THE BULLETIN • Saturday, March 6, 2010 A5 “The Wheel of Dharma” Buddhism
“Star of David” Judaism
“Celtic Cross” Christianity
You Are The Most Important Part of Our Services “Omkar” (Aum) Hinduism
“Yin/Yang” Taoist/Confucianism
“Star & Crescent” Islam
Assembly of God
Bible Church
FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1049 NE 11th St. • 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS: 9:30 am SUNDAY EDUCATIONAL CLASSES 10:30 am MORNING WORSHIP Pastor Mike Johnson will share his message in the series, “Crossing over The Crimson Bridge; Illumination for the Soul” 1 John 1:9-18 10:30 am Children’s Church “Faith Town” WEDNESDAYS 7:00 PM: Priority One Youth Group Adult small groups weekly Child care provided during Sunday morning service. Pastor Michael Johnson
COMMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL 541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver OR 97707 “Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word” All are Welcome! SUNDAY WORSHIP AND THE WORD - 9:30 AM. Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - 11:15 am Nursery Care available • Women’s Bible Study - Tuesdays, 10 am. • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs -6th gr.) • Youth Ministry (gr. 6-12) Wednesdays 6:15 pm • Men’s Bible Study - Thursdays 9 am. • Home Bible Studies are also available. Preschool for 3 & 4 year olds Call for information Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor: Jake Schwarze visit our Web site
REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler • Redmond • 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS Morning Worship 8:30 am and 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm
Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM at 9:00 am. each Sunday to hear “Transforming Truth” with Pastor Glen.
WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7PM Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt
Baptist EASTMONT CHURCH NE Neff Rd., 1/2 mi. E. of St. Charles Medical Center Saturdays 6:00 pm (Contemporary) Sundays 9:00 am (Blended worship style) 10:30 am (Contemporary) Sundays 6:00 pm Hispanic Worship Service Weekly Bible Studies and Ministries for all ages Contact: 541-382-5822 Pastor John Lodwick
Calvary Chapel CALVARY CHAPEL BEND 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: Sundays: 8:30 & 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women’s Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times. “Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book”
Catholic HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC PARISH Holy Redeemer Church 16137 Burgess Rd., La Pine, OR 541-536-3571 Mass Sunday 10:00 am HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVER Masses: Sat. 5:30 pm, Sun. 8 am Rev, Jose Thomas Mudakodiyil OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS/ GILCHRIST Sunday Mass 12:30 pm HOLY FAMILY, FORT ROCK / CHRISTMAS VALLEY Sunday Mass 3:30 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI 541-382-3631 Pastors: Fr. Joe Reinig Fr. Daniel Maxwell Deacon Joseph Levine
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CBA “A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend” 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SUNDAY 9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10:15 AM Worship Service Pastor Syd Brestel
Masses NEW CHURCH AT THE CATHOLIC CENTER 2450 NE 27th Street Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday - 7:30, 10:00 AM 12:30 PM Spanish & 5:00 PM Mon., Wed., Fri. - 7:00 AM & 12:15 PM St. Clare Chapel - Spanish Mass 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursdays 8:00 PM
For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862
Masses HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH Corner of NW Franklin & Lava Tues., Thurs., Sat. 7:00 AM Tues. & Thurs. 12:15 PM Exposition & Benediction Tuesday 3:00 - 6:00 PM
FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Sundays Morning Worship 10:50 am Bible Study 6:00 pm Evening Worship 7:00 pm Wednesdays Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 pm Tom Counts, Senior Pastor Ernest Johnson, Pastor 21129 Reed Market Rd, Bend, OR 541-382-6081 HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond • 541-548-4161 SUNDAYS: Worship Services: 9:00 am & 6:00 pm Traditional 10:30 am Contemporary Sunday Bible fellowship groups 9:00 am & 10:30 am For other activities for children, youth & adults, call or go to website: PARA LA COMUNIDAD LATINA Domingos: Servicio de Adoración y Escuela Dominical - 12:30 pm Miércoles: Estudios biblicos por edades - 6:30 pm
Bible Church BEREAN BIBLE CHURCH “Traditional Worship Service Like You Remember” near Highland and 23rd Ave. 2378 SW Glacier Pl. Redmond, OR 97756 Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. Bible Study - Thursday, 10:30 a.m. Pastor Ed Nelson 541-777-0784
Reconciliation: New Church, 27th St: Sat. 3 - 5 PM* Mon., Fri. 6:45 - 7:00 AM* & 7:30 - 8:00 AM Wednesday 6:00 - 8:00 PM Historic Church Downtown: Saturday 7:30 - 10:00 AM Tues. & Thurs. 6:45 - 7:00 AM* & 7:30 - 8:00 AM *No confessions will be heard during Mass. The priest will leave the confessional at least 10 minutes prior to Mass. ST. THOMAS CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil 5:30 p.m. First Saturday 8:00 a.m. (English) Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 p.m. and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 p.m.
Christian CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND 536 SW 10th Redmond, OR 97756 541-548-2974 Fax: 541-548-5818 2 Worship Services 9:00 A.M. (Traditional) Sunday School-all ages Junior Church 10:30 A.M. (Contemporary) Kidmo Friday Night Service at 6:30 P.M. Pastors Myron Wells Greg Strubhar Darin Hollingsworth March 7, 2010 “Lost” Matthew 18:12-14 Speaker: Myron Wells Senior Pastor
POWELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 2nd & 4th Saturday Nights: “Cowboy Church” - 6 pm Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am - 10 am - 11 am Nursery & Children’s Church Pastors: Chris Blair & Glenn Bartnik 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066
Terrebonne Foursquare Church Pastors Tony & Amy Cook Located in the quiet community of Terrebonne. Overlooking the impressive Cascade Range and Smith Rock. Be inspired. Enjoy encouragement. Find friends. Encounter God. Get away, every Sunday.
60850 Brosterhous Road at Knott, 541-388-0765
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High)
REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am Traditional Service (No child care for 8 am service) 9:30 am Contemporary Service with full child care plus Teen Ministry 11 am Service (Full child care) For information, please call ... Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Richard Belding, Associate Pastor “Loving people one at a time.”
Christian Schools CENTRAL CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pre K - 12th Grade Christ Centered Academic Excellence Fully Accredited with ACSI & NAAS Comprehensive High School Educating Since 1992 15 minutes north of Target 2234 SE 6th St. Redmond, 541-548-7803 EASTMONT COMMUNITY SCHOOL “Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God” Pre K - 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend • 541-382-2049 Principal Mary Dennis MORNING STAR CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pre K - 12th Grade Serving Christian Families and local churches to develop Godly leaders by providing quality Christ centered education. Fully Accredited NAAS. Member A.C .S.I. Small Classes Emphasizing: Christian Values A-Beka Curriculum, High Academics. An interdenominational ministry located on our new 18 acre campus at 19741 Baker Rd. and S. Hwy 97 (2 miles south of Wal-Mart). Phone 541-382-5091 Bus Service: from Bend, La Pine & Sunriver. SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI SCHOOL Preschool through Grade 8 “Experience academic excellence and Christian values every day.” Limited openings in all grades. 2450 NE 27th St. Bend •541-382-4701 TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL 2550 NE Butler Market Rd. 541-382-1850 Preschool ages 3 and 4 - 10th grade High Quality Education In A Loving Christian Environment Openings Still Available
Christian Science FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100 (South of Portland Ave.) Church Service & Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm
Episcopal TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 Sunday Schedule 8 am Holy Eucharist 9:30 am Christian Education for all ages 10:30 am Holy Eucharist (w/nursery care) 5 pm Holy Eucharist The Rev. Christy Close Erskine, Pastor
Evangelical THE SALVATION ARMY 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 541-389-8888 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Sunday School 9:45 am Children & Adult Classes Worship Service – 11:00 am Captains John and Sabrina Tumey NEW HOPE EVANGELICAL 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436 Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church! Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers
Foursquare CITY CENTER A Foursquare Fellowship Senior Pastors Steve & Ginny McPherson 549 SW 8th St., P.O. Box 475, Redmond, OR 97756 • 541-548-7128 Sunday Worship Services: Daybreak Café Service 7:30 am Celebration Services 9:00 am and 10:45 am Wednesday Services High Definition (Adult) 7:00 pm UTurn - Middle School 7:00 pm Children’s Ministries 7:00 pm Thursdays High School (Connection) 6:30 pm
Worship times: 9:00 AM Contemporary Junior Church 9:15 AM (ages Pre-school–5th Grade) 10:45 AM Traditional March 7, 2010
Adult Bible Study, Sunday 9:30 AM Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 AM DYG (High School & Trek (Middle School)) Monday 6:30 PM AWANA (K-5) Wednesday 6:30 PM Adult Bible Study & Fellowship Wednesday 6:30 PM 7801 N. 7th St. Terrebonne West on “B” Avenue off of Hwy. 97; South on 7th St. at the end of the road 541-548-1232 WESTSIDE CHURCH Coming out of the Cage of Assumptions Wild Goose Chase – Part 2 Pastor Ken Johnson As we age, many of us stop believing and start assuming. In doing so, we miss God’s sky-high calling and live under our eight foot ceilings. MAIN CAMPUS 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 97701 Saturday at 6:30 pm Sunday at 8:00, 9:00, 10:45 am and 6:30 pm Kurios - 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm Children’s Ministries for infants thru 3rd grade Saturday at 6:30 pm Sunday at 9:00, 10:45 am and 6:30 pm Kurios - 1st Wednesday of each month at 6:30 pm 4th and 5th Grades Meet: Saturday at 6:30 pm Sunday 9:00 an 10:45 am 6th and 8th Grades Meet Wednesday at 6:30 pm Saturday at 6:30 pm Sunday at 9:00 am 9th thru 12th Grades Meet: Wednesday at 6:30 pm Sunday at 10:45 am
Sermon Title: “Following Jesus In An Age Of Anxiety and Fear” Speaker: Ron Werner Jr. Come worship with us. (Child care provided on Sundays.) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AND SCHOOL Missouri Synod • 541-382-1832 2550 NE Butler Market Road, 8 am: Contemporary Worship 11 am: Traditional Worship Adult Bible Class & Sunday School - 9:30 am Nursery provided on Sundays School: 2550 NE Butler Mkt. Rd. 541-382-1850 • e-mail: Pastor Robert Luinstra • Pastor David Carnahan All Ages Welcome ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Worship in the Heart of Redmond 8:30am Contemporary Worship 11:00am Traditional Worship Sunday School for all ages at 10:00am Children’s Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages Full Children’s Program Active Social Outreach Coffee, snacks, and fellowship hour after service. M-W-F Women’s Exercise 9:30 am Wednesday - Bible Study at noon 3rd Thursday - Women’s Circle/Bible Study 2:00 pm Youth and Family Programs
SOUTH CAMPUS Elk Meadow Elementary School 60880 Brookswood Blvd, Bend 97701
1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 • 541-923-7466 Pastor Katherine Hellier, Interim
Sunday at 11:00am
Children’s Ministries for Infants thru 5th grade Sunday at 11:00am
THE RIVER MENNONITE CHURCH Sam Adams, Pastor Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church, 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade Nursery 0-2 years Visitors welcome 541-382-7504
Jewish Synagogues JEWISH COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL OREGON Serving Central Oregon for 20 Years, We Are a Non-Denominational Egalitarian Jewish Community Our Synagogue is located at 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend, Oregon 541-385-6421 • Rabbi Jay Shupack Rebbetzin Judy Shupack Shabbat and High Holiday Services Religious Education Program Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training Weekly Torah Study • Adult Education March 6 - Torah Study 10 am March 13 - Torah Study 10 am March 14 - Religious Education 10 am March 19 - Shabbat Service 7 pm March 20 - Torah Service and Bar Mitzvah of Micah Kurzer 10 am Call 541-385-6421 for information. We welcome everyone to our services.
Church Office: 541-389-8787 E-mail: Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709
Nazarene BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496 Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 10:15 am & 5 pm Worship Service 5 pm Hispanic Worship Service Nursery Care & Children’s Church ages 4 yrs–4th grade during all Worship Services “Courageous Living” on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30am Sunday WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study WEEKLY Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages.
Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. We offer a wide range of monthly activities including social functions, services, children’s education, Torah study, and adult education
ALFALFA COMMUNITY CHURCH Alfalfa Community Hall 541-330-0593, Alfalfa, Oregon Sunday School 9:30, Worship 10:30 We sing hymns, pray for individual needs, and examine the Bible verse by verse. You can be certain of an eternity with Jesus (Eph. 2:8,9) and you can discover His plan and purpose for your life (Eph. 2:10). We welcome your fellowship with us.
Rabbi Alan Berg All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street Rabbi Alan Berg Weekend Friday, March 12, Kaballat Shabbat service for toddlers & young children @ 4:30 pm Shabbat service @ 7:00pm Saturday, March 13, Torah service @ 9:30 am Torah Study @ 11:00 am Tuesday, March 30 Special Community Passover Seder @ 5:00 pm For more information go online to or call 388-8826 \Lutheran CONCORDIA LUTHERAN MISSION (LCMS) The mission of the Church is to forgive sins through the Gospel and thereby grant eternal life. (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession XXVIII.8, 10) 10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service 7 March 2010: Vespers 1 pm 14 March 2010: Vespers 1 pm 21 March 2010: Vespers 1 pm The Rev. Willis C . Jenson, Pastor. 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Terrebonne, OR condordialutheranmission Phone: 541-325-6773 GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 541-382-6862 Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:50 a.m. Education Hour 11:15 a.m. Lenten Service Wednesday 6:30 p.m.
Home Bible Studies throughout the week City Care Clinic also available. Kidz Center School, Preschool
Women’s Bible Study, Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Community Bible Study, Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Men’s Bible Study, Wednesday 7:15 a.m. “Livin’ the Incredible Mission”
Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
CASCADE PRAISE CHRISTIAN CENTER For People Like You! NE Corner of Hwy 20 W. and Cooley Service Times: Sunday, 10 am Wednesday, 7 pm Youth: Wednesday, 7 pm Nursery and children's ministries Home fellowship groups Spirit Filled Changing lives through the Word of God 541-389-4462 • SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshipping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings 541-385-1342 or 541-420-1667
Open Bible Standard CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20 · 541-389-8241 Sunday Morning Worship 8:45 AM, 10:45 AM Wednesday Mid-Week Service & Youth Programs 7:00 PM Nursery Care Provided Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur
Presbyterian COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street (3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367 Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor Rev. Heidi Bolt, Associate Pastor 8:30 am - Contemporary Music & Worship 8:30 am - Church School for Children 10:00 am - Adult Christian Education 11:00 am - Traditional Music & Worship 1:00 pm - Middle School Youth Wednesday: 4:30 pm - Elementary School Program 7:00 pm - Senior High Youth Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible)
All Are Welcome, Always! Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Senior Pastor “Inward Journey/Outward Passion: MapQuest: Find Your Giftedness” 9:00 am Contemporary 10:45 am Traditional 5:01 pm Come as You Are! Hospitality, Child Care, Programs for all ages at all services Sunday Evening 5:46 pm Dinner 4:00 pm - Middle School 4:30 pm - High School Wednesday 6:00 pm Contemplative Worship Through the Week: Bible study, musical groups Study groups, fellowship All are Welcome, Always! 541-382 4401
Unitarian Universalist UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS OF CENTRAL OREGON “Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship” We are a Welcoming Congregation Sunday, March 7, 11:00am Rev. Heather Starr: “Hold Fast to Dreams” Each of us have dreams for our lives, spoken and unspoken. Sometimes we are hesitant even to let ourselves privately imagine what might be possible in our lives and our communities. What happens when we begin to speak aloud our most precious hopes, for ourselves, for one another, for our world? Religious Education and Childcare are provided! Everyone is Welcome! See our website for more information Meeting place: OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail: PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709 (541) 385-3908
Unity Community UNITY COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL OREGON Join the Unity Community Sunday 10:00 am with Rev. Teri Hawkins Youth Program Provided The Unity Community meets at the Environmental Center 16 NW Kansas Ave., just east of Bond Street and two blocks south of Franklin. Learn more about the Unity Community of Central Oregon at or by calling 541-388-1569
United Church of Christ ALL PEOPLES UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Diverse spiritual journeys welcomed. Everyone united by the teachings of Christ Come worship with us at 10 a.m. The next two meetings are: Sunday, March 7th in Redmond at the Summer Creek Clubhouse, 3660 SW 29th St. and Sunday, March 21st in Bend. For information on location, directions and possible help with car-pooling, call the church at: 541-388-2230 or, email:
United Church of God UNITED CHURCH OF GOD Saturday Services 1:30 pm Suite 204, Southgate Center (behind Butler Market Store South) 61396 S. Hwy. 97 at Powers Rd. 541-318-8329 We celebrate the Sabbath and Holy Days of the Bible as “a shadow of things to come” (Col. 2:16-17) and are committed to preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God (re. Christ’s coming 1000-year rule on earth). Larry J. Walker, Pastor P.O. Box 36, La Pine, OR 97739, 541-536-5227 email: Web site: Free sermon downloads & literature including The Good News magazine & Bible course
United Methodist FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH (In the Heart of Down Town Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541-382-1672 *Everyone Is Welcome!* Pastor Thom Larson Sermon title: “*The Tower and the Tree*” Scripture: Isaiah 55:1-9 / Luke 13:1-9 8:30 am Contemporary Service 9:45 am Sunday School for all ages 11:00 am Traditional Service Child care provided on Sunday *Communion Sunday *During the Week:* Financial Peace University, Womens Groups, Mens Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music & Fellowship. Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors Rev. Thom Larson
$100.00 5 Saturdays and TMC:
$120.00 Call Pat Lynch
Directory of Central Oregon Churches and Temples
A8 Saturday, March 6, 2010 • THE BULLETIN
INTRODUCING THE BULLETIN’S BID-N-BUY ONLINE AUCTION EVENT BRINGING QUALITY PRODUCTS AT LOW-AUCTION PRICES TO CENTRAL OREGON Register to bid now! Bidding opens Sunday, March 14 at 9 a.m. and continues through March 23 at 8 p.m. A complete auction catalog will be in the Bulletin on March 14. Shop, bid and save on hundreds of items from local retailers. Over $250,000 in retail value.
Browse, Bid and Buy These And Other Great Auction Items Online at
Music Certificate
Classic Cabin Getaway at Five Pine Lodge
Five Aspen Trees Planted
Energy RC-30 Tower Speakers
Stick-Built 24’x30x Garage
Smokercraft Fishing Boat
RETAIL VALUE: $765 FROM: Five Pine Lodge
RETAIL VALUE: $1000 FROM: Springtime Landscape
RETAIL VALUE: $1,100 FROM: Better Ideas
RETAIL VALUE: $24,920 FROM: HiLine Homes
RETAIL VALUE: $5995 FROM: All Seasons RV & Marine
3-Night Stay at The Lodge at Suttle Lake
Smile Makeover
Two Mizuno CLK FLI-HI Hybrid woods
Pedicure and European Facial
Merchandise Certificate
500 Blocks of Jumbo Nursery Stone
RETAIL VALUE: $800 FROM: The Lodge at Suttle Lake
RETAIL VALUE: $7600 FROM: Steve Schwam, DDS
RETAIL VALUE: $280 FROM: Awbrey Glen Golf Club
RETAIL VALUE: $135 FROM: Enhancement Center
RETAIL VALUE: From $500 FROM: Desperado
RETAIL VALUE: $1500 FROM: Cement Products
$100 Dining Certificate
Full-Day Two-Boat Rental
One-Week Bobcat MT52 Rental
Framing Certificate
In-Studio Photography Session
Mallorca Hot Tub by Hot Spot
RETAIL VALUE: $100 FROM: 900 Wall
RETAIL VALUE: $120 FROM: Alder Creek Kayak & Canoe
RETAIL VALUE: $582 FROM: Bobcat of Central Oregon
RETAIL VALUE: $200 FROM: Art on the Go
RETAIL VALUE: $955 FROM: Whippersnappers Studio
RETAIL VALUE: $7795 FROM: Hot Springs Spas
Eclipse Audio CD/USB Receiver/Stereo
Volant Gold Ski with Atomic Neox Binding
Treatment Certificate
60” Rear Grader Blade
Mexican Pine Executive Desk and Chair
Complete Surround Sound Theater System
RETAIL VALUE: $550 FROM: InTune Audio
RETAIL VALUE: $1495 FROM: Powder House
RETAIL VALUE: $1000 FROM: Aesthetics MD
RETAIL VALUE: $371 FROM: Deschutes Valley Equipment
RETAIL VALUE: $900 FROM: Great American Furniture
RETAIL VALUE: $900 FROM: Stereo Planet
RETAIL VALUE: $100 FROM: Moore Music
Central Oregon’s BIGGEST On-Line Auction Event Is Coming March 14th! FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 541-382-1811
The Plaza: For Bend’s Active Lifestyle
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The Plaza in Bend offers all the close-in conveniences and recreation of the Old Mill, Deschutes River, and downtown Bend while featuring an active, luxurious and maintenance-free lifestyle. As a primary or secondary home, The Plaza combines 2- and 3 bedroom floor plans with outstanding views, beautiful finishes and amenities. Offered at $324,900 to $699,900. Furnished model open Fri.-Mon., 12-4 p.m. & by appt. From Hwy. 97, west on Reed Market, right on Bond & left on Bluff Dr. More at
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Game New
Rules by Cindy King, for The Bulletin Advertising Department
In order to maximize their tax credits, firsttime homeowners and repeat home buyers will need to understand the newest tax laws.
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Hayden Homes offers oversized RV parking on your site with FULL RV hookups, extended driveways with low curbs, and large 12 ft. wide gates. Maintenance free living includes front yard landscaping and yard care. Move in to your new Hayden Home today and take advantage of the New Home Buyer Tax Credit of either $8,000 for first time homebuyers or $6,500 for some repeat homebuyers! Directions: West Hwy 20 to Sisters, west on McKinney Butte Road, north on Trinity Way, west at roundabout.
I had an elder sibling who would adjust the rules to fit her desire to win any type of board game we played together—specifically Monopoly. The plus here is that I learned more about understanding the game, albeit in a twisted sort of way. It got me thinking. The rules were altered during the game to benefit her monetarily, while I would lose money and eventually lose. It did not take me long to start asking questions. “Why do I keep losing?” “Why is Park Place $5,000 today and yesterday it was $500?” Today’s consumers should also seek to have their questions answered. In real world real estate today, we have the Worker, Homeownership and Business Assistance Act Of 2009. In a sense, Congress changed the rules during play and made it better for more players by providing a tax credit for qualifying first-time home buyers. Some of the changes made to the tax credit of early 2009 were the increase of income limits; the documentation requirements were tightened; the program deadlines were extended; and the requirement to repay the credit was eliminated. This is unless the home ceases to be your principal residence within the 36-month period beginning on the purchase date. Other questions have been common as more people prepare to file their 2009 taxes and wish to take advantage of the tax credit. Question: What is the definition of a firsttime home buyer and a repeat home buyer? Answer: The tax law defines “first-time home buyer” as a buyer who has not owned a principal residence during the three-year period prior to the purchase. For married taxpayers, the law tests the homeownership history of both parties. Repeat home buyers who bought and moved into a different home after Nov. 6, 2009 or in early 2010 can also qualify for a tax credit. Under this rule, you must have owned and
used the same home as your principal residence for at least five consecutive years in the past eight years ending on the date you bought your new principal residence. For an eligible taxpayer who, for example, bought a home on Nov. 30, 2009, the eight-year period would run from Dec. 1, 2001, through Nov. 30, 2009. Question: How is the amount of the tax credit determined? Answer: The tax credit is equal to 10 percent of the home’s purchase price up to $8,000 for first-time home buyers and up to $6,500 for repeat homeowners. Question: Who is eligible to claim the tax credit? Answer: First-time home buyers purchasing any kind of home—new or resale— on or after Jan. 1, 2009 and before April 30, 2010 are eligible for the tax credit. Repeat home buyers who bought a new home after Nov. 6, 2009 may qualify for the $6,500 tax credit. To qualify for the tax credit, a home purchase must occur. The purchase date is the date when the closing occurs and the title to the property transfers to the homeowner. Question: Is a tax credit the same as a tax deduction? Answer: No. A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction in what the taxpayer owes. Question: I bought a home in 2008. Do I qualify for this credit? Answer: No, but if you purchased your first home between April 9, 2008 and Jan. 1, 2009, you may qualify for a different tax credit. Please consult with your tax advisor for more information.
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Answer: You claim the tax credit on your federal income tax return. Specifically, home buyers should complete IRS Form 5405 to determine their tax credit amount, and then claim this amount on line 67 of the 1040 income tax form for 2009 returns (line 69 of the 1040 income tax form for 2008 returns). Please note that although the form is titled “First-Time Home Buyer Credit,” this is the correct form for claiming both the $8,000 first-time home buyer tax credit and $6,500 repeat buyer tax credit. Question: Are there income limits? Answer: Yes. The credit is reduced or eliminated for higher-income taxpayers based on modified adjusted gross income (MAGI). Different income limits apply to purchases on or before Nov. 6, 2009 compared with purchases after that date. The full credit is available for married couples filing a joint return with a MAGI of $150,000 or less and for single taxpayers with a MAGI of $75,000 or less. The income limit was increased to $225,000 for married filers and $125,000 for single filers who purchased their homes after Nov. 6. The tax credit is reduced for individuals earning more than the limit. Tax credits are perks and should not to be used as the sole reason to invest in a home. Like a good marriage, it takes time, commitment and diligence to benefit from the investment. The shiny rock is the perk, not the reason to marry. Your Realtor should be aware of this tax credit and point you in the right direction if you think any of this could pertain to you. Speak with your tax advisor for details about filing your return if you are eligible for either tax credit.
Question: How do I claim the tax credit? Do I need to complete a form or application? Are there documentation requirements?
For more information about the home buyer tax credits that apply to the 2009 tax year, visit For additional tax provisions, visit the IRS Web site at
Cindy King is a principal broker at Steve Scott Realtors.
E2 Saturday, March 6, 2010 • THE BULLETIN
To place an ad call Classified • 541-385-5809 634
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Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 210 NW REVERE #B
2 bdrm, 1 bath, cat ok 1863 NE Wichita Way $425 laundry on site, range, refrig., dishwasher 541-923-6250
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - Roommate Wanted 616 - Want To Rent 627 - Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Rooms for Rent 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for Rent General 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 654 - Houses for Rent SE Bend 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 732 - Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Sale 744 - Open Houses 745 - Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest Bend Homes 748 - Northeast Bend Homes 749 - Southeast Bend Homes 750 - Redmond Homes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson County Homes 757 - Crook County Homes 762 - Homes with Acreage 763 - Recreational Homes and Property 764 - Farms and Ranches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 634
600 605
Roommate Wanted Beautifully furnished home near BMC East, bdrm. & bath avail. $475/mo. incls. utils. & cable, no smoking/pets, 541-389-9680. Rural Redmond with private bath & entrance, util. incl. + cable TV and internet, storage space, pets? Avail. soon. $300/mo. + $300 dep. 541-504-0726, 541-633-5856
Rooms for Rent Quiet furnished room in Awbrey Heights, no smoking etc.$350+dep 541-388-2710 Room in spacious 3 bdrm. home, Wells Acres area, utils incl., $500, 541-280-0016.
Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS Secluded Guest House, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, semi-furnished, all appl., W/D, no pets/smoking, $750/mo. All util. paid. 541-390-0296 STUDIOS & KITCHENETTES: Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro. & fridge. Util. & linens, new owners, $145-$165/wk. 541-382-1885
Condominiums & Townhomes For Rent 1059 NE Hidden Valley Dr., 2 bdrm., 1.75 bath townhouse, garage, W/D hook-ups, W/S paid, $699/mo. + $650 dep. No Pets. 541-610-4070 Long term townhomes/homes for rent in Eagle Crest & Terrebonne. Appl. included, Spacious 2 & 3 bdrm., with garages, 541-504-7755. Rent/Lease Option, 650 sq.ft. 1 bdrm., 2 bath Near Park, River, downtown & COCC, indoor pool $750 incl. util. Sharon 541-408-0337
Apt./Multiplex General The Bulletin is now offering a LOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE Rental rate! If you have a home to rent, call a Bulletin Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 1007 NE Ross Rd 1/2 OFF the 1st Mos. Rent 2 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse, all appliances, w/d hookups, water/sewer paid, garage, $645 mo. 541-382-7727
$100 Move In Special Beautiful 2 bdrm, 1 bath, quiet complex, covered parking, W/D hookups, near St. Charles. $550/mo. Call 541-385-6928. 1636 NE LOTUS DR. #1 1/2 off 1st months rent! 3 bdrm, 2½ bath, all appliances incl. washer/dryer, gas fireplace, w/s paid! $750. 541-382-7727
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 2969 LOTNO refurbished 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex, garage. Beautiful private yard. Yard care, w/s paid. $725. 2358 OCKER immaculate freshly repainted 2 bdrm, 2.5 bath townhome, single garage, gas heat, w/d. $695. 2061 YORK CIRCLE 2 bdrm, 2 bath immaculate townhome, semi-private yard, close to park. $620. 20782 ALPINE RIDGE BARTON CROSSING 545 sq.ft. beautiful 1 bdrm, 1 bath, washer/dryer. $545. 1700 WELLS ACRES #38 Burning Tree 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Air-conditioning. Storage, court & laundry facilities. $495. 1700 WELLS ACRES #4 Burning Tree Village. Storage & laundry facilities. Cozy 1 bdrm, 1 bath $495. 1700 WELLS ACRES #23 Burning Tree Village refurbished, 1 bdrm, new maple cabinets, counters. A/C. Storage, laundry facilities. $510. CENTRAL OREGON Leasing & Management 1250 NE 3rd B200, 385-6830 2508 NE CONNERS ‘B’ 1/2 off 1st mo. rent!!! 2 Bdrm, 1½ bath, all appliances, washer/dryer hookups, single car garage, water /sewer/garbage paid. $650. 541-382-7727 BEND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT
2721 NE MESA CT. #3 1/2 off 1st mo. rent! 2 bedroom, 1½ bath, walk-in closet, patio, garage, w/s/g paid! $575 mo. 385-1515
Check out the classifieds online Updated daily
Spacious, upstairs 3 bdrm near river, all appliances, all utilities included. $700. Call 541-382-7727
55 NW GREELEY One bedroom, Gas heat, yard, small dog ok! w/s/g paid! $550. 541-382-7727
2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Du-
plex, W/D incl., 1 car garage. Pet(s) OK. Near Hospital, shopping. $725 per mo, $725 Security. W/S/G paid. Call Bev. 541-408-0388
First Month Rent Free 406 NW Bond St. Charming townhouse, 3 bdrm/ 2 bath, with garage, 896 sq. ft., w/s/g pd., pets neg. $795+dep. CR Property Management 318-1414
Bdrm. in quiet single story 8-plex, COMPLETELY REMODELED! W/S/G/Cable paid, $595, 541-389-2249 or 541-504-0502.
3018 Canoe Ct. #2 1/2 Off First Mo. Rent! 2 bdrm, 2½ bath, all appliances, gas fireplace, garage, Water/sewer paid! $725 mo. 541-382-7727
405 NE Seward #2 1/2 OFF the 1st Mos. Rent 2 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances, w/d hookups, w/s/g paid, garage. $595 mo. 541-382-7727
Fully furnished loft apt. on Wall St., Bend. To see, is to appreciate, no smoking/pets, $1000/all util. paid. Call 541-389-2389 for appnt.
Westside Village Apts.
55+ Hospital District, 2/2, 1 level, attached garage, A/C, gas heat, from $825-$925. Call Fran, 541-633-9199.
1459 NW Albany 1st Month Free with 1 year lease or ½ Off first month with 7 month lease. * 2 bdrm $550 * * 3 bdrm $595 * W/S/G paid, cat or small dog OK with deposit. Call 382-7727 or 388-3113.
First Month’s Rent Free Laredo Complex 2 bdrm/ 1.5 bath, w/d hook-up, patio, small pets, 1 yr lease. w/s/g pd. $595+dep. CR Property Management 318-1414
Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 1/2 Off First Month’s Rent 838 SE Stratford Ct. 2 bdrm/ 2 bath, single garage, all appl. inld, 1000 sq, w/s pd. Pets neg. $675+dep. CR Property Management 318-1414
FREE MONTHS RENT Beautiful 2/2.5 , util., garage, gas fireplace, no smoking or- 1 Mi. From Old Mill, 2 Bdrm., 1 bath, garage, security dep. pets. $650 1st+last+sec. neg., $525 mo., 590 SE Wil(541)382-5570, 420-0579. son, 541-385-0844 or se haHOSPITAL AREA bla spanol at: 714-227-3235. Clean, quiet townhouse, 2 330 SE 15th St. master bdrms, 2.5 bath, all kitchen appliances, w/d hook First month free with 1 year lease or 1/2 off first up, garage w/ opener, gas month with 7 mo. lease! heat, a/c, w/s/g pd. 1 bdrm, range, refrigerator, on $645/mo + deposit. site laundry, storage, carport, 541-382-2033 w/s/g pd. $450. 382-7727
$99 MOVES YOU IN !!! Limited numbers available 1, 2 and 3 bdrms w/d hookups, patios or decks, Mountain Glen, 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.
NO MOVE IN FEE 1/2 Off 1st Month! $580-$590 Carports and W/D hookups Fox Hollow Apts. (541) 383-3152 Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co.
Spacious Quiet Town home 2 Bdrm. 1.5 Bath, W/D. Private Balcony and lower Patio, storage W/S/G paid $650 2024 NE Neil. 541-815-6260
Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 1015 Roanoke Ave., $610 mo., $550 dep., W/S/G paid, 2 bdrm, 1.5 bath townhouse, view of town, near college, no smoking/pets. 420-9848.
1223 NW Stannium 1/2 OFF the 1st Mos. Rent 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhouse, all appliances, w/d hookups, water/sewer paid, garage, $695 mo. 541-382-7727
1546 NW JUNIPER 2nd story 2 bedroom 2 bath, tons of natural light, wood burning fireplace, close to college and downtown. $625/mo. ABOVE & BEYOND PROP MGMT 389-8558
1 Month Rent Free 1550 NW Milwaukee. $595/mo. Large 2 Bdrm, 1 Bath, Gas heat. W/D incl. W/S/G Pd. No Pets. Call us at 382-3678 or
Visit us at
Old Mill Studio, separate entrance, new carpet & paint, all utilities paid $500 mo. plus $500 deposit. Small pet negotiable. 541-382-1941.
Apt./Multiplex Redmond 2/1.5 $545, Clean Units, Great Location, Move In Special, Hud OK, 2007 Timber Ave. The Rental Shop. 541-389-2260
216 NW Elm,, $450 1895 SW Salmon, $550 1922 SW Reindeer, $550 585 NE Negus Lp, $600 2140 SW Xero Ln, $650 541-923-6250 2553 SW 20th St.- 2/1 duplex, garage, yard, W/D hookup, on cul-de-sac, $600 + dep, incl. yard maint., No pets/smoking. 541-382-1015
On The River, 2 bdrm., 1 bath duplex, W/D, W/S/G paid, 3/2, Newer 1 Story Duplex, carport parking, 214 NW Rivw/big yard, vaults, garage erfront. $700/mo. + $700 w/opener, all appl., central dep. 541-419-0722 gas heat, no smoking, pets neg., $725, 541-280-3152. Small cute studio, all utilities paid, close to downtown and Old Mill. 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, 1/2 off 1st mo., single level duplex, $450/mo., dep. $425, no fenced yard, free yard maint, pets. 330-9769 or 480-7870. all appl., no smoking, small Westside Condos, 2 bdrm., 1 pet okay w/dep, $700 bath, $595; 1 bdrm., 1 bath, mo.+dep. 2756 SW Umatilla. $550; woodstove, W/S/G 541-350-1688 paid, W/D hookups. (541)480-3393 or 610-7803
First Month’s Rent Free 130 NE 6th St. 1/2bdrm 1 bath, w/s/g pd., laundry room, no smoking, close to school. $495-525 rent+dep. CR Property Management 318-1414
A Cute, Clean 2 bdrm., 1.5 bath duplex, on quiet street near Country Club, nearly new carpet, dishwasher, fireplace, W/D hookup, large private backyard w/ storage, 20360 Fairway Dr., $665/mo. Small pet neg. Call for specials, Days, 541-306-1378. Evenings, 541-382-2716 First Month’s Rent Free 20507 Brentwood Ave. #1 3 bedroom/ 2.5 bath, patio, w/d, fridge, w/s pd. & landscaping paid. $829+dep. CR Property Management 318-1414
½ off first month rent! 1 BDRM $395 2 BDRM $445
Country Terrace 61550 Brosterhous Rd. All appliances, storage, on-site coin-op laundry BEND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 541-382-7727
Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 387 SW GARFIELD 3 Bdrm., 2.5 bath duplex close to Old Mill. Single car garage, balcony off master, gas fireplace. $850/mo. Avai.l now (2 units avail.) ABOVE & BEYOND PROP MGMT 389-8558
61324 SW BLAKELY RD. 1/2 Off 1st Mo. Rent! 1-2 bdrm with garage. W/S/G paid. $525 -$595 mo. Close to Old Mill. 385-1515
Apt./Multiplex SW Bend Apt./Multiplex Redmond Apt./Multiplex Redmond Apt./Multiplex Redmond 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, W/D hookup, dishwasher, garage, W/S/G paid, $595/mo. + $500 dep. HUD OK, Avail. Now, Please call 503-329-6672.
ASK ABOUT Move-in Specials! 1817 SW Deschutes $625 2/1, near swim center, large living/ dining/kitchen. gas heat & air. fenced backyard. 3322SW Volcano $650 2-story 3/2 upstairs, 1/2 bath down. All appliances, w/d in huge kitchen. fenced back. 1555 SW Rimrock $750 split level 3/2½, tile floors, mstr has 2 closets, pets neg.
541-548-9994 • 480-1685
Ask Us About Our MARCH IN SPECIAL! 2 bdrm, 1 bath starting at $550 mo. Close to schools, on-site laundry, non-smoking units, stg. units, carport, dog run. Approved pets okay. 541-923-1907 OBSIDIAN APARTMENTS
Ask Us About Our
March in Special! Starting at $500 for a 2 bedroom, 1 bath. Clean, energy efficient nonsmoking units, w/patios, 2 on-site laundry rooms, storage units available. Close to schools, pools, skateboard park, ballfield, shopping center and tennis courts. Pet friendly with new large dog run, some large breeds okay with mgr approval. Chaparral Apts. 244 SW Rimrock Way 541-923-5008
Fully subsidized 1 and 2 bdrm Units Equal Opportunity Provider Equal Housing Opportunity
Ridgemont Apartments
2210 SW 19th St. Redmond, OR (541) 548-7282
AVAIL. NOW (2) nice duplexes, quiet neighborhood 2 bdrm., 2 bath, 1 car garage, fenced Private secluded studio atbackyard, fully landscaped, tached to large shop, W/D, more info call 541-545-1825. fridge, W/S/G incl, NW Redmond, 3 mi. to High School, Bringin’ In The Spring $550, pets ok, 541-548-5948
• 1/2 off 1st mo. rent. • $200 security deposit on 12-mo. lease. • Screening fee waived Studios, 1 & 2 bdrms from $395. Lots of amenities. Pet friendly, w/s/g paid THE BLUFFS APTS. 340 Rimrock Way, Redmond 541-548-8735 GSL Properties Clean 2 bdrm., garage, wood stove, W/D hookups, W/S/G incl., appl., patio, $595, 3410 SW Glacier, See CraigsList, call 541-923-6649.
$350 LATE WINTER MOVE-IN SPECIALS - Apts. & Multi-plexes at: COMPUTERIZED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 541-382-0053 •SPACIOUS APTS. 2 bdrm, 1 bath near Old Mill District. $525 mo. includes CABLE + WST •CUTE SE DUPLEX 2 bdrm, 1 bath w/W/D hoookups. Carports w/ storage. $525 includes W/ S. ½ off 1st Full month! (Also 1 w/ lrg. fenced yard @ $570) •NICE UPSTAIRS APT. NEAR HOSPITAL. 2 bdrm/1 bath, on-site laundry and off-street parking. $550 WST incl. •FURNISHED Mt. Bachelor Condos - 1 bdrm/1 bath, $595, $645 mo. includes WST & Wireless. •NEAR DOWNTOWN - Spacious. W/D hookups. Pet Considered. 3 bdrm/ 1 bath. Just $595 includes WST. • LARGE TOWNHOME - 3 bdrm, 1½ bath w/W/D hookups. Totally private back deck. Covered parking and extra storage. Just $595 mo. incl. WST. •CHARMING COTTAGE style home on nice lot with raised garden. 2 bdrm, 1 bath. Detached garage. Hardwood floors, W/D included. pets considered. $675 MO. •GREAT NW LOCATION - Adorable Older 2 bdrm, 1 bath house with garage and usable basement. W/D Hookup just added. $695 mo. •PEACEFUL SERENITY Nice 3 bdrm, 2 bath mfd home on Huge Lot in DRW. Must see. $725 mo. •NEWER TOWNHOMES 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath with garage, & W/D included. Gas heat. Not far from Old Mill Dist. $725/ mo. includes garbage. ½ Mo. FREE Rent! (2 bdrm/2.5 bath Avail. soon @$650) •DOWN BY THE RIVERSIDE 3 bdrm, 1½ bath townhome with W/D hookups and extra storage. $750 mo. incl. WST. •CUTE NE TOWNHOME! 3 bdrm, 1½ bath w/sgl. garage & W/D incl. $750 mo. incl. W/S. ½ Mo. FREE Rent! ***** FOR ADD’L PROPERTIES ***** CALL 541-382-0053 or See Website (REDMOND PROPERTIES, TOO!)
Clean, nice, 2 bdrm., 1 bath duplex. garage, W/D hookup. Great in town location. $575+$550 dep. 737 SW Glacier Ave. 541-815-1709. Duplex, 1300 sq.ft., 3/2, laundry, garage, fenced yard, RV parking & hookups, no smoking, W/S/G paid, $750, 2721 Salmon, 541-604-5534. Foxborough, cute 3/2 fenced yard 1200 sq.ft. W/D $895+dep. 541-389-2260 The Rental Shop
Great in town location, new 2/1 in Dawson Station above The Healing Hub, 219 NW 6th St. W/D hookup,W/S/G pd. $650+$625dep 815-1709
Have an item to sell quick? If it’s under $500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for $ 10 - 3 lines, 7 days $ 16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only)
SPRING SPECIAL for new Leases 2445 SW Canal Blvd. Charming 1 bdrm, nicely landscaped, $495/mo. On-site laundry, community room, w/s/g incl. Small pet ok. Call 541-923-1018.
Houses for Rent General
Houses for Rent NE Bend 20807 NE CROSS CT. Single level, clean, 3 bdrm. 2 bath home. Large yard, 2 car garage, room for small RV. Pets considered. $775/mo. ABOVE & BEYOND PROP MGMT 389-8558
3345 NE HOONA DRIVE 3 Bdrm, 2 bath w/ office, gas fireplace/heat, Dbl garage, Fenced backyard. $875 541-382-7727
2131 NE WELLS ACRES RD. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Woodstove, Dbl garage, Fenced Yard w/ patio. Pet ok! $825 mo. 541-382-7727
2200 sq. ft. 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, fenced backyard. Available now. $1150, first, security, and screening. Pets neg. 541-306-7968. 2914 PURCELL immaculate 2 story 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, office, pellet stove, dbl garage. F R E E * 1 TON OF PELLETS! $995. CENTRAL OREGON Leasing & Management 1250 NE 3rd B200, 385-6830
2+ Bdrm., 2 Bath, approx. 1800 sq. ft., appl. incl., elec. heat w/ wood stove, single garage, 2 small shops, quiet 2 Bdrm., 1 bath, single car garage, storage, W/D hookup, neighborhood, all on 1 acre fenced yard, exc. location, near Culver, $650/mo. + additional parking, $750 deps. 541-546-2382 mo+dep. 541-382-8399. BEND RENTALS • Starting at 474 NE SEWARD $495. Furnished also avail. 1/2 off 1st mo. rent! For pictures & details 4 bedroom, gas heat, w/d hook ups, fenced yard, 541-385-0844 garage. W/S paid! $750 mo. 541-382-7727 Cute and Cozy 2 BDRM 1 BATH Mfd, $635 - month, BEND PROPERTY range, fridge, dishwasher, MANAGEMENT W/D, electric f/a heat, stor- age shed, large yard, partially fenced, single garage, 63740 HUNTERS CIRCLE 1/2 off 1st mo. rent! RV parking. 8211 6th St. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1250 sq.ft., 541-923-8222 gas appliances, dbl. garage, fenced yard, large lot! $825. 541-382-7727 Sunriver: Furnished 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 3 decks, 2 car garage, BEND PROPERTY W/D incl., $900 mo. w/lease. MANAGEMENT 14 Timber, please call 541-345-7794,541-654-1127 A 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, 1276 sq.ft., The Bulletin is now offering a fireplace, big deck, dbl. gaLOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE rage with openers, all on 2.5 Rental rate! If you have a acre lot, $1095, home to rent, call a Bulletin 541-480-3393/541-610-7803 Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809
Houses for Rent NE Bend 1124 NE ULYSSES 1/2 OFF the 1st Mos. Rent 3 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances including w/d, fenced yard, garage, $795 mo. 541-382-7727
ALFALFA $875 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1560 sq.ft., range, dishwasher, w/d hookups, pantry, fenced, RV parking, 3500 gal cistern, 5 acres, dbl garage w/opener. 25220 Bachelor Ln
To place an ad call Classified • 541-385-5809
THE BULLETIN • Saturday, March 6, 2010 E3
Houses for Rent NE Bend
Houses for Rent NW Bend
Houses for Rent SW Bend
Houses for Rent Redmond
Houses for Rent Redmond
Houses for Rent Redmond
LOVELY WESTSIDE 2 bdrm, 1 19896 Alderwood Circle Ask About NOTICE: bath home, Riverside neigh- OLD MILL 3 bdrm, 2 bath moAll real estate advertised Move-in Specials! borhood, pets accepted with bile home, appliances, wood- 2816 SW Volcano Cir. $925 here in is subject to the Feddep. & ref. $790/mo. + dep. stove, shed, fenced yard, dog 3+/2 home on corner lot, eral Fair Housing Act, which Heather, 541-815-7476. ok, $675 mo. 541-382-7727 makes it illegal to advertise nicely landscaped. Pergo BEND PROPERTY any preference, limitation or On 10 Acres between Sisters & floors, tile kitchen, library/ MANAGEMENT discrimination based on race, bonus room, lovely master Bend, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1484 color, religion, sex, handicap, w/tile shower, mirror door sq.ft. mfd., family room w/ familial status or national closets, gas heat. Pets cons. wood stove, all new carpet & origin, or intention to make paint, +1800 sq.ft. shop, any such preferences, limitafenced for horses, $1095, tions or discrimination. We 541-480-3393 or 610-7803. will not knowingly accept any 19937 Brass Drive - $1200 WEST HILLS HOME, advertising for real estate 541-548-9994 • 480-1685 4 bed, 2.5 bath 4 bdrm., 2 bath, garage + which is in violation of this 541-312-6861 shop, yard and decks, firelaw. All persons are hereby place, $1200/mo. Avail. early informed that all dwellings Find It in April. 541-385-8644 advertised are available on 2 Bdrm., 1.5 bath 1084 sq.ft. The Bulletin Classifieds! an equal opportunity basis. Westside, Cute 3 bdrm., 1 bath newer carpet & paint, wood541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified house, tile & hardwood, atstove, garage fenced yard on When buying a home, 83% of tached carport, fenced yard, .92 acre lot $795 Crooked River Ranch, 4 acres, 3 Central Oregonians turn to dog okay, $900/mo. (1416 (541)480-3393 or 610-7803. bdrm., 2 bath, 1000 sq. ft., NW 5th St.) 541-389-5408 $695/mo. 1st, last. No in2 Bdrm., 1 Bath Mobile Home side pets. Mtn. views. 654 w/ stove & W/D, W/S/G 503-829-7252, 679-4495 paid, $565/mo.+$250 sec. Houses for Rent dep. Pets okay. Nice 2 bdrm., 2 bath, dbl. call Classified 385-5809 to SE Bend 541-382-8244 place your Real Estate ad garage, 5724 SW Shad Rd., CRR. $700/mo.+dep. 20418 Trap Ct., A Nice 3 bdrm., FIND IT! Clean 3 bdrm., 2 bath, dbl. Looking for your next 1 bath single level house on garage, 13879 SW Cinder employee? BUY IT! large lot, incl. kitchen appl., Dr., CRR. $850/mo.+dep. Place a Bulletin help SELL IT! W/D hookup, forced air heat 541-350-1660,541-504-8545 wanted ad today and The Bulletin Classifieds & A/C, close to Old Mill Disreach over 60,000 trict in quiet tucked away readers each week. First Months Rent Free neighborhood, no pets or Your classified ad will 61677 SW Cedarwood smoking avail. now $725mo., also appear on 2bdrm/ 2 bath mfd. home, $825 security dep. $40 which w/d, pets neg. $675+dep. cation fee. 541-408-4999 currently receives over CR Property Management 1.5 million page views 20608 Honeysuckle 318-1414 every month at 1/2 OFF the 1st Mos. Rent no extra cost. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, all appliances, Mtn. & Park views, clean 3 Bulletin Classifieds gas heat/fireplace, laundry bdrm., 2.5 bath, 2000 sq.ft. Get Results! room, fenced yard, double open floor plan, dbl. garage Call 385-5809 or place garage, $795 mo. 19424 SW Brookside Way. your ad on-line at 541-382-7727 $1200 mo., 541-408-0086 BEND PROPERTY
Houses for Rent NW Bend
20431 BULLBLOCK Timber Ridge 3 bdrm + office, 2 bath, lovely home in private park like setting, cozy fireplace, deck. $1095. 489 MCKINLEY refurbished 3 bdrm, fireplace, gas heat, single garage, corner lot, close to Old Mill. $750. CENTRAL OREGON Leasing & Management 1250 NE 3rd B200, 385-6830
Houses for Rent Redmond
1505 NW JACKSONVILLE 1/2 off 1st months rent!! Westside! 3 bdrm, all appliances, woodstove, fenced backyard & carport. $795. 541-382-7727
1695 NW Portland Ave - Rent from $475 - $675 541-312-6861 1944 NW 2nd St Westside! 2 bdrm, appliances, gas heat, garage, fenced yard - $750 541-382-7727
20226 STAR RIDGE Immaculate 1558 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, great cul-de-sac location, 3 blocks from River Trail. $1100. CENTRAL OREGON Leasing & Management 1250 NE 3rd B200, 385-6830 $950, 3 Bdrm., 2 bath, dbl. garage, fenced yard, all gas, some appl., no smoking, pets okay, 1648 NW Elgin, 541-633-0572, 541-323-6965
HORSE PROPERTY on 2 acres, cozy one bdrm cabin, in Whispering Pines, open floor plan, garden area, $750 mo. 541-388-2159
Clean 3 bdrm., 1.75 bath, large fenced yard, quiet cul-de-sac, $1100/mo. + deps. Pets okay. 20561 Dorchester East. 541-410-8273,541-389-6944
Houses for Rent SW Bend 1/2 Off First Month’s Rent 900 SW Blakely Rd. 3 bdrm plus bonus/ 1 bath, single garage, detached shop, all appl. incld w/d. $895+dep. CR Property Management 541-318-1414
19040 Pumice Butte Rd 1/2 OFF the 1st Mos. Rent DRW 2 bdrm A-frame, all appliances, washer/dryer, large lot, pet ok, $650 mo. 541-382-7727
$250 First Month $150 + $50 Dinner! 26ft. trailer, propane heat, $15/mo. electric, new flooring/drapes, shared well, storage shed, pet on approval. 4270 SW Canal $600 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 1320 sq.ft., range, fridge, w/d hookups, fireplace, new carpet, extra storage, lots of parking, w/s/g paid, yard maint. 2600 SW Obsidian $675 3 Bdrm, 1 bath, 1200 sq.ft., range, fridge, w/d hookups, gas f/a heat, fenced, sprinklers, dbl garage. 1039 SW Cascade $725 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, MFD, 1107 sq.ft., range, fridge, dishwasher, w/d hookups, breakfast bar, walk in closet, soaking tub, patio, fenced, sprinklers, includes water/sewer, dbl garage w/opener. 834 NE Paiute Ct. $750 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1300 sq.ft., range, fridge, dishwasher, w/d hookups, gas fireplace, breakfast bar/island, patio, fenced, sprinklers, dbl garage. 1463 SW 27th St. $825 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1145 sq.ft., range, dishwasher, micro, gas forced air heat, AC, vaulted w/fan, w/d hookups, sprinklers, dbl garage w/opener. 422 SW 28th St. $875 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1617 sq.ft., range, fridge, dishwasher, micro, washer/dryer, office, gas fireplace, breakfast bar, pantry, walk in closet, patio, cul-se-sac, corner lot, fenced, sprinklers, dbl garage w/opener. 2207 SW Metolius Ct. $895 3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1600 sq.ft., range, fridge, dishwasher, micro, washer/dryer, heat pump, AC, gas fireplace, pantry, tile counters, breakfast bar, walk in closet, patio, fenced, 2 story, double garage w/opener. 2730 NE 9th St. $950 6th Month Free! 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, 1800 sq.ft., range, fridge, dishwasher, micro, pantry, washer/dryer, gas heat, gas fireplace, family room, walk in closet, fenced, sprinklers, dbl garage w/opener. 944 NW Oak Pl $1250 First Mo. $625! 2+Bdrm, 2 bath, 1927 sq.ft., Eagle Crest 55+ community on golf course, office, heat pump/AC, stainless appliances, w/d hookup, fireplace, granite, tile, sprinklers, quiet cul-de-sac, yard maint., small pet considered, dbl garage w/opener. 845 Ribbon Falls
1/2 off 1st mo! 3/2 homes, very nice, dbl. garage, fenced yard, $795-$825, 2840 SW Pumice Ave & 2753 Peridot, See Craigslist. 541-923-6649
3163 SW RESERVOIR DR. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new paint and carpet ! $550 3722 SW 29TH ST. 1 bdrm, 1½ bath, 1174 sq.ft., no pets, $650 706 SW 10TH ST. 3 bdrm, 1 bath, 1472 sq.ft., pet considered. $700 2428 NW ELM AVE 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1300 sq.ft., fenced yard. $750 2043 NW IVY AVE 4 bdrm, 2½ bath, 1895 sq. ft., pet considered. $850 541-923-6250 3 Bdrm. Duplex, garage, fenced yard, $650. No Application Fee, Pets considered, references required. Call 541-923-0412.
19584 Manzanita - $550 3 bed, 2 bath 541-312-6861
To place an ad, call 541-385-5809
Get 4 lines, 1– 4 days for $20.
E4 Saturday, March 6, 2010 • THE BULLETIN
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To place an ad call Classified • 541-385-5809 659
Houses for Rent Sunriver GREAT OF
Visit our web page at Or call 866-931-1061 RENT
17306 Golden Eye Single level home located in Oregon Water Wonderland on 1/2 acre. New carpet, new vinyl, new paint, oil heat & a 2 car garage. 100 gallons of oil included. $695/mo. Call 866-931-1061
Real Estate For Sale
700 705
Real Estate Services Private Money for Real Estate Loans no credit, bad credit OK. Alan, Redwood Financial Services EHO 541-419-3000 (ML-3100)
* Real Estate Agents * * Appraisers * * Home Inspectors * Etc. The Real Estate Services classification is the perfect place to reach prospective B U Y E R S AND SELLERS of real estate in Central Oregon. To place an ad call 385-5809
THE BULLETIN • Saturday, March 6, 2010 E5
Homes for Sale
Northeast Bend Homes
Redmond Homes
PUBLISHER'S Mountain View Park 1997 NOTICE 3/2, mfd., 1872 sq.ft., in All real estate advertising in gated community $179,000. this newspaper is subject to Terry Storlie, Broker John L. the Fair Housing Act which Scott Realty. 541-788-7884 makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant 749 women, and people securing custody of children under 18. Southeast Bend Homes This newspaper will not knowingly accept any adver- 3 Bdrm., 1.75 bath, 1736 sq. ft., tising for real estate which is living room w/ wood stove, in violation of the law. Our family room w/ pellet stove, readers are hereby informed dbl. garage, on a big, fenced that all dwellings advertised .50 acre lot, $189,900. Randy in this newspaper are availSchoning, Broker, Owner, able on an equal opportunity John L. Scott. 541-480-3393. basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
L o o kin g for y o ur n e x t e m plo y e e ? P l a c e a B u ll e t i n h e l p w a nte d a d to d a y a n d re a c h o v er 6 0,0 0 0 re a d ers e a c h w e e k. Y o u r c l a s s ifi e d a d w ill als o a p p e a r o n b e n d b u ll e t i n . c o m w h i c h c u r r e n tl y r e c e i v e s o v e r 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
The Bulletin
Condominiums & Townhomes For Sale Sunriver, 3/2, dbl. garage, water paid, .5 acre, short walk to river, community boat ramp, $795+$795 dep., no smoking, pet neg. 541-420-0208.
Houses for Rent Prineville
MT. BACHELOR VILLAGE C O N D O , ski house #3, end unit, 2 bdrm, sleeps 6, complete remodel $197,000 furnished. 541-749-0994.
Homes for Sale
Northwest Bend Homes
NOW $319,900! Near river and park. 3/2, 4-car garageshop - studio - pond. On 1-1/3 acre+/-. Owner/broker, 541-633-3033.
3 Bdrm., 2 bath, Century Dr. Mobile Home Park, 30x50 dbl. wide, fenced back yard, cat and/or small dog allowed, $695, W/S/G incl., credit check & refs. req. 541-420-2407.
RV Parking RV
Use your First Time Home Buyer Credit on a Newer Home! Incredible Price!! From 3 & 4 Bedrooms
Dawn Ulrickson, Broker 541-610-9427 (Saturday) Susan Pitarro, Broker 541-410-8084 (Sunday) Main office 541-389-7910
385-5809 FORECLOSED HOME AUCTION 100+ Homes | Auction: Mar 13 View Full Listings REDC | Brkr CO37542 Foreclosures For Sale All Central OR Avail. Buy on the Court steps w/cashier’s check. Oregon Group Realty, LLC. 541-389-2674
PARK FSBO: $249,000 Furnished 2/2
Downtown, near shopping, 305 E Burnside, 18-40’ spaces, W/S/G/cable, Overnighters OK. 541-382-2335
Mobile/Mfd. Space Mobile Home lot for rent in Beautiful Prineville! No deposit. Will pay to move your home! Call Bobbie at 541-447-4464.
Farms, Ranches and Acreage 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, w/9 acres irrigated pasture, tenant to irrigate, $850/mo., horse ok, 22170 Nelson Rd., Bend, 541-385-5911,408-209-8920
Commercial for Rent/Lease 1944½ NW 2nd St NEED STORAGE OR A CRAFT STUDIO? 570 sq. ft. garage, Wired, Sheetrocked, Insulated, Wood or Electric Heat $275. Call 541-382-7727
Light Industrial, various sizes, North and South Bend locations, office w/bath from $400/mo. 541-317-8717 Office/Warehouse space for rent: 3584 sq.ft., 30 cents a sq.ft. 827 Business Way, 1st mo. + $400 dep., Contact Paula, 541-678-1404. Office/Warehouse Space, nice 350 sq. ft. office w/ bath, 1250 sq. ft. warehouse, 14’ overhead door, 63065 Sherman Rd., Bend. 1 block from Empire & Hwy 97. $650/mo. 541-815-9248.
The Bulletin is now offering a LOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE Rental rate! If you have a home to rent, call a Bulletin Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809
Office/Retail Space for Rent An Office with bath, various sizes and locations from $250 per month, including utilities. 541-317-8717
WOW! A 1.7 Acre Level lot in SE Bend. Super Cascade Mountain Views, area of nice homes & BLM is nearby too! Only $199,950. Randy Schoning, Broker, John L. Scott, 541-480-3393.
Acreages 2.26 ACRES, NE Bend, exclusive neighborhood. $285,000. Reduced to $260,000 541-306-7357 See Divorce Forces lovers dream, able acres, 3 Baker City, 541-519-1491.
Sale: 56.26 miles call
Horse buildfrom Don,
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes Affordable Housing of Oregon *Mobile Home Communities*
Own your Home 4 Price of Rent! Starting at $100 per mo+space Central Or. 541-389-1847 Broker Single Wide, 2 bdrm., 1 bath, Pines Mobile Home Park, new roof, heat pump, A/C, new carpet, $10,000. 541-390-3382
Look at: for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale WILL FINANCE, 2 Bdrm., 1 bath, new carpet, fireplace, large backyard, range, W/D, fridge, incl., $1000 down, $175/mo., 541-383-5130.
Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS
The Bulletin Classified ***
Mobile/Mfd. for Rent
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SAT. & SUN. 1-4pm Forum Meadows in NE Bend 27th to Forum Drive
Not a Short Sale!!!
$450 700 sq.ft., 2 bdrm, 1 bath, range, fridge, dishwasher, w/d hookups, vaulted, storage shed, fenced, large corner lot, deck. 392 NW 9th St. The Only Address to Remember for Central Oregon Real Estate
Aspen Lakes, 1.25 Acres, Lot #115, Golden Stone Dr., private homesite, great view, gated community $350,000 OWC. 541-549-7268.
dbl wide/shop & farm equip. 40 acre lot fenced/gated. Pond, good well. 2 mi. E. of Mitchell, OR. Seller Finance Sharon 541-408-0337 Home for Sale in Paisley Oregon, 1526 sq.ft., .41 acre. lot, 2 bdrm. 1 bath, pantry, dbl. garage, fenced, $85,000, 541-943-3191 after 5 pm. Looking to sell your home? Check out Classification 713 "Real Estate Wanted"
E6 Saturday, March 6, 2010 • THE BULLETIN
To place an ad call Classified • 541-385-5809
486 SW Bluff Dr.
MORRIS REAL ESTATE Independently Owned and Operated
Bend, OR 97702
Redmond | $79,900
Prineville | $82,000
SW Bend | $115,000
River’s Edge Village | $129,000
A great duplex lot with Easterly mountain views, backing a nice common area, fairly level and all utilities are in the street. Good location close to Pilot Butte State Park, trails, schools and shopping. MLS#2803451
WOW ... this is so close to the Wickiup Junction store you don’t have to borrow a cup of sugar from your neighbor! Beautiful pine trees, 1.14 acre. Close to Highway 97 but feels farther away. MLS#2907243
Cute older home on a quiet street in Redmond. Open living area, nice backyard, close to schools and shopping. Great starter home or investment home with lots of possibilities. MLS#201000993
A great starter home or investment. 1344 sq. ft. home has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths and an open floor plan with vaulted ceilings. Double car garage and easy maintenance landscaping. MLS#201001434
What a price for SW craftsman home!! Great starter home on corner lot close to Old Mill and Deschutes River. MLS#201000035 19810 Grassland Court
Enjoy the sunrise from this large east facing view lot. Some City, Smith Rock and southern views. Almost 1/4 acre and reduced to $129,000. MLS#201000931
GREG MILLER, P.C., Broker, CRS, GRI 541-322-2404
SUE CONRAD, Broker 541-480-6621
WENDY ADKISSON, Broker, ABR, CRB 541-382-4123
DARRYL DOSER, Broker, CRS 541-383-4334
JJ JONES, Broker 541-610-7318 • 541-788-3678
DICK HODGE, Broker 541-383-4335
NE Bend | $130,000
SE Bend - Park Like Setting | $139,500
NE Bend | $148,500
NE Bend | $149,000
SW Bend | $180,000
Ridgewater | $191,000
Chalet in the tall pines. Nearly an acre, horse property. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1152 sq. ft. Wood stove and hardwood floor. 2-car garage with shop, out buildings and RV hookups. MLS#201001189
3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2081 sq. ft. Craftsman beauty. All bedrooms on main level, bonus room upstairs. Granite counters. Bright and sunny, 9 ft. ceilings. South facing front porch, RV parking. MLS#2811204
Very clean 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1006 sq. ft. single level home. Easy maintenance, lightly lived in. Move-in ready, close to all services. Must see. AHS Home warranty for the Buyer. MLS#201000549
Well groomed 3 bedroom plus office. Beautiful park-like setting. Nice, open floor plan. Private and situated at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac. Well priced! MLS#201001065
Bright and affordable with 4 bedrooms plus family room. Large windows bring in the sunlight while refinished wood floors, fresh carpet and paint invite you to make this your home. MLS#2910497
Cute single level, great condition. Skylights, wood stove. Cul-de-sac, fenced, RV parking. Close to park and hospital. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1254 sq. ft. Not a short sale. Call for appointment. MLS#201000069
RAY BACHMAN, Broker, GRI 541-408-0696
JACKIE FRENCH, Broker 541-312-7260
JOY HELFRICH, Broker 541-480-6808
CATHY DEL NERO, P.C., Broker 541-410-5280
New Construction | $195,000
NE Bend | $204,000
Transition seamless and graciously through the stages of your life in this new single-level 1700 sq. ft. home with 3 bedrooms & 2 baths built with your need in mind. Wide doorways, energy efficient. MLS#2909879
3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1863 sq. ft. Main & lower level living areas. Vaulted with many windows. Gas Heat, Gas & Wood Fireplaces. Deck off of master. Backs to Hollinshead Park. Fenced & Larger Lot. MLS#201000751 Directions: Penn to Shepard to Seward, follow signs
Single level, 1422 sq. ft. home. Inviting, sunny vaulted living area with cozy gas fireplace. Quality double wall construction. Slate patio and covered porch. Large .20 of an acre corner lot. MLS#2908333
Great neighborhood! 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 1822 sq. ft. home with family room, vaulted living room, hardwood and tile. 2-car garage, carport, 2 storage sheds and easy care landscaping. MLS#2807138
2-story chalet across the street from Ochoco Reservoir. Great decks overlooking the water, perfect for watching people boating and fishing or elk and deer at the water’s edge. Close to town and more. MLS#2909696
Darling cabin in the woods situated on 1 acre. The home features a great room floor plan with rustic finishes, and bedrooms at opposite ends of the home each with a private bath. Don’t miss this one! MLS#201001447
JULIE GEORGE, Broker 541-408-4631
JOANNE MCKEE, Broker, ABR, GRI, CRS 541-480-5159
SHERRY PERRIGAN, Broker 541-410-4938
ROOKIE DICKENS, Broker, GRI, CRS, ABR 541-815-0436
BOB JEANS, Broker 541-728-4159
PAT PALAZZI, Broker 541-771-6996
8.5 Acres | $250,000
Awbrey Butte Lot | $265,000
SE Bend | $299,000
Follow The Path ... | $299,000
Not A Short Sale! | $319,900
Great acreage at a great price! Build your dream home; mountain views to the west & Smith Rock to the northeast. Nice, quiet neighborhood; 3 acres of COI water rights. Close to downtown Redmond & schools. MLS#2907039
Awbrey Butte Mountain View Lot on nearly an acre. Private, cul-desac. Nicely treed, flat lot with gentle slope. Build your dream home in this sought after area. Now at a great price! MLS#201001193
Beautiful Treed Lot | $60,000
NE Bend | $54,950
2ND FAIRWAY, Bend Golf & Country Club. Premium location in Timber Ridge, single level, one-owner, 2nd home with great room styling & pool room. Lots of windows and good privacy. MLS#2910602
to the Bend Golf & Country Club Fairway just outside the back gate. Private and remodeled, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2445 sq. ft. single level with RV parking. Jump in the golf cart and drive to the club! MLS#2906338
ATTENTION INVESTORS: Duplexes & Fourplexes available in Bend & Madras. Priced from $109,000 to $305,000. All with strong rental history & same seller. All in great condition, newly renovated & priced to sell. MLS#2810716
Nearly 1/2 an acre with an incredible yard, lots of trees, shrubs and perennials. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2394 sq. ft. single level. Open floor plan with skylights and arches. Tasteful decor and ready for you! MLS#2807106
SYDNE ANDERSON, Broker, WCR President 541-420-1111
DIANE LOZITO, Broker 541-548-3598
DON & FREDDIE KELLEHER, Brokers RUSS KIRK, Principal Broker, Owner 541-383-4349 541-382-4123
JOHN SNIPPEN, Broker, MBA, ABR, GRI 541-312-7273 • 541-948-9090
DARRIN KELLEHER, Broker 541-788-0029
LESTER & KATLIN FRIEDMAN FRIEDMAN & FRIEDMAN, P.C., Brokers VIRGINIA ROSS, Broker, ABR, CRS, GRI 541-383-4336 541-330-8491 • 541-330-8495
Sisters | $239,900
SA OPE T. N 12 -3
Terrango Glen | $209,900 No Short Sale | $219,000 Lake Front Living | $219,950
Powell Butte Single Level | $339,900 Desirable River Rim | $366,500 Sunriver Fun! | $385,000 Central Bend | $159,500 Riverfront Cabin | $399,000 NW Bend | $399,000
Built to suit by Hendrickson Homes. Great kitchen, main level master & office. 2 beds + large bonus up. Hickory wood, granite, slate. Huge garage, fenced yard. Not a short sale! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. MLS#201001652
Ranch Cabin close to the river, playground, tennis courts, trails, the mall and pool. 3 bedrooms plus a loft. Master is on main floor. Back deck and fireplace in the living room. MLS#2807398
Great location across from Juniper Park. 8200+ sq. ft. lot. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1716 sq. ft. home built in 1955. New roof in 2002, new windows in 2007. Fenced backyard. Close to Costco, St. Charles and Downtown. MLS#201001879
Deschutes Riverfront cabin. Direct swimming and boating access steps from the porch. 1.26 acres. 1160 sq. ft. large kitchen, 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Bunkhouse. Outhouse. Storage shed. Garage. MLS#2808997
Valhalla Heights! Open and bright and lots of light. Private park-like setting. Master suite has adjoining room that could be used as an office, exercise room or nursery. MLS#2910192
CAROLYN PRIBORSKY, P.C., Broker, ABR, CRS 541-383-4350
NANCY MELROSE, Broker 541-312-7263
DOROTHY OLSEN, Broker, CRS, GRI 541-330-8498
CHUCK OVERTON, Broker, CRS, ABR 541-383-4363
CRAIG SMITH, Broker 541-322-2417
JANE STRELL, Broker 541-948-7998
The Rush Of The River
NE Bend | $525,000
SE Bend | $549,000
Tumalo | $649,600
NW Bend | $659,000
Lots! Lots! Lots!
Dreaming of riverfront living? Call me to learn how you can enjoy the sounds and wildlife of the Deschutes River from your own deck. Flyfish from your front yard. Prices from the high $300,000s.
You must see this very private, small acreage with home that has been completely upgraded and remodeled, including a brand new 40x40 shop. There’s even an additional detached shop with indoor kennel. MLS#2713553
Comfortable 2035 sq. ft. single level home located on 4.75 acres, 2.62 irrigated. 3-bay shop with large office, 24x48 horse barn two ponds and riding arena. Gorgeous property. MLS#201000514
Cascade Mtn. views from private 9.9 acres. Remodeled 3164 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath home with high beamed ceilings & open great room plan. Shop & horse set up, pond, easy maintenance. Bend schools. MLS#201001782 20060 Rodeo Dr.
Spectacular Views from Awbrey Butte - Mt. Bachelor/Broken Top, river, city by day, lights by night! Main level living. 3-bay garage, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2360 sq. ft., plus 500 sq. ft. rec room w/ext. entrance. MLS#201001280
Pronghorn, .52-acre, golf course, $289,000, #2909014 ~ Awbrey Butte, .57-acre, mountain view, $375,000, #2808157 ~ Highlands at Broken Top, 3-ten acre lots, 2 with mountain views, $415,000 - $495,000.
LYNNE CONNELLEY, EcoBroker, ABR, CRS 541-408-6720
MIKE HARDIE, Broker, GRI, CRS 541-322-2415
GREG FLOYD, P.C., Broker 541-390-5349
CAROL OSGOOD, Broker 541-383-4366
Beautiful Cascade Mountain views, Bachelor to Mt. Hood on 6.09 acres. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. Corian slab in kitchen, separate 288 sq. ft. bonus/office off detached garage. Lots of space to park RVs. MLS#201001965
Be Part Of The Arts! | $675,000 Skyliner Summit | $709,000 Drake Park Historic District | $719,900
JIM & ROXANNE CHENEY, Brokers SHELLY HUMMEL, Broker, CRS, GRI, CHMS 541-390-4030 • 541-390-4050 541-383-4361
Redmond | $750,000
Sunriver | $795,000
NW Bend/Cascade Views | $799,990
2nd Street Theater, 4458 sq. ft. building, centrally located. Large lobby, box office, rehearsal hall & classroom. Backstage dressing room, outside storage. Plenty of parking! Includes inventory Complete turnkey opportunity. MLS#2907081
NW style home; timbers, stones, granite, grand gas fireplace, indoor & outdoor spas. 3490 sq. ft. with master on main. Flexible floor plan with 4 bedrooms & potential for 5. 3+ car garage/shop & Cascade views. MLS#2903564
New Home in the Drake Park Historic District! 2600 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 3 bath. 2 offices, and bonus room. Wood windows, hardwood floors and solid slab counter tops, Mountain views! MLS#201000517
3 bedroom, 3 bath log home on 20 acres located south of Redmond. 10.5 acres of irrigation, fenced, level property with 2 fish ponds. One with fish. MLS#2910155
SUNRIVER SINGLE LEVEL. Very private 10th fairway North Course location, on 1 & 1/2 beautifully treed lots. Offered fully furnished. Contemporary style. 3 bedroom, 3 bath + large office, 2680 sq. ft. MLS#2808922
Fabulous timber framed home on 2.5 acres. 3 bedrooms, office, media room and sunroom. Separate RV garage, shop & greenhouse. Beautiful kitchen. 2 fireplaces. Fabulous views. Outstanding quality! MLS#201001197
LISA CAMPBELL, Broker 541-419-8900
JIM & ROXANNE CHENEY, Brokers 541-390-4030 • 541-390-4050
SCOTT HUGGIN, Broker, GRI 541-322-1500
BILL PORTER, Broker 541-383-4342
JACK JOHNS, Broker, GRI 541-480-9300
DIANE ROBINSON, Broker, ABR 541-419-8165
Home Buyers Tax Credits
NW Bend | $995,000
SE Bend | $998,000
Don’t Miss This Opportunity! 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3767 sq. ft., home The Homebuyers Tax Credit has been in beautiful condition with gorgeous EXTENDED & EXPANDED!! (4/30/10) mountain views on a 1.6 acre lot, a total $8,000 Tax Credit for 1st Time Buyers Only private setting. Sit on your deck and $6,500 Tax Credit for Move-Up/Repeat watch the sunsets. Triple attached garage. Home Buyers. Now is the time! Rates are MLS#201001648 still low! Call me today for all the details!
MARGO DEGRAY, Broker, ABR, CRS 541-383-4347
DAVE DUNN, Broker 541-390-8465
Broken Top | $1,055,000 Awbrey Butte | $2,300,000 Awbrey Meadows | $2,699,000
Private county estate offers beauty, productivity and seclusion. Immaculate home with mature landscaping and pond. Additional buildings include shop with RV storage, and horse barn. 16 acres, 4 irrigated. MLS#2909521
Beautifully designed with views of the 4th and green and lake. Open floor plan, main level master. Concrete counters and radiant heat. 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 4580 sq. ft. MLS#201001033
Ebony & Ivory? How about Teak & Mahogany? Classic contemporary design that embraces relaxation, conversation and creativity. 180 degree Cascade Views. MLS#2810607
Stunning 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 5200 sq. ft. riverfront home on 1.02 acres. Mt. Jefferson & Deschutes River views. Wrap-around concrete deck, 18x74 RV garage. Landscaped with a water fall. Private river access. MLS#2902723
CRAIG LONG, Broker 541-383-4351
NORMA DUBOIS, P.C., Broker 541-383-4348
SUSAN AGLI, Broker, SRES 541-383-4338 • 541-408-3773
MARK VALCESCHINI, P.C., Broker, CRS, GRI 541-383-4364