Boter Architecter II

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Boter Architecter An Architecture Portfolio (Undergraduate) by

Wen Shan Foo

This portfolio includes the work of the base building stage in my architectural education. 此作品集收集我在建築學習建立基礎的階段中的作品。

-Wen Shan Foo

List of Contents

Infrastructure as a Theme


Boundary as a Connection


The Child Care Centre

The Hybrid House

Circulation as a Thoroughfare The Global Chnage Institute


Infrastructure as a Theme The Child Care Centre (First Year)

Limitation Creates a Playful Theme


Situated on a sloped land, the child care centre requires a lot of ramps to accommodate disabled children and pram users. As a design strategy the ramp infrastructure that is initially needed to serve practical function is implemented as a playing theme to integrate with the playing space, so that there is no ‘special access’ to differentiate the disabled children from the others.

由於幼兒中心位于一個陡坡,而幼兒中心必 須讓嬰兒推車及殘疾兒童方便移動,我把必 須滿足輪椅移動的斜道設計成幼兒中心的主 題,把斜道成爲一個幼兒中心的主題,讓所 有使用的小朋友不感覺彼此的分別,也是一 個有趣的玩樂平臺。





Floor Plan

Ramp as the Playful Theme A necessary element to allow access for prams and wheelchairs becomes a playful theme of the child care centre that everyone has to use it everyday

The Building The Classrooms, Office and Assemble Hall The building surrounds the playing field allowing the adults to have direct vision of the playground - the children

The Excavation and Landfilling The excavated amount of soil is carefully calculated to be used on the same property as a filling to elevate some part of the building to achieve a balance



Section A

Detailed Section


Boundary as a Connection The Hybrid House (Second Year)

Utilizing the Boundary


The Hybrid Housing Project requires the incorporation of two private housings and a public bookstore within a single residential plot. The interlocking space of both functions is connected with a vague penetration enabling both spaces to have a sense of the co-existence. The communal space of the for the two private housing units has a visual access to the bookstore, just enough not to be interrupted. This access also enables the public area to have a sense of the housing, which is also the exclusive sense of space.

《混合之屋》的建築要求是要在一個住宅單 位里融合兩個私人住宿單位和一個書局。書 局和住家的界綫成爲了一個含蓄的鏈接,在 感覺對方存在的情況下還保有雙方互不干擾 的隱私。兩個住宿單位的公共交流空間可以 隱約看見書局的空間,而在書局的空間里也 保留與住家同體的感覺,成爲了獨特的空間 感受。


Ground Floor Plan


First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Section A showing the height management for both functions, high-low-high for the bookshop and low-high-low for the residential units


Section B in perspective showing the space in the bookshop on the north side, the stairs provide subtle visual access to the common verandah of the residential units


Section C in perspective showing the entrance to the bookshop and the privates stairs leading to the common verandah of the residentual units

The difference of the space for the bookshop and the residential units can be seen at the southern and northern end of the building. Because the entrance of the bookshop is at the southern tip where the topography is lower than the rest of the site, it has a high opening to the street as the street is the lowest point of the plot. The two units have a verandah space each, which is the feature of the traditional Queenslander in Queensland. Other than acting as a communal space, the operable louvres allow the resident to have some privacy whenever desired.

書局于住家的分別可以在建築物的南邊與北 邊清晰看見。由於書局的主要進出口在南 邊,而南邊是地勢比較低的一端,進出口的 高度因爲地勢較低而被拉高,產生了對街道 開放的效果。兩戶住家各自配有走廊的活動 空間,保留著傳統昆士蘭木屋的重要元素。 除了是交流的平臺,走廊的外墻裝置了百葉 窗,可調整的木片可依照住戶的需求調整隱 私度。


Circulation as a Thoroughfare The Global Change Institute (Third Year)

A Thoroughfare to Boost Circulation


The Global Change Institute is a building where environmental studies are conducted within the University of Queensland. As the site of the Global Change Institude sites in between the main communal area and the main road of the campus, the idea of creating a thoroughfare through one of the busiest areas to another as a part of the building circulation creates a bigger flow of pedestrian, and thus fulfils to its need to be explosed to public in order to draw visitors and audiences for its educational purposes. The generous space of the thoroughfare also provides a friendly platform for short rests.

《全球變化教育中心》位于昆士蘭大學兩個 主要行人道之間,其功能爲提供環境教育的 場所以及教育人員的辦公室,其中包含一個 展覽中心。此設計把鏈接兩邊行人流動融合 在建築動綫中,在提供捷徑的同時提高了教 育中心的曝光率,迎合它需要觀衆與聽衆的 需求,同時慷慨的空間也提供短暫休息的友 善空間。



The Active Focal Point

The circulation follows the two highest estimated pedestrian flows to provide the most convenient thoroughfare to promote pedestrian use.

Wind Access Control

The layout of the building and the location of vegeation blocks the unwanted winter wind from the south and allows access of the summer wind from the north.

Visual Access to Vegetation

The view of vegetation is accessble through almost all the openings of the building, providing desirable view.



Exhibition Building


Common Area

Lecture Hall


Staff’s Office Building




Ground Floor Plan

Section A

showing the lecture hall and office space on top

Section B

cutting through the office spaces, the ground level remained as public space whereas the private lowest level has private access from the south side

Section C

showing the Thoroughfare, generously provided for the pedestrian also for a short rest

Section D

showing the exhibition building, its entrance faces the Thoroughfare for a high passer-by flow



The Thoroughfare


Wen Shan Foo Born on 5th September 1989, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. E-mail: Phone: +60 18 2327131 Portfolio finished on 5th May, 2016.

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