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Were Worth It Too WWIT
This blog really came about from noticing a gap between the monthly glossy men's magazines, the weeklies and online. There isn't really anything out there that caters 100% to mens fashion for the young, individual, focused 20 something's - and since i'm always complaining about this, i might is well do something about it! There's so many publications dedicated to womenswear, and it's only fair that we get the same amount of attention - and that's what "Were worth it too" is all about. This blog is purely my vision and point of view -by mixing designer, highstreet and vintage style, it will provide a comprohensive eye on trends, hottest buys, style & making the most out of your wardrobe. Get in touch: WWIT@LIVE.CO.UK
Goddess Wild
Ivo Petrov
Eduardo Gancedo
Edward Ridgwell
Takeshi Ugajin
chris hornbecker
Tsard Chua
d P
Rebecca Doherty
João Ribeiro
Fabián Moraga
Mike Leiton
Michael Damond
will chalker
Alex Guerrero
Mónica Romo González
BojaxStyle Inc.
Maggie Den
Monique Dikmoet
Manuel Vásquez
Katrin Barnes
Maija Dreimane