The onset of winters are when you feel like hanging up your exercising gears and taking the extra minute to stay under the blanket. While a few extra minutes might be tempting, exercise is as important as rest. So why should you wake up early and continue your exercise routine? This is because, exercising in winters can provide more benefit and also, it specifically answers our winter body needs.
Vitamin D is a must for the body Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin, is a must for the body. While many food items contain Vitamin D, it isn’t enough. Hence, the need for exposure to sunshine is a must. Winters might make us lazy, but going outside to get a little bit of sun will surely be helpful. Sunshine makes for stronger bones and keeps your immune system healthy. It can also boost positivity, helps prevent high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. For staying warm While staying under the blanket and running the heater on full blast, sounds like a better option than going outside. The rise in your body temperature, during a workout, has a soothing, calming effect on your body. Yes, at first it will be cold, but as time passes by thing will surely get better.
Exercise keeps you healthy Regular exercise helps strengthen our immune system, hence exercising on a daily basis becomes important. A daily workout even for a short period helps fight off bacterial and viral infections. This becomes particularly important in winter when colds and flu are on the rise. When you exercise and get your blood pumping, immune cells circulate through your body more quickly helping them destroy infections. But this boost only lasts for a few hours, so exercising is a must for long-term effects. Beating the winter blues Working out a daily basis has benefits other than keeping you fit and healthy. Exercising daily destresses the brain chemicals, gives you a break from the daily grind and helps ease depression. After exercising, the brain releases the “feel-good� chemicals serotonin and dopamine, which can help reduce anxiety and depression while boosting wellbeing,�
Hence a 45 minute workout during winter times becomes even more important, than the summer time.
Avoid winter weight gain
During the colder month, it is easy to turn to comfort food. This is because it is satisfying and it makes us feel good, leading to additional weight gain.
Hence, to balance this extra intake of food and the feeling of being lazy, it’s important to exercise even during the cold winter months.
How to stay motivated?
Finding the motivation to wake up and exercise early morning during winters can be a challenge. But, how to overcome this?
Investing in quality winter activewear
During the winter season, one needs clothing items that an individual can add and remove easily when on the go. Always, opt for light pieces which can be tied around the waist or thrown in your backpack without weighing you down.
Make a plan to exercise
A lack of planning leads to no exercise. Hence, plan your workouts in advance (with alternatives for unpredictable weather). One of the key aspects about working out in winter s is to make sure that you help your body recover well.
Get a workout buddy
Getting a workout buddy who has similar goals and fitness levels is a great way to stay motivated throughout the winter. This will reduce the chance of skipping workout sessions and make you training harder to achieve your goals.
Challenge yourself
Challenges are tough, hard and sometimes painful, but they also fill you with a sense of pride and accomplishment.
So, if in winter, when you are struggling to get any exercise done and motivation is wearing off, why not set yourself a challenge? Aim to push yourself harder and see where your limits really lie.
Summer is coming With summer approaching, all you want to do is to look and feel good. That's motivation enough to keep you going with your fitness routine during winter. Make the most of winter to prepare for your summer body and use this as the motivation to continue working out.
Winters will be cold and you won’t always feel like going outside . But don’t let the change in seasons halt your progress in its tracks. Create a shift in mindset to embrace the cold weather and work with it, instead of against it.
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