One of the cornerstones for WeSC is punk mentality. Another one, is that it doesn’t matter where you’re from - country, religion, financial background, interest or other - we’re all alike and should be treated that way. Thirdly we strongly believe in good people doing great things together - and as num- ber four we could perhaps proclaim ourselves and the people with and around us to be intellectual slackers. The Superlative Conspiracy Magazine #7 - The Summer Issue - feels like it’s got all these elements and ways of thinking embedded and blended onto these following 128 pages. We highlight the things we like, are inspired by, ideas by our friends and WeActivists, tell you stories with and from people you might be familiar with or if not, should be. We live in a world and time where things happen at an extreme pace but where one of the most important things is to remain true to your ideas and values and do good things with that. That’ll take you wherever you want to go.