PUSH is a design lab for social innovation. Using a human-centered approach we develop solutions to improve the quality of life in cities and protect the environment.
TrafficO2 Slowscape Social Market
Intensive School Global Service Jam Mobility, Behaviors: Apps ApplyIed 23
Borgo Vecchio Factory Open Tour Sant'Anna Jamming OTHER PROJECTS 38 PRIZES AND RECOGNITIONS 39 PUBLICATIONS 40
66 67 71 75 79
MANIFESTO Currently, cities cover only 2% of Earth’s surface and they are populated by more than 50% of the world’s population, yet deplete over 80% of the available resources and produce more than 70% of pollution. Those resources, which at first seemed to be infinitely available, in recent years began to run low, revealing the consequences of a reckless consumption. The greenhouse effect, due to climate-changing gas emissions, increased the Earth’s temperature, while the growing quantity of energy stored in the atmosphere, causing more frequent and destructive meteorological phenomena. While resources are relentlessly running out, wars and famines are becoming more frequent and they are generating deeper social fractures. Somehow cities represent the “sick tissue” that is slowly devouring the planet. For these reasons, in recent years energy sustainability in urban areas has become a crucial issue. As seen in the past, every industrial revolution started from new energy vectors, today we are relying on renewable ones. This new model is based on a distributed energy-architecture, the use of more efficient and environmental-friendly technologies and ICT systems, which help processing and sharing complex information at high-speeds. The buzzword for describing cities as intelligent and metabolic beings is “Smart Cities”. Even if the results of the experimentations are encouraging, they do not seem scalable in marginal contexts or in developing countries. For at least 80% of the cities in the world, the cost to redesign and renovate the existing urban building heritage is unsustainable. The sporadic attempts made have led to poor results, due to ever so frequent events of corruption and management incompetence. According to many, the failure of the "Smart City approach" is due to cultural differences as well as the model implemented. A simple top-down approach may certainly be able to modify the structure and some of the city features, but it will unlikely change the processes, meaning how the city lives and consumes. The revolution needed for the future of humanity and for the entire planet, after having been planned, designed and implemented from the top, has shown its limits because it is not shared by the nervous system of the urban fabric: meaning the citizens. However, during the past 30 years, the web revolution put human beings at the center of the communication process again. This global phenomenon doesn’t have borders, it‘s sustainable, it doesn’t need many resources and it doesn’t give room for any kind of corruption. The real change was brought by the Internet, which today is being used for new applications in the Sharing Economy. This is a completely different economic model that incorporates the principles of distributed architecture in the energy sector, and shifts it to the social and relational fields. It is a Network based on the exchange of information in all directions and that is able to connect the world.
It is estimated that in 2015 approximately 49% of the population have access to internet, and the trend shows a 4% growth factor per year. An unstoppable phenomenon fueled from the bottom capable of simplifying access to the service economy. It created companies, after only a few years, that are able to compete and often to oust corporate giants. Nevertheless, the web and new media have created amazing business opportunities, radically changing the relationship that citizens have with space and time. Today we are experiencing augmented reality through computers, smartphones and wearables. Being always connected affects habits and generates new behaviors. This edge of perception is undoubtedly the most fertile and receptive ground for designing new experiences and relationship dynamics with reality, triggering new processes and putting citizens at the center of ambitious environmental, energetic and social regeneration programs. In order to transform cities we have to change the way citizens establish relationships among each other and with the city. These are the principles PUSH is founded on. By designing creative and technological solutions for social innovation we “push” citizens towards behaviors and actions that improve living conditions, thus contributing proactively to the city’s welfare. The "social innovation" concept is used sometimes to indicate a "bottom-up" approach. However, it has many similarities to the concept of “Smart City”. In fact, they both share the same goals and actors, but not the same starting point. Social innovation doesn’t come from any material objects, infrastructures or procedures. It rises from people, interfaces and relationships. Therefore, we have decided to focus our activity within what is generally known as "marginal contexts", the area that includes about half of the world’s population. Whether we are talking about developing countries, cities in the South of Italy or poor neighborhoods in the suburbs of European capitals, these places are generally characterized by very poor resources and pressing social needs: a perfect environment to operate in. This approach starts from people and focuses on those who have fewer opportunities, fewer rights and uncertain futures. The extremely complex nature of the context we operate in, has led to develop a research-action model based on a multidisciplinary approach and inspired by Service Design, Design Thinking and Lean Management. PUSH lab is made of a multi-talented group of designers able to conduct complex analysis with the necessary skills to elaborate simple and strong ideas to face reality while changing it.
Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Buckminster Fuller.
trafficO2 A game to foster/push citizens to sustainable mobility June 2012 – July 2015
Coordination and Design
The testing phase in Palermo involved about 2000 users (more than the 20% were active) and about 100 companies, which provided prizes for 10.000â‚Ź.
Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci, Francesco Massa, Mauro Filippi Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Research and Development Agostino Messana, Angelo Marchesin, Andrea Tosatto, Giuseppe Valenti, Roberto Smiriglia, Mirko Mignini Communication and Marketing Eliana Amato, Antonella Cammisa, Elena De Francisci, Alessia Torre, Claudio Terzo, Francesco Pillitteri, Giorgia Teresi
trafficO2 players reduced their ecological footprint on average by 54% of CO2 equivalent. Over the years the project was awarded many times and earned international acknowledgements; many scientific publications also related to the working methods and the achieved results have been published.
TrafficO2 is a social innovation project designed to limit the impact of individual types of transportation on the environment and quality of life . It is a mobile app that offers citizens a convenient agreement: prizes in exchange of sustainable urban mobility. The key players of the game are on one side the citizens, who move in the city, on the other side the local businesses, who wait for someone to stop by to buy goods or services. The citizen earns points through the smartphone technologies (and thanks to tracking and mobility detection algorithms) for every environmentally friendly movement (i.e. walking, biking, public transportation and through car sharing/ pooling), he can increase his ranking in his community and win the prizes offered by the sponsors. In 2012 the project won the call "Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation" promoted by the Ministry of Education, University and Research, and its activity of research and development was co-financed.
The test of the service took place in Palermo (one of the worst cities in Italy concerning the use of sustainable transportation systems), and was involved in several rounds of testing by the students of the University of Palermo. The trial results showed that those who played with TrafficO2 significantly reduced (some users more than 70%) their own emissions. In 2013 trafficO2 was included in the campaign for sustainable mobility “Do the right mix” by the European Union, and in 2014 it was the only italian project selected for the international conference Behavior Energy and Climate Change. During the same year it won the first edition of the Social Innovation AROUND Award and in 2015 it won the first edition of the Smart City Innovation Awards promoted by MIT Enterprise Forum and BNL/BNP Paribas. The project was also mentioned in the Legambiente report “Best Practices – Ecosistema Urbano XXII”. In 2016 the results of the research project were the basis for the MUV project during the business accelerator program “Google 30 weeks”.
1. trafficO2 mobile app screens - 2. Be a Mobility Superhero campaign - 3/5. trafficO2 press conference
6. Map of the home-university routes, diversified depending on the mode of transport. - 7/10. App testers with local partners
Infographic showing trafficO2 final results
SLOWSCAPE Project for the requalification and conversion of the Apulian coastal defense tower system May 2013 – September 2014
Coordination and Design
The project, finalist of the call ars ideaTRE60 and promoted by Fondazione Italiana Accenture, was adopted as a policy through the pilot actions of the Regional Landscape Territorial Plan of the Puglia Region.
Claudio Esposito, Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci. Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Diego Facta.
The project was supported by the entire Puglia innovation network, and by the companies and associations that deal with the conservation of knowledge and traditions. On May 13rd, 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding was formalized between PUSH and ISMB with the mayors of the municipalities of Nardò, Porto Cesareo and Galatone for the startup of the project.
Slowscape is a project about the requalification of the Apulian coastal defense towers system and their re-purposing: from a diffused infrastructure of defense and sighting, to a wide system for sharing information, an engine of innovation and a place for the slow fruition of the territory.
Slowscape converts the towers based on the territory’s main resource: tourism. It also offers services related to new businesses and startups, those companies or associations aiming to the conservation of knowledge to innovate and to keep the tradition alive.
The Bourbon defense system includes 127 sighting towers built between the XIII and the XVII century; among these 58 are public property 80% is in a state of neglect.
Thanks to the Internet and new technologies all of that is now possible and it makes this transformation possible, especially in the South of Italy.
Slowscape involves the entire infrastructure: some towers will be converted in meeting and sharing places as innovation and cultural centers, others will be a system for diffused hosting, and others in panoramic spots integrated with green areas and natural parks.
In 2013 the project was finalist (within over 500 proposals) of the call ARS ideaTRE60, promoted by Fondazione Italiana Accenture; in 2014 it has also generated the interest of the Puglia Region that is integrating Slowscape among the pilot actions of the Regional Landscape Territorial Plan, and within the proposals of the regional development plan “SAC Arneo Costa dei Ginepri”. In 2015 a traveling exhibit has been held to present the project to the residents of the areas around the towers, and a publication was produced and published by Adda.
Moreover, the towers will be connected through a system of slow bicycle and pedestrian paths, and virtually connected with an high speed wireless backbone covering 560 km of coastline. This network of introspective defense systems will turn into a slow mobility system and some innovative services for the territory. In one word: Slowscape (slow+landscape).
o a rac agn na one bor n bev lume stigli pillo nca e r i a a o tor ietro rre c re ca rre l e chi rea p to tor to torr cesa lace n sa re uil oro re tor re sq t’isid tor r n o a t lio s re rag tor inser luzzu alto ’ re e u ell na tor torr aria d ateri e c m m ta nta e fiu lido o san re sa torr e alt r r re tor to r o t
1. The Apulian coastal defense system - 2. The requalification project
3. "Slowscape" publication edited by Adda - 4. The project traveling exhibit
A service to encourage friendly and sustainable behaviors on a neighborhood scale March 2013 – April 2014
Coordination and Design
During FIWARE a prototype was developed through the integration of different API.
Salvatore Di Dio, Claudio Esposito, Domenico Schillaci Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Research and Development Andrea Tosatto
The project received awards and international acknowledgements, both in urban regeneration and in social innovation. This is the first project in which we propose the integration of digital bottom-up services with the implementation of top-down designed technologies and spaces.
Social Market creates a virtual market with all the necessary services for a neighborhood with the aim to guide the community to sustainable habits. Mobility, energy, waste management and work depend on the context (accessibility, quality of the buildings, recycling and disposal systems, traceable resources) but also by the actions of individuals. Re-designing only the forms of housing with a top-down approach may not be enough, we must try to change community dynamics from below. The project was initially developed with the firm “Ines Bajardi and Partners” during a urban design contest for the conversion of the neighborhood of Rogoredo, in Milan. Social Market uses the digital vehicle as a driver to start a cultural regeneration process in a community of residents. It works through rewards and gamification dynamics that encourage good behaviors in the community thanks to a mobile app, some devices (cloud systems for the managing of energy and waste) and a community manager.
The residents of the neighborhood will earn points by moving in a sustainable way, by recycling, by reducing energy consumption at home or by working for the community (i.e. by taking care of the vegetable garden or by helping the elderly). By doing so, they will have access to dedicated services (like co-working and co-living spaces, fablab), get bonuses when paying taxes and receive fresh fruits and vegetables grown on site. In 2013 the project won the first prize of the national competition “AAA Architetti cercasi” and it has also been selected as one of the 20 best ideas worldwide (among more than 700 proposals) for the FI-WARE Smart Cities Challenge 2014 contest. In 2015 “Digital Social Market” was inspiring for the project “Sharing Cities”, promoted by the Municipality of Milan, London and Lisbon, and then winner of the call “Smart Cities and Communities” of the Horizon 2020 program.
1. The functioning of Social Market - 2. The original project of Rogoredo neighborhood (MI)
3. App mockup
The pseudoscience of planning seems almost nevrotic in its determination to imitate empiric failure and ignore empiric success.
Jane Jacobs.
BORGO VECCHIO FACTORY Crowdfunded painting workshop for children made by street artists September 2014 – April 2016
Coordination and Design
The crowdfunding campaign had a goal of 5.000€ and collected overall 8.350€ thanks to the support of 211 donors.
Mauro Filippi, Domenico Schillaci, Salvatore Di Dio, Francesco Massa Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Communication Elena De Francisci, Giorgia Teresi, Silvia Rignanese
6 different artists created 25 graffiti on the walls of the neighborhood. In 2015 Borgo Vecchio Factory became a film, produced by The Piranesi Experience.
The Borgo Vecchio neighborhood is a historical area of Palermo where most of the families live in poverty, unemployment reaches 40% and access to education is extremely low. The neighborhood is hit by social exclusion , due to an absence of public services and high crime rates. One of its biggest issues is the school non-attendance. Started in 2012 by the organisations "Arteca onlus" and "Per Esempio Onlus" in partnership with street artist Ema Jons, the project engaged 20 children and teenagers in afterschool creative workshops. The drawings and paintings produced in these workshops were used to decorate buildings in the neighborhood. The project was successful, so we decided to start a crowdfunding campaign to extend it for six more months, involving new artists and new areas.
The Indiegogo campaign reached its goal in just two weeks, getting the attention of local and national media and gathering the support of hundreds of donors from 15 countries all around the world. Overall the amount collected exceeded 67% of the fixed amount: this allowed to expand the project, involving other artists and taking care of the requalification of the neighborhood football field. Borgo Vecchio Factory showed that through art and by involving the local urban community it’s possible to generate a strong impact, both visually and socially, in the poorest areas. In 2015 Borgo Vecchio Factory became a film, made by The Piranesi Experience. It also gave life to a new project, Street Art Factory.
1/5. Crowdfunding campaign perks
6/8. Children of Borgo Vecchio painting - 9. Football tournament after the renovation of the field
1. "Diario di Borgo", made by Edizioni Precarie using food papers from local markets
2/3. Borgo Vecchio Factory is now also a documentary produced by The Piranesi Experience - 4. Christian's Wolfhound
Collaborative project to create a distributed city sights database made by users and based on Open Data August 2015 – Ongoing
Coordination and Design
Open Tour has recently partnered with the project Urban Farmer, promoted by FARM Cultural Park, with the aim to create a big community that may embrace both projects.
Domenico Schillaci, Salvatore Di Dio, Mauro Filippi, Francesco Massa Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Research and Development Antonio Coppola, Mirko Mignini Communication Eliana Amato, Elena De Francisci, Claudio Terzo, Diego Facta
The project is completely open source: on the website it’s possible to download the source code of the app and the datasets of the available cities. Currently the active communities are Palermo, Milan and Turin: we are now developing new datasets.
Open Tour is a collaborative project that aims to develop an international community for the creation and dissemination of tourist sites’ datasets in Open Data format. To operate we involved volunteer organizations or informal groups - locally active - that can organize the information about the tourist sites of their own city and share them, while creating a specific dataset. Developed for Android operating systems, the mobile app represents the interface where tourists can download the datasets of the city they’re interested in, creating real-time personalized itineraries based on user’s time available, his interests and position. The data produced regularly by community members can be downloaded for free: the app code is open and anyone can use it or contribute to its development.
Currently we have the datasets of Palermo and Milan (Rome and Turin are under review) and we are currently developing Datathons: workshops for the co-creation of datasets made with the support of local communities. Through Datathons we are involving small, medium and big cities that not only will have a dedicated app for their tourist but also can rely on a group of enthusiastic citizens, ready to cooperate and to keep the touristic information always up to date and available for everyone. Open Tour is the evolution of the award-winning “Palermo onTour”, project designed for the promotion of Open Data on tourism and promoted by the Municipality of Palermo. The development of the project was made possible thanks to a private donor who chose to invest on the ambitious project of creating the first open portal of tourism and promote it globally.
The project is based on an Open Data template for the description of city sites, named Open Tourist Sites. OTS is an open standard for the cataloging and management of tourist sites within a given city. The OpenTour standard is characterized by an Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 4.0).
1/2. Open Tour mockups - 3/5 Graphic concepts and communication materials
SANT’ANNA JAMMING Creative marathon for the renew of one of the most beautiful squares in Palermo November 2015 – Ongoing
Coordination and Design
Sant’Anna Jamming was included by the World Urban Campaign in the list of Urban Solutions which have proved to be a real changing factor in the urban contexts.
Domenico Schillaci, Salvatore Di Dio, Mauro Filippi, Giuseppe Spataro Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Communication Eliana Amato
The design workshop involved 30 participants among future architects, planners and designers from UNIPA (University of Palermo). The experience of Sant’Anna Jamming gave life to Urban Jamming, format that aims to repeat the same co-designing process in other european contexts.
Sant’Anna Jamming is a co-design experiment that involves students, citizens and the municipality. It aims to design original, innovative, sustainable and possible solutions to start a process of participatory regeneration of Piazza Sant’Anna, in the historic part of Palermo. Sant’Anna Square in Palermo takes the name from its Baroque church; after many years of being abandoned and neglected, one year ago it became part of the pedestrian area of the old town. It is finally free from the cars that used to fill it up and it can show its majestic beauty, but after its pedestrianization it unfortunately remained mostly empty and unused. In order to solve this problem we chose to organize a thematic workshop involving the students of the Architecture department of the University of Palermo, with the aim to design creative and low cost ideas for the regeneration of the space.
The works produced by the 6 groups of students had a budget of 5.000€ each; we uploaded them on a website to let the citizens know all the proposals and vote them. The three most voted were finally presented to the Municipality of Palermo. Since they were low-cost and appreciated by the citizens, they have been submitted to the judgment of the administration, which will choose the most deserving, allowing its realization. Sant’Anna Jamming offers an innovative approach to urban planning through the participation and involvement of university students, the use of the web and a direct dialogue with the Public Administration. An experimental process divided into three main phases (planning / participation / regeneration) which is reproducible in any urban context.
1/3. The workshop involving the students of UniversitĂ di Palermo - 4. Final press conference
5. The web platform collecting the projects for online voting - 6/11. The ideas proposed for Piazza Sant'Anna by the students
Farm Bombing, 2015 A project that connects guerrilla gardening to service design, urban strategy and social innovation. It was developed by PUSH and OrtoCapovolto during EXPO Milano 2015 in order to support the realization of the first Children’s Museum of Sicily.
Tweet 4 Score, 2014 Developed during the World Cup Brazil 2014, it is a social listening project that measures the level of popularity of the national teams and their players. It works with an algorithm that we designed specifically for the occasion.
Cìciro, giugno 2014 Cìciro is a web platform that aims to promote the Sicilian territory through its food excellences. It allows users to try, taste and buy best Sicilian food products using the restaurants of the network as an hub for purchasing local groups.
Open House Roma App, 2014 Developed during Open House Rome 2014 and 2015, the mobile app allowed users to gather information on more than 170 tourist sites and book guided visits.
Poop4Farm, 2014 Poop4Farm is a communication campaign created for FARM Cultural Park and developed in only 24 hours during the creative marathon CultuRun. Users can download a DIY kit from the website, create their own “happiness flag” and post it on Instagram.
uMayor, 2013 uMayor is a crowdsourcing app that allows citizens to report - in a simple and fast way - every inefficiency and urban problem directly to the competent municipal authorities.
weSteady, 2013 The project aims to create an online and up-to-date database of the collapse risk buildings. A mobile app allows to identify a building, make a photographic survey and fill out a complete but synthesized form that indicates the priority level of the needed intervention.
Top of the Popes, 2013 In order to bring young people closer to such an important event like the election of the new Pope and to promote the debate and the information on the theme, we developed a game that lets users find out their ideal Pope by answering to a simple test and share the result online.
2016, Borgo Vecchio Factory
The movie produced by The Piranesi Experience won the best short film award at Farm Film Festival 2016.
2015, Borgo Vecchio Factory
Selected among 40 finalists at the call CheFare3.
2015, trafficO2
The project was mentioned in the Legambiente Best Practices 2015 report on the good urban practices in the sustainable mobility section.
2015, trafficO2
Award winning of the first edition of the Smart City Innovation Awards, promoted by MIT Enterprise Forum and BNL/BNP Paribas.
2014, WeSteady
weSteady has been selected among the finalists of the first edition of Scintille (2014), the call for ideas promoted by the Italian National Council of Engineers.
2014, Open Tour
Winning at the “Mob App Awards 2014” at SMAU Milan for the category “Travel and Tourism”.
2014, Open Tour
Winner of the second prize of the “AppPalermo” contest sponsored by the municipality of Palermo.
2014, trafficO2
Winner of the first edition of the Social Innovation AROUND Award.
2013, Cìciro
Second place at the Startup Weekend Palermo.
2013, uMayor
Finalist in the second edition of the Social Innovation Tournament, sponsored by the European Investment Bank Institute.
2013, Slowscape
Finalist at the call “ARS” by ideaTRE60, promoted by Fondazione Italiana Accenture.
2013, trafficO2
The project is part of the European Union campaign on sustainable mobility “Do the right mix”.
2013, Social Market
Selected as one of the 20 best ideas worldwide for the FI-WARE Smart Cities Challenge 2014 contest.
2013, Social Market
Winner of the AAA Architetti Cercasi contest, promoted by Confcooperative and Generali.
2012, trafficO2
Winner of the Smart Cities and Communities and Social Innovation call, promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research.
PUBLICATIONS Science Magazines Expected in 2016, Urban transportation and service design
trafficO2: a technology-driven social innovation project for improving sustainability performances of daily commuters’ mobility Submitted to Sustainability, Basel (CH) May 2016, Urban policies and service design
Service Design and Urban Policies. How new models and tools for designing are influencing the debate about the future of cities I Quaderni: Urbanistica tre, Rome (IT) June 2014, Urban transportation and service design
Designing mobility in a city in transition
Mobility and Environment, TeMa - Journal of Land Use, Rome (IT)
Books Expected in 2017, Urban art and design
Street Art in Sicilia
Flaccovio, Palermo (IT) Expected in 2016, Urban transportation and service design
Design, technology and social innovation: the serious game of trafficO2 Ashgate, Farnham (UK)
June 2016, Urban transportation and service design
Reshaping the urban environment through mobility projects and practices: lessons from Palermo Springer: Green Energy and Technology, London (UK) May 2015, Urban transportation and service design
Mobility and behaviors: TrafficO2 case study
IGI global book: Social, Economic, and Environmental Sustainability in the Development of Smart Cities, Palmyra (USA) December 2015, Urban policies and service design
Wepush Slowscape
Slowscape, Adda, Bari (IT) December 2015, Urban policies and service design
Il sud vola, Medinova, Agrigento (IT) June 2011, Urban policies design
Action plans for sustainable energy: a Sicilian case study “Cities with no oil”. INU, Rome (IT)
Conference Papers May 2016, Urban transportation and service design The Shift Toward a Sustainable Urban Mobility through Decision Support Systems International Conference on Smart Cities, New Delhi, India.
October 2014, Urban policies and service design City as a Service Urban Thinkers Campus - UN Habitat program book
Conference Abstracts October 2014, Urban policies and service design City as a Service UN Urban Thinkers Campus, Napoli (IT)
December 2014, Urban transportation and behavioral design Mobility and behaviors: trafficO2
Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Conference. Washington (USA)
November 2012, Design and historical heritage Thessaloniki’s Umbrella M.I.T. Senseable City Lab Urban Code Conference. Cambridge (USA)
Poster November 2014, Urban design and service design trafficO2 digital poster World Usability Day, Turin (IT)
Magazines November 2014, Urban policies and service design City is a dialogue eutopiamagazine.eu
October 2014, Urban design and service design Concorso per l’asilo City Life Casabella 842. Milan (IT)
The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else. Eric Ries.
Service Design training program for social innovation in urban contexts September 25th/ October 3rd, 2015 - Erice
Coordination and Design
The Intensive School has been the first intensive international program organized in Sicily, with a focus on service design for cities.
Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci, Alessia Torre, Francesco Massa Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Communication Eliana Amato, Elena De Francisci
14 professionals coming from all over the world offered mentoring support to the participants during the course. According to the results of the final satisfaction survey, the 78% of the participants declared that the experience was formative and exciting.
The “City as a Service� Intensive School was the first international training program organized by PUSH focusing on service design and digital innovation.
The program was a relevant experiment at a local level, but also an important trigger for future projects and collaborations among participants and professionals.
Hosted for nine days by the charming town of Erice and through a multidisciplinary user-centered approach, the young participants had the opportunity to learn, exchange knowledges and examine in depth topics related to digital innovation and services for citizens.
The 17 students involved came from Estonia, Ukraine, United States, Uganda and Italy, with an average age of 28 years old. During the 9 days of activities they developed 4 project ideas, evaluated at the end of the program by a jury of experts. All the ideas have been presented during the Urban Thinkers Campus, an international event promoted by the United Nations, hosted in Palermo in October 2015.
Guided by international mentors and professionals, the students learned Service Design tools and methodologies and worked in team to propose innovative services for cities.
1. Erice castle (TP) - 2. The final report of the Intensive School
3/5. Intensive School students at work - 6. The awarded team
GLOBAL SERVICE JAM Creative marathon to design services for the community 21/23 November 2014, Palermo 7/9 March 2014, Palermo
TEAM Coordination and Design Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva
The Service Jam is an international format taking place at the same time in more than 100 cities in the world. It aims to bring together people with different skills in order to redesign a new generation of services conceived around citizens’ need. During the three days of the event, different innovative services are developed by professionals with different backgrounds and a common passion for generating ideas, coordinated by a team of international experts in the field of Service Design.
Communication Eliana Amato, Elena De Francisci
PUSH collaborated with the association Palermo Jam for the organization of both events: the Global Service Jam, focusing on the design of services for the city of Palermo and the Global Sustainability Jam, creative marathon focusing on sustainability issues. Both events created interest among citizens. On the global platform it is possible to consult all the projects and also reuse them as they are distributed under open license.
Participants at work
MOBILITY, BEHAVIORS: APPS Workshop to design mobile apps on sustainable mobility 21 / 23 November 2013, Palermo
TEAM Coordination and Design Salvatore Di Dio, Claudio Esposito, Mauro Filippi, Roberto Filippi, Francesco Massa, Domenico Schillaci, Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Communication Eliana Amato, Antonella Cammisa
Mobility, behaviors: apps is a workshop organized in collaboration with UniversitĂ degli Studi di Palermo, focusing on design of mobile apps for mobility and human behaviors. It is one of the initiatives of the promotional campaign of trafficO2, research project funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research. The event was organized by PUSH and aimed to identify a community of testers to be involved during the first experimentation of the mobile app. 50 participants, selected among students of the informatic engineering, design and communication departments, worked in heterogeneous teams supported by expert mentors; they also followed a creative path to develop mobile apps for mobility and social purposes. The three best projects have been presented to a jury of experts and awarded.
Students from UniversitĂ di Palermo during the workshop
APPLYIED Workshop to design mobile entertainment apps 23 / 27 February 2015, Rome
TEAM Coordination and Design Domenico Schillaci, Salvatore Di Dio, Mauro Filippi Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva
APPlyIED was a workshop on Service Design aimed to develop mobile apps. It was one of the 12 labs promoted in the context of IED Factory, the intensive week of workshops for the students of IED Roma, involving artists, designers and communication experts. IED Factory in 2015 took place during the Creative Economy Week (CRew). Through experimental learning and the use of Service Design tools, the students, in team, developed, designed and prototyped a mobile app for “entertainment”. Moreover, each team produced a video to tell about the app’s user experience and to show their work through a 5 minutes pitch.
Projects proposed during the ApplyIED workshop
Per dare vita ad un'autentica comunità occorrono delle generazioni. Il volto della città nuova non può essere affidato all'estro di un uomo, ma a un sistema, una civiltà di cultura decentrata. Adriano Olivetti.
URBAN THINKERS CAMPUS International preparatory conference toward Habitat III 8 / 10 October 2015
Coordination and Design Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci, Mauro Filippi, Francesco Massa, Alessia Torre
More than 20 events, conferences, seminars and debates about the impact of digital innovation on the future of cities. The language of the whole event was English: the first time in Palermo.
Graphic Design
The event recorded the highest affluence among those hosted in Europe and the third one among the 28 campuses held around the world.
Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Research and Development Mirko Mignini, Antonio Coppola, Giuseppe Valenti. Communication and logistics Eliana Amato, Elena De Francisci, Silvia Rignanese.
We recorded more than 20.000 interactions in the the mediums used: website, app and social channels.
As an associate member of the World Urban Campaign and its initiative “I’m a City Changer”, PUSH has been selected to coordinate the organization of the first Urban Thinkers Campus in Palermo.
In order to allow an easy access to the information and network of organizations and guests, PUSH developed two mobile apps (iOs and Android) and produced a program book with the details about all the events.
City as a Service was one of the 28 campus selected by the United Nations with the aim of preparing the contents to be presented during Habitat III (Quito, 2016). The event took place in Palermo, at Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, on October 8-9-10 2015. The debate focused on the impact of digital services on policies proposed by World Urban Campaign.
67 organizations, 13 countries and 450 participants took part to the event. The three days event’s results have been collected in a report published by UN-Habitat, that is part of the bibliography of the Habitat III conference.
Through an international open call, 50 abstracts have been selected and about 100 speakers were involved during the three days.
1. City as a Service report - 2. The mobile apps developed for the event
3/4. City as a Service website and program - 5. The official poster
1. The Mayor of Palermo during his speech
2/5 City as a Service plenary sessions
WIAD World Information Architecture Day 15th February 2015 20th February 2016
TEAM Coordination and Design Domenico Schillaci, Salvatore Di Dio Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Communication Eliana Amato, Elena De Francisci, Giorgia Teresi, Alessia Torre
The World Information Architecture Day (WIAD) is an annual event promoted by the Information Architecture Institute in order to promote the Information Architecture through experiences and projects developed by the experts in this field. PUSH decided to bring this international format to Palermo and took care of the event organization in 2015 (Architecting Happiness), while in 2016 collaborated with local organizations such as PMO coworking, FabLab Palermo and Open Data Sicilia, to organize the last edition of the event (Information Everywhere, Architects Everywhere). More than 130 people participated to both editions and an had excellent success online as well, with over 200 online viewers for the live streaming.
WIAD 2015 at Palazzo delle Aquile
Events that enhance the artistic and cultural heritage through the use of social media 28th April 2013 4th May 2014 3rd May2015
TEAM Coordination and Design Salvatore Di Dio, Domenico Schillaci Graphic Design Roberto Filippi, Alessandro Riva Communication Eliana Amato, Elena De Francisci, Giorgia Teresi
Invasioni Digitali (Digital Invasions) is an initiative promoted throughout the country with the aim of enhancing the artistic and cultural heritage through the use of social media. Participants are encouraged to share the experience on social networks through photos and tweets. PUSH, in collaboration with Iride_Work in Pixel, organized three editions of Invasioni Digitali. The first one in 2013 was in the Galleria di Arte Moderna (GAM) of Palermo, and more than 100 visitors took part in it. The following year it took place at the Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele di Palermo, involving more than 600 people. The 2015 edition, organized with the support of the Instagramers Palermo and Social Influencer Palermo community, took place in Villa Malfitano Whitaker, where more than 300 visitors participated, sharing over 500 pictures.
6 1, 3, 5. Teatro Massimo - 2,4. Villa Whitaker - 6. GAM
OTHER EVENTS 13th June 2015, Palermo
En Marche, Au Marché Edizioni Precarie, Le Cagibi En marche, Au marché is a project about the theme of micropublishing and art printings. With the main goal of building an original underground graph-zine, the publishing house Edizioni Precarie and the French collective Le Cagibi have made a network with other local organizations, including PUSH, in order to develop an itinerary with several “stops” to create piece by piece a small independent edition. 12 / 26 February 2015, Palermo
ASOC - A Scuola di Open Coesione Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca, Europe Direct, I.S.S. Ferrara, Mobilita Palermo A Scuola di OpenCoesione (ASOC) is an innovative program based on inter-disciplinary didactics for secondary schools. The project came as the output of an agreement between the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and the Department for Development and Economic Cohesion, signed in 2013. Selected among the associations adhering to the network “Rete Amici di ASOC”, PUSH guided the students of the School I.I.S.S. Francesco Ferrara of Palermo to generate ideas in the field of tourism and cultural heritage, with the aim of developing a digital storytelling project on the local history and heritage. 20th June 2014, Milan
Expo delle Startup Regione Lombardia PUSH has been selected among 200 applicants to take part to Expo delle Startup, Milan, 19th and 20th of June 2014, Palazzo Lombardia. The event took place during Cross Creativity, kermesse aimed to foster innovation, culture and creativity organized by Regione Lombardia, a great opportunity for exchange and network among young Italian innovators. 27th September 2013, Naples
Light 2013 - What’s up with science? Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Triplan Light 2013 is an event included in Researches’ Night, a European event that takes place simultaneously in 350 different cities with the goal of soliciting visitors’ interest in science and technology. PUSH took part to the event suggesting a new way to think about each one’s urban mobility choices and the impact they generate. The team, after analyzing visitors’ habits with regard to public transportation, have shown, through an app developed for the occasion, how a slight change to each one’s behavior in terms of mobility generate tremendous value if maintained during the year. They took souvenirs pictures to the visitors in order to encourage them to remain loyal to the promise of sustainability. 17th June 2013, Milan
Expo delle Startup Gruppo 24 Ore in collaborazione con Sole 24 Ore, Radio 24, Startuppami, Startupbusiness PUSH, with trafficO2, was among the 100 startup selected to take part to the event that took place at the headquarter of Sole 24 ore, via Monte Rosa, Milan.
OTHER EDUCATION EVENTS 2016 DPU SummerLab - Emergent Migrant Topographies. International Laboratory of Urban Design The Bartlett, University College London, Palermo (IT).
Workshop’s didactics and logistics by urbanita and PUSH (M. Filippi, S. Di Dio, D. Schillaci) HUL-BRIC. International Workshop on management and valorization of urban heritage Consorzio Arca, Palermo (IT).
Mentorship (S. Di Dio, C. Esposito)
2015 NETKITE. Acceleration Program for entrepreneurs in the Mediterranean area CNR & UNESCO, Palestrina (IT).
Mentorship and support for final pitches (M. FIlippi, D. Schillaci) Bivona School. High level training course on territorial innovation Università degli Studi di Palermo, Bivona (IT).
Mentorship (D. Schillaci)
2014 Startup Weekend. Startup competition Consorzio Arca e Google Developer Group, Palermo (IT).
Mentorship (D. Schillaci)
CONFERENCES 2016 DPU SummerLab - Emergent Migrant
Service Design South
MIT Technology Review Italia, Bologna (IT)
The Bartlett, University College London, Palermo (IT)
trafficO2: the research and the results
Social innovation in marginal contexts
(D. Schillaci)
(S. Di Dio, M. FIlippi, D. Schillaci) Google 30 Weeks GIÀ - Giovani InnovAzioni
Hyper Island, New York (USA)
Libera, Catania (IT)
MUV - Commute to the next level
Innovazione sociale ed automprenditorialità.
(S. Di Dio)
Il caso PUSH (D. Schillaci) TR35 Giovani Innovatori 2016 Commonground, Siracusa (IT)
Designing creative and sustainable solutions in the southern part of the world (S. Di Dio, D. Schillaci)
City as a Service Palermo Urban Thinkers Campus
PUSH, Palermo (IT)
Catania (IT)
Urban Art as an Engine of Transformation for Cities (M. Filippi)
Il futuro è dappertutto (S. Di Dio) YOU.CO.DE. Exchange of good practices on Community Development
Cascina Triulza - EXPO 2015
CEIPES, Palermo (IT)
Borgo Vecchio Factory (M. FIlippi)
Coophousing - il Social Housing di Federabitazione (S. Di Dio, D. Schillaci)
Urban art, participation and development of spontaneous public spaces
Design, social media and technology to foster civic self-organisation
Arts for the City, Saint Petersburg (RU)
Hasselt (BE)
Urban art fostering community building and renovation of marginal contexts: the case of Borgo Vecchio Factory in Palermo (M. Filippi)
The serious game of trafficO2 (S. Di Dio)
Conscious City Gela Tu BERLIN, Gela (IT)
Impact through Design (S. Di Dio) Panorami d’Italia Panorama, Palermo (IT)
Fare startup in Sicilia si può (D. Schillaci) UrbanPromo Social Housing
Milan (IT)
Smart Cities in southern Europe Spanish-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, Athens (GR)
Social/citizens networking for growing urban smartness (S. Di Dio, D. Shillaci) EGS Bootcamp 2015 Mind the Bridge Foundation, Verona (IT)
PUSH: how to save the world in just 4 moves (S. Di Dio, D. Shillaci)
INU, Turin (IT)
Behavior, Energy and Climate Change
CoopHousing: il Social Housing di Federabitazione (D. Schillaci)
Mobility and behaviors: trafficO2
Washington (DC, USA)
(S. Di Dio) MobyDixit Euromobility, Palermo (IT)
trafficO2 : move, play, win! (F. Massa)
Ghent (BE)
How PUSH fosters smart citizenship and urban renewal through design City as a Service Palermo Urban Thinkers Campus PUSH, Palermo (IT)
Open Tour: how to bring the collaborative tourist app in your city (D. Schillaci, M. Mignini)
(M. Filippi) Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Washington (DC, USA)
Mobility and behaviors: trafficO2 (S. Di Dio)
FIWARE Smart Cities Challenge
Ghent (BE)
Campus Party, Sao Paulo (BR)
How PUSH fosters smart citizenship and urban renewal through design
Social Market (C. Esposito, M. Filippi, A. Tosatto)
(M. Filippi) Greentech Pioneers Festival
Pisa (IT)
Vienna (AU)
The Lean Urban Design (S. Di Dio)
PUSH in 90’ (M. FIlippi, D. Schillaci)
Smart Mobility World
City of mAPPS
Turin (IT)
Open House Roma, Rome (IT)
trafficO2: move, play win! (S. Di Dio)
The Lean Urban Design (S. Di Dio)
Urban Thinkers Campus
Smart City Exhibition
UN World Urban Campaign, Caserta (IT)
Bologna (IT)
City as a Service - Urban Lab (S. Di Dio, M. Filippi, D. Schillaci)
The citizens’ play: gamification techniques in trafficO2 (S. Di Dio)
Social Media Week
Congresso Nazionale AICA
Rome (IT)
Salerno (IT)
Innovation and mobility (S. Di Dio)
Smart mobility & Social Innovation (S. Di Dio)
Architects meet in Selinunte Selinunte (IT)
Service Design meets urbanism (S. Di Dio, M. Filippi) Blank-Disrupt Catania (IT)
The Lean Urban Design (S. Di Dio)
SiciliAmbiente Documentary Film Festival San Vito Lo Capo (IT)
Nuove idee per la mobilità sostenibile (D. Schillaci)
2012 Smart City Exhibition
CommTech Talks Politecnico di Milano, Milan (IT)
Social Innovation in Smart Cities (D. Schillaci)
Bologna (IT)
trafficO2, your app for smart mobility (D. Schillaci) Urban Code
Smart City World Congress Barcelona (ES)
MIT Senseable City Lab, Cambridge (USA)
The Thessaloniki’s Umbrella (S. Di Dio)
trafficO2: move, play, win! (D. Schillaci, M. Filippi)
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail. Fail again. Fail better.
Samuel Beckett.
NEU / PROGETTAZIONE INTEGRATA www.studion.eu Digital design studio and innovation consulting. Co-operative society: 5 associates, 4 staff. Among the clients: Social Food, Regione Siciliana, E-Care, Confcooperative. Turnover 2015: € 66.000 Turnover forecast 2016: € 240.00
THE PIRANESI EXPERIENCE www.piranesiexperience.com Crossmedia production and distribution. Innovative startup: 5 associates. Among the clients: Audi, ETH Zurich, 5+1AA, Valentin Turnover 2015: € 127.000 Turnover forecast 2016: € 180.00
MUV www.muvapp.me Spin-off of the research project trafficO2. Current status: fundraising The project idea was accelerated during the 30 Weeks Google Program in New York, with Frog Design, Betaworks, Windforce Ventures, Hyper Island, Pratt, SVA, The Cooper Union, Parsons and others. MUV has also been applied to an Horizon 2020 call for proposals. The idea was submitted by an international consortium coordinated by PUSH. Requested funds: â‚Ź 1.500.000 for 18 months
STREETARTFACTORY Spin-off of the project Borgo Vecchio Factory. Current status: fundraising The project aims to provide fundings for drawing workshops for children through the online sale of art pieces. Requested funds: â‚Ź 500.000 for 12 months
Maximise the value. Minimise the waste.
Tahichi Ohno.
Since the beginning PUSH was able to obtain significant fundings that have ensured its sustainability. The main source comes from public tenders but a growing share came from investments by private actors that have chosen to support the development of a specific project. During the first three years, PUSH managed projects for a total budget of about 1.3 million euro.
2 25.000 €
450.000 €
675.000 €
900.000 €
A substantial budget portion, approximately the 80%, is allocated to personnel costs. By investing on growth and education of young professionals, PUSH today boasts a multidisciplinary team able to handle the entire project development cycle.
81% 31%
Arising from the work in 2016, the budget forecast for 2016/2017 is estimated to be about 1.2 million euro.
We must pass through the threat of that chaos where thought becomes impossible.
Gregory Bateson.
Salvatore Di Dio, Ph.D.
Domenico Schillaci
Managing Director
Associate Director
Born in Palermo in 1983, he has a background in engineering, architecture and energy. He attended the University of Palermo, the Architecture Faculty in Porto, the Libera Università of Bolzano and the MIT in Boston; he is Ph. D in Energy and Environmental Technical Physics with a thesis on the impact of strategic design in developing countries.
Born in Palermo in 1983, he is engineer, designer and expert in information technology and social innovation.
He is co-founder of PUSH, of the cooperative NEU and The Piranesi Experience startup.
UN Entrepreneurs for Social Change fellow Google 30 Weeks fellow Best Italian Young Engineers nominated
He holds a master's degree in information engineering at the Politecnico of Milan where he also served as a researcher. He is associate and managing director of the cooperative NEU and co-founder of PUSH and The Piranesi Experience startup.
MIT Innovators Under 35 - Italia 2016 fellow Audi Innovative Thinking program nominated Palermo Service Jam co-founder
Claudio Esposito
Mauro Filippi
Cross Media Designer
Born in Bari in 1986, he is architect and set designer. He holds a Stage Management diploma at Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome, where he now teaches Performance Techniques. He works as a teacher at IED Institute in Rome and he’s co-founder and Creative Director of The Piranesi Experience.
Born in Alcamo (TP) in 1987, he is architect and photographer. He holds a master in advanced technologies of detection, representation and diagnostics for preservation and use of cultural heritage. He was visiting student at the Carleton University in Ottawa and Universidad Camilo José Cela in Madrid.
Giuseppe Spataro
Alessia Torre
Fund Research Analyst
Born in Trapani in 1985, he is service designer and IPMA certified Project Manager. He holds a master in Project Management at MIP Business School of Politecnico di Milano and an academic background in development economics at Università degli Studi di Bologna.
Born in Trapani in 1987, she is an expert in EU projects and coordination of international consortia. She holds a degree in political science at Università degli Studi di Siena and an executive master in EU studies at Institut d’Etudes Européennes in Brussels. She speaks fluent English, Spanish and French.
Roberto Filippi
Francesco Massa
Art Director
Business Manager
Born in Palermo in 1981, he is an art director, designer and teacher of web design and development.
Born in Palermo in 1983, he is an expert in report management and business modeling.
He holds a degree in modern languages for the web and has been a researcher at the Istituto Superiore Mario Boella of Turin with a focus on UX design for the web.
He holds a degree in management engineering with a thesis on product design in the field of IoT.
He has a 10 years experience in the field of graphic and web design, both as a teacher and as a designer.
In recent years he has developed a wide experience in the reporting processes of applied research projects.
Eliana Amato
Elena De Francisci
Communication Strategist
She holds a degree in marketing and communication. She has a long-time experience in logistic during events organization and social media marketing. She is also partner of the agency IRIDE work in pixel.
She holds a master degree in business communication at the UniversitĂ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and she is expert in content creation, creative writing and digital communication strategies
Mirko Mignini
Alessandro Riva
Backend and Web Developer
Graphic and UI/UX Designer
Developer with a 15 years experience, he is an expert in web development and database design. Software open source enthusiastic, in the last years he specialised in the Ruby on Rails framework.
Graphic designer, in the last years he specialised in the development of mobile and web graphical interfaces.
Antonella Cammisa - Social Media Manager
Maud Adriaenssens - Design
Gregorio Candolo - Front end developer
Gaetano Belvedere - Design
Antonio Coppola - Android Developer
Giada Bucciante - R&D
Diego Facta - Graphic Designer
Roberto Bonanno - R&D
Louise W. Flou - Graphic Designer
Marco Di Bella - Design
Angelo Marchesin - Android Developer
Elisa Di Gangi - Communication
Agostino Messana - iOS Developer
Rosaria Di Rocco - Design
Francesco Pillitteri - Sales Mananger
Lorena Falcone - Design
Silvia Rignanese - Communication Intern
Lorenzo Gomez Paloma - Business
Roberto Smiriglia - Android Developer
Keanu Goossens - Design
Giorgia Teresi - Digital PR
Giuliana Lucchese - Design
Claudio Terzo - Sales Manager
Riccardo Russo - Business
Andrea Tosatto - Software Architect
Pietro Sideli - Design
Giuseppe Valenti - iOS Developer
Rossella Sollazzo - Design Anna Squillace - Communication Marco Tusa - Business Enrico Vicari - Design Federica Villanti - Design
PARTNERS SERVICE DESIGN Commonground - commongroundpeople.com Service design and consultancy on innovation company, it aims to generate, through its projects, a positive change in the social sphere.
COMMUNICATION AND PRODUCTION Edizioni Precarie - edizioniprecarie.tumblr.com Edizioni Precarie mixes craftsmanship and design, working with the matter to tell the story of the intangible heritage.
IRIDE workinpixel - irideworkinpixel.com Communication agency specialized in cross-media production and visual storytelling. Kappaelle - kappaellecomunicazione.com Company specialized in offline and digital marketing and communication.
SOCIAL INNOVATION Katarsis Ventures Consulting and investment company, it offers support for high social and environmental impact businesses for the development of commercial strategies, the creation of business models and international growth.
URBAN REGENERATION Farm Cultural Park - farmculturalpark.com Cultural Center of new generation that uses culture and contemporary art as territorial regeneration tools. Orto Capovolto - ortocapovolto.com Social cooperative aimed to co-design and co-create “edible� green spaces and environmental and food education projects. Urbanita - urban-ita.com Itinerary interdisciplinary design studio of urban design strategists focused on urban regeneration and social innovation with a special focus on the Mediterranean context.
Associazione no profit PUSH. Piazza Sant’Anna, 3 - 90133 Palermo (+39) 091-6164848 info@wepush.org C.F. 97285820821