Prehype's one pager

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You tried building new products internally. You're hired expensive web agencies that never delivered a successful product. You're not really ready to acquiring small companies for ridiculous prices. And the start-­‐up in the basement across the street? It's kicking your ass.

Prehype products and services -­‐ 2011 | twi:er: @prehype

Building corporate startups Prehype is a product incubator that helps corporaAons build new digital companies. We bridge the space between the world of start-­‐up’s and established companies by facilitaAng a process to jointly and rapidly build new digital products and services

Empowering ‘intrepreneurs’

We idenAfy corporate intrapreneurs either via a) an internal venture compeAAon or b) management selecAon. We then lead these internal talents through a proprietary process where they learn to conceptualize, producAze and finally build a working product. We are successful by plugging lacking skills like experience design and rapid web-­‐development into the talents, knowledge and industry access of our partners.

We share the risk If the product is not successful, our clients only pay for core costs. We believe that shared risk and innovaAve incenAves and work processes are key to successful company creaAon. We follow best pracAces for how bootstrap start-­‐ups are built, by puOng our money where our month is and by only choosing to work with talented people who share our vision

Staff venture compe//on pitch Wolff Olins

Product workshop

Prehype clients


Sold to Facebook

What we can do together: §

Increase product innovaAon and thinking


Retain talented staff who might otherwise leave to build a start-­‐up


Add start-­‐up DNA into your organizaAon by working with experienced entrepreneurs


Build new meaningful business iniAaAves at low cost but with high probability of success


Front load risk -­‐ to keep investment low unAl we have proven that we have a successful company in the making

Technical review with developer -­‐ Betaworks

Contact managing partner Henrik Werdelin* | +1 646 484 9373

* Henrik Werdelin is the managing partner at Prehype. He has been working in product development most of his career, first a VP of product development and strategy at MTV InternaAonal, then as founding chief creaAve officer at and recently as entrepreneur in residence at Index Ventures. Henrik has been an advisor to a long list of successful startups and was recently named Top 100 Most CreaAve by Fast Company. He writes on his personal blog on h:p:// and on twi:er h:p://

Brainstorm HotPotato (pre Facebook acquisi/on)

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