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bendbulletin.corn TODAY' S READERBOARD •
Documents are withheld in sheriff's office probe
By Claire Withycombe
The Bulletin
Go for the griddle —How
Nearly a month after
to make the perfect stack of pancakes.D1
the Deschutes County Sheriff's Officeannounced it had placed a supervisor on paid administrative leave pending a high-level investigation into accounting of in-
Benghazi committeeThepanel's top Democrat has called for an end of theHouse investigation.AS
vestigative funds, little
remains publicly known about the subject of the
Madras days soccer —A
"freshman trio of doom" is leading the White Buffaloes.C1
Deschutes County Sheriff Shane Nelson said he sought to maintain the
Te mulch ernet —How
"integrity" of the inquiry when earlier this month
best to prepare your garden for
he rejected The Bulle-
tin's request for specific
financial documents that
might shed light on the issue, saying they are "central" to the ongoing investigation. "The budgets and audits
A petrol puzzler — when gas prices drop, Americans buy more expensive gas.A3
are central to the ongo-
And a Wedexclusive-
ing federal investigation, which is in the early stag-
• Local hobbyists aren't surprisedbut hopethe rulesdon't gotoo far
Cuba's government has no qualms about pirating American television and movies.
es," Nelson wrote in an
Joe Kline /The Bulletin file photo
email Friday. "Release of the budgets and audits at this early stage would potentially interfere with the
By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
Small unmanned aircraft
Museum specimens find new life online
flying near wildfires, buzzing airports and zooming over sporting events have prompted federal officials
By Erik Olsen
U.S. Transportation Sec-
tNew York Times News Service
retary Anthony Foxx said Monday in a news release.
BERLIN — In a brightly lit room on the third floor of the Museum of Natural His-
tory here, stacks of wooden drawers are covered in
glass, some panes so dusty that it is difficult to discern exactly what's inside. When
the glass is removed, rows of carefully pinned insects are revealed, gleaming in brilliant colors like precious jewels. The biologist Alexander Kroupa plucks an amethyst-colored beetle from the drawers with metal
pincers. "Amazing, right'?" he said. "As beautiful as the day they were collected." Kroupa and 14 colleagues are in the midst
to form a task force to devel-
op a registration system for drones. "Registering unmanned aircraft will help build a culture of accountability and responsibility, especially with new users who have no experience operating in
Drone incidents
Aero Modelers, said he has
The Federal Aviation Administration has seen an increase in incidents involving unmannedaerial vehicles reported by pilots, air traffic controllers and citizens, including drones running into peopleandflying near other aircraft.
eos made by people flying where they should not fly.
UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLE INCIDENT REPORTS PER MONTH 1 50 drone incident reports---------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
115 incidents (As of Aug. 21)
forced the FAA to take action, and the owner of a
Bend hobby shop said he understands why the agency mayregulateunmanned vehicle flying, but he hopes the rules will be fair and
of people who have easy access to unmanned aircraft and lack the knowledge of safe flight — what it is and isn' t," he said.
Preparing students for their debt
Bend Aero Modelers is a
By Danielle Douglas-Gabriel
club of radio-controlled aircraft fliers with a small
The Washington Post
airstrip east of Bend near Horse Ridge. The model airplanes flown by club the new FAA registration
ard University senior, had a pretty enticing display of free swag, including knapsacks, pens, cups and magnets, all embla-
rules focused on drones. At D's Hobbies on Green-
zoned with one word: SALT.
"It will help protect public
ground. The president of a Bendbased radio airplane club said irresponsible flying
cause I think there are a lot
the U.S. aviation system,"
safety in the air and on the
"I'm not surprised that
(the FAA is) stepping in be-
Affiliated with the Academy of Model Aircraft, the
See Sheriff /A4
seen many Yodlttbe vid-
N 2014
Source: FAA
Tribune News Service
membersmaybe subject to
wood Avenue in Bend, peo-
not squash the burgeoning hobby. Commonly known as drones, unmanned aerial vehicles have grown in popularity in recent years, particularly for shooting video and photos. The
flying platforms have four, six, eight or more blades and maneuver like small helicopters.
Concern comes in part from inexperienced drone pilots flying over crowds. Greg McNutt, president of the Bend
ple come in daily to check out drones, said owner Ryan Thomas. The unmanned, radio-controlled aircraft allow people to cap-
Andrew Brown, a How-
"Hey, have you heard of SALT?" Brown asked a pair of students making a beeline for the pens
during the hectic lunch hour at the Blackburn
ture aerial photos and video
Center. Freshman Joshua
at a lower cost, he said. See Drones /A4
Baldwin replied: "Is that that financial thing?" Nodding his head, Brown explained that SALT is a free program offering all sorts of information about budgeting, grants, scholarships and repaying student loans.
"I'm not surprised that (the FAA is) stepping in because I think there are a lot of people who have easy access to unmanned aircraft and lack the knowledge of safe flight — what it is and isn' t." — Greg McNutt, president of the Bend Aero Modelers
See Student debt /A5
of a vast undertaking:
digitizing and publishing online the museum's entire collection of insects,
Republicansbemoan'free stuff'
induding high-definition three-dimensional images of thousands of particularly
important specimens. The By Sahil Kapur
researchers here are not alone. Museums around the
globe are trying to harness the power of digital technology to make available collections that have long
become a familiar Republican refrain. Sen. Marco Rubio on Wednesday called the first
lay dormant on shelves and
ANALYSIS debate a con-
in dusty cabinets. For years, scientific
test over "who
institutions have scanned
images of specimen drawers or individuals in their collections. But technical
advances provide new opportunities to create
stuff for more people than you can even imagine sitting and
Bloomberg News
Rick Bowmer/The AssociatedPress
Republican presidential candidates, including Sen. Marco Rubio, above, have attacked what they call "free stuff," referring to the
safety net programs they sayDemocrats promise to voters.
was going to give away the most free stuff." New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie quipped Friday in New Hampshire, "There's gonna be more free
listening to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton and the
rest of the crew up there." Last month, Jeb Bush char-
acterizedDemocrats'm essage to African-American voters as "get in line and we' ll take care of you with free stuff." A few
tial nominee-in-waiting Mitt
Romney told a voter, "If you' re looking for more free stuff, vote for the other guy." These aren't rhetorical coincidences — the language reflects the beliefs held by many in the GOP base that spending on safety net programs should be slashed and that the Democratic Party is powered by mi-
days earlier, Sen. Rand Paul mockingly accused Sanders of nority and immigrant voters promising voters "free stuff." who leechoffthegovernment. In 2012, Republican presidenSee Free stuff /A4
extraordinarily detailed im-
ages and data that critical to answering some of the biggest questions in conservation biology, experts say. See Museums /A5
TODAY'S WEATHER Partly sunny High 60, Low 36 Page B6
The Bulletin
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