Bulletin Daily Paper 09-26-15

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Serving Central Oregon since 1903$1

SATURDAY September26,2015

Real estate gets a bit more realistic


Jobs and businesslost and found Regionbecomes a technology hub New schoolsand similar struggles New ways folive, play and entertain


Suggestions from youon the future


bendbulletin.corn TODAY’ S READERBOARD


un smissin a s eri 'so iCe

President Xi’svisit› TheU.S.andChina haveagreed to not conduct cybereconomic espionage.A2

By Claire Withycombe

schutes County Sheriff Shane

related to funds used for inves-

OSII Beavers

The Bulletin

tigative purposes."

lose 42-24 against No. 21 Stanford.C1

A Deschutes County Sheriff's supervisor was placed on paid administrative leave Wednesday pending an investigation into money missing from several law enforcement accounts, according to De-

Nelson. Nelson did not identify the employee, saying he did not want to jeopardize the investigation. He said in a Friday

Alleged kidnapping› Twomenarrested on suspicion of kidnapping teenagers from Redmond Wal-MartB1

Nelson wrote that the in-

vestigation was prompted by an initial audit conducted by county internal auditor David Givans last month, which rec-

news release that an internal

audit conducted by the sheriff's ommendedtheoff iceconduct office this month "found issues further analysis of funds used

for investigative purposes. According to that initial audit, though no "significant de-

different places and should be logged in a master ledger," the audit, dated July 1, states. It notes that the investigative

ficiencies" were found overall, Givans wrote that additional controls were necessary over

cash was periodically audited by independent staff. Givans

bank accounts and cash. "Certain cash is held for investigative purposes in

couldnotbereached forcomment Friday. See Investigation /A8

Difficulties await

Boehner's successor By Carl Hulse New York Times News Service


Speaker John Boehner's stunning decision Friday to step down, the question now becomes: Who can lead this unruly bunch? Despite criticism of Boehner for being a "squish" or a Republican-in-name-only, he was actually

a strong


conservative with the two-decade voting record and beliefs to

match. He was also a veteran negotiator and someone who knew how Wash-

ington worked — and who wanted to keep it working as much on Republican terms as possible. And he succeeded to

some degree in cutting spending and eliminating the costly earmarks he

despised. See Boehner /A6

Related More analysis, A6 Rep. Walden backsMajority Leader Kevin McCarthy,B1


Mostly sunny High 67, Low34 Page B6

Governor. Group will Expandedseason f„ 1 984 2013 justlessthan 90 days.Theseasons ofthe pasttwo years haveexceeded

Bend has logged record-breaki a ng 139 frost-freedays,and noend is in sight

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015*

~ ~

5 I

One of the warmest, longest summers in Central Oregon has notched another record. As of Friday,

~ l W R ~ ~ ~ ~

it's been 139 days since the temperature in Bend

~ l


last touched the freezing mark on May 10.


The record replaces the old recordsetlastyear,according to records kept by the National Weather Service. Although

W W R W R W ~ & W W ~


West is likely the result of the

Pacific Decadal Oscillation, an ongoing back-and-forth swing between warmer and

the last frost in 2014 was more than a month after the last

coolerocean surface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. frost this year, Bend didn't see Murphy said the Pacific

W W I 5 & % R W R $

freezing temperatures in 2014 until Nov. 1. The NWS takes its measurements for the Bend area at a weather station at the

Decadal Oscillation has

Bend Airport. Forecasts

two have helped boost tem-

generated from information

peratures in the West. Though the heat has been

gathered at the weather station suggest Bend will remain


ing level at least through late next week. Redmond first touched the

W W R W W H ~ ~ I

Nino phenomenon closer to the equator, and together the

great for backyard tomato

freezing mark Sept. 4, while

Prineville office of the Oregon

Prineville did so on Sept. 15.

State University Extension

Mike Murphy, a forecaster

Service said while hay and alfalfa crops got an early start this year, crop quality took a hit late in the year. See Freeze /A7

said the last two years of 30 6 0 90 1 2 0 Daysin between frost dates

phase, as has the similar El

Mylen Bohle with the

with the National Weather Service office in Pendleton,

13g days ~+

entered a positive, or warm,

gardeners, it hasn't been quite as good for Central Oregonians who farm for a living.

comfortably above the freez-


w arm weather across the

The start and end of thegrowing

season havefluctuated outside the normal range in rece nt years. — Date of last frost — Date of first frost

By Scott Hammerse The Bulletin

that by more than six weeks.

Noticeadle change

crime lab practices By Claire Withycombe

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 o 2011 2012 K 2013 2014

The Bulletin

A statewide working group has been formed to review policies and

procedures at the Oregon State Police crime lab amid the widening criminal investigation of a forensic analyst at the Bend lab, Gov. Kate Brown

announced Friday. The group, consisting of several attorneys and

a police chief, was assembled at the behest of OSP as that agency and the Oregon Department of Justice continue their investigation of Nika

Larsen, a forensic analyst suspected of mishandling drug evidence. See Lab /A7



Hands-off tag'? Its




cD C) CO





a touchy subject

More than half of the days so farin 2015 had a recorded high in Bend that is more than 5 degrees above the 30-year average.

INDEX Business C7-8 Calendar 82 Classified F1-8 Comics F3-4 Comm. Life 01-6 Crosswords F4

Dear Abby 06 Horoscope 06 Local/State 81-6 Obituaries 85 Sports C1-6 TV/Movies 06





























By Fred Barbash


The Washington Post

90' —.

Webster's defines

"tag" as "a game in which the player who

80' 70'



60' 50'

The Bulletin

An Independent Newspaper


Vol. 113, No. 269,


il' lll


Freezing point

34 pages, 5sections

Date of last freeze: May10 Q We use recycled newsprint


88 267 02329

is it chases others and tries to touch one of them


~~+ cia ture ir1

e~rai>Z ~ /o~--- - - - - - - - - " ~~erattjre

That sets a record of139 days without a freeze inBend.


January February


Apr i l




*Data as of Sept. 26

Source: National Weather Service


Aug us t S eptember October November December Pete Smith l The Bulletin

No data for Feb. 13-14

who then becomes it." Wikipedia explains that the game, also known in Britain as "it, tip you' re it" is "a playground game that involves one or more

players chasing other players in an attempt to

'tag' or touch them, usually with their hands." So is the game of "tag" still "tag" if tagging is banned? See Tag /A8

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