
《一滴兩點 之 西九靚地王》 (謹向所有和平革命者致敬) 正所謂「香港地少人多」。有見及此,魂游深入西九靚地王,收割大批寸金尺土,並舉行一場別開生面的「西九靚地王拍賣展銷會」,推出囤積居奇旺中帶靜的珍貴地皮,更有大量跳樓清貨的搶手靚盤。有樓有高潮,一地難求!拍賣展銷會只限一日,大家定必爭先恐後,出手投取心頭好! A Drop and Two Dots: Everything Must Go! (Homage to All Peaceful Revolutionaries) Land for Hong Kong: Our Home, Our Say?!? In the light of ‘land shortage’ in Hong Kong, wen yau has acquired pieces of land from the West Kowloon site which be previewed in the ‘WK Realty Expo & Auction.’ Special properties collected from the site will also be available too. Everything Must Go! Don’t miss this rare chance to bid on a piece of the most precious land in Hong Kong!