Design Council - Czech Republic

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Czech Book Invitation

‘’Imagination is more important than knowledge.’’

Albert Einstein

Who should we be proud of ?

Miloš Forman


Czech Republic Central geographical location Vibrant cultural heritage Strong cultural tradition Where East meets West Part of EU since 2004

It is hard not to be impressed.

Jan KaplickĂ˝

Vรกclav Havel

Forum for Creative Europe Prague 2009

culture Those of you who came from abroad must have noticed, that Prague is dominated by a huge cathedral. I had the opportunity and honor to be in contact with that cathedral for 13 years, as it is surrounded by Prague Castle, the traditional seat of the head of state. And many times, facing the cathedral, I asked the same question: There are so many redundant things on it, all the ornamnets and embellishements. It also is enourmously high. What could be the purpose of this? What economic effect could it bring? Of course, there was no

economic effect. But it was built nonetheless and I believe it was because, society was culturemaking; it shared some commmon values, among them respect for what is above us. Respect for the special kind of mystery of the world, the mystery of being. And that ornamental finger pointing to the heaven was again an expression of humanity, even though it must have been very wasteful to build such a structure. If it has had economic benefit at all, then only after centuries of existence.


! ! y y t t i i v v i i t

Thinking is a proper job. John Howkins One of his major interests is the use of intellectual property laws to support the creative economy. John Howkins first published his ideas on creativity and innovation in ‘The Creative Economy’ in 2001. He is Chairman of BOP Consultants and has advised global corporations, international organisations, governments, and individuals. He has worked in over 30 countries including Australia, Canada, China, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Poland, Singapore, UK and USA.

Creativity brings new intellectual material - thoughts, concepts, problem solving and new inventions which can be used to create new theories, approaches, tools, products and in the longer term become a base for innovation.

creativity is a source of

identity, status, wealth, fun, quality of human environments, social inclusion and cohesion.

John Howkins

the objective

is to ntergrate everyone in the Czech Republic as a creative force contributing to their economy

the result

will be an economy based on people’s spirit and innovation.

This article is reproduced to highlight an expert’s view on nuturing the creative spirit.

How to Spark Innovation and Creativity Encourage your people to be joyfully inefficient. It’s the only way to be really creative and innovative By Pat Lencioni

Maybe it was just the kind of kid I was, but I think most children are constantly reminded by adults to be more efficient. Maybe not exactly in those words. More likely it comes in the form of phrases like “don’t be late,” “use your time wisely,” “don’t waste money,” or even “turn off the lights when you leave a room.”

And while it’s difficult to argue with a parent’s or teacher’s or coach’s motivation for instilling these principles in the youngsters they’re responsible for, there comes a time in life—especially in certain situations— when those very traits become problematic. One of those situations is the call to innovation or creativity. I’ve become convinced that the only way to be really creative and innovative is to be joyfully inefficient. Again, maybe it’s just my personality, but I’m guessing it applies to most of us whose jobs or lives involve

dreaming up new ideas or improving on existing ones. And this makes sense. Asking someone to be both creative and efficient reminds me of that quote from Einstein: “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.” The two activities are fundamentally opposed to one another. A Recipe for Stress

Efficiency requires that we subdue our passion and allow it to be constrained by principles of logic and convention. Innovation and creativity require us to toss aside logic and convention, even without the near-term promise of a payoff. Embracing it all at the same time seems to me to be a recipe for stress, dissonance, and mediocrity, and yet, that is exactly what so many organizations—or better yet—leaders, do themselves and demand of their employees. They exhort their employees to utilize their

Pat Lencioni is the founder and president of the Table Group, a firm dedicated to providing organizations with ideas, products, and services that improve teamwork, clarity, and employee engagement. The widespread appeal of Lencioni’s leadership models have yielded a diverse base of speaking and consulting clients, including a mix of

resources wisely and to avoid waste and redundancy, which makes perfect sense. They also exhort them to be ever-vigilant about finding new and better products or processes, which also makes sense. And yet, combining these two perfectly sensible exhortations makes no sense at all, and only encourages rational, responsible people to find a middle ground, something that is decidedly neither efficient nor innovative. Don’t Chide Creative People

So what should you do if you want your employees to walk both sides of the fence? First, choose your poison. Decide which is truly more important to you—efficiency vs. creativity/innovation—and live with the consequences. And when you simply have to have it all, create skunkworks efforts that allow a small group of people to be joyfully inefficient. No guilt. No confusion. No hesitation.

Fortune 500 companies, professional sports organizations, the military, nonprofits, schools, and churches. Lencioni is the author of eight best-selling books with over 2.5 million copies sold. After six years in print, his book The Five Dysfunctions of a Team continues to be a fixture on national best-seller lists.

And keep them largely separate from their efficient peers, at least until they've developed their ideas and are ready to share them. But whatever you do, don't chide creative, innovative people for their inefficiency. And try to avoid throwing faint praise and backhanded compliments at them (e.g. "I guess you creative types just aren't capable of hitting a deadline or staying on budget"). Few people have the self-esteem and courage to continue being "inefficient" when others are calling them out as being flaky, irresponsible, and unreasonable. Start the Celebration If we're serious about innovation, we have to celebrate—yes, celebrate—the inefficiency of the people who we rely on for new ideas, even if it means they are late for meetings, they waste a little time or money, and they leave the lights on when they go home.


‘‘I have not observed men’s honesty to increase with their riches.’’ Thomas Jefferson

President of the United States (1801–1809), the principal author of the Declaration of Independence (1776)

The State of Vermont banned all billboards in 1968. In 2007, Sao Paolo completely outlawed billboard advertising. Brazil’s largest city banned all billboards in public spaces. (70% approval from the citizens).

Imagine a society's potential where the largest signs, the cleverest ads, the most prominent messages promote healthy behaviours. Isn't that the society we want our children to grow up in?

As we corrupt common spaces, we corrupt our common minds. The pollution of our physical environment is rooted in the pollution of our mental environment.

With great power comes great responsibility.

In Sweden and Norway, and also the Canadian province of Quebec, television advertising aimed at children is prohibited by law.

In Canada, all advertising of tobacco products, likely to be viewed by children is illegal.

design creates culture culture shapes values values determine future

Robert L. Peters is past president of the International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda), a vice president of Design for the

World, a foreign correspondent for Communication Arts magazine, editor of the GDC Graphic Design Journal, and a GDC Fellow. He is a graphic designer

and the founding principal of the design firm CIRCLE based in Winnipeg, Canada. Robert is active internationally as a consultant and design strat-

Design is therefore responsible for the world our children will live in. Robert L Peters

egist, policy advisor, juror and guest lecturer. He lives with two cats in a passive solar house in the woods of eastern Manitoba.




people are creative

creativity needs freedom

freedom needs nuturing

‘‘ The success of individuals, societies, companies or nations is not dependent on the size or its resources, it is going to depend on how much we know and our ability of creative thinking.’’ Mitchel Resnick (MIT)








! N U G E B

James Purnell Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport Great Britain, 2005

Following recent developments we are now entering a new creative era of innovation - the creative economy. By solving problems creatively (innovatably) we find solutions that are far more sustainable, coherent and cohesive.

1980s industrial economy

1990s information economy

2010s creative economy

“ The movement from the information based economy to the creative economy is inevitable. It is a much more cheaper way to expand our resources. It is an ecologically and an energy friendly approach. It is not just dependent on raw material resources. It allows us to create most of our intellectual property while giving it shape and high added value. “ Michal Giboda


in UK

Activities which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have the potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property.


in EU

fine art performance arts cultural heritage


movie and video television and radio video games music books and print


design architecture advertising


computer, MP3, mobile phone manufacturers etc.

“All the major problem today – healthcare, ed transport infrastructu – require a huge amou if they are to be addre The demands cannot pouring in more resou instances, innovation way to genuine value

ms facing society ducation, security, ure or sustainability unt of innovation essed effectively. be met simply by urces. In many represents the only for money. Sir George Cox Chairman of the Design Council, UK

Last year investments in research and development or business support services in the Czech Republic outweighed those in manufacturing projects for the first time.


research and development projects

213 79

new investment projects

manufacturing projects


service projects

These projects will create jobs for 14,606 people, including nearly 4,000 university graduates. The total value of the new investments is CZK 30 billion.

1999 2003 2004 EU 19.7%

growth of the creative industries

€ 654

milliard creative industry

€ 541

milliard ICT

€ 271

milliard car industry

2.6% GDP

The ratio of the creative economy in relation to other industries is not known for the Czech Republic. The tools to measure this economic effect have not been developed yet to cover the whole economical picture. Czech Statistic office (CSU) doesn’t cover all the aspects appropriately, ie the advertising belongs to the group of services, ITC etc. There is still lots of data waiting to be collected, so we can produce accurate statistics. Michal Giboda, 2007




food and drinks


clothing industry


chemicals, rubber, plastics


million people worked in this sector


of the whole emplyemnt contracts


...It is important to develop research, education and all forms of innovation insofar as they make it possible to turn knowledge into an added value and create more and better jobs...

Members States should develop their innovation policies: establishing support mechanisms for innovative SMEs, including

The Renewed Lisbon Strategy European Council Brussels Presidenci conclusions 22.-23.3.2005 7619/1/05

It shows how culture drives social and economic development, as well as innovation and cohesion. The cultural and creative sector is a growing sector, developing at a higher pace than the rest of the economy, The same applies to employment. Indeed this sector provides many different and often highly skilled possibilities and again the sector’s growth in terms of jobs out-performs the rest of the economy. It also drives many other sectors of the European economy, and in particular innovation and ICT secctors.

The economy of culture in Europe Study prepared for the European Commission (Directorate-General for Education and Culture) October 2006

.. high-tech start-ups, .. promoting joint research between undertakings and universities, .. improving access to risk capital, .. refocusing public procurement on innovative products and services, .. developing partnerships for innovation, .. innovation centres at regional and local level.

Yes you will have to think harder. It’s no coincidence that being forced to think more creatively is increasing innovation.

In the 21st century the surest way to out-perform competitors is to out-think them.

Getting greater ‘creativity’ into SMEs has to be seen as part of much wider cultural change. Sir George Cox Chairman of the Design Council, UK

The facts and figures show that the more you use design to liberate ideas, accelerate innovation and inform decision making, the better the returns. David Kester Chief Executive of the Design Council, UK

INSIGHTS There should be understanding that a good contract is one where risks are shared and understood, not where the blame for failure is pre-defined at the out set. Sir George Cox Chairman of the Design Council, UK

Sustained success in business depends on the ability to innovate. Top innovators generate over 75% of revenue from products not in existence five years ago. Sir George Cox Chairman of the Design Council, UK

Businesses must add value instead of cutting prices. Design Council Review 2004-2008, UK

Many of new owners of our newly privatized industrial companies underestimate the possibilitioes and capabilities of design as a vital weapon to improve product quality. Czech industry needs new technology and know-how, modern methods of management, and knowledge of marketing. Zbyněk Vokrouhlický Manager of International Cooperation of thr Design Centrum, CZ Design Management Journal, 2001

An openness to new ideas is not, of itself, sufficient. An awareness of trends is technology, and the ability to assess radical approaches and the capabilities of new suppliers are all essential. Sir George Cox Chairman of the Design Council, UK

Most Innovative Companies

Chief Executive Samuel Palmisano.

Some previous winners clearly can’t afford to spend on R&D for the long term now. General Motors ranked 18th (in Business Week’s 25 Most Innovative Companies list) in 2008. This year (2010), as it struggles to survive, it didn’t even make it to the Top 50.


Apple had 33% fewer votes this year than in 2008, while Google, the list’s No.2, had 31% fewer. Why?

‘’Their products are improvements on previous technology. Their execution flawless, but they are not necessarily innovative. Resting on past glory (search). Spending a lot on new things but no new breakthroughs.’’ Some of the respondents.

Southwest Airlines were nominated as the most innovative company in the world. ‘’They are always trying new ideas.’’ Says Jeffrey R Immelt (CEO, General Electric).. Risky? Of course. But success doesn’t come any other way.




‘’School leavers and graduates often have little or no idea of how company works, and how they could fit in. The cost: too many great technological ideas are squared as their creator have little to no idea how to express their inventions.’’ Deloitte report

We will need many more, and stronger links between universities and SMEs. The apparent lack of understanding by SMEs of what universities can offer the effort required by universities to reach out to them.

Smaller companies would benefit from the specialist knowledge available, the research capability, access to facilities such as prototyping, and potential recruitment. The universities would benefit from more opportunities to try out ideas in practice, placement opportunities...

SMEs make up up around ½ of the economy. Graduates taking placements with such a companies can often apply their skills with much more impact than they could with larger organizations.

Outcome: more businesses would understand design and more designers would understand the business world.


Indeed understanding creativity should be part of equipping everyone for life and work in the 21st century. Creativity needs to be part of technological and scientific learning, and also of management or business studies. On the other hand, those who go on to study creative arts needs to appreciate the context in which their skills will be applied.

...there are no more geographic New Worlds to discover:

only a shared destiny – David B. Berman –



What took 4 billion years to build, we are transforming, perhaps irreversibly, in just the last 400 years. People consumed goods and services in the second half of the 20th century than in all previous generations together.

Just because we can do something, doesn’t mean we should. And that is where professional judgement is needed.

Designers have far more power than they realize: their creativity fuels the most efficient (and most destructive) tools of deception in human history.

The largest threat to humanity’s future just may be the consumption of more than necessary. Visual lies are designed to convince us we ‘need’ more stuff than we really do.

Overconsumptio is learned

sumption addiction!

If we wait too long, we slip over the horizon, with no choice but to redesign ourselves or witness our demise in painfully slow motion.

In 1983, the world bodies of the main design disciplines (Icograda, IFI & ICSID)124 jointly declared that ‘’a designer accepts professional responsibility to act in the best interest of ecology and of the natural environment’’.

Human beings moving forward towards one global family, cannot afford to make even one more major global goof.

The same design that fuels mass overconsumption also holds the power to repair the world.


Who are those strange people: designers? Designers must educate the public that design is about strategy, not decoration.

They also add value to businesses so they can compete in the global economy.

Designers have enormous power to influence how we engage with world, and how we construct our future.

“A designer is an emerging synthesis of artist, inventor, mechanic, objective economist and evolutionary strategist.” Buckminster Fuller (1895-1983).

Graphic designers (often called ‘communication designers’) create a bridge between information and understanding. Industrial designers add usability and appeal to objects. Interior designers invent where we live.

Designers can be a model for other professionals for identifying one’s share of influence, and then embrace the responsibility that accompanies that power to help repair the world.

So what is the agenda of future designers: .. raising awareness and changing behaviour .. providing support and incentive .. preparing future generations of creative specialists and business leaders .. using the power of public procurement .. creating greater visibility for the CZ’s creative capabilities

Do you want to know a secret?

Design is a profession! And it has no official representation in the Czech Republic!

Others have...

... lets’ see what they do...

Our four objectives are to inspire new ways to do business, to turn big problems into innovation, to create new value out of competition and to grow design to build business.



We draw on the best management thinking and our own projects and evidence to equip people in business, government, education and design with knowledge about design-led innovation, share know-how and shape national policies.

We use design to tackle some of Britain’s most complex challenges in areas such as healthcare, environment, communities, providing a neutral space to connect designers with government and industry and generate rapid, low-cost innovation that keeps risk low for the public sector.

Inspiring new ways to do business by sharing know-how about designled innovation

Turning big problems into innovation by connecting designers with government and industry

Design Council UK

We show how design can help build a stronger economy and improve everyday life



We provide high-quality, designled support programmes to business and public sector decision makers through our Design Associates, who deliver targeted help and practical advice to strengthen management capabilities, boost performance and produce bottom-line profits.

We back industry networks and organisations with funding to strengthen the voice of design to business and provide opportunities for business to network with designers. We also support multi-disciplinary degree courses, initiate creative design challenges in schools and work to link design with other school subjects.

Creating new value out of competition through high-quality, design-led support programmes

Growing design to build business by backing industry networks and organisations

and in the Czech Republic

We now have a brief before us and that is to tackle the problem of the missing design body in the Czech Republic.

Its absence means: .. Innovation and development are slowed down .. No national directory of resources .. No programmes to support .. Worldwide competitiveness is at risk .. No control over design output .. Lack of support to businesses, education and the public sector .. No ethical codex for advertising and design


Build brand through design, marketing, commuunication and human resources

Publish ethical codex for design

Enabeling change to happened through communication

Offer design solutions to businesses, the public sector or individuals

Build values and deliver the aims of the design body

Certification of design professionals

Build sustainable and functional institutions

Develop dynamic working structure

Deliver ‘branding’ for Czech design culture

Connecting and networking art institutions in CZ


Coordinate the government’s campaigns Build awareness of design strategy and its importance

Reaction by external audiences on the change involved to the change involved Financial resources and political will

Deliver economic efficiency in businesses

Cooperation and collaboration among involved institutions

Design education in earlier stages

International perception of Czech Republic

Deliver innovation in towns, schools, government, businesses, arts, individuals

Lack of marketing and know-how


“Obtaining the benefits of design depends on managing its integration in a structured and systematic fashion.’’ DTI Economics Paper

‘‘ Never doubt that a few committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has.’’ Margaret Mead

‘‘ We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.’’ Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


I believe that future of our world is now our common design project.

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