Bulletin Daily Paper 11-03-15

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Serving Central Oregon since 1903$1

TUESDAY November3, 2015

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bendbulletin.corn TODAY' S READERBOARD Chipotle E. coli outdreak

— Bend's Chipotle Mexican Grill not affected by the E. coli outbreak that's caused 43of the chain's restaurants to close in Oregon andWashington. C6

oora os ooin sus e Is ers ra, wen 0 • Noah JacobHarpham,33, hadno record in Oregonexceptfor speedingticket in '03


By Claire Withycombe The Bulletin

Keeping dooks onthe

shelves —After $150,000 in textbooks were stolen from the COCC bookstore in 2013, students are no longer allowed to pick out books by themselves.B1

Kids take onclimate

A 33-year-old man identified by authorities as the sus-

pect in a fatal shooting Saturday in Colorado Springs, Colorado, attended school in

Sisters and Eugene. Noah Jacob Harpham was pronounced dead Saturday after exchanging gunfire with Colorado Springs police

In a statement issued to the Colorado Springs Gazette,

made atabout 8:45a.m. Three people were killed, o fficers, according to the El ac cording to the Colorado Paso County Sheriff's Springs Gazette. Office. The sheriff's ofHarpham had crefice said in a statement ated a blog in the days Monday that Harpham before the shooting, "fired multiple shots at posting an incoherent the officers." screed and a minuteHarpham graduatHar pham long video, in which he ed from Sisters High speaks to the camera School in 2000, according to i n a hard-to-follow fashion, t he archives of Sisters' Nug- p acing around a room to get Newspaper. electronic music.

Harpham's father and brother said they were "shocked" and "saddened" by Satur-

day's events. "Words cannot express our heartfelt sympathies that go out to the families


M arijuana's

role in the presidential campaign By Evan Helper and Kurtis Lee Tribune Washington Bureau

and friends of the victims,"

WASHINGTON — Pot is very much on the minds of voters, with millions

according to the statement,

poised to decide whether

delivered to the newspaper by a Colorado Springs pastor. "We ask for privacy as our family tries to deal with this tragedy." See Shooter /A5

to legalize it. That raises

Change —Youths head to the courts to combat climate change.B6

a tantalizing question for presidential candidates: Is • White

there political opportunity in t h e wind'? What'8 Some are ahead,A4 beginning to believethere • Bush resets,A4 House race:

The latest

Fight to the finish —For

Ir s fIrsI Tv ad,A4

these NewYork City Marathon runners, finishing is all that matters.C1

call last week

by Sen. BernieSanders toendfederal prohibition. With that one move, the candidate for the

And a Wed exclusiveThousands of flowers give a derelict house in Detroit a spooky beauty. beetlbenetie.cern/extras

Democratic presidential nomination plunged into uncharted territory — and,

arguably, so did the presi-

• Skating is expectedto begin in early December

dential race.

By Scott Hammerss The Bulletin



When the

sig n w asthe full-throated

The Bend Park 8 Recreation District expects to start making the first

Never before has a contender with so much to lose so unequivocally suggested that smoking a joint should be viewed the same as drinking a beer, at least

slab of ice at the new skate pavilion in southwest Bend this weekend.

in the eyes of the law. The move was about

living think they' redead

more than Sanders' signature straight talk. It could

give the Vermont senator a much-needed boost in

some primarystates,especially in the West.

By Meeri Kim


Special to The Washington Post

On Nov. 5, 2013, Esme

Weijun Wang came to the remarkable conclusion that

Hackers take aim at connected

she was dead.

In the weeks prior to this, she had begun to feel increasingly fracturedlike being scatterbrained, but to such an extreme she felther sense ofreality was

fraying at the edges. She had started to lose her grip on who she was and on the


I u.

world around her. Desperate to fend off

what appeared to be early signs of psychosis, Wang

By lan Duncan The Ba(timore Sun

went into a soul-searching


and organizational frenzy. She read a self-help book that was supposed to help people discover their core beliefs anddesires;sheordered and scribbled in five



hack was simple. Terry Dunlap tapped out a few

2014 datebook planners, re-

commands on his laptop and within seconds a message popped on the screen: "Done!" With a few more keystrokes, he could see

organized her workspace

what the security camera

and found herself question-

could see and swivel it at will.

ing her role as a writer. Then one morning, Wang woke her husband before sunrise with an incredible sense of wonder

The demonstration by JoeKline/The Bulletin

Columbia-based Tactical

Workers examine panels along the outside of the new ice rink in the pavilion under construction Friday in Bend. The pavilion will serve as e rink in the winter.

Network Solutions illus-

it all made sense to her now: She had actually died

One of several projects funded through a 2012

a month before, although

voter-approved bond, the

at the time she had been told she merely fainted. (During a flight home to San Francisco from London, Wang had drifted into

pavilion will serve as an ice

and tears of joy to tell him

and out of consciousness

for four hours. Afterward, doctors were unable to find a cause for this episode.)

rink in winter and a covered space for court sports in

warmer months. Skating is expected to begin in early December, and hockey and curling leagues are filling up. Project manager Brian

trates an increasingly widespread problem: A growing

Hudspeth said the district

structing the floor, the cool-

added in thin layers. The

number of devices, from

plans to turn on the cooling system this coming weekend, the first step in making ice.

ant tubes were filled with water to keep them from

paint used to put down the

security cameras to cars to weapons systems, are de-

The concrete floor of the

pavilion is interlaced with tubing, used to carry the propylene glycol that makes the floor cold enough to make ice.

Hudspeth said in con-

floating to the top of the

markings used for hockey and curling goes on the ice

still-curing concrete.

rather than the floor, Hud-

The weekend's first step will be to purge the water, Hudspeth said, replacing it

speth said, and is added as the ice is slowly built up to

called Internet of Things.

about '/4 of an inch thick. "There's a lot of work that

ways to compromise the machines, regulators, lawmakers and military leaders are scrambling to safeguard them from hacking. SeeDevices/A4

with an estimated 3,000 gal-

lons of propylene glycol. Once the floor has cooled to below freezing, water is

goes into making that first slab of ice," he said. See Rink /A5

"I was convinced that I

signed to connect to computer networks — the soBut as researchers find

had died on that flight, and I was in the afterlife and hadn't realized it until that moment," said Wang, now


32, who was convinced her husband and their dog Daphne were dead as well. SeeDead /A5


Cloudy; ashower High 45, Low 23 Page B6

The Bulletin

INDEX At Home Business Calendar

D1-6 Classified E1 - 6 Dear Abby D6 Obituaries C5-6 Comics/Pu zzles E3-4 Horoscope D6 S oI B2 Crosswords E 4 L o cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies

B5 C1-4 06

An Independent Newspaper

vol. 113, No. 307, 30 pages, 5 sections 0

Q I/i/e use recycled newsprint


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