴塞羅那的國 家公園,Parc de Collserola,所提供 的大量的生物質,一起被焚化一邊 產生熱量與電能。在中心製造出來 的堆肥因爲其難以接受的臭味而不 會在城市中運用,而在城市中的生 物質焚化爐并沒有非常全面地符合 其環保的概念,因爲在分化中心的 第一順位是要產色電能而不顧使用 者對熱能的需求的多寡而定時大量 燃燒生物質,由於生物質的分量不 足夠而在被用盡的時候轉爲燃燒液 化石油氣。
The Barcelona map showing the three selected parks
In order to assess the soil carbon level in Barcelona, I chose three parks to access the carbon level in their soils. They are of three different scales, a big scale - Ciutadella Park, a medium scale - Guineueta Park, and a small scale - Joan Maragall Park of MontJuic. Apart from the soil in the parks I also assessed the soil carbon level in close proximity to the selected parks. As a result most of the soil has relatively low carbon level. It is also noticeable that most of the soils have very poor porosity as they are hard as rock.
爲了探討巴塞羅大土壤的碳含量我選擇了三個 不同區域及大小的公園的土壤來測試。它們是 Ciutadella Park, Guineueta Park及Joan Maragall Park。除了測試公園里的土壤我也測試他們附 近的土壤的碳含量。測試結果顯示大部分的土 壤都有很低的碳含量,而且在采納土壤的過程 中大部分的土壤非常堅硬,顯示其穿透性非常 弱。
The Soil Carbon Level of Barcelona
(Soil Carbon Level of a Healthy Forest: 12%)
Ciutadella Park
Nearby Green Pocket
Nearby Tree Pit
Guineueta Park
3.44% Joan Maragall Park (MontJuic)
Main Park
Soil Chromatography of collected soil samples done using Sodium Hydroxide and Silver Nitrate Quantitative results obtained from Walkey Black Soil Organic Matter Assessment 51
The Proposed Decentralized System
Looking at the amount of biomass waste that is produced in Barcelona and its evenly distributed parks all over the city, I proposed a decentralized biomass waste management system, with the biomass waste being processed at where the biomass is produced, which are the parks. Like how it works at the current biomass waste collection centre, the biomass will be sorted into two portions, one to be turned into compost, the other to be incinerated to produce heat and energy. The heat and energy can be used where there are public buildings within the park as an alternative energy source. In the proposed system the incineration will be the slow pyrolysis that produces biochar. The biochar is then added into the compost process as studies show that biochar provides benefit to the compost such as accelerating the whole process, increasing the nitrogen level, and most importantly reduces the odour, which makes the soil that is produced usable in the city. It is a system to produce the new Barcelona soil from its own biomass waste, with its own biochar that reduces its carbon into its atmosphere, at the same time achieve a very high soil quality.
由於在調查中我發現巴塞羅那的生物質垃圾 的產量頗高,加上這城市有非常均匀分佈的 許多公園,我提議將模卡你的生物質垃圾處 理系統改爲一個分散的系統,把各個處理站 設立在生產生物質的地點,就在公園里。在 各個分散的生物質處理站,生物質也跟目前 一樣被分類爲將被轉爲堆肥的生物質,還有 將被焚化以生產能量的生物質。分化過程所 所產生的能量可以被運用在公園里的公共設 施中。新的分散系統使用的焚化類型爲能 生產生物炭的‘慢性熱解’,而所生產的 生物炭將被添加到製造堆肥的過程中。根據 各種研究顯示,生物炭可以加快堆肥的製作 過程,同時增加堆肥中利於植物生長的氮元 素,最重要的是它可以去除堆肥所產生的臭 味,使堆肥可以被利用在城市里。這個新的 系統減少巴塞羅那自己的空氣碳的外放,所 生產的是利用自身的生物質做製造的屬於巴 塞羅那的高品質土壤。
Integrating Biochar into a Soil Building System
Acceleration in compost building speed Increase of Nitrogen in soil Reduction in NH3 (odour!)
The System of Biochar and Soil Production
Energy Production
Heat Production
Excess Biochar
Excess to be distributed to households
Biochar Production
Biomass Source ďźˆ(Parks)
Biochar Soil Production
Application to Soil
Compost Production
Vegetation Enhancement
Soil Quality Enhancement Carbon Sequestration
Ciutadella Park as an Example The Ciutadella Park is a historical park that was built in the second half of the nineteenth century and it had been the only park in Barcelona for many years. It has an area of 17.43 hectares and is the home for a multitude of biodiversity in plants and animals. The park has four public buildings, including the Museum of Zoology, the Museum of Geology, and two greenhouses (one is called a palmhouse) that require heating. According to the heating demand of their functionality of units that is surveyed by EcoEnergies, the total heating demand of the three buildings would be 70KWh/m2.
Ciutadella公園是一個在19世紀後期被建造的 歷史性的公園。它很長時間都是巴塞羅那唯 一的公園。它有17.43公頃的範圍,是一個多 元生物系統的家園。 公園里有四個公共建築物,分別爲一座動物 學博物館,一座地質博物館,及兩座溫室( 其中一座稱爲棕櫚屋),目前都需要熱能的 供應。根據EcoEnergies對於巴塞羅那不同功能 的建築的熱量需求來計算,四座建築物所需 要的熱能爲70KWh/公尺。
The Museum of Zoology D
The Greenhouse
The Museum of Geology
C The Palmhouse
Proposed Biochar Production Locations A Providing Heating to the Museum of Zoology B Providing Heating to the Greenhouse C Providing Heating to the Museum of Geology and the Palmhouse D Proposed Biochar Storage E Proposed Compost Production
The map of Ciutadella Park with proposed location of the proposed system
The Ciutadella Park produces 55.44ton of biomass per year. According to the ratio of biomass for incineration and biomass for composting, the biomass that will be turned into Biochar will be approximately 47.14ton, resulting in the production of Biochar of 11.78ton per year. The remaining biomass that will be turned into compost has a volume of approximately 8.33ton per year, combined with the incorporation of 2.07ton of Biochar in the composting process, the Biochar compost soil would be 10.4ton per year, with the excessive of 9.71ton of pure Biochar that can be utilized in other areas such as further research and development. As there are four buildings within the Ciutadella Park, I propose that the production can be divided into three nodes so that there is adequate distributed heat that is produced from the production process to be combined with the proposed radiant heating to in two museum buildings and direct heating in the two greenhouses. The produced Biochar will be stored in a storage adjacent to the compost production.
Ciutadella公園每年生產55.44噸的生物質垃 圾。根據目前巴塞羅那生物質垃圾被送去焚 化爐的比例來計算,將會有47.14噸被轉換 成生物炭,而最終生物炭的產量會有11.78 噸。其餘的生物質垃圾將被轉換成大概8.33 噸的堆肥。由於一部分的生物炭(堆肥重量 的24.8%的生物炭)將被融合在堆肥的製作過 程中,最後所生產的生物炭堆肥將會有一年 10.4噸的產量,以及剩下的9.71噸的純生物 炭。剩下的生物炭也可以利用在未來的研究 材料一邊能提升整個系統。 由於公園内有四座需要熱能提供的建築物, 我提議將生物炭生產的系統劃分成三個地 點,一邊能均匀地爲建築物提供熱能。熱能 的提供將會結合地板供暖的系統,但兩座溫 室將利用直接供暖系統。 這三個生物炭的生產地點將把產生的生物炭 集合在一個位在堆肥生產地點隔壁儲存空 間。
The Distribution of the New Barcelona Soil
Green Area (Biomass Production Area)
As biochar stays a long time in the soil, the biochar soil that is produced does not have to be applied consistently. While the biomass waste will still be produced regularly, the biochar soil that is produced will be excessive to the pars. The excessive biochar soil can then be distributed to the parks’ adjacent residential blocks to support the growing balcony garden culture that is developing in the city. As a result the vegetation in the city will be intensified and diversified, at the same time the biomass waste that will be utilized will also be increased.
由於生物炭在土壤中會長時間存在,在新的 系統中所生產的生物炭土壤不需要定時地被 添加到公園的土壤中。但由於城市中的生物 質垃圾的產量還是會一直維持,很快地就會 有多餘的生物炭土壤。這些多餘的生物炭土 壤就可以被分發到隔壁的住宅單位中,以支 援在巴塞羅那正在成長的陽臺花園的文化。 這樣在巴塞羅那的植物就會達到更高的濃密 度及多元度,同時可被善用的生物質垃圾的 產量也跟著提高。
The Result in Comparison
As a result, the released carbon of the decentralized Biochar production system is reduced by 50% compared to the current system. On the other hand, the amount of carbon that is sequestrated into the soil results in a 17081% dramatic increase. As an added value, the city has an increased capacity for food production as the quality and amount of city soil has been increased. Though the proposed biochar waste management system is according to the current urban planning of the Barcelona city, the biochar production should be a global effort as after all we all share the same atmosphere.
結果顯示碳的釋放在分散的生物炭製作系統 中減少了一半,而碳的沉澱由於當前完全沒 有執行而有戲劇性的17081%的上升。新的善 用生物質的系統爲城市帶來的添加值就是更 廣的植物種植範圍以及素質和容量被提升的 城市土壤。 雖然所被提議的新生物質處理系統是依照巴 塞羅那目前的城市規劃所設計,生物炭的生 產應該是一個全球性的努力,因爲到頭來我 們還是會呼吸同樣的空氣。
Hands On as Realization WWOOFing
WWOOF -Willing Workers on Organic Farms The experience I had through WWOOFing was definitely rewarding. As the work that I did was mostly related to construction, I had lot of hands on experience on construction. As I had a chance to also harvest the material for the construction, I also learned to appreciate the material and have a deeper connection in the process of using it.
WWOOF代表的是‘有機農場的願意勞作 者’。我在WWOOF當中得到了很多可貴 的經驗。由於我選擇去工作的農場都和建 築方面的工作有關,有些甚至要親自在大 自然中取得建材,我除了學會怎麽用手去 完成建築,也學會去珍惜被使用的建材, 從而得到了與建材的心靈聯係。
The most remarkable experience from my WWOOFing in Bruny Island, Tasmania, due to the absence of electricity, is the harvest of wood from the forest and to process the wood according to different functions. The wood that is to be used for a construction on site, after being tested its durability, was barked and left to dry before being used. The selection of tree that is to be cut is according to its position in the forest.
我在Bruny Island, Tasmania的 WWOOF經驗中最深刻的是木材 從森林中的索取到建築上的利 用。由於當時的地方并沒有電流 的供應,到森林砍伐木材成爲了 每日的工作。被砍伐的樹是經過 它在森林里與其他樹的位置的而 判斷。被收集的木材以不同性質 而被分配功能。經過强壯度的檢 測後樹皮必須被剝下來然後藉由 太陽和風讓它乾,接著就可以運 用在建築過程的小木屋上。
In Sister’s Creek, Tasmania, I was a part of this construction of a combination of two containers with a greenhouse in between. I learned about an off grid self sufficient system in practical. Apart from being powered by solar panels, the house contains a rocket stove that provides heating in the winter, at the same time to maintain the greenhouse where the food production happens.
我在Sister’s Creek, Tasmania幫忙 建立了一個脫離城市電流及水源 網路的自給自足的系統。它是一 個融合兩個集裝箱和中間的溫 室。除了太陽能電板的使用,這 小房子里有個火箭爐,在冷天氣 的時候結合溫室的效應,達到了 溫暖的效果,同時也保持著植物 生產食物的頻率。
I got a chance to participate in the construction of the first earthship in Skövde, Sweden. An earthship uses tyre waste to contain the earth that is harvest on site to form its walls. As a result a high thermal mass is achieved as a climatic buffer to provide desirable climate protection in the inside. The render of the wall was made of a mixture of cement, sand and water with occasional elements of aluminium tins, glass bottles and rocks for the effect of light penetration or ornament..
我在瑞典的Skövde參與了一個‘ 土船’的建築。土船的建築利用 廢棄的輪胎裝滿就地的土經過不 斷壓縮而形成堅固厚實的墻壁。 這樣的墻壁可以達到很高的熱質 量效果,不管在炎熱還是寒冷的 天氣都讓室内得到一個高效率 的‘天氣保護’。墻壁的粉刷采 用水泥,沙和水的混合體,偶爾 會運用廢棄的鋁罐,玻璃瓶和石 頭作爲透光或裝飾的效果。
Local Skills as a Complement The CREAF Community Centre
The design and construction of the CREAF Community Centre in Sabah, Malaysia was very different from any of my architectural design experience. The design stage was highly intense and only took three days to a final design. The construction that was anticipated to complete within a month quickly took place and we realized the design and construction method were doomed to change according to different stages of the whole construction. The biggest realization is that the ego of the architects’ design can be put down in order to grow together with the local residents, as their knowledge of the local material should be respected. The whole process not only let us learn from each other in terms of practical skills, the building also slowly developed its own spirit.
在參與馬來西亞沙巴的CREAF社區活動中 心的建築設計的過程與以往的建築設計過 程最不一樣的是整個建築的設計非常地激 烈而短暫。整個設計過程之花了三天,而 我們很快地進入了施工的階段。由於這是 一個涉及村民的工程,整個設計跟著不同 的施工階段而有所改變。這個設計和施工 的經驗讓我瞭解建築設計可以放下自己而 跟當地居民一起成長,我們對於當地的材 料肯定不多於當地居民的知識,而他們對 使用當地的建材的知識也非常豐富。整個 過程的交流除了讓對方學到了一些施工上 的技術,整個建築也漸漸地得到了更多的 靈魂。
Ground Floor Plan 1:100
West Elevation 1:100
Some details of the construction
All the materials that we used for the construction are locally sourced - coconut tree trunk, waste tyres, bamboo, earth. The whole construction is a masterpiece of the local skills appreciating its local source.
整個建築運用的材料都是當地得 來的,包括椰樹的樹幹,廢棄的輪 胎,竹竿,土。這個建築之美是當 地的技術對於當地建材的利用以及 珍惜。
Permaculture as the Big Picture The Permaculture Approach
The Rooftop Garden
Along with three friends we proposed to our school to establish a garden at the rooftop and it got approved. We then started to collect available materials from the trash to build and plant vegetables. The rooftop garden’s aim is to close the food-waste loop by using waste to build a platform for food production. At the peak of the garden’s productivity there were 42 different species of vegetables and established a mini ecosystem, all from consistently learning in the relationship between food and the environment.
我和三位同學一同向學校提出在學校頂樓上 的陽臺建立一個菜園。建議書被通過後我們 便開始從垃圾堆中收集可被利用的建材。天 臺菜園的宗旨是能完成食物跟垃圾的循環, 利用垃圾來建造食物生產的平臺。菜園生產 的高峰期間我們一共有42種不同種類的蔬 菜,也吸引了各種不同的動物而拼成了一個 生物鏈。這一切都是不間斷地學習食物與環 境之間的關係的結果。
Permaculture is a branch of ecological design, ecological engineering, and environmental design which develops sustainable architecture and self-maintained horticultural systems modelled from natural ecosystems. The core tenets of permaculture are (1)Take care of the earth, (2)Take care of the people, and (3)Share the surplus. It is a study of holistic approach to a living system, which is deeply collaborated with architecture.
‘樸門永續’是生態設計,生態工程及環境 設計的學問,它啓發可持續建築的發展及以 自然生態爲例而設計自給自足的願意系統。 ‘樸門永續’的核心原則爲 (1)照顧地球 (2)照顧人類,及 (3)分享剩餘 它是一個全面性看待生活系統的方式,其中 跟建築有很深的關係。
The Companion Gardening Diagram The study of the relationship between the vegetables on the rooftop regarding their interaction with the soil, insects, and physical characteristics
The Mini World in the Rooftop Garden
The Mini World in the Rooftop Garden
Hobby as a Bonus Extracurricular Skills
I believe having extra skills out of the field of the main career contributes a lot of personal qualities. I have a lot of passion in music that has been giving me a lot of calmness when facing stress. Through performances playing the piano, the guitar and the cello with occasional vocal through travelling, it gave me a lot of confidence and friendship. Other than that my passion in bread making has been a series of experiment that has been training my patience and not giving up to obtain the most satisfying result.
我相信培養主要行業以外的技能 能提升許多個人素質。我在音樂 方面有著很濃厚的興趣與知識。 音樂上的鍛煉在我面對壓力的時 候鍛煉了我的抗壓性。此外,在 各種樂器表演(鋼琴,吉他,大 提琴還有歌唱)給予我不少自信 心還有難得的友情。 我在製作麵包方面的興趣可是一 個大實驗,鍛煉著我的耐性以及 不輕易放棄以便能得到最令人滿 足的結果。
Wen Shan Foo Born on 5th September 1989, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail: Phone: +60 18 2327131 Portfolio finished on 3rd March, 2016.