Bulletin Daily Paper 10-13-15

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TUESDAY October 13,2015

serving central oregon since 1903 $1



bendbulletin.corn TODAY' S READERBOARD

Outlaws on top —sisters volleyball is looking as dominant this year asever. C1

0 , an in,ere i car s: a corn icae reaionS i • Some Bend dispensaries find ways around banks' reluctance to work with them; others go cashonly


— An update on theshooting this weekend.B1

Secretary of state race will

be full By Taylor W.Anderson The Bulletin

By Joseph Ditzler

RedmOnd —Thecity may undertake a multimillion-dollar beautification project in its medical district.B1


considers illegal. Should federThe Bulletin al tolerance for legal marijuana The small sign on the door one day end, bank accounts at Cannabend LLC, a medical full of marijuana profits may marijuana dispensary on N. be seized, he said. "We' re already one felony U.S. Highway 97 in Bend, is deep," said Koch, referring to clear: Cash only. Dispensary co-owner Ron the federal stance on marijuaKoch said legal advice he re- na sales. "We'd rather not have ceived cautions that marijuana

several more on top."

dispensaries are selling someDespite that fear, real or not, thing the federal government consumers may use their cred-

Opening an account is somemarijuana at a handful of med- times a matter of creating a "diical marijuana dispensaries versified business model," said in Bend. That m eans those Sam Stapleton, owner of two dispensary owners cleared an DiamondTree dispensariesin it or debit cards to purchase

important first h urdle: They

Bend. "Banking i n stitutions,

established a bank account. if you have a creative business Without that account, a mer- model, and can show you' re not chant service provider has 100 percent cannabis," he said nowhere to route the money last week, "they' ll give you an it processesfrom creditcard account." transactions. SeeMarijuana/A4

Cecil the lion —I-lis killer won't face charges.A5


State Rep. Val Hoyle hasn't announced her candidacy yet, but she will likely run in 2016 to be Oregon's secretaryof state.

Hoyle, a Democrat and former House ma]ority leader from

Eugene, already has a full campaign schedule, including an appearance on a panel at the Oregon Hemp Convention

last weekend in

Runner's high —Research

Portland, and others this week before she

says it's actually a lot like a marijuana high.A3

officially announces sometime this week, she told The Bulletin

And a Wed exclusive-

on Saturday. Although Hoyle has long been expected to run for the seat

Guninterests have successfully lobbied for limitations on government research and funding into gun violence. bendbnnetin.cern/extras

— she announced

July 7, the day after the close of the leg-


islative session, that


she was considering it — her pending


A culture

announcement will round out what is al-

ready a crowded race

+ann" rfr'.,

for the Democratic nomination.

Despite an unusually packed ballot in

of nagging

2016 that includes a

gubernatorial race to fill the remaining two years of former Gov.

helps save water in California

John Krtzhaber's fourth term, analysts

say the top Oregon race next year will be for secretary of state,

the state's No. 2 elected position. See Election /A6

By Matt Richtel New York Times News Service


Californians sharply cut


water usethis summer,

prompting state officials to credit their new con-

servation policies and the sting of thousands of warnings and penalties they had issued to people for overuse. But the most effective

enforcers may be closer to home: the domestic water police. They are the moms and dads, spouses and partners, children, even

co-workers and neighbors who are quick to wag a finger when they spot people squandering

Bob Broomhall, left, and Sarah Broomhall, of Bend, paddle their way past a vibrant area of fall colors while spending the afternoon on the Deschutes River above Dillon Falls on Monday. And the blue skies

By Krislen Wyatt The Associated Press

A more substantive, if sleepy, debate By Philip Rucker The Washington Post

brushing their teeth, or

publican presidential debates have becomeappointment

sink. And showers'? No lingering allowed. So discovered Dick Allen, a retired businessman in San Francisco,

who tells of getting busted recently by his wife. He' d just stepped into a hot

shower to loosen up after a workout when she appeared in the bathroom to

scold him. "'You' ve been in the shower too long,'" he recalled her saying. "How do you know that?" he pleaded. She had proofhis back was red. "It was the gotcha moment," said

The first Democratic presidential debate starts at 5:30 p.m. today onCNN.


contain low levels of

alcohol. Five years after

into watch

• The big Donald Trump issues for whack his unDemocrats, wieldy field of AS opponentspooh-poohing Jeb Bush's energy level, for example, or disparaging Carly Fiorina's appearance. So what happens if the

biggest fireworks in the first

Democrats expect the deTheAssociated Pressfile photos


alcohol levels de-

bate to be substantive and to

tected in kombucha prompted nation-

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders and front-run-

set the course for an unexpect-

ner Hillary Clinton likely won't provide the fireworks — orratings —of

edly contentious nominating contest. Americans are either going to find a pleasing contrast to the rip-roaring show Republi-

wide recalls, federal

cans have put on — or they' re

alcohol content or

going to be bored senseless. SeeDebate/A5

face fines.

the Republicans' two debates already.

Democratic debate here tonight are over which candidates opposed the Keystone

XL pipeline first, which would

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny andwarm High 76, Low 39 Page B6

called kombucha has moved from the

seat amid renewed concerns it can

Tens of millions of Americans have tuned


DENVER — A tangy fermented tea natural foods aisle to the mainstream. But it's also moved into the hot

HOW toWatCh




new test

will stick around a few more days: See the full weather report on B6.

moisture, such as a faucet left running while they' re using too much water to clean dinner plates in the

As sales boom, a

Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act or how each would pay for his or her higher-education overhauls?

The Bulletin

INDEX At Home Business Calendar

01-6 Classified E -f 6 Dear Abby D6 Obituaries C5-6 Comics/Pu zzles E3-4 Horoscope B2 Crosswords E 4 L o cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies

B5 Gi 4 D6

An Independent Newspaper

vol. 113, No. 286, 30 pages, 5 sections 0

authorities again are warning producers to relabel their

products to indicate

SeeKomb ucha /A4

Q I/i/e use reclrcled newsprint 8 o



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