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• February 2, 2011 50¢
Serving Central Oregon since 1903
Big targets in budget plan For local schools, K-12 cuts and college tuition hikes could be coming
Deer Ridge prison is among them, but local legislators are ‘optimistic’ By Nick Budnick The Bulletin
Gov. John Kitzhaber on Tuesday unveiled a broad-brush austerity 2011-13 budget that proposes holding down state spending while relying on reforms that have neither been crafted nor approved to preserve
school days and health care for needy Oregonians. Kitzhaber proposes to divvy up more than $14.5 billion in spending in ways that will make him few friends. It amounts to an increase of less than $200 million over the budget adopted by the 2009 Legislature. See Budget / A5
TSA tests new body scanners By Brian Bennett
tendent Ron Wilkinson called the governor’s proposal a continued “disinvestment in education.” But COCC President Jim Middleton said although the budget plan would mean tuition hikes, it allocated more money than he expected for community colleges. See Schools / A5
By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
SALEM — For Central Oregon students, Gov. John Kitzhaber’s proposed budget could mean more cuts for kindergarten through 12 grade and higher tuition for college students. Bend-La Pine Schools Superin-
Breaking down the budget blueprint Projected revenue vs. expenditures through 2019
WINTER STORM: Snow and ice paralyze nation’s heartland, Page A3
es Revenu
$20 $15 $10 ’09-’11
Kitzhaber’s budget ’11-’13
’13-’15 ’15-’17 ’17-’19
Proposed General Fund/ Lottery budget for 2011-13
Resources: $14.76 billion Cigarette/tobacco tax 1% All other
Estate tax
Corporate income tax
Expenditures: $14.55 billion Higher ed 6% Other education 4% Community colleges 3% Economic & community dev. 1% Natural resources 2% All other 3%
Personal income tax
Lottery (including beginning balance and carry forward) 6%
State school funding
Public safety/ judicial
Human services 26%
Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin
By Scott Hammers • The Bulletin
From her home in Cairo, Redmond’s Margaret Maffai has been a witness to the widespread demonstrations that have spread across the Arab world over the last few weeks.
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Current budget
E-mails from Egypt Courtesy photo
WASHINGTON — As the uproar over the government’s use of pat-downs and full-body scanners at airports ebbs, new technology is being tested that is designed to allay privacy concerns over the grainy nude images produced by the machines. Scanners being tested in three U.S. airports starting this week will only display for screeners a generic stick figure, and any suspicious object on a passenger’s body will be flagged for inspection by a pale red box on the drawing. A passenger cleared to go will see the screen flash green and read “OK.” Yet even as the new software debuts, the brief public outcry over the new measures during the holiday travel season did not produce a significant surge in complaints by air travelers. While 100 million fliers have passed through airport checkpoints since Nov. 1, the Transportation Security Administration has received fewer than 5,500 complaints about the procedures, or less than .01 percent. And most of those complaints, TSA officials said, were not from individuals who were flying. See Scanners / A5
Maffai, 28, a 1999 graduate of Redmond High School, has lived in
Excerpts from Margaret Maffai’s e-mails to her parents: Jan. 26, 1:24 a.m.: “My neighborhood was actually the most peaceful I’ve ever seen it yesterday. I had a nice stroll with [dog] Whiskey around noon and it was the warmest day we’ve had so far, blue sky, not a lot of traffic (because the police had blocked the bridge that connects my neighborhood directly to downtown). ... In the evening ... people were dressed to go out to dinner or to bars and didn’t seem overly concerned. ... Around midnight, I could hear shooting coming from the downtown area. ... Our best guess was that these were rubber crowd control bullets. ... But rest assured, today is just a normal (boring) day at the office.”
Jan 26, 1:05 p.m.: “I went home from work a little early today since we didn’t like the look of the streets around our office a little after 5. Too quiet with a few too many young guys hanging around not doing anything. Waiting for protests to start. ... I heard some banging earlier but it was hard to tell [what] I was hearing. ... The air outside has a sort of cordite hot metal sulphury smell like gunfire. There’s no way they were shooting in my neighborhood. ... The government has called for a total crackdown. ... I am set to hunker down in my apartment and make casseroles for a few days if necessary. ... If the roads are ever actually closed off, my friend Amani has said she can have someone pick us up in her boat and drive us on the Nile back to Zamalek [Maffai’s Cairo neighborhood].”
• Jan. 25: Dubbed the “Day of Rage,” last Tuesday saw the first large-scale protest organized by young Egyptians who were inspired by a popular uprising in Tunisia. It began peacefully, but police used tear gas and water hoses to disperse crowds in downtown Cairo’s Tahrir Square. • Jan. 26: Despite a government order against protests, small-scale gatherings continued last Wednesday. The next night, Thursday, the government shut down Internet service. On Friday, the peaceful protests turned into violent riots across Egypt.
Egypt’s capital for about 1½ years, said her mother, Susan Maffai. After attending the University of Oregon and the University of Wisconsin law school, Margaret Maffai took a job in Egypt working for a construction company. Tuesday, Susan Maffai shared a series of e-mails between her, her daughter, and friends and family with The Bulletin as a way of shedding some light on what the demonstrations look like up close. Beginning Jan. 25, millions of Egyptians have poured into the streets of Cairo and other major cities, demonstrating in opposition to the government of President Hosni Mubarak. See Egypt / A4
When the Internet was blocked, Margaret’s mother remained in contact with her over the phone and sent these e-mails about her daughter’s situation to friends and family:
Jan 30: “I just got off the phone with Margaret. She is getting a cold and is tired. Otherwise she is fine. ... She is frustrated with the guidance from the US Embassy. It is ‘encouraging US citizens to consider’ leaving Egypt. (Whatever that means!) She has considered it and has determined, at least for the near future, that she will stay. ... A retired general in her [neighborhood] has organized the shop owners and young men ... into a nonviolent local defense group (armed with sticks and pipes, not guns) to protect the neighborhood from intruders during curfew hours.” Jan 31: “She reports that her neighborhood watch has been successful in protecting it from those with hurtful intent. She made more banana bread for the group saying it was a hit when eaten with tea. ... The demonstrators are ignoring all the curfews and today began to assemble in Tahrir Square for tomorrow’s ... demonstration.”
• Jan. 30: Over the weekend, residents were forming neighborhoodwatch groups as the protests continued. On Sunday, grocery staples disappeared from store shelves as Egyptians stockpiled goods. • Jan. 31: Protesters gathered downtown again Monday. Opposition groups rejected the new Cabinet and planned a “million-strong” march. Victoria Hazou / The Associated Press
Feb 1: “She says her neighborhood is extremely quiet because of many residents
Crossword E5, F2
TV listings
going to the [demonstration] today. She said the demonstration is peaceful with a great spirit of camaraderie. She wants the U.S. to publicly support the cause of the Egyptian people. She said that the rumor of Mubarak agreeing not to run in the next election is, if true, a huge concession, but she doesn’t think it will be enough to satisfy the people. They want him gone now. She saw a sign in Tahrir Square that said, YES, WE CAN, TOO.”
Timeline information from Hannah Allam, McClatchy-Tribune News Service
We use recycled newsprint The Bulletin
A different kind of Lab test to detect colorectal cancer By Karen Kaplan
Vol. 108, No. 33, 32 pages, 6 sections
LOS ANGELES — The doctor will see you now — and she has four legs and a tail. Japanese researchers have trained an 8-year-old Labrador retriever to diagnose colorectal
An Independent Newspaper
• Feb. 1: Hundreds of thousands flooded into Tahrir Square for the biggest rally of the week. In the afternoon, Hosni Mubarak announced he’d step down in September.
More than a quarter-million people flooded Cairo Tuesday, filling Tahrir Square in by far the largest demonstration in a week of unceasing demands for President Hosni Mubarak to leave after nearly 30 years in power. In a nationally televised address, Mubarak, right, said he would not seek re-election in September, but refused to step down.
Los Angeles Times
cancer by smelling a patient’s breath and/or stool. The dog, which previously worked in water rescue, had an overall accuracy of 95 percent when using the breath test and 98 percent for the stool test, according to a study published
this week in the journal Gut. To train the dog, researchers first let her sniff a breath sample from a patient with colorectal cancer. Then they presented her with a panel of breath samples — one from a cancer patient and four from healthy people. When
the dog recognized the sample from the cancer patient, the reward was some quality time with a tennis ball. In the Gut study, the dog was presented with 36 panels of breath samples. Overall, she correctly identified 91 per-
cent of the samples that were from cancer patients, and she correctly ignored 99 percent of the samples from healthy volunteers. The dog did a better job evaluating 38 panels of stool samples. See Cancer / A5
A2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
The Bulletin
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Endangered urban kit foxes Global warming still a threat despite snow thriving on human diet By Renee Schoof
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
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Oregon Lottery Results As listed by The Associated Press
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn are:
16 22 23 26 35 31 x4 Nobody won the jackpot Tuesday night in the Mega Millions game, pushing the estimated jackpot to $91 million for Friday’s drawing.
By Mark Grossi McClatchy-Tribune News Service
FRESNO, Calif. — Scientists have long known that endangered San Joaquin kit foxes live in Bakersfield, raiding Dumpsters for half-eaten hot dogs, doughnuts and burritos. Now it turns out that this critter has adapted to city life, eating an essentially human diet — and thriving. The kit fox — protected in the 1960s even before the Endangered Species Act — grows bigger and lives longer than foxes in the wild. The only downside for these city-dwelling foxes is high cholesterol. A study, published in December in the Journal of Mammology, revealed the surprising results, said Bryan Cypher, research ecologist and kit fox expert in Bakersfield for the last 20 years. “We just didn’t know they were eating human food to this extent,” said Cypher, who works for the Endangered Species Recovery Program at California State University, Stanislaus, and took part in the new research. It’s not what the Endangered Species Act envisions for species recovery. For decades, the kit fox population has been decimated throughout the San Joaquin Valley. Cypher estimated 80 percent to 90 percent of its native habitat disappeared with the spread of agriculture and cities. He said the kit fox needs corridors of natural habitat through Valley development and agriculture to link them with remaining wild lands. The animals need to move throughout the region and build up numbers again, he said. But as the species suffers, several hundred kit foxes fatten up eating human goodies in addition to gophers and ground squirrels, much like their counterparts in native Valley habitat. The kit foxes in the wild also eat more rodents, like the kangaroo rat. To compare diets, researchers tested hair samples from Bakersfield residents, city kit foxes and kit foxes in the wild.
San Joaquin kit fox habitat
Where kit foxes roam
On the endangered species list for decades, the kit fox has taken up residence in Bakersfield, Taft, Maricopa and Coalinga, California.
20 km 20 miles
C A L I F. Los Angeles
Taft Maricopa Kit fox • Weight 4-5 Ib. (1.8-2.3 kg)
• Height 12 in. (30.4 cm)
• Length 30 in. (76.2 cm) Source: State of California
Researchers said molecular characteristics of hair on mammals — including humans — reflect what has been eaten over a long period of time. The citydwelling fox diets were a pretty close match with humans in Bakersfield, according to the findings by animal ecologist Seth Newsome of the University of Wyoming. The city offers them refuge from primary predators — bobcats and coyotes. In Bakersfield, the kit fox is killed more often by cars and poisons meant for rodents. Bakersfield has the biggest population of these animals, but they also are found in Taft, Maricopa and Coalinga. The fox is a Mojave Desert species that prefers opens spaces in the southern and western parts of the Valley. The fox is able to establish itself in Valley cities where the natural habitat connects with the city’s outskirts, Cypher said. In Bakersfield, it’s the east side of town.
© 2011 McClatchy-Tribune News Service
But around many cities, such as Fresno or Hanford, surrounding farms have altered the native land, often destroying burrows and preventing kit foxes from easy access to the city. People might mistakenly think they have seen a kit fox in Fresno, Cypher said. Most of the time, they are seeing the gray fox, another native species that looks a lot bushier, he said. A non-native red fox, transplanted decades ago in California by hunters, also is seen around cities, he said. Unlike many animals, kit foxes can adapt to city living, readily using canal banks, parks and even school fields to live. They don’t need a lot of space, and they seem willing to inspect and try different foods. Bakersfield residents seem to like them, too. “People living along golf courses sometimes put out cat food for them,” Cypher said. “It’s illegal to feed an endangered species. But the cat food does help them get a more balanced diet.”
Obama’s green vision meets with skepticism By Tiffany Hsu Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — President Barack Obama has grand plans for a green nation — 1 million electric vehicles on the road within four years and clean power sources providing 80 percent of the nation’s energy by 2035. But after getting a surprisingly extensive shout-out in Obama’s State of the Union address — he sees clean tech as the country’s best chance to seize its “Sputnik moment” — industry officials last week were less than enthusiastic and questioned whether the ambitious targets were even attainable. “It’s a lofty goal, but it’s like the race to the moon in that it’s generally achievable,” said John Cheney, chief executive of solar project developer Silverado Power. “The issue is whether we have the political will and ability to pull together and actually do it.” The guarded reaction to Obama’s speech comes as many clean-tech companies are struggling to recover from the recession and at the same time are facing aggressive competition from China. Many fear Obama’s long-range objectives will be distracting and take the focus off crucial, short-term projects. The American Wind Energy Association, a trade group for wind power companies, said the industry wants to ramp up developments right away after laboring through a major slump in 2010. “We don’t need to wait nearly three decades,” said Denise Bode, the group’s chief executive. And other clean-tech industry executives are grumbling that Obama has grouped “clean coal” and nuclear power along with solar panels, wind turbines and biofuels as green power sources. Nuclear energy — a pet cause of Obama-appointed Energy Secretary Steven Chu — creates radioactive waste that lasts for thousands of years and also carries grave security concerns,
said Arjun Makhijani, president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research. Coal plants, even those that would capture and store carbon dioxide emissions, would still use enormous reserves of water and could still release toxins that could cause severe health consequences. And then there is the big money question. Before aiming for such a high clean-energy threshold, companies first need to feel more secure about financing, executives said. Obama asked Congress to swap billions of dollars in subsidies given to oil companies for clean-energy initiatives. That move is likely to encounter significant resistance from the fossil fuel industry. The renewable-energy market needs a stable supply of funds, not the erratic cycle of government incentives that expire every year or so, clean-tech executives say. Last year, solar and wind companies temporarily suspended new project developments while they lobbied for federal financing programs that were threatened or were about to expire. A steady nationwide system of loan guarantees, clean-tech manufacturer subsidies and consumer energy efficiency rewards could help make the 80 percent goal a reality, some said. “The more scale we get for solar, the more the cost comes down for everyone,” said Lyndon Rive, CEO of residential panel installer SolarCity. “If Obama’s goal gets the resources it needs, there’s no reason we can’t do this.” But hitting those targets will also depend on the mood of capital investors, who are still skittish about the economy. Some companies complained that scrounging for funds last year was like dealing with loan sharks, with 13 or 14 percent interest rates compared with low-single-digit rates in China. The Asian superpower also has
a comprehensive national green policy, which the U.S. lacks. The absence of a unified federal approach has led to an exodus of U.S. clean-tech companies. Obama needs to push for a nationwide standard on renewable power while also simplifying the patent approval process and backing more research and development efforts, industry executives said. The government should also continue fast-tracking the permitting for projects such as the expansion of Molycorp Minerals’ rare-earths mine in Mountain Pass, Calif., and opening up offshore space for wind farms and public lands for solar installations. Obama’s plan may also get stiff resistance from Republicans in Congress, many of whom are loath to fund these projects. But Silverado’s Cheney said that partisan resistance seems to be thawing — at least if California is an indicator.
WASHINGTON — Tree limbs snap, the power goes out, the car needs digging out again. Along with the grumbling about winter snow, there’s also a common curiosity: So what does all this say about global warming? How can the average world temperature be inching up and 2010 be tied for the warmest year ever, when the nation is buried by whopper winter storms? There are several scientific explanations that help sweep away the snow confusion. But like everything else related to climate science, it’s all rather muffled these days, at least in the nation’s capital. Those who don’t accept climate science are vocal. Some of those who do accept it think it’s better to talk about jobs or technology rather than what’s going on with warming oceans and atmosphere. Democratic pollster Douglas Schoen opined in The Washington Post after last winter’s big snowstorms in Washington that “the weather ... makes it more difficult to argue that global warming is an imminent danger.” President Barack Obama, his Cabinet and Democrats in Congress who think it’s important to reduce emis-
sions of heat-trapping gases from fossil fuels have talked about how transforming our use of energy can produce jobs. Climate change, which along with dependency on fossil fuels is the key reason for the transformation, gets almost no mention. In the State of the Union speech, Obama never uttered the words “climate change” or “global warming.” Scientists describe many effects of a warming climate if emissions continue unabated and some of them have serious implications for fisheries, agriculture, habitation and health. But snow? Don’t throw the shovels out. Weather Underground founder Jeff Masters explained on his WunderBlog last week that big snowstorms don’t indicate that global warming isn’t happening. So far the global average temperature has warmed an average 1.5 degrees Fahrenheit since 1880, with bigger changes near the poles. “There will still be colder-than-average winters in a world that is experiencing warming, with plenty of opportunities for snow,” Masters wrote. The latest report on climate change by federal scientists, “Global Climate Change Impacts in the U.S.,” said precipitation has increased by an average of about 5 percent in the past 50 years. It projects that northern areas generally will become wetter, and southern areas, especially in the West, will become drier.
Volcanic eruptions in Japan resemble 300-year-old blasts By Kyoichi Sasazawa and Takashi Ito The Yomiuri Shimbun
TOKYO — Volcanic experts have sounded an ominous warning about the recent eruptions on Shinmoedake peak in Japan, saying they closely resemble highly destructive blasts that occurred there nearly 300 years ago. One of more than 20 volcanic peaks in the Kirishima mountain range on the Kagoshima-Miyazaki prefectural border, Shinmoedake is believed to have formed between 7,300 and 25,000 years ago. Most of the recorded eruptions on the Kirishima range have occurred at Shinmoedake and Ohachi peaks. Small eruptions caused by phreatic explosions were observed on Shinmoedake from March to May last year. Phreatic explosions occur when the heat of rising magma causes underground water to boil and steam pressure rises. According to experts, however, the eruptions that have taken place since last Wednesday are explosive eruptions characteristic of phreatomagmatic explosions, which are caused when magma and underground water interact. Traces of small pyroclastic
flows going down 1,640 to 1,969 feet have been observed on the southwestern side of the volcano. The magma at Shinmoedake is relatively viscid, according to the experts, as it contains a large amount of silica, a main ingredient of volcanic ash. When the volcano erupts, a great amount of ash is also ejected. On Friday, a lava dome about 164 feet in diameter was confirmed in the crater of the 4,662foot peak during observations from the air by the University of Tokyo’s Earthquake Research Institute. The dome formed as magma rose to the crater and stopped there. “It’s already reached the ‘magma-eruption’ stage, in which magma directly erupts from the volcano,” said Associate Professor Ryusuke Imura of Kagoshima University, an expert on volcanic topography. He has been conducting on-site research near the volcano. Large eruptions took place at Shinmoedake in 1716 and 1717, during the Kyoho era of the Edo period (1603-1867).
Looking for person, female, who was at Regal Cinema, Old Mill, on Monday, October 11, 2010 for matinee who witnessed fall in theater. Call 702-468-5565, anytime.
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 A3
T S Colossal storm roars through heartland By Michael Tarm The Associated Press
CHICAGO — A winter weather colossus roared into the nation’s heartland Tuesday, laying down a paralyzing punch of dangerous ice and white-out snow that served notice from Texas to Maine that the storm billed as the worst in decades could live up to the hype. Ice-covered streets were deserted in Super Bowl host city Dallas. White-outs shut down Oklahoma City and Tulsa. And more was on the way. Chicago expected 2 feet of snow, Indianapolis an inch of ice, and the Northeast still more ice and snow in what’s shaping up to be a record winter for the region. The system that stretched more than 2,000 miles across a third of the country promised to leave in its aftermath a chilly cloak of teeth-chattering cold, with temperatures in the single digits or lower. Winds topped 60 mph in Texas. The newspaper in Tulsa, Okla., canceled its print edition for the first time in more than a century. In Chicago, public schools called a snow day for the first time in 12 years, and both major airports
Christopher Smith / Tulsa World
Tim Houchin walks in the snow to work on Tuesday in Tulsa, Okla. gave up on flying until at least Wednesday afternoon. The storm also led Chicago officials to close the city’s busy and iconic Lake Shore Drive while crews tried to plow snow Tuesday night. City officials said the move was temporary but that they could have to close it again if high winds push 25-foot waves from nearby Lake Michigan onto the roadway. Everyone “should brace for a
storm that will be remembered for a long time,” said Jose Santiago, director of the city’s office of emergency management. Cities across middle America shut down hours ahead of the snow. Scores of schools, colleges and government offices canceled activities or decided not to open at all. Large sections of busy Midwest interstates were closed, and 9,000 flights had been canceled across the nation.
Jordan’s Risk of terrorist activity high king fires along U.S.-Canada border Cabinet By Rob Hotakainen
McClatchy Newspapers
By Ranya Kadri and Ethan Bronner New York Times News Service
AMMAN, Jordan — King Abdullah II of Jordan fired his government on Tuesday after weeks of demonstrations challenging his regime, part of a wave of demands of public accountability sweeping the Arab world that has brought throngs of demonstrators into the streets of Egypt. The royal palace announced that the king had dismissed Prime Minister Samir Rifai and replaced him with Marouf alBakhit, who has served before in the post and is a former general and a onetime ambassador to Israel and Turkey widely viewed as clean of corruption. Changing cabinets is not new for Abdullah. In his 12 years on the throne, he has done so eight times. But this was the first time that he had done so in reaction to public pressure, seeking to undermine a growing protest movement across a broad spectrum of society and to pre-empt further unrest. It came after four weeks of unusual public demonstrations. The palace statement said alBakhit would have the task of “taking practical, swift and tangible steps to launch a real political reform process, in line with the king’s version of comprehensive reform, modernization and development.” In a telephone interview, alBakhit said his main objective would be to “take tangible steps to social, political and economic reform and give priority to dialogue with all segments of society.” His predecessor was criticized as dealing primarily with technocrats and business leaders, while failing to consult with trade unions and the Muslim Brotherhood.
WASHINGTON — Americans face a high risk of terrorist activity along the U.S.Canadian border, where less than 1 percent of the 4,000mile stretch is adequately protected, according to a government report released Tuesday. “To me, this report is absolutely alarming,” said Sen. Joe Lieberman, a Connecticut independent and the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which released the report. At a news conference on Capitol Hill, Lieberman said the northern border, which extends from Washington state to Maine, is providing “easy passage into America
by extremists, terrorists and criminals whose purpose clearly is to harm the American people.” The report said the northern border, a quarter of which adjoins federal or tribal lands, poses a higher risk to public safety now than the U.S.-Mexico border. Lieberman said the northern border is nearly twice as long and is lined with large population centers that make it harder to detect criminal activity. In addition, he said, Canada now has more Islamist extremist groups than Mexico does. “It is not too much to ask that our government be able to at least detect all illegal entries along the border, so we can get this information into the hands of law enforcement agencies that can then make the arrests,” Lieberman said.
Koreas plan military talks; South calls summit ‘possible’ By Mark McDonald New York Times News Service
SEOUL, South Korea — South Korea announced Tuesday that it would hold military talks with North Korea next week, the first inter-Korean dialogue since a deadly artillery exchange in November, and President Lee Myung-bak said for the first time that a summit with Kim Jong Il, the North Korean leader, was a possibility. The military talks, to be held at the border village of Panmunjom, were described as “low-level and preliminary” by a Defense Ministry official in Seoul. The meeting is scheduled for Feb. 8, after this week’s Lunar New Year celebrations.
The principal aim of the talks, the defense official said, will be to prepare an agenda for more substantive discussions about what the South calls “provocations” by the North — the artillery barrage that killed four South Koreans on Yeonpyeong Island in November; the sinking of a South Korean warship that killed 46 sailors in March; and North Korea’s nuclear programs. The shelling of the island brought the peninsula to the brink of war, with South Korea holding large live-fire military exercises and North Korea threatening reprisals. Since then tempers have cooled, with the North carrying out something of a diplomatic charm offensive, including repeated calls for talks and exchanges with the South.
States diverge on how to approach health care ruling By Kevin Sack, David M. Herszenhorn and Robert Pear New York Times News Service
States took broadly divergent approaches on Tuesday to a federal judge’s ruling that invalidated the Obama administration’s health care law, while congressional Republicans used the decision to build momentum for a vote on repealing the act. The Senate’s Democratic leaders answered the Republican challenge by saying they would stage a vote on the repeal measure on Wednesday, when they were certain it would be defeated. The
House, where Republicans won a majority in November’s elections, approved the repeal last month. “We want to get this out of their system very quickly,” the Senate majority leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, said at a news conference in Washington. But in a few states that are party to the litigation, Republican governors and attorneys general declared the expansive health care law effectively null as a result of the judge’s ruling. They suggested they would suspend planning and implementation until appeals courts could
rule, although they did not provide details about what precisely might change or whether they would refund federal planning grants already awarded. “We’re not going to spend a lot of time and money with regard to trying to get ready to implement that until we know exactly what is going to happen,” said Gov. Rick Scott, the new Republican leader of Florida, where the lawsuit was filed by elected officials from 26 states. “And I hope and I believe that either it will be declared unconstitutional or it will be repealed.”
A4 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Egypt Continued from A1 Mubarak, a former military officer who has held the presidency since coming to power shortly after the 1981 assassination of President Anwar Sadat, has shut down phone and Internet service and imposed a curfew, and sent in police and security forces to attempt to break up the protests. Tuesday, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay said as many as 300 protesters may have been killed and another 3,000 injured. Mubarak announced Tuesday he would not be a candidate in the upcoming September election — encouraging if true, Margaret Maffai told her mother on the phone Tuesday, but probably not enough to satisfy the protesters. Margaret Maffai is planning to stay put, despite the U.S. State Department’s recommendation that American citizens consider leaving the country. Susan Maffai said she supports her daughter’s decision to stay, and is still planning to go ahead with an April trip to Egypt to visit Margaret. Following the news from Egypt has interrupted her sleep patterns, Susan Maffai said, but is not yet afraid for her daughter’s safety. “I haven’t been frightened mainly because she has not been frightened,” Susan Maffai said. “I just think it’s such an opportunity to see a historical event, for her to be there to see it so closely. I have great compassion and hope for the Egyptian people.” Scott Hammers can be reached at 541-383-0387 or at
Cuomo’s budget plan Obama presses for fast, orderly transition in Egypt for New York slashes
school, Medicaid funds
By Anthony Shadid New York Times News Service
CAIRO — President Hosni Mubarak declared Tuesday night he would step down in September as modern Egypt’s longest-serving leader, but that did not go far enough for the hundreds of thousands who poured into Tahrir Square in a sprawling protest that cut across entrenched lines of piety, class and ideology. Hours later, President Barack Obama strongly suggested that Mubarak’s concession was not enough, declaring that an “orderly transition must be meaningful, it must be peaceful, and it must begin now.” While the meaning of the last phrase was deliberately vague, it appeared to be a signal that Mubarak might not be able to delay the process or manipulate the results. In a 30-minute phone call to Mubarak just before his public remarks, Obama was more forceful in insisting on a rapid transition, according to officials familiar with the discussion. The announcement in a 10minute speech by Mubarak came after his support from the powerful Egyptian military began to crumble and after U.S. officials urged him not to run again for president. Mubarak’s offer, which fell short of the crowd’s demands for him to step down now and even face trial, could well inflame passions in an uprising that has rivaled some of the most epic moments in Egypt’s contemporary history. The protests have captivated a broader Arab world that has already seen a leader
By Nicholas Confessore and Thomas Kaplan New York Times News Service
Amr Nabil / The Associated Press
An Egyptian army soldier gestures in front of the crowd gathering in Tahrir Square in Cairo on Tuesday. fall in Tunisia this month and growing protests against other U.S.-backed governments. Mubarak, 82, said he would remain in office until a presidential election in September and, in emotional terms, declared that he would never leave Egypt. “The Hosni Mubarak who speaks to you today is proud of his achievements over the years in serving Egypt and its people,” he said, wearing a dark suit and seeming vigorous in the speech broadcast on state television. “This is my country. This is where I lived, I fought and defended its land, sovereignty and interests, and I will die on its soil.” In Tahrir Square, crowds waved flags as the speech was televised on a screen in the square. “Leave!” they chanted, in what has become a refrain of
the demonstrations. “There is nothing now the president can do except step down and let go of power,” said Mohammed el-Beltagui, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s most powerful opposition group, which has entered forcefully into the fray with Mubarak. Those sentiments were echoed by other voices of the opposition, including Mohamed ElBaradei, a Nobel laureate, and Ayman Nour, a longtime dissident. The speech and the demonstration, whose sheer numbers represented a scene rarely witnessed in the Arab world, illustrated the deep, perhaps unbridgeable, divide that exists between ruler and ruled in Egypt, the most populous Arab country and once the axis on which the Arab world revolved.
In Cairo, Egyptians young and old join hands in protest By Kareem Fahim and Anthony Shadid New York Times News Service
CAIRO — The retired general in the blue suit walked alone, with a cane, as hundreds of Egyptian protesters surged past him, chanting and holding signs. He stopped to catch his breath, grabbing the railing of a bridge so he could look out at the Nile. The general pointed to his throat, signaling that he was mute, but on this day of protest he intended to be heard. So he grabbed a pen and wrote. His name was Maj. Gen. Ali Ibrahim al-Gafy, 71, and he had fought in several of Egypt’s wars with Israel. He had walked about 1½ miles from his home in the Dokki neighborhood to be part of Tuesday’s grand gathering in Tahrir Square. He looked at the tanks in the distance, noting the warm reception the soldiers received. “People like the Army and hate the police,” Gafy wrote. Then he jotted down a few words about the man who had inspired the protests, a fellow veteran of Egypt’s armed services: the country’s president. “Down with Mubarak.” he
Amid chaos, Israel concerned about instability By Janine Zacharia
wrote. “Traitor.” Gafy’s scribbles were the quietest expressions of anger on a loud day. Hundreds of thousands of his fellow Egyptians, brimming with confidence after days of protest, traveled like pilgrims to gather at Tahrir, or Liberation, Square, to speak freely and to be heard. They said that President Hosni Mubarak had never listened to their complaints, aspirations or opinions. So on Tuesday they made noise, carrying banners, painting their faces and singing their slogans. Later that night, it was clear that Mubarak, who announced he would not run for another presidential term, had been listening — although he might not have heard. There was no mistaking what the protesters wanted. “Go already,” read one sign held aloft for Mubarak. “My arm’s starting to hurt.” The protesters started arriving in the morning, by minibus and taxi, on motorcycle and foot. There were more families than in the previous protests, a development that seemed linked to a sense of safety. The Army had said it would allow the demon-
strators to protest peacefully. They were all armed with grievances, although some conceded that they had fewer complaints than others. “I don’t have economic problems,” Tarek Tohamy, an engineer, said as he walked toward checkpoints that led to the square. “I have a nice car. I have a villa.” But Tohamy was alarmed by Egypt’s dismal condition and concerned about the country he was leaving to his daughter. At one point during last week’s protests, he said, he started to feel sorry for Mubarak, saying he was a war hero. “He’s part of our history,” Tohamy said. That feeling did not last long, and before Tuesday night’s announcement, Tohamy found himself needing a clear signal of Mubarak’s intentions. “We can go into history, or we can go in the garbage of history,” Tohamy said. The gathering was a carnival with an edge. A teenage girl led her friends in a chant: “Egypt’s free, and Mubarak’s out.” A crowd gathered around a man who said he was a former politi-
Egypt’s intelligence chief may be called on to smooth turmoil
The Washington Post
JERUSALEM — Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s quickening collapse and the increasing political turmoil in Jordan have prompted concerns in Israel that its historic peace treaties with those countries may not withstand the turmoil sweeping the region. A change of power in Egypt and instability in Jordan could have profound consequences for Israel, which depends on the peace accords — its only two with Arab countries — as a cornerstone of its security. The treaties struck by Israel with Egypt in 1979 and with Jordan in 1994 remain unpopular among the residents of the two Arab nations, and Israel has relied on the strength of Mubarak’s regime and the Jordanian monarchy to keep them intact. The country is still digesting the rise in Lebanon of a new government chosen by the Shiite Hezbollah, one of its chief antagonists, and may now sense instability on all sides.
By Joby Warrick and Greg Miller The Washington Post
In his nearly two decades as intelligence chief, Omar Suleiman served as Egypt’s quiet fix-it man in some of the Middle East’s most delicate disputes. He helped negotiate cease-fires, refereed talks between Arabs and Israelis, and even aided the CIA when it needed a hand interrogating terrorism suspects. Now some of his countrymen are looking to the 74-year-old general to pull off a much more public feat: finding a peaceful resolution to Egypt’s worst unrest in decades. President Hosni Mubarak’s decision on Tuesday not to seek re-election shifted the spotlight again to Suleiman, the newly installed vice president, who has emerged as a possible bridge between the current government and whatever comes next. A career military officer removed from politics, Suleiman is widely viewed in the region as a solid, competent pragmatist who could count on the back-
ing of Egypt’s army as well as the respect of governments in the Middle East and around the world. But to be accepted even as an interim leader by ordinary Egyptians, he would have to overcome the taint of a close alliance with Mubarak, as well as his long association with the country’s feared intelligence services, U.S. officials and Middle East experts said. Suleiman has drawn criticism from human rights groups for working with the CIA in a controversial program known as “rendition,” in which the U.S. spy agency secretly transferred captured terrorism suspects to Egypt for interrogation. Several former detainees later claimed that they were tortured. Egyptian protesters have signaled their displeasure with Suleiman’s promotion to vice president, and Middle East experts say his appeal could diminish rapidly if unrest continues or if security forces use violence against demonstrators.
cal prisoner, leaning in to listen as he talked about the insects in the prison food. There were several good-natured arguments, and at least one scuffle, after a crowd confronted a man they said belonged to the secret police. A group of men said they had been sleeping in the square for days. “In liberation, until liberation,” one of them said. His friend, playing on a familiar theme, begged Mubarak to leave so he could go home. The gathering spilled its banks, as small demonstrations moved to nearby Talaat Harb Square. There, Ahmed Zidan held a sign that said “This is Egypt, not Iran.” He said he meant that Egyptians had no interest in an Islamic state, an assertion repeated by a number of protesters, many of whom also said any government should include members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Zidan, who edits the Mid-East Youth Arabic website, had a theory about the swelling crowds. When the government shut off the Internet, he said, it left young people with nothing to do but go out.
NEW YORK — Declaring New York State “functionally bankrupt,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed a $132.9 billion budget on Tuesday that would reduce year-to-year spending for the first time in more than a decade, slash projected spending on education and health care, and cut the budget for state agencies by more than half a billion dollars in the next fiscal year. Planned spending on Medicaid programs and local school aid would each be cut by $2.85 billion, closing roughly half of a budget gap now estimated at $10 billion, one of the largest in recent history. Cuomo’s budget includes relatively few proposals to raise new revenue. It would seek to raise about $456 million for the coming fiscal year, largely with changes to lottery and gambling rules and through more aggressive enforcement of existing tax laws. But in a novel and potentially risky move, Cuomo’s budget does not identify specific Medicaid cuts, relegating those decisions to a task force he appointed last month. The task force, which includes lawmakers and representatives of labor and health care interests, is to make its recommendations in one month — time that may buy Cuomo protection from the withering attack advertisements that those same interests typically unleash on governors seeking Medicaid cuts. And Cuomo’s budget proposal makes plain the governor’s determination to shift how law-
makers — and the public — view such cuts, laying out how much actual spending will be reduced between last year’s budget and the new one. According to the proposal, Cuomo’s budget would reduce school aid spending by $1.54 billion for the coming school year, while Medicaid spending would decrease by just under $1 billion. Presenting his budget at a state theater in Albany, Cuomo sounded stern, even angry, about the way past governors and lawmakers have built inexorable spending growth into future budgets, even as he urged the legislature to join him in reining in government expenditures. He decried current budgeting practices as a “special interest protection program” that yielded too much spending with too little accountability for performance, and called for a return to what he described as “realitybased” budgeting. “It’s not about the industry of government,” Cuomo said. “It’s not about the bureaucracy of programs. Government is there to serve people.” And he implicitly criticized Albany lawmakers for opting to use federal stimulus dollars to expand overall spending in recent years, rather than using it to cushion a long-term retrenchment in state spending. Much of the reduction in year-to-year spending in his budget owes to the end of stimulus dollars, Cuomo said. “We inhaled it, and we injected it into our body, and it is now gone,” he said. “And we have a withdrawal from the federal stimulus money.”
Northern Australia braces for ferocious cyclone By Kristen Gelineau The Associated Press
CAIRNS, Australia — Tens of thousands of Australians stocked up on food and hunkered in sturdy shelters Wednesday as a monster cyclone approached the northeast coast with furious winds, rains and surging seas on a scale unseen there in generations. Gusts up to 186 mph were expected when Cyclone Yasi strikes the coast late Wednesday after whipping across Australia’s Great Barrier Reef. The storm front is more than 310 miles wide and Yasi is so strong, it could reach far inland before it significantly loses power. Queensland Premier Anna
Bligh said the last cyclone of such strength to cross Queensland was in 1918. “It’s such a big storm — it’s a monster, killer storm,” Bligh said. “This impact is likely to be more life threatening than any experienced during recent generations.” Bligh said coastal residents should have left already as their region would undoubtedly flood during an expected high sea surge. People farther inland were told to “bunker down” in their homes and get ready for gale-force winds. More than 10,000 people were already in evacuation centers, and roads were closing as winds and rain made travel unsafe.
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Budget Continued from A1 However, lawmakers since then have cut the budget by more than $1 billion to adjust for declining tax revenues. So the new figure amounts to roughly a $1.2 billion increase over the adjusted 2009-11 budget, or about an 8 percent increase. Kitzhaber, analysts and some lawmakers still say the figure will fall short of the projected needs — estimated at more than $17 billion. The K-12 schools’ budget, for instance, comes in at roughly $1 billion short of the $6.7 billion that budget analysts estimate would be necessary to maintain the status quo in school days and services. “I believe that if we do this right, and if we do this together, we can use this moment to lay the foundation for a more sustainable and prosperous future for our state,” he said. Kitzhaber’s talk of togetherness is not just rhetoric. To make his vision a reality, the third-term governor will need the help of not just the Legislature, but of federal officials, school boards, public employee unions and voters. For instance, Kitzhaber wants to continue to mothball the medium-security wing of Deer Ridge prison near Madras, according to his top budget administrator, George Naughton. Doing so would help keep state prison costs down. But as with other aspects of his budget, his plan cannot be achieved alone. It relies on the Legislature passing a law to fur-
Schools Continued from A1 And officials with Central Oregon Community College were pleased the proposed budget increased the amount of money going to scholarship programs for Oregon’s college students. Kitzhaber’s budget calls for diverting funds from education service districts directly to school districts, allowing district officials to find the regional services they believe best meet their needs. It’s not clear what the proposed budget would mean for Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. Kitzhaber’s budget provides $5.56 billion for education in the 2011-13 biennium, 52 percent of that, or $2.9 billion, would be distributed the first year. The idea behind front-loading the budget is to give districts time to find cost savings for the following school year. The governor’s budget is a starting point for lawmakers, many of whom have started working on their own budget proposals. Lawmakers are expected to craft a final budget by the end of June, which will need the Governor’s stamp of approval. Wilkinson pointed out that since 2003 the share of Oregon’s general fund going toward K-12 education has decreased, going from 44.8 percent of the pie to 38.3 percent for the 2011-13 biennium. With the governor’s proposed budget, Wilkinson said his district would need to cut about $15 million from their projected $115 million budget for the 2011-12 school year. Where those cuts will come from, he did not know. “There is no fat left on the bones,” he said. “Every superintendent is dealing with the same issue. The fluff is gone. You’re literally looking at reductions to the quality of education.” Crook County Superintendent Ivan Hernandez said the $2.9 billion figure for the first year, means the district would still be dipping into reserves to balance the budget. And he said, he’s skeptical of the amount of funds the governor’s budget
Thomas Patterson / Statesman-Journal
Gov. John Kitzhaber unveils his budget proposal for 2011-13 during a news conference at the Oregon State Capitol in Salem on Tuesday. ther postpone the implementation of Measure 57 — the toughsentencing law voters approved in 2008 to lock up identity thieves and repeat drug and property crime offenders. That vote could be tough one to ask. After the governor’s budget release, Sen. Peter Courtney, D-Salem, singled out the public safety cuts, saying he is “afraid” of making cuts that are too deep. “You cannot have bad people in the streets; you just can’t,” he said. He then alluded to the television ads attacking Democrats as
soft on crime last fall that some political observers feel were crucial to Republican gains in the Legislature: “Go look how explosive this stuff is in campaigns,” he said. Kitzhaber’s budget also needs help from voters. To free up nearly $100 million in generalfund dollars — the money from personal and corporate income taxes — he wants the Legislature to place a measure on the ballot allowing state police to be funded by the highway fund, which comes from gas taxes and vehicle license and registration fees.
He also intends to ask the federal government for special waivers allowing Oregon to get creative with its health care delivery system, remixing agencies to create a more efficient system. “The only path forward is to break fundamentally from the past and redesign how we provide public services in Oregon,” he said. One major unanswered question in his budget is the cost of state employee compensation. Kitzhaber and his aides studiously refused to answer reporters’ questions as to what they are as-
said would be available for the following year. He pointed out that districts are constantly having to re-evaluate their budgets throughout the year based on the state’s projections. “Many of us are apprehensive in this arena,” Hernandez said. “No longer can we be sure there are sufficient funds.” Along the same lines, Jefferson County School District Superintendent Rick Molitor said the front-loading idea seemed to be an simplistic fix that he
wasn’t sure would work. “It’s a Band-Aid for a larger problem,” Molitor said. “It solves the problem for a year, but it puts a blinder on and doesn’t really deal with the cuts we need to be looking at.” On the topic of education service districts, High Desert ESD Superintendent Dennis Dempsey said he’s open to ideas of reorganizing the districts. He said the financial situation the state is in should be used to bring efficiencies to the system. He be-
lieves creating more regional education service districts would better serve the state’s rural students. With Kitzhaber’s budget, community colleges are looking at a $446 million distribution. Middleton said COCC has been making cuts and raising tuition and the school will not be able to reverse that trend with these numbers. But, he said, he felt in light of the state’s overall projected shortfall of $3.5 billion, the budget showed commitment
Cancer Continued from A1 In those tests, she correctly flagged 97 percent of the samples from cancer patients and correctly ignored 99 percent of the samples that were disease-free. “This study presents the first step towards the development of an early detection system using odor materials from patients with CRC ‘colorectal cancer,’” the study authors wrote. The researchers speculate that the dog’s highly developed sense of smell allowed her to pick up a whiff of the chemical compounds that are unique to cancer. It’s still unclear whether each cancer has its own chemical signature, or whether the same compounds are present in a variety of cancers.
B E N D R I V E R P R O M E N A D E , B E N D • 5 41 . 317. 6 0 0 0
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 A5 suming as far as growth in salary and benefits, noting that negotiations over those employees’ contracts would begin later this month. Kitzhaber said he would release more detailed information on the topic later this month. Local lawmakers reacted optimistically to Kitzhaber’s budget, but stressed that they had not had time to read it closely. Rep. Gene Whisnant, RSunriver, said he appreciated that Kitzhaber appeared to have used some Republican ideas while stressing efficiency and reforms in preparing his budget. “We’re optimistic that he said these things, but let’s see what happens,” he said. Rep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, said he, like Whisnant, is cautiously optimistic. But he said he is concerned to hear of some of the cuts that are being proposed for community college “at a time that people are trying to retrain and find new careers.” Sen. Chris Telfer, R-Bend, said she and other Senate Republicans had met with the governor on Monday to discuss his plans. She said she challenged him to hold firm on his centrist campaign rhetoric. “I actually told him, ‘I’m impressed. I’m optimistic. I want to see you walk the talk,’ ” she said. Nick Budnick can be reached at 503-566-2839 or at nbudnick@bendbulletin.
to post-secondary education. “We will probably still have wait lists (for classes) larger than we wish. And we won’t be able to put in place all the support services we think students need,” he said. “But it’s not a dismantling of what we’re doing, it keeps us relatively close to where we are at in the current biennium.” Lauren Dake can be reached at 541-419-8074 or at
Scanners Continued from A5 Fewer than 800 complaints about the pat-downs and 300 complaints about the full-body scans were lodged by actual travelers. The rest came from individuals who had not gone through the procedures, but nonetheless complained about them, according to TSA officials. The software being tested would replace the revealing images generated by millimeter wave scanners and currently viewed by a TSA agent in a separate room. The new computer program identifies hidden foreign objects and indicates to TSA searchers where to look on the person’s body during a pat-down. Full-body scanners are able to detect nonmetallic items, such as the explosives used by the Christmas Day bomber in 2009, said TSA Administrator John Pistole at a demonstration of the new software on Tuesday. The TSA instituted the new procedures in response to an elevated threat to airlines following a thwarted mail bomb plot originating in Yemen in late October. While the new software could address privacy concerns, it does not answer complaints about the radiation from another type of scanner, called backscatter, that works using low-dose X-rays. Studies have shown passengers would have to pass through a backscatter machine 5,000 times before being exposed to the same amount of radiation as a single chest X-ray. There are currently 486 body scanners in use in 88 airports, according to TSA, up from 365 in 68 airports in November. TSA officials said publicly in November they hoped to have more than 1,000 body scanners in place by the end of 2011, but uncertainty over budget negotiations in Congress could hamper that goal. Testing of the new software, which currently works only on the millimeter wave scanners, will begin this week at three airports: Ronald Reagan Washington National in Washington, D.C.; McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas; and HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International.
A6 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
2,751.19 NASDAQ CLOSE CHANGE +51.11 +1.89%
STOC K S R E P O R T For a complete listing of stocks, including mutual funds, see Pages B2-3
12,040.16 DOW JONES CLOSE CHANGE +148.23 +1.25%
1,307.59 S&P 500 CLOSE CHANGE +21.47 +1.67%
By Tim Doran
on one side and Realtors on the other. The tax would be progressive The seemingly biennial battle based on the sales amount, acin Salem over imposing real escording to the bill, but the rate tate transfer taxes will apparently would decrease based on how be waged again in the current IN THE long the seller has owned the session. LEGISLATURE property. First-time homebuyers Oregon House Bill 2518 would would be exempt under the bill. allow cities, counties or other loCurrently, state law prohibits cal governments to impose a fee or tax when property titles are transferred. local governments from imposing real esAnd it figures to put local governments tate transfer taxes. But bills have been inThe Bulletin
Deschutes Brewery has spent $175,000 to incorporate a flash pasteurizer into the production of portions of limited-release beers, after a few consumers reported a sour taste in some bottles of two such brews, said Gary Fish, president of the brewery. The number of possibly affected bottles of beer produced in 2009 was “negligible” in the context of the brewery’s entire yearly output — much less than 1 percent, Fish said. The unusual taste arose in the 2009 Mirror Mirror and the 2009 Abyss because a wild yeast stuck to some barrels in which the brewery aged the beers after the barrels had been used to age wine or whiskey, Fish said. The brewery is willing to refund and pay for shipping of any unopened bottles of those brews back to the brewery, as they would with any beer, he said. A more complete explanation is available on the brewery’s blog at deschutesbrewery .com/blog.
Ten-year CLOSE 3.44 treasury CHANGE +2.08%
$1339.60 GOLD CLOSE CHANGE +$5.80
Real estate transfer taxes crop up again in House bill Oregon legislation would reverse ban in existing law
Deschutes Brewery adds pasteurizer
troduced to allow such taxes in some form during the last five regular sessions, according to legislative records. The Oregon Association of Realtors has also mounted an effort to amend the Oregon Constitution to permanently prohibit real estate transfer taxes. The group hopes to have the initiative on the ballot next year. House Bill 2518, filed at the request of the House Interim Committee on Revenue, has been referred to House committees on Business and Labor and, subsequently, Revenue. See Transfer tax / B3
NOW SHOWING: movie night invites
Apple tightens rules on e-book sales When you see people flipping through e-books on iPads or iPhones, there is a good chance they bought the books through, not Apple. Now, Apple wants to change that. Apple confirmed Tuesday that it would require app developers that sell e-books outside of their iPad and iPhone apps to also sell the books inside those apps. And purchases that originate in the app must be made through Apple, which keeps a 30 percent cut. Apple said it was newly enforcing an existing rule, one that will force Amazon, Sony, Google and other e-book sellers to change the way their apps work.
Gap president leaves The head of Gap North America is leaving the company, one of a number of changes that Gap announced for its flagship brand after years of declining sales at the division. Marka Hansen, who has been at Gap Inc. for 24 years, has run the Gap North America division since 2007. Art Peck, who has run the outlet business at Gap Inc. until now, will succeed Hansen. — From staff and wire reports
January auto sales signal a good year The total sales for the U.S. auto industry increased 17% over January 2010, as the slow recovery remains on track. Total monthly vehicles sales 16 million units Jan. 2011 12.6 million
14 2010-11 2009-10
Rob Kerr / The Bulletin
Mark Olmstead, at his home in Bend on Tuesday, is a partner in, a website offering a way to gather people for home entertainment events, which can be useful, he said, for events such as this weekend’s Super Bowl.
$28.524 SILVER CLOSE CHANGE +$0.350
FDA rejects another prescription diet drug By Andrew Pollack New York Times News Service
The Food and Drug Administration has declined to approve yet another prescription diet pill, vanquishing nearly any prospect that a new obesity medicine will be available to overweight Americans this year. In a rare move, the agency told the drug maker, Orexigen Therapeutics, that to win approval it must first do a long-term study to demonstrate that the drug, called Contrave, does not raise the risk of heart attacks. In doing so, the agency sent a strong signal that it is exercising considerable caution in assessing a new generation of diet medicines, after serious health problems, including deaths, caused by some older weight-loss pills. Contrave was the third of three obesity drugs that the FDA has declined to approve in the last few months, citing safety concerns. After Orexigen announced the agency’s decision early Tuesday, some experts and patient advocates warned that the action could further chill, or even kill, efforts by pharmaceutical companies to develop medicines for obesity, one of the nation’s largest health problems. “The FDA has decided that the most significant threat to public health will not be treated by any drug,” said Morgan Downey, editor of the online Downey Obesity Report, who is a patient advocate and has consulted for drug companies. “In the current environment, tap water could not be approved.” The FDA decision was not totally unexpected since Contrave is only modestly effective in helping people lose weight. See Diet drug / B4
Dow average passes 12,000 benchmark By Tom Petruno Los Angeles Times
Bend man helps create online service for home theater owners By Jordan Novet The Bulletin
Home theater owners, rejoice: a website can produce and send custom invitations to friends for your movie nights. Mark Olmstead, 45 and of Bend, is a partner in FireRock Studios LLC, the business running the website www. He said he’d talked a friend, former Bend resident Lance Julander, into making a business out of a just-for-fun project — software and a website that enabled Julander to design online two-dimensional renderings of his home theater and then invite friends over for events held in the snazzy room of his house in Houston. Julander, 43, said he was moved to establish a more formal method of encouraging friends to come over because call-
On the Web The hometheater-invitation website is online at at www ing people and reserving seats for them could be time-consuming, and a website and e-mails could convey the excitement of his home theater. For one thing, Julander said, the family has vending machines there, and when people see it all in real life, they have “grins that they can’t get off their face.” About two years ago, when Olmstead
saw the service Julander had created, a primitive version of the current site, Olmstead said he responded, “Wow, that’s really cool. Wow, this is a great idea, Lance.” The two brought in another programmer, Jim Wright, of Grants Pass, who had collaborated with Julander on another Internet business. They added features to the site, improved its design and, in September, became partners in FireRockStudios. Julander, who is looking to sell his family’s house and return to Bend soon, said he knows the website is not for everyone. “We know that we’re a niche product,” he said. “It’s never going to be like Facebook or something … like that.” See Invites / B3
LOS ANGELES — Wall Street’s bulls drove the stock market to new multiyear highs Tuesday, emboldened by fresh signs that the economy’s momentum in the fourth quarter spilled into January. The Dow Jones indusInside trial average • More good closed above news on the the 12,000 level economy, for the first Page B3 time since June 2008 — another milestone in the market’s rebound from its deep plunge after the financial crisis. Shaking off the continuing social unrest in the Middle East, the Dow jumped 148.23 points, or 1.2 percent, to end the session at 12,040.16. See Markets / B3
12 10 Jan. 2010 10.8 million
Professional help for sloppy offices
Percent change in total number of vehicles sold in January from the same month last year. GM
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Toyota Nissan
By Claudia Buck
17.3 14.8
Source: Autodata Corp. AP
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — As home offices go, Dianna Lovelace’s work space wasn’t the messiest. But every time the Rancho Cordova, Calif., mother and pastor’s wife wanted to pay a bill, do some writing or work on a project, the clutter crowded out her ability to concentrate. Like many of us, the energetic mom, who also runs a women’s ministry and teaches motivational workshops, could never find the time to
get on top of her home office clutter. And in her otherwise spotless home, it showed. The desktop was covered with family photos, piles of paper, bills, school notices. The wall-to-wall shelves were crammed with books, binders, old phone books, family mementoes, magazines, even a wedding bouquet. And the floor? It was a holding station for accumulated household stuff: last year’s Christ-
mas wreath, a bedroom comforter, the vacuum cleaner, Goodwill donations, a bag of tobe-shredded papers and 15 years’ worth of women’s conference materials. “All I want is peace ... and to be able to multitask a little easier,” exclaimed Lovelace, who said she procrastinated several years before hiring Tonya Piper, a professional organizer. See Office / B3
Jose Luis Villegas / Sacramento (Calif.) Bee
Homeowner Dianna Lovelace hired professional organizer Tonya Piper, right, to do a makeover of her home office in Rancho Cordova, Calif.
B2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Consolidated stock listings Nm
A-B-C-D A-Power ABB Ltd ACE Ltd AES Corp AFLAC AGCO AGIC Cv AGIC Cv2 AGL Res AK Steel AMB Pr AMR AOL ASML Hld AT&T Inc ATP O&G AU Optron AVI Bio AVX Cp AXT Inc Aarons s Aastrom rs AbtLab AberFitc AbdAsPac AbingtnBcp Abiomed AbitibiB n Abraxas AcaciaTc AcadiaPh AcadiaRlt Accenture AccoBrds Accuray Accuride n AcmePkt AcordaTh ActivsBliz Actuant Acuity Acxiom Adecaog n AdeonaPh AdobeSy Adtran AdvAuto AdvBattery AdvEnId AMD AdvPhot AdvSemi AdvOil&Gs AdvActBear AecomTch AegeanMP Aegon AerCap Aeropostl s AEterna g Aetna AffilMgrs Affymax Affymetrix AgFeed Agilent Agnico g Agrium g AirProd AirMedia Aircastle Airgas AirTran AkamaiT Akorn AlskAir AlaskCom Albemarle AlbertoC n AlcatelLuc Alcoa Alcon Alere AlexREE AlexcoR g Alexion Alexza AlignTech Alkerm AllgEngy AllegTch AllegiantT Allergan AlliData AlliancOne AlliBInco AlliBern AlliantEgy AlliantTch AldIrish AlldNevG AllisChE AllosThera AllotComm AllscriptH Allstate AlmadnM g AlonUSA AlphaNRs AlpGPPrp AlpTotDiv AlpAlerMLP AltairN rs AlteraCp lf AlterraCap Altria Alumina AlumChina Alvarion AmBev s Amarin Amazon Amdocs Amedisys Ameren Amerigrp AMovilL AmApparel AmAssets n AmAxle AmCampus ACapAgy AmCapLtd AEagleOut AEP AEqInvLf AmExp AFnclGrp AIG wt AmIntlGrp AmerMed AmSupr AmTower AmWtrWks Ameriprise AmeriBrgn AmCasino Ametek s Amgen AmkorT lf Amphenol Amtech Amylin Anadarko Anadigc AnalogDev Ancestry AnglogldA ABInBev Anixter AnnTaylr Annaly Anooraq g Ansys AntaresP Anworth Aon Corp A123 Sys Apache Apache pfD AptInv ApolloGrp ApolloInv Apple Inc ApldIndlT ApldMatl AMCC AquaAm Arbitron ArcadiaRs ArcelorMit ArchCap ArchCoal ArchDan ArchD pfA ArcticCat ArenaPhm AresCap AriadP Ariba Inc ArmHld ArmourRsd Arris ArrowEl ArrwhRsh h ArtioGInv ArubaNet ArvMerit AscenaRtl AscentSol AshfordHT Ashland AsiaInfoL AspenIns AspenTech AsscdBanc AsdEstat Assurant AssuredG AstoriaF AstraZen athenahlth Atheros AtlasAir AtlasEngy AtlasPplH AtlasPpln Atmel ATMOS AtwoodOcn Augusta g Aurizon g AutoNatn AutoChina Autodesk Autoliv AutoData AutoZone Auxilium
5.77 -.01 0.48 24.00 +.33 1.30 62.16 +.57 12.66 +.26 1.20 58.53 +.95 51.21 +.51 1.08 10.57 1.02 9.85 +.04 1.76 37.33 +.63 0.20 16.26 +.36 1.12 33.22 -.33 7.18 +.13 23.85 +.33 0.54 43.95 +1.94 1.72 27.87 +.35 17.25 +.29 9.82 +.22 2.10 -.07 0.18 15.99 +.31 11.41 +.58 0.05 19.75 +.56 2.63 -.03 1.76 45.23 +.07 0.70 50.73 +.32 0.42 6.73 +.06 0.24 12.95 +.53 9.96 +.16 26.83 -.19 4.88 +.09 25.62 +1.18 1.72 +.02 0.72 18.68 +.20 0.90 52.37 +.90 8.51 +.30 8.69 +.13 14.97 +.01 55.92 +2.14 22.24 +.29 0.15 11.65 +.36 0.04 28.37 +.64 0.52 56.15 +.95 17.36 +.13 13.00 +.40 1.42 -.07 33.51 +.46 0.36 41.61 +.57 0.24 63.35 -.59 3.81 +.08 15.87 +.43 8.22 +.39 1.87 +.07 0.06 6.29 +.17 7.57 +.14 24.80 -.26 29.83 +.56 0.04 11.09 +.19 7.78 +.38 15.33 +.41 23.99 -.13 1.56 -.04 0.04 33.80 +.86 100.01 -1.82 6.90 +.24 5.02 +.17 2.56 +.04 42.05 +.22 0.64 70.49 +2.05 0.11 90.76 +2.37 1.96 89.62 +2.37 7.24 +.45 0.40 11.23 +.61 1.16 63.58 +.91 7.41 +.02 49.07 +.75 5.34 +.34 62.25 +3.01 0.86 9.42 +.22 0.56 57.74 +1.58 0.34 37.26 +.01 3.43 +.12 0.12 17.32 +.75 3.95 163.85 +.99 39.67 +.50 1.80 77.60 +.56 6.85 +.31 85.65 +1.83 1.43 +.01 21.38 +.55 13.08 +.17 0.60 26.24 +.46 0.72 66.41 +1.22 0.75 42.87 -3.67 0.20 71.32 +.71 72.26 +1.52 4.00 +.17 0.48 7.79 1.51 21.29 +.11 1.70 37.50 +.34 0.80 76.95 +1.19 .72 +.02 27.57 +1.13 7.83 +.25 3.30 -.06 12.61 +.92 21.22 +.11 0.80 31.60 +.46 3.73 -.09 0.16 7.99 +.18 55.70 +1.97 0.40 7.01 +.04 0.66 6.13 +.09 0.25 16.32 +.02 3.01 +.11 0.24 39.44 +1.87 0.48 22.05 +.50 1.52 23.58 +.07 0.15 9.91 +.28 25.37 +.62 2.21 +.18 0.99 27.01 +.31 8.84 -.04 172.11 +2.47 29.50 +.36 34.60 +.51 1.54 28.69 +.32 52.88 +.51 0.52 58.52 +1.53 1.09 +.06 21.30 +.01 14.63 +.33 1.35 32.74 +.40 5.60 28.88 +.19 8.47 +.30 0.44 14.67 +.21 1.84 35.95 +.27 0.10 13.22 +.54 0.72 43.60 +.22 0.65 33.40 +.87 14.85 +.33 41.06 +.71 19.72 +.20 29.86 +2.59 51.78 +.92 0.88 25.67 +.17 0.72 62.92 +1.27 0.40 36.29 +.43 0.42 15.63 +.27 0.24 41.85 +1.07 55.71 +.63 8.24 +.10 0.06 56.89 +1.55 26.39 +.78 16.23 +.05 0.36 78.54 +1.46 6.79 -.04 0.88 39.67 +.84 36.10 +.50 0.18 44.58 +1.54 0.49 55.67 +.36 3.25 67.06 +3.79 22.54 +.42 2.65 17.92 +.09 1.52 +.08 53.53 +1.08 1.61 +.06 0.88 6.95 +.08 0.60 46.26 +.52 9.11 +.05 0.60 118.98 -.38 3.00 65.09 -.35 0.40 25.75 +.19 42.16 +.89 1.12 12.01 +.22 345.03 +5.71 0.68 33.23 +1.57 0.28 16.22 +.53 10.05 +.21 0.62 23.22 +.10 0.40 43.77 +2.08 .29 -.01 0.75 37.19 +.71 89.21 +.96 0.40 35.03 +.78 0.60 34.70 +2.03 3.13 43.81 +2.22 17.02 +1.00 1.68 +.10 1.40 17.00 +.21 6.53 +.16 27.66 -.43 0.12 27.13 +2.09 1.44 7.92 +.10 12.78 +.30 38.87 +1.07 .90 +.03 0.24 14.86 +.21 22.11 +.56 20.12 -1.74 27.86 +.75 3.38 +.21 10.22 +.47 0.60 59.33 +1.27 21.37 -.09 0.60 30.25 +.20 14.40 +.25 0.04 14.20 +.22 0.68 15.04 +.23 0.64 39.84 +.61 0.18 15.05 +.59 0.52 14.29 +.05 2.41 49.24 +.34 44.60 +1.66 44.58 -.01 53.92 +3.11 45.41 +1.11 0.28 14.33 +.58 1.48 24.46 +.20 14.23 +.70 1.36 33.18 +.58 40.62 +.20 4.51 +.48 6.60 +.24 29.15 +.44 23.09 -4.68 42.16 +1.48 1.60 77.69 +1.29 1.44 48.91 +1.01 255.00 +1.47 23.12 +.43
Nm AvagoTch AvalRare n AvalonBay AvanirPhm AveryD AviatNetw AvisBudg Avnet Avon Axcelis AXIS Cap B&G Foods B2B Inet BB&T Cp BCE g BE Aero BGC Ptrs BHP BillLt BHPBil plc BJs Whls BMC Sft BP PLC BP Pru BPZ Res BRE BRFBrasil s BabckW n Baidu s BakrHu BallCp BallardPw BallyTech BalticTr n BanColum BcBilVArg BcoBrades BcoLatin BcoSantand BcoSBrasil BcpSouth BkofAm BkAm wtA BkAm wtB BkHawaii BkIrelnd BkMont g BkNYMel BkNova g BkAtl A h BankUtd n BannerCp BarcUBS36 BarcGSOil BiPCop BrcIndiaTR BiPGrain BarcBk prD BarcBk prA Barclay Bar iPVix rs BarVixMdT Bard BarnesNob BarrickG BasicEnSv Baxter BaytexE g BeaconPw BeacnRfg BeazerHm BeazHEqU BebeStrs BeckCoult BectDck BedBath Belden Belo Bemis Berkley BerkH B BerryPet BestBuy BigLots BBarrett Biocryst Biodel BioFuelEn BiogenIdc BioLase BioMarin BioMedR Bionovo rs BioSante BioScrip Bitauto n BlkRKelso Blckbaud Blkboard BlackRock BlkDebtStr BlkEnDiv BlkIntlG&I Blackstone BlockHR BlueCoat Boeing Boise Inc Boise wt Borders BorgWarn BostPrv BostProp BostonSci BoydGm Brandyw BreitBurn BridgptEd BrigStrat BrigExp Brightpnt Brigus grs Brinker BrMySq BritATob Broadcom BroadrdgF Broadwind BrcdeCm BroncoDrl Brookdale BrkfldAs g BrkfldPrp BrklneB BrooksAuto BrwnBrn BrownShoe BrukerCp Brunswick Buckeye BuckTch Buckle Bucyrus Buenavent BuffaloWW BungeLt CA Inc CB REllis CBL Asc CBOE n CBS B CF Inds CH Robins CIGNA CIT Grp CLECO CME Grp CMS Eng CNH Gbl CNO Fincl CNOOC CNinsure CSX CVB Fncl CVR Engy CVS Care Cabelas CablvsnNY Cabot CabotMic CabotO&G CadencePh Cadence CalDive CalaStrTR Calgon CaliperLSc CallGolf Callidus CallonP h Calpine CAMAC En CamdnP Cameco g CameltInf n Cameron CampSp CdnNRy g CdnNRs gs CP Rwy g CdnSolar Canon CapGold CapOne CapProd CapitlSrce CapFdF rs CapsteadM CpstnTrb h CarboCer CardnlHlth CareFusion CareerEd Carlisle CarMax Carnival CarpTech Carrizo Carters CasellaW CashAm Caterpillar CathayGen CaviumNet CelSci Celanese CeleraGrp Celestic g Celgene CellTher rsh Cellcom Cemex Cemig pf CenovusE Centene CenterFncl CenterPnt CnElBras lf CentEuro CEurMed CFCda g CenPacF
D 0.07 29.07 +.36 5.86 +.09 3.57 115.53 -.40 4.11 +.06 0.80 41.80 -.29 5.48 +.29 14.30 +.46 36.56 +.94 0.88 28.63 +.32 3.56 +.09 0.92 36.00 +.42 0.68 13.60 +.17 1.06 -.01 0.60 28.50 +.86 1.97 36.80 +.47 38.43 -.26 0.48 8.20 +.10 1.74 91.45 +2.42 1.74 79.05 +2.34 43.48 -.46 48.37 +.67 0.07 47.98 +.51 8.80 112.18 -5.75 6.10 +.35 1.50 44.95 +.30 0.10 17.04 +.39 29.79 +.54 118.73+10.10 0.60 68.55 +.04 0.56 72.50 +1.37 1.68 +.02 41.20 +.27 0.32 8.81 +.52 1.34 59.35 +.91 0.55 12.95 +.68 0.82 19.09 +.17 0.80 17.77 +.68 0.78 12.69 +.45 0.45 11.99 +.39 0.44 15.71 +.07 0.04 14.31 +.58 8.03 +.51 2.81 +.21 1.80 47.04 +.17 1.04 2.26 +.19 2.80 58.60 +.89 0.36 32.09 +.86 1.96 57.96 +1.35 1.08 +.08 28.35 +.35 0.04 2.50 +.14 49.83 +.29 25.08 -.36 60.60 +1.40 66.05 -.07 55.61 +.68 2.03 25.75 -.04 1.78 24.72 +.17 0.28 19.44 +.64 30.48 -1.55 55.95 -2.13 0.72 93.76 -.59 1.00 16.92 +1.17 0.48 48.26 +.75 18.91 +.65 1.24 48.66 +.17 2.40 49.90 +.42 .29 -.02 18.93 +.77 5.63 +.28 1.81 24.66 +.94 0.10 5.71 +.10 0.76 72.26 +.25 1.64 83.82 +.87 48.53 +.53 0.20 36.01 +1.25 7.05 +.31 0.92 32.04 -.51 0.28 28.73 +.48 83.35 +1.60 0.30 47.02 +.35 0.60 34.40 +.40 31.86 +.07 42.04 +1.06 4.24 +.12 2.22 1.08 -.06 65.49 +.02 3.01 25.90 +.48 0.68 18.16 +.31 .85 +.01 1.92 +.06 5.10 -.08 11.01 +.17 1.28 11.78 +.28 0.44 26.75 +.46 39.03 +.17 4.00 201.23 +3.21 0.32 3.93 +.04 0.98 8.54 +.14 1.36 10.40 +.16 0.40 16.32 +.59 0.60 12.67 +.15 29.01 +.20 1.68 70.29 +.81 0.40 9.11 +.12 1.69 +.09 .47 -.26 67.28 -.12 0.04 6.98 +.27 2.00 93.77 -.60 7.13 +.15 11.25 +.41 0.60 11.78 +.18 1.65 22.32 +.14 18.77 +.51 0.44 20.49 +.52 29.81 +.20 9.47 +.40 1.64 +.04 0.56 24.01 +.48 1.32 25.27 +.09 3.24 75.25 +1.13 0.36 46.39 +1.30 0.60 22.96 +.07 1.90 +.06 5.69 +.05 7.37 +.45 22.15 +.30 0.52 33.04 +.41 0.56 17.78 +.19 0.34 11.09 +.26 12.15 +.41 0.32 24.75 -.01 0.28 13.29 +.62 17.96 +.46 0.05 20.41 +.49 3.90 64.93 +.27 0.20 25.75 +.59 0.80 35.99 +.24 0.10 90.77 +.01 0.46 43.97 +2.97 45.45 +1.68 0.92 68.69 +.62 0.16 24.35 +.55 22.91 +.72 0.80 17.25 +.19 0.40 22.95 -.06 0.20 19.94 +.11 0.40 138.40 +3.36 1.16 78.20 +1.11 0.04 42.91 +.89 48.34 +.65 1.00 31.93 +.67 4.60 315.93 +7.37 0.84 19.71 +.21 50.61 +2.18 6.49 +.16 5.28 229.00 +6.34 0.26 17.89 +1.03 1.04 71.87 +1.27 0.34 8.40 +.12 17.75 +.43 0.50 34.95 +.75 25.52 +.62 0.50 34.69 +.84 0.72 44.86 +1.61 45.36 +.25 0.12 41.75 +.12 7.70 -.07 8.77 +.09 6.33 +.19 0.63 9.45 +.16 14.49 +.23 6.57 +.13 0.04 7.53 +.18 6.53 +.28 9.23 +.52 14.48 +.21 1.87 +.08 1.80 55.73 +.30 0.40 42.57 +1.10 22.88 +.48 53.68 +.38 1.16 34.30 +.16 1.30 68.98 +1.08 0.30 45.35 +.83 1.08 67.64 +.51 14.36 +.34 49.06 -.10 4.96 +.17 0.20 49.86 +1.70 0.93 10.20 +.06 0.04 7.90 +.18 0.30 12.12 -.07 1.51 13.00 +.29 1.21 +.07 0.80 114.58 -.58 0.78 41.95 +.44 26.31 +.58 23.15 +.71 0.68 38.53 +.82 33.24 +.59 1.00 45.76 +1.05 0.72 39.99 -1.16 34.13 +.28 28.18 +.48 8.19 +.17 0.14 41.44 +1.21 1.76 98.01 +1.00 0.04 17.91 +.60 42.95 +3.41 .74 +.05 0.20 43.09 +1.60 6.43 +.25 10.46 +.59 52.24 +.71 .34 -.01 3.59 30.46 -.08 0.43 9.60 +.13 1.19 16.57 +.05 0.80 34.30 -.31 28.29 +.57 7.49 +.14 0.79 16.25 +.10 1.56 13.78 +.15 23.63 +.69 18.87 +.67 0.01 19.18 +.24 1.53 -.02
Nm CentAl CntryLink Cenveo Cephln Cepheid CeragonN Cerner CerusCp Changyou ChRvLab ChrmSh ChartInds ChkPoint Checkpnt Cheesecake ChelseaTh Chemtura n CheniereEn ChesEng Chevron ChicB&I Chicos ChildPlace Chimera ChinAgri s ChinaBAK ChinaBiot ChinaCEd ChinaDir ChiGengM ChinaGreen ChinaInfo ChinaIntEn ChinaLife ChiMarFd ChinaMda ChiMYWd n ChinaMble ChNBorun n ChinNEPet ChinaPStl ChinaRE ChinaSecur ChinaShen ChinaUni ChiValve ChinaYuch Chipotle Chiquita Chubb ChungTel n ChurchDwt CIBER CienaCorp Cimarex CinciBell CinnFin Cinemark Cintas Cirrus Cisco Citigp pfJ Citigp pfN Citigrp Citigp wtA Citigp wtB CitzRepB h CitrixSys CityNC Clarcor ClaudeR g CleanEngy Clearwire CliffsNRs ClinicData Clorox CloudPeak CoBizFncl Coach CobaltIEn CocaCE CocaCl Coeur Cognex CognizTech Cogo Grp CohStQIR Coherent Coinstar ColdwtrCrk ColgPal CollctvBrd ColonPT Comcast Comc spcl Comerica CmclMtls CmwReit rs CmtyBkSy CmtyHlt CommVlt CBD-Pao s CompssMn Compellent CompPrdS CompSci Compuwre ComstkRs Comtech Con-Way ConAgra ConchoRes ConcurTch Conexant ConocPhil Conolog h ConsolEngy ConEd ConstellA ConstellEn ContlRes Continucre Cnvrgys ConvOrg h Cooper Ind CooperTire CopaHold CopanoEn Copart Copel Corcept CoreLogic CorinthC CornPdts Corning CorpOffP CorrectnCp Cosan Ltd Costco Cott Cp CousPrp Covance CovantaH CoventryH Covidien CrackerB Crane Credicp CredSuiss CrSuiHiY Cree Inc Crocs Crossh g rs CrosstexE CrwnCstle CrownHold Crystallx g CubistPh CullenFr Cummins CumMed Curis CurEuro CurtisWrt Cyclacel Cymer CypSemi CypSharp CytRx Cytec Cytori DCT Indl DHT Hldgs DPL DR Horton DSW Inc DTE DanaHldg Danaher s DaqoNEn n Darden Darling Dataram h DaVita DeVry DeanFds DeckOut s DeerConsu Deere DejourE g DelMnte Delcath Dell Inc DeltaAir DeltaPtr h Deluxe DemMda n DemandTc DenburyR Dndreon DenisnM g Dennys Dentsply Depomed DeutschBk DB AgriDL DBGoldDL DBGoldDS DevelDiv DevonE Dex One DexCom Diageo DiaOffs DiamRk DianaShip DiceHldg DicksSptg Diebold DigitalRlt DigRiver Dillards DirecTV A DrxTcBll s DrxEMBll s DrTcBear rs DrSCBear rs DREBear rs DrxEBear rs DrxSOXBr
D 15.63 +.76 2.90 43.44 +.20 5.73 +.35 59.40 +.32 24.03 +.27 12.94 +.63 100.11 +1.26 3.40 +.10 39.72 +5.35 37.81 -.54 3.15 +.04 37.76 +1.44 46.30 +1.75 21.00 +.33 30.08 +.57 6.18 +.22 16.93 +.24 7.77 +.46 0.30 30.23 +.70 2.88 96.22 +1.29 34.60 +1.71 0.16 11.22 +.30 42.14 +.25 0.69 4.26 +.06 10.79 -.02 2.04 +.01 14.27 -.24 7.57 +.03 1.47 +.03 3.12 +.46 8.36 +.23 4.53 +.03 5.99 -.10 1.54 58.71 +.42 3.84 -.11 16.66 -1.18 9.67 +.44 1.85 49.64 +.50 14.13 +.21 5.29 -.09 1.66 +.02 7.74 +.24 4.87 +.10 5.75 +.09 0.23 16.67 +.21 7.27 -.03 0.25 29.66 +1.26 221.90 +2.98 15.64 +.22 1.48 58.73 +.80 30.17 +.30 0.68 69.41 +.60 4.70 +.14 23.05 +1.02 0.32 104.93 +.80 2.90 +.05 1.60 32.88 +.84 0.84 17.16 +.21 0.49 28.55 +.49 21.33 +.30 21.47 +.32 2.13 26.31 +.01 1.97 26.73 4.90 +.08 .99 -.00 .26 +.01 .66 +.03 65.06 +1.88 0.80 58.20 +.41 0.42 43.73 +.55 2.02 +.13 11.98 +.11 5.20 -.09 0.56 89.64 +4.18 30.30 +.56 2.20 63.51 +.62 23.91 +1.14 0.04 6.47 +.09 0.60 54.00 -.09 13.94 +.39 0.48 25.77 +.61 1.76 63.05 +.20 24.52 +1.14 0.32 32.38 +1.04 75.35 +2.40 9.18 +.42 0.72 9.41 +.22 53.51 -.04 42.67 +1.28 2.97 +.06 2.12 76.71 -.06 21.36 +1.00 0.60 19.39 +.20 0.38 23.40 +.65 0.38 21.95 +.51 0.40 38.99 +.79 0.48 16.73 +.01 2.00 27.14 +.47 0.96 25.88 +.60 35.42 +.30 32.18 +1.29 0.36 37.57 -.59 1.56 94.77 +2.90 27.74 +.01 28.50 +.56 0.80 54.32 +1.03 10.89 +.17 26.66 -1.04 1.00 27.99 -.07 0.40 34.79 +.77 0.92 22.54 +.21 96.00 -.25 51.17 +.14 2.09 2.20 71.71 +.25 .18 -.18 0.40 51.31 +1.61 2.40 50.11 +.20 19.43 +.21 0.96 32.67 +.42 64.49 +.28 4.32 +.25 14.21 -.03 .38 +.00 1.08 62.66 +1.40 0.42 22.73 -.13 1.09 57.54 +1.29 2.30 33.36 -.26 39.90 +.65 0.72 25.86 +.27 4.08 +.03 20.33 +.28 5.41 +.13 0.56 46.92 +.79 0.20 22.69 +.48 1.65 36.74 +.19 24.95 +.14 13.78 +.80 0.82 72.43 +.59 8.33 +.29 0.18 8.69 +.17 54.39 -1.99 1.50 17.03 +.11 30.88 +.91 0.80 49.15 +1.68 0.88 51.38 -.10 0.92 45.09 +.68 1.70 108.11 +3.85 1.85 45.62 +.91 0.32 3.03 51.66 +1.17 16.86 +.47 2.29 +.11 0.32 8.80 +.34 43.21 +1.04 33.70 +.34 .25 -.01 42.21 +1.05 22.31 +.37 1.80 58.58 +.80 1.05 107.41 +1.53 4.51 +.69 2.87 +.10 0.01 137.78 +1.40 0.32 35.44 +.74 1.44 -.01 49.95 +1.36 21.91 +.26 2.40 13.10 +.05 .84 +.04 0.50 57.00 +2.46 5.64 +.16 0.28 5.48 -.06 0.40 5.12 +.03 1.33 26.71 +.53 0.15 12.40 +.01 34.40 +1.11 2.24 46.63 +.37 18.37 +.45 0.08 47.59 +1.53 13.83 +.69 1.28 48.34 +1.23 13.84 +.29 2.19 -.08 74.75 +.90 0.24 53.65 +1.54 10.36 +.21 75.97 +2.58 11.35 +.09 1.40 92.96 +2.06 .31 +.01 0.36 18.94 -.02 9.68 +.22 13.45 +.29 11.79 +.12 .73 +.00 1.00 25.14 +.69 21.20 +.92 12.78 +.73 20.81 +.46 34.85 -.19 3.98 +.23 3.89 +.11 0.20 36.36 +.88 8.34 -.04 0.93 61.13 +2.58 15.99 +.36 37.79 +.51 8.90 -.13 0.16 13.61 +.01 0.64 89.45 +.76 5.79 +.29 14.13 +.03 2.38 77.45 +.65 0.50 71.25 -.46 12.56 +.43 11.74 +.13 14.98 +1.92 36.65 +.56 1.08 31.12 +.46 2.12 54.41 +.01 31.92 +.18 0.16 39.96 +.24 43.02 +.63 0.51 53.31 +2.61 0.19 38.71 +2.34 19.93 -1.16 14.45 -1.07 15.95 -.17 17.14 -.92 0.71 11.48 -.93
DrxSOXBll DirEMBr rs DirFnBear DrxFBull s Dir30TrBear DrxREBll s DirxDMBear DirxSCBull DirxLCBear DirxLCBull DirxEnBull Discover DiscCm A DiscCm C DiscLab rs DishNetwk Disney DrReddy DolbyLab DollrFn DollarGen DollarTh DllrTree s DomRescs Dominos Domtar grs Donldson DonlleyRR DoralFncl DotHill h DblEgl DEmmett Dover DowChm DrPepSnap DragonW g DrmWksA DresserR DryHYSt Dril-Quip drugstre DryShips DuPont DuPFabros DukeEngy DukeRlty DunBrad DuoyGWat Duoyuan lf DyaxCp Dycom Dynavax Dynegy rs
0.01 64.74 +4.37 20.83 -1.65 8.10 -.47 31.60 +1.65 47.51 +.69 0.39 62.60 +.60 7.11 -.54 0.11 75.76 +4.80 7.74 -.40 1.55 79.75 +3.57 0.41 74.85 +3.68 0.08 20.89 +.30 39.00 34.10 +.14 3.04 -.09 22.00 +.89 0.40 39.88 +1.01 0.24 35.64 -.10 60.27 +.57 31.59 +.96 28.85 +1.04 49.28 +.76 51.19 +.61 1.97 43.78 +.24 16.88 +.48 1.00 90.34 +2.41 0.52 59.25 +.65 1.04 18.19 +.47 1.28 +.04 2.68 -.12 8.27 +.48 0.40 18.29 -.14 1.10 65.73 +1.63 0.60 36.36 +.88 1.00 35.35 -.08 7.25 +.13 28.53 +.46 45.41 -.52 0.52 4.57 +.03 78.14 +1.02 1.85 +.09 4.87 +.05 1.64 51.66 +.98 0.48 23.02 +.10 0.98 18.05 +.17 0.68 13.68 -.02 1.40 85.97 +1.02 10.67 +.12 2.29 +.02 2.01 +.11 16.74 +.67 3.06 +.06 6.22 -.07
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28.55 +.26 0.08 19.71 +.69 0.53 44.48 +1.14 1.60 +.21 43.05 +3.99 5.08 +.75 0.88 23.81 +.78 0.50 23.94 +.19 0.26 16.03 +.63 0.54 8.15 +.06 1.20 11.07 +.04 11.94 +.55 0.30 5.90 -.05 10.05 +.54 36.13 +1.48 13.09 +.08 35.17 +.01 0.82 25.37 +.50 0.25 23.17 +.62 2.53 74.68 +1.48 0.50 31.92 +.63 0.95 38.57 +1.06 0.66 26.69 +.69 0.29 25.70 +.53 0.45 19.45 +.26 0.33 18.72 +.59 0.14 11.15 +.22 0.39 63.32 +1.92 0.34 14.43 +.22 0.54 62.44 +1.68 0.33 22.29 +.58 0.43 13.86 +.12 1.56 47.09 +.77 1.82 66.67 +1.08 2.15 42.89 +1.02 0.55 32.60 +.37 0.29 15.96 +.39 0.43 18.00 +.44 1.57 59.19 +.59 1.90 57.28 +.37 0.54 72.76 +1.40 1.28 62.46 +2.47 27.87 +.48 1.08 59.03 +.99 1.70 50.55 +.57 2.51 107.28 -.09 0.97 62.36 +.82 0.63 42.84 +.29 1.06 92.54 +1.81 2.36 131.24 +2.09 3.93 105.12 -.22 0.64 46.92 +1.11 5.23 107.91 -.14 0.81 48.27 +.96 1.35 43.75 +1.25 2.47 60.02 +.78 5.68 106.00 +.49 0.15 26.61 +.68 1.16 67.53 +.92 0.72 42.41 +1.00 1.18 52.61 +1.24 1.24 62.68 +1.19 3.85 90.45 -.45 3.29 93.13 -.43 0.84 83.93 -.09 1.42 60.85 +1.41 0.86 46.68 +.66 0.57 58.53 +.83 1.48 105.25 +1.46 0.97 93.70 +1.37 7.77 91.37 +.18 0.44 60.97 +1.48 0.13 27.43 -.04 0.03 34.74 +.49 0.51 94.42 +.70 1.90 68.74 +.24 1.37 65.78 +1.40 1.29 67.41 +1.13 0.57 103.32 +1.34 0.73 59.56 +.91 1.13 72.64 +1.16 1.16 72.59 +1.59 2.96 104.58 -.08 0.58 88.75 +1.90 0.89 79.75 +1.80 2.89 38.97 +.11 1.97 58.23 +.27 0.07 13.73 +.18 0.59 59.94 +1.09 0.49 42.64 +.76 0.74 69.90 +1.35 0.87 79.33 +2.16 0.89 49.77 +1.32 0.27 61.04 +.64 0.18 68.42 +.79 0.98 42.02 +1.01 0.40 50.45 +1.23 8.21 +.28 1.00 59.19 +.27 66.42 +.58 3.41 +.38 22.60 +.33 20.43 +.58 3.45 +.11 1.36 53.55 +.06 70.82 +1.48 11.62 +1.52 27.37 +1.78 20.37 +.60 8.29 +.03 3.26 -.01 23.87 +.65 0.44 44.42 -.19 14.55 -.19 3.87 30.17 +.32 .65 -.16 .03 2.82 41.70 +.78 7.75 +.42 46.63 +.23 0.90 68.75 +1.04 0.28 47.67 +.47 20.16 +.42 0.57 9.46 +.18 3.91 -.04 .35 -.40 7.08 +.70 10.69 +.27 2.72 48.15 +.56 0.72 21.48 +.02 14.30 +.20 1.79 16.44 +.27 121.38 +.89 0.40 49.99 +1.84 36.98 -.39 7.36 +.07 2.60 163.56 +1.56 9.53 +.28 1.08 58.60 +1.55 0.24 17.54 +.37 0.75 29.57 +.69 32.14 +.11 69.90 +.70 10.85 +.16 0.48 15.40 +.28 21.65 +1.41 37.25 +1.11 47.57 +.64 332.58 +9.67 0.44 25.31 +.57 3.49 22.71 +.34 0.29 5.05 18.63 +.20 13.40 +.08 8.03 +.35 0.75 24.61 +.22 11.11 +.32 9.08 -.02 9.75 +.33 0.65 22.07 +.58 59.81 +1.79 3.51 +.05 1.48 27.99 +.36 .98 -.02 16.41 +.68 43.43 +.01 28.07 +.47 6.93 +.03 17.62 +.65 0.20 45.93 +.99 1.81 37.55 +.16 0.28 20.72 +.51 0.38 29.77 +.21 22.46 +.52 1.62 +.06 52.53 +1.16 6.18 +.22 2.31 +.12 22.97 +.49 0.04 13.06 +.15 0.33 34.47 +.57 22.58 +.22 0.30 25.44 +.43 5.83 -.17
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D 27.17 +1.06 60.44 +.11 1.58 +.05 2.16 60.63 +.86 0.64 38.44 +.05 0.20 12.81 +.12 0.20 92.71 +4.07 1.45 +.05 43.72 +.99 0.70 89.84 +2.66 37.37 +.25 53.88 +1.81 0.25 15.18 +.41 0.20 33.43 +1.33 14.57 +.79 0.23 15.54 +.55 0.56 9.82 +.16 1.00 45.09 +1.01 19.82 +.14 4.09 -.08 51.85 +1.87 17.25 +.22 1.94 29.91 +.41 1.62 50.20 -.10 16.05 +.45 0.48 41.28 +.68 24.06 -.14 4.06 +.06 13.66 +.35 0.04 9.26 +.36 0.24 17.29 -.14 1.40 38.42 +.28 2.80 64.52 -.21 0.72 18.28 +.19 4.52 71.70 +.13 19.34 +.63 45.80 -.33 14.25 +.01 2.67 -.05 0.10 16.98 +.34 13.94 +.08 0.24 18.93 -.13 1.70 24.85 +.83 0.24 17.12 +.38 6.41 +.06 51.32 +.54 4.16 +.10 13.00 +.27 23.98 +.58 1.16 30.67 +.10 6.68 +.13 0.42 21.69 +.29 10.29 +.54 8.83 +.33 11.95 +.02 1.60 78.90 +.65 0.46 28.37 +.32 12.87 +.36 17.46 +.51 24.70 +.54 6.36 +.17 9.12 +.26 8.40 +.08 .85 -.01 88.83 -1.08 3.80 +.04 53.95 +.41 52.23 +2.34 37.23 +.39 0.20 42.50 +1.07 49.09 +2.60 0.44 28.18 +.41 6.30 +.07 9.80 +.40 0.50 42.76 +1.04 14.27 +.29 3.95 +.09 106.11 +.48 0.24 33.83 +.70 1.08 22.96 +.43 0.40 31.95 +.21 0.16 19.94 +.58 0.60 50.46 +1.32 0.25 33.68 +1.16 1.29 +.06 1.79 +.10 0.46 8.61 +.14 39.45 +4.61 0.31 5.12 +.06 41.34 +.78 39.16 +.89 16.37 +.53 67.17 +1.51 1.90 34.44 -.33 0.80 9.87 -.45 55.32 +1.03 41.12 +1.24 35.39 +.19 1.96 35.21 +.44 6.47 +.24 0.80 29.65 +.41 0.80 27.77 +.72 0.20 30.32 +1.48 0.34 69.13 +4.05 0.96 35.07 +.28 2.64 39.69 +.10 3.99 +.15 10.72 +.32 11.30 +.32 5.14 +.20 4.19 +.16 4.04 -.02 3.00 80.59 +.99 0.25 41.27 +1.22 19.17 +.43 39.96 +1.43 35.64 +2.74 2.47 -.06 4.50 74.48 -.76 10.37 +.33 0.44 25.00 +.20 1.44 109.75 +2.29 73.20 +4.52 28.58 +.64 36.84 +.90
M-N-O-P M&T Bk MB Fncl MBIA MCG Cap MDC MDU Res MELA Sci MEMC MF Global MFA Fncl MIN h MGIC MGM Rsts MI Devel MIPS Tech MKS Inst MPG OffTr MSC Ind MSCI Inc Macerich MackCali Macys MadCatz g MSG n MagelnHl MagelMPtr MagelPt MagicSft Magma MagnaI gs MagHRes Majesco MAKO Srg Manitex Manitowoc MannKd ManpwI Manulife g MarathonO MarinaB rs MktVGold MkVStrMet MktVRus MktVEgypt MktVJrGld MktV Agri MkVBrzSC MktV Viet MktVCoal MarIntA MarshM MarshIls MartMM MarvellT Masco Masimo MasseyEn Mastec MasterCrd
2.80 87.27 +.80 0.04 19.93 +.27 10.85 +.15 0.37 7.13 +.33 1.00 31.41 +.50 0.65 21.43 +.20 2.67 -.03 11.63 +.54 8.58 +.30 0.94 8.30 +.13 0.56 6.29 -.01 8.97 +.58 15.09 +.26 0.40 28.87 +1.25 13.07 +.65 29.51 +.80 3.80 +.12 0.88 61.07 +1.64 34.64 +.41 2.00 48.54 -.12 1.80 34.94 -.08 0.20 22.74 -.41 .85 -.02 25.18 -.04 49.69 +1.28 3.03 57.03 +.53 2.66 +.02 0.50 8.12 +.06 5.59 +.16 0.72 59.00 +.63 7.08 +.04 1.24 +.03 15.81 +.29 5.90 +.32 0.08 17.11 +3.68 4.74 -.03 0.74 65.90 +1.33 0.52 18.08 +.64 1.00 46.60 +.90 1.08 +.05 0.40 55.44 +1.52 24.23 +.87 0.18 40.38 +1.29 0.16 18.52 +1.02 2.93 35.62 +1.52 0.33 56.86 +1.70 3.58 53.81 +1.65 0.34 29.36 +.36 0.19 47.94 +1.28 0.35 40.37 +.88 0.84 28.35 +.47 0.04 7.12 +.13 1.60 83.83 +.33 19.57 +.56 0.30 13.93 +.61 2.75 29.81 -.17 0.24 64.75 +1.89 15.96 +.74 0.60 238.15 +1.64
Nm Mattel Mattson MaximIntg McClatchy McCorm McDrmInt s McDnlds McGrwH McKesson McMoRn McAfee MeadJohn MdbkIns MeadWvco Mechel Mechel pf MedAssets MedcoHlth Mediacom MedProp MediCo Medicis Medifast Medivation MedleyC n Mednax Medtrnic MelcoCrwn Mellanox MensW MentorGr MercadoL Merck Meredith MeridBio Meritage Metalico Metalline Methanx MetLife MetroPCS Micrel Microchp Micromet MicronT MicrosSys MicroSemi Microsoft Micrvisn MdwGold g MillerHer Millicom MincoG g MindrayM Mindspeed Minefnd g MitsuUFJ MizuhoFn MobileTel s Modine Mohawk Molex MolexA MolsCoorB Molycorp n Momenta MoneyGrm MonPwSys Monsanto MonstrWw Montpelr Moodys MorgStan MSEMDDbt MorgHtl Mosaic MotrlaSol n MotrlaMo n Motricity n Move Inc MuellerWat MurphO Mylan MyriadG NCI Bld rs NCR Corp NETgear NFJDvInt NGAS Rs h NICESys NII Hldg NMT Md h NPS Phm NRG Egy NV Energy NXP Sem n NYSE Eur Nabors NalcoHld Nanomtr NasdOMX NBkGreece NatFuGas NatGrid NatInstru NOilVarco NatPenn NatRetPrp NatSemi NatwHP NatResPtrs NavigCons Navios NaviosMar NaviSite Navistar NektarTh NeoStem NetLogic s NetApp Netease Netflix NtScout NetSolTch NetwkEng NBRESec Neurcrine NeuStar NeutTand Nevsun g NDragon NwGold g NY&Co NY CmtyB NY Times NewAlliBc Newcastle NewellRub NewfldExp NewmtM NewpkRes Newport NewsCpA NewsCpB Nexen g NextEraEn NiSource Nicor NielsenH n NikeB 99 Cents NipponTT NobleCorp NobleEn NokiaCp Nomura Noranda n NordicAm Nordion g Nordstrm NorflkSo NoAmEn g NA Pall g NoestUt NDynMn g NthnO&G NorTrst NthgtM g NorthropG NStarRlt NwstBcsh NovaGld g Novartis NovtlWrls Novavax Novell Novlus NovoNord NSTAR NuSkin NuVasive NuanceCm Nucor NvIMO NuvMuVal NvMSI&G2
D 0.83 24.15 +.47 2.40 +.11 0.84 26.17 +.35 5.03 -.07 1.12 44.38 +.18 22.34 +1.56 2.44 73.47 -.20 1.00 36.92 -2.06 0.72 77.60 +2.43 15.65 47.91 +.01 0.90 57.90 -.07 0.16 9.76 +.27 1.00 29.32 +.94 34.59 +3.06 10.70 +.85 19.78 +.15 62.19 +1.17 8.80 +.04 0.80 11.18 +.20 15.94 +.26 0.24 25.88 +.45 24.44 +.52 14.39 +.31 12.00 66.35 +.20 0.90 38.57 +.25 7.73 -.03 27.38 +.03 0.48 27.24 +1.03 12.81 +.08 68.76 +.98 1.52 34.00 +.83 1.02 34.02 +.32 0.76 21.95 +.01 23.26 +.30 5.78 +.23 1.14 -.01 0.62 28.52 +1.26 0.74 46.96 +1.19 13.02 +.09 0.14 13.33 -.06 1.38 37.19 +.72 6.57 +.14 10.81 +.27 46.29 +.55 23.10 +.61 0.64 27.99 +.27 1.95 +.06 1.28 +.02 0.09 24.29 +.16 7.24 94.98 +1.73 2.38 +.03 0.20 27.08 +.92 7.33 +.31 9.94 +.25 5.20 3.93 +.05 19.22 +.11 16.85 +.35 56.10 +.55 0.70 26.82 +.67 0.70 22.31 +.55 1.12 47.53 +.66 48.60 +1.79 12.92 +.13 2.64 +.17 14.96 +.29 1.12 76.05 +2.67 15.90 -.75 0.40 20.14 +.29 0.46 29.56 +.19 0.20 29.92 +.52 1.20 16.03 +.08 9.56 +.53 0.20 83.88 +2.89 39.02 +.25 27.99 +.12 19.86 +.61 2.21 -.04 0.07 4.41 +.41 1.10 68.37 +2.07 23.54 +.38 19.84 -.12 13.89 +.62 16.88 +.48 34.64 -.01 1.80 17.79 +.19 .57 +.00 32.86 +.14 42.10 +.12 .42 -.03 9.63 -.38 20.89 +.14 0.48 14.65 +.28 27.23 +1.49 1.20 32.39 +.58 24.83 +.43 0.14 30.94 +.48 18.42 +1.30 25.33 +.85 0.29 2.07 +.16 1.38 69.85 +1.51 7.04 45.97 +.93 0.60 44.84 +2.53 0.44 74.10 +.20 0.04 8.36 +.20 1.52 24.80 -.05 0.40 15.40 +.24 1.88 37.54 -.01 2.16 36.96 +.59 10.43 +.24 0.24 5.04 +.16 1.72 19.51 +.23 4.13 +.13 63.57 -1.28 11.17 -.04 1.41 -.02 35.87 +1.01 56.52 +1.79 40.41 +.07 212.90 -1.18 23.30 +.38 2.07 +.06 1.87 +.05 0.24 4.03 +.01 7.53 +.15 27.36 +.53 15.55 +.43 6.22 +.27 .07 8.25 +.21 5.86 +.27 1.00 18.62 +.30 10.36 +.25 0.28 15.44 +.49 7.02 +.32 0.20 19.47 +.22 74.12 +.95 0.60 56.51 +1.44 6.34 +.36 18.44 +.89 0.15 15.59 +.57 0.15 17.09 +.51 0.20 25.06 -.09 2.00 54.53 +1.07 0.92 18.73 +.11 1.86 51.25 +.78 25.75 -.32 1.24 83.55 +1.07 14.83 -.07 23.43 +.20 0.90 37.90 -.35 0.72 89.14 -1.96 0.56 10.85 +.15 6.17 +.06 15.34 +.55 1.70 24.31 -.14 11.38 -.04 0.80 40.94 -.24 1.60 62.12 +.93 12.09 +.10 7.08 +.54 1.03 33.69 +.77 19.57 +1.20 27.92 +.35 1.12 52.30 +.32 2.61 +.03 1.88 70.27 +.97 0.40 5.16 -.03 0.40 11.84 +.13 13.71 +.42 1.99 56.63 +.77 7.47 +.26 2.20 +.04 6.04 +.02 38.14 +2.07 1.41 114.61 +1.48 1.70 44.43 +1.05 0.50 31.21 +1.13 28.84 +.90 20.79 +.46 1.45 47.20 +1.29 0.86 13.36 +.06 0.47 9.07 +.02 0.70 8.90 +.12
NuvPI2 0.89 13.25 +.14 NuvQPf2 0.66 8.03 +.05 Nvidia 24.47 +.55 O2Micro 6.76 +.16 OCZ Tech 8.30 +.33 OGE Engy 1.50 46.54 +.65 OReillyAu 56.92 +.09 OasisPet n 32.06 +.09 OcciPet 1.52 98.93 +2.25 Oceaneer 78.68 +1.45 OceanFr rs .82 +.02 Och-Ziff 0.88 16.16 +.10 Oclaro rs 14.48 +.60 OcwenFn 10.26 +.16 OfficeDpt 5.34 +.09 OfficeMax 16.20 +.13 OilSvHT 2.40 154.71 +.80 OilStates 68.13 +.37 Oilsands g .60 +.05 OldNBcp 0.28 11.00 +.27 OldRepub 0.69 12.32 +.09 Olin 0.80 19.80 +.33 OmegaHlt 1.48 22.57 +.29 Omncre 0.13 26.57 +.65 Omnicom 0.80 45.89 +1.01 OmniVisn 27.02 +1.19 Omnova 7.04 +.01 OnSmcnd 11.36 +.31 OnTrack 3.36 -.07 ONEOK 2.08 59.22 +.33 OnyxPh 35.82 +.54 OpenTxt 50.15 +.76 OpenTable 81.62 +3.00 OpnwvSy 2.12 +.09 OpkoHlth 3.92 +.02 OplinkC 24.19 -.59 Opnext 1.99 +.13 optXprs 4.50 15.06 +.20 Oracle 0.20 33.24 +1.21 OrbitalSci 17.40 +.34 Orexigen 2.50 -6.59 OrientEH 12.62 +.46 OrientFn 0.20 12.15 +.33 OriginAg 10.04 +.31 OshkoshCp 38.46 +.55 OssenInno n 4.50 +.20 OvShip 1.75 32.34 -.90 OwensM s 0.71 29.90 +.37 OwensCorn 34.04 +.57 OwensIll 29.80 +.31 Oxigene h .19 -.01 PDL Bio 1.00 5.03 +.09 PF Chng 0.63 46.65 +.61 PG&E Cp 1.82 46.60 +.32 PHH Corp 24.58 +.69 Pim15TIPS 1.32 52.92 +.09 PMC Sra 8.02 +.20 PMI Grp 3.11 +.20 PNC 0.40 62.29 +2.29 PNM Res 0.50 13.28 +.25 POSCO 1.43 104.73 +2.59 PPG 2.20 86.01 +1.73 PPL Corp 1.40 25.81 +.02 PSS Wrld 24.06 +.23 Paccar 0.48 51.95 -4.54 PacerIntl 6.65 +.40 PacEth h .83 -.03 PacSunwr 4.32 +.06 PackAmer 0.60 28.43 +.18 PaetecHld 4.02 +.07 PallCorp 0.70 53.95 -1.46 PanASlv 0.10 34.58 +1.77 ParPharm 36.33 +.61 ParagShip 0.20 3.22 +.13 ParamTch 22.77 +.54 ParaG&S 3.33 -.02 Parexel 20.92 -2.29 ParkDrl 4.42 +.08 ParkerHan 1.28 90.45 +1.04 Prkwy pfD 2.00 24.92 +.02 PartnerRe 2.20 81.76 -.12 PatriotCoal 28.44 +2.27 Patterson 0.40 33.32 +.26 PattUTI 0.20 23.60 +.26 Paychex 1.24 32.74 +.74 PeabdyE 0.34 64.92 +1.50 Pengrth g 0.84 12.78 +.09 PnnNGm 36.43 +.70 PennVa 0.23 17.76 +.38 PennWst g 1.08 27.41 -.08 Penney 0.80 31.81 -.26 PenRE 0.60 13.72 +.06 Penske 16.93 +.03 Pentair 0.80 37.28 +1.11 PeopUtdF 0.62 13.20 +.29 PepBoy 0.12 14.29 +.35 PepcoHold 1.08 18.72 +.15 PepsiCo 1.92 65.05 +.74 PeregrineP 2.47 +.12 PerfectWld 23.90 +.68 PerkElm 0.28 26.00 +.42 Prmian 1.38 21.41 -.31 Perrigo 0.28 74.00 +1.28 PetMed 0.50 15.05 -.04 PetChina 3.97 143.53 +4.26 Petrohawk 20.14 +.09 PetrbrsA 1.20 33.95 +.70 Petrobras 1.20 37.73 +1.00 PetroDev 45.83 +.32 PtroqstE 7.89 +.05 PetsMart 0.50 40.43 +.19 Pfizer 0.80 19.22 +1.00 PhrmAth 3.22 -.01 PhmHTr 2.42 65.62 +1.53 PharmPdt 0.60 29.12 -.02 Pharmacyc 5.26 +.21 Pharmerica 11.94 +.63 PhilipMor 2.56 57.72 +.48 PhilipsEl 0.95 31.59 +.36 PhlVH 0.15 58.86 +.49 PhnxCos 2.63 +.07 PhotrIn 6.80 +.21 PiedmOfc n 1.26 19.82 +.04 Pier 1 9.60 +.23 PilgrimsP 7.00 +.02 PimCpOp 1.38 19.27 +.27 PimIncStr2 0.78 10.54 +.13 PimcoHiI 1.46 13.23 +.05 PinnclEnt 15.32 +.24 PinnaclFn 14.11 +.35 PinWst 2.10 41.17 +.46 PionDrill 9.09 +.23 PioNtrl 0.08 95.53 +.37 PitnyBw 1.46 24.26 -.02 PlainsAA 3.83 65.31 -.13 PlainsEx 35.78 +.38 Plantron 0.20 36.24 +.84 PlatGpMet 2.32 +.08 PlaybyB 6.13 -.01 Plexus 28.10 +1.06 PlugPwr h .75 PlumCrk 1.68 41.37 -.50 PluristemT 3.10 -.15 Polaris 1.80 77.68 +.76 Polo RL 0.40 106.91 -.27 Polycom 43.98 +.13 PolyMet g 2.10 +.05 PolyOne 13.81 +.66 Polypore 49.13 +.98 Poniard h .43 +.01 Pool Corp 0.52 24.78 +.40 Popular 3.35 +.14 PortGE 1.04 22.77 +.43 PositvID h .62 -.01 PostPrp 0.80 37.15 +.12 Potash 0.84 182.77 +4.99 Power-One 11.29 +.59 PSCrudeDS 55.64 +1.53 PwshDB 28.74 +.21 PS Agri 34.51 +.22 PS Oil 29.07 PS BasMet 24.99 +.49 PS USDBull 22.14 -.22 PS OilSv 0.08 23.56 +.33 PSFinPf 1.27 17.78 +.06 PShNatMu 1.12 22.33 -.01 PwShPfd 0.97 14.14 +.05 PShEMSov 1.57 26.31 +.01 PSIndia 0.24 22.38 +.06 PwShs QQQ 0.33 57.05 +1.05 Powrwav 3.48 -.01 Praxair 2.00 95.28 +2.24 PrecCastpt 0.12 143.85 +.86 PrecDrill 10.71 +.20 PrfdBkLA 1.60 -.25 PrmWBc h .35 -.00 PriceTR 1.08 67.21 +1.29 priceline 437.93 +9.41 PrideIntl 33.25 +.75 PrinFncl 0.55 34.30 +1.53 PrinFn pfB 1.63 24.47 +.02 PrisaB n 11.35 +.25 PrivateB 0.04 15.62 +.25 ProShtDow 42.59 -.50 ProShtQQQ 33.02 -.62 ProShtS&P 42.11 -.71 PrUShS&P 21.94 -.72 ProUltDow 0.37 58.80 +1.37 PrUlShDow 19.09 -.49 ProUltMC 0.04 67.73 +2.00 PrUShMC 11.04 -.35 ProUltQQQ 89.06 +3.16 PrUShQQQ 10.53 -.40 ProUltSP 0.43 51.78 +1.65 ProUShL20 39.41 +.36 ProShtEM 31.01 -.80 PrUSCh25 rs 30.02 -.44 ProUSEM rs 32.34 -1.66 ProUSRE rs 16.59 -.17 ProUSOG rs 31.08 -1.11 ProUSBM rs 18.05 -1.13 ProUltRE rs 0.41 54.64 +.47 ProUShtFn 14.28 -.56 ProUFin rs 0.07 71.84 +2.54 PrUPShQQQ 26.78 -1.62 PrUPShR2K 21.32 -1.51 ProUltO&G 0.23 54.48 +1.78 ProUBasM 0.04 53.01 +2.82 ProUShEur 12.47 -.63 ProShtR2K 31.42 -.78 ProUltPQQQ 168.59 +8.87 ProUSR2K 11.96 -.58 ProUltR2K 0.01 44.20 +1.93 ProSht20Tr 45.45 +.20 ProUSSP500 17.19 -.86 ProUltSP500 0.38 228.78+10.42 ProUltCrude 11.99 -.33 ProUSGld rs 31.03 -.50 ProUSSlv rs 11.04 -.44 ProUShCrude 10.31 +.29 ProSUltSilv 133.41 +4.65 ProUltShYen 15.69 -.29 ProUShEuro 18.87 -.40 ProceraNt .64 -.01 ProctGam 1.93 62.92 -.21 ProgrssEn 2.48 45.59 +.67 ProgrsSft s 30.11 +1.47 ProgsvCp 1.40 20.01 +.20 ProLogis 0.45 14.84 -.08 ProspctCap 1.21 11.61 +.16 ProspBcsh 0.70 41.87 +1.42
Protalix ProtLife ProvEn g ProvidFS Prudentl PSEG PubStrg PudaCoal PulteGrp PPrIT
9.77 +.04 0.56 28.34 +.77 0.54 8.14 +.06 0.44 14.81 +.16 1.15 63.40 +1.89 1.37 33.12 +.69 3.20 108.89 -.09 12.85 +.48 8.10 +.21 0.71 6.45 +.01
Q-R-S-T QEP Res n QIAGEN QLT QR Eng n QiaoXing QlikTech n Qlogic Qualcom QualitySys QuantaSvc QntmDSS QuantFu h Quepasa QstDiag QuestSft Questar s Questcor QuickLog QksilvRes Quiksilvr QuinStrt n QwestCm RAIT Fin RF MicD RPC s RPM RSC Hldgs RTI Biolog RTI IntlM Rackspace RadianGrp RadientPh RadOneD RadioShk Radware Ralcorp RAM Engy Rambus RamcoG Randgold RangeRs RaptorPhm RareEle g RJamesFn Rayonier Raytheon RealD n RealNwk RltyInco RedHat RedwdTr RegalBel RegalEnt RgcyCtrs RegncyEn Regenrn RegBkHT RegionsFn Regis Cp ReinsGrp RelStlAl RenaisRe ReneSola RentACt Rentech Repsol RepubAir RepubSvc RschMotn ResMed s ResoluteEn Resolute wt ResrceCap RetailHT RexEnergy RexahnPh ReynAm s RightNow RioTinto s RitchieBr RiteAid h Riverbed s RobbMyer RobtHalf RockTen RockwlAut RockColl RockwdH RogCm gs Rollins s Roper RosettaR RossStrs Rovi Corp Rowan RoyalBk g RBScotlnd RylCarb RoyDShllB RoyDShllA RoyGld Rubicon g RubiconTc RubyTues Ruddick Rudolph RuthsHosp Ryanair Ryder RdxSPEW Ryland SAIC SAP AG SBA Com SCANA SEI Inv SFN Grp SK Tlcm SLGreen SLM Cp SM Energy SpdrDJIA SpdrGold SpdrEMSmC SpdrIntRE SpdrIntlSC SP Mid S&P500ETF Spdr Div SpdrHome SpdrKbwBk SpdrKbwIns SpdrWilRE SpdrLehHY SpdrNuBST SpdrSTCpBd SpdrLe1-3bll SpdrKbw RB SpdrRetl SpdrOGEx SpdrMetM SPX Cp SRA Intl STEC STMicro STR Hldgs SVB FnGp SXC Hlth s SABESP Safeway StJoe StJude Saks Salesforce SalixPhm SallyBty SamsO&G SanderFm SanDisk SandRdge SangBio Sanmina Sanofi Santarus Sapient SaraLee Satcon h SavientPh Savvis Schlmbrg Schnitzer SchwUSMkt SchwUSLgC Schwab SchMau SciGames Scotts ScrippsNet ScrippsEW SeadrillLtd SeagateT SealAir Sealy Seanergy SearsHldgs Seaspan SeattGen SelCmfrt SemGrp n SemiHTr SemiMfg SemiLeds n SempraEn Semtech Senesco SenHous Sensata n Sensient Sequenom ServiceCp ShandaGm ShawGrp Sherwin ShipFin ShoreTel ShufflMstr Shutterfly SiderNac s Siemens SifyTech SigaTech h SigmaAld SignatBk SignetJwlrs SilicGrIn SilicnImg SilcnLab SilicnMotn
0.08 41.50 +.86 18.51 +.06 7.13 +.13 1.65 22.60 -.30 2.48 +.03 23.50 +.29 17.89 +.08 0.76 55.08 +.95 1.40 80.72 +.88 23.89 +.16 2.86 +.17 .45 14.28 +1.03 0.40 57.00 +.05 26.26 +.44 0.56 17.61 +.18 15.46 5.92 +.13 15.40 +.39 4.67 +.20 22.82 +.31 0.32 7.15 +.02 0.03 2.74 +.21 7.02 +.29 0.28 17.74 +.16 0.84 23.70 +.27 12.48 +.52 2.71 +.03 27.55 -1.34 34.19 +.68 0.01 7.50 +.32 .68 +.07 1.49 +.24 0.25 15.17 +.02 38.11 +.78 61.55 +.35 1.80 +.11 20.93 +.44 0.65 12.75 -.11 0.17 78.76 +2.27 0.16 49.18 -.69 3.85 -.04 12.67 +.07 0.52 36.87 +.65 2.16 59.78 +.57 1.50 50.50 +.51 23.93 +.26 3.84 +.08 1.73 35.08 +.12 41.99 +.67 6.58 +.44 1.00 15.39 +.42 0.68 68.60 +1.86 0.84 12.17 +.01 1.85 43.56 +.45 1.78 26.42 -.15 33.70 +.02 0.59 89.86 +2.31 0.04 7.32 +.22 0.24 16.77 +.01 0.48 60.19 +2.63 0.40 53.74 +1.45 1.00 65.86 +.24 10.76 +.19 0.24 31.67 +1.93 1.26 +.03 1.20 32.56 +.82 6.55 +.13 0.80 30.46 -.38 60.40 +1.29 30.77 -.72 18.22 +.12 5.30 +.17 1.00 7.21 +.08 1.71 106.28 +.99 12.22 +.19 1.45 -.02 1.96 32.04 +.23 26.60 +.67 0.90 71.23 +1.75 0.42 25.31 +.38 1.26 -.02 35.49 -.38 0.18 42.11 +.58 0.52 31.79 +.43 0.80 67.66 +.91 1.40 82.26 +1.25 0.96 65.17 +1.03 42.46 +1.87 1.28 35.32 +.40 0.28 19.42 +.43 0.44 78.91 +1.22 39.52 -.43 0.64 65.60 +.40 62.68 +.92 35.06 +.78 2.00 54.81 +1.11 13.73 +.36 45.66 +.76 3.36 73.49 +2.92 3.36 73.35 +2.36 0.44 48.15 +1.75 4.95 +.16 18.34 +.33 13.95 +.47 0.52 34.16 +.46 9.84 -.22 4.78 +.12 2.29 31.42 +.86 1.08 49.49 +1.41 0.63 49.00 +.69 0.12 18.26 +.46 16.64 +.07 0.67 58.95 +1.05 41.77 +.97 1.90 42.79 +.52 0.20 23.49 +.34 10.26 +.58 17.51 +.21 0.40 73.43 +.67 15.03 +.62 0.10 61.98 -.18 2.92 120.09 +1.49 130.80 +.93 1.73 54.32 +.71 3.39 39.48 +.70 0.55 31.81 +.80 1.51 170.43 +2.58 2.37 130.74 +2.06 1.74 52.68 +.51 0.33 18.00 +.31 0.13 26.96 +.64 0.67 44.40 +.99 1.79 63.32 +.25 4.58 40.33 +.10 0.48 23.66 0.59 30.38 -.01 45.85 0.35 26.59 +.46 0.49 47.06 +.63 0.20 57.31 +.56 0.38 70.88 +1.91 1.00 80.85 +2.47 26.85 +.17 21.34 +.85 0.28 12.36 +.24 19.21 +.93 53.18 +.71 48.62 +.51 2.55 51.05 +1.48 0.48 20.91 +.22 28.00 +.59 40.87 +.37 11.97 +.25 131.64 +2.50 41.41 +.44 13.39 +.23 2.60 -.12 0.68 40.89 -.22 46.49 +1.12 7.63 +.19 7.87 +.21 15.66 +.63 1.63 35.43 +1.02 3.35 +.09 0.35 12.16 +.21 0.46 17.19 +.22 5.14 +.29 9.15 -.08 31.46 +.69 1.00 89.64 +.65 0.07 62.86 +1.18 0.44 31.56 +.49 0.46 31.14 +.47 0.24 18.51 +.46 0.60 59.80 -.16 10.54 +.22 1.00 52.28 +.61 0.30 46.85 +.35 9.15 +.07 2.41 34.51 +1.36 13.95 -.05 0.52 27.94 +1.25 2.69 +.04 .85 -.05 76.58 +1.21 0.50 14.67 +.36 16.17 -.22 10.15 -.01 29.00 +.20 0.56 35.28 +.87 4.03 +.17 18.02 -.07 1.56 52.91 +.84 22.16 +.33 .29 +.01 1.48 22.24 -.18 32.00 +.49 0.84 34.17 +.26 7.05 +.20 0.16 8.96 +.29 6.00 +.03 37.90 +.13 1.44 84.67 -.06 1.44 20.04 +.03 7.50 -.08 10.53 +.20 34.01 +.72 0.58 17.25 +.19 3.72 131.36 +2.95 2.41 +.08 11.18 -.29 0.64 65.34 +1.69 53.90 +1.66 43.27 +.79 10.15 +.23 7.21 +.35 44.89 +.41 7.50 +1.94
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two partners have determined that with 1,000 people signed up, they could begin to implement a monetizing function. One idea for generating profit from the site, Olmstead said, is selling custom DVDs chock full of trivia, old cartoons and the like for home theater owners to show their audiences before a movie starts. All three partners work on Web-based businesses of their own, and they don’t expect the
Continued from B1 But with more and more houses being equipped with media rooms or home theaters, he said the company has “decent potential” to sign up 1,000 or several thousand people on the site. Olmstead said the site already has had 100 people make accounts — which are free — on the site, and he and the other
venture to go viral. “But our hope,” Julander said, “is that we can turn it into a profitable business, and a lot of people can use it, and can be excited about it.” In testing different beta versions of the site over the past six or seven months, Gregg Eidson of Beaverton said he has enjoyed using the service, because the “really nice layout” of the e-mails he has sent, such as the one recently developed in time
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 B3
for the Super Bowl this weekend, allows him and other users to “treat your friends in a special manner.” Friends of his have thanked him after receiving the invitations to events at his home theater. “They feel kind of privileged when they get it,” Eidson said. Jordan Novet can be reached at 541-633-2117 or at jnovet@
How the Dow did it Consumers are spending, construction is booming in developing countries and people love burgers. So gains in stocks like Home Depot, Caterpillar and McDonald’s gave the Dow its first close above 12,000 in two and a half years. The Dow winners reflected the global economy’s recovery. Companies like Caterpillar benefited from fast growth abroad. U.S. consumers are spending more. So consumer stocks Home Depot and McDonald’s had big gains. The Dow lineup changed on the way down. AIG, Citigroup and General Motors were tossed out. Cisco Systems, Kraft and Travelers took their place.
Continued from B1 The blue-chip index now is up 84 percent from its 12-year low of 6,547 reached in March 2009. It’s still 15 percent below its record high of 14,164 set in October 2007. Most market indexes on Tuesday posted their biggest gains of the year. The Standard & Poor’s 500 index rose 1.7 percent, and the tech-dominated Nasdaq composite rallied 1.9 percent. While the prospect of revolution in Egypt had sent oil prices surging Friday and triggered a global sell-off in stocks, by Monday, equity markets were stabilizing. On Tuesday, buyers swarmed again after the Institute for Supply Management said its index of U.S. manufacturing activity nationwide in January rose to the highest level since May 2004. The index came in at 60.8 compared with analysts’ consensus estimate of 58.0. Any index reading above 50 indicates expansion. Despite the risks posed by Middle East unrest, stock investors are taking the view that “when the domestic economy’s momentum really starts to kick in, the rest of this stuff doesn’t matter,” said Barry Knapp, equity strategist at Barclays Capital in New York. A pullback in oil prices also buoyed the mood Tuesday. Nearterm crude futures in New York fell $1.42 to $90.77 a barrel. Investors also have been encouraged by generally strong fourth-quarter corporate earnings. Better-than-expected reports from United Parcel Service Inc. and Pfizer Inc. helped to stoke the rally Tuesday. Stocks had surged in the fourth quarter as the economy picked up speed and as the Federal Reserve pledged to continue pumping money into the financial system to underpin growth. As 2011 began, some analysts warned that the market was ripe for a pullback. A modest sell-off did hit smaller stocks in mid-January but failed to halt the momentum in the market overall.
Home Depot (HD) IBM (IBM) McDonald’s (MCD) Caterpillar (CAT) Travelers (TRV) Walt Disney (DIS) United Technologies (UTX) JPMorgan Chase (JPM) 3M (MMM) Coca-Cola (KO) DuPont (DD) How S&P 500 industries have done Pfizer (PFE) since June 19, 2008 Verizon (VZ) Consumer discretionary 22% Telecom -10 Kraft Foods (KFT) Technology 12 Raw materials -11 American Express (AXP) Consumer staples 6 Energy -13 Hewlett-Packard (HPQ) Health care 5 Utilities -23 -1 Industrials -2 Financials -26 -2 -2 The Dow’s long trek back -3 14,000 -3 June 19, 2008 close 12,063.09 -4 12,000 -6 End of -6 recession 10,000 -9 -16 -21 8,000 -25 Dec. 31, 2007 Feb 1, 2011 close 13,264.82 close 12,040.16 -49 6,000 2008 2009 2010 ’11 -56
36% 31 25 23 22 21 19 19 18 18
Stan Choe, Elizabeth Gramling / AP
The Dow now is up 4 percent this year after rising 11 percent in 2010. The S&P 500 also is up 4 percent this year, and the Nasdaq index is up 3.7 percent. Anthony Conroy, chief trader at brokerage BNY ConvergEx in New York, said the dollar’s continuing slide is luring foreign investors to U.S. stocks by making them less expensive when priced in stronger foreign currencies. For overseas investors, “This is an extremely cheap place to put money,” Conroy said. At the same time, turmoil in Egypt and other emerging markets is dulling the appeal of those markets for some global investors who have been buying heavily there over the last decade.
Continued from B1 Neither The Oregon League of Cities nor the Association of Oregon Counties has taken a position on the bill yet. But officials from both organizations said Tuesday that they generally support legislation that allows local elected officials to decide what taxes or fees should be imposed. The League of Oregon Cities has a standing policy that calls for the “lifting of all pre-emptions that limit local control and local governments from making their own decisions,” said the organization’s Michael Novak. The Association of Oregon Counties generally seeks to give its members “the flexibility to raise revenue to pay for essen-
9 8 6 3 2 0 Chevron (CVX) Exxon Mobil (XOM) Wal-Mart (WMT) Procter & Gamble (PG) Microsoft (MSFT) Merck (MRK) Intel (INTC) Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Boeing (BA) Cisco Systems (CSCO) AT&T (T) General Electric (GE) Bank of America (BAC) Alcoa (AA)
Source: FactSet
Transfer tax
Automakers off to a good start for the year DETROIT — Automakers on Tuesday said January newvehicle sales in the United States gave them more reason to be optimistic about the year ahead, with nearly every company reporting a sizable increase. “This month is an indication that we’re off to a good start for 2011,” said Jesse Toprak, vice president for industry trends and insight at, which tracks sales and prices. Sales increased 22 percent for General Motors and 9 percent for the Ford Motor Co. compared with January 2010. Both companies said they cut back significantly on bulk deliveries to carrental companies, which pay deeply discounted prices. Chrysler said sales rose 23 percent; Nissan’s sales were up 15 percent. Toyota’s sales rose 17 percent from January 2010, when it had to temporarily stop selling eight popular models to fix defective accelerator pedals. — New York Times News Service
Continued from B1 That’s a typical response. “It’s overwhelming for many people. Sometimes they just need permission to get rid of their ‘stuff,’ ” said Piper, owner of Control C.H.A.O.S., a former engineer who has been a professional organizer for churches, homes and offices the last five years. A home office, whether it’s a corner table or an entire room, is the place where every document of your life, from bills to health care to school, needs a place to roost. Getting it organized can free up usable space, and result in less time and money spent looking for lost items or buying replacements. The mantra of every personal organizer: Everything in your house needs its own home, including every piece of paper you keep. And even then, we keep too much. “People like to pile, instead of file,” said Ann Nagel, the Elk Grove, Calif., owner of Organize With Ann, who has seen clients’ homes with paper piled on window sills, dining room tables, bathroom floors and just about any flat surface. The most typical — but worst — place, she says, is the kitchen counter, where papers easily get wet or spilled on. When tackling a home office organization, there are two necessities: a good filing cabinet and a commitment to purge paper. And an understanding that it’s often ugliest at the start. To begin, spread your piles on the bed or floor and sort by category: taxes, insurance, bills, owners’ manuals, etc. Put a
tial services,” said Gil Riddell, policy coordinator. But Shaun Jillions, vice president of public policy for the Realtors Association, said transfer taxes would impose additional costs on those trying to buy a home or business, and those who want to transfer property to their children. The Realtors have opposed nearly a dozen previous efforts to impose a transfer tax in five previous sessions, Jillions said. “When you add these additional fees and taxes, it’s harder and harder for people to purchase homes,” he said. “I can’t think of a worse time economically to impose an additional tax.” Tim Doran can be reached at 541-383-0360 or at tdoran@
sticky note on each pile as you go. Once they’re sorted, create subcategories. For instance, under “Insurance,” you might have separate files: “Insurance-Health,” “Insurance-Life,” “Insurance-Home.” Ultimately, those piles should go into a permanent home inside labeled folders in a filing cabinet. Create a filing system that works for you. Some need a file for résumés, airline rewards, gym memberships, Social Security. Some like organizing files alphabetically, by color (green for finances, blue for medical, etc.) or category. Lovelace had already colorcoded many of her women’s workshop files, but they occupied valuable space inside a desk drawer. Because they aren’t used daily or even monthly, Piper moved them to a nearby bookshelf. She turned brown accordion file folders on their sides, facing out, so Lovelace’s rainbowhued files are easily accessible. Another home organizing tip: Have a single place to store incoming papers. It can be a letter tray, a file folder, a basket or even a box. “If it’s all in one spot, you stand a much better chance of dealing with it when you’re ready to take action,” says Nagel. Another common clutter contributor is sticky notes that often proliferate on desktops or computer monitors. Instead, keep a small binder or spiral notebook on your desk to consolidate all your to-do lists, phone calls, follow-up reminders and sticky notes, says Holly Graff, owner of Clutter Control Angels in Sacramento.
Market update Northwest stocks Name
AlskAir Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeB rs CascdeCp ColSprtw Costco CraftBrew FLIR Sys HewlettP HmFedDE Intel Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDU Res MentorGr Microsoft
... 1.00 .04 .36f 1.68 ... .40 .80a .82 ... ... .32 .22 .72f .04 .42 ... ... .65f ... .64
9 14 22 24 16 ... ... 28 24 53 22 12 ... 11 20 13 13 ... 17 ... 7
YTD Last Chg %Chg 62.25 23.15 14.31 14.97 70.29 9.31 48.77 62.41 72.43 7.45 32.15 46.52 10.68 21.48 9.26 21.69 6.30 10.37 21.43 12.81 27.99
Name NikeB Nordstrm NwstNG OfficeMax Paccar PlanarSy PlumCrk PrecCastpt Safeway Schnitzer Sherwin StancrpFn Starbucks TriQuint Umpqua US Bancrp WashFed WellsFargo WstCstB Weyerh
+3.01 +9.8 +.50 +2.8 +.58 +7.3 +.25 -3.7 +.81 +7.7 -.26 +10.2 +1.70 +3.2 +1.43 +3.5 +.59 +.3 +.11 +.8 +1.11 +8.1 +.83 +10.5 -.04 -13.0 +.02 +2.1 +.36 +4.6 +.29 -3.0 +.07 +4.0 +.33 +9.6 +.20 +5.7 +.08 +6.8 +.27 +.3
Precious metals Metal NY HSBC Bank US NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
Price (troy oz.) $1340.00 $1339.60 $28.524
Pvs Day $1330.00 $1333.80 $28.174
1.24f .80 1.74 ... .48a ... 1.68 .12 .48 .07 1.44 .86f .52 ... .20 .20 .24f .20 ... .60f
20 17 16 22 56 ... 33 21 ... 19 20 10 24 13 ... 18 15 15 81 ...
Market recap 83.55 40.94 44.55 16.20 51.95 2.55 41.37 143.85 20.91 62.86 84.67 45.58 32.25 13.67 11.20 27.66 17.45 33.44 3.25 23.89
+1.07 -.24 -.01 +.13 -4.54 -.05 -.50 +.86 +.22 +1.18 -.06 +.97 +.72 +.51 +.23 +.66 +.16 +1.02 ... +.71
-2.2 -3.4 -4.1 -8.5 -9.4 +23.2 +10.5 +3.3 -7.0 -5.3 +1.1 +1.0 +.4 +16.9 -8.0 +2.6 +3.1 +7.9 +15.2 +26.2
Prime rate Time period
YTD Last Chg %Chg
Most Active ($1 or more) Vol (00)
Last Chg
Citigrp BkofAm FordM Pfizer S&P500ETF
3826925 2083763 1752179 1308053 1176816
4.90 +.08 14.31 +.58 15.89 -.06 19.22 +1.00 130.74 +2.06
Gainers ($2 or more) Manitowoc GlobalCash Imation Tuppwre DiceHldg
Last 17.11 3.67 11.62 52.60 14.98
Chg %Chg +3.68 +.62 +1.52 +6.85 +1.92
+27.4 +20.3 +15.0 +15.0 +14.7
Losers ($2 or more) Name BarcShtD TrnsRty CSVS2xVxS BiPLSpxVM iP SER2K
3.25 3.25 3.25
Most Active ($1 or more) Name
Vol (00)
DenisnM g TravelCtrs SamsO&G NthgtM g NovaGld g
Last Chg
78691 3.98 +.23 70884 8.90 +4.65 66496 2.60 -.12 62555 2.61 +.03 44053 13.71 +.42
Most Active ($1 or more) Vol (00)
Orexigen PwShs QQQ Microsoft Intel SiriusXM
1715735 2.50 -6.59 689025 57.05 +1.05 620259 27.99 +.27 600432 21.48 +.02 471209 1.63 +.01
TravelCtrs iMergent ChiGengM Augusta g UraniumEn
8.90 +4.65 +109.4 5.26 +.82 +18.5 3.12 +.46 +17.3 4.51 +.48 +11.9 5.73 +.50 +9.6
Chg %Chg
Chg %Chg -2.95 -13.7 -.60 -12.0 -4.19 -9.2 -1.62 -8.8 -3.39 -8.7
PernixTh NewConcEn LGL Grp AvalonHld GlblScape
2,514 552 79 3,145 331 8
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows
SilicnMotn HovnEn pf A CumMed ID Syst Changyou
Losers ($2 or more)
Chg %Chg
7.50 +1.94 +34.9 8.04 +1.54 +23.7 4.51 +.69 +18.1 5.08 +.75 +17.3 39.72 +5.35 +15.6
Losers ($2 or more)
Chg %Chg
9.87 -1.12 -10.2 3.64 -.36 -9.0 20.17 -1.84 -8.4 2.85 -.15 -5.0 2.07 -.11 -5.0
Orexigen Vivus Zion wt1-12 SptChalB FFinSvc
2.50 -6.59 -72.5 7.57 -1.38 -15.4 5.59 -1.01 -15.3 2.50 -.30 -10.7 4.12 -.47 -10.2
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows
Last Chg
Gainers ($2 or more)
18.60 4.40 41.45 16.75 35.64
52-Week High Low Name
Gainers ($2 or more) Name
Last Previous day A week ago
Chg %Chg
Diary 358 129 28 515 26 3
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows
2,045 624 99 2,768 184 24
12,020.52 9,614.32 Dow Jones Industrials 5,256.80 3,742.01 Dow Jones Transportation 416.47 346.95 Dow Jones Utilities 8,222.51 6,355.83 NYSE Composite 2,225.48 1,689.19 Amex Index 2,766.17 2,061.14 Nasdaq Composite 1,302.67 1,010.91 S&P 500 13,799.80 10,596.20 Wilshire 5000 807.89 580.49 Russell 2000
World markets
Net Chg
12,040.16 5,126.09 413.57 8,290.09 2,201.28 2,751.19 1,307.59 13,848.16 798.89
+148.23 +100.98 +4.22 +150.93 +29.24 +51.11 +21.47 +230.63 +17.64
YTD %Chg %Chg +1.25 +2.01 +1.03 +1.85 +1.35 +1.89 +1.67 +1.69 +2.26
52-wk %Chg
+4.00 +.38 +2.12 +4.09 -.32 +3.71 +3.97 +3.65 +1.94
+16.93 +28.37 +7.62 +16.74 +19.84 +25.62 +18.51 +20.96 +30.10
Here is how key international stock markets performed Tuesday.
Key currency exchange rates Tuesday compared with late Monday in New York.
Dollar vs:
Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt Hong Kong Mexico Milan New Zealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
367.11 2,683.73 4,072.62 5,957.82 7,184.27 23,482.95 37,618.10 22,525.59 3,348.46 10,274.50 2,072.03 3,184.74 4,852.00 5,886.51
+1.76 s +1.71 s +1.68 s +1.62 s +1.51 s +.15 s +1.72 s +2.15 s +.29 s +.36 s +.11 s +.16 s +.04 s +1.23 s
Exchange Rate
Australia Dollar Britain Pound Canada Dollar Chile Peso China Yuan Euro Euro Hong Kong Dollar Japan Yen Mexico Peso Russia Ruble So. Korea Won Sweden Krona Switzerlnd Franc Taiwan Dollar
Pvs Day
1.0117 1.6139 1.0079 .002083 .1516 1.3820 .1283 .012284 .083358 .0338 .000905 .1568 1.0680 .0344
.9970 1.6019 .9986 .002069 .1514 1.3689 .1283 .012188 .082277 .0335 .000893 .1550 1.0593 .0344
Selected mutual funds YTD Name NAV Chg %Ret Amer Beacon Insti: LgCapInst 20.38 +0.36 +4.5 Amer Beacon Inv: LgCap Inv 19.36 +0.33 +4.5 Amer Century Inv: EqInc 7.38 +0.10 +2.4 GrowthI 26.83 +0.44 +3.8 Ultra 23.58 +0.38 +4.1 American Funds A: AmcpA p 19.54 +0.27 +3.8 AMutlA p 26.07 +0.31 +3.0 BalA p 18.48 +0.19 +3.1 BondA p 12.16 -0.02 CapIBA p 50.58 +0.56 +1.3 CapWGA p 36.77 +0.60 +2.9 CapWA p 20.56 +0.09 +0.7 EupacA p 42.32 +0.76 +2.3 FdInvA p 38.14 +0.60 +3.9 GovtA p 13.84 -0.03 -0.4 GwthA p 31.45 +0.49 +3.3 HI TrA p 11.48 +0.02 +2.2 IncoA p 16.98 +0.17 +2.6 IntBdA p 13.42 -0.02 +0.1 ICAA p 29.19 +0.43 +3.7 NEcoA p 26.29 +0.40 +3.8 N PerA p 29.30 +0.51 +2.4 NwWrldA 53.77 +0.68 -1.5 SmCpA p 39.07 +0.58 +0.5 TxExA p 11.65 -0.01 -1.1 WshA p 28.10 +0.39 +3.3 Artio Global Funds: IntlEqI r 30.49 +0.47 +1.2 IntEqII I r 12.58 +0.20 +1.0 Artisan Funds: Intl 22.46 +0.35 +3.5 MidCap 34.40 +0.44 +2.3 MidCapVal 21.10 +0.33 +5.1 Baron Funds: Growth 52.46 +0.74 +2.4 Bernstein Fds: IntDur 13.71 -0.03 +0.2 DivMu 14.18 -0.01 -0.3 TxMgdIntl 16.32 +0.37 +3.8
BlackRock A: EqtyDiv 18.08 +0.28 GlAlA r 19.82 +0.23 BlackRock B&C: GlAlC t 18.51 +0.22 BlackRock Instl: EquityDv 18.12 +0.29 GlbAlloc r 19.91 +0.23 Calamos Funds: GrwthA p 55.16 +1.00 Columbia Class A: Acorn t 29.73 +0.54 DivEqInc 10.47 +0.16 Columbia Class Z: Acorn Z 30.70 +0.55 AcornIntZ 41.29 +0.65 ValRestr 51.65 +0.89 Credit Suisse Comm: ComRet t 9.52 +0.04 DFA Funds: IntlCorEq 11.82 +0.27 USCorEq2 11.40 +0.22 Davis Funds A: NYVen A 35.46 +0.66 Davis Funds C & Y: NYVenY 35.83 +0.66 NYVen C 34.27 +0.63 Delaware Invest A: Diver Inc p 9.20 -0.01 Dimensional Fds: EmMCrEq 21.72 +0.26 EmMktV 35.03 IntSmVa 17.56 LargeCo 10.31 +0.17 USLgVa 21.20 +0.43 US Small 21.88 +0.50 US SmVa 26.31 +0.66 IntlSmCo 17.39 Fixd 10.33 IntVa 19.60 +0.44 Glb5FxInc 10.88 -0.03 2YGlFxd 10.16 Dodge&Cox: Balanced 73.11 +1.21 Income 13.27 -0.01
+3.2 +2.1 +2.0 +3.2 +2.1 +3.3 +1.7 +3.7 +1.7 +0.9 +2.3 +1.9 +5.0 +3.9 +3.3 +3.3 +3.2 +0.3 -2.0 NA NA +4.1 +5.4 +2.4 +2.9 NA +0.1 +6.6 +0.1 +4.1 +0.3
IntlStk 36.75 Stock 113.54 Eaton Vance A: LgCpVal 18.81 Eaton Vance I: FltgRt 9.08 GblMacAbR 10.23 LgCapVal 18.86 FMI Funds: LgCap p 16.22 FPA Funds: NwInc 10.90 FPACres 27.37 Fairholme 35.69 Federated Instl: KaufmnR 5.51 Fidelity Advisor A: NwInsgh p 20.39 StrInA 12.52 Fidelity Advisor I: NwInsgtI 20.59 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 13.87 FF2015 11.59 FF2020 14.13 FF2020K 13.52 FF2025 11.83 FF2030 14.17 FF2030K 13.99 FF2035 11.84 FF2040 8.27 Fidelity Invest: AllSectEq 13.21 AMgr50 15.75 Balanc 18.73 BalancedK 18.73 BlueChGr 47.10 Canada 60.12 CapAp 26.11 CpInc r 9.71 Contra 69.25 ContraK 69.23 DisEq 23.61 DivIntl 31.11 DivrsIntK r 31.08
+0.86 +2.9 +2.47 +5.4 +0.35 +3.2 +0.01 +1.7 +0.01 +0.34 +3.2 +0.22 +3.9 +0.01 +0.5 +0.23 +2.2 +0.48 +0.3 +0.08 +0.2 +0.32 +2.2 +0.03 +1.5 +0.33 +2.2 +0.11 +0.10 +0.15 +0.14 +0.13 +0.18 +0.17 +0.17 +0.12
+2.1 +2.2 +2.5 +2.5 +2.7 +2.9 +2.9 +3.2 +3.2
+0.23 +0.14 +0.20 +0.20 +0.82 +1.46 +0.38 +0.04 +1.12 +1.13 +0.39 +0.64 +0.63
+4.3 +2.1 +2.7 +2.7 +3.9 +3.4 +3.0 +3.4 +2.2 +2.3 +4.8 +3.2 +3.2
DivGth 29.65 EmrMk 25.94 Eq Inc 46.41 EQII 19.15 Fidel 33.55 FltRateHi r 9.89 GNMA 11.44 GovtInc 10.39 GroCo 86.38 GroInc 19.12 GrowthCoK 86.34 HighInc r 9.13 Indepn 25.10 IntBd 10.56 IntmMu 9.95 IntlDisc 33.86 InvGrBd 11.37 InvGB 7.38 LgCapVal 12.34 LatAm 57.29 LevCoStk 29.71 LowP r 39.59 LowPriK r 39.57 Magelln 74.20 MidCap 29.72 MuniInc 12.11 NwMkt r 15.53 OTC 58.13 100Index 9.11 Ovrsea 33.71 Puritn 18.42 SCmdtyStrt 12.81 SrsIntGrw 11.32 SrsIntVal 10.63 STBF 8.47 SmllCpS r 20.56 StratInc 11.21 StrReRt r 9.72 TotalBd 10.73 USBI 11.29 Value 72.06 Fidelity Selects: Gold r 48.13 Fidelity Spartan:
+0.52 +0.41 +0.84 +0.35 +0.61 -0.02 -0.02 +1.58 +0.34 +1.58 +0.02 +0.45 -0.02 -0.01 +0.72 -0.02 -0.02 +0.22 +1.19 +0.56 +0.70 +0.70 +1.37 +0.48 -0.01 +0.08 +1.00 +0.16 +0.65 +0.22 +0.06 +0.20 +0.22 -0.01 +0.38 +0.03 +0.02 -0.01 -0.03 +1.23
+4.3 -1.6 +4.9 +4.9 +4.4 +1.3 -0.2 +3.9 +4.5 +3.9 +2.6 +3.1 +0.4 -0.5 +2.5 +0.1 +4.3 -2.9 +4.5 +3.2 +3.2 +3.5 +3.0 -0.9 -0.3 +5.8 +4.2 +3.8 +2.8 +1.3 +0.3 +6.9 +0.2 +4.9 +1.5 +1.5 +0.4 -0.1 +4.9
+1.07 -9.4
ExtMkIn 39.34 +0.71 500IdxInv 46.30 +0.76 IntlInxInv 36.75 +0.74 TotMktInv 37.85 +0.63 Fidelity Spart Adv: 500IdxAdv 46.30 +0.76 TotMktAd r 37.85 +0.63 First Eagle: GlblA 47.03 +0.53 OverseasA 22.78 +0.22 Frank/Temp Frnk A: FedTFA px 11.17 -0.06 FoundAl p 10.89 +0.14 HYTFA p 9.47 -0.02 IncomA px 2.23 USGovA px 6.70 -0.04 Frank/Tmp Frnk Adv: GlbBdAdv p IncmeAd x 2.22 Frank/Temp Frnk C: IncomC tx 2.25 Frank/Temp Mtl A&B: SharesA 21.36 +0.29 Frank/Temp Temp A: ForgnA p 7.47 +0.15 GlBd A p 13.51 +0.05 GrwthA p 18.74 +0.37 WorldA p 15.59 +0.29 Frank/Temp Tmp B&C: GlBdC p 13.53 +0.05 GE Elfun S&S: S&S PM 42.19 +0.74 GMO Trust III: Quality 20.67 +0.35 GMO Trust VI: EmgMkts r 14.78 +0.25 Quality 20.67 +0.35 Goldman Sachs A: MdCVA p 37.42 +0.58 Goldman Sachs Inst: HiYield 7.41 +0.01 MidCapV 37.70 +0.59 Harbor Funds: Bond 12.14 CapApInst 37.70 +0.63
+3.1 +4.1 +4.5 +3.9 +4.1 +3.9 +1.4 +0.5 -1.0 +4.1 -1.3 +3.4 -0.2 -0.3 +3.4 +3.3 +3.5 +7.0 -0.2 +5.3 +5.1 -0.3 +4.9 +2.8 +1.2 +2.8 +4.2 +2.2 +4.3 +0.3 +2.7
IntlInv t 62.14 +1.32 Intl r 62.72 +1.33 Hartford Fds A: CpAppA p 36.05 +0.60 Hartford Fds Y: CapAppI 36.07 +0.61 Hartford HLS IA : CapApp 44.29 +0.80 Div&Gr 20.46 +0.39 TotRetBd 10.92 -0.02 Hussman Funds: StrGrowth 11.87 -0.11 IVA Funds: Wldwide I r 17.03 +0.22 Invesco Funds A: Chart p 16.85 +0.22 CmstkA 16.50 +0.33 EqIncA 8.91 +0.12 GrIncA p 20.19 +0.39 Ivy Funds: AssetSC t 23.93 +0.32 AssetStA p 24.64 +0.33 AssetStrI r 24.85 +0.33 JPMorgan A Class: CoreBd A 11.45 -0.02 JPMorgan Sel Cls: CoreBd 11.44 -0.02 HighYld 8.33 +0.02 IntmTFBd 10.69 -0.01 ShtDurBd 10.97 -0.01 USLCCrPls 21.33 +0.36 Janus T Shrs: OvrseasT r 52.28 +0.99 PrkMCVal T 23.34 +0.27 Twenty T 67.40 +1.42 John Hancock Cl 1: LSAggr 12.67 +0.22 LSBalanc 13.22 +0.15 LSGrwth 13.20 +0.19 Lazard Instl: EmgMktI 20.98 +0.38 Lazard Open: EmgMkO p 21.37 +0.39 Legg Mason A: WAMgMu p 14.78 -0.02
+3.6 +3.6 +4.1 +4.1 +4.6 +4.9 +0.2 -3.4 +1.9 +4.2 +4.9 +3.7 +5.0 +0.8 +0.9 +1.0 +0.1 +0.1 +2.8 -0.4 +0.1 +3.2 +3.2 +3.4 +2.5 +3.2 +2.5 +2.8 -3.7 -3.7 -1.7
Longleaf Partners: Partners 29.26 +0.54 Loomis Sayles: LSBondI 14.42 +0.05 StrInc C 15.04 +0.05 LSBondR 14.37 +0.06 StrIncA 14.96 +0.05 Loomis Sayles Inv: InvGrBdY x 12.16 -0.04 Lord Abbett A: AffilA p 12.12 +0.25 BdDebA p 7.96 +0.02 ShDurIncA p 4.61 Lord Abbett C: ShDurIncC t 4.64 MFS Funds A: TotRA 14.25 ValueA 23.67 +0.36 MFS Funds I: ValueI 23.78 +0.37 Manning&Napier Fds: WldOppA 9.01 +0.20 Matthews Asian: AsianGIInv 17.99 +0.17 PacTgrInv 22.50 +0.09 MergerFd 15.95 +0.02 Metro West Fds: TotRetBd 10.40 -0.02 TotRtBdI 10.40 -0.01 MorganStanley Inst: MCapGrI 38.38 +0.63 Mutual Series: GblDiscA 30.11 +0.41 GlbDiscZ 30.47 +0.42 QuestZ 18.20 +0.23 SharesZ 21.52 +0.29 Neuberger&Berm Inv: GenesInst 47.13 +0.62 Neuberger&Berm Tr: Genesis 48.84 +0.65 Northern Funds: HiYFxInc 7.43 +0.01 Oakmark Funds I: EqtyInc r 28.30 +0.16 Intl I r 20.28 +0.36
+3.5 +1.5 +1.5 +1.5 +1.6 +0.7 +4.7 +2.4 +0.6 +0.5 NA +3.8 +3.8 +4.6 -0.3 -4.0 +1.1 +0.6 +0.7 +2.8 +3.2 +3.2 +2.9 +3.5 +2.5 +2.5 +2.4 +2.0 +4.5
Oakmark r 43.04 +0.74 Old Westbury Fds: GlobOpp 7.91 +0.07 GlbSMdCap 15.76 +0.24 Oppenheimer A: CapApA p 44.76 +0.67 DvMktA p 35.04 +0.51 GlobA p 63.17 +1.22 GblStrIncA 4.31 +0.02 IntBdA p 6.52 +0.06 MnStFdA 33.20 +0.47 RisingDivA 16.05 +0.24 S&MdCpVl 33.03 +0.43 Oppenheimer B: RisingDivB 14.56 +0.22 S&MdCpVl 28.32 +0.37 Oppenheimer C&M: RisingDvC p 14.51 +0.22 Oppenheimer Roch: RcNtMuA 6.40 Oppenheimer Y: DevMktY 34.67 +0.51 PIMCO Admin PIMS: TotRtAd 10.84 -0.01 PIMCO Instl PIMS: AlAsetAut r 10.60 +0.01 AllAsset 12.16 +0.04 ComodRR 9.51 +0.03 HiYld 9.44 +0.01 InvGrCp 10.50 -0.01 LowDu 10.41 RealRtnI 11.34 -0.01 ShortT 9.88 TotRt 10.84 -0.01 PIMCO Funds A: RealRtA p 11.34 -0.01 TotRtA 10.84 -0.01 PIMCO Funds C: TotRtC t 10.84 -0.01 PIMCO Funds D: TRtn p 10.84 -0.01 PIMCO Funds P: TotRtnP 10.84 -0.01 Perm Port Funds: Permannt 45.78 +0.28
+4.2 +2.6 +1.9 +2.7 -3.9 +4.6 +1.0 -0.3 +2.5 +3.5 +3.1 +3.4 +3.0 +3.4 -3.2 -3.9 +0.2 +0.3 +0.9 +2.4 +2.1 +0.6 +0.4 +0.3 +0.2 -0.1 +0.2 +0.1 +0.2 +0.2 -0.1
Pioneer Funds A: PionFdA p 42.02 Price Funds: BlChip 39.60 CapApp 20.88 EmMktS 34.64 EqInc 24.69 EqIndex 35.24 Growth 33.27 HlthSci 31.63 HiYield 6.91 IntlBond 10.02 IntlStk 14.50 MidCap 60.94 MCapVal 24.44 N Asia 18.59 New Era 54.99 N Horiz 34.32 N Inc 9.45 R2010 15.68 R2015 12.19 R2020 16.90 R2025 12.41 R2030 17.85 R2035 12.66 R2040 18.02 ShtBd 4.85 SmCpStk 35.34 SmCapVal 36.75 SpecIn 12.47 Value 24.54 Putnam Funds A: GrInA p 13.89 VoyA p 24.31 Royce Funds: PennMuI r 12.00 PremierI r 20.92 Schwab Funds: 1000Inv r 38.68 S&P Sel 20.36 Scout Funds: Intl 33.54 Selected Funds: AmShD 42.73 Templeton Instit:
+0.48 +2.6 +0.73 +0.23 +0.53 +0.42 +0.58 +0.63 +0.47 +0.01 +0.08 +0.26 +1.01 +0.35 +0.01 +1.12 +0.52 -0.02 +0.16 +0.14 +0.22 +0.18 +0.28 +0.22 +0.31 +0.65 +0.76 +0.04 +0.47
+3.9 +2.8 -1.8 +4.2 +4.1 +3.5 +4.5 +2.5 +0.9 +1.9 +4.1 +3.1 -3.1 +5.4 +2.5 -0.1 +2.2 +2.5 +2.8 +3.1 +3.3 +3.5 +3.4 +0.2 +2.6 +1.7 +1.2 +5.1 NA NA
+0.23 +3.0 +0.42 +2.8 +0.63 +4.0 +0.33 +4.0 +0.66 +3.6 +0.78 +3.2
ForEqS 21.15 Third Avenue Fds: ValueInst 52.97 Thornburg Fds: IntValA p 28.77 IntValue I 29.41 Tweedy Browne: GblValue 24.19 Vanguard Admiral: BalAdml 21.88 CAITAdm 10.59 CpOpAdl 79.90 EMAdmr r 39.34 Energy 132.39 ExtdAdm 42.64 500Adml 120.55 GNMA Ad 10.71 GrwAdm 32.66 HlthCr 53.32 HiYldCp 5.78 InfProAd 25.51 ITBdAdml 11.17 ITsryAdml 11.30 IntGrAdm 62.89 ITAdml 13.13 ITGrAdm 9.91 LtdTrAd 10.96 LTGrAdml 9.13 LT Adml 10.51 MCpAdml 95.70 MuHYAdm 9.93 PrmCap r 71.30 ReitAdm r 81.39 STsyAdml 10.69 STBdAdml 10.56 ShtTrAd 15.85 STIGrAd 10.78 SmCAdm 35.79 TtlBAdml 10.55 TStkAdm 32.81 WellslAdm 53.16 WelltnAdm 55.48 Windsor 48.01 WdsrIIAd 47.75
+0.39 +5.5 +0.53 +2.3 +0.55 +2.6 +0.56 +2.7 +0.22 +1.6 +0.21 -0.01 +1.37 +0.57 +2.45 +0.77 +1.98 -0.02 +0.46 +0.87
+2.3 -0.8 +4.1 -1.3 +8.7 +3.3 +4.1
+3.4 +3.2 +2.0 -0.03 -0.1 -0.04 -0.04 -0.1 +1.38 +2.2 -0.01 -0.7 -0.03 +0.4 -0.2 -0.02 -1.8 -0.02 -1.2 +1.43 +3.8 -0.01 -1.3 +1.18 +4.4 +0.36 +3.8 -0.01 +0.2 -0.01 +0.3 +0.1 -0.02 +0.4 +0.71 +2.9 -0.03 -0.2 +0.55 +3.9 +0.24 +1.1 +0.69 +3.3 +1.01 +5.3 +0.81 +4.8
Vanguard Fds: AssetA 25.15 CapOpp 34.59 DivdGro 14.88 Energy 70.51 EqInc 21.07 Explr 74.94 GNMA 10.71 GlobEq 18.48 HYCorp 5.78 HlthCre 126.36 InflaPro 12.99 IntlGr 19.76 IntlVal 33.44 ITIGrade 9.91 LifeCon 16.62 LifeGro 22.71 LifeMod 20.01 LTIGrade 9.13 Morg 18.74 MuInt 13.13 PrecMtls r 24.97 PrmcpCor 14.22 Prmcp r 68.71 SelValu r 19.50 STAR 19.53 STIGrade 10.78 StratEq 19.10 TgtRetInc 11.39 TgRe2010 22.68 TgtRe2015 12.68 TgRe2020 22.62 TgtRe2025 12.95 TgRe2030 22.32 TgtRe2035 13.51 TgtRe2040 22.19 TgtRe2045 13.94 USGro 18.97 Wellsly 21.94 Welltn 32.12 Wndsr 14.23 WndsII 26.90 Vanguard Idx Fds: TotIntlInst r
500 +0.31 +0.59 +0.20 +1.31 +0.30 +1.22 -0.02 +0.35 +2.06 -0.01 +0.43 +0.74 -0.03 +0.11 +0.33 +0.22 -0.02 +0.32 -0.01 +0.82 +0.24 +1.13 +0.30 +0.22 -0.02 +0.38 +0.05 +0.18 +0.13 +0.25 +0.16 +0.32 +0.21 +0.35 +0.22 +0.32 +0.10 +0.40 +0.30 +0.45
120.53 +1.98 +4.1
+2.9 +4.1 +3.5 +8.7 +3.4 +2.8
32.66 +0.47 +3.4
21.08 +0.31 +3.8
35.76 +0.71 +2.9
+3.5 +2.0 +3.2 -0.1 +2.2 +4.0 +0.4 +1.6 +2.9 +2.2 -1.8 +3.9 -0.7 -6.7 +3.3 +4.4 +3.9 +2.4 +0.4 +4.3 +1.0 +1.7 +2.1 +2.4 +2.6 +3.0 +3.2 +3.2 +3.3 +3.9 +1.1 +3.3 +5.3 +4.8
10.56 -0.01 +0.3
10.55 -0.03 -0.2
16.21 +0.34 +2.9
32.80 +0.55 +3.9
22.59 +0.44 +3.1
16.45 +0.34 +2.7
Vanguard Instl Fds: DevMkInst
10.44 +0.24 +4.6
42.63 +0.77 +3.3
FTAllWldI r
96.59 +2.01 +2.9
32.66 +0.46 +3.4
10.39 -0.01 -0.1
119.70 +1.97 +4.1
119.70 +1.96 +4.1
29.67 +0.50 +4.0
21.14 +0.32 +3.8
35.79 +0.71 +2.9
10.55 -0.03 -0.2
32.82 +0.55 +4.0
Vanguard Signal: 500Sgl
99.58 +1.64 +4.1
10.56 -0.01 +0.3
10.55 -0.03 -0.2
31.67 +0.53 +3.9
Western Asset: CorePlus I
10.80 -0.02 +0.6
Yacktman Funds: Fund p
17.08 +0.26 +3.3
B4 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Marla Polenz at 541-617-7815, e-mail, or click on “Submit an Event” on our website at Please allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.
Diet drug
BUSINESS CALENDAR TODAY FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-548-6325 or visit; free; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-388-1133 or visit; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541388-1133. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. Spanish translators will be available Feb. 9 and 19 and March 9 and 19; to schedule with an interpreter call 541382-4366. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541504-1389 or visit www.yourmoney; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. CURRENT MARKETING TRENDS: SOCIAL MEDIA, SEO AND REALWORLD RESULTS: Sponsored by Bendbroadband, this Opportunity Knocks best practices seminar will discuss how social media are changing customer interaction with businesses and how to maximize website traffic. Register at www; $30 for Opportunity Knocks members and $45 for nonmembers; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Phoenix Inn Suites Bend, 300 N.W. Franklin Ave.; 541317-9292.
THURSDAY FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-548-6325 or visit; free; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. COACHING SKILLS AND GIVING AND RECEIVING FEEDBACK: Learn how to improve workplace coaching and feedback skills. Register at; $85; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. LEADERSHIP SKILLS SERIES: Central Oregon Community College’s Small Business Development Center will offer a nine-month series designed to give managers and team leaders the skills they need to succeed in their organizations;
entire series costs $645, individual seminars are $85; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541383-7700 or FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-388-1133 or visit; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541388-1133. OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit. Preregistration required; $35; 9 a.m.2 p.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-330-6384 or SMALL-BUSINESS RETIREMENT SOLUTIONS: Learn about smallbusiness retirement plan choices and factors to consider when choosing a plan. Presented by Luiz Soutomaior. Register by Feb. 1; free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-3181794. CENTRAL OREGON BUILDERS ASSOCIATION MEET AND GREET: Learn more about the Earth Advantage Institute and network with Central Oregon builders; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Earth Advantage Institute, 345 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-306-3814. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION KICKOFF MEETING: The Central Oregon Regional Council of Community Association Institute’s annual kickoff meeting. RSVP to or call 503-531-9668; free; 5:30 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436.
FRIDAY FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-548-6325 or visit; free; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. BUILD A HIGH-PERFORMING TEAM: This Central Oregon Community College course is designed to help business managers build a cohesive team. Registration required. Call 541-383-7270 or visit http://; 8:30 a.m.-noon; County Conference Room in Madras, 66 S.E. D St. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-388-1133 or visit; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center,
1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541388-1133. HOW TO START A BUSINESS: Registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-3837290 or
SATURDAY INTERMEDIATE QUICKBOOKS PRO: Registration required; $59; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-383-7270 or FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. Spanish translators will be available Feb. 9 and 19 and March 9 and 19; to schedule with an interpreter call 541382-4366. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541504-1389 or visit www.yourmoney; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-447-3260 or visit; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Prineville COIC Office, 2321 N.E. Third St.; 541-4473119.
TUESDAY FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-548-6325 or visit; free; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541388-1133 or visit www.yourmoney; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit. Preregistration required; $35; 9 a.m.2 p.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-330-6384 or EFFECTIVE NEGOTIATION SKILLS: INCREASE YOUR PLANNER POWER WHEN NEGOTIATING: Learn the best way to negotiate in difficult situations; $30; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Mt. Bachelor Village Resort Conference Center, 19717 Mount Bachelor Drive, Bend; 541-389-5900 or mpi-oc-feburary-satellite-programeffective-negotiation-skills-increaseyour-planner-p.
FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-548-6325 or visit; free; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide access to free tax preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance with tax preparation. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-536-6237 or visit; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way; 541-5041389. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-388-1133 or visit; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541388-1133.
Continued from B1 What was somewhat surprising, however, was the agency’s request for the large clinical trial to try to rule out the risk of heart attacks. Such a study could take years and cost tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, meaning the drug could be effectively dead. While company executives said they wanted to talk to agency officials about the requested trial, they added that no option, including dropping the drug altogether, was off the table. “This is clearly a worst-case scenario,” Cory Kasimov, an analyst at JPMorgan, wrote in a note to clients. Shares of Orexigen plunged 72.5 percent on Tuesday, to $2.50. The FDA, as a rule, does not comment on its reasons for rejecting a drug. The federal agency’s decision also represented a setback for Takeda Pharmaceutical of Japan, which had acquired the American marketing rights from Orexigen for an initial payment of $50 million. Analysts said Takeda might withdraw from the partnership. The last obesity drug approved was Xenical from Roche in 1999, and that little-used drug is now the only one available for long-term use. The FDA last year turned down two other drugs, lorcaser-
in from Arena Pharmaceuticals and Qnexa from Vivus. It also forced the withdrawal from the market of Meridia from Abbott Laboratories. But hopes had been higher that Contrave would win approval or that the FDA would impose only minor new requirements, delaying approval for a few months. Unlike the other two drugs, Contrave won an endorsement from an FDA advisory committee, which voted 13-7 in favor of approval in December. While the committee called for more study of the potential cardiovascular risks of the drug, it voted 11-8 that such a study could be done after the drug was approved. A spokeswoman for the FDA said the agency had not yet decided whether cardiovascular risk trials would be required for all obesity drugs. The agency now generally requires such studies for diabetes drugs, and small drug companies, at least, are shying away from that field. In clinical trials, Contrave raised pulse rates and blood pressure slightly, a warning that it might increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes or other cardiovascular problems. Those who used Contrave did not have a higher rate of heart attacks and strokes than those getting the placebo, though the trials were too short and too small to detect anything but a huge extra risk.
Feb. 9 FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541-548-6325 or visit; free; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. FREE TAX-PREPARATION SESSIONS: For individuals and families at or below about $58,000 in gross income, these sessions provide free tax-preparation services. Certified tax volunteers will be available for assistance. For more information and to schedule an appointment call 541388-1133 or visit www.yourmoney; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. IMPLEMENTING LEAN OFFICE: Five-session online course providing tools, resources and skill development to implement LEAN Office protocols. LEAN Office is a work improvement method focused on eliminating waste, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Register at option,com_dtregister/Itemid,9. Course dates: Jan. 26, Feb. 9, Feb. 23 and March 9; $199; 9 a.m.; 541-7887001.
Collier Court, Bend Filed Jan. 30
Chapter 7 Filed Jan. 26
Richard W. York, P.O. Box 8265, Bend David M. Warner and Diana L. LewisWarner, 54660 Lady Bug Lane, Bend Keran R. Lindsey, 2763 Mountain Oak Place, Bend Travis S. Perkins, 17909 Cascades Estates Drive, Bend Patricia S. Bommarito, 20280 Schaeffer Drive, Bend Filed Jan. 27
Brendan V. Huggins, P.O. Box 1555, Terrebonne Filed Jan. 28
Karen L. Madrigal, 2219 N.E. Lynda Lane, Bend Larry N. and Sonja J. Manning, 6135 N.E. 41st St., Redmond Julie M. Herren, 2024 N.E. Rachael Court #4, Bend Michael E. and Diane L. Cooper, 18495 Crawford Trail, Sisters Nicole D. and Laszlo L. Mathe, 1318 N.E. Hollinshead Drive, Bend Kathryn M. Brant, 65156 Old Bend Redmond Highway, Bend Brett P. and Angelique D. Guyatt, 61370 Stardrift Drive, Bend Pantip Staver, 3326 N.E.
TerriAnn Schutzler, 21375 Kristin Court, Bend Peter M. Lee, 320 N.W. 27th Court, Redmond Filed Jan. 31
George W. Holroyd, 1850 N.E. Lotus Drive #20, Bend David B. Warren, 20730 Bowery Lane, Bend Steven D. Samples, 1333 S.W. Canyon Drive, Redmond Jody G. and Traci L. Brooks, 3552 S.W. Wickiup Court, Redmond Hilary A. Hamilton, 357 N.E. Cedar St., Madras Tara M. Da Ross, 60796 Goldenwood Loop, Bend Chapter 13 Filed Jan. 26
Fredrick W. Sr. and Judith L. Van Horn, 894 N.E. Providence Drive, Bend Filed Jan. 28
Josh and Melissa Dickson, 19255 Cherokee Road, Bend Filed Jan. 31
Tina Castillo, P.O. Box 5981, Bend Lester W. and Pauline K. Roe, 799 Widgeon Road, Redmond Denise M. Keith, 160 N.E. Primrose Court, Prineville
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OBITUARIES Fashion designer Charles Nolan dies at 53, see Page C5. OREGON Humane society adopts online interaction system, see Page C6.
Senate Reimagining a landmark to take up water debate Some lawmakers demand federal guidelines for hexavalent chromium By Keith Chu The Bulletin
Photos by Andy Tullis / The Bulletin
Terrebonne resident Adam Good, 33, an employee of Quality Heating in Redmond, wheels a box of ducts into the entryway of the former Westside Elementary School building in Madras on Tuesday. Good was working with others to prepare the building to be a community center.
Former elementary school renovated as community center in Madras The district will spend $112,000 on upgrades and repairs. Darryl Smith, the district’s director of human resources and operations, said those repairs would include upgrades to lighting and the heating system. “Before, it cost about $70,000 a year (to operate the facility),” Smith said. “We are looking to tremendously reduce operation costs with upgrades.”
By Erik Hidle The Bulletin
What was once Westside Elementary School will open its doors to students for the first time in three years, as the Madras School District rethinks the building’s role in the community. Superintendent Rick Molitor said 24 students will attend class at the building Monday as part of the district’s alternative middle school program. “It will be (the location) for their regular school schedule,” Molitor said. “They will be the first ones to regularly use the building in three years.” The district voted to close the school in 2008 as they reduced staff and operations costs, which upset some community members. Built in 1938, the building is one of the district’s oldest. “It’s a landmark,” Molitor said of the building, which sits in the middle of town along Highway 97. “It’s been an elementary building, a high school, it’s served many purposes. Now we see it as a chance to expand and improve student achievement in the district.” On Jan. 12, the school district board of directors voted unanimously to transform the school into a community center with a focus on education. Molitor said that decision gives the district the impetus to repair and improve the location and begin offering district programs out of the location. It also means the district will rent the space to nonprofits and other community organizations
Rent to offset cost
From left, custodian Doyle Rhodes, 62, of Madras, works alongside Jefferson County School District employees Gina Goetsch, 43, of Madras, and Joe Ennes, 58, of Crooked River Ranch, on Tuesday. They were preparing a room for students in Madras School District’s alternative middle school program.
“It’s been an elementary building, a high school, it’s served many purposes. Now we see it as a chance to expand and improve student achievement in the district.” — Rick Molitor, superintendent, Madras School District that can offer education beyond the scope of the school district.
Community programs “Along with the alternative program, we plan to offer ESL classes for adults there at night and for (Central Oregon Community College) to offer Spanish courses to
the community,” Molitor said. “We want to also offer space to groups such as the Kids Club of Madras, the Jefferson County Historical Society and the Commission on Children and Families.” Molitor said there is also potential in the building for additional college classes and social programs, such as health or food support.
Bend-La Pine committee to address overcrowding By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin
This year, there are so many students at Cascade Middle School that parents have volunteered to supervise the lunch hour, and with 930 students, it’s hard to get through the hallways between classes. To deal with the overcrowding at the school, Bend-La Pine Schools formed a boundary advisory committee to recommend changes that would alleviate the situation at Cascade and add students to other area middle
Public meeting The boundary committee will hold a meeting at 4 p.m. today in the Bend-La Pine Schools board room, at 520 N.W. Wall St. The meeting is open to the public.
schools with capacity. The committee will also look at elementary and high school boundaries but expects to make few, if any, changes at those levels.
“You feel it most in passing periods and around their lockers,” Assistant Principal Dan Wolnick said of the middle school’s crowding. “Sometimes it’s hard for staff to get through and kids to get through there.” While Cascade Middle is well over its capacity of 800 students, High Desert Middle School has 790 students, Sky View has 693, and Pilot Butte just 618 students. Pilot Butte’s capacity is 850 students. See Crowding / C1
Smith said the rent paid to the district by the community groups would also help offset the district’s costs in operating the building. High Desert Education Service District is likely to be the first outside agency to move into the building. “We are close to an agreement that will put us in there for 10 years,” said Dennis Dempsey, the superintendent for the ESD. “We are looking at renting four classrooms and some office space. We want to operate some special education services out of the building. The vision the district has for utilizing that vacant school is very positive. It’s a win-win for community and the people that wanted the space.” Dempsey said the agreement the two districts are discussing is for 10 years and around $25,000 a year in rent. If an agreement is reached, the ESD hopes to move into the location this summer. Erik Hidle can be reached at 541617-7837 or at ehidle@bendbulletin. com.
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Senate is taking up the debate about the dangers of hexavalent chromium, the substance linked to higher cancer rates and recently found in some Bend drinking water, in an Environment and Public Works Committee hearing today. The committee is looking at the effect of hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6, in drinking water and whether new regulations are needed to protect consumers. A test by the nonprofit Environmental Working Group last spring from the Avion Water Co. system in southeast Bend, measured the substance at a level far higher than a proposed California standard for hexavalent chromium in drinking water. Avion has questioned the findings, saying the water samples submitted for the study may have been compromised. The company also pointed out that the levels are many times lower than federal rules require. Partly in response to the EWG study, California’s U.S. Senators, Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, both Democrats, are pushing for a federal standard for hexavalent chromium. “There is no place for dangerous cancer causing substances in our drinking water,” Boxer said, in a written statement. “This bill is a major step forward in ensuring that children in California, and across the country, are protected from toxic chemicals, such as chromium-6, in the drinking water supply.” See Water / C5
State rules against district on student’s education needs By Patrick Cliff The Bulletin
The Redmond School District may have to pay for a student’s vision therapy after a decision by the Oregon Department of Education regarding special education. ODE’s decision came after parents of a Redmond fifth-grade student filed a complaint against the district in November. The complaint makes several allegations against the district, including that it did not check for a visual tracking disorder. ODE agreed with that allegation, also finding that the district had made some procedural errors. ODE’s decision, however, dismissed most of the complaint’s claims, including that there was a lack of parental participation and access to records. The district argued that the vision tracking problem was not part of the student’s learning disability and so was a medical issue, not a learning issue. ODE disagreed, saying the district’s evaluation of the student was not comprehensive enough. See Special ed / C5
STUDENTS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF ART Parent volunteer Eileen Carlton, 44, of Bend, helps William E. Miller Elementary School third-graders by drawing an example of a cat during an art literacy lesson focusing on artist Laurel Burch on Thursday afternoon. Read more on page C3. Andy Tullis The Bulletin
C2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Serviceman killed after confronting the police
New black bear at Portland zoo PORTLAND — The Oregon Zoo in Portland says an orphaned black bear from Montana has a new home at the zoo and so far his introductions to the zoo’s other three black bears have gone well. Zoo director Kim Smith calls the bear named Takoda “a terrific addition.� He’ll now be visible to zoogoers in the exhibit yard. A Montana rancher discovered the cub. Thinking the bear’s mother was near, the rancher left the area. But he found the lone cub again and contacted Montana wildlife officials. They determined the cub was hungry and dehydrated. Initially weighing less than 3 pounds, he was nursed back to health at a local wildlife center. He was later introduced to other cubs but didn’t appear to understand he was a bear so Takoda was transferred to the zoo in late November. He now weighs about 150 pounds.
The Associated Press GRESHAM — A 50-yearold Oregon man killed in a confrontation with Gresham police was a career serviceman who worked to raise money for veterans. Police say Anthony L. McDowell was killed Monday evening outside his Gresham home. Officer John Rasmussen says McDowell’s wife had called police, saying her husband was suicidal. The officer says a family member had taken one weapon away from McDowell, but he armed himself with a scoped rifle and was waiting outside when police arrived. Two Gresham officers have been placed on paid administrative leave while the shooting is investigated. The Oregonian reports that McDowell was an active member of the Army Reserve and the founder of a nonprofit supporting veterans. His mother tells the newspaper her son had hearing problems from his service in Iraq.
Mitch Lies / The Capital Press
Cynthia Kapple and her daughter, Victoria, 10, are seen at their Albany farm. Cynthia Kapple is supporting a bill, HB 2222, in the Oregon Legislature that would expand a dairy’s ability to sell raw cow’s milk. Kapple sells raw cow’s milk from her farm.
Distinctive building being restored in Medford By Damian Mann (Medford) Mail Tribune
MEDFORD — In 1911, the distinctive curved-front Sparta Building opened on the corner of Main Street and Riverside Avenue in Medford, becoming an instant landmark at the busiest intersection in the valley in its day. Over the years, the classic revival structure with ionic columns fell into disrepair, and a new facade marred renowned architect Frank Clark’s design. Nearly 100 years after the building opened, a new owner has begun restoring the Sparta Building, listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1992. “If you are doing this kind of
work, you might as well get it as close to the original as you possibly can,� said owner Carl Coffman, a Portland developer and excavation contractor. “We will have it pretty much looking like it did when it was originally built.� Workers already have exposed the Ionic columns, buried under a newer concrete facade, that graced the corner entrance. Most of the renovations on the first floor will be removed to restore the original design. The Medford Urban Renewal Agency agreed to provide $100,000 toward the project on Thursday because of the extensive repairs to the exterior. The urban renewal money is coming out of a popular facade improve-
ment program. Coffman said he bought the building a month ago, trading other properties he had around the state in a complicated transaction to close the deal. “It was like a big NBA trade,� he said. The property is owned under Coffman’s company, Tater Rental LLC of Oregon City. He’s now budgeting almost $500,000 for seismic repairs and installation of an elevator as well as restoration of the facade. “That’s my budget,� he said. But Coffman acknowledges the project easily could cost more. He’s got his own crew working on the building and living in a four-bedroom rental while in Medford during the week.
Coffman said he’s handled this kind of restoration work before. He worked on a $6 million project in downtown Portland that now houses Brasserie Montmarte. He’s trying to line up a restaurant to occupy the first floor of the Sparta, hoping that someone will move in after the sixmonth project is completed. The second floor will be available for offices. George Kramer, a local preservation expert who is a consultant for the Sparta project, said he thinks Medford residents will be surprised at the look of the building once completed. “It’s clearly one of Medford’s more architecturally significant buildings,� Kramer said.
The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Redmond Police Department
Theft — A theft was reported at 9:58 p.m. Jan. 31, in the 2900 block of Southwest Canal Boulevard. Burglary — A burglary was reported
at 3:12 p.m. Jan. 31, in the 900 block of Northwest Canal Boulevard. Criminal mischief — Damage to a vehicle was reported at 1:39 p.m. Jan. 31, in the 3000 block of Southwest Salmon Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 8:28 a.m. Jan. 31, in the 1900 block of Northwest Larch Spur Court. Prineville Police Department
Theft — A theft was reported at 12:38 p.m. Jan. 31, in the area of Northwest Claypool Street.
Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office
Theft — A purse was reported stolen at 4:20 p.m. Jan. 31, in the 15900 block of Burgess Road in La Pine. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:39 a.m. Jan. 31, in the 3500 block of Southwest Helmholtz Way in Redmond. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 8:45 a.m. Jan. 31, in the area of Johnson Road and
Idi Amin seizes power in Uganda in 1971 The Associated Press Today is Wednesday, Feb. 2, the 33rd day of 2011. There are 332 days left in the year. This is Groundhog Day. TODAY’S HIGHLIGHT IN HISTORY On Feb. 2, 1848, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican-American War, was signed. ON THIS DATE In 1536, present-day Buenos Aires, Argentina, was founded by Pedro de Mendoza of Spain. In 1653, New Amsterdam — now New York City — was incorporated. In 1876, the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs was formed in New York. In 1882, Irish poet and novelist James Joyce was born near Dublin. In 1897, fire destroyed the Pennsylvania state capitol in Harrisburg. (A new statehouse was dedicated on the same site in 1906.) In 1943, the remainder of Nazi forces from the Battle of Stalingrad surrendered in a major victory for the Soviets in World War II. In 1948, President Harry S. Truman sent a 10-point civil rights program to Congress, where the proposals ran into fierce opposition from southern lawmakers. In 1961, the hijackers of the Portuguese ocean liner the Santa
T O D AY I N HISTORY Maria allowed the passengers and crew to disembark in Brazil, 11 days after seizing the ship. Chinese-American actress Anna May Wong died in Santa Monica, Calif., at age 56. In 1971, Idi Amin, having seized power in Uganda, proclaimed himself president. In 1990, in a dramatic concession to South Africa’s black majority, President F.W. de Klerk lifted a ban on the African National Congress and promised to free Nelson Mandela.
people’s. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences unveiled its 2009 Oscar nominees; in a first, 10 films were nominated for best picture instead of five, including eventual winner “The Hurt Locker.� Movie producer David Brown, 93, died in New York.
FIVE YEARS AGO House Republicans elected John Boehner of Ohio as their new majority leader to replace the indicted Tom DeLay. Tornadoes tore through New Orleans neighborhoods that had been hit hard by Hurricane Katrina five months earlier.
TODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Actress Elaine Stritch is 86. Former French President Valery Giscard d’Estaing is 85. Actor Robert Mandan is 79. Comedian Tom Smothers is 74. Rock singer-guitarist Graham Nash is 69. Actor Bo Hopkins is 69. Television executive Barry Diller is 69. Country singer Howard Bellamy (The Bellamy Brothers) is 65. Actor Jack McGee is 62. Actor Brent Spiner is 62. Rock musician Ross Valory (Journey) is 62. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) is 59. Model Christie Brinkley is 57. Actor Michael Talbott is 56. Actress Kim Zimmer is 56. Rock musician Robert DeLeo (Army of Anyone; Stone Temple Pilots) is 45. Actress Jennifer Westfeldt is 41. Rock musician Ben Mize is 40. Rapper T-Mo is 39. Actress Marissa Jaret Winokur is 38. Actress Lori Beth Denberg is 35. Singer Shakira is 34. Country singer Blaine Larsen is 25.
ONE YEAR AGO President Barack Obama, speaking in Nashua, N.H., branded Republicans as electoral opportunists more concerned about their own interests than the
THOUGHT FOR TODAY “The great temptation is to have an alibi.� — George Abbott, American theatrical producer (1887-1995)
TEN YEARS AGO Former President Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., said they would pay for $86,000 worth of White House gifts they’d chosen to keep.
Fire engulfs barn at site of historic dairy PORTLAND — A windwhipped, two-alarm fire has engulfed a barn at the former site of the historic Meadowland
Dairy in Portland. The 50-by-25-foot building held tractors and other farm machinery but no animals. Portland Fire & Rescue spokesman Paul Corah says firefighters from Portland and Gresham were forced to pull back when the barn began to collapse shortly after 5 p.m. Tuesday. Fire crews then focused successfully on saving two houses and a shed that shared the site, as well as residences in the Meadowcrest Farm Estates Mobile Home Park surrounding it. No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.
2 girls die in fire MILTON-FREEWATER — Two girls have died in a mobile home fire in Milton-Freewater in Eastern Oregon. The Union-Bulletin in Walla Walla, Wash., reports that 16month-old Olivia Wilson and 4-month-old Eva Wilson were in a back bedroom of the house when the fire broke out Tuesday morning. Judy Divens, a former resident who was driving past the neighborhood, said she saw smoke and attempted a rescue with an unidentified man but they were unable to gain access before flames engulfed the house. — From wire reports
L B Compiled from Bulletin staff reports
Submarine veterans meeting Feb. 15 The Central Oregon Submarine Veterans will hold their next meeting Feb. 15, according to a news release. The meeting will be held at 2 p.m. at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall Post 4108 in Redmond. Information about a meat raffle will be discussed at the meeting. All submarine veterans are invited to attend.
Nursing program orientation at COCC
will be held Feb. 8 and Feb. 11, according to a news release. The session on Feb. 8 will be held at 3 p.m. in Room 140 of the Boyle Education Center on the Bend Campus, while the Feb. 11 orientation will be held at 9 a.m. in Room 305 of Building 3 on the Redmond campus. The sessions will go over the necessary prerequisites for the program, and will also review the selection procedures. Those interested in attending the orientations do not need to be enrolled at COCC, and reservations to attend are not needed. For more information, call 541-383-7500.
Orientation sessions for those interested in applying to Central Oregon Community College’s nursing program
Saddleback Drive in Bend. Theft — A sign was reported stolen at 8:43 a.m. Jan. 31, in the 100 block of West Cascade Avenue in Sisters. Oregon State Police
Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 9:03 p.m. Jan. 31, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 85.
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THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 C3
L S IN BRIEF Sisters civics team vying for state title A team from Sisters High School competed in the “We The People” competition run by the Classroom Law Project on Jan. 21, placing fifth out of six teams. The competition tests students’ knowledge of the United States Constitution.
Events in the BendLa Pine School District Parents, friends and members of the community are invited to many events taking place in the Bend-La Pine School district, according to a news release. Bear Creek Elementary School will be holding drumming workshops with local musician Dale Largent. The sessions will be today and Thursday. For more information, call the school at 541-355-1400. A PTO meeting will be held at W.E. Miller Elementary in the school’s media center at 8:45 a.m. today. Pine Ridge Elementary will hold a character trait assembly in its gymnasium today at 1:25 p.m. Marshall High School will hold an ASPIRE parent meeting today from 2 to 5:30 p.m. Lava Ridge Elementary School will hold its Second-Grade Math Night tonight at 6 p.m. Elk Meadow Elementary will feature artist Diane Burns for an artist-in-residence segment lasting through Feb. 14. Bear Creek Elementary will hold a family fun night for students in kindergarten through second grade Thursday from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Elk Meadow elementary will hold its Reading Safari Night for first-graders Thursday at 6 p.m. High Desert Middle School will hold a sixth grade music concert Thursday at 7 p.m. A site council meeting will be held at High Lakes Elementary on Thursday at 4 p.m. La Pine Elementary will hold a school assembly Thursday at 1 p.m. Ensworth Elementary will hold a school assembly Friday at 3:05 p.m. Juniper Elementary will host its Family Fun Bingo Night in the school gymnasium Friday from 6 to 8 p.m. A silent auction fundraiser to benefit Amity Creek Magnet School will be held at the Boys & Girls Club on Saturday from 6 to 10 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. For more information, call 541-383-6195. Lava Ridge will host artist Lisa Elrod as an artist in residence. The residence will start Monday and last through Feb. 11. Buckingham Elementary will hold its Family Reading Week starting Monday and lasting through Feb. 11. Parents and guardians are invited to come read with their child at lunchtime. Ensworth Elementary will hold its Pennies for Patients Fundraiser to benefit the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The fundraiser will start Monday and last through Feb. 25. For more information, call 541-693-2200. High Lakes will host a PTA meeting Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. Highland Magnet School will host a PTO meeting in its cafeteria Tuesday at 6 p.m. Sky View Middle School will hold a PTSA meeting Tuesday at 6 p.m. Love and Logic Training will be held at Juniper Elementary Tuesday. A light dinner will be provided for those who attend. The training will be held from 5:15 to 7:30 p.m. Child care will be provided. — Bulletin staff reports
Education through imitation Third-graders create art in the style of famous artists By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin
Janelle Rebick’s thirdgrade classroom was full of cats Thursday. Purple cats. Red cats. Cool cats. Polka-dotted and striped cats. Cats adorned with hearts and flowers. “I don’t really like cats in real life,” said Alex Chackel, 8, dragging a green oil pastel across a piece of white construction paper. “But I think they’re really fun to draw.” On Thursday, third-graders at William E. Miller Elementary School in Bend received an art lesson about Laurel Burch, an artist known for her signature colorful cat designs. Burch was the subject of the PTO-sponsored Artin-a-Box program, where students get the opportunity to learn about an artist and then create artwork in their style. “We wanted to take a different approach with Art-ina-Box,” said parent volunteer Eileen Carlton. “We really wanted to see fun art — art with lots of bright colors and designs — that the kids can really get into.” The session started with an overview of Burch by parent volunteer Barbra Stevens. Students learned about the artist’s life and how she turned her artwork into a $1 million dollar business, even though she had no professional training. Students also learned that she suffered from a debilitating form of osteoporosis. Students were shocked by the story of how Burch once broke her jaw while yawning because her bones were so brittle. “It was sad that she got injured a lot,” Fiona Silver, 9, said after the lesson.
Breaking it down Once the lecture was complete, Carlton sat in front of the class and began drawing the outline of a cat on a sheet of butcher paper. When she broke down the drawing into shapes that everyone could recognize — like triangles and ovals — students were able to duplicate the pattern to their sheets of paper. “You want to make these big,” Carlton said. “They should be bold and fill up the page.” Once the students had completed their outlines, students were instructed to trace the pencil lines with black markers, then fill the cat body with designs like polka dots and stripes. Once the outlines
SCHOOL BRIEFS: Items and announcements of general interest. Please include details and contact information. Phone: 541-617-7831 E-mail: TEEN FEATS: The Bulletin wants to recognize high school students’ achievements off the playing fields. Do you know of teens who have been recognized recently for their academic achievements or who have won an award or certificate for their participation in clubs, choirs or volunteer groups? If so, please submit the information and a photo. Phone: 541-383-0358 Mail: P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 E-mail:
Photos by Andy Tullis / The Bulletin
Third -graders Jack Stevens, 8, left, and Taylor Ashby, 9, draw cats during an art literacy lesson at Miller Elementary School in Bend on Thursday.
“I don’t really like cats in real life, but I think they’re really fun to draw.” — Alex Chackel, third-grader, William E. Miller Elementary School were complete, students were free to color the cats with oil pastels. Students were instructed to color from top to bottom to avoid smudging. Miles Eaton, 8, used shades of blue, purple and green to bring his cat to life. He said he was trying to make the cat cool by using cool-toned colors. “I’m really good with drawing — it really inspires me,” said Miles. “It makes me feel happy.” Miles said he enjoys drawing superheroes and dragons mostly, and that he likes to draw with his dad. Halfway through the drawing process, Carlton addressed the class about its drawings. “Would you really see a cat with hearts walking down the street?” Carlton asked. She was met with a resounding “no” from the students. “That’s right. That’s because these are whimsical, and they should reflect your personality,” Carlton said. “They should show what makes you happy.” ZoieBlue Costa, 8, covered her cat with patterns and incorpo-
rated almost every color in the pastel pack. “Drawing is one of my favorite things,” ZoieBlue said. “It’s fun because I get to let my imagination flow, and I can draw anything I can come up with.” Fiona chose to fill her cat with pinks, purples and reds. “I like art because you can use your own sense of creativity and you’re free to draw what you want.”
In-depth experience One of the benefits of the Art-in-the-Box program is that it helps gives students an indepth art experience, said Stevens, who has a professional art background. “What I like about the art program is that it allows them to have a more personal statement with their work than they normally can have in a school setting,” said Stevens. “And I think that any opportunity kids have to think outside of the box is important.” For many students, the art project seemed to reinforce their own enthusiasm. “I just draw everything that comes into my imagination,” said Tucker Blackwelder, 9. “When I have a good idea, I run for my sketchbook.”
Third-grader ZoieBlue Costa, 8, adds color to a cat she was drawing.
Megan Kehoe can be reached at 541-383-0354 or at
Study finds girl gamers playing with parents are better-behaved By Elizabeth Lopatto Bloomberg News
A special section featuring news from schools in Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties
Girls who play video games with their parents are generally better behaved and showed lower rates of depression than those who don’t, according to a study published Tuesday. The benefit, reported in the Journal of Adolescent Health, wasn’t seen in boys, possibly because males spend less time gaming with their families than they did playing video games alone or with friends, the authors said. Lead author Sarah Coyne, a psychology professor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, said she got the idea after watching her sisters play video games with her mother. The positive effects are probably due to fathers playing with their daughters, since most mothers didn’t report playing, Coyne said. “When parents are willing to
put in the time, they show they’re interested, and I think that level of involvement is having an influence on the outcomes we have,” Coyne said in a telephone interview.
Collaborative games Coyne’s study involved 287 families with children from ages 11 to 16 years old, who were interviewed in their homes and completed questionnaires about the children’s behavior. Girls were more likely to play collaborative games like “Rock Band,” where players work together, Coyne said. Boys were more likely to play games where players competed against one another, according to the report. The study is the first to show positive associations for girls who play video games with their parents. As the products become
more popular, parents who play with their children may be able to alleviate some of their negative effects, and stay more involved with their children, the authors wrote in the report. Previous research has found that children who play video games an average of 31 hours a week show increased anxiety, depression, and social phobia, and that their school grades decline. In some children, there is hostile behavior, according to the article. The American Academy of Pediatrics has suggested parents can lessen negative effects of media including video games by joining their children in viewing or playing.
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C4 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Chairwoman Publisher Editor-in-chief Editor of Editorials
Bad legislation would turn cities into booze czars
ast year, Washington state residents devoted months of debate to the state’s antiquated regulatory system for beer, wine and hard liquor. The ballot measures that would
have shaken things up failed, but we suspect it’s only a matter of time until the (relatively) free market prevails. In any case, when it comes to alcohol regulation, at least Washingtonians are having the right debate. Then there’s Oregon, which regulates the sale of alcohol in much the same way as its neighbor to the north. While Washingtonians flirt with comparative regulatory freedom, lawmakers here could soon push Oregon’s system in the opposite direction, placing business owners even more squarely under the thumbs of government officials. A pair of very similar bills, HB 2151 and HB 2716, would turn city and county governments into alcohol czars, allowing them to cap the number of liquor licenses issued in specific areas, or even in entire municipalities. The first bill was introduced by Gov. John Kitzhaber at the request of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC), which is best known in Central Oregon for employing identity thief Doitchin Krastev and twiddling its thumbs while he tied local businesses in knots. But the bill that’s most likely to move forward is the second, according to OLCC spokeswoman Christie Scott. HB 2716 is sponsored by Democrat Carolyn Tomei, who represents Milwaukee and parts of southeast Portland and seems to take quite an interest in “sin” products. During the 2010 special session, she co-sponsored a bill that would have allowed cities to tax tobacco products. And this session, she has sponsored a few alcohol-related bills, another of which, HB 2717, would add two seats to the five-member OLCC. One of the two newcomers would have to belong to the public safety community and the other from the public health community. Apparently, Tomei really wants to keep the “control” in the Oregon Liquor Control Commission. Back in 2009, ironically, Tomei cosponsored a bill recognizing small businesses as “key contributors to a healthy and prosperous economy in this state” and pledging to “take the small business economy that the Legislative Assembly represents into account in considering and enacting legislation.” Oh, well. Brew pubs and restaurants must be second-class members of the small business economy that Tomei and her colleagues theoretically represent. And what supposed problem are these two bills intended to solve? OLCC spokeswoman Scott told us via e-mail that “several cities, including the city of Portland, have expressed that they would like to be able to limit the number of liquor licenses issued in a particular neighborhood.” They would thus have the authority to do just that, leaving other cities free to stick with the status quo. Scott says the feedback the OLCC has received from Bend officials indicates “that at this time, they are not interested in restricting the number of licenses.” Thank goodness for that, anyway. But elsewhere, Tomei’s legislation is likely to empower officials who sim-
City council candidates will have something new to argue about: drinkin’. And, no doubt, those who want to draw the line on liquor licenses will enjoy the support of current license holders determined to limit competition. ply object to alcohol consumption, period. Walt Chamberlain, a former Madras city councilor, told a Bulletin reporter this week that, “If I had my way, (Madras) would be dry.” Before you know it, city council candidates will have something new to argue about: drinkin’. And, no doubt, those who want to draw the line on liquor licenses will enjoy the support of current license holders determined to limit competition. We can’t wait. Suppose for the sake of argument that Madras (or Redmond, Bend or Sisters) did set a limit on liquor licenses. What would happen if a number of restaurant owners applied for licenses after the limit had been met? Under both bills, the out-of-luck applicants would sit in line and wait for licenses to become available, and their applications would be considered in order of submission. Pity the applicant with a sure-fire concept who has the misfortune of sitting 10th in line. He’d have to wait for nine other businesses to try and fail before getting his shot. It’s more likely, though, that the restaurateur with the great idea would simply open up elsewhere, depriving his preferred city of jobs, tax revenue and, not least, a good restaurant or pub. That’s economic development, Carolyn Tomei-style. We know the concept is hard for many of Oregon’s legislators to accept, but the free market should be allowed to pick winners and losers. But what about licensee-related problems? Last we checked, the OLCC had plenty of regulations designed to rein in license holders who fail to live up to their legal obligations. And last we checked, the OLCC wasn’t shy about flexing its muscle. Nevertheless, if the agency needs a remedial course on cracking down on licensees — whether they deserve it or not — it can always rehire Krastev when he gets out of jail in a couple of years.
Our errors in the Middle East WASHINGTON — n June 2005, along with then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, I met nine Egyptian opposition figures, including presidential candidate Ayman Nour, in a shabby Cairo conference room. Rice was in Egypt to deliver a speech calling on President Mubarak to allow free elections. We hoped and half-believed the door to reform was open. Nour, with more direct experience, said it would remain a “revolving door” under Mubarak’s rule. One participant explained to me that the security agent shadowing him was waiting downstairs, more concerned with intimidation than with secrecy. The leaders in the room were isolated, harassed, beleaguered and not particularly impressive. This is the Mubarak legacy. In the name of weakening Islamism, he undermined all legitimate opposition, often forcing dissent into the radical mosque. If the alternatives to Mubarak’s rule are poor, it is because he did his best to make it so. American complicity in this strategy was often described as “realism,” helping to assure the stability of a favorable regime. This is the diplomatic habit of mind that declared Mubarak’s government to be “stable” on Jan. 25 — as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton did shortly before the headquarters of Mubarak’s National Democratic Party were set aflame. In fact, this brand of realism always lacked a realistic endgame. Dictatorships are particularly vulnerable during transitions. It was never likely that Egypt’s military dictatorship would become a hereditary monarchy, headed by Mubarak’s lackluster son Gamal. Governments that lack legitimacy — that are founded on a monopoly of heavy weapons — are inherently unstable. What makes Mubarak fit
MICHAEL GERSON to govern others? His great economic achievements? His summons to compelling national purposes? Mubarak has survived by suffocating opposition and being strategically useful to the United States. What sway do these justifications now have on the streets of Cairo? Dictatorships are inevitable until the moment fear lifts and they become incredible. A 26-year-old fruit vendor in Tunisia is humiliated and sets himself on fire in protest. The dictator flees. Demonstrators turn out in Cairo. The Egyptian Cabinet is dismissed. Such is the fragility of oppression. The lesson from these events is that America should be anticipating democratic traditions long before a crisis makes them urgent — trying to encourage the leadership and institutions that will make eventual change less traumatic. These efforts in Egypt were halfhearted and inconsistent. Someday, absent a shift in policy, we are likely to say the same of China. In the modern world, it is a short distance from Tahrir Square to Tiananmen. An active democracy promotion strategy — engaging authoritarian regimes while cultivating the leaders and parties that may replace them — is alternately criticized as paternalistic, unrealistic and hypocritical. Until a moment such as this, when it is revealed as the essential, practical work of American diplomacy. But now the options in Egypt are limited. It is difficult to do much steering when you have already entered
the rapids — though it is worth a try. Repeating its performance following the Iranian protests of June 2009, the Obama administration initially adopted a prudence indistinguishable from paralysis. It does not know how to respond in these situations because it does not know its own mind. Is democracy promotion a naive relic of the Bush era? Or does liberalism, perhaps, have something to do with the confident defense of liberty? At this point, there is little choice but to call for monitored elections later this year that don’t include Mubarak. Many foreign policy experts are serially surprised by demands for self-government in cultures different from our own — by the tenacity of Iraqi democracy or by the determined crowds in Tehran, Tunis or Cairo. Between these outbreaks, they sneer at the prospect of Jeffersonian ideals taking root in the rocky soil of the Middle East. During these events, they seem embarrassed by the miracle. But the universal desire for self-government does not require a basis in Enlightenment philosophy. It is rooted in the natural human resentment of humiliation. No one wants to be a pawn in the power games of elites forever. Condoning an unjust stability involves the assumption that people will remain in servility, suffering and silence. The pervasive failure of American foreign policy elites is a lack of confidence in American ideals. Democratic revolutions can be defeated by violence or co-opted by radicals. But again, we are seeing that it is neither principled nor prudent for America to base its strategies in the Middle East on the denial of rights we value. Michael Gerson is a columnist for The Washington Post.
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In My View policy
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer’s signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or OpEd piece every 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 600 and 800 words, signed and include the writer’s phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel’s Worth or In My View and send, fax or e-mail them to The Bulletin. WRITE: My Nickel’s Worth OR In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 FAX: 541-385-5804 E-MAIL:
Bend City Council should consider water supply options By Bill Smith Bulletin guest columnist
flawed process often leads to poor results. The city of Bend’s process to analyze options for our surface water was (is) flawed. We somehow put the city staff and councilors in the position of having to defend a program versus discussing it. Worse, the councilors feel as though they need to defend the program even though it is not yet fully defined. The city staff may have misunderstood the direction provided by the city council’s part-time involvement; or the staff miscommunicated with the outside engineers. Whatever. We now are looking at a city council and city staff defending a program with less than full knowledge of the implications. A program where we have made gospel of en-
gineers’ admitted guesses. That is sad. It is a bad precedent for how our community makes decisions and will likely lead to costly errors. We know we have a lot of infrastructure work to do. We also know the city’s general fund is short of being able to do all we want it to do. Yet the council, defending its position, appears unwilling to stop the process for surface water long enough to understand the implications. With well capacity already 130 percent of our peak daily use, we can afford to slow down and get it right. I was told by the city’s finance director that the city’s bonding capacity was able to accommodate all that we might ask for. I initially understood her to mean we could borrow to accomplish everything on our wish list without penalty.
IN MY VIEW That wish list includes this project and several others of comparable magnitude impacting sewer, storm water and traffic. Unfortunately, my understanding was incorrect. The city’s excellent finance department now recognizes that the size of the loan on the surface water project alone may cause the city’s bond rating to fall. A lower bond rating, just like an individual’s credit rating, will increase the interest the city must pay when it borrows money. Interest on all of our future debts will increase making future projects more costly or not affordable at all. According to The Wall Street Journal, the municipal bond market is currently in disarray and likely to worsen. Interest
rates on municipal bonds are at all time highs. So, is now the time for the city to plan to borrow $58 million over the next few years for a project we may not need or can delay? Maybe we’d rather use up our credit rating on a general obligation bond that provides an operating levy for the police department. Maybe the council should submit the question of whether to borrow $58 million for surface water as now [almost] planned to the voters in May when we are to vote on a $27 million bond for streets. We won’t go thirsty if the surface water project is not completed in the time frame now projected. Testimony at the last two public meetings seems to indicate that the city could delay the new water line without harm. For certain the project can be delayed a few months to fully explore the options.
The city council owes it to all of us to get an unbiased analysis of the project — after they know what the project is. There is time to do that. And, maybe there is even a significant savings. I’m writing as a concerned citizen. I don’t want our city to go brown, have an inferior police force or be unable to fix infrastructure shortcomings. The city’s approach to surface water could cause all three and more. There is time to fully understand and assess the trade-offs in finance, livability and environmental impact presented by the size and timing of the surface water project. We will be a better community if the city council does a complete job with this task. Bill Smith, of Bend, developed the Old Mill District.
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 C5
O Russell Thom Flint
N Esther Lee Manning, of Prineville Oct. 5, 1930 - Jan. 30, 2011 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals-Redmond 541-504-9485 Services: Viewing: Thur., Feb. 3, 12N-5p at Autumn Funerals 485 NW Larch Ave., Redmond; Memorial: Fri., Feb. 4, 11am, Prineville LDS Church, 2nd SE followed by interment at Terrebonne Pioneer Cemetery, Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne.
Maxine Mae Peden, of Redmond Jan. 24, 1917 - Jan. 30, 2011 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals-Redmond 541-504-9485 Services: Celebration of Life: 1pm, Sat., Feb. 5 at the VFW Hall, 1836 Veterans Way, Redmond.
Neil Dale Friesen, of La Pine Dec. 7, 1936 - Jan. 28, 2011 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel of La Pine, (541) 536-5104 Services: An Urn Committal Service with Military Honors will be held on Saturday, February 5, 2011 at 3:00 PM at La Pine Community Cemetery in La Pine, Oregon.
William "Tommy" Lloyd Cox, of Watsonville, California Nov. 14, 1926 - Feb. 1, 2011 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend (541) 382-0903 Services: An urn committal service will take place at Pajaro Valley Memorial Park in Watsonville, California at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
Partners in Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR, 97701
Obituary Policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, e-mail or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. DEADLINES: Death notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon on Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. PHONE: 541-617-7825 MAIL: Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 FAX: 541-322-7254 E-MAIL:
Water Continued from C1 Avion serves about 10,820 residential customers in southeast Bend and 1,316 commercial, irrigation and fire protection customers. Avion Executive Vice President Jason Wick said Tuesday that the company’s water is safe to drink. He cited an EWG official who said in a recent interview on KBND that it is safe for Bend residents and Avion customers to continue to drink their water. At high concentrations, hexavalent chromium has been linked to increased cancer rates in humans and mice. The chem-
March 5, 1912 - January 29, 2011 Russell Flint was born in Pony, Montana, on March 5, 1912, to pioneer attorney James A. and Johanna R. (Thom) Flint. He was the eldest of two sons. Russell attended grade school in Pony, and high school in Three Forks, Montana (class of 1931). He married Lottie H. Parker of Willow Creek, Montana, in Boulder Creek, Montana, on December 27, 1932. Russell was employed in the mining and milling industry until 1942. Then, for over 14 years, he was employed as a substation operator at various locations on the electrified Rocky Mountain Division of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad in Montana and Idaho. In January, 1956, he was employed by the Bonneville Power Administration as a substation operator at Hot Springs, Montana, and afterward in Redmond, Oregon, from November, 1957, until retirement in 1978. He belonged to the Pony Miners and Millmans Union, and was the secretary for over three years. Since September, 1943, he belonged to the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. He was a member of the Mt. Jefferson Masonic Lodge #56 of Pony, Montana since July, 1939. During his 40 years as a resident of Redmond, Oregon, he was interested in County and City government, including being a committee member of the Deschutes County Comprehensive Plan from 1977-1981, as well as the Redmond Urban Area Advisory Committee from 1977-1979, the Planning Commission, and member of the Vision 20/20 Committee from 1996-1999. He was preceded in death by his mother and father; and brother, James in 1994. Russell is survived by his wife, Lottie; son, Fred R. Flint of Pony; daughters, Kathleen Jo Copenhaver of Redmond and Charlotte E. Holland of Canby, Oregon; six grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren; and several nieces and nephews. A graveside inurnment will be held at Valley View Cemetery, Pony, Montana. A Celebration of Life will be held from 12-5 p.m., on Saturday, February 5, 2011, at the Flint family home. Please sign the online guestbook at
Special ed Continued from C1 “(T)he District’s conclusion that the student’s communication-related disability is not the results of another disability was not based on all relevant information concerning the student’s needs,” the ODE decision said. The complaint highlights a tension for school districts as they try to decide whether or not to pay for certain special education services. Special education decisions rest on several complex issues. There are 11 categories that determine if a student qualifies for special education, including emotional disturbance, hearing impairment and vision impairment, according to ODE’s website. Within each category, a stu-
ical, is both naturally occurring and used in industrial practices. It was made famous by the film “Erin Brockovich,” which was based on a real incident in Hinkley, Calif. A test of a single sample of Avion water found 0.78 parts per billion of hexavalent chromium, EWG reported late last year. This week, Avion released new findings for chromium-6 levels in its water supply that it commissioned from a private laboratory. That test found levels ranging from .65 parts per billion to .25 parts per billion, in samples drawn directly from Avion wells. Those results are higher than California’s suggested goal of .02 parts per bil-
Mother of Bears coach dies at 77 The Associated Press
The Associated Press ile photo
Designer Charles Nolan, center, shows a coat from his fall-winter collection to his father, Phil Nolan, backstage before a show in New York in February 2002. Nolan, known to have a passion for American classics but skew them with a modern edge and personal touch, died Sunday. He was 53.
Crowding Continued from C1 “It’s really focused on the need to balance our enrollment at the middle-school level,” said Deputy Superintendent John Rexford. “We have a ballpark goal of 770 kids at each middle school in Bend.” The committee, a mix of parents, teachers and administrators, began meeting in December. Just a few years ago, in 2008, the district changed boundaries for every elementary school except Elk Meadow and made smaller changes to middle and high school boundaries around the district. At that time, the district pulled about 100 students out of Cascade Middle School to deal with its overcrowding, and some parents at the forums told district officials that wouldn’t be enough. They were right; Rexford said as enrollment flattened over the past few years, enrollment on the west side of town has continued to increase. “Initially our enrollments were more balanced,” he said. “The one place where it kept growing was the west side. ... We’ve gained 50 to 75 kids each year (at Cascade Middle).” Tonight, the boundary committee will meet again, this time to discuss eight possible scenarios. Those scenarios focus on two main areas: particular groups of students from
dent must meet three standards: the student has the disability, the disability impacts the student’s learning and special instruction is required.
Pine Ridge Elementary attending Pilot Butte Middle School in lieu of Cascade Middle School, or sending a portion of High Lakes students to Pilot Butte or Sky View middle schools. “There are no frontrunners,” Rexford said. “These are a result of brainstorming and looking at possibilities, and none of them are a foregone conclusion.”
Portland Avenue According to draft minutes of the Jan. 12 boundary advisory committee meeting, the committee decided that if High Lakes Elementary is divided, Portland Avenue would be a natural line, with students living north of Portland Avenue attending either Pilot Butte or Sky View middle schools instead of Cascade Middle. The committee expects some resistance to any plans it recommends. “People love their schools,” he said. “They’re comfortable with where their kids go to school and generally people don’t like change if it’s not necessary. But we’re only taking this on because we are so out of balance.” Tonight the committee hopes to narrow the options in preparation for public forums. The committee will host forums this month to allow parents to express opinions on the possible changes. Tina Ficher , a member of the committee, has an eighth-grader at Cascade Middle School, and
said the crowding there is bad but not nearly as challenging as it was a few years ago at High Lakes Elementary. “It’s wall-to-wall bodies in the halls, so getting from class to class on time can be challenging,” she said of Cascade. “The P.E. classes are kind of crazy, and the cafeteria is crazy. We now have parents volunteering at lunch to help with supervision because there are so many kids in the cafeteria at lunchtime that there’s not enough staff to supervise.” High Lakes Elementary, at its peak in 2008-09 before Miller Elementary opened, had more than 930 students and used eight portable classrooms and leftover Summit High classrooms to deal with the overcrowding.
‘Room for other schools now’ “I think the nice thing about the situation is there is room in other schools now,” Ficher said. “It’s not a crisis where we have to get a school built and a bond approved.” Ficher said the committee’s goal is to affect the least number of students, and to move as large a group of students as possible. “We’re trying to keep the impact as minimal as we can,” she said. “What we don’t want to have happen is take 10 kids out of one neighborhood and only those kids from that school are going to a separate middle school.” A secondary goal is to at least maintain schools’ current levels
According to ODE’s final order, issued late last month, the fifth-grade student is eligible for special education because of a communication disorder, something the district acknowledges. The district argues that it should not have to pay for the vision care because it considers the student’s vision issue is a medical, not educational, problem. The district declined to comment because the case was ongoing, and an ODE lawyer was not available to discuss the case. The student in question is not identi-
fied in the documents. The student’s individualized education plan, or IEP, placed the student in special education classes for 26 percent of the weekly schedule. During a June 2, 2010 meeting with the students IEP team, the student’s parents asked for their child to be evaluated by an opthalmologist. Six days later, the district denied the request, writing, “A full vision evaluation would be a medical evaluation for which the parents would have the responsibility to seek,” the district wrote. The district offered to have a school nurse run a vision screening. “The district can assist the family in seeking further vision examinations at the family’s expense.” According to the district’s reply, it also refused to pay for a vi-
sion evaluation in October. A few days later, a school nurse conducted a vision test and recommended the student visit an eye specialist, according to the ODE decision. In July, the student received an eye evaluation from outside the district, the results of which were not given to the district until mid-December, according to the decision. ODE’s decision does not include the vision evaluation.
lion of hexavalent chromium, but lower than the EWG test. The results, however, are far below the U.S. mandatory limit of 100 parts per billion for all chromium, Wick said. That’s the standard to which Avion’s water should be measured, Wick said. “The health goal of California is just that: a goal,” Wick said. The California EPA found that concentrations of hexavalent chromium near its public health goal would result in extremely low rates of cancer, over the course of a lifetime, according to a 2009 report by the agency. At the levels proposed by California, hexavalent chromium would result in “a one in one
million lifetime cancer risk” based on tests on mice, the report said. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is in the process of examining federal standards for hexavalent chromium, and is expected to released its findings sometime later this year. Just as Avion criticized EWG’s methodology, senior Environmental Working Group Scientist Rebecca Sutton said Avion’s test didn’t follow the EPA’s guidelines and added that other steps by the lab could have tainted the test results. Sutton said EWG’s ultimate goal isn’t to criticize water providers, but push for new federal hexavalent chromium stan-
dards in drinking water. “They are not breaking any laws,” Sutton said, of Avion. “This is just unfortunately the case that our standards are out of date.” The city of Bend’s water was not tested by EWG, but city officials are consulting with the Environmental Protection Agency on future hexavalent chromium tests, said Justin Finestone, a city spokesman. “We know our water’s safe, but just to give people peace of mind we’re just going to follow the EPA’s lead,” Finestone said.
District: Medical issue, not educational
Corrective steps ODE’s final order calls for several general “corrective” steps for the district. The district must, for instance, revise its practices on independent education evaluations and complete staff training on the district’s policies, procedures and practices in that area. The student’s education plan
Keith Chu can be reached at 202-662-7456 or at kchu@
GLADEWATER, Texas — The mother of Chicago Bears coach Lovie Smith has died in an East Texas hospital at the age of 77. Mae Smith had long suffered from diabetes. Gregory Dearion of Dearion & Davis Funeral Parlor in Gladewater said her funeral is scheduled for Saturday afternoon at Jarvis Christian College in Hawkins, Texas. Dearion said Smith’s husband died in 1996. Born in the small East Texas town of Big Sandy, Mae Evelyn Chalk Smith was a longtime resident of nearby Tyler. In a 2007 interview with the Tyler Morning Telegraph, she said she had been a Dallas Cowboys fan until her son became the Bears coach.
of federal free-and-reduced lunch numbers, which is how the school district measures poverty. “What we try to do is make sure the situation gets no more dramatic,” Rexford said. “We want to monitor and make sure there is no more inequality (than already exists). There are locational inequalities because of the demographics in the city of Bend. We just don’t want to exacerbate it further.” In December, about 27 percent of students at Cascade Middle School received free or reduced lunch, while at Pilot Butte Middle School that number was 72 percent. Sky View Middle’s free-andreduced lunch population makes up about 37 percent of the student body, while 45 percent of High Desert Middle’s students receive the benefit. The boundary committee also takes into consideration student safety — whether walking students should cross large intersections, for example — and bus route length. For students currently enrolled in the affected middle schools, Rexford expects there to be a liberal grandfather clause that allows many of them to stay in their current schools. “It’s not personal. It’s really a numbers game, a map game, a street game,” Ficher said. “It’s not personal. We’ve just got to fit all the kids in the schools.” Sheila G. Miller can be reached at 541-617-7831 or at
team must also review data on the student, including the July vision evaluation. After that review, the team must either reimburse the family for the evaluation or do a new special education evaluation for the student. If the team decides the vision therapy, which was paid for by the parents, was “appropriate,” the district has to cover the cost. The order does not include any cost estimates. The parents or the district can appeal the decision to the Oregon Circuit Court, according to ODE. Patrick Cliff can be reached at 541-633-2161 or at
C6 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LLC ©2011.
THURSDAY Tonight: Clear and cold.
Today: Sunny and slightly warmer.
Ben Burkel
Bob Shaw
Western Ruggs
Warm Springs
Marion Forks
Willowdale Mitchell
Camp Sherman 36/13 Redmond Prineville 41/16 Cascadia 39/17 40/17 Sisters 40/15 Bend Post 41/16
Oakridge Elk Lake 38/15
Partly to mostly sunny skies today. Clear to partly cloudy. Central
Partly cloudy and cool today. Clear to partly cloudy and cold tonight. Eastern
Hampton 36/13
Fort Rock
San Francisco
Partly cloudy and cool today. Clear to partly cloudy and cold tonight.
Crater Lake
Idaho Falls
Silver Lake
Christmas Valley
Missoula Helena
Grants Pass
Salt Lake City
Yesterday Hi/Lo/Pcp
Moon phases New
Feb. 2
Feb. 10
Feb. 18
Feb. 24
Wednesday Hi/Lo/W
Astoria . . . . . . . .NA/32/0.00 . . . . . 50/33/pc. . . . . . 53/41/pc Baker City . . . . . . 25/10/0.00 . . . . . . 31/9/pc. . . . . . . 40/20/s Brookings . . . . . . .62/NA/NA . . . . . . 57/46/s. . . . . . . 60/48/s Burns. . . . . . . . . . . 27/4/0.00 . . . . . . . 30/8/s. . . . . . . 38/19/s Eugene . . . . . . . . 45/30/0.00 . . . . . . 47/25/s. . . . . . 54/34/pc Klamath Falls . . . 41/25/0.00 . . . . . 43/17/pc. . . . . . . 51/24/s Lakeview. . . . . .not available . . . . . . 37/14/s. . . . . . . 52/21/s La Pine . . . . . . . . 34/19/0.00 . . . . . . 39/12/s. . . . . . . 51/20/s Medford . . . . . . . 51/32/0.00 . . . . . . 52/25/s. . . . . . 56/30/pc Newport . . . . . . . 48/36/0.00 . . . . . . 54/34/s. . . . . . 57/40/pc North Bend . . . . . 57/37/0.00 . . . . . . 53/34/s. . . . . . 54/40/pc Ontario . . . . . . . . 31/18/0.00 . . . . . . 30/14/s. . . . . . . 37/20/s Pendleton . . . . . . 29/15/0.00 . . . . . 35/19/pc. . . . . . . 41/31/s Portland . . . . . . . 42/34/0.00 . . . . . 46/29/pc. . . . . . . 53/37/c Prineville . . . . . . . 31/19/0.00 . . . . . . 39/17/s. . . . . . . 50/24/s Redmond. . . . . . . 33/19/0.00 . . . . . 43/16/pc. . . . . . . 51/27/s Roseburg. . . . . . . 53/40/0.00 . . . . . . 49/29/f. . . . . . . 56/37/f Salem . . . . . . . . . 46/32/0.00 . . . . . . 47/27/s. . . . . . 54/36/pc Sisters . . . . . . . . . 32/20/0.00 . . . . . . 40/15/s. . . . . . . 49/22/s The Dalles . . . . . . 38/24/0.00 . . . . . 39/21/pc. . . . . . . 45/31/s
The higher the UV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for solar at noon.
Yesterday’s weather through 4 p.m. in Bend High/Low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32/19 24 hours ending 4 p.m.. . . . . . . . 0.00” Record high . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 in 1934 Month to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00” Record low. . . . . . . . . . . . . -13 in 1950 Average month to date. . . . . . . . 0.05” Average high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 Year to date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.48” Average low. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Average year to date. . . . . . . . . . 1.81” Barometric pressure at 4 p.m.. . . 30.47 Record 24 hours . . . . . . . 0.89 in 1963 *Melted liquid equivalent
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury . . . . . .6:47 a.m. . . . . . .3:54 p.m. Venus . . . . . . . .4:32 a.m. . . . . . .1:45 p.m. Mars. . . . . . . . .7:29 a.m. . . . . . .5:14 p.m. Jupiter. . . . . . . .9:19 a.m. . . . . . .9:23 p.m. Saturn. . . . . . .10:30 p.m. . . . . .10:04 a.m. Uranus . . . . . . .9:08 a.m. . . . . . .9:01 p.m.
53 27
Partly cloudy and slightly cooler. HIGH
57 30
La Pine Crescent
Crescent Lake
High pressure will provide dry conditions for the region, but it will be colder than normal.
Sunrise today . . . . . . 7:22 a.m. Sunset today . . . . . . 5:17 p.m. Sunrise tomorrow . . 7:21 a.m. Sunset tomorrow. . . 5:18 p.m. Moonrise today . . . . 6:56 a.m. Moonset today . . . . 5:18 p.m.
SUNDAY Mostly cloudy and mild.
59 30
55 27
Yesterday’s regional extremes • 62° Brookings • -9° Meacham
SATURDAY Mostly cloudy and mild.
Increasing afternoon cloud cover, significantly LOW warmer.
STATE Condon
Government Camp
Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow accumulation in inches Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 36-47 Hoodoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0-0 . . . . . . . . 41 Mt. Ashland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 41-84 Mt. Bachelor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 71-91 Mt. Hood Meadows . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 71 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 29-38 Timberline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . . 93 Warner Canyon . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . . . 22 Willamette Pass . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 . . . . . . 22-58
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level and road conditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key: T.T. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions I-5 at Siskiyou Summit . . . . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires I-84 at Cabbage Hill . . . . . . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass . . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp. . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide . . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake . . . . . Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass . . . . . . . . .Closed for season
Aspen, Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mammoth Mtn., California . . . 0.0 Park City, Utah . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Squaw Valley, California . . . . . 0.0 Sun Valley, Idaho. . . . . . . . . . . 0.0 Taos, New Mexico. . . . . . . . . . 11 Vail, Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . 43-45 . . . . 110-205 . . . . . . . . 88 . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . 45-62 . . . . . . 47-55 . . . . . . 45-56
For links to the latest ski conditions visit:
For up-to-minute conditions turn to: or call 511
Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun, pc-partial clouds, c-clouds, h-haze, sh-showers, r-rain, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice, rs-rain-snow mix, w-wind, f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace
NATIONAL WEATHER SYSTEMS Shown are noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are high for the day.
Vancouver 45/36
Yesterday’s U.S. extremes
Calgary 37/26
Saskatoon 31/25
S Winnipeg 15/11
Rapid City 11/3
Plant City, Fla.
Cheyenne 9/0
• 2.61” Batesville L&D, Ark.
Las Vegas 45/26
Salt Lake City 20/9
Denver 9/-1
Albuquerque 15/-3
Los Angeles 62/48 Phoenix 48/29
Honolulu 83/63
Kansas City 9/-5
Houston 37/24
Chihuahua 51/15
Juneau 41/35
Mazatlan 74/48
Little Rock 29/13
Quebec 11/2 Portland 22/11
To ronto 20/10
Green Bay 20/-3
St. Louis 20/-2
Dallas 22/9
La Paz 73/48
Des Moines Chicago 9/-6 24/-2 Omaha 6/-6
Oklahoma City 12/1
Tijuana 60/37
Anchorage 29/21
Thunder Bay 9/3
St. Paul 9/-2
Boise 33/17
San Francisco 57/45
Bismarck 8/7
Billings 22/16
Portland 46/29
• 82° Havre, Mont.
Seattle 46/35
(in the 48 contiguous states):
• -42°
Detroit 25/10
Boston 34/19 New York 34/23 Philadelphia 41/24 Washington, D. C. 50/23
Columbus 38/11 Louisville 28/20
Halifax 21/18
Charlotte 63/28
Nashville 33/20
Atlanta Birmingham 48/27 43/25 New Orleans 49/34 Orlando 79/57 Miami 81/67
Monterrey 51/29
Yesterday WednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX . . . . .25/12/0.45 . 18/10/pc . . 26/15/pc Akron . . . . . . . . .29/21/0.55 . . . . 35/7/i . . . 22/4/pc Albany. . . . . . . . . .16/9/0.61 . .25/14/sn . . . 23/5/pc Albuquerque. . . .30/12/0.04 . . 15/-3/sn . . . 25/6/pc Anchorage . . . . .32/28/0.06 . .29/21/sn . . 23/14/sn Atlanta . . . . . . . .48/41/0.16 . 48/27/pc . . 46/35/pc Atlantic City . . . .42/30/0.05 . . .49/27/r . . 33/22/pc Austin . . . . . . . . .67/28/0.12 . 33/17/pc . . 33/22/pc Baltimore . . . . . .34/28/0.00 . . . 47/21/i . . . 33/20/s Billings. . . . . . . . . 4/-15/0.00 . 22/16/pc . . 38/23/pc Birmingham . . . .61/53/0.58 . 43/25/pc . . . 43/34/c Bismarck . . . . . . -5/-11/0.03 . . . . .8/7/s . . 32/20/pc Boise . . . . . . . . . .31/17/0.00 . 33/17/pc . . 37/21/pc Boston. . . . . . . . .22/16/0.45 . .34/19/sn . . . 26/14/c Bridgeport, CT. . .25/21/0.15 . . . 36/24/i . . 27/15/pc Buffalo . . . . . . . .22/12/0.05 . . .24/7/sn . . . . 18/6/c Burlington, VT. . . .11/4/0.11 . . .21/7/sn . . . 20/6/sn Caribou, ME . . . . 15/-8/0.00 . . .12/1/sn . . .15/-1/sn Charleston, SC . .58/45/0.00 . . .68/41/t . . 51/41/sh Charlotte. . . . . . .48/37/0.01 . 63/28/pc . . 47/32/pc Chattanooga. . . .50/46/0.40 . 40/25/pc . . 43/30/pc Cheyenne . . . . . -9/-18/0.00 . . . .9/0/pc . . 34/20/pc Chicago. . . . . . . .23/19/0.12 . . 24/-2/sn . . . . 12/5/s Cincinnati . . . . . .34/30/0.33 . .30/17/sn . . . . 27/9/s Cleveland . . . . . .23/18/0.20 . . . 32/12/i . . . 20/8/pc Colorado Springs 0/-10/0.00 . . . 5/-4/pc . . 33/18/pc Columbia, MO . .25/18/0.79 . . . 13/-9/c . . . .14/-1/s Columbia, SC . . .55/43/0.00 . 64/33/pc . . 50/36/sh Columbus, GA. . .58/51/0.03 . 51/30/pc . . 46/36/sh Columbus, OH. . .31/27/0.38 . . 38/11/rs . . . 24/5/pc Concord, NH . . . . .16/0/0.37 . . .22/6/sn . . . . 24/0/c Corpus Christi. . .69/47/0.00 . 39/27/pc . . . 37/28/c Dallas Ft Worth. .39/18/0.43 . . .22/9/pc . . 24/15/pc Dayton . . . . . . . .30/23/0.84 . .28/10/sn . . . 22/2/pc Denver. . . . . . . . -2/-13/0.00 . . . 9/-1/pc . . 36/22/pc Des Moines. . . . .19/15/0.10 . . . . 9/-6/c . . . . 17/9/s Detroit. . . . . . . . .21/15/0.06 . .25/10/sn . . . 18/6/pc Duluth . . . . . . . . . 11/-7/0.00 . . . 13/-3/s . . 20/14/pc El Paso. . . . . . . . .43/29/0.00 . . .29/9/pc . . 28/15/pc Fairbanks. . . . . . . .20/5/0.03 . . .15/5/sn . . .10/-5/sn Fargo. . . . . . . . . -2/-15/0.00 . . . . .2/2/s . . 27/17/pc Flagstaff . . . . . . .30/11/0.00 . . .16/4/pc . . . 25/8/pc
Yesterday WednesdayThursday Yesterday WednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Grand Rapids . . .21/14/0.08 . . .21/5/sn . . . 19/8/pc Rapid City . . . . . . 0/-11/0.00 . . . .11/3/s . . . 40/24/s Green Bay. . . . . .20/12/0.03 . . 20/-3/sn . . . 18/9/pc Reno . . . . . . . . . .42/25/0.00 . . .39/15/s . . . 46/23/s Greensboro. . . . .48/33/0.00 . .65/27/sh . . 45/30/pc Richmond . . . . . .49/28/0.00 . .67/30/sh . . . 43/28/s Harrisburg. . . . . .30/24/0.13 . . .38/19/r . . 31/13/pc Rochester, NY . . .22/12/0.08 . .25/10/sn . . . . 20/4/c Hartford, CT . . . .19/15/0.30 . .27/17/sn . . . 25/5/pc Sacramento. . . . .63/33/0.00 . . .57/35/s . . . 57/39/s Helena. . . . . . . . 10/-13/0.00 . . . .17/2/c . . . 28/14/c St. Louis. . . . . . . .31/21/0.53 . . . 20/-2/c . . . . 15/3/s Honolulu . . . . . . .83/63/0.00 . . .83/63/s . . . 83/65/s Salt Lake City . . .28/14/0.00 . . .20/9/pc . . 28/18/pc Houston . . . . . . .70/33/0.37 . 37/24/pc . . . 37/25/c San Antonio . . . .66/29/0.20 . 35/19/pc . . 35/23/pc Huntsville . . . . . .56/48/0.45 . 36/22/pc . . 42/28/pc San Diego . . . . . .62/51/0.00 . . .60/45/s . . . 63/46/s Indianapolis . . . .28/21/0.26 . . .23/4/sn . . . . 17/3/s San Francisco . . .63/46/0.00 . . .57/42/s . . . 58/44/s Jackson, MS . . . .66/45/0.45 . 43/25/pc . . . 41/30/c San Jose . . . . . . .64/45/0.00 . . .59/39/s . . . 63/40/s Madison, WI . . . .19/14/0.06 . . 19/-8/sn . . . 15/6/pc Santa Fe . . . . . . . .16/8/0.00 10/-12/sn . . .22/-3/pc Jacksonville. . . . .69/51/0.00 . . .72/43/t . . 56/44/sh Juneau. . . . . . . . .42/36/0.22 . . .41/35/r . . . .40/34/r Kansas City. . . . .18/12/0.48 . . . . 9/-5/c . . . . 14/1/s Amsterdam. . . . .41/28/0.03 . . .42/36/c . . 40/33/pc Lansing . . . . . . . .20/12/0.02 . . .20/3/sn . . . 19/5/pc Athens. . . . . . . . .51/39/0.00 . 55/42/pc . . . .51/44/r Las Vegas . . . . . .55/40/0.00 . . .45/26/s . . . 52/32/s Auckland. . . . . . .70/64/0.00 . 79/68/pc . . . 81/68/s Lexington . . . . . .54/37/0.57 . .30/19/sn . . 31/18/pc Baghdad . . . . . . .61/45/0.00 . .53/41/sh . . . 52/35/s Lincoln. . . . . . . . . . .9/1/0.04 . . . 8/-4/pc . . . . 23/8/s Bangkok . . . . . . .86/70/0.00 . 88/72/pc . . 89/74/pc Little Rock. . . . . .55/25/2.03 . 29/13/pc . . 29/18/pc Beijing. . . . . . . . .48/21/0.00 . . .43/21/s . . . 43/22/s Los Angeles. . . . .61/49/0.00 . . .62/48/s . . . 66/49/s Beirut. . . . . . . . . .59/50/0.20 . 61/50/pc . . . 63/51/s Louisville . . . . . . .47/35/0.86 . .28/20/sn . . . 31/17/s Berlin. . . . . . . . . .25/21/0.00 . . .36/29/s . . .39/33/rs Memphis. . . . . . .63/37/0.77 . 35/18/pc . . 32/21/pc Bogota . . . . . . . .66/48/0.03 . 74/45/pc . . 75/45/pc Miami . . . . . . . . .78/69/0.00 . 81/67/pc . . 81/69/pc Budapest. . . . . . .23/21/0.00 . . .34/20/s . . 35/23/pc Milwaukee . . . . .25/20/0.08 . . .23/0/sn . . . 17/9/pc Buenos Aires. . . .75/55/0.00 . . .82/65/s . . 87/67/pc Minneapolis . . . . .15/5/0.00 . . . . 9/-2/s . . 21/16/pc Cabo San Lucas .75/57/0.00 . . .75/54/s . . . 71/51/s Nashville . . . . . . .55/50/0.69 . 33/20/pc . . 34/21/pc Cairo . . . . . . . . . .70/57/0.00 . 67/55/pc . . 71/58/pc New Orleans. . . .70/55/0.50 . 49/34/pc . . 45/36/sh Calgary . . . . . . . 21/-13/0.00 . 37/26/pc . . . 37/27/s New York . . . . . .30/25/0.17 . . . 34/23/i . . 29/17/pc Cancun . . . . . . . .81/73/0.00 . . .81/64/t . . . .78/63/t Newark, NJ . . . . .31/25/0.12 . . . 34/23/i . . 31/15/pc Dublin . . . . . . . . .50/43/0.01 . .48/35/sh . . 45/40/sh Norfolk, VA . . . . .54/33/0.00 . . .72/33/t . . 42/29/pc Edinburgh . . . . . .48/37/0.00 . .48/38/sh . . 42/36/sh Oklahoma City . . .19/7/0.15 . . .12/1/pc . . . 23/9/pc Geneva . . . . . . . .32/30/0.00 . . .43/30/s . . 45/31/pc Omaha . . . . . . . . .13/3/0.07 . . . . 6/-6/c . . . . 19/9/s Harare . . . . . . . . .77/63/0.00 . . .80/61/t . . 80/58/pc Orlando. . . . . . . .80/56/0.00 . . .79/57/t . . 70/58/pc Hong Kong . . . . .61/55/0.00 . 63/53/pc . . . 65/52/s Palm Springs. . . .71/41/0.00 . . .54/35/s . . . 60/41/s Istanbul. . . . . . . .41/32/0.03 . . .43/27/s . . 45/30/pc Peoria . . . . . . . . .22/19/0.28 . . 20/-7/sn . . . . 10/1/s Jerusalem . . . . . .48/41/0.04 . 52/37/pc . . . 55/40/s Philadelphia . . . .33/28/0.01 . . .41/24/r . . 32/17/pc Johannesburg . . .75/57/0.51 . . .80/59/t . . 79/57/pc Phoenix. . . . . . . .64/42/0.00 . . .48/29/s . . . 53/32/s Lima . . . . . . . . . .81/70/0.00 . .75/67/sh . . 77/68/sh Pittsburgh . . . . . .36/30/0.18 . . 39/13/rs . . 24/12/pc Lisbon . . . . . . . . .54/39/0.00 . . .58/44/s . . 60/45/pc Portland, ME. . . . .18/6/0.34 . .22/11/sn . . . 25/4/sn London . . . . . . . .46/28/0.00 . .51/40/sh . . 47/41/pc Providence . . . . .23/16/0.47 . .35/19/sn . . 27/12/pc Madrid . . . . . . . .50/27/0.00 . . .48/30/s . . 52/32/pc Raleigh . . . . . . . .52/34/0.00 . . .69/31/t . . 46/30/pc Manila. . . . . . . . .84/73/0.01 . 85/73/pc . . 87/74/pc
Oregon Humane Society offers online cat test drives By Terrence Petty The Associated Press
PORTLAND — More than 90,000 cat lovers from 112 countries have played with the kittens at the Oregon Humane Society since September — wiggling and yanking on kitty toys at the shelter’s playroom. You’d think such a large number of people would be tripping over each other at the shelter. But these visits are by remote, thanks to real-time technology that lets fans of felines use their computers to manipulate the toys, which dangle from robotic arms. It’s a game of cat and computer mouse. The kitties whack and tug at the toys and occasionally tumble with each other while their human playmates watch via catcam. Cats being cats, sometimes they ignore the toys. The technology, called iPetCompanion, was invented by a small Idaho company, Apriori Control, and was first tested by the Idaho Humane Society in Boise last June. “After launching our first site live in Idaho, we received an enormous response from Humane Societies around the country,” said Scott Harris, head of Apriori. He chose the Oregon Humane Society for the next launch.
‘Space and kittens’ “All I had to do was provide space and kittens,” said Barbara Baugnon, communications director at the Portland shelter. One purpose of the program is to increase cat adoptions by letting would-be adopters play with the cats without having to travel to the shelters. That’s working. Adoptions are up 16 percent at the Oregon Humane Society, and have increased at the Boise shelter as well. But there’s more going on here. People overseas who have played with the Idaho and Oregon kittens are probably not about to book a flight to the Pacific Northwest to adopt a cat. Interacting with cats can have a soothing effect on humans, even if it is done remotely. Not everyone is a cat lover. But for people who are, using the robotic
Yesterday WednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Savannah . . . . . .60/48/0.00 . . .69/40/t . . 52/43/sh Seattle. . . . . . . . .46/32/0.00 . 46/35/pc . . . .48/41/r Sioux Falls. . . . . . . .7/0/0.00 . . . 0/-7/sn . . 21/17/pc Spokane . . . . . . . .26/8/0.00 . 29/17/pc . . 34/23/pc Springfield, MO. .28/16/0.94 13/-10/pc . . . . 16/0/s Tampa . . . . . . . . .80/59/0.00 . . .73/56/t . . 69/58/pc Tucson. . . . . . . . .60/36/0.00 . . .43/22/s . . . 41/22/s Tulsa . . . . . . . . . .25/10/0.79 . . 14/-3/pc . . . . 16/0/s Washington, DC .38/28/0.00 . .50/23/sh . . . 34/22/s Wichita . . . . . . . . .12/3/0.12 . . 11/-3/pc . . . . 20/5/s Yakima . . . . . . . .35/19/0.00 . 36/18/pc . . . 39/31/s Yuma. . . . . . . . . .70/42/0.00 . . .54/33/s . . . 57/36/s
INTERNATIONAL Mecca . . . . . . . . .84/66/0.00 . . .87/68/s . . . 87/66/s Mexico City. . . . .77/52/0.00 . 76/47/pc . . 73/44/pc Montreal. . . . . . . .10/3/0.00 . . .14/5/sn . . . 14/6/pc Moscow . . . . . . .23/14/0.03 . . 30/26/sf . . .33/29/sf Nairobi . . . . . . . .82/59/0.00 . 84/60/pc . . 84/58/pc Nassau . . . . . . . .79/66/0.00 . . .82/69/s . . 80/68/pc New Delhi. . . . . .70/43/0.00 . . .75/50/s . . . 77/51/s Osaka . . . . . . . . .50/32/0.00 . .46/32/sh . . . 47/31/s Oslo. . . . . . . . . . .36/28/0.00 . .36/30/sh . . . 34/24/c Ottawa . . . . . . . . .12/1/0.00 . . .15/5/sn . . . 13/7/pc Paris. . . . . . . . . . .32/25/0.00 . 44/36/pc . . 44/37/sh Rio de Janeiro. . .91/75/0.00 . . .92/75/s . . . 94/76/s Rome. . . . . . . . . .55/41/0.00 . 56/40/pc . . . 54/39/s Santiago . . . . . . .90/57/0.00 . . .84/54/s . . . 86/54/s Sao Paulo . . . . . .82/70/0.00 . . .89/71/t . . . .84/69/t Sapporo. . . . . . . .25/19/0.55 . . .35/25/s . . 35/26/pc Seoul . . . . . . . . . .41/18/0.00 . . .38/22/s . . . 35/19/s Shanghai. . . . . . .45/30/0.00 . . .48/35/s . . . 51/38/s Singapore . . . . . .82/75/1.17 . . .85/75/t . . . .86/76/t Stockholm. . . . . .37/34/0.00 . 35/29/pc . . 34/26/pc Sydney. . . . . . . .106/75/0.00 . 92/71/pc . . 91/71/pc Taipei. . . . . . . . . .68/54/0.00 . .64/56/sh . . 67/58/sh Tel Aviv . . . . . . . .72/50/0.11 . 61/46/pc . . . 62/48/s Tokyo. . . . . . . . . .54/30/0.00 . .48/37/sh . . . 50/37/s Toronto . . . . . . . .19/10/0.02 . .20/10/sn . . . 21/14/s Vancouver. . . . . .39/27/0.00 . 45/36/pc . . 45/40/sh Vienna. . . . . . . . .25/21/0.00 . 37/25/pc . . 39/26/pc Warsaw. . . . . . . .25/21/0.00 . 35/29/pc . . .36/32/rs
Woman pleads guilty to murdering daughter The Associated Press EUGENE — An Oregon woman has pleaded guilty to aggravated murder in the torture death of her 15-year-old daughter in late 2009. The (Eugene) RegisterGuard reports that 42-year-old Angela McAnulty of Eugene began her trial Tuesday by pleading guilty to causing the death of Jeanette Marie Maples by neglect and maltreatment as a result of intentional maiming
and torture. McAnulty also pleaded guilty to destroying or altering physical evidence in the case. A Lane County jury will now decide whether she should face the death penalty. Her husband, Richard McAnulty, is also charged with aggravated murder in the case. But prosecutors have said they will not seek the death penalty for him based on their investigation of his role in the case.
Goldschmidt sex abuse victim details recounted The Associated Press
Rick Bowmer / The Associated Press
David Lytle, of the Oregon Humane Society, handles a cat in the cat playroom at the Oregon Humane Society in Portland. arm to play with kittens can be irresistible. Some of the human playmates are people who can’t own cats, whether because of building rules, allergies or other reasons. Disabled people with limited mobility also play with the kitties. The average interactive time per viewer at the Idaho shelter is nearly 14 minutes; at the Oregon shelter it’s just shy of 15 minutes, said Harris. The Idaho site has had more than 86,000 unique visitors from 108 countries. For both shelters, the greatest number of visitors have been American, followed by Germans, Australians, Canadians, Britons, Estonians and Swiss. Some 71.3 percent of people who visit the Idaho site come back again; that rate in Oregon is 85.6. If this is fun for humans, what’s in it for the cats? Having humans available to play 24/7 can be good for their mental and physical health. “The basic idea of an online
kitty play room is great for both people who are, for one reason or another, unable to play with their own cat, and for the kittens, to help with socialization, reduce boredom in the shelter and promote later adoption,” said Dr. Dennis Turner, an author and researcher in animal behavior at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. “I hope this innovation will be adopted by other shelters throughout the world,” Turner, an expert on cat behavior and human-cat relations, said in an e-mail.
Unequal treatment? Baugnon, at the Oregon shelter, hopes the interactive playrooms will help more people understand that cats need attention from their human owners, just as dogs do. “Over the years, dogs have been elevated in status. Now they’re members of the family,” she said. Cats, she worries, sometimes get
unequal treatment. “We want people to understand cats aren’t OK by themselves. We are hoping people realize these are beings that want to be part of the family,” she said. There have been some glitches. During the first week, the kittens at the Idaho shelter broke all of the toy mechanisms in the play room, said Dr. Jeff Rosenthal, executive director at the Idaho Humane Society. The mechanisms were toughened up to withstand the “destructive capacity of a roomful of kittens.” Currently, you have to use Internet Explorer to interact with the kittens, but Harris is working on that. He also said he is working with a large pet-toy distributor interested in selling iPetCompanion. On his company Web site, Harris invites suggestions for other uses of the technology. Some people have suggested using it at zoos, theme parks, sporting events and on TV shows.
PORTLAND — A former columnist for The Oregonian who spent many hours interviewing the woman abused as a young teenager by Neil Goldschmidt has released her account of the relationship following the woman’s death last month. Marge Boule said the victim recalls the abuse beginning at 13, and the relationship lasting well into her 20s.
Boule chronicled a troubled life that included drug and alcohol abuse, and the stress on the victim when she tried to cover everything up under a legal agreement — before it became public in 2004. Goldschmidt, a former governor and Portland mayor, issued a public statement saying he was saddened by the death but claiming many of the details were fabricated.
Valentine’s at Pronghorn $199 /couple
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NBA Inside Blazers hand Spurs a rare loss, see Page D2.
Reporters try to tackle QBs during media day
Northwest Pro Rodeo to stage finals in Prineville PRINEVILLE — The Northwest Professional Rodeo Association Finals are returning to Central Oregon. Patrick Wood, Crook County Fairgrounds manager, confirmed on Tuesday that the fairgrounds in Prineville will host the 2011 NPRA Finals. The two-day event, which will cap a season of more than 40 regional NPRA rodeos, is set for Sept. 23 and 24. Crook County was awarded the finals after a recent meeting of the NPRA board of directors, Wood said. The NPRA Finals were last staged in Central Oregon in 2008 in Sisters. The 2010 finals were held in Elma, Wash. Founded in the 1950s, the NPRA is billed as the largest regional rodeo organization in the western United States. Each year, the association sanctions more than 40 rodeos throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada and California. For more information about the NPRA, go to the association’s website at www. — Bulletin staff report
Online registration available for PPP Online registration is now open for the 2011 U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle. The popular annual multisport event — in which participants (individuals, pairs and teams) race from Mount Bachelor to Bend via alpine ski, cross-country ski, bike, run, canoe/kayak and sprint — is scheduled for May 21. Online registration for the 35th PPP is available at www. Entry forms are also available at all Oregon U.S. Bank branches. The early-fee deadline is April 20. Final registration deadline is May 15. The Pole Pedal Paddle is a benefit for the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation. For more information or to become a race volunteer, call MBSEF at 541-388-0002 or go to — Bulletin staff report
INSIDE NHL Bruins ............3 Hurricanes .....2
Canadiens......3 Capitals .........2
Devils.............2 Senators ........1
Flames ...........3 Predators .......2
Maple Leafs ...4 Panthers ........3
Wild ...............1 Kings .............0
Islanders ........4 Thrashers ......1
Canucks.........4 Stars ..............1
Blackhawks....7 Blue Jackets ..4
Sharks ...........5 Coyotes .........3
Penguins .......4 Rangers .........3
Avalanche ........ Blues.........ppd.
Lightning .......4 Flyers .............0
Roundup, see Page D3
By Barry Wilner The Associated Press
Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin
Doug Hart, 54, of Bend, practices his golf swing Friday afternoon at River’s Edge Golf Course in Bend. Hart said he was taking advantage of the warmer weather to practice his golf swing for the upcoming season.
Vegas, or Bend? The recent run of good weather in Central Oregon reminds local golfers of warmer climes to the south
took my cap off with my left hand and wiped a bit of sweat off my forehead with the long sleeve that covered my right arm. My play had been rough through the first 10 holes when I turned to my playing partner and said, “Man, it’s getting pretty nice.” Sounds like a round of golf played on any summer day in Central Oregon. But this was an early January afternoon in normally frigid Bend. All throughout Central Oregon during the last two weeks, and particularly last week, golf courses sprang alive with activity. Last Wednesday, I played River’s Edge Golf Course in Bend just to get a round of golf in. I arrived at about 10 a.m. and was greeted with a nearly empty parking lot. By early afternoon, though, the
ZACK HALL temperature had stretched to the mid50s and the driving range was full. “It was a fantastic week,” said Troy Eckberg, director of golf at River’s Edge. “Wednesday was a SLOWER day. Once you got into Friday, Saturday and even Sunday, it was really good.” How good of a week was it? The website showed Bend at 60 degrees at 3:30 p.m. on Thursday. Las Vegas at the same moment? Sixty-two degrees. See Weather / D4
Courses open Many Central Oregon public golf courses are currently open as weather permits. Courses could still close because of weather. Aspen Lakes Golf Course (Sisters): Open Black Butte Ranch: Closed Crooked River Ranch: Open Desert Peaks Golf Club (Madras): Open Eagle Crest Resort (Redmond): Challenge and Ridge courses open The Greens at Redmond: Open Juniper Golf Course (Redmond): Open Kah-Nee-Ta Resort: Open Lost Tracks Golf Club (Bend): Open Meadow Lakes Golf Course (Prineville): Open Missing Link Family Golf Center (Redmond): Open Old Back Nine at Mountain High (Bend): Closed Prineville Golf Club: Open Pronghorn Club’s Nicklaus Course (Bend): Open Wednesdays through Sundays Quail Run Golf Course (La Pine): Closed River’s Edge Golf Course (Bend): Open through winter Sunriver Resort: Closed Tetherow Golf Club (Bend): Course closed; driving range open Widgi Creek (Bend): Reopening Thursday
Bend wins IMC with rout of Mountain View
Lava Bears rally past Cougs in OT Bulletin staff report
The Bulletin
INDEX Scoreboard ................................D2 NBA ...........................................D2 Prep Sports ...............................D3 NHL ...........................................D3 College basketball .................... D4 Tee to Green.............................. D4
Eric Gay / The Associated Press
Pittsburgh Steelers’ quarterback Ben Roethlisberger takes a picture of the video screen inside Cowboys Stadium during media day Tuesday in Arlington, Texas.
By Beau Eastes
Pittsburgh’s Dustin Jeffrey, left, celebrates a goal with teammate Jordan Staal, center, during the Penguins’ victory on Tuesday night.
ARLINGTON, Texas — Ben Roethlisberger dodged the tough character questions the way he avoids pass rushers. Aaron Rodgers didn’t have to. He didn’t get any. Roethlisberger is on the verge of joining an elite group of quarterbacks who are three-time Super Bowl winners; Rodgers has Super yet to play in one. Bowl Roethlisberger XLV has a troubled past; Rodgers • Green Bay had a tough act to Packers vs. follow. Pittsburgh The two met Steelers the masses at Super Bowl media • When: day on Tuesday Sunday, for what turned 3:30 p.m. out to be a study • TV: Fox in contrasts. Roethlisberger, who has led the Pittsburgh Steelers to their third Super Bowl in six years, deflected talk about his four-game suspension to begin this season for violating the league’s personal conduct policy. Instead, he used a smile and what sounded like a well-rehearsed reply when pressed about the punishment, stressing his desire to be a model citizen. “I want to be the guy people look up to,” he said, smiling through a beard he said will be gone by Monday, win or lose. “I want to be that kind of husband, father and grandfather some day if I am lucky enough.” See Media / D4
James Reid is going to see a lot more double teams. Bend High held the Mountain View standout to a quiet 17 points — almost four below his average — as the host Lava Bears rolled past the Cougars 88-66 in a lopsided boys basketball Civil War Tuesday. “We wanted to make one of their other kids beat us,” Bend coach Don Hayes said about using two players to guard Reid, who scored 57 combined points against the Lava Bears in the teams’ two previous meetings this season. “After he hit eight three-pointers against us (in a 6662 Bend overtime win) we decided we didn’t want him stepping back and getting his shot.” Lava Bear defenders Seth Platsman and J.C. Grim harassed Reid all night at Bend High as the home team dared someone other than Mountain View’s point guard to lead the Cougar offense. Joey Apodaca scored a game-high 20 points and Hayden Crook added 18 for the Bears, who shot 62.3 percent from the field against Mountain View on Tuesday. See Boys / D3
Rob Kerr / The Bulletin
Bend High’s J.C. Grim blocks a shot by Mountain View’s James Reid Tuesday night at Bend High School.
Kenzi Boehme scored a game-high 17 points, Ally McConnell added 15 and Heidi Froelich contributed eight points in overtime as Bend High rallied past Mountain View 64-58 on Tuesday night in Class 5A Intermountain Conference girls basketball action. The Lava Bears (4-0 IMC, 14-2 overall) trailed by 10 points with less than a minute left in the third quarter before rallying in the fourth period to send the Civil War matchup at Bend High into an extra period. Froelich, who had been held scoreless during regulation, hit a three-pointer 31 seconds into overtime, giving Bend High a lead it never relinquished. Froelich continued to lead the Lava Bear offense in extra time as she hit five of six free throws to help Bend post its fifth win in six games. “We tell Heidi not to worry about scoring in the first four quarters,” Lava Bear coach Todd Ervin joked. “Just overtime.” Kylie Durre paced a balanced Mountain View attack with 16 points. See Girls / D3
D2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
TELEVISION TODAY HOCKEY 4 p.m. — NHL, New York Islanders at Pittsburgh Penguins, VS. network. 10 p.m. — Western Hockey League, Everett Silvertips at Kamloops Blazers, FSNW (same-day tape).
BASKETBALL 4 p.m. — Men’s college, Syracuse at Connecticut, ESPN. 4 p.m. — Men’s college, Virginia Tech at North Carolina State, ESPN2. 6 p.m. — NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Denver Nuggets, Blazer Channel (Ch. 39). 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Duke at Maryland, ESPN. 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Missouri at Oklahoma State, ESPN2. 6 p.m. — Women’s college, Seattle Pacific at Western Washington, FSNW. 8 p.m. — Men’s college, Nevada at Utah State, ESPN2. 8 p.m. — Men’s college, USC at UCLA, FSNW.
WINTER SPORTS 9 p.m. — Skiing, FIS Freestyle World Championships, VS. network (same-day tape).
THURSDAY GOLF 6:30 a.m. — PGA European Tour, Qatar Masters, first round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m. — PGA Tour, Phoenix Open, first round. Golf Channel.
BASKETBALL 4 p.m. — Men’s college, Michigan at Ohio State, ESPN. 4 p.m. — Men’s college, Georgia Tech at Miami, ESPN2. 5 p.m. — NBA, Miami Heat at Orlando Magic, TNT. 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Notre Dame at DePaul, ESPN. 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Tennessee at Auburn, ESPN2. 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Washington at Oregon State, FSNW. 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Washington State at Oregon, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 7:30 p.m. — NBA, San Antonio Spurs at Los Angeles Lakers, TNT. 8 p.m. — Men’s college, Gonzaga at Portland, ESPN2. 8 p.m. — Men’s college, Arizona State at California, FSNW.
WINTER SPORTS 9 p.m. — Skiing, FIS Freestyle World Championships, VS. network (same-day tape).
RADIO TODAY BASKETBALL 6 p.m. — NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Denver Nuggets, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
THURSDAY 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Washington State at Oregon, KBND-AM 1110. 6 p.m. — Men’s college, Washington at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.
Thursday Wrestling: Bend at Mountain View, 7 p.m.; Crook County at Redmond, 7 p.m.; La Pine, Sisters at Madras, 6 p.m.; Madras at North Marion, 6 p.m. Friday Girls basketball: Elmira at La Pine, 5:45 p.m.; Sisters at Junction City, 5:45 p.m.; Roosevelt at Crook County, 5:45 p.m.; Gilchrist at Triad, 5:30 p.m.; Redmond at Summit, 7 p.m.; Culver at Regis, 6:30 p.m. Boys basketball: Elmira at La Pine, 7:15 p.m.; Sisters at Junction City, 7:15 p.m.; Roosevelt at Crook County, 7:30 p.m.; Summit at Redmond, 7 p.m.; Culver at Regis, 8 p.m.; Gilchrist at Triad, 7 p.m.
BASKETBALL Men’s college Tuesday’s Games ——— FAR WEST Colorado 95, Iowa St. 69 New Mexico 75, Air Force 61 Santa Clara 85, UC Santa Cruz 60 SOUTHWEST Kansas 88, Texas Tech 66 Marshall 63, Houston 62 SOUTH Florida 65, Vanderbilt 61, OT Florida St. 85, Wake Forest 61 High Point 69, Presbyterian 62 Mississippi 71, Kentucky 69 Radford 67, Winthrop 66 Savannah St. 67, Arkansas St. 61 MIDWEST Bradley 69, Creighton 61 Illinois 68, Penn St. 51 Miami (Ohio) 89, Ball St. 75 Wichita St. 70, Indiana St. 54 Wisconsin 66, Purdue 59 EAST Boston U. 88, Maine 78 N.J. Tech 64, Fairleigh Dickinson 62, OT North Carolina 106, Boston College 74
• Brady wins top offensive player award: New England quarterback Tom Brady won the NFL Offensive Player of the Year Tuesday for the second time in four seasons. The record-setting quarterback, who had a string of 355 passes without being intercepted, received 21 votes from a nationwide panel of 50 media members who regularly cover the league. He easily beat Philadelphia quarterback Michael Vick, who got 11 votes. A unanimous choice for the All-Pro team, Brady threw for 36 touchdowns while being picked off just four times. When he won the award in 2007, Brady set an NFL mark with 50 touchdown passes as New England went undefeated in the regular season.
Betting Line Tuesday’s Games ——— FAR WEST Utah 71, UNLV 52 EAST Boston U. 71, Maine 59 Pittsburgh 79, Cincinnati 48 St. John’s 51, Rutgers 48 West Virginia 59, Providence 45
PAC-10 STANDINGS All Times PST ——— Conference All Games W L PCT W L PCT Arizona 7 2 .778 18 4 .818 Washington 7 2 .778 15 5 .750 UCLA 6 3 .667 14 7 .667 Washington St. 5 4 .556 15 6 .714 California 5 4 .556 12 9 .571 Stanford 4 5 .444 11 9 .550 Southern Cal 4 5 .444 12 10 .545 Oregon 3 6 .333 10 11 .476 Oregon St. 3 6 .333 8 12 .400 Arizona St. 1 8 .111 9 12 .429 Today’s Game USC at UCLA, 8 p.m. Thursday’s Games Washington at Oregon State, 6 p.m. Arizona at Stanford, 6 p.m. Washington State at Oregon, 6 p.m. Arizona State at California, 8 p.m. Saturday’s Games x-St John’s at UCLA, 10 a.m. Washington at Oregon, 1 p.m. Arizona State at Stanford, 3 p.m. Arizona at California, 5 p.m. Washington State at Oregon State, 5 p.m. x=nonconference
HOCKEY NHL NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE All Times PST ——— EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts Philadelphia 51 33 13 5 71 Pittsburgh 51 32 15 4 68 N.Y. Rangers 53 29 20 4 62 N.Y. Islanders 50 16 27 7 39 New Jersey 50 17 30 3 37 Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts Boston 51 29 15 7 65 Montreal 51 28 18 5 61 Buffalo 49 23 21 5 51 Toronto 50 20 25 5 45 Ottawa 51 17 26 8 42 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts Tampa Bay 52 32 15 5 69 Washington 52 27 15 10 64 Atlanta 53 24 20 9 57
GF 174 158 151 123 103
GA 134 117 130 163 147
GF 155 133 137 128 109
GA 114 125 144 156 162
GF 158 142 153
GA 154 132 170
51 25 20 6 56 155 158 50 22 22 6 50 134 135 WESTERN CONFERENCE Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Detroit 49 30 13 6 66 166 143 Nashville 51 27 17 7 61 136 122 Chicago 51 27 20 4 58 164 143 St. Louis 49 22 20 7 51 130 146 Columbus 50 23 22 5 51 134 159 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Vancouver 51 32 10 9 73 169 122 Minnesota 50 26 19 5 57 131 134 Colorado 50 25 19 6 56 161 165 Calgary 52 25 21 6 56 147 154 Edmonton 49 15 26 8 38 122 168 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Dallas 51 30 16 5 65 148 141 Anaheim 52 28 20 4 60 140 146 Phoenix 52 25 18 9 59 152 150 San Jose 51 26 19 6 58 144 141 Los Angeles 51 27 22 2 56 143 125 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime loss. Tuesday’s Games Toronto 4, Florida 3, SO Pittsburgh 4, N.Y. Rangers 3, SO Montreal 3, Washington 2, SO Calgary 3, Nashville 2, SO Minnesota 1, Los Angeles 0, SO New Jersey 2, Ottawa 1 Boston 3, Carolina 2 N.Y. Islanders 4, Atlanta 1 Chicago 7, Columbus 4 Tampa Bay 4, Philadelphia 0 Vancouver 4, Dallas 1 San Jose 5, Phoenix 3 Colorado at St. Louis, ppd., snow Today’s Games
Favorite Packers
SUPER BOWL Sunday, Feb. 6 Opening Current 2.5 2.5
ASSOCIATION OF TENNIS PROFESSIONALS Movistar Open Tuesday Santiago, Chile Singles First Round Maximo Gonzalez, Argentina, def. Juan Monaco (2), Argentina, 6-4, 3-6, 6-4. Horacio Zeballos, Argentina, def. Ricardo Hocevar, Brazil, 7-6 (2), 6-4. Rui Machado, Portugal, def. Felipe Rios, Chile, 6-2, 6-0. Santiago Giraldo (8), Colombia, def. Facundo Bagnis, Argentina, 2-6, 6-3, 6-2. David Nalbandian (1), Argentina, def. Carlos Berlocq, Argentina, 6-2, 2-6, 6-2. Joao Souza, Brazil, def. Pablo Cuevas, Uruguay, 6-4, 7-5. Fabio Fognini (7), Italy, def. Lukasz Kubot, Poland, 7-6 (6), 6-2. Caio Zampieri, Brazil, def. Nicolas Massu, Chile, 7-6 (7), 7-5. Zagreb Indoors Tuesday Zagreb, Croatia Singles First Round Radek Stepanek, Czech Republic, def. Stefan Koubek, Austria, 6-3, 6-2. Blaz Kavcic, Slovenia, def. Mischa Zverev, Germany,
Blazers 99, Spurs 86 SAN ANTONIO (86) Jefferson 4-7 1-1 10, Duncan 6-9 3-6 15, Blair 7-13 0-0 14, Parker 3-11 0-0 6, Ginobili 6-18 2-2 17, Hill 4-9 0-0 10, McDyess 3-6 1-4 7, Neal 1-6 0-0 3, Anderson 1-2 0-0 3, Splitter 0-0 1-2 1, Owens 0-1 0-0 0, Quinn 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 35-82 8-15 86. PORTLAND (99) Batum 2-8 4-4 8, Aldridge 16-23 8-9 40, Przybilla 0-1 0-0 0, Miller 8-13 2-2 18, Matthews 8-16 4-5 21, Cunningham 1-3 1-2 3, Fernandez 1-6 0-0 3, Mills 2-5 0-0 4, C.Johnson 0-0 2-2 2. Totals 38-75 21-24 99. San Antonio 22 30 19 15 — 86 Portland 24 23 24 28 — 99 3-Point Goals—San Antonio 8-18 (Ginobili 3-8, Hill 2-5, Jefferson 1-1, Anderson 1-1, Neal 1-2, Parker 0-1), Portland 2-13 (Matthews 1-3, Fernandez 1-4, Miller 0-1, Mills 0-2, Batum 0-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—San Antonio 45 (Blair 12), Portland 49 (Aldridge 11). Assists— San Antonio 14 (Parker 4), Portland 17 (Miller 9). Total Fouls—San Antonio 20, Portland 17. A—20,364 (19,980).
Atlantic Division Boston New York Philadelphia New Jersey Toronto
W 37 25 21 15 13
Miami Orlando Atlanta Charlotte Washington
W 34 31 30 20 13
L 14 18 18 27 35
Chicago Milwaukee Indiana Detroit Cleveland
W 33 19 18 17 8
L 14 27 27 31 40
Celtics 95, Kings 90
• White Sox, Ramirez agree to deal: Shortstop Alexei Ramirez and the Chicago White Sox have agreed in principle to a new contract that guarantees $32.5 million in new money over four years through 2015, a person familiar with the negotiations told The Associated Press. The 29-year-old Ramirez hit .282 with 18 home runs and 70 RBIs last season and is considered one of the American League’s best-fielding shortstops. Ramirez led AL shortstops in batting average, slugging percentage (.431), homers and total bases (252) and ranked second in RBIs.
BOSTON (95) Pierce 7-14 1-2 15, Garnett 3-10 6-6 12, S.O’Neal 1-3 1-2 3, Rondo 7-15 3-3 17, Allen 9-15 0-0 22, Perkins 3-6 2-2 8, Davis 6-11 2-2 14, Robinson 2-7 0-0 4, Daniels 0-2 0-0 0, Wafer 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 38-85 15-17 95. SACRAMENTO (90) Casspi 3-8 0-0 8, Cousins 7-14 5-6 20, Dalembert 2-9 0-0 4, Udrih 2-10 8-9 12, Evans 6-13 6-8 20, Jackson 0-0 0-0 0, Landry 1-1 1-2 3, Greene 6-11 2-2 15, Jeter 4-5 0-0 8. Totals 31-71 22-27 90. Boston 27 18 29 21 — 95 Sacramento 20 34 17 19 — 90 3-Point Goals—Boston 4-11 (Allen 4-7, Pierce 0-1, Robinson 0-3), Sacramento 6-11 (Evans 2-2, Casspi 2-4, Greene 1-2, Cousins 12, Udrih 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds— Boston 51 (Perkins 10), Sacramento 43 (Casspi, Dalembert 7). Assists—Boston 23 (Rondo 10), Sacramento 18 (Udrih 6). Total Fouls—Boston 22, Sacramento 18. Technicals—Rondo, Boston defensive three second. A—16,482 (17,317).
Hornets 97, Wizards 89 WASHINGTON (89) Booker 2-3 0-0 4, Lewis 2-6 0-0 4, Blatche 10-17 1-2 21, Wall 2-10 0-0 4, Young 9-18 9-12 30, McGee 4-5 1-3 9, Hinrich 3-7 3-4 10, Yi 1-3 2-2 4, A.Thornton 0-2 2-2 2, Martin 0-1 1-2 1. Totals 33-72 19-27 89. NEW ORLEANS (97) Ariza 6-11 2-2 16, West 3-10 4-4 10, Smith 9-11 2-3 20, Paul 5-9 4-4 15, Belinelli 0-5 2-2
Pct .771 .532 .447 .306 .265
GB — 11½ 15½ 22½ 24½
L10 8-2 3-7 6-4 5-5 0-10
Str W-2 W-1 W-1 W-1 L-12
Home 22-3 13-9 15-8 12-11 8-15
Away 15-8 12-13 6-18 3-23 5-21
Conf 26-6 15-10 13-18 8-20 9-23
Away 16-9 13-12 15-11 8-16 0-25
Conf 22-7 21-9 21-9 11-17 8-21
Away 10-10 8-17 6-16 5-21 3-25
Conf 20-9 13-12 12-15 10-16 7-24
Southeast Division Pct .708 .633 .625 .426 .271
GB — 3½ 4 13½ 21
L10 5-5 6-4 6-4 5-5 2-8
Str W-3 L-1 L-1 L-2 L-6
Home 18-5 18-6 15-7 12-11 13-10
Central Division Pct .702 .413 .400 .354 .167
GB — 13½ 14 16½ 25½
L10 8-2 5-5 3-7 5-5 0-10
Str W-5 L-1 W-1 L-3 L-21
Home 23-4 11-10 12-11 12-10 5-15
Lakers 114, Rockets 106
L 11 22 26 34 36
San Antonio Dallas New Orleans Memphis Houston
W 40 32 32 25 22
L 8 15 18 24 28
Oklahoma City Utah Denver Portland Minnesota
W 30 29 28 26 11
L 17 20 20 22 36
L.A. Lakers Phoenix Golden State L.A. Clippers Sacramento
W 34 22 20 19 12
L 15 24 27 28 34
Pct .833 .681 .640 .510 .440
GB — 7½ 9 15½ 19
L10 8-2 6-4 8-2 7-3 5-5
Str L-1 W-5 W-1 W-3 L-3
Home 25-2 19-8 20-5 15-7 13-10
Away 15-6 13-7 12-13 10-17 9-18
Conf 27-5 19-7 16-13 14-14 12-19
Away 13-10 12-12 8-15 9-15 2-22
Conf 16-12 14-14 16-12 18-14 3-26
Away 15-8 9-14 6-17 3-15 5-16
Conf 19-10 12-14 12-18 13-21 7-19
Northwest Division Pct .638 .592 .583 .542 .234
GB — 2 2½ 4½ 19
L10 6-4 3-7 6-4 6-4 2-8
Str L-1 W-1 L-2 W-1 W-1
Home 17-7 17-8 20-5 17-7 9-14
Paciic Division Pct .694 .478 .426 .404 .261
GB — 10½ 13 14 20½
L10 Str 6-4 W-1 7-3 W-2 5-5 W-1 6-4 W-2 4-6 L-1 ——— Tuesday’s Games
New Orleans 97, Washington 89 Boston 95, Sacramento 90
Home 19-7 13-10 14-10 16-13 7-18
Portland 99, San Antonio 86 L.A. Lakers 114, Houston 106, OT Today’s Games
Toronto at Atlanta, 4 p.m. Philadelphia at New Jersey, 4 p.m. Dallas at New York, 4:30 p.m. New Orleans at Oklahoma City, 5 p.m. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 6 p.m. Chicago at L.A. Clippers, 7:30 p.m.
Indiana at Cleveland, 4 p.m. Charlotte at Detroit, 4:30 p.m. Memphis at Minnesota, 5 p.m. Portland at Denver, 6 p.m. Houston at Utah, 6 p.m. Thursday’s Games
Miami at Orlando, 5 p.m. San Antonio at L.A. Lakers, 7:30 p.m.
Milwaukee at Golden State, 7:30 p.m. All Times PST
2, Gray 2-2 0-1 4, Green 5-7 0-0 11, Andersen 2-4 0-0 4, Pondexter 0-0 0-0 0, Jack 2-6 1-2 5, Mbenga 0-0 0-0 0, M.Thornton 1-7 8-12 10. Totals 35-72 23-30 97. Washington 26 18 21 24 — 89 New Orleans 29 26 25 17 — 97 3-Point Goals—Washington 4-14 (Young 37, Hinrich 1-3, A.Thornton 0-1, Wall 0-1, Lewis 0-1, Martin 0-1), New Orleans 4-12 (Ariza 2-4, Green 1-1, Paul 1-3, M.Thornton 0-2, Belinelli 02). Fouled Out—Lewis. Rebounds—Washington 45 (Blatche 9), New Orleans 46 (West, Gray 8). Assists—Washington 13 (Wall 7), New Orleans 19 (Paul 9). Total Fouls—Washington 23, New Orleans 21. Technicals—Washington defensive three second, New Orleans defensive three second. A—13,921 (17,188).
LEADERS Through Tuesday’s Games SCORING G FG FT PTS AVG Durant, OKC 43 409 348 1244 28.9 Stoudemire, NYK 47 460 302 1231 26.2
BASEBALL American League KANSAS CITY ROYALS—Named Willie Aikens a minor league coach. SEATTLE MARINERS—Agreed to terms with RHP Jamey Wright on a minor league contract. TAMPA BAY RAYS—Agreed to terms with OF Johnny Damon and DH Manny Ramirez on one-year contracts. National League SAN DIEGO PADRES—Claimed RHP Samuel Deduno off waivers from Colorado. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association HOUSTON ROCKETS—Reassigned G Ish Smith to Rio Grande Valley (NBADL). NEW JERSEY NETS—Signed G Orien Greene to a 10-day contract. Women’s National Basketball Association LOS ANGELES SPARKS—Traded G Andrea Riley to Tulsa for a 2012 second-round draft pick. NBA Development League IDAHO STAMPEDE—Acquired a 2011 third-round draft pick from Reno. Traded C Eric Boateng to Austin. RENO BIGHORNS—Acquired G Thomas Gardner from Austin. FOOTBALL National Football League BALTIMORE RAVENS—Agreed to terms with P Sam Koch on a five-year contract. CAROLINA PANTHERS—Named Ricky Proehl offensive consultant. HOCKEY National Hockey League BUFFALO SABRES—Announced owner Tom Golisano has agreed to sell the franchise to Pennsylvania businessman Terry Pegula. DETROIT RED WINGS—Recalled RW Jan Mursak from Grand Rapids (AHL). NEW JERSEY DEVILS—Recalled D Alexander Urbom from Albany (AHL). NEW YORK RANGERS—Assigned F Evgeny Grachev to Connecticut (AHL). SAN JOSE SHARKS—Recalled F Benn Ferriero, F John McCarthy and G Alex Stalock from Worcester (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS—Recalled C Jay Beagle from Hershey (AHL). SOCCER Major League Soccer CHICAGO FIRE—Announced the resignation of vice president of communications and community affairs Becky Carroll.
Tuesday’s Games
Underdog Steelers
HOUSTON (106) Battier 2-8 0-0 5, Scola 12-20 0-0 24, Hayes 4-7 0-0 8, Lowry 3-11 0-0 6, Martin 8-15 10-11 30, Brooks 7-19 0-0 16, Lee 3-7 0-0 8, Budinger 2-6 0-0 5, Patterson 2-6 0-0 4, Hill 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 43-100 10-11 106. L.A. LAKERS (114) Artest 4-8 0-0 9, Odom 8-18 2-2 20, Gasol 10-20 6-6 26, Fisher 3-4 3-5 11, Bryant 13-25 6-7 32, Blake 3-6 2-2 9, Brown 3-6 1-2 7, Walton 0-3 0-0 0, Ebanks 0-0 0-0 0, Caracter 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 44-91 20-24 114. Houston 23 25 26 24 8 — 106 L.A. 31 23 20 24 16 — 114 3-Point Goals—Houston 10-38 (Martin 4-8, Lee 2-4, Brooks 2-10, Budinger 1-4, Battier 1-5, Patterson 0-1, Lowry 0-6), L.A. Lakers 6-20 (Fisher 2-2, Odom 2-6, Blake 1-3, Artest 1-5, Brown 0-1, Bryant 0-3). Fouled Out—None. Rebounds—Houston 49 (Scola 15), L.A. Lakers 60 (Odom 20). Assists—Houston 28 (Brooks 8), L.A. Lakers 22 (Bryant 11). Total Fouls—Houston 19, L.A. Lakers 16. Technicals—Houston defensive three second, Bryant. A—18,997 (18,997).
• Top-ranked Nadal out 10 days with muscle tear: Topranked Rafael Nadal will need 10 days to recover from a leg muscle injury sustained during his quarterfinal loss at the Australian Open. A statement released Tuesday says a scan revealed Nadal tore a muscle in his right leg during last week’s straight-sets defeat to fellow Spaniard David Ferrer. The loss ended Nadal’s hopes of holding all four Grand Slam titles at once. Nadal is recovering on his home island of Mallorca. He is expected to be available for Spain’s Davis Cup match against Belgium in March and Masters events at Indian Wells in California and Miami. — From wire reports
Carolina Florida
Women’s college
SA Open Tuesday Johannesburg Singles First Round Milos Raonic, Canada, def. Yen-hsun Lu (2), Taiwan, 6-3, 6-3. Dustin Brown, Germany, def. Florent Serra (5), France, 6-4, 6-4. Michal Przysiezny (8), Poland, def. Martin Fischer, Austria, 6-1, 6-2. Izak Van der Merwe, South Africa, def. Stephane Robert, France, 6-3, 6-2. Denis Gremelmayr, Germany, def. Nikola Scholtz, South Africa, 6-4, 7-5. Adrian Mannarino (6), France, def. Yuri Schukin, Kazakhstan, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (6). Kevin Anderson (4), South Africa, def. Stephane Bohli, Switzerland, 4-6, 6-4, 6-2. Jesse Huta Galung, Netherlands, vs. Janko Tipsarevic (3), Serbia, 6-7 (4), 6-4, 3-3, susp., rain. Edouard Roger-Vasselin, France, leads Dudi Sela, Israel, 6-1, 2-3, susp., rain.
DEALS Transactions
NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Time PST ——– Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 6 At Arlington, Texas Pittsburgh vs. Green Bay, 3:30 p.m. (Fox)
• Evans, Griffin to headline Rookie Challenge: Sacramento Kings guard Tyreke Evans, the reigning Rookie of the Year, and Los Angeles Clippers forward Blake Griffin lead a group of 18 players selected for the Rookie Challenge. The squads for the game pitting rookies against second-year players were announced Tuesday. They will play Feb. 18 in Los Angeles ahead of the NBA All-Star game. Joining Evans on the Sophomore team are: Spurs center DeJuan Blair, Warriors guard Stephen Curry, Raptors guard DeMar DeRozan, Bulls forward Taj Gibson, 76ers guard Jrue Holiday, Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, Bucks guard Brandon Jennings and Trail Blazers guard Wesley Matthews. The other rookies are: Wizards guard John Wall, Clippers guard Eric Bledsoe, Kings center DeMarcus Cousins, Nets forward Derrick Favors, Knicks guard Landry Fields, Timberwolves guard Wesley Johnson, Pistons center Greg Monroe and Spurs guard Gary Neal.
A PTS 29 68 34 66 39 66 42 62 51 62 38 58 37 53 27 52 26 51 32 51 32 50 33 49 20 48 21 47 25 47
6-2, 7-5. Alexander Bogomolov Jr., United States, def. Antonio Veic, Croatia, 2-6, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (2). Philipp Petzschner (7), Germany, def. Jan Hajek, Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-3. Igor Kunitsyn, Russia, def. Jaroslav Pospisil, Czech Republic, 6-3, 6-2. Daniel Brands, Germany, def. Ivo Karlovic, Croatia, 7-5, 6-7 (3), 7-6 (1).
NHL Scoring Leaders ——— Through Tuesday’s Games GP G Steven Stamkos, TB 52 39 Sidney Crosby, Pit 41 32 Daniel Sedin, Van 51 27 Martin St. Louis, TB 52 20 Henrik Sedin, Van 51 11 Brad Richards, Dal 51 20 Henrik Zetterberg, Det 49 16 Eric Staal, Car 51 25 Corey Perry, Anh 52 25 Alex Ovechkin, Was 52 19 Loui Eriksson, Dal 50 18 Anze Kopitar, LA 51 16 Ryan Kesler, Van 51 28 Patrick Sharp, Chi 50 26 Jarome Iginla, Cgy 52 22
Saturday Girls basketball: Crook County at Mountain View, 12:45 p.m.; Rogue Valley Adventist at Gilchrist, 6:30 p.m. Boys basketball: Mountain View at Crook County, 12:45 p.m.; Rogue Valley Adventist at Gilchrist, 8 p.m. Wrestling: Gilchrist at Culver pre-district tournament, noon; Madras at Milwaukie Invite, TBA Nordic skiing: OISRA skate race at Mt. Bachelor, 11:30 a.m. Alpine skiing: OISRA GS race on Ed’s Garden at Mt. Bachelor, 10 a.m.
Listings are the most accurate available. The Bulletin is not responsible for late changes made by TV or radio stations.
Detroit at Ottawa, 4 p.m. N.Y. Islanders at Pittsburgh, 4 p.m. Florida at Montreal, 4:30 p.m. Vancouver at Phoenix, 6:30 p.m. Los Angeles at Edmonton, 6:30 p.m. San Jose at Anaheim, 7 p.m. Thursday’s Games Dallas at Boston, 4 p.m. Carolina at Toronto, 4 p.m. New Jersey at N.Y. Rangers, 4 p.m. Nashville at Philadelphia, 4 p.m. Calgary at Atlanta, 4 p.m. Minnesota at Colorado, 6 p.m.
James, MIA Wade, MIA Bryant, LAL Ellis, GOL Rose, CHI Gordon, LAC Anthony, DEN Martin, HOU Nowitzki, DAL Griffin, LAC Westbrook, OKC Howard, ORL Williams, UTA Love, MIN Aldridge, POR Bargnani, TOR Granger, IND Beasley, MIN
46 408 319 44 397 298 49 445 302 47 442 222 46 409 233 41 333 242 41 340 271 48 321 363 38 318 200 47 408 250 47 360 333 47 370 313 46 325 277 47 339 273 48 410 205 43 345 170 44 316 196 43 352 132 REBOUNDS G OFF DEF Love, MIN 47 232 503 Howard, ORL 47 181 458 Randolph, MEM 45 214 379 Griffin, LAC 47 180 418 Bogut, MIL 39 139 317 Gasol, LAL 49 178 341
1197 1130 1255 1182 1124 988 980 1111 876 1072 1064 1053 1009 1016 1028 909 923 874
26.0 25.7 25.6 25.1 24.4 24.1 23.9 23.1 23.1 22.8 22.6 22.4 21.9 21.6 21.4 21.1 21.0 20.3
TOT 735 639 593 598 456 519
AVG 15.6 13.6 13.2 12.7 11.7 10.6
Blazers hand Spurs eighth loss of season By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press
PORTLAND — As Portland forward LaMarcus Aldridge was leaving the court following the Trail Blazers’ 99-86 victory over the NBA-leading Spurs, San Antonio coach Gregg Popovich reached out to shake his hand. Aldridge had a career-high 40 points along with 11 rebounds to hand the Spurs just their eighth loss of the season. “He never shook my hand before, so I’ll take that as a good sign,” Aldridge said. Aldridge is among several players, including Minnesota’s Kevin Love and Blake Griffin of the Los Angeles Clippers, who are awaiting word whether they will be going to the All-Star game on Feb. 20. Reserves for both teams, based on a vote by the league’s coaches, will be announced on Thursday. Aldridge is averaging 25.7 rebounds and 10.3 point per game since Dec. 15. Tuesday night against the Spurs he was unstoppable. “I think we held him to 40,” Popovich said, chuckling. “I stopped counting after a while.” Gary Neal’s three-pointer for San Antonio tied it at 78, but Aldridge’s layup and Wesley Matthew’s scoop gave Portland its biggest lead of the game so far at 82-78 with 7:03 left. Aldridge added a 21-foot jumper and Andre Miller had a layup to make it 86-78 before Tim Duncan broke the 8-0 Portland run with a turnaround jumper. Aldridge’s bank shot with 3:33 left made it 90-80 and the Rose Garden crowd was on its feet. Portland led the rest of the way and Aldridge was treated to a standing ovation when he left the game with just over a minute to go. “Tonight it just felt good,” he said afterward. Matthews added 21 points for the Blazers, who snapped a twogame losing streak. “Real good win for this team to beat the best team in the league,”
Blazers coach Nate McMillan said. “Those days off I thought really seemed like they helped our guys.” San Antonio jumped to an early 11-4 lead after Portland was unable to score for the game’s opening four minutes. The Blazers tied it at 18 before the end of the quarter on Aldridge’s dunk, then took a 22-20 lead on his jumper. The Blazers kept up the pressure but San Antonio kept the edge with 13 points off rebounds compared to Portland’s two. Rookie center DeJuan Blair had 14 points and 11 rebounds in the first half as the Spurs led 52-47 at the break. The teams weren’t able to build a lead of more than a handful of points in a tight third quarter. Portland went up 71-88 late but the Spurs answered with Manu Ginobili’s three-pointer that tied it for the start of the fourth. “To go toe-to-toe with most teams, we can’t do that,” McMillan said. “We’ve got to outwork you, we’ve got to be smarter, execute. And if we do that, we play hard, we’re going to give ourselves a chance to win. Tonight, we beat the best team in the league.” Also on Tuesday: Hornets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Wizards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 NEW ORLEANS — Jason Smith scored a career-high 20 points in a rare starting role and New Orleans defeated Washington, dropping the Wizards to 025 on the road. Celtics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Kings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Ray Allen scored 22 points and Rajon Rondo had 17 points and 10 assists as Boston overcame a slow start. Lakers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Rockets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 LOS ANGELES — Kobe Bryant scored 32 points and Pau Gasol hit the go-ahead layup with 1:04 left in overtime, and Los Angeles bounced back from consecutive home losses.
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 D3
Cowboys outlast Storm in boys basketball
Penguins rally, top Rangers
Bulletin staff report PRINEVILLE — Despite trailing early, Crook County battled back and outlasted Summit 3935 in Intermountain Hybrid boys basketball action Tuesday. The Storm took a four-point first quarter lead, but Crook County turned the tables and carried a 17-16 advantage into halftime. The two teams played dead even in the third quarter, despite a number of missed shots by the Cowboys. “They came out ready to play in the first quarter,” said Crook County coach Jeff Lowenbach. “But we stayed with our game plan.” In the fourth quarter, it showed. Crook County regained control of the game with a Travis Bartels three-pointer, which put the Cowboys up by two. With two minutes remaining, Jordan Reeher hit a jumper to seal the win. Crook County (10-8 overall) sank six of its seven free throws in the fourth quarter en route to the home win. Reeher led the Cowboys with 16 points. Mitch Wettig posted a teamhigh 15 points for the Storm (5-13). In other prep basketball action Tuesday: GIRLS BASKETBALL Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Redmond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 PORTLAND — Redmond
failed to keep pace with its Class 6A Special District 1 hosts in the road loss. The Panthers (2-3 district, 6-14 overall) travel to meet Summit on Friday in an Intermountain Hybrid matchup. Summit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Crook County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 PRINEVILLE — Storm freshman Raja Char scored 28 points, more than half her entire team’s total, in an Intermountain Hybrid victory against the Cowgirls. Summit scored more points in the fourth quarter than it did in the first three periods combined to tie the score 41-41 and force overtime. Char scored 15 of Summit’s 22 points in the fourth. Marissa Pope led the Cowgirls with 16 points. On Friday the Storm (10-8 overall) host Redmond while Crook County (9-9) will play Roosevelt in a Class 4A Special District 1 game in Prineville on the same day. La Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Cottage Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 COTTAGE GROVE — Meagan McReynolds scored 10 of her 12 points in the first quarter to get La Pine off to a fast start, and the visiting Hawks led the rest of the way en route to the Class 4A Sky-Em League win. Brittany Glenn scored a game-high 15 points and also had eight assists and four steals for La Pine (3-3 Sky-Em, 6-14 overall), which plays at home against Elmira next Tuesday. Madras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Molalla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
MOLALLA — The White Buffaloes overcame an early deficit and then hit free throws in the fourth quarter to secure the Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference road victory. Abby Scott scored a game-high 17 points for Madras, which converted 12 of its 14 foul shots in the final period to win going away. Cheyenne Wahnetah scored 11 points and Lucy Suppah added 10 for the White Buffs (4-1 Tri-Valley, 12-6 overall), who play at Gladstone next Tuesday night. Scio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Culver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 CULVER — The visiting Loggers took an early lead and never were threatened in the Class 2A Tri-River Conference game. Sam Donnelly scored 11 points and Cassandra Fulton and Chantelle Seehawer added seven apiece for Culver (3-8 Tri-River, 8-13 overall). The Bulldogs travel to Stayton to face Regis on Friday night. Paisley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 North Lake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 SILVER LAKE — The Cowgirls were held to just 18 points in a loss at home to a Paisley team that has won five Class 1A Mountain Valley games in a row. Lesley Dark led North Lake with nine points. The Cowgirls (5-5 Mountain Valley, 8-9 overall) host Butte Falls on Friday. Gilchrist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Prospect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 PROSPECT — Ashley James scored 10 points and Brenna
Gravitt had 17 rebounds for the Grizzlies in a Class 1A Mountain Valley win on the road. Gravitt is averaging more than 12 rebounds per game for Gilchrist this season. The Grizzlies (5-5 Mountain Valley, 7-8 overall) play at The Triad on Friday. BOYS BASKETBALL Lincoln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Redmond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 PORTLAND — Lincoln had no trouble with Class 6A Special District 1 foe Redmond, which is now 1-2 in district and 7-11 overall. The Panthers host Summit on Friday. Madras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Molalla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 MOLALLA — Edward Zacarias led the White Buffaloes with a game-high 17 points and added five assists in his team’s Class 4A Tri-Valley victory. Madras led by just three points entering the fourth but put the clamps on the Indians’ offense to register the victory. “The kids did a great job defensively,” Buffs coach Allen Hair said. Madras made seven of 10 free throws in the final period. Bobby Ahern grabbed nine rebounds for the White Buffaloes (4-1 Tri-Valley, 7-11 overall), who host Gladstone Tuesday in a game between two teams at the top of the league standings. Cottage Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 La Pine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 COTTAGE GROVE — The Hawks are still in search of their first Class 4A Sky-Em victory after losing at Cottage Grove.
“That first quarter killed us,” said La Pine coach Kyle Kalmbach. The Hawks trailed the Lions by 12 after one quarter and played from behind for the rest of the night. La Pine cut the deficit to single digits halfway through the fourth quarter, but Cottage Grove put the game away with free throws. Austin Manley led the Hawks with 14 points. Austin Pierce added 13 points and eight rebounds. La Pine (0-6 Sky-Em, 4-16 overall) host Elmira next Tuesday. Scio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Culver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 CULVER — The host Bulldogs charged back from a 27-15 halftime deficit and tied the score 43-43 late in the fourth quarter. But Scio scored the game’s final five points and made off with the Class 2A Tri-River Conference decision. Gerson Gonzalez sparked the Culver comeback, making three three-point baskets in the third quarter, when he scored 11 of his team-high 15 points. Alex Hansen added nine points for the Bulldogs (0-11 TriRiver, 2-19 overall), who play at Regis on Friday night. Pleasant Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Sisters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 PLEASANT HILL — Sisters lost a close to one to Pleasant Hill in nonleague contest against the Outlaws’ former Sky-Em League rivals. Sisters (11-7 overall) returns to league action Friday with a home game against Sweet Home.
Continued from D1 Jordan Wilcox added 12, Kersey Wilcox scored 11 and Asia Jordan contributed nine points for the Cougars (2-2 IMC, 12-6). “We’ll use this,” Mountain View coach Steve Riper said. “This was a playoff atmosphere against a playoff team. … We’ll use this to get better.” Trailing 46-36 with time running out in the third quarter, Esme Rhine connected on a three-pointer from the corner for Bend as the buzzer sounded to make the score 46-38 heading into the fourth. Bend wasted little time in the fourth quarter, going on a 10-0 run to take a 48-46 lead. The two teams traded baskets for the rest of the quarter before Molly Maloney hit one of two free throws with 31 seconds left to give the Bears a 54-52 advantage. Kersey Wilcox sent the contest to overtime with a shot from the paint, though, which tied the game 54-54. Bend controlled overtime, however, outscoring Mountain View 10-4. The Bears were especially effective in the paint, where McConnell and Mekayla Isaak (10 points) did most of their scoring. Bend also took advantage of its frequent trips to the foul line, converting 21 of its 30 free throw attempts. Mountain View was eight of eight from the foul line. “It’s not much of a secret,” said Ervin, whose team is at Crook County next Tuesday. “Our offense revolves around our posts. … If you do something well, you have to stay with it.” The Cougars, who entered Tuesday’s game on a three-game winning steak, host the Cowgirls on Saturday.
Continued from D1 Bend grabbed an early 9-3 lead and held a 20-11 advantage at the end of the first quarter, mainly off open layins. “Because we shoot well, teams have to play us wide,” Lava Bear coach Don Hayes said, explaining how opponents have a hard time sagging defenders in the lane against Bend because of the team’s perimeter game. “We’ve been really working on looking at the rim (for passes). … We did a nice job of finding the open man (in the paint). We’ll take layins.” With the win, the Lava Bears (16-2 overall) improved to 4-0 in Class 5A Intermountain Conference games and clinched the league’s No. 1 seed for the 5A play-in round. “I was disappointed in our defense,” said Mountain View coach Craig Reid, whose team gave up a seasonhigh 88 points to Bend. “We missed assignments. … You can’t give up eight open layups and expect to be competitive.” With James Reid facing two defenders most of the night, the Cougars (2-2 IMC, 12-6) struggled to find any offensive rhythm. Mountain View, which did not make a field goal until the second quarter, shot just 35.7 percent from the field Tuesday. “Give all the credit to J.C. and Seth,” said Apodaca, who was a perfect eight of eight from the field and four of four from the foul line. “Everybody knows when you’re playing Mountain View you’ve got to shut down Reid.” Even with the Bend hot start and the Cougars’ early woes, the Lava Bears only led 28-26 at halftime. Bend took control of the contest, the third meeting this season between the two teams, in the third quarter by outscoring Mountain View 24-15. Crook caught fire in the first four minutes after halftime, scoring nine of his 18 points before the halfway mark in the third quarter. By the start of the final period Bend was ahead 62-41 and the game was no longer in doubt. The Lava Bears are off until Tuesday, when they host Crook County. Mountain View travels to Prineville on Saturday to face the Cowboys. Rob Kerr / The Bulletin
Mountain View’s Mitch Modin shoots over Bend’s Tanner Torkelson during Tuesday night’s game at Bend High.
Beau Eastes can be reached at 541383-0305 or at beastes@bendbulletin. com.
PREP SCOREBOARD BASKETBALL Girls Tuesday’s results ——— CLASS 5A INTERMOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ——— MOUNTAIN VIEW (58) — Kylie Durre 16, J. Wilcox 12, K. Wilcox 11, Jordan 10, Cashman 5, Ridling 4, Rogers, Seevers, Noel, Booster. Totals 21 8-8 58. BEND (64) — Kenzi Boehme 17, McConnell 15, Isaak 10, Rhine 8, Froelich 8, Lundy 3, Jones 2, Maloney 1, Tolentino, Crook. Totals 19 21-30 64. Mountain View 19 10 17 8 4 — 58 Bend 14 14 10 16 10 — 64 Three-point goals — Mountain View: J. Wilcox 4, Durre 2, Cashman, K. Wilcox; Bend: Boehme 3, Lundy, Froelich. ——— INTERMOUNTAIN HYBRID ——— SUMMIT (51) — Raja Char 28, Phillips 8, Parr 6, Benedikt 5, Edwards 2, Pierce 2. Totals 14 20-25 51. CROOK COUNTY (46) — Marissa Pope 16, Severance 11, Morgan 7, P. Buswell 4, Crofcheck 3, Fulton 3, Walker 2. Totals 16 13-25 46. Summit 10 3 6 22 10 — 51 Crook County 4 12 11 14 5 — 46 Three-point goals — Summit: Char 2, Benedikt. Crook County: Morgan.
——— CLASS 4A SKY-EM LEAGUE ——— LA PINE (44) — Brittany Glenn 15, McReynolds 12, Fogel 6, Ebner 4, Wieber 4, Town 3, Michaels, Porter. Totals 18 7-11 44. COTTAGE GROVE (37) — Cardwell 12, Lesler 10, Deskee 6, Burelli 3, Sisco 2, Parsons 2, Sherrad 2, Randa. Totals 14 618 37. La Pine 14 7 9 14 — 44 Cottage Grove 8 8 8 13 — 37 Three-point goals — La Pine: Glenn; Cottage Grove: Deskee, Lesler, Burelli. ——— TRI-VALLEY CONFERENCE ——— MADRAS (53) — Abby Scott 17, Wahnetah 11, L. Suppah 10, R. Suppah 6, J. Smith 5, M. Smith 4, Spino, Sampson. Totals 15 20-28 53. MOLALLA (39) — Thomas 10, Munson 9, Farner 7, Brown 6, Russell 5, Skillings 2, Hetler, McFarlane. Totals 14 8-12 39. Madras 7 15 15 16 — 53 Molalla 11 8 13 7 — 39 Three-point goals — Madras: L. Suppah 2, J. Smith; Molalla: Munson 2, Farner. ——— CLASS 2A TRI-RIVER CONFERENCE ——— SCIO (67) — Guest 11, Stover 10, R. Graham 9, Temple 9, Keese 8, Shelton 6, P. Graham 5, Ortiz 4, Evans 2, Rezentos 2.
Totals 28 9-17 67. CULVER (36) — Sam Donnelly 11, Fulton 7, Seehawer 7, Sandy 4, Anglen 3, Badillo 2, Jones 2, Fedance, Martinez, Cleveland. Totals 14 7-16 36. Scio 13 14 23 17 — 67 Culver 6 8 10 12 — 36 Three-point goals — Scio: P. Graham, Guest; Culver: none. ——— CLASS 1A MOUNTAIN VALLEY LEAGUE ——— GILCHRIST (28) — Ashley James 10, Gravitt 7, Scevers 6, Bean 5, Gordon, Heater, Kooker, McGregor. Totals 8 10-19 28. PROSPECT (24) — Kristalyn Mahoney 9, Cryts 4, Reynolds 4, Canwormer 3, Zelnar 2, Lass 2. Totals NA NA 24. Gilchrist 4 11 10 3 — 28 Prospect 4 9 4 7 — 24 Three-point goals — Gilchrist: Scevers 2. Prospect: NA.
Boys Tuesday’s results ——— CLASS 5A INTERMOUNTAIN CONFERENCE ——— MOUNTAIN VIEW (66) — James Reid 17, Harper 14, Modin 9, Booster 6, Carroll 6, C. Hollister 5, Bosch 4, Bachman 3, J. Hollistee 1, Larson 1, Siefken, Thompson, Lannin, Gentry. Totals 21 30-38 66.
BEND (88) — Joey Apodaca 20, Crook 18, Friesen 12, Raterman 11, Platsman 9, Grim 8, Torkelson 6, Connell 3, Scott 1, Steelhammer, Wetzell, Moore. Totals 34 26-39 88. Mountain View 11 15 15 25 — 66 Bend 20 18 24 26 — 88 Three-point goals — Booster 2, Harper 2, Reid, C. Hollister; Bend: Crook 2, Friesen 2, Raterman, Platsman. ——— INTERMOUNTAIN HYBRID ——— SUMMIT (35) — Mitchell Wettig 15, Soto 7, Peters 6, Laubacher 2, Mouser 2, Hester 2, Michalski 1 Giannioses, Hamann, Moore. Totals 12 8-12 35. CROOK COUNTY (39) — Jordan Reeher 16, Bartels 7, Seaquist 6, Morales 6, Gomes 4, Simpson, Mooney. Totals 14 8-16 39. Summit 10 6 9 10 — 35 Crook County 6 11 9 13 — 39 Three-point goals — Summit: Soto, Peters, Wettig; Crook County: Morales 2, Bartels. ——— CLASS 4A SKY-EM LEAGUE ——— COTTAGE GROVE (69) — Dustin Hurd 24, Sheperd 14, Maddess 14, Morales 8, Toureen 4, Miller 2, Grey 2, Johnson, Bruce, Dieke. Totals 27 8-11 69. LA PINE (56) — Austin Manley 14, Pierce 13, Kuehn 10, Ebner 8, Steinebach 7, Lavine 2, Parsons 2, O’Casey, Smith, Syres, Pajunen, Boen. Totals 23 5-10 56. Cottage Grove 22 16 19 12 — 69
La Pine 10 12 18 16 — 56 Three-point goals — La Pine: Manley 3, Steinebach, Kuehn. La Pine: Maddess 4, Morales 2, Sheperd. ——— CLASS 4A TRI-VALLEY CONFERENCE ——— MADRAS (53) — Edward Zacarias 17, Queaphama-Mehlberg 14, Yeahquo 10, Palmer 6, Ahern 3, Haugen 3. Totals 20 11-14 43. MOLALLA (43) — Drew Johnson 16, Parker 8, Koberstein 6, Woodland 6, Crawford 5, Ramos 2, Marquardt, Mans. Totals 18 2-7 43. Madras 12 16 6 19 — 53 Molalla 15 7 9 12 — 43 Three-point goals — Madras: Haugen, Zacarias. Molalla: Johnson 4, Crawford. ——— CLASS 2A TRI-RIVER CONFERENCE ——— SCIO (48) — Guenther 15, Vinton 9, D. Reger 7, Smith 6, Harper 6, H. Reger 3, Rieger 2, Massari, Loewen. Totals 20 5-7 48. CULVER (43) — Gerson Gonzalez 15, Hansen 9, Sledge 8, Gibson 7, Calderon 2, Funk 2, Swagerty, Talbert, Bolton. Totals 17 5-9 43. Scio 11 16 9 12 — 48 Culver 6 9 15 10 — 43 Three-point goals — Scio: H. Reger, D. Reger, Smith; Culver: Gonzalez 3, Gibson.
The Associated Press NEW YORK — The Pittsburgh Penguins were already without their two All-Star centers when Jordan Staal got kicked out of the game for an out-of-character punch. That gave Dustin Jeffrey a chance to shine. The usually mild-mannered Staal caught unsuspecting New York forward Brandon Prust with a quick left to the face in the second period and gave the Rangers a long power play that produced the tying goal. Even with Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin sitting out because of injuries, and the loss of Staal, the Penguins managed to pull out a 4-3 shootout win over the Rangers on Tuesday night in both teams’ return from the All-Star break. “I’ve never seen him do anything like that,” said Staal’s brother, Marc, a Rangers defenseman. “Sometimes when you play each other so many times in one season, things escalate. It looks like that’s what happened here, although I didn’t see it at first. “I’ve never seen him get thrown out of a game like that.” With Crosby, Malkin, Staal, and Arron Asham all out, Jeffrey’s ice time increased. He made the most of it by scoring one of Pittsburgh’s three second-period goals and then netting the only goal in a seven-round shootout to lift the injury-depleted Penguins. Also on Tuesday: Lightning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 TAMPA, Fla. — Dwayne Roloson made 38 saves for his fourth shutout this season, Teddy Purcell scored two early first-period goals, and Tampa Bay won the matchup of the Eastern Conference’s top two teams. Canadiens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Capitals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 WASHINGTON — Brian Gionta scored two secondperiod goals and scored in a shootout, powering the Canadiens to the win. Flames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Predators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Rene Bourque scored the only goal in a shootout, and Calgary rallied for its fifth straight victory. Wild . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Kings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 ST. PAUL, Minn. — PierreMarc Bouchard scored the winning goal in the shootout and Niklas Backstrom made 27 saves, lifting the Wild to the victory. Canucks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Stars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 DALLAS — Mikael Samuelsson and Christian Ehrhoff scored power-play goals, helping the Canucks to the road win. Blackhawks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Blue Jackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Jonathan Toews had a shorthanded goal and two assists and the Blackhawks started a grueling six-game, 12-day road trip with a victory. Devils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Senators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 NEWARK, N.J. — Dainius Zubrus scored on a shot that deflected off an Ottawa defenseman with 5:43 to play, and New Jersey won for the seventh time in the last nine games (7-1-1). Maple Leafs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Panthers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TORONTO — Tyler Bozak and Colby Armstrong scored in a shootout, helping Toronto get the win. Islanders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Thrashers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ATLANTA — Kyle Okposo scored twice, including a go-ahead goal in New York’s big second period, and rookie goaltender Kevin Poulin stopped 25 shots. Bruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hurricanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 RALEIGH, N.C. — Nathan Horton and Patrice Bergeron scored early in the third period and the Bruins held on for the victory. Sharks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Coyotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SAN JOSE, Calif. — Patrick Marleau scored a short-handed goal with 6:05 remaining to cap San Jose’s rally from a three-goal deficit.
D4 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Ole Miss knocks off No. 10 Kentucky The Associated Press OXFORD, Miss. — Chris Warren rattled in a 25-footer over two defenders with 2.9 seconds remaining and Mississippi beat No. 10 Kentucky 71-69 on Tuesday night. Warren, who scored 22 points, hit the high-arcing shot to give the Rebels their first victory over a top-10 team during the five-year tenure of coach Andy Kennedy. Warren finished nine of 15 from the field, including four of seven from three-point range. Terrance Jones scored 22 points and Doron Lamb added 20 for the Wildcats, who rallied from an 11-point secondhalf deficit to take the late lead. Lamb missed a running three-pointer at the buzzer. Ole Miss (14-8, 2-5 Southeastern Conference) got 16 points from Zach Graham and 12 each from Reggie Buckner and Terrance Henry. Buckner, a 6-foot-8 sophomore, had five rebounds, five blocks and three steals, and provided a poster-worthy moment when he blocked Brandon Knight’s dunk attempt in the second half. Also on Tuesday:
Media Continued from D1 Rodgers, who is leading the Packers to their first Super Bowl appearance since 1998, didn’t have anything more difficult to address than replacing Brett Favre in 2008. “I just wanted to be honest through the entire time,” he said of the will Favre-won’t Favre return saga that was settled when the Packers dealt their longtime QB to the Jets. “It was a difficult situation. It was tough to stand up every day in front of media not knowing what questions were coming at me and how the fans were going to react that day in practice. But the whole time the organization stood by me and they told the truth, and I told the truth, and we moved on together.” Speaking of moving, no one was getting anywhere fast Tuesday morning after a snow and ice storm — weather suited for Pittsburgh and Green Bay — crippled the Dallas area. And no one bothered turning up the heat inside cavernous Cowboys Stadium, site of Sunday’s title game. The chill left many players shivering. Even Roethlisberger, who handled questions better than he did the cold, asked for someone to crank up the burners — to no avail. “You’ve got to fight through a lot of difficult things in life, and this is no different,” he said, referring to the penalty he received from Commissioner Roger Goodell after accusations of sexual assault were made by a 20-year-old college student in March. The quarterback was never prosecuted over what was the second such set of allegations against him. “You’ve got to keep plugging along.” He took about a dozen questions on the subject, and pretty much stayed with the same answer: “That’s a reflective question. This is not the time for reflection.” Rodgers, on the other hand, had no problem looking back. The six-year pro compared his sitting for three years behind Favre to what Steve Young experienced in San Francisco behind Joe Montana. “I reached out to Steve when I became a starter, among some other guys, too,” Rodgers said, noting that he has not spoken with Favre about being a Super Bowl QB. “I wanted to talk to a lot of guys who’d been there and had success in the NFL. Steve obviously had a very similar (situation), being a guy who followed a legend. He’s been great. Steve has been a great guy to lean on and he’s made time for me and is somebody who I really appreciate.” Young’s not a bad role model. He won a Super Bowl and is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Roethlisberger, however, admitted he wanted no part of “filling the shoes” of Terry Bradshaw, the quarterback of the four-time champion Steel Curtain team of the 1970s and also a Hall of Famer. Bradshaw criticized Roethlisberger’s conduct
No. 2 Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Texas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 LUBBOCK, Texas — Marcus Morris scored 18 points to lead Kansas over Texas Tech, the Jayhawks’ first win in Lubbock since 2003. No. 19 Wisconsin . . . . . . . . . . 66 No. 11 Purdue . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 MADISON, Wis. — Senior Jon Leuer scored 24 points and sophomore reserve Ryan Evans made two big plays in the final minute for Wisconsin. Evans hit a jumper from the free throw line with 50 seconds left to put the Badgers (16-5, 6-3 Big Ten) ahead for good at 60-59. No. 23 North Carolina . . . . . 106 Boston College . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 BOSTON — Freshman Harrison Barnes scored 26 points, including going four of seven from three-point range, to lead North Carolina. Florida . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 No. 24 Vanderbilt . . . . . . . . . . 61 GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Kenny Boynton scored 15 points, the last of them coming on a huge three-pointer in overtime, for Florida. Chandler Parsons added 18 points and 11 rebounds for the Gators (17-5, 6-2 Southeastern Conference), who improved to 5-0 following losses this season.
A Super Bowl shiver hits Texas FORT WORTH, Texas — One Pittsburgh safety kept interrupting reporters’ questions about the Super Bowl to complain it was too chilly. A Green Bay receiver bragged that the snow outside made the Packers “the home team.” Five days before the Super Bowl, a wintry blast of snow, ice and bone-chilling winds hit the Dallas area on Tuesday, closing the airport for a couple of hours and turning roads into ice rinks. While the rest of the Dallas area slipped and slid through a miserable day, the NFL stuck to its Super Bowl schedule. League spokesman Greg Aiello sent out a Twitter message not long after sunrise saying media activities would go on as planned — and they did, with the roof of Cowboys Stadium thankfully closed high above the Packers, Steelers and hundreds of reporters in town for Sunday’s game. “The show goes on,” Aiello wrote. “Media day is on schedule. Drive carefully.” — The Associated Press
last year, as well as the Steelers’ reaction to it, noting the team traded Santonio Holmes after his off-field problems, but kept the quarterback. But the two have since smoothed over their relationship. “Ben is making a great attempt to change not only his perception with media and the fan base, but the image thing that has taken a beating,” Bradshaw said. “And he says he’s changing, that he’s back to the way he was raised. He said he got carried away with winning so young. I’ve given him glowing praise all year and rightfully so.” More significant than making amends with Bradshaw was smoothing over any rough spots with his teammates and coaching staff. “There’s a big group I always had the support of ... and a couple maybe I was not as close to as I wanted to be and needed to be,” Roethlisberger said. “And I really worked hard to be closer with and be a better teammate with (them).” If some teammates were skeptical that he could make such a change, they are silent now. His supporters have increased all through the roster — just as they have in Pittsburgh now that he has the Steelers in their eighth Super Bowl; they’ve won a record six. “Ben is a highly respected member of our football team, not only because of what he’s done this year, but, just as large, his body of work and the person that he is,” coach Mike Tomlin said. “We all fall short of perfection. We all make mistakes. His are well documented. He’s doing the best that he can in terms of moving forward with it, as are his teammates.”
A look back at Black Butte Ranch in 2010 By Zack Hall
Black Butte Ranch Number of holes: 36 — Glaze Meadow (18), Big Meadow (18) Status: Big Meadow open seasonally; Glaze Meadow closed until 2012 for renovation Location: Eight miles northwest of Sisters on U.S. Highway 20 Tee times: Big Meadow, 541-5951545 Course stats: Big Meadow, par 72, 7,002 yards; Glaze Meadow, par 72, 6,574 yards Director of golf: Jeff Fought Head golf professionals: Terry Anderson, Big Meadow; Tom Baker, Glaze Meadow Course designers: Big Meadow, Robert Muir Graves (1972); Glaze Meadow, Gene “Bunny” Mason (1980), redesign by John Fought (2012) Extras: Driving range at both courses; putting green, chipping and bunker practice area at Big Meadow Website:
The Bulletin
The Bulletin continues a weekly Tee To Green feature in which we check in via email with golf professionals at Central Oregon courses for an offseason update. This week we contacted Jeff Fought, director of golf at Black Butte Ranch.
Q: A: Q: A:
How was business in 2010? It was flat with 2009.
Were any changes of note made to the facility in 2010? We changed the concept at Big Meadow restaurant to Robert’s Pub, which was a big hit!
Q: A:
Are any changes and/or improvements to the facility scheduled for 2011? Yes, big changes for Glaze Meadow. We will have Glaze Meadow closed all year with a complete renova-
tion going on. We will reopen Glaze Meadow spring of 2012.
Q: A:
What is your outlook for the Central Oregon golf industry in the season ahead? I think that it is going to be a lot like 2009 and 2010 — flat. I’m hoping that Central Oregon is on the up cycle on having more jobs, and people realizing what a value it is to buy a home in Central Oregon right now.
Do you expect to see any fresh ideas that will help Central Oregon golf facilities fight through economic challenges? Keeping your golf course in the best shape you can will give value for return customers. Good customer service helps fulfill the customer experience. Promoting golf to kids and keeping it affordable for kids.
Zack Hall can be reached at 541-617-7868 or at zhall@
PGA TOUR PHOENIX OPEN Site: Scottsdale, Ariz. Schedule: Thursday-Sunday. Course: TPC Scottsdale, Stadium Course (7,216 yards, par 71). Purse: $6.1 million. Winner’s share: $1,098,000. Television: Golf Channel (ThursdayFriday, 1-4 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday, 10-11:30 a.m.) and CBS (Saturday-Sunday, noon-3 p.m.). Last year: Hunter Mahan won the first of his two 2010 titles, closing with consecutive bogey-free 6-under 65s to beat Rickie Fowler by a stroke. Last week: Bubba Watson won the Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines for his second tour title, birdieing the final hole for a onestroke victory over Phil Mickelson. Tiger Woods tied for 44th, 15 strokes back. Notes: Mickelson, Mahan and 2011 tour winners Watson, Jonathan Byrd, Mark Wilson and Jhonattan Vegas are in the field along with Fowler, Dustin Johnson, Geoff Ogilvy, J.B. Holmes, Matt Kuchar and Vijay Singh. ... Mickelson won in 1996 and 2005. In 2005, the former Arizona State star shot a 60 in the second round en route to a five-stroke victory. ... Holmes won in 2006 and 2008. ... Mark Calcavecchia won in 1989, 1992 and 2001, shooting 65-60-64-67 in 2001 for a 28-under 256 total — at the time a PGA Tour record. ... The Pebble Beach National ProAm is next week, followed by the Northern Trust Open at Riviera in Los Angeles.
Weather Continued from D1 And local golfers responded. Eckberg said River’s Edge hosted nearly 100 rounds of golf on an unusually busy Saturday. I hope that every golfer took advantage of a week that ended with high temperatures in the 60s. “That’s pretty incredible,” said Pat Huffer, head pro at Crooked River Ranch, of temperatures that reached 65 degrees on Saturday. Often a haven for winter golfers, Crooked River Ranch has already mowed its greens. “That’s pretty unheard of this time of the year,” Huffer said with a laugh. “I’d almost like to see us mow the fairways if at all possible.” Crooked River is used to being open this time of year. What the course is not used to in January is much competition. Even some courses that are usually closed this time of year, such as Sisters’ Aspen Lakes Golf Course and Bend’s Widgi Creek Golf Club, have already been open for business. “To be open at all in January is nuts,” said Dan Ostrin, head golf pro at Widgi Creek. “And we had a couple (busy) days of 80 players.” Even with the competition, January rounds at Crooked River were “up significantly” over January 2010, Huffer said. “But we were impacted a little, on the flip side, by the fact that some of the Bend courses were open,” he observed. “I’m not complaining one bit,” Huffer added. “To have golfers out
PGA EUROPE Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin
Golfers hit off the driving range Friday afternoon at River’s Edge Golf Course in Bend. Lots of golfers in Central Oregon have been playing during the recent warm weather.
QATAR MASTERS Site: Doha, Qatar. Schedule: Thursday-Sunday. Course: Doha Country Club (7,388 yards, par 72).
playing this time of year is awesome no matter where they play.” I happened to be one of those golfers playing in Bend. Wednesday was a pleasant day, relatively warm and comfortable under a light haze — though not as nice as the blue sky and sunshine that met area golfers in the latter part of the week. Predictably, my golf game was awful even if the conditions at River’s Edge were as good as could possibly be expected for this time of year, including the use of the course’s regular greens. But nothing was better than taking advantage of spring conditions in January, no matter the score I marked. I even walked off the course with some sun-caused redness on my face. That was not at all
unwelcome. The good news for golfers who sat out the run of good weather is that more is on the way. The National Weather Service is forecasting high temperatures in Bend to reach the mid-50s by Friday. After that, though, it could be months before conditions are this good again. Huffer pointed out the obvious: “We’re not going to anticipate it being a long-term trend,” he said. Living in Central Oregon usually means a round of golf during the dead of winter requires a plane trip. But not right now. Might as well take advantage. Zack Hall can be reached at 541-617-7868 or at zhall@
Purse: $2.5 million. Winner’s share: $416,590. Television: Golf Channel (ThursdayFriday, 6:30-10:30 a.m.; SaturdaySunday, 5:30-9:30 a.m.). Last year: Sweden’s Robert Karlsson closed with a 65 for a three-stroke victory. Last week: England’s Paul Casey won the Volvo Golf Champions in Bahrain, birdieing the final hole for a one-stroke victory over Peter Hanson and Miguel Angel Jimenez. Notes: Top-ranked Lee Westwood and No. 2 Martin Kaymer, the Abu Dhabi winner two weeks ago, top the field along with Casey, Karlsson, Ian Poulter, Retief Goosen, Steve Stricker and Louis Oosthuizen. ... John Daly received a sponsor exemption. ... The Dubai Desert Classic is next week. ——— All Times PST
5, Austin Morris/Reed Sloss/Bill Carey/Bill McCullough, 125. 6, Ron Wolfe/Jerry Rogers/Dennis Flinn/Michael Mooberry, 126.
The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its weekly local golf results listings and events calendar. Clearly legible items should be faxed to the sports department, 541-385-0831, e-mailed to, or mailed to P.O. Box 6020; Bend, OR 97708.
Hole-In-One Report
Club Results
Jan. 25 RIVER’S EDGE Dennis Schaberg, Bend No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-iron
CROOKED RIVER RANCH Men’s Club, Jan. 25 Stroke Play A Flight (0-15 handicap) — Gross: 1, Urbano Torres, 76. 2, Paul Nemitz, 76. 3, Tim Johnson, 78. Net: 1, Jim Platz, 66. 2, Jerry Harris, 67. 3, Frank Earls, 68. B Flight (16-32 Handicap) — Gross: 1, Vene Dunham, 79. 2, Ed Elliot, 88. 3, Dale Monroe, 92. Net: 1, Earl Byers, 63. 2, Eddie Maroney, 64. 3, Herb Koth, 66.
Jan. 26 DESERT PEAKS Jack Langley, Warm Springs No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-iron
DESERT PEAKS Thursday Men’s Club, Jan. 27 Stableford 1, Jordan Say. 2, Val Paterson. 3, Don Henderson. KP — Skip Ditmore. LD — Jorday Say. Sunday Group Play, Jan. 30 Throw Out One Hole Gross: 1 (tie), Francisco Moralies, 70; Ed Mc Daniel, 70. 3, Carl Daniels, 72. Net: 1, Jim Wyzard, 61. 2 (tie), Dean Hunt 64. Al Dupont, 64. KP — Carl Daniels.
Jan. 27 GREENS AT REDMOND Jeff Stranser, Bend No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 yards . . . . . . . . . pitching wedge
EAGLE CREST Men’s Club, Jan. 26 One Net, Two Net, Three Net Best Balls, etc. at Ridge Course 1, Steve Austin/Hank Cavender/Allan Falco/Jeffrey Lucas, 121. 2, Mark Scott/Greg Pluchos/John Boynton/Bill Houck, 123. 3 (tie), Bob Mowlds/Dennis O’Donnell/David Drake/Jim Madison, 124; Roger Palmer/Mike Fitzsimons/Rich Sackerson/Dan Myers, 124.
The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its weekly local golf events calendar. Items should be mailed to P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708; faxed to the sports department at 541-385-0831; or e-mailed to ——— TOURNAMENTS Feb. 4 — Central Oregon Winter Series tournament at Mead-
Jan. 27 BRASADA Drew Bledsoe, Bend No. 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-iron
Jan. 31 EAGLE CREST CHALLENGE Don Benson, Redmond No. 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-iron
ow Lakes Golf Course in Prineville. Tournament is a two-person scramble. No more than one professional allowed per team. Cost is $25 for professionals, $45 for amateurs. Cart and optional gross skins competition cost extra. All players must sign up by noon on the Thursday before the event. To register or for more information, call Pat Huffer, head pro at Crooked River Ranch, at 541-923-6343 or e-mail him at Feb. 12 — Post-Super Bowl Scramble at Meadow Lakes Golf Course in Prineville. Four-person scramble begins with a 10 a.m. shotgun start. PGA professionals welcome, but teams are limited to one pro. Prizes for gross and net score as well as competitions for closest to the pin and longest putts. For more information or to enter, call Meadow Lakes at 541-447-7113. Feb. 18 — Central Oregon Winter Series tournament at Crooked River Ranch. Tournament is a two-person better ball. No more than one professional allowed per team. Cost is $25 for professionals, $45 for amateurs. Cart and optional gross skins competition cost extra. All players must sign up by noon on the Thursday before the event. To register or for more information, call Pat Huffer, head pro at Crooked River Ranch, at 541-923-6343 or e-mail him at
March 11 — Central Oregon Winter Series tournament at Juniper Golf Course in Redmond. Tournament is a two-person scramble. No more than one professional allowed per team. Cost is $25 for professionals, $45 for amateurs. Cart and optional gross skins competition cost extra. All players must sign up by noon on the Thursday before the event. To register or for more information, call Pat Huffer, head pro at Crooked River Ranch, at 541-923-6343 or e-mail him at March 12-13 — The Kah-Nee-Ta Spring Invitational at KahNee-Ta High Desert Resort & Casino on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation is presented by the Oregon Chapter of the PGA. Admission is free to spectators. For more information, call 541-553-4971 or visit March 25 — Central Oregon Winter Series tournament at the Club at Brasada Ranch in Powell Butte. Tournament is a two-person shamble. No more than one professional allowed per team. Cost is $25 for professionals, $45 for amateurs. Cart and optional gross skins competition cost extra. All players must sign up by noon on the Thursday before the event. To register or for more information, call Pat Huffer, head pro at Crooked River Ranch, at 541-923-6343 or e-mail him at
Game Improvement Workshop
Join Sunriver Resort’s Director of Instruction, Mike Palen in the Simulator at Pro Golf for a swing improvement workshop geared toward helping golfers correct their swing faults instead of compensate for them.
Saturday, February 5 12:30 - 1:30 pm
Topic: “Downswing & Follow-through”
100 NE Bend River Mall Ave (Next to Shopko) 541-593-GOLF (4653) Locally Owned & Operated
“Drinking Made Easy” one of the many new alcohol-fueled shows on TV, Page E2
Nature’s offers wholesale access Nature’s, a natural-foods market in Bend, is offering customers the opportunity to order directly from wholesaler United Natural Foods International. The Nature’s Buy Club allows customers to access UNFI’s website, order products at a discounted rate and then pick them up when they’re delivered to Nature’s. The minimum order is $50. Offerings range from beauty products to frozen foods to coffee. Many are in bulk sizes. For instance, as listed online Monday, 24-packs of 8.5-ounce Adina iced chai lattes are available for $24.04. Directions on how to navigate UNFI’s website appear on Nature’s website under the “BuyClub” link. Participants must pay with cash or check. Nature’s is located at 1950 N.E. Third St. in the Wagner Mall. Contact: www.shopnatures .com or 541-382-6732.
‘Val-o-gram’ to support local high school choirs Buy your valentine a serenade through “Val-o-grams” being offered by three area high school choirs. Bend, Mountain View and Summit high schools are all offering greetings in song to Bend-area residents Feb. 14. They all need the name of the recipient, the address and contact phone number for Thinkstock the sender, the address where the Val-o-gram should be delivered and the preferred time of day for delivery. Bend High charges $20 and delivers a song, a red rose and a bit of chocolate. Forms and payment are due by Feb. 11. Mountain View’s are being delivered by the jazz choir, Andante, and include a song and card. It costs $15, and Val-ogram requests must be received and paid by 3 p.m. Feb. 10. The purchaser can also request male or female singers. Summit’s Val-o-grams cost $20 for a song, candy and card. Orders are due by Feb. 9. Proceeds from the projects at all three schools help support the choirs. Contact: Bend High School at or 541-383-6309, Mountain View High School at 541-383-6391, or Summit High School at melissa. or 541-322-3292.
Enjoy chocolate desserts at benefit Mark the calendar now for an upcoming event that celebrates all things chocolate. On Friday, Feb. 25, from 5 to 7 p.m., Marcello’s Cucina Italiana restaurant in Sunriver will host For the Love of Chocolate, a competition among area businesses and organizations to see which makes the most decadent chocolate dessert. Area residents and visitors are invited to taste desserts and cast votes for their favorites. Participants will also have the opportunity to win chocolatethemed gift baskets during a raffle to benefit the nonprofit New Generations Child Care and Learning Center in Sunriver. The dessert tasting and voting are free. Marcello’s is located at 4 N. Ponderosa Road in Sunriver. Contact: www.sunriverchamber .com or 541-815-8901. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin
Behind the
Dishes not clean? Don’t blame your dishwasher By Maggie Galehouse Houston Chronicle
Before you’re blinded by a bargain, know how to identify poor quality By Heidi Hagemeier The Bulletin
rom across the parking lot, Marta Daniels lasered in on a rack 100 yards away. “Ahhh, that’s a good deal,” she said in her Brazilian accent, her stride picking up speed. On the sidewalk outside Bend’s T.J. Maxx hung dozens of puffy Oregon Ducks winter coats made by Columbia. The sale price for those willing to don bright yellow and green? Just $20. Last week I invited Daniels, owner of Scissor Bird Alterations in Bend, shopping to help answer a most basic question: Since consumers are bombarded with so many sales and brands and clearances, how can they know when they’re getting a good deal? The question really welled up recently when I purchased children’s clothing and several sets of towels at an off-price store, the retail phrase to describe popular shops like T.J. Maxx and Ross Dress for Less. What off-price retail has meant traditionally is stores that sell goods at reduced prices, usually because retailers produce excess inventory that they need to move. The children’s items, in well-known brand names SmartWool and Ralph Lauren, have fared fine. The towels shed like a Saint Bernard in August. See Quality / E6
Bargain or future bust? Seams to look for SERGED SEAM Filmy fabric isn’t synonymous with flimsy. This blouse displays an example of a strong serged seam, Marta Daniels, a Bend seamstress, said.
FRENCH SEAM This shirt is made with a French seam, which is when two pieces of fabric are sewn together slightly on top of each other, as opposed to folded upward as in a serged seam. French seams are stronger than serged seams, Daniels said, and are indicators of quality clothing.
Some warning signs
By Jura Koncius The Washington Post
FLY-AWAYS While the rough cut is the style on this garment, the flyaway threads are a sure sign that it will not hold up well, even with a hand wash, Daniels said. Look for loose threads on fabric. They could be a warning sign.
POOR SEAM CONSTRUCTION This is an example of a poorly made serged seam, according to Daniels. The thread should not come away from the fabric, as it does here.
Synthetic fabrics vary, but some can be exceedingly sturdy. Daniels said a dress like this, made of a polyester and Spandex blend, can last for decades.
TOO SHEER This is a knit dress, but the wearer would be showing more than desired, Daniels said. So check fabrics to make sure they aren’t too sheer. Holding it to the light is usually enough.
Smart as a button STRONG CONSTRUCTION Be sure to give all the buttons on a garment a solid tug. They should be firmly attached to the shirt. Also see if the buttons and buttonholes line up well.
Photos by Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin
The dishwasher, long the workhorse of the kitchen, is getting quieter and more powerful, energy-efficient and stylish. Part of the 1950s American trophy kitchen, early dishwasher models rattled plates as they chugged through cleaning cycles. Today, dishwashers operate with barely a sound. With some, you can’t even tell they’re washing, even though they’re blasting jets of water at baked-on goop bonded to your cassoulet pan.
What’s new?
Good material versus bad STRONG FABRIC
TV commercials with smiling housewives unloading streakfree dishes from dishwashers? Please. It’s 2011, people. Men unload dishes, too, and no one feels compelled to smile about it. More troubling is the revelation that dishes no longer emerge clean from home dishwashers. These days, they sport lipstick stains, icky food bits and a whitish film. No one is smiling about this. Thanks to state laws banning everyInside thing but trace • Consumer levels of phosReports rates phates from phosphate-free h o u s e h o l d detergents, dishwasher Page E6 detergents, clean dishes are a little dirtier. Phosphates are chemicals responsible for serious cleaning, but they also pollute waterways and encourage the growth of algae, which can threaten the health of fish. Although most states do not have a law limiting phosphates in detergents, 18 do, including Oregon. Last year, detergent companies started taking phosphates out of their products. Consumer Reports has suggestions for frustrated consumers. After testing low-phosphate dishwasher detergents, the magazine found that Finish Quantum (a CR Best Buy), Finish Powerball Tabs and Cascade Complete All in 1 worked best. See Detergent / E6
The dirt on dishwashers
Correction In a story headlined “A singular sensation,” which appeared Wednesday, Jan. 26, on Page E1, the availability of Nespresso brand single-serving espresso machines was incorrect. The brand is available in at least one Central Oregon store, Ginger’s Kitchenware. The Bulletin regrets the error.
• Television • Comics • Calendar • LAT crossword • Sudoku • Horoscope
• Quiet models. Dishwasher manufacturers post decibel levels, ranging from 40 to 65. Usually, the quieter the machine, the higher the price. Dee David, a Falls Church, Va., kitchen designer, says European manufacturers such as Asko, Bosch and Miele first offered quieter dishwashing with less water. “My favorite is actually the Miele,” she said. • Efficiency. Most new dishwashers are Energy Star compliant, using less water and electricity. If a machine is more than 10 years old, it might use six to nine gallons more water per load. Now, very efficient models use about two gallons. Using a delayed start and running the machine at night might save money if your utilities have off-peak rates. • Sensors, design. With newer models, scrape but don’t prerinse dishes. Some machines have soil sensors that set off powerful sprays or rack designs that maximize performance, says Jill Notini, vice president at the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. “People’s natural inclination is to want to help, but you should just let the machine do its job.” See Dishwasher / E6
E2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Reluctant wife comes clean about showering with hubby
Looking for a good happy hour? Turn on the TV By Neely Tucker The Washington Post
Dear Abby: My husband has been talking about many married couples who take showers together. In fact, he claims that most couples do. Our relationship in the bedroom has been great so far, and I’d like to keep it there. I don’t want a twosome in the bathroom. Am I wrong to enjoy my privacy in the shower? — Squeaky Clean in North Carolina Dear Squeaky Clean: Many married couples take showers together, and many don’t. Among those who do, some find it arousing; others just enjoy the intimacy and having someone to scrub their backs. If you feel your time in the shower is sacred alone time, you’re entitled to your feelings. If an encounter isn’t pleasurable for both parties involved, then it’s usually not particularly satisfying for either one. Dear Abby: My younger sister, “Janet,” and I are very close. We live near each other and have many of the same friends. My problem is, Janet likes to share stories about our childhood, and our childhood was horrible. We were poor and homeless more than once. Both our parents were on drugs, and our father was abusive to our mother. I have tried telling my sister that when she shares these stories, I not only find it humiliating, but also find myself reliving the awful experiences. Her response is to remind me that we’re not those kids anymore. She doesn’t think it’s anything to be ashamed of. Is she wrong to tell these horror stories that involve both of us, or do I need to stop trying to forget? — Not Looking in the Rearview Mirror Dear Not Looking: Your sister is correct that your childhood is nothing you should be ashamed of. Both of you have managed to thrive in spite of the chaotic environment in which you were raised. However, for her to per-
DEAR ABBY sist in raising a subject that you have told her is painful is insensitive — particularly if she’s doing it in your presence. You may have a shared history, but you clearly have different coping mechanisms, and she should respect yours. Dear Abby: When my daughter was 14 months old, she had a serious accident while under my parents’ supervision. They were not negligent. What happened could have occurred if I had been there. I rushed to the hospital, where we stayed for five days and, thankfully, my daughter recovered. I was shocked and hurt that my mother never once apologized. When I brought it up, she said it’s obvious she feels terribly guilty, that I know how devoted she is to my daughter and, therefore, an apology is ridiculous. I know it wasn’t her “fault,” but I still feel the right thing to do in that situation would have been for her to say, “I’m sorry this happened. I wish I had been more observant.” Is this superfluous? Are my feelings reasonable? — Expatriate New Yorker in Saxony, Germany Dear Expat: How old is your daughter now? How long have you hung onto your anger at your mother over this incident? You said there was no negligence on the part of your parents, and the accident could have occurred while your daughter was under your supervision. Do you know that your mother loves your daughter and feels terrible about what happened? If so, LET IT GO, ALREADY!
It could be argued that Zane Lamprey has the greatest job in America. The comedian hosts “Drinking Made Easy,” a halfhour, tour-bus romp through America’s bars, breweries and backyard distillation projects each Wednesday night on HDNet. As near as can be determined, the man’s job is to drink, hang out with buddies and be at work on time the next day. “Three Sheets,” the 52-episode international version of the idea (filmed a few years ago and also starring Lamprey) starts a new airing on Spike TV on Tuesday at 10:30 p.m. Of course, Lamprey has competition for the greatestjob title. Actor Stanley Tucci’s job description on “Vine Talk,” a wine-tasting gabfest slated to debut on PBS in April, is to chat with famous friends on camera, sip vino in a blind tasting and pick a favorite. It’s a hard day at the office for Darryl Robinson, host of “Drink Up” on the Cooking Channel, where the weekly cocktail-making vibe is all cosmopolitan sophistication. Aspiring vineyard owners take on the oenological craft, and one another, in “The Winemakers,” a reality-show competition now filming its second season for PBS. (The first season starts re-airing in 224 markets Feb. 17.) There has been the occasional cable or PBS series about the finer aspects of wine and spirits before, but the past two years have been a televised bender of prec-
HDNet via The Washington Post
Zane Lamprey hosts “Drinking Made Easy,” which premieres Tuesday on Spike TV. Lamprey’s job is to drink, hang out with buddies and be at work on time the next day. edent-breaking proportions. Shows with shots? Yes! Shows with swirling the glass to let the wine breathe? Yes! Shows with a swizzle stick? Sure! From the stunt drinking on Lamprey’s travelogue (he “drinks a beer that can kill chickens” is one plot summary) to Tucci’s and Robinson’s urbane wit, couch potatoes can now sit, drink and talk, while watching other people sit, drink and talk. Bruce Marcus, creator and executive producer of “Vine Talk,” takes a more sober (sorry!) approach. He’s been producing lifestyle programming on PBS for 16 years. He says the evolution toward shows focused on alcohol, particularly wine, has been a slow progression. “No one ever developed a series that truly increased the comfort level of the viewer with wine. The shows always ended up with wine experts prancing through the fields of France,” he laughed.
Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby .com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
But for Robinson, the 37-yearold host of “Drink Up” and a bartender by trade, the sudden popularity in bar and wine shows is natural. People are fascinated with the craft of creating an excellent wine or, for that matter, a single-barrel bourbon, he points out. They want to be able to order well in restaurants, or mix a nifty cocktail for guests at home. And “have a drink” is synonymous with “relax and sit for a minute.” Bringing in the reality-show concept is “The Winemakers,”
which bills itself as the country’s “No. 1 television series about wine,” landing in 2 million households. The idea is familiar: 12 contestants from varied backgrounds vie for the chance to become a winemaker, with their product shipped across the nation. They face elimination rounds: working the harvest at a vineyard, selling the stuff at a wine-tasting event in California wine country, creating a label and blending a new wine. Each step is judged by an expert panel. Then there’s “Drinking Made Easy.” It’s a nationwide pub crawl with each stop illuminating a city’s famous (or notorious) bars and watering holes. Lamprey and co-hosts Steve McKenna and Marc Ryan hit 53 cities in 26 states in less than three months last summer, filming 24 episodes. They hit Arizona’s oldest bar, Aunt Chilada’s, and New Orleans’ legendary Lafitte Blacksmith Shop, knocking back regional specials in each spot.
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2736 NW Crossing Drive #110 Bend, Oregon • 541-385-6149
BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine; * Sports programming may vary
BD PM SR L ^ KATU KTVZ % % % % KBNZ & KOHD ) ) ) ) KFXO * ` ` ` , , KPDX KOAB _ # _ # ( KGW # KTVZDT2 , CREATE 3-2 3-2 173 3-2 OPB HD 3-1 3-1 3-1 3-1
KATU News at 5 ABC World News News Nightly News KOIN Local 6 at 5 News The Nate Berkus Show (N) ‘PG’ America’s Funniest Home Videos Old Christine Old Christine Electric Comp. Fetch! With Ruff News Pregame ‘PG’ House of Payne House of Payne Cooking Class Scandinavian Tracks Ahead ‘G’ Steves Europe
KATU News at 6 (N) ’ Å Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’ Wheel of Fortune The Middle ‘PG’ The Middle ‘PG’ NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) Å Jeopardy! (N) ‘G’ Wheel of Fortune Minute to Win It Kids Rule (N) Å KOIN Local 6 at 6 Evening News Old Christine Scrubs ‘14’ Å Live to Dance Finalists perform. ‘PG’ News (N) ABC World News Entertainment The Insider ‘PG’ The Middle ‘PG’ The Middle ‘PG’ Two/Half Men Two/Half Men The Simpsons ’ The Simpsons ’ American Idol Auditions No. 5 ‘PG’ The Office ’ ‘14’ The Office ’ ‘14’ The Simpsons ’ The Simpsons ’ News on PDX-TV Rudy Maxa Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) ’ Å Nova scienceNOW (N) ’ ‘G’ NBA Basketball Portland Trail Blazers at Denver Nuggets From the Pepsi Center in Denver. Minute to Win It Don’t Forget Don’t Forget That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Smallville Icarus ’ ‘14’ Å Steves Europe Seasoned Travl Garden Smart ‘G’ This Old House For Your Home Katie Brown Rudy Maxa Nightly Business PBS NewsHour ’ Å Nova scienceNOW (N) ’ ‘G’
Modern Family Cougar Town (N) Minute to Win It Kids Rule (N) Å Criminal Minds ’ ‘14’ Å Modern Family Cougar Town (N) Human Target (N) ’ ‘14’ Å Burn Notice The Hunter ‘PG’ Å NOVA (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å (DVS) Minute to Win It Kids Rule (N) Å Supernatural ’ ‘14’ Å Knit-Crochet Passport-Palett NOVA (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å (DVS)
Off the Map (N) ’ ‘14’ Å Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Blue Bloods Hall of Mirrors (N) ‘PG’ Off the Map (N) ’ ‘14’ Å News Channel 21 TMZ (N) ’ ‘PG’ Burn Notice Shot in the Dark ‘PG’ Next Frontier: Engineering Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Married... With Married... With Cook’s Country Lidia’s Italy ‘G’ Next Frontier: Engineering
KATU News at 11 (11:35) Nightline News Jay Leno News Letterman News (N) (11:35) Nightline Family Guy ‘14’ Family Guy ‘14’ King of Queens King of Queens A Passion for Sustainability ’ ‘G’ News Jay Leno King of Queens King of Queens Cooking Class Scandinavian A Passion for Sustainability ’ ‘G’
Bounty Hunter The First 48 ‘14’ Å The First 48 ‘14’ Å Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Storage Wars Storage Wars (N) Storage Wars Storage Wars 130 28 18 32 Bounty Hunter (3:00) ›› “Constan- ›› “The Chronicles of Riddick” (2004, Science Fiction) Vin Diesel, Colm Feore, Thandie Newton. A fugitive › “Exit Wounds” (2001, Action) Steven Seagal, DMX, Isaiah Washington. A cop en- ›› “Demolition Man” (1993, Science Fiction) Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes. A 102 40 39 tine” (2005) fights an invading ruler and his army. Å counters corruption in Detroit’s roughest precinct. Å frozen cop is thawed out to capture an old nemesis. Å Weird, True Weird, True Weird, True Monsters Inside Me ’ ‘PG’ Å Your Worst Animal Nightmares ‘14’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ ‘PG’ Å I Shouldn’t Be Alive (N) ’ ‘PG’ I Shouldn’t Be Alive ’ ‘PG’ Å 68 50 26 38 Weird, True Top Chef Dim Sum Lose Sum ‘14’ Top Chef The chefs must fish. ‘14’ The Real Housewives of Atlanta ‘14’ The Real Housewives of Atlanta ‘14’ Top Chef ‘14’ Å Top Chef (N) Å Top Chef Å 137 44 Working Class Working Class The Dukes of Hazzard ’ ‘G’ Å The Dukes of Hazzard ’ ‘G’ Å ››› “An Officer and a Gentleman” (1982, Drama) Richard Gere, Debra Winger. ’ Å Officer-Gentle 190 32 42 53 Extreme Makeover: Home Edition American Greed Troy A. Titus American Greed Tri Energy (N) Mad Money American Greed Troy A. Titus American Greed Tri Energy Take It Off! Profit-Town 51 36 40 52 American Greed Piers Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Å Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 Anderson Cooper 360 52 38 35 48 Parker Spitzer (N) Tosh.0 ‘14’ Å Scrubs ‘14’ Å Scrubs ‘14’ Å Daily Show Colbert Report Chappelle Show Chappelle Show South Park ‘MA’ South Park ‘MA’ South Park ‘MA’ Tosh.0 ‘14’ Å Daily Show Colbert Report 135 53 135 47 South Park ‘MA’ Bend La Pine U of O Today PM Edition Bend on the Run Bend City Council Epic Conditions Outside Presents Paid Program Visions of NW Ride Guide ‘14’ The Element 11 Capital News Today Today in Washington 58 20 12 11 Tonight From Washington Shake It Up! ‘Y’ Hannah Montana Forever ‘G’ Å Suite/Deck Suite/Deck ›› “Sky High” (2005) Michael Angarano. Å (9:45) Fish Hooks Suite/Deck Suite/Deck Wizards-Place Wizards-Place 87 43 14 39 Shake it Up! ‘G’ Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ Cash Cab ’ ‘G’ MythBusters ’ ‘PG’ Å Black Ops Brothers: Howe & Howe Sons of Guns (N) Sons of Guns (N) Desert Car Kings (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å Black Ops Brothers: Howe & Howe 156 21 16 37 Destroy-Second College Basketball Duke at Maryland (Live) SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter Special From Dallas. SportsCenter (Live) Å SportsCenter (Live) Å 21 23 22 23 College Basketball College Basketball Missouri at Oklahoma State (Live) College Basketball Nevada at Utah State (Live) NBA Tonight Basketball Final Hey Rookie, Welcome to the NFL 22 24 21 24 College Basketball 30 for 30 Å 30 for 30 ‘PG’ Å 30 for 30 Å 3rd and a Mile Homecoming With Rick Reilly Å SportsCentury Firestone Chats 23 25 123 25 30 for 30 Å SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express 24 63 124 Still Standing ’ Still Standing ’ Still Standing ’ › “Gone in Sixty Seconds” (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage, Angelina Jolie, Giovanni Ribisi. America’s Funniest Home Videos The 700 Club (N) ‘G’ Å 67 29 19 41 Gilmore Girls ’ ‘PG’ Å Hannity (N) On the Record, Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity On the Record, Greta Van Susteren Glenn Beck 54 61 36 50 The O’Reilly Factor (N) Å Down Home Paula’s Best 30-Minute Meals Bobby Flay Best Thing Ate Bobby Flay Bobby Flay Worst Cooks in America Restaurant: Impossible (N) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive 177 62 98 44 B’foot Contessa Women’s College Basketball Seattle Pacific at Western Washington (Live) College Basketball USC at UCLA (Live) Huskies WHL Hockey Everett Silvertips at Kamloops Blazers 20 45 28* 26 Cougars Access Beavers › “Taxi” (2004, Comedy) Queen Latifah, Jimmy Fallon, Jennifer Esposito. Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ››› “Tropic Thunder” (2008, Comedy) Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jr. ›› “Step Brothers” (2008) Will Ferrell, John C. Reilly. 131 Get It Sold ‘G’ Income Property Designed to Sell Hunters Int’l House Hunters Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters My First Place Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l The Vanilla Ice The Vanilla Ice 176 49 33 43 Get It Sold ‘G’ MonsterQuest Sea monsters. ‘PG’ MonsterQuest ‘PG’ Å Pawn Stars ‘PG’ Pawn Stars ‘PG’ Bigfoot: The Definitive Guide (N) ‘PG’ Å MonsterQuest ‘PG’ Å 155 42 41 36 MonsterQuest Swamp Stalker ‘PG’ Old Christine Old Christine How I Met How I Met Reba ‘PG’ Å Reba Go Far ‘PG’ “Reviving Ophelia” (2010, Drama) Jane Kaczmarek, Kim Dickens. ‘14’ Å How I Met How I Met 138 39 20 31 Unsolved Mysteries ‘14’ Å The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Ed Show (N) The Last Word The Rachel Maddow Show The Ed Show Hardball With Chris Matthews Å 56 59 128 51 The Last Word That ’70s Show That ’70s Show That ’70s Show Silent Library ’ Silent Library ’ True Life I Stutter ’ Teen Mom 2 ’ ‘PG’ I Used to Be Fat Daria (N) ’ ‘PG’ I Used to Be Fat Daria ’ ‘PG’ 192 22 38 57 The Seven ‘PG’ SpongeBob iCarly ‘G’ Å iCarly ‘G’ Å House of Anubis SpongeBob My Wife and Kids My Wife and Kids Hates Chris Hates Chris George Lopez ’ George Lopez ’ The Nanny ‘PG’ The Nanny ‘PG’ 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob UFC Unleashed ’ ‘14’ UFC 126 Countdown (N) ’ ‘14’ UFC Unleashed ’ ‘14’ Å MANswers ‘PG’ MANswers ‘MA’ MANswers ‘MA’ MANswers ‘MA’ MANswers ‘MA’ MANswers ‘14’ 132 31 34 46 UFC Unleashed ’ ‘14’ Star Trek: Enterprise ’ ‘PG’ Å Face Off Welcome to the Jungle ‘PG’ Ghost Hunters ’ ‘PG’ Å Ghost Hunters International (N) ’ Face Off Naked Ambition (N) Ghost Hunters International Å 133 35 133 45 Stargate SG-1 Medieval society. ‘PG’ Behind Scenes Grant Jeffrey Secrets of Bible Jack Van Impe Praise the Lord Å Easter Exper. Jesse Duplantis Thru History Changing-World Praise the Lord Å 205 60 130 Love-Raymond King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld ’ ‘PG’ Seinfeld ’ ‘PG’ Meet the Browns Meet the Browns House of Payne House of Payne We There Yet? We There Yet? Conan (N) 16 27 11 28 Love-Raymond ›››› “Five Easy Pieces” (1970, Drama) Jack Nicholson, Karen Black. A former con- ›››› “Terms of Endearment” (1983, Comedy-Drama) Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jack Nicholson. A ››› “Easy Rider” (1969) Peter Fonda. Two rebels embark on a (11:15) ››› “The Last Detail” (1973) Jack 101 44 101 29 cert pianist has his girlfriend meet his family. Å domineering mother and her daughter spar for years. Å cross-country motorcycle odyssey. Å Nicholson. Å Kitchen Boss (N) Cake Boss ‘PG’ Cake Boss ‘PG’ The Tiniest Girl in the World ’ ‘PG’ World’s Tallest Children ‘G’ Å My Addiction My Addiction Toddlers & Tiaras Groovy Girls ‘PG’ My Addiction My Addiction 178 34 32 34 Cake Boss ‘PG’ Law & Order Rubber Room ’ ‘14’ Bones The Beginning in the End ‘14’ Bones ’ ‘14’ Å Bones The Body in the Bag ’ ‘14’ Bones The Plain in the Prodigy ‘14’ Southland The Winds ’ ‘MA’ Å 17 26 15 27 Law & Order Suicide Box ’ ‘14’ Johnny Test ‘Y7’ Johnny Test ‘Y7’ 6TEEN ‘PG’ Total Drama Sym-Bionic Titan Hole in the Wall Would Happen Destroy Build King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad ’ American Dad ’ Family Guy ‘14’ Family Guy ‘14’ 84 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food ‘G’ Man v. Food ‘G’ Deep Fried (N) ‘G’ Å Carnivore Man v. Food ‘G’ Man v. Food ‘G’ Man v. Food ‘G’ Man v. Food ‘G’ Carnivore 179 51 45 42 Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations Retired at 35 Hot in Cleveland Sanford & Son Sanford & Son Sanford & Son Sanford & Son Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Retired at 35 (N) Hot in Cleveland Retired at 35 65 47 29 35 Good Times ‘PG’ The Jeffersons NCIS A blind photographer. ’ ‘PG’ NCIS A murder victim in a taxi. ‘PG’ NCIS Ignition ’ ‘PG’ Å NCIS Flesh and Blood ’ ‘14’ Å NCIS Jet Lag ’ ‘14’ Å Fairly Legal Priceless ‘PG’ Å 15 30 23 30 NCIS Director’s contact is killed. ‘PG’ The X Life ‘14’ The X Life ‘14’ Maxim Hot 100 ’ ‘14’ Å You’re Cut Off ’ ‘14’ You’re Cut Off ’ ‘14’ You’re Cut Off ’ ‘14’ You’re Cut Off ’ ‘14’ 191 48 37 54 Saturday Night Live ’ ‘14’ Å PREMIUM CABLE CHANNELS
Groundhog Day ›› “Groundhog Day” 1993 Bill Murray. ’ ‘PG’ Å (7:15) ›› “Groundhog Day” 1993 Bill Murray, Chris Elliott. ’ ‘PG’ Å ›› “Groundhog Day” 1993 Bill Murray. ’ ‘PG’ Å (10:45) ›› “Groundhog Day” 1993 Bill Murray. ‘PG’ After Film School ›› “The Adventures of Ford Fairlane” 1990 Andrew “Dice” Clay. ‘R’ ›› “The Chase” 1994 Charlie Sheen. ‘PG-13’ Å After Film School “The Adventures of Ford Fairlane” ›› “The Chase” 1994 Charlie Sheen. ‘PG-13’ Å Rampage-Evo Red Bull: Rampage Retrospective The Daily Habit Thrillbillies (N) SLAM! (N) Å Bondi Rescue The Daily Habit Cubed The Daily Habit Thrillbillies SLAM! Bondi Rescue The Daily Habit School of Golf School of Golf Uneven Fairways World of Golf 19th Hole Golf Central Playing Lessons Uneven Fairways World of Golf 19th Hole European Tour 19th Hole Little House on the Prairie ‘PG’ Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Who’s the Boss? Little House on the Prairie ‘PG’ “Flower Girl” (2009, Romance) Marla Sokoloff, Kieren Hutchison. ‘PG’ Å The Golden Girls The Golden Girls “President to Re(5:45) ›› “He’s Just Not That Into You” 2009, Romance-Comedy Ben Affleck, Jennifer Aniston. Men and Big Love Winter Bill tries to win over his Big Love A Seat at the Table Bill attempts Big Love Alby’s purification of Juniper Real Time With Bill Maher Will Cain; Kim HBO 425 501 425 10 member” women navigate through complex relationships. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å constituents. ’ ‘14’ Å to stage a meeting. ‘14’ Å Creek. ’ ‘14’ Å Campbell; Jack Kingston. ‘MA’ (4:45) “Delirious” 2005, Comedy-Drama Steve Buscemi, Michael Pitt. ‘NR’ Undeclared ‘PG’ Ben Stiller Larry Sanders ›››› “Pulp Fiction” 1994 John Travolta. Criminals cross paths in three interlocked tales of mayhem. ‘R’ (11:45) Delirious IFC 105 105 (4:15) ››› “Lost in Translation” 2003 Bill ›› “Sherlock Holmes” 2009, Action Robert Downey Jr., Jude Law. The detective and (8:15) ›› “Daredevil” 2003, Action Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner, Michael Clarke Dun- ›› “The Lovely Bones” 2009, Drama Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Weisz. A young murder MAX 400 508 7 Murray. ‘R’ Å his astute partner face a strange enemy. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å can. A blind attorney fights crime at night. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å victim watches over her family from heaven. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å Restrepo: Afghan Outpost ‘MA’ Wild Justice Gold Diggers (N) ‘14’ Restrepo: Afghan Outpost ‘MA’ Wild Justice Gold Diggers ‘14’ Wild Justice Night Patrol ‘14’ NGC 157 157 Dragon Ball Z Kai OddParents OddParents Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Dragon Ball Z Kai Dragon Ball Z Kai OddParents OddParents OddParents The Troop ’ ‘G’ Invader ZIM ‘Y7’ Three Delivery Three Delivery NTOON 89 115 189 Shooting USA Sighting Shooting Gallery Amer. Guardian Amer. Rifleman Impossible Shots Best Defense Cowboys Shooting USA Sighting Amer. Rifleman Amer. Guardian Impossible Shots Best Defense OUTD 37 307 43 Episodes Episode 4 Californication ’ Inside the NFL (iTV) (N) ’ ‘PG’ Å (4:15) ›› “Transporter 3” 2008 Jason ›› “Soul Men” 2008, Comedy Samuel L. Jackson, Bernie Mac, Sharon Leal. iTV. Shameless Casey Casden Debbie steals Inside the NFL (iTV) ’ ‘PG’ Å SHO 500 500 ’ ‘MA’ Statham. iTV. ’ ‘PG-13’ Estranged singers reunite for a tribute concert. ’ ‘R’ ‘MA’ Å a little boy. ’ ‘MA’ Å Intersections ‘G’ Intersections ‘G’ Pinks - All Out ‘14’ Stealth Rider ‘14’ Stealth Rider ‘14’ Intersections ‘G’ Intersections ‘G’ Pinks - All Out ‘14’ Stealth Rider ‘14’ Stealth Rider ‘14’ NASCAR Race Hub SPEED 35 303 125 (4:40) ›› “Alice in Wonderland” 2010 Johnny Depp. (6:35) ›› “Maid in Manhattan” 2002 Jennifer Lopez. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å (8:31) ››› “Zombieland” 2009 Woody Harrelson. ‘R’ Spartacus: Gods of the Arena ‘MA’ ›› “The Count of Monte Cristo” STARZ 300 408 300 (4:30) “Double Duty” 2009, Comedy Mimi ›› “Valkyrie” 2008, Historical Drama Tom Cruise, Kenneth Branagh. Col. Claus von “Group Sex” 2009, Comedy Josh Cooke. A man joins his dream (9:35) ›› “Fanboys” 2008 Sam Huntington. “Star Wars” fans (11:05) ›› “New York, I Love You” 2009 TMC 525 525 Lesseos, Karen Black. ’ ‘NR’ Stauffenberg attempts to assassinate Hitler. ’ ‘PG-13’ Å gal’s sex-addiction recovery group. ‘R’ Å take their dying pal to Skywalker Ranch. ’ Shia LaBeouf. ‘R’ Å NHL Hockey New York Islanders at Pittsburgh Penguins Hockey Central The T.Ocho Show Whacked Out NHL Overtime (N) Skiing The T.Ocho Show Whacked Out NHL Overtime VS. 27 58 30 ›› “Miss Congeniality” 2000, Comedy Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine. ‘PG-13’ Ghost Whisperer ’ ‘PG’ Å The Locator ‘PG’ The Locator ‘G’ ›› “Miss Congeniality” 2000, Comedy Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine. ‘PG-13’ WE 143 41 174 ENCR 106 401 306 FMC 104 204 104 FUEL 34 GOLF 28 301 27 HALL 66 33 103 33
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 E3
CALENDAR TODAY “IT’S IN THE BAG” LECTURE SERIES: Maureen Kelly presents the lecture “The Value of a Virtual Deschutes Basin,” which will explore a web-based natural resources library; free; noon-1 p.m.; OSU-Cascades Campus, Cascades Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-322-3100. DAY OF ZINN: Commemorate the life and works of Howard Zinn, with readings from his works, film clips, a dinner and more; registration required for dinner portion of event; free; noon, 6 p.m. dinner and film; OSU-Cascades Campus, Cascades Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-322-3140 or FINDING FREMONT IN OREGON: Loren Irving talks about John Fremont and retracing the explorer’s two-year journey; free; 1:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-617-4663. ANGELS ACROSS THE USA TOUR: Alan Pedersen performs and speaks about grief and love; free; 7 p.m.; Partners in Care, 2075 N.E. Wyatt Court, Bend; 541-480-0667.
THURSDAY GRADUATION AUCTION: Silent auction to benefit Summit High School’s graduation party; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-610-9913 or BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Parents and children ages 3 and 4 explore nature and participate in activities; themed “The Bone Zone”; $15, $10 museum members, plus accompanying adult admission ($10, $9 seniors); 10 a.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION: Featuring music, games, dancing and food; free admission; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Multicultural Center, 2600 N.W. College Way , Bend; 541-383-7412. GOOD CHAIR, GREAT BOOKS: Read and discuss “Oryx and Crake” by Margaret Atwood; bring a lunch; free; noon; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541312-1080 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. BOOK DISCUSSION: Discuss “Go Tell It on the Mountain” by James Baldwin; free; 6:30 p.m.; Camalli Book Co., 1288 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite C, Bend; 541-323-6134. “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. EMMA HILL AND HER GENTLEMEN CALLERS: The Portland-based folk singer performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3825174 or
FRIDAY BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Parents and children ages 3 and 4 explore nature and participate in activities; themed “The Bone Zone”; $15, $10 museum members, plus accompanying adult admission ($10, $9 seniors); 10 a.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend.
“TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. SISTERS FOLK FESTIVAL WINTER CONCERT SERIES: Featuring a performance by Tom Russell; $15, $10 students in advance, $20, $12 students at the door; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or www. “TETRO”: A screening of the 2009 R-rated film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or ARCHAEOLOGYFEST FILM SERIES: The best films from the 2010 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival; $6, free ages 12 and younger; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538, or www. BOB MARLEY CELEBRATION & TRIBUTE SHOW: Featuring performances of Marley songs by Sashamon, Chronicle, Alcyon Massive and Escort Service Band; ages 21 and older; $7 plus fees in advance, $10 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. HILLSTOMP: Portland-based junkyard blues duo performs; ticket prices to be announced; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541388-8331 or www.silvermoon
SATURDAY VFW BREAKFAST: Community breakfast with hash browns, sausage, ham, biscuits, eggs, coffee and more; $7, $6 seniors and children; 8-10:30 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. CENTRAL OREGON SPELLING BEE: Students compete for a chance to participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee; $5, free for students; 9 a.m.; Ponderosa Elementary School, 3790 N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; 541-323-6829. MONSTER X TOUR: Monster trucks compete in a variety of trick styles; $10-$30; 1:30 and 7:30 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. CRAB FEED FUNDRAISER: Meal features crab, bread, an assortment of beverages and more; ages 21 and older only; proceeds benefit the student technology program at St. Thomas Academy of Redmond; $20; 4-8 p.m.; St. Thomas Parish Hall, 12th Street and Evergreen Avenue, Redmond; 541-548-3785 or www.redmond RHINESTONE COWBOY AUCTION: With a dinner, live and silent auctions and live music by Reno and Cindy Holler; reservations requested; proceeds benefit college scholarships for Sisters High School graduates; $50; 6-10 p.m.; FivePine Lodge & Conference Center, 1021 Desperado Trail, Sisters; 503-559-9788 or
Please e-mail event information to or click on “Submit an Event” on our website at Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
“TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. YOUTH CHOIR OF CENTRAL OREGON: The Premiere and Debut choirs perform a winter concert; $10; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 N.E. 27th St.; 541-385-0470 or ARCHAEOLOGYFEST FILM SERIES: The best films from the 2010 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival; $6, free ages 12 and younger; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538, rpettigrew@ or www.archaeology MOUNTAIN COUNTRY IDOL: Central Oregon musicians compete to see who is the best country artist; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefit St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; $5; 8 p.m.; Coyote Ranch, 1368 S. U.S. Highway 97, Redmond; 541-548-7700 or www.mountain SATURDAY NIGHT JOKERS & JAMS: Local comics perform, with special musical guests; $10; 8 p.m., doors open 7:30 p.m.; Bend Performing Arts Center, 1155 S.W. Division St.; 541-977-5677. HILLSTOMP: Portland-based junkyard blues duo performs; ticket prices to be announced; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or
SUNDAY FIDDLERS JAM: Listen or dance at the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Jam; donations accepted; 1-3 p.m.; Pine Forest Grange, 63214 N.E. Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-447-5451. SUPER SUNDAY XLV: Watch the Superbowl, followed by an after party and music; proceeds benefit Icon City; donations accepted; 2:30-9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
MONDAY GOOD CHAIR, GREAT BOOKS: Read and discuss “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer; free; noon; Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7085 or www.deschutes BUNCO PARTY: Featuring games, prizes and refreshments; proceeds benefit Prineville Habitat for Humanity; $5; 2 p.m.; Eagles Lodge & Club, 235 N.E. Fourth St., Prineville; 541-447-7659.
TUESDAY “EATING”: A screening of the documentary about the standard American diet; free; 6 p.m.; Common Table, 150 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-480-3017.
WEDNESDAY Feb. 9 FLY-FISHING FILM TOUR: A screening of fly-fishing films from independent outdoor filmmakers; $12 in advance, $15 at the door; 6 p.m., doors open 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3825174 or “9500 LIBERTY”: A screening of the documentary about an explosive immigration-policy battle in Virginia; free; 6:30 p.m.; Becky Johnson Center, 412 S.W. Eighth St., Redmond; 541-383-7412 or http:// “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department
presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. DINNER FUNDRAISER: A pizza and dessert dinner, with a raffle and a presentation by athlete Ravi Drugen; free; 7 p.m.; Phoenix Inn Suites Bend, 300 N.W. Franklin Ave.; 541-419-3495. IGNITE BEND: A series of fiveminute presentations on a range of topics, each chosen by the presenter; $5 suggested donation; 7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St.; 541-4806492 or SONNY HESS BAND: The rhythm and blues act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3825174 or
THURSDAY Feb. 10 BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Parents and children ages 3 and 4 explore nature and participate in activities; themed “The Call of the Wild”; $15, $10 museum members, plus accompanying adult admission ($10, $9 seniors); 10 a.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.high GOOD CHAIR, GREAT BOOKS: Read and discuss “Half Broke Horses” by Janette Walls; bring a lunch; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or calendar. “I’M NOT YOUR INDIAN MASCOT ANYMORE”: Cornel Pewewardy talks about countering the assault of Native American mascots in schools; free; 3:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-318-3782 or http://multicultural AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Kai Strand reads from her children’s book “The Weaver”; free; 6 p.m.; Camalli Book Co., 1288 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite C, Bend; 541-323-6134. FLY-FISHING FILM TOUR: A screening of fly-fishing films from independent outdoor filmmakers; $12 in advance, $15 at the door; 6 p.m., doors open 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or “TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD”: The Bend High School drama department presents a dramatization of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning tale; $7, $5 students and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290. BENEFIT CONCERT: Featuring performances by Five Pint Mary and Brent Alan, with comedy by Triage and Jumpin’ Joyce Respess; proceeds benefit The Loft; $30 minimum donation; 7-10 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-318-3436. BUDDY WAKEFIELD: The slam poet performs; free; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7257 or DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS: The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or “FOREVER PLAID”: Barter Theatre presents the musical about high school crooners who return from the afterlife for one last shot at glory; $37 or $42; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or “OLIVER!”: Preview night of Cascades Theatrical Company’s presentation of Lionel Bart’s musical about a lovable orphan who asks for more; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or
M T For Wednesday, Feb. 2
REGAL PILOT BUTTE 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend 541-382-6347
127 HOURS (R) 2:25, 5, 7:30 BLACK SWAN (R) 2:15, 4:50, 7:15 BLUE VALENTINE (R) 2:05, 4:45, 7:25 THE FIGHTER (R) 7:05 THE KING’S SPEECH (R) 2, 4:40, 7:20 MADE IN DAGENHAM (R) 2:10, 4:35 THE WAY BACK (PG-13) 2:30, 7
REGAL OLD MILL STADIUM 16 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend 541-382-6347
THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: THE VOYAGE OF THE DAWN TREADER (PG) 12:20, 3:10, 6:25, 9:20 COUNTRY STRONG (PG-13) 1:10, 4:05, 7:40, 10:25 THE DILEMMA (PG-13) 12:55, 4:55, 7:50, 10:20
THE FIGHTER (R) 1:45, 5, 8, 10:35 THE GREEN HORNET (PG-13) 12:35, 3:45, 6:50, 9:35 THE GREEN HORNET 3-D (PG13) 1:25, 4:15, 7:20, 10:10 HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS: PART 1 (PG-13) 12:05, 3:25, 6:55 LITTLE FOCKERS (PG-13) 12:45, 3:20, 6:20, 9:30 THE MECHANIC (DP — R) 1:40, 4:45, 7:35, 10:15 NO STRINGS ATTACHED (R) 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 9:45 THE RITE (PG-13) 1:05, 3:55, 7:05, 9:50 TANGLED (PG) 1:15, 4, 6:40, 9:25 THE TOURIST (PG-13) 1:50 4:35, 8:05, 10:30 TRON: LEGACY 3-D (PG) Noon, 3:15, 6:15, 9:10 TRUE GRIT (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 7:25, 10, 10:30 YOGI BEAR 3-D (PG) 12:15,
3:40, 6:35, 9:15 EDITOR’S NOTE: Digitally projected shows (marked as DP) use one of several different technologies to provide maximum fidelity. The result is a picture with clarity, brilliance and color and a lack of scratches, fading and flutter. EDITOR’S NOTE: There is an additional $3.50 fee for 3-D movies. EDITOR’S NOTE: Movie Times in bold are open-captioned showtimes.
MCMENAMINS OLD ST. FRANCIS SCHOOL 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend 541-330-8562
(After 7 p.m. shows 21 and over only. Under 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompanied by a legal guardian.) DUE DATE (R) 9 GULLIVER’S TRAVELS (PG) 3 THE SOCIAL NETWORK (PG-13) 6
Seeking friendly duplicate bridge? G o to Five games weekly
REDMOND CINEMAS 1535 S.W. Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
Sundance Festival boasts strong fare, but buzz is elusive By Lisa Kennedy The Denver Post
PARK CITY, Utah — The Sundance Film Festival was well acknowledged Tuesday at the ritual reading of the nominees for the Academy Awards, which take place Feb. 27. Last year’s breakouts, “Winter’s Bone” and “The Kids Are All Right,” received best-picture nods, as well as other kudos. Three documentaries that screened at last year’s festival also were recognized: “Inside Job,” “Restrepo” and “Exit Through the Gift Shop.” Sundance is one of the globe’s top festivals. That said, much of this year’s fare felt muffled. The documentaries are strong, but it isn’t clear what features might get the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences star treatment a year from now. Yes, distributors were buying — a great thing for moviemakers, even if prices were down. As of Wednesday, 19 films had sold. After one of those “press and industry” screenings, Roadside Attractions bought the Wall Street drama “Margin Call.” First-time feature writer-director J.C. Chandor pens biting dialogue and gets muscular performances from his enviable ensemble of Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Jeremy Irons and Demi Moore. But resounding critical buzz — particularly about narrative features — remained elusive. My list of films that impressed includes a number of movies that heralded fresh talents or savvy documentary sensibility, among them “Pariah,” “The Guard” and “Page One: A Year in the Life of The New York Times.” Had I seen director Denis Villeneuve’s “Incendies,” nominated on Tuesday for a best foreign-language Oscar, at Sundance instead of the Telluride Film Festival, it would easily have been at the top of my list. Based on a play, “Incendies” has none of the staginess but all of the Greek tragedy of classic drama as its protagonist — one of two siblings — travels from Canada to Lebanon to uncover secrets her mother hinted at in her will. As always, the festival had its share of outside-the-theater energy. Demi and Ashton were
seen. So too were Tobey Maguire, James Franco, Kerry Washington ... the A-list goes on. Harry Belafonte, the subject of “Sing Your Song,” about his long career as an activist, was in town. Protesters stood outside the high school that provides the fest its biggest theater while writer-director Kevin Smith’s quasi-horror film “Red State” premiered. Michael Parks gives a tremendously uncanny performance — in a terrifically aggravating film — as an evangelical preacher obsessed with homosexuality. Pastor Abin Cooper and his family were inspired by Kansas minister Fred Phelps and his Westboro Baptist Church, whose anti-homosexual protests outside funerals are infamous. Arguably the biggest event took place on the fest’s first Saturday, when an invitation-only crowd at the Sundance House on Main Street listened as Oprah Winfrey announced the Oprah Winfrey Network was launching OWN Documentaries, a project she hopes will have the same impact for nonfiction film her book club had for writers and publishers. Adding to its slate of films, OWN Documentaries picked up “Becoming Chaz.” The incredibly intimate story of Chastity Bono’s gender transformation from female to male is directed by Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato of “The Eyes of Tammy Faye” and “Party Monster” fame. Academy Award hopeful Villeneuve, celebrating at the Blind Dog Restaurant and Sushi Bar, recounted his finest Oscar moment thus far. It began the night before the awards announcement, when he talked on the phone with his 14-year-old daughter, Salome. “She said, ‘Papa, it’s too much pressure for me. As soon as you know, text me please.’” The two-hour time difference meant Villeneuve would be texting her while she was in class, where cell phones are forbidden. Still, he wrote in French, “Papa is going to the Oscars.” She could not contain herself. Who could? She let out a cheer, which then had to be explained to the teacher. When it was: more cheering.
THE DILEMMA (PG-13) 4, 6:30 THE MECHANIC (R) 4:30, 6:30 THE RITE (PG-13) 4:15, 6:45 TRUE GRIT (PG-13) 3:45, 6:15
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E4 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN TUNDRA
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 E5 BIZARRO
SUDOKU Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. SOLUTION TO YESTERDAY’S SUDOKU
HAPPY BIRTHDAY for Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011: This year, you express unusual creativity and charisma. If you opt to manifest an idea, desire or project, the reality happens more easily than you anticipated. You might feel like you can pull a white rabbit out of a hat! Your magnetism speaks, and others cannot help but respond. If you are single, many a potential suitor will attempt to change your status. The choice is yours. If you are attached, stay sensitive to your sweetie, and avoid becoming too me-oriented. AQUARIUS values friendship. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) HHHHH Your creativity flourishes. Others want to listen and share. Unexpected insights about a key person become apparent. Do your best to integrate this realization without others noticing. A meeting is important. Tonight: Where your friends are. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) HHH You probably insist on staying on top of various situations. There is such a thing as too much responsibility. A situation forces you to consider letting go of one of your many obligations. Be open to feedback from a friend. This person might be right! Tonight: On top of your game. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) HHHH Finally, you see an opening. Disruption with a boss or someone you look up to could postpone your taking a step forward. A new
beginning is possible if you look past the obvious. Understand how your thinking can restrict you. Tonight: Where you can escape. CANCER (June 21-July 22) HHHH Recognize your limitations and accept more input. Two heads work better than one. A stunning realization might be quite exciting. A partner paves the way to greater security and success. Be careful if you are dealing with someone who is triggered easily. Tonight: Talk over dinner. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) HHHH Rest assured that others care, even if they appear to be heading down a path toward trouble. Look at your responses, recognizing that your reactions speak more of you and your personal life. The unexpected occurs within a partnership. Tonight: Let another person approach you first. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) HHH Stay on the daily level. You have much to do, and you need to clear it out. A partner or dear friend could shake you up with his or her unpredictability. Start thinking in terms of people doing the unexpected. Tonight: Soak in a hot tub, then decide. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) HHHHH Creativity often saves the day, and you have just that. Brainstorm with a friend or two about an unanticipated issue. You might be surprised by the suggestions and even your own solutions. A new beginning is possible with your romantic life. Tonight: Pretend it is the weekend. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) HHH Stay anchored, knowing what is
necessary and which way to go. You could be overwhelmed by everything that goes on in your personal life. Pull back if you need to handle other matters. Know your priorities and honor them. Tonight: Settle in and weigh an important decision. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) HHHH Stay upbeat and handle a bump in the road, knowing it is nothing more than that. It will pass. Calls and meetings dominate your day. The unexpected occurs in a conversation, and you gain unprecedented insight about a key person. Tonight: Check out a potential purchase. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) HHH Be more tuned in to the costs of a particular purchase or set of plans. You could be surprised. Take off your rose-colored glasses, and look at the situation once more. You will be much happier in the near future with a realistic view. Tonight: Redo your budget. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) HHHHH Count on your ability to handle a problematic situation. You might not like an unexpected jolt, even if it is for the better. You might need to go back to square one. Learn to flex with a smile. It will become easy. Tonight: The world is your oyster. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) HHH Your sensitivity to a key person in your life might ultimately cause you a problem. Before you act on this realization, think carefully about what you want from a situation. Talk to a key adviser. You’ll discover how others see you and also learn more about yourself. Tonight: Make a necessary decision. © 2010 by King Features Syndicate
E6 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
Before you buy
Continued from E1 In seeking answers, Daniels and others said that at least when it comes to garments, there are a few tips for discerning whether an item is apt to hold up or break down. Those tips range from sewing know-how — checking seams, buttons and fabric — to brand awareness. But they all mean buyers must put on their thinking caps before getting out the plastic.
On sale Whether browsing Macy’s or digging at Ross, shoppers should pause to consider how items make it to the sale rack. First off, today’s economic climate demands it, said Professor Marianne Bickle, director of the Center for Retailing at the University of South Carolina. “Since 2008, retailers have had to cut prices all the time,” she said. “They have to. Consumers are in a focus of wanting a discount. They’re price sensitive.” Bickle said this applies to the monied as well as the middle class. Therefore, off-price retailers are booming. In an off-price store, price tags may be lower as the company takes advantage of major label errors like miscalculations in consumer preferences, overproduction and canceled orders to pass savings on to consumers. The New York Times reported in October that off-price retailers are moving into high-rent districts like Fifth Avenue in New York as their appeal and cachet grow. The report also noted that top designers are passing more merchandise to off-price retailers as they struggle to move higherend goods. The number of such designers now selling excess inventory to TJX Companies, the owner of T.J. Maxx, has jumped by nearly 25 percent.
Photos by Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin
Marta Daniels, owner of Scissor Bird Alterations in Bend, alters a pair of jeans in her shop Thursday. Daniels says it’s prudent to examine the fabric, seams and tailoring of a garment at the store before taking it home. So a sale may be the new normal as sellers settle for smaller margins. Or in some cases, said Associate Professor Marcia Flicker, who focuses on retail at Fordham University in New York, merchandise might be made specifically for a T.J. Maxx-style store. For example, a designer perhaps has extra fabric from a dress made for department stores. The designer might use this fabric to make a dress in a simpler design, which therefore has fewer labor hours, and offer it to an off-price retailer. But at the end of the day, a garment can also still be on sale for a reason. And that’s when it’s time to think about how to discern quality and to decide what factors are the most important in any given purchase.
What’s in a name? Opinions differed on how much a brand name matters. Daniels, examining the Oregon Ducks jackets, said brands like Columbia don’t want to damage their reputation with poorly made products. Their internal quality controls therefore mean their name is one the consumer can trust. Bickle agreed, noting that brands also may have “different levels at different price points.” Take Ralph Lauren, for instance. New York magazine lists 11 different lines for the label. Ralph Lauren Black Label is described as American high society. A Black Label denim jacket for men was listed online last week at $995. Another line, Lauren by Ralph Lauren, is listed as American
casual and lower price. A women’s Lauren by Ralph Lauren denim jacket retailed last week online for $129. These variants in lines, Bickle said, doesn’t necessarily mean the lowest-price line is low quality, describing the range as good, better and best. The consumer should know which level a brand-name item is going to perform at based on price. Yet others said there are now some asterisks on the brandname rule of thumb. Debra Stephens, associate professor of marketing at University of Portland, said even top labels are now purchasing fabrics from far-flung locales and shipping production to other countries. These things, she said, might impact quality. There’s even a fight under way over the moniker “Made
Make it a habit to give clothing a thorough once-over before a purchase. Bend seamstress Marta Daniels and University of Portland Associate Professor Debra Stephens suggested a few simple checks that can help reveal whether a garment is a bargain or a bust. • Stitching should be close together and even. • Examine the seams. If you want to be able to make alterations, it’s worth noticing how much fabric is available at the seam. The seam may be serged, meaning two pieces of fabric are folded at the edges by a centimeter or so and sewn together with the edges upward. If so, give it a good tug. Does it appear strong? • For skirts or pants, check that linings hang straight. • Does the zipper stick? Zippers often go out in garments, which isn’t necessarily a sign of poor quality, seamstress Marta Daniels said. But they should at least work well at the outset. • Give buttons a solid tug. They should feel firmly attached to the shirt. Also see if the buttons and buttonholes line up well. • The inclusion of extra buttons or thread can be an indicator of higher quality.
in Italy,” once synonymous with quality. Until October, nothing prevented an Italian shop from slapping a Made in Italy label on a garment, even if it came from China. Now, the New York Times reported, a new law went into effect in Italy requiring that at least two of four stages of production occur within the country. And the scope of even that law has produced outrage from some in the Italian garment industry
Find It All Online
Detergent Continued from E1 Consumer Reports also offers tips to maximize the effectiveness of dishwashers, which include loading large items at the side and back so they don’t block water and detergent, placing the dirty side of a dish toward the center of the machine and placing items with baked-on food facedown and toward the sprayer in the bottom rack. Still, consumers are missing the force of phosphates. State environmental specialist Sam Feagley, who works for the Texas AgriLife Extension at Texas A&M, explains that phosphorus is a natural nutrient critical to human, animal and plant life; it is found in our bodies, our food, our water. It strengthens our bones. Furthermore, Texas has seen algal blooms — a rapid accumulation of algae — in waterways for decades, Feagley says. “If you get a solid mat of algae on the surface of water, you don’t get the waves that force oxygen back into the water,” he said. “Low oxygen can lead to badsmelling water, and if levels get real low, you can end up with fish kills, though it doesn’t always lead to that.” All this can happen without any help from humans. But when
Dishwasher Continued from E1
Operating tips • Loading. Unless you have a recent model with a deep top rack (tall tub design) that accommodates plates, place all plates on the bottom facing the center. Load cutlery compartments with some flatware handles up and some down. Put knives in the flatware bin with points facing down. • Rinse aids. These assure optimum sparkle, industry experts say, by allowing water to sheet off dishes rather than dry in droplets. It is particularly helpful if you are using a heat-free drying cycle to conserve energy. • Saving energy. Run the dishwasher only when full, and use only the amount of detergent recommended by the manufacturer. Consider skipping the heated drying cycle in favor of air dry. • Detergent. See if your dishwasher’s maker recommends a specific detergent: powder, liquid gel, tablets or gel packs. Powder should be stored in a cool, dry place, not under the sink where warmth and moisture can cause it to clump, according to the American Cleaning Institute.
Top detergents Recently, Consumer Reports magazine tested 24 low- or no-phosphate dish detergents. Among the top performers were Finish Quantum, Finish Powerball Tabs and Cascade Complete All in 1.
CASCADE COMPLETE ALL IN 1 PACS Price: $7.50, 26-count package
FINISH POWERBALL TABS Price: $6, 20-count package
FINISH QUANTUM Price: $13, 45-count package
phosphate products enter this scenario, we speed up nature and put our waterways at greater risk, Feagley notes. Phosphorus debates in the cleaning industry began 40 years ago. By 1993, major manufacturers had stopped using it in laundry detergents, says Dennis Griesing of the American Cleaning Institute, a trade association in Washington, D.C. Automatic dishwashing detergents weren’t part of the change because phosphorous was more critical to the cleaning process. “Phosphorus likes to bind to
things,” Griesing said. “It’s a very sociable element. It would hold soil from plates and glasses in suspension in the water and prevent redeposition.” But in 2006, when the state of Washington first voted to limit phosphates in automatic dishwashing detergents, manufacturers saw the writing on the wall. Washington’s law, which reduced the allowable amount from nearly 9 percent to a mere half percent, became the standard for other states. “We went to 18 states with historical interest in phosphate control and asked them to adapt their model to Washington,” Griesing said. “We had to realign chemical supply lines, make adjustments to manufacturing facilities. We knew what we needed was a uniform business environment.” Manufacturers started rolling out revised versions of their products in early 2010 for the July 1 deadline. Some consumers noticed a difference right away. Hard water, which has higher amounts of calcium and magnesium, tends to leave a residue. To get rid of residue on glasses and nonmetal dishes, the institute recommends placing two cups of white vinegar in a bowl on the bottom rack of the dishwasher and running the items through a cycle with no deter-
Pricing levels Mark Keeney, manager of the Annapolis, Md., HHGregg appliance store, recommends these models at three price levels:
LOW: WHIRLPOOL DU1030 ($400-$500) • Sanitary rinse eliminates 99.9 percent of germs, heats water to 178 degrees. • Nylon racks won’t crack and rust.
MIDDLE: BOSCH SHE4AP ($600-$700) • Plastics can be placed anywhere in the dishwasher without melting. • Half-load option. • 353 decibels (very quiet). • 32.8 gallons of water used per load. • Child-lock feature prevents opening during cycle.
HIGH: KITCHENAID KUDE40FX ($1,200-$1,300) • Clean styling with buttons on the upper interior of the door. • 346 decibels (virtually silent). • ProScrub setting focuses multiple high-pressure jets on an area for hard-to-scrub pots and pans.
Shop smart There are more than two dozen brands of dishwashers on the market, and hundreds of models, in white, black and stainless. Prices range from about $200 to more than $2,000. Keeney suggests asking yourself these questions when shopping: •How big a concern is noise for you? • Are you passionate about design or Do you run the dishwasher while aesthetics? (Seek out sleek models entertaining? (Then study decibel levels.) with contoured handles and hidden control buttons on the top edge of •Do you put your baked-on lasagna or the door.) potatoes au gratin pans directly in the machine? (Look for a designated spot on the bottom rack for dirty pans.)
gent. Re-wash with detergent to remove residual vinegar. Of course, this means using more water, which isn’t ideal. Griesing says manufacturers will come up with new and better products for the dishwasher; they just need time. “Laundry detergent evolved,” he notes. “This will evolve, too.”
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who say it’s too loose to protect the “Italy” brand. Besides noticing the brand, spend a few minutes examining the garment itself.
Making choices Examining the workmanship of a garment can make you a more informed customer. Lingering in the racks last week, Daniels yanked firmly on buttons and turned blouses inside out to look at seams. She felt fabrics and looked at polyester compositions on the labels. The ones she liked best contained a bit of Spandex. Stephens said these sorts of examinations may have been normal a generation ago, but now in a culture of disposable goods they are skills that need to be learned and renewed. “Sewing is now like a nice little hobby, and it used to be a necessity,” she said. After coming to terms with a garment’s quality, a consumer must decide what the item is worth to them. Daniels pulled a beige, flowy polyester dress out the rack fray, the sort that one might wear to a wedding. The fabric, she said, seemed strong. At $29.99, she said it may well be worth it, even with $20 in alterations. A $100 shirt, Bickle said, may seem like a lot of money. But if worn once a week to work for five years or so, the cost breaks down well. A cheap dress worn once, she said, may also be a good deal. Aside from concerns about a disposable society, going for quality or quantity isn’t really right or wrong. “It depends on your pocketbook and your way of living,” she said. Heidi Hagemeier can be reached at 541-617-7828 or at
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 F1
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Pets and Supplies Maremma Guard Dog pups, purebred, great dogs, $300 each, 541-546-6171.
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1-year-old male Lab mix, free to a good home. 541-306-9448. AUSSIE mini AKC red tri male outgoing, playful, family raised, 1st shots, wormed, must see! $400. 541788-7799, or 541-598-5314 Aussie Mini Litter, 2 left! Shots, tails done, black tri-color, dbl registered. Ready now! $250. 541-409-0253, Redmond AUSSIE PUPPIES, mini and toy, $250, 1 male/1 female left. 1st shots, tails docked. Ready to go! 541-420-9694.
Chihuahua pups (2), Adorable, ready for their forever homes, $250 1st shots 541-280-1840 Chihuahua Pups, Apple Head, well bred, small, $200. 541-420-4825.
CHI-POM PUPPIES born 12/17/10. Two females @ $175 one male @ $150. First shot available. 541-480-2824 DACHSHUND MICRO-MINI just turned 2, registered female intact. Beautiful little dog, house-trained, $350. 541-604-4333. English Springer Spaniel AKC Puppies Champion Bloodlines Black and white and liver tri-color females. Ready to go to their new homes Feb. 10th. 541-388-8256 Free Lab, black, female, bird dog training, great buddy, active. 541-382-7506 Free to good homes 2 female cats, both good mousers & in good health, looking for a barn to call home. 541-382-0707. German Shorhair Pointers 3 male pups, 4 mos old, $400 each. 1 Female solid liver, 6 mos, $600. 1 Female liver & white, 8 mos, $800. 1 male, 4 yrs, $800. All shots/wormed. 541-923-8377 541-419-6638 Golden Retriever female Puppy $350. Home grown; cute; sweet! Born Thanksgiving Day. 541-728-3221.
Newfoundland, male black, 6 mo. old. Rehome. Great dog, moving out of state. AKC but for this price I won't sell with papers. Sell for $400 paid $1500. 541-316-0638. Pomeranian puppies 3 females 1 male, 8 weeks old, sweet personalities and adorable faces. $350. (541) 480-3160 POODLE Pups, AKC Toy Black/white, chocolate & other colors, so loveing, 541-475-3889
Pug Puppies for Valentine’s! Born 12/25 • Ready 2/12 2 males $350, 1 female $400 Call 541-550-8807
Misc. Items
Fuel and Wood
Lost and Found
Dry Seasoned Red Fir $185 per cord, split and delivered, Please Call 541-977-2040.
LOST Woman’s Wallet, dark brown leather, western-style looking, with crystal cross on front Between La Pine & Bend. Reward! Please call 541-536-3383, 536-3344 or 771-4107, ask for MaryAnn.
246 Yorkie/Chihuahua female, 6 mos, 4.5 lbs., all shots, $200 cash. 541-610-4414 Yorkie Pups, 7 wks, 2 females, 1 male, vet check, will deliver to Central OR, $600, 541-792-0375, Mt. Vernon
Furniture & Appliances
Queensland Heelers Standards & mini,$150 & up. 541-280-1537 Rat Terrier, 16 weeks old, male, all shots, $250. OBO. 541-504-5495. Registered Chihuahua pups, long coat males, $200. 14 weeks. 541-977-4454. SHIH-POOs 2 adorable males, family raised, don’t miss your chance to own one of the best! Price Reduced to $200 without shots. 541-744-1804 Shih Tsu Pups, 2 males, 1 black/white, 1 white/brindle, avail. 2/1, $350,541-280-2538
Kittens & cats for adoption! Sat/Sun 1-4, other days by Shih Tzu pups, gold & white, gold w/ black mask, & black, appt (541-647-2181 to ar$385-$750, 541-788-0090 Australian Kelpie, 1 yr., all range). Foster home also has shots, worming, spayed, small small kittens, call 815-7278. /medium, 28 lbs, great dog, to Altered, shots, ID chip, more. good home, prefer ranch/ Support your local all-volunfarm, $200, 541-678-2409. teer, no kill rescue! 65480 78th St., Bend, 389-8420, Can you help? Our family’s 598-5488, moving in 2 wks & we need new homes! 2 sweet cats, LAB PUPS AKC, titled parents, Siberian Husky/Lab mix, 9 fixed, healthy. 541-788-0151 FC/AFC, Blackwater Rudy is wks, 1st 2 shots, wormed. grand sire. Deep pedigreed Beautiful markings; 2 have performance/titles, OFA hips blue eyes. Socialized with kids /dogs. $100 ea. 541-279-4250 & elbows. 541-771-2330 Siberian Husky pups, exceptional markings & temperaLabradoodles, Australian ments, $650, 541-330-8627 Imports - 541-504-2662 Chihuahua, absolutely tinior est teacups, rare colors, vet Terrier mix, 7-mos, hsetrained, Lab/Rotweiler Pups, Rescued, 8 checked, $250, 541-977-4686 free to good home where she weeks, 4 females, 2 males,$50, People Look for Information can run! 541-617-9132 541-576-3701,541-576-2188 About Products and Services Lhasa Apso/Shih Tzu pups Toy/Mini Aussie pups, $450 Every Day through adorable, $250. Linda +. High quality. Shots, vet, The Bulletin Classifieds 503-888-0800 Madras. tails, etc. Call 541-475-1166
Guns & Hunting and Fishing
Non-commercial advertisers can place an ad for our
(2) Burris Signature scopes 2½x -10X “plex”, 1 matte, 1 gloss finish, used very little, exc cond. $135 ea/$250 for both. Joe, 541-420-3413
"Quick Cash Special" 1 week 3 lines $10 bucks or 2 weeks $16 bucks!
Collector Pays Ca$h, hand guns, rifles, etc., 541-475-4275,503-781-8812
Ad must include price of item or Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809
!Appliances! A-1 Quality & Honesty!
A-1 Washers & Dryers $125 each. Full Warranty. Free Del. Also wanted W/D’s dead or alive. 541-280-7355.
Wanted - paying cash for Hi-fi audio & studio equip. McIntosh, JBL, Marantz, Dynaco, Heathkit, Sansui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808
Computer Desks (2), glass tops, new cond., $60 each, 541-317-5156. GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.
CASH!! For Guns, Ammo & Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900.
Medical Equipment
Second Hand Mattresses, sets & singles, call
Connecticut Valley Arms, Hawkins Style, black powder rifle, exc. $210 OBO, 541-420-3474.
Motorized Wheelchair, 2 batteries w/charger, air cushion seat, excellent condition, $800. 541-280-0663.
Deluxe Taurus PT22 w/leather holster $200. Weatherproof 6 latch hard gun travel case $100. 541-610-3287
541-598-4643. The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to F R A U D . For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.
Antiques & Collectibles Looking for appraiser to look at my die-cast collection, and possibly to buy Coke, Texaco, and misc. 541-504-9210.
GUNS Buy, Sell, Trade 541-728-1036.
Oregon’s Largest 3 Day Gun & Knife Show February 4th, 5th, 6th Portland Expo Center Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, Sun. 10-4 Includes Sporting Collectibles Sale by Ward Auctions Free appraisals Fri. & Sat. (800)-659-3440
Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items. Call 541-678-5753, 503-351-2746 Winchester Model 54, Bolt Action, .270, circa 1920’s, $400, please call 541-317-0116.
Puppies-Ready 2/10/11 Our Saints gave us another adorable litter! We have 3 boys and 3 girls left. $400/females - $450/males Contact: Holly McIntosh
O r e g o n
The Bulletin reserves the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin newspaper onto The PUG PUPS: Purebred, fawn, Bulletin Internet website. ready Feb. 20, $250, 541-771-1141.
B e n d
Pets and Supplies
SP Snowboard Bindings (girls) Black/Pink. Size M-L. $100. Never used! 541-382-6806
ITEMS FOR SALE 201 - New Today 202 - Want to buy or rent 203 - Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204 - Santa’s Gift Basket 205 - Free Items 208 - Pets and Supplies 210 - Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children’s Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215 - Coins & Stamps 240 - Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246 - Guns & Hunting and Fishing 247 - Sporting Goods - Misc. 248 - Health and Beauty Items 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot Tubs and Spas 253 - TV, Stereo and Video 255 - Computers 256 - Photography 257 - Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259 - Memberships 260 - Misc. Items 261 - Medical Equipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. & Fixtures
A v e . ,
Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Crafts and Hobbies
THE BULLETIN requires computer advertisers with mulAlpaca Yarn, various colors/ tiple ad schedules or those blends/sparkle. 175yds/skein selling multiple systems/ $7.50-8.50 ea. 541-385-4989 software, to disclose the name of the business or the 242 term "dealer" in their ads. Private party advertisers are Exercise Equipment defined as those who sell one computer. Ab Lounge 2, excellent
condition, $40 OBO. Call 541-382-6806 244
Snowboards SP Base Girls Snowboard boots, Size 7. Black/grey. Like new! Used once. $75. 541-382-6806
Misc. Items BUYING AND SELLING All gold jewelry, silver and gold coins, bars, rounds, wedding sets, class rings, sterling silver, coin collect, vintage watches, dental gold. Bill Fleming, 541-382-9419.
Buying Diamonds /Gold for Cash SAXON'S FINE JEWELERS
541-389-6655 BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191. Cemetery Plots (2), Prineville Juniper Haven, $1000 for both, call 541-504-4276.
Building Materials Bend Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 740 NE 1st 312-6709 Open to the public .
Heating and Stoves NOTICE TO ADVERTISER Since September 29, 1991, advertising for used woodstoves has been limited to models which have been certified by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as having met smoke emission standards. A certified woodstove can be identified by its certification label, which is permanently attached to the stove. The Bulletin will not knowingly accept advertising for the sale of uncertified woodstoves. Osburn woodstove, 3yrs old, 1600 model w/fan, $350 OBO. 541-382-6310 aft 4pm
Fuel and Wood
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection.
• A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4’ x 4’ x 8’ • Receipts should include, name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species and cost per cord to better serve our customers.
All Year Dependable Firewood: SPLIT dry lodgepole, $160 for 1 cord or $300 for 2. Bend del. Cash Check Visa/MC 541-420-3484
DRY JUNIPER FIREWOOD $175 per cord, split. Immediate delivery available. Call 541-408-6193
BEND’S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter:
Lodgepole scraps in Powell Butte, very short, solid, up to 16” & punky. Fill your pickup for $15. 541-420-3906
Find It in The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-385-5809
SPLIT, DRY LODGEPOLE DELIVERY INCLUDED! $175/CORD. Call for half-cord prices! Leave message, 541-923-6987 WILL BUY FIREWOOD By the cord or by the load. Call 541-771-8534 WINTER SPECIAL - Dry Seasoned Lodgepole Pine, guaranteed cords. Split delivered, stacked. Prompt delivery! $175/cord. 541-350-3393
Gardening Supplies & Equipment Instant Landscaping Co. PROMPT DELIVERY 541-389-9663
To place an ad, call 541-385-5809 or email For newspaper delivery questions, call Circulation Dept. 541-385-5800
SUPER TOP SOIL Screened, soil & compost mixed, no rocks/clods. High humus level, exc. for flower beds, lawns, gardens, straight screened top soil. Bark. Clean fill. Deliver/you haul. 541-548-3949.
Lost and Found Found 2 chrome rails for hosp. bed, Cooley/18th St. roundabout, 1/30. 541-389-0826 FOUND around NE Purcell and Wells Acres, Calico cat, female, about 1 yr old, peach/ pink collar. 480-322-4272. Found Children’s Sled, Overturf Butte, 1/23. Call to identify, 541-233-3648
Missing Bamboo Cane, dark finish, well worn, long time helper of senior lady. Vanished from Bimart shopping cart 1/24, a.m. When found, cane can be dropped off at Bimart front desk or call 541-389-1510. REWARD.
The Bulletin REMEMBER: If you have lost an animal don't forget to check The Humane Society in Bend, 382-3537 or Redmond, 923-0882 or Prineville, 447-7178
Sales Northeast Bend
HH FREE HH Garage Sale Kit
9 7 7 0 2 Farm Market
300 325
Hay, Grain and Feed Wheat Straw: Certified & Bedding Straw & Garden Straw; Kentucky Bluegrass; Compost; 541-546-6171.
Horses and Equipment 200 ACRES BOARDING Indoor/outdoor arenas, stalls, & pastures, lessons & kid’s programs. 541-923-6372
READY FOR A CHANGE? Don't just sit there, let the Classified Help Wanted column find a new challenging job for you.
Place an ad in The Bulletin for your garage sale and receive a Garage Sale Kit FREE!
WANTED: Horse or utility trailers for consignment or purchase. KMR Trailer Sales, 541-389-7857
KIT INCLUDES: • 4 Garage Sale Signs • $1.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad • 10 Tips For “Garage Sale Success!” • And Inventory Sheet
Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS
PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE KIT AT: 1777 SW Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702
Sales Other Areas DON'T FORGET to take your signs down after your garage sale and be careful not to place signs on utility poles!
Farmers Column 10X20 STORAGE BUILDINGS for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1461 Installed. 541-617-1133. CCB #173684.
Meat & Animal Processing Angus Beef, 1/2 or whole, grain fed, no hormones $3.10/lb., hanging weight, cut & wrap included, please call 541-383-2523.
Produce and Food FIND IT! BUY IT! SELL IT! The Bulletin Classiieds
FOUND Earring on Larkspur Trail, approx Jan 14th. Call to identify, 541-388-5488 541-923-5076
FOUND ELECTRICIAN TOOLS 01/26/11 in east Bend. Call to identify 541-788-5041. Found Mountain Bike, Overturf Butte Park, 1/24. Call to identify, 541-233-3648. Found set of Toyota keys 1/25, Drake Park; have been taken to Athletic Club of Bend. In Reply to Lost fishing equip. at Cline park on Thurs. 1/20. I saw ad in Sun. paper but the number listed is out of service. My # is 541-706-9361. Please call, will identify. Lost Toolbag, 1/25, 11 am, Reward, NE Bend, Around Empire, Montana, High Desert, Brinson or Boyd Acres, 541-788-0175. LOST WEDDING RING dropped at Cascade Village mall, 3rd & Revere or Butler Mkt & Boyd Acres. Size 6 white gold ring with band hollowed out on inside rim, 1 diamond a bit smaller than a karat flanked by strips of yellow gold. If found call 541-306-1002 REWARD
d CAMPING GEAR of any sort: d Used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets.
d WARM CLOTHING d Rain Gear, Boots Please drop off your donations at the BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1036 NE 5th St., Bend (312-2069) For special pick-ups, call Ken Boyer 389-3296 or Don Auxier, 383-0448 PLEASE HELP. YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE.
1 per day
F2 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809
541-385-5809 or go to
Edited by Will Shortz
Monday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Sat. Tuesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Mon. Wednesday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Tues. Thursday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Wed. Friday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00am Fri. Saturday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:00 Fri. Sunday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Noon Sat. PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines *UNDER $500 in total merchandise 7 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10.00 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16.00
Place a photo in your private party ad for only $15.00 per week.
Garage Sale Special
OVER $500 in total merchandise 4 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17.50 7 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $23.00 14 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32.50 28 days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.50
4 lines for 4 days. . . . . . . . . $20.00
(call for commercial line ad rates)
A Payment Drop Box is available at Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time.
CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY by telephone 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*Must state prices in ad
is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702 PLEASE NOTE: Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace each Tuesday.
EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454 - Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions
400 421
Schools and Training TRUCK SCHOOL Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free 1-888-438-2235
FINANCE AND BUSINESS 507 - Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528 - Loans and Mortgages 543 - Stocks and Bonds 558 - Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities 476
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
General DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before noon and get an ad in to publish the next day! 385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at:
Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At:
Looking for Employment Senior Caregiver, experienced, loving & capable for personal care, companionship, housekeeping, meal prep, med admin, pet care, transportation & more. References. Judy 541-550-9421
Employment Opportunities CRUISE THROUGH Classified when you're in the market for a new or used car.
DRUG AND ALCOHOL COUNSELOR. Part/Full-time. Certified and experienced, for Bend, Madras, & La Pine, bi-lingual and Masters Level a plus. Salary DOE. Please fax resume to 541-383-4935, or mail to Pfeifer & Associates, 23 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend, OR 97701.
R E A D E R S:
Ads published in "Employment Opportunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads for positions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independent job opportunity, please investigate thoroughly. Use extra caution when applying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme caution when responding to ANY online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline at 1-503-378-4320 For Equal Opportunity Laws: Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industry, Civil Rights Division, 503-731-4075
MECHANIC McMurry Ready Mix Co. an Equal Opportunity Employer, currently seeks a CRUSHER MECHANIC for Wyoming location. Must have 2 years Crusher Mechanic experience, with excellent Welding & Fabrication skills. Excellent pay & benefits. Contact Dave O. for more information at 307-259-3891.
Come join the Best Team Around! Pre-Employment Drug Screen required.
Full or part time, experience preferred, in Madras. 541-325-1059.
The Bulletin Classifieds is your Employment Marketplace Call 541-385-5809 today!
ATTENTION: Recruiters and Businesses -
The Bulletin's classified ads include publication on our Internet site. Our site is currently receiving over 1,500,000 page views every month. Place your employment ad with The Bulletin and reach a world of potential applicants through the no extra cost!
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Remember.... Add your web address to your ad and readers on The Bulletin's web site will be able to click through automatically to your site.
Sous Chef
Shipping & Receiving Clerk Looking for an exciting new job? Microsemi is looking for an additional Shipping & Receiving Clerk. This position would pack/ship product, distribute incoming packages, purchasing and shipping data entry and various other clerical duties as needed. This position is a full time position hired through a temporary agency. We are seeking an individual who have had relevant job experience preferably in a manufacturing environment. The job skills sought include shipping and receiving using Federal Express and other shipping methods including international shipping. All candidates must have a good work history, good attendance, and a willingness to learn new skills. Must be able to read and understand instructions. Must be proficient in Microsoft Office including Word, Excel and Outlook. Please submit a resume to or apply in person to 405 SW Columbia St. Bend, OR. EOE
Sell an Item
FAST! If it's under $500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for
$10 - 3 lines, 7 days $16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only)
If you have any questions, concerns or comments, contact: Shawn Antoni, Classified Dept , The Bulletin
Employment Opportunities
The Ranch is accepting applications for YRFT Sous Chefs. Need dedicated individuals who possess good supervisory and leadership skills and have an extensive knowledge of food preparation including catering and event experience. Duties include food preparation, production and control for all food outlets and banquet facilities. Create and implement new menus. Hire, train, supervise and schedule personnel in food service dept. Implement suggestions for improvement. Assist in estimating annual food budget. Shifts will include weekends and holidays. Benefits include med/dent/life, paid holidays and vacation. Employees of Black Butte Ranch may enjoy use of some of the facilities available to our guests. BBR employees can enjoy use of Ranch amenities. Employee discounts are available for themselves and their immediate family. Apply on-line at BBR is a drug free work place. EOE. Need Seasonal help? Need Part-time help? Need Full-time help? Advertise your open positions. The Bulletin Classifieds
The Bulletin Recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to F R A U D. For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
R E A D E R S:
Ads published in "Employment Opportunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads for positions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independent job opportunity, please investigate thoroughly. Use extra caution when applying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme caution when responding to ANY online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline at 1-503-378-4320
Finance & Business
500 600 507
Vacation Rentals and Exchanges
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
Spring Break at Melia Cabo Real, anytime, 2
$99 MOVE-IN SPECIAL! 1 & 2 bdrm apts. avail. starting at $575.
LOCAL MONEY We buy secured trust deeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-382-3099 extension 13.
Loans and Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.
BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200.
bdrm, 1 week, 541-350-6865.
Alpine Meadows 541-330-0719
Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.
Rooms for Rent Awbrey Heights, furn., no smoking/drugs/pets. $350 +$100 dep. (541) 388-2710. Budget Inn, 1300 S. Hwy 97, Royal 541-389-1448; & Gateway Motel, 475 SE 3rd St., 541-382-5631, Furnished Rooms: 5 days/$150+tax
Room in CRR, $200/mo. incl. utils, rent reduction for housekeeping duties, small trained pet ok, 541-548-6635 STUDIOS & KITCHENETTES Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro. & fridge. Util. & linens. New owners, $145-$165/wk. 541-382-1885
1st Mo. Free w/ 12 mo. lease Beautiful 2 bdrms in quiet complex, park-like setting, covered parking, w/d hookups, near St. Charles. $550$595/mo. 541-385-6928. 2 Bdrm, lovely unit, private patio, small, quiet complex, W/S/G paid, no smoking, $525+ dep, 1000 NE Butler Mkt. Rd. 541-633-7533
2-story Townhouse/Duplex
2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, garage, all appliances, washer/dryer, WSG paid. No pets/smoking. $725 month + deposits. 541-389-7734.
Condo / Townhomes For Rent
Across from St. Charles 2 Bedroom duplex, garage, huge fenced yard, RV parking, Pets. $725/mo. 541-480-9200.
Long term townhomes/homes for rent in Eagle Crest. Appl. included, Spacious 2 & 3 bdrm., with garages, 541-504-7755.
Beautiful 2 bdrm., 2.5 bath util., garage, gas fireplace, no smoking or pets. $675 1st+last+sec. Please Call 541-382-5570,541-420-0579
Family Housing
Clean & attractive 1, 2, & 3 bedroom apartments. Rent based on income. 541-382-3402
541-383-0386 Check out the classiieds online Updated daily
The Bulletin is now offering a MORE AFFORDABLE Rental rate! If you have a home or apt. to rent, call a Bulletin Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809
Real Estate Contracts
For Equal Opportunity Laws: Oregon Bureau of Labor & Industry, Civil Rights Division, 503-731-4075 If you have any questions, concerns or comments, contact: Shawn Antoni Classified Dept. The Bulletin
Apt./Multiplex General
•Crest Butte Apartments, 1695 NE Purcell Blvd., Bend. Newly remodeled 1 & 2 bedroom units available. Onsite laundry facilities & new playground. Close to hospital, 5 minutes to downtown & the Old Mill District. Call Krystal @ (541)389-9107. •Ridgemont Apartments, 2210 SW 19th St., Redmond. Accepting applications for 1 & 2 bedroom units in a centrally located area. Call Bobbie @ (541)548-7282. TDD 1-800-545-1833
Independent Contractor
H Supplement Your Income H Healthy Living in Central Oregon
Operate Your Own Business
Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor Join The Bulletin as an independent contractor!
C a ll T o d a y &
We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:
H L a P i n e & P r i n e v ill e
Central Oregon Business Owners: Reach Central Oregon with information about your health related retail products and services! Distributed quarterly in more than 33,000 copies of The Bulletin and at distribution points throughout the market area, this new glossy magazine will speak directly to the consumer focused on health and healthy living – and help you grow your business and market share. For more information, please contact Kristin Morris, Bulletin Health/Medical Account Executive at 541-617-7855, e-mail at, or contact your assigned Bulletin Advertising Executive at 541-382-1811.
Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle.
Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 during business hours apply via email at
To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 F3
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - Roommate Wanted 616 - Want To Rent 627 - Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Rooms for Rent 631 - Condo/Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for Rent General 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 654 - Houses for Rent SE Bend 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 732 - Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condo/Townhomes for Sale 744 - Open Houses 745 - Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest Bend Homes 748 - Northeast Bend Homes 749 - Southeast Bend Homes 750 - Redmond Homes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson County Homes 757 - Crook County Homes 762 - Homes with Acreage 763 - Recreational Homes and Property 764 - Farms and Ranches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
Apt./Multiplex Redmond
!! Snowball of a Deal !!
Looking for 1, 2 or 3 bedroom? $99 First mo. with 6 month lease & deposit Chaparral & Rimrock Apartments
Houses for Rent NE Bend
$300 off Upstairs Apts. 2 bdrm, 1 bath as low as $495 Carports & Heat Pumps Lease Options Available Pet Friendly & No App. Fee!
Fox Hollow Apts. (541) 383-3152 Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co.
$99 MOVES YOU IN !!! Limited numbers available 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks, Mountain Glen, 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. Nice 2 bdrm., 2 bath duplex close to amenities, walk-in closet, gas fireplace, deck, garage, no smoking/pets. $825 mo. 402-957-7261
Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Beautiful 1 bdrm, 2 bath fully furnished Condo, $695, $400 dep., near downtown & college, completely renovated, 2 verandas, no pets/smoking, all amenities, pics avail. by request. W/S/G/elec./A/C & cable included, Available now. call 541-279-0590 or River Views! 2 bdrm., 1½ bath, W/D hook-up. W/S/G paid, $650/mo. $600 dep. small pets allowed. 930 NW Carlon, 541-280-7188.
Clean, energy efficient smoking & non- smoking units, w/patios, 2 on-site laundry rooms, storage units available. Close to schools, pools, skateboard park and, shopping center. Large dog run, some large breeds okay with mgr. approval. & dep. 244 SW RIMROCK WAY Chaparral, 541-923-5008
Houses for Rent General
2-STORY 3 BDRM/2 BATH 2 car garage, newer well-built quiet 1600+ sq.ft., yard, vaulted ceiling, NE Bend washer/dryer dishwasher. GO SEE! 20812 Liberty Ln. please do not disturb tenants. $995/mo $1000 dep. monthly or lease possible. Call (530) 307-1137 Karrie
Bulletin is now offering a Apt./Multiplex Redmond The LOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE 3 Bedroom 2.5 bath duplex in NE Redmond. Garage, fenced backyard. $825-$775 + deposit. Call 541-350-0256 or 503-200-0990 for more info. ASK ABOUT OUR New Year Special! 2 bdrm., 1 bath, $550 mo. includes storage unit & carport. Close to schools, parks & shopping. On-site laundry, non-smoking units, dog run. Pet Friendly. OBSIDIAN APARTMENTS 541-923-1907
Houses for Rent NW Bend
Rental rate! If you have a 1403 NW 7th, Newer, great home to rent, call a Bulletin Westside location, 2 bdrm, Classified Rep. to get the 2 bath, W/D & all appl. incl., new rates and get your ad gas heat, W/S/G paid., $750, started ASAP! 541-385-5809 Call 541-771-4824.
Houses for Rent SE Bend
Houses for Rent NE Bend 2 blocks from DT, 4 Bdrm, 1.5 bath, fenced yd. W/D, shed, new paint. Pets OK. Potential office. $1195 1st/last/security deposit. 541-948-4531
Houses for Rent Redmond
Real Estate Services
Reach thousands of readers!
* Real Estate Agents * * Appraisers * * Home Inspectors * Etc. The Real Estate Services classification is the perfect place to reach prospective B U Y E R S AND SELLERS of real estate in Central Oregon. To place an ad call 385-5809
Cargo Plus Snowmobile/ ATV Trailer 1996, Single axel w/ spare,rear/side ramps, $650, Dave, 541-593-2247, 8-5.
Polaris Trail Deluxe 1991, matching pair, exc cond, under 2500 mi, elec start, covers. $650 ea. 541-430-5444
4/2 Mfd 1605 sq.ft., family room with woodstove, new carpet, pad & paint, single garage w/opener. $895/mo. 541-480-3393,541-610-7803 Adorable duplex in Canyon Rim Village, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath. all appl., includes gardener. Reduced to $749/mo. 541-408-0877.
Houses for Rent Sunriver 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1/2 acre, fenced, $700 per mo., 1st., last, $600 dep., $400 pet dep., 17134 Oxnard Rd., 541-593-1477, 805-479-7550
Mobile/Mfd. for Rent On 10 acres, between Sisters & Bend, 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1484 sq.ft. mfd., family room w/ wood stove, all new carpet & paint, + 1800 sq. ft. shop, fenced for horses, $1195. 541-480-3393, 541-610-7803
Commercial for Rent/Lease Light Industrial, various sizes, North and South Bend locations, office w/bath from $400/mo. 541-317-8717
Office / Warehouse space • 1792 sq ft 827 Business Way, Bend 30¢/sq ft; 1st mo + $200 dep Paula, 541-678-1404 The Bulletin offers a LOWER, MORE AFFORDABLE Rental rate! If you have a home to rent, call a Bulletin Classified Rep. to get the new rates and get your ad started ASAP! 541-385-5809 Warehouse with Offices in Redmond,6400 sq.ft., zoned M2, overhead crane, plenty of parking, 919 SE Lake Rd., $0.40/sq.ft., 541-420-1772.
Ofice/Retail Space for Rent An Office with bath, various sizes and locations from $250 per month, including utilities. 541-317-8717 Downtown Redmond Retail/Office space, 947 sq ft. $650/mo + utils; $650 security deposit. 425 SW Sixth St. Call Norb, 541-420-9848
Where buyers meet sellers.
Your Future Is Here. Whether you’re looking for a home or need a service, your future is in these pages.
Redmond Homes Eagle Crest Bungalow, Desert Sky neighborhood, 1908 sq.ft., 2 bdrm., 2.5 bath, garage, mtn. views from Bachelor to Hood, $279,900, 3% Courtesy to agents. 541-215-0112.
Sunriver/La Pine Homes La Pine home on 1 acre. 4 bdrm., 2 bath, like new. All Offers Considered. 503-986-3638 Steve Eck.
10 ACRES $34,000. Pines & meadow, power & phone avail. good drilled well, zoned for residence. 3 mi. east of town of Sprague River. 541-783-2829.
Landscaping, Yard Care Landscaping, Yard Care Painting, Wall Covering
M. Lewis Construction, LLC "POLE BARNS" Built Right!
NOTICE: OREGON Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671) requires all businesses that advertise to perform Land scape Construction which in cludes: planting, decks, fences, arbors, water-fea tures, and installation, repair of irrigation systems to be li censed with the Landscape Contractors Board. This 4-digit number is to be in cluded in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond, insurance and workers compensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: to check license status before con tracting with the business. Persons doing landscape maintenance do not require a LCB license.
Building/Contracting NOTICE: Oregon state law requires anyone who contracts for construction work to be licensed with the Construction Contractors Board (CCB). An active license means the contractor is bonded and insured. Verify the contractor’s CCB license through the CCB Consumer Website
or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. Some other trades also require additional licenses and certifications. Look at: for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale
Debris Removal
Home & Commercial Repairs, Carpentry-Painting, Pressure-washing, Honey Do's. Small or large jobs. On-time promise. Senior Discount. All work guaranteed. 541-389-3361 or 541-771-4463 Bonded & Insured CCB#181595 Margo Construction LLC Since 1992 • Pavers •Carpentry •Remodeling • Decks • Window/Door Re placement • Int/Ext Paint CCB 176121 • 541-480-3179 Philip L. Chavez Contracting Services Specializing in Tile, Remodels & Home Repair, Flooring & Finish Work. CCB#168910 Phil, 541-279-0846 I DO THAT! Home Repairs, Remodeling, Professional & Honest Work. Rental Repairs. CCB#151573 Dennis 541-317-9768 Mark’s Handyman Service • Fix • Replace • Install • Haul Free Est. - Reasonable Rates Mark Haidet•541-977-2780 License #11-00008985
JUNK BE GONE l Haul Away FREE For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel 541-389-8107
Drywall Complete Drywall Services Remodels & Repairs No Job Too Small. Free Exact Quotes. 541-408-6169 CAB# 177336
Home Improvement Kelly Kerfoot Construction: 28 years exp. in Central OR, Quality & Honesty, from carpentry & handyman jobs, to quality wall covering installations & removal. Senior discounts, licenced, bonded, insured, CCB#47120 Call 541-389-1413 or 541-410-2422
More Than Service Peace Of Mind.
Snow Removal Reliable 24 Hour Service • Driveways • Walkways • Parking Lots • Roof Tops • De-Icing Have plow & shovel crew awaiting your call!
Landscape Management •Pruning Trees And Shrubs •Thinning Over Grown Areas •Removing Unwanted Shrubs •Hauling Debris Piles •Evaluate Seasonal Needs EXPERIENCED Commercial & Residential Free Estimates Senior Discounts
541-390-1466 Same Day Response
Masonry Chad L. Elliott Construction
MASONRY Brick * Block * Stone Small Jobs/Repairs Welcome L#89874. 388-7605, 410-6945
YAMAHA 1998 230CC motor, 4WD, used as utility vehicle. excellent running condition. $2000 OBO. 541-923-4161 541-788-3896
Waverider Trailer, 2-place, new paint, rail covers, & wiring, good cond., $495, 541-923-3490.
Harley Davidson Screamin’ Eagle Electric-Glide 2005,
Harley Davidson Ultra Classic 2008, clean, lots of upgrades, custom exhaust, dual control heated gloves & vest, luggage access. 15K, $17,000 OBO 541-693-3975.
Beaver Patriot 2000, Walnut cabinets, solar, Bose, Corian, tile, 4 door fridge., 1 slide, w/d, $99,000. 541-215-0077
Bounder 34’ 1994, only 18K miles, 1 owner, garage kept, rear walk round queen island bed, TV’s,leveling hyd. jacks, backup camera, awnings, non smoker, no pets, must see to appreciate, too many options to list, won’t last long, $18,950, 541-389-3921,503-789-1202
Dodge Brougham Motorhome, 1977, Needs TLC, $1995, Pilgrim Camper 1981, Self contained, Cab-over, needs TLC, $595, 541-382-2335 or 503-585-3240. Gulfstream Scenic Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Cummins 330 hp. diesel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 in. kitchen slide out, new tires, under cover, hwy. miles only, 4 door fridge/freezer icemaker, W/D combo, Interbath tub & shower, 50 amp. propane gen & more! $55,000. 541-948-2310.
20.5’ Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530 GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.
Houseboat 38x10, triple axle trailer, incl. private moorage w/24/7 security at Prineville resort. PRICE REDUCED, $21,500. 541-788-4844.
ARY 12
Winnebago Itasca Horizon 2002, 330 Cat, 2 slides, loaded with leather. 4x4 Chevy Tracker w/tow bar available, exc. cond. $65,000 OBO. 509-552-6013.
Travel Trailers ALPENLITE 1984. A Beauty! Extras, 5th wheel hitch, A/C, microwave, tires are good, large fridge, radio, propane tanks have been certified. Spare tire & wheels. $3000. 923-4174.
The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to
20.5’ 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413
Honda Shadow Deluxe American Classic Edition. 2002, black, perfect, garaged, 5,200 mi. $3495. 541-610-5799.
slides, 44k mi., A/C, awning, good cond., 1 owner. $37,000. 541-815-4121
Boats & Accessories
19’ Blue Water Executive Overnighter 1988, very low hours, been in dry storage for 12 years, new camper top, 185HP I/O Merc engine, all new tires on trailer, $7995 OBO, 541-447-8664.
103� motor, 2-tone, candy teal, 18,000 miles, exc. cond. $19,999 OBO, please call 541-480-8080.
Winnebago Class C 28’ 2003, Ford V10, 2
385-5809 The Bulletin Classified ***
To place your ad, visit or call 385-5809
Harley Davidson Police Bike 2001, low mi., custom bike very nice.Stage 1, new tires & brakes, too much to list! A Must See Bike $10,500 OBO. 541-383-1782
Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are misunderstood and an error can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. Deadlines are: Week- KTM 400 EXC Enduro 2006, like new cond, low miles, street days 12:00 noon for next legal, hvy duty receiver hitch day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunbasket. $4500. 541-385-4975 day; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. If we can assist you, please call us:
Recreational Homes and Property Thousands of ads daily in print and online.
nets, exc interior. Great extra bdrm! Reduced to $5000. 541-480-3286
17½’ 2006 BAYLINER 175 XT Ski Boat, 3.0L Merc, mint condition, includes ski tower w/2 racks - everything we have, ski jackets adult and kids several, water skis, wakeboard, gloves, ropes and many other boating items. $11,300 OBO . 541-417-0829
Homes for Sale
Travel Queen 34’ 1987 65K miles, oak cabi-
Suzuki Quad Runner 1995 4x4, 1850 miles, excellent cond, $1500 firm. 541-480-2765.
Harley Davidson Heritage Soft Tail 2009, 400 mi., extras incl. pipes, lowering kit, chrome pkg., $16,900 OBO. 541-944-9753
Call 541-385-5809 to promote your service • Advertise for 28 days starting at $140 (This special package is not available on our website)
Garages, shops, hay sheds, arenas, custom decks, fences, interior finish work, & concrete. Free estimates CCB#188576•541-604-6411
700 Triple, 1996 600, Tilt Trailer, front off-load, covers for snowmobiles, clean & exc. cond., package price, $3800, 541-420-1772.
PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise "any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-877-0246. The toll free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275.
Ads published in "Watercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorized personal watercrafts. For "boats" please see Class 870. 541-385-5809
Marathon V.I.P. Prevost H3-40 Luxury Coach. Like new after $132,000 purchase & $130,000 in renovations. Only 129k orig. mi. 541-601-6350. Rare bargain at just $122,000. Look at :
Forest River Sierra 1998, 26’, exc. cond, $6900, call 541-548-5886.
Gearbox 30’ 2005, all the bells & whistles, sleeps 8, 4 queen beds, reduced to $17,000, 541-536-8105 JAYCO 31 ft. 1998 slideout, upgraded model, exc. cond. $10,500. 1-541-454-0437.
Springdale 29’ 2007, slide, Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, exc. cond., $16,900, 541-390-2504
When it’s time to buy, sell or enhance your home‌ please choose the following valued advertisers:
Hayden Homes HiLine Homes Crooked River Realty Juniper Realty The Garner Group JBOT 0SFHPO M B US O F $ Duke Warner Realty UIBO G NPSF NFT P P I F I OUP U J E F JU *OW D&D Realty Group, LLC Bobbie Strome - John L. Scott Real Estate Heather Hocket - Century 21 Gold Country Realty LOOK FOR Redmond RE/MAX Land & Homes Real Estate PICTURE YOUR Budget Blinds of Central Oregon HOME Ginny Kansas-Meszaros - Steve Scott Realtors IN TODAY’S Cascade Sotheby’s International Realty BULLETIN! TUBUF
Paula Elaine Hawes is divorcing David Paul Hawes as of 1/31/2011.
Yamaha Snowmobiles & Trailer, 1997
RIVERFRONT: walls of windows with amazing 180 degree river view with dock, canoe, piano, bikes, covered BBQ, $1250. 541-593-1414
Polaris Sportsman 2008, 800 CC, AWD, 4-wheeler, black in color, custom SS wheels/tires, accessories, exc. cond., 240 miles, $5,000. Call 541-680-8975, and leave message.
Motorcycles And Accessories
Houses for Rent Furnished
2 Wet-Jet personal water crafts, new batteries & covers, “SHORE“ trailer, incl spare & lights, $1995 for all. Bill 541-480-7930.
rear end, new tires, runs excellent, $1800 OBO, 541-932-4919.
3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1031 sq.ft., fenced yard, dbl. garage, $850/mo., $700 dep., pets neg., drive by first at 1526 NE 4th St., call 541-280-6235
Cash For West Side Homes: Fast Closings Call Pat Kelley, Kelley Realty 541-382-3099
POLARIS PHOENIX 2005, 2X4, 200cc, new
Real Estate Wanted
A newer 3/2 mfd. home, 1755 sq.ft., living room, family room, new paint, private .5 acre lot near Sunriver, $895. 541-480-3393, 541-610-7803.
3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath+bonus, in Fieldstone Crossing, Redmond. Near schools. Community Pool. Furnished+all appl. avail 3/11. $1000+util. 907-738-1410.
Looking for person, female, who was at Regal Cinema, Old Mill, on Monday October 11, 2010 for matinee who witnessed fall in theater. Call 702-468-5565, anytime.
3/2 1385 sq. ft., family room, new carpet & paint, nice big yard, dbl. garage w/opener, quiet cul-de-sac. $995 541-480-3393, 541-610-7803
Advertise your car! Add A Picture!
Hurricane 2007 35.5’ like new, 3 slides, generator, dark cabinets, Ford V10, 4,650 mi $69,500 OBO. 541-923-3510
3 bdrm, 1 bath house with double and single garage. 20431 Clay Pigeon Ct., $800 mo. 1st/last, $400 refundable deposit. 541-388-2307.
Malibu Skier 1988, w/center pylon, low hours, always garaged, new upholstery, great fun. $9500. OBO. 541-389-2012.
3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1 level, lots of light, new carpet, kitchen, bath, paint, A/C, dbl. garage, near St. Charles, great neighborhood, $1095, 541-306-4404
20746 Prince John Ct . Adorable 2B/2B home in Nottingham. Brand new kitchen + spacious office. Quiet & Private! $875/mo. Sundown Property Management, 504-2258.
Motorcycle Trailer Kendon stand-up motorcycle trailer, torsion bar suspension, easy load and unload, used seldom and only locally. $1700 OBO. Call 541-306-3010.
Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds
Like New Duplex. Nice neighborhood. 2 Bdrm 2 bath, 1-car garage, fenced, central heat & AC. Fully landscaped, $700+dep. 541-545-1825.
700 800
Boats & Accessories
Managed by
GSL Properties
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
Boats & RV’s
Motorcycles And Accessories
Call about our $99 Special! Studios to 3 bedroom units from $415 to $575. • Lots of amenities. • Pet friendly • W/S/G paid THE BLUFFS APTS. 340 Rimrock Way, Redmond 541-548-8735
NOTICE: All real estate advertised here in is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified
3 Bdrm, 2 bath, dbl garage, AC. Quiet neighborhood, Large fenced yard w/RV pad, deck, mature landscaping, close to schools/shopping. Avail 3/1. 634 NW 22nd St. $995/mo, annual lease. 541-312-3796
Real Estate For Sale
Houses for Rent Redmond
t pplemen
sing Su
European Professional Painter Repaint Specialist Oregon License #186147 LLC
Presenting 300,000 more reasons to list your properties in Picture Your Home.
Remodeling, Carpentry RGK Contracting & Consulting 30+Yrs. Exp. •Additions/Remodels/Garages •Replacement windows/doors 541-480-8296 CCB189290
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With an ad in The Bulletin's
"Call A Service Professional"
PICTURE 5 TIMES MORE MARKET COVERAGE WITH THE NEW AND IMPROVED PICTURE YOUR HOME REAL ESTATE MAGAZINE. Now every property advertised in PYH will also run as an in-column ad for 4 Saturdays in The Bulletin’s Real Estate section and 4 weeks in The Central Oregon Nickel.
THATS AN IMPRESSIVE 300,000 ADDITIONAL PRINT IMPRESSIONS FOR FREE! Plus, Picture Your Home will be appear on in the Special Projects section. Viewers can view the entire book online and click on active web-links!
WANT EVEN MORE VALUE? PICTURE THIS! On the second Saturday of every month, The Bulletin will publish a quarter page, full color directory - highlighting every participating Realtor in Picture Your Home.
Snow Removal d SNOW REMOVAL! d
d LARGE OR SMALL, d WE DO IT ALL! 541-388-0158 • 541-420-0426 d d
Picture Your Home Publishes every second Saturday, it is inserted in The Bulletin (over 32,000), plus thousands of additional copies are distributed in racks throughout Central Oregon.
Tile, Ceramic Steve Lahey Construction Tile Installation Over 20 Yrs. Exp. Call For Free Estimate 541-977-4826•CCB#166678
Call your Advertising Representative today at
Advertising Rates: Full Page (6.833� x 9.126�) ......................... $179 1/2 Page 6.833� x 4.479�) ........................... $110 Back Page.................................................... $450 Front Page Ad Box ....................................... $300 (includes 1/2 page inside) All ads include full color
F4 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809 935
Sport Utility Vehicles
BOATS & RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890 - RV’s for Rent 881
Travel Trailers
Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28’ 2007, Gen, fuel station,exc.
cond. sleeps 8, black/gray interior, used 3X, $29,900. 541-389-9188.
Need help ixing stuff around the house? Call A Service Professional and ind the help you need.
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
Fifth Wheels
AUTOS & TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Autos & Transportation
Aircraft, Parts and Service
Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited 1998, like new, low mi., just in time for the snow, great cond., $7000, 541-536-6223.
Grumman AA-5 Traveler, 1/4 interest, beautiful, clean plane, $9500, 619-822-8036
Case 780 CK Extend-a-hoe, 120 HP,
Ford T-Bird 1955, White soft & hard tops, new paint, carpet, upholstery, rechromed, nice! $32,000. 541-912-1833 Mercedes 380SL 1983, Convertible, blue color, new tires, cloth top & fuel pump, call for details 541-536-3962
Utility Trailers
Big Tex Landscaping/ ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7’x16’, 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.
Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 1964 327 Camel Hump, 461 heads, new valve job, resurfaced bore guides. New parts have receipts. Excellent cond. $450 firm. 541-480-2765
COLLINS 18’ 1981, gooseneck hitch, sleeps 4, good condition, $1950. Leave message. 541-325-6934
Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classiieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809
Bench seat split-back, out of a ‘92 Ford F-250, gray, $400 OBO. 541-419-5060/pics Everest 2006 35' 3 slides/ awnings, island king bed, W/D, 2 roof air, built-in vac, pristine, reduced to $34,000 OBO 541-610-4472; 541-689-1351
Everest 32’ 2004, 3
Hitchhiker II 2000 32’ 2 slides, very clean
Cadillac El Dorado 1977, very beautiful blue,
KOMFORT 27’ 2000 5th wheel trailer: fiberglass with 12’ slide. In excellent condition, has been stored inside. Only $13,500 firm. Call 541-536-3916.
Chevy Gladiator 1993, great shape, great mileage, full pwr., all leather, auto, 4 captains chairs, fold down bed, fully loaded, $4500 OBO, call 541-536-6223.
Ford Diesel 2003 16 Passenger Bus, with wheelchair lift. $4,000 Call Linda at Grant Co. Transportation, John Day 541-575-2370
MUST SELL due to death. 1970 Monte Carlo, all original, many extras. Sacrifice $6000. 541-593-3072
OLDS 98 1969 2 door hardtop, $1600. 541-389-5355
VW Eurovan MV 1993, seats 7, fold-out bed & table, 5-cyl 2.5L, 137K mi, newly painted white/gray, reblt AT w/warr, VW Super Beetle 1974 AM/FM CD Sirius Sat., new fr New: 1776 CC engine, dual brks, plus mntd stud snows. Dularto Carbs, trans, stud$8500 obo. 541-330-0616 ded tires, brakes, shocks, struts, exhaust, windshield, 975 tags & plates; has sheepskin Automobiles seatcovers, Alpine stereo w/ subs, black on black, 25 mpg, extra tires. Only $3750 541-388-4302. Partial Trade.
real nice inside & out, low mileage, $2500, please call 541-383-3888 for more information.
Chevrolet Nova, 1976 2-door, 20,200 mi. New tires, seat covers, windshield & more. $5800. 541-330-0852. Chevy Corvette 1979, 30K mi., glass t-top, runs & looks great, $10,000,541-280-5677 Chevy Corvette 1980, yellow, glass removable top, 8 cyl., auto trans, radio, heat, A/C, new factory interior, black, 48K., exc. tires, factory aluminum wheels, asking $12,000, will consider fair offer & possible trade, 541-385-9350.
Audi A4 3.0L 2002, Sport Pkg., Quattro, front & side air bags, leather, 92K, Reduced! $11,700. 541-350-1565
Dodge 1500 XLT 4x4, 2007 w/ new hydraulic snow plow $6K new; 9,980 miles, many options, $19,900. 541-815-5000
TERRY 27’ 1995 5th wheel with big slide-out, generator and extras. Great rig in great cond. $9,900 OBO. 541-923-0231 days.
Canopies and Campers
Fleetwood Elkhorn 9.5’ 1999,
extended overhead cab, stereo, self-contained,outdoor shower, TV, 2nd owner, exc. cond., non smoker, $8900 541-815-1523. Leer Camper Shell, fiberglass 6½’, fits old body style Tacoma from ‘95-’05. $700 OBO 541-382-6310 after 4pm
Chevy El Camino 1979, 350 auto, new studs, located in Sisters, $3000 OBO, 907-723-9086,907-723-9085
Chevy Suburban 1969, classic 3-door, very clean, all original good condition, $5500, call 541-536-2792.
DODGE D-100 1962 ½ Ton, rebuilt 225 slant 6 engine. New glass, runs good, needs good home. $2700. 541-322-6261
Dodge Ram 2001, short
bed, nice wheels & tires, 86K, $5500 OBO, call 541-410-4354.
Ford F-150 2006, Triton STX, X-cab, 4WD, tow pkg., V-8, auto, reduced to $14,500 obo 541-554-5212,702-501-0600
FORD F150 4X4 1996
Eddie Bauer pkg., auto. 5.8L, Super Cab, green, power everything, 156,000 miles. Fair condition. Only $3500 OBO. 541-408-7807.
Ford F-350 Crew 4x4 2002. Triton V-10, 118k, new tires, wheels, brakes. Very nice. Just $14,700. 541-601-6350 Look: FORD Pickup 1977, step side, 351 Windsor, 115,000 miles, MUST SEE! $4500. 541-350-1686 Ford Ranger 2004 Super Cab, XLT, 4X4, V6, 5-spd, A/C bed liner, tow pkg, 120K Like New! KBB Retail: $10,000 OBO 360-990-3223
4-dr., complete, $15,000 OBO, trades, please call 541-420-5453.
Chrysler 300 Coupe 1967, 440 engine, auto. trans, ps, air, frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $10,000 or make offer. 541-385-9350.
Honda S 2000, 2002. Truly like new, 9K original owner miles. Black on Black. This is Honda’s true sports machine. I bought it with my wife in mind but she never liked the 6 speed trans. Bought it new for $32K. It has never been out of Oregon. Price $17K. Call 541-546-8810 8am-8pm.
If you have a service to offer, we have a special advertising rate for you. Call Classifieds! 541-385-5809.
Audi A4 Avant Quattro 2003 3.0L., 92K mi, garaged, serviced, silver, fully loaded, $8900. 541-420-9478
MAZDA MIATA 1992, black, 81k miles, new top, stock throughout. See craigslist. $4,990. 541-610-6150.
Mazda Miata MX5 2003, silver w/black interior, 4-cyl., 5 spd., A/C, cruise, new tires, 23K, $10,500, 541-410-8617.
Mercedes 320SL 1995, mint. cond., 69K, CD, A/C, new tires, soft & hard top, $12,500. Call 541-815-7160. New body style, 30,000 miles, heated seats, luxury sedan, CD, full factory warranty. $23,950.
Like buying a new car! 503-351-3976.
Check out the classiieds online Updated daily Audi S4 2005, 4.2 Avant Quattro, tiptronic, premium & winter wheels & tires, Bilstein shocks, coil over springs, HD anti sway, APR exhaust, K40 radar, dolphin gray, ext. warranty, 56K, garaged, $30,000. 541-593-2227 BMW 328IX Wagon 2009, 4WD, white w/chestnut leather interior, loaded, exc. cond., premium pkg., auto, Bluetooth & iPad connection, 42K mi., 100K transferrable warranty & snow tires, $28,500, 541-915-9170.
Mercedes V-12 Limousine. Hand crafted for Donald Trump. Cost: $1/2 million. Just $27k. 541.601.6350 Look: Mitsubishi 3000 GT 1999, auto., pearl white, very low mi. $9500. 541-788-8218.
PORSCHE CARRERA 4S 2003 - Wide body, 6
speed, all wheel drive, no adverse history, new tires. Seal gray with light gray leather interior. $32,950. 503-351-3976
Saab 9-3 SE 1999
convertible, 2 door, Navy with black soft top, tan interior, very good condition. $5200 firm. 541-317-2929.
custom, 113k hwy miles, white, looks/drives perfect. $6000; also 1995 Limited LeSabre, 108k, leather, almost perfect, you’ll agree. $2900. Call 541-508-8522, or 541-318-9999.
Chevy Cavalier , rare 2001. 120K miles, 38mpg, 4-dr, AM/FM CD, summer/winter on rims, tilt, tags good to 2012, garaged. Slight deer damage to hood. $2000 OBO. 541-604-4494
CHEVY CORVETTE 1998, 66K mi., 20/30 m.p.g., exc. cond., $16,000. 541- 379-3530
International Flat Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 spd. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $2500. 541-419-5480.
Subaru Outback 2005 AWD, 4cyl, auto, lthr htd seats, 89K mi, reduced to $12,995 OBO 541-508-0214; 541-554-5212
SUBARUS!!! Nice clean and fully serviced . Most come with 3 year, 36,000 mile warranty. Call The Guru: 382-6067 or visit us at The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purchasing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit information may be subjected to F R A U D. For more information about an advertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General’s Office Consumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.
Sport Utility Vehicles
AWD, leather, video sys, 3.5 liter V6, loaded, 21,500 mi, $13,950. 541-382-3666
Chrysler Cordoba 1978, 360 cu. in. engine, $400. Lincoln Continental Mark VII 1990, HO engine, SOLD. 541-318-4641.
Toyota Tercel 1997 exc. cond, one owner, 136,300 miles, $3800, Please Call 541-815-3281.
2, 4 barrel, 225 hp. Matching numbers $62,500, 541-280-1227.
541-389-5016 evenings.
Chrysler 2005 Pacifica Ford Mustang Cobra 2003, AWD, leather, video system, 3.5 liter V6, loaded, 21,500 mi., $13,950. 541-382-3666
Legal Notices
Case No. 11PB0001MA NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Personal Representative. All persons having claims against the Estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned Personal Representative at Karnopp Petersen LLP, 1201 NW Wall Street, Suite 300, Bend, OR 97701-1957, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative, who are Karnopp Petersen LLP, 1201 NW Wall Street, Suite 300, Bend, Oregon 97701-1957. DATED and first published January 19, 2011. U.S. BANK, N.A. By: L. Thomas-Bush Linda Thomas-Bush. Vice President and Senior Trust Officer Personal Representative PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: U.S. Bank, N.A. Private Client Group 1025 NW Bond Street Bend, OR 97701 TEL: (541) 388-8732
KARNOPP PETERSEN LLP James E. Petersen, OSB #640887 1201 NW Wall Street, Suite 300 Bend, Oregon 97701-1957 TEL: (541) 382-3011 FAX: (541) 388-5410 Of Attorneys for Personal Representative LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 17, 2011, an election will be held for the purpose of electing Three Directors to the Board of Directors to fill the following positions and terms, including any vacancy which may exist on the board of the Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District. Position #3 Term Expires June 30, 2015 Position #4 Term Expires June 30, 2015 Position #5 Term Expires June 30, 2105 This election will be conducted by mail. Each candidate for a position listed above must file a declaration of candidacy or petition for nomination for office with the Elections Department of Jefferson County, Oregon, no later than the 61st day before the date of the regular district election. The first day for filing is February 5, 2011. The filing deadline is 5:00 p.m. on March 17, 2011. Filing forms are available at the Jefferson County Clerk's Office, 66 SE D Street, Suite C, Madras, OR 97741. This legal notice is to be published in The Bend Bulletin. Kathleen B. Marston Jefferson County Clerk Publish: February 2, 2011
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 17, 2011, an election will be held for the purpose of electing One Director to the Board of Directors to fill the following positions and terms, including any vacancy which may exist on the board of the Crooked River Ranch Special Road District. Position #1 Term Expires June 30, 2015 This election will be conducted by mail. Each candidate for a position listed above must file a declaration of candidacy or petition for nomination for office with the Elections Department of Jefferson County, Oregon, no later than the 61st day before the date of the regular district election. The first day for filing is February 5, 2011. The filing deadline is 5:00 p.m. on March 17, 2011. Filing forms are available at the Jefferson County Clerk's Office, 66 SE D Street, Suite C, Madras, OR 97741. This legal notice is to be published in The Bend Bulletin. Kathleen B. Marston Jefferson County Clerk Publish: February 2, 2011
• 4WD, 68,000 miles. • Great Shape. • Original Owner.
Corvette 1956, rebuilt 2006, 3 spd.,
Legal Notices
BMW M3 COUPE E36 1998, mint condition, adult owned, low miles, needs nothing, $12,500. 541-419-2181 Buick LeSabre, 1985, excellent shape, always garaged, 93K orig mi, $2200 541-318-6919
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Chrysler 2005 Pacifica
CHEVY SUBURBAN LT 2005 When ONLY the BEST will do! 2003 Lance 1030 Deluxe Model Camper, loaded, phenomenal condition. $17,500. 2007 Dodge 6.7 Cummins Diesel 3500 4x4 long bed, 58K mi, $34,900. Or buy as unit, $48,500. 541-331-1160
4-door, 53K miles, automatic, 34-mpg, exc. cond., $11,680. Please call 541-419-4018.
MERCEDES C300 2008
Buick LeSabre 2004, Mobile Suites, 2007, 36TK3 with 3 slide-outs, king bed, ultimate living comfort, large kitchen, fully loaded, well insulated, hydraulic jacks and so much more. Priced to sell at $59,500! 541-317-9185
Honda Civic LX 2006,
152K mi. on chassis, 4 spd. transmission, 250 6 cyl. engine w/60K, new brakes & master cylinder, $2500. Please call 503-551-7406 or 541-367-0800.
Honda Accord EX V6 2001 62k auto leather seats studs 6 cd sunroof roof rack optional Runs great!$8500 OBO 541-420-0049
Antique and Classic Autos C-10
Hitchiker II 32’ 1998 w/solar system, awnings, Arizona rm. great shape! $15,500 541-589-0767, in Burns.
Mercury Monterrey 1965, Exc. All original, 4-dr. sedan, in storage last 15 yrs., 390 High Compression engine, new tires & license, reduced to $3850, 541-410-3425.
Impala SS 1964 rear seat & set of hub caps, excellent, $400 both, OBO. 541-480-2765
slides, island kitchen, air, surround sound, micro., full oven, more, in exc. cond., 2 trips on it, 1 owner, like new, REDUCED NOW $26,000. 541-228-5944
and in excellent condition. Only $18,000! (541) 410-9423, (541) 536-6116.
Porsche Cayenne Turbo 2008, AWD, 500HP, 21k mi., exc. cond, meteor gray, 2 sets of wheels and new tires, fully loaded, $69,000 OBO. 541-480-1884
Trucks and Heavy Equipment
Ford Mustang Convertible LX 1989, V8 engine, white w/red interior, 44K mi., exc. cond., $6995, 541-389-9188.
Ford 2 Door 1949, 99% Complete, $14,000, please call 541-408-7348.
Legal Notices
Estate of DOROTHY A. DAHL, Deceased.
Honda Accord EX 1990, in great cond., 109K original mi., 5 spd., 2 door, black, A/C, sun roof, snow tires incl., $3500. 541-548-5302
FIAT 1800 1978 5-spd., door panels w/flowers & hummingbirds, white soft top & hard top, Reduced to $5,500, 541-317-9319,541-647-8483
Cedar Creek 2006, RDQF. Loaded, 4 slides, 37.5’, king bed, W/D, 5500W gen., fireplace, Corian countertops, skylight shower, central vac, much more, like new, $43,000, please call 541-330-9149.
Jeep CJ7 1986 6-cyl, 4x4, 5-spd., exc. cond., consider trade, $7950, please call 541-593-4437.
Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO. 530-515-8199
90% tires, cab & extras, 11,500 OBO, 541-420-3277
Alpha “See Ya” 30’ 1996, 2 slides, A/C, heat pump, exc. cond. for Snowbirds, solid oak cabs day & night shades, Corian, tile, hardwood. $14,900. 541-923-3417.
The Bulletin Classiieds
Jeep Wrangler 2004, right hand drive, 51K, auto., A/C, 4x4, AM/FM/CD, exc. cond., $14,500. 541-408-2111 1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $150,000. Call 541-647-3718
Ford Mustang Convertible 2000, V6 with excellent maintenance records, 144K miles. Asking $4500, call for more information or to schedule a test drive, 208-301-4081.
Antique and Classic Autos
900 908
READY FOR SNOW! All Wheel Drive! 5 spd, loaded with all power equipment, sound system. All weather tires. Runs and drives good, Only $1800. 909-570-7067.
SVT- Perfect, garaged, factory super charged, just 1623 miles $20,000. 541-923-3567
VOLKSWAGEN BUG 1965 Black , Excellent condition. Runs good. $6995. 541-416-0541.
LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Executive Session Meeting Agenda: ORS192.660(2)(b) Special Road District #1 Date: February 3, 2011 Location: DRRH Club House Time: 6:30 p.m.
David R. Burleigh has been appointed personal representative of the Estate of Alma Jean Burleigh, Deceased, by the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, Deschutes County, under case number 10PB0149BH. All persons having a claim against the estate must present the claim within four months of the first publication date of this notice to BRYANT, LOVLIEN & JARVIS, PC at 591 SW Mill View Way, Bend, OR 97702, Attn.: Melissa P. Lande, or they may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the court records, the administrator or the followingnamed attorney for the administrator. Date of first publication: January 19, 2011. MELISSA P. LANDE BRYANT, LOVLIEN & JARVIS, PC 591 SW MILL VIEW WAY BEND, OR 97702 LEGAL NOTICE Sole Source Public Notice Date of Public Notice: February 1, 2011 Anticipated Award Date: February 16, 2011 Description: Cues Closed Circuit Television Van Prospective Contractor: Cues Inc./Cues Northwest Amount: $118,125.00 The City intends to contract for the provision of a Ford E450 closed circuit television utility/ cargo van with Cues Inc. as a sole source. The City standardized on Cues CCTV equipment as part of a competitive process in 2000 and Cues Inc., via its Northwest Territory distributor Cues Northwest, is the sole manufacturer and supplier of the closed circuit television equipment utilized by the City. An entity may protest this determination in accordance with OAR 137-047-0710 no later than February 9, 2011. Protests must be submitted to City of Bend Purchasing 710 NW Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, 97701. For additional information please contact Gwen Chapman at 541-385-6677. LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 0088526744 T.S. No-; 11-00111-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, JOSEPH R. ACCUARDI AND CAROLEE S. ACCUARDI, HUSBAND AND WIFE as Grantor to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INS CO, as trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as Beneficiary, recorded on June 11, 2008, as Instrument No. 2008Â25112 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 256998 LOT THIRTY NINE (39), JULINA PARK SUBDIVISION, CITY OF REDMOND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 2551 SW INDIAN LANE, REDMOND, OR Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes; the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted amounts total: $11,555.89 By this reason of said default
the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit; The sum of $187,260.57 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.75000% per annum from May 1, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, me undersigned trustee will on May 23, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714Â508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-730 2727 In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: January 19, 2011 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Juan Enriquez, Authorized Signature ASAP# 3888908 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011, 02/09/2011, 02/16/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Joseph C. Giegerich, a single man, as grantor to Western Title & Escrow, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, as Beneficiary, dated January 12, 2005, recorded February 4, 2005, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2005, at Page 07021, beneficial interest now held by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor in interest to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank as
covering the following described real property: The East half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter (E 1/2 SW 1/4 SW 1/4) of Section 23, Township 14 South, Range 11, East of the Willamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 70055 Mc Kenzie Canyon Road, Sisters, OR 97759 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $940.55, from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $101,179.73, together with interest thereon at the rate of 7.25% per annum from July 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 7, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the ben-
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LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105297 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Nathan M. Green, as grantor to First American Title, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, FA, as Beneficiary, dated January 16, 2007, recorded January 22, 2007, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2007, at Page 03729, beneficial interest now held by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor in interest to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank as covering the following described real property: A parcel of land located in a portion of the Northeast One-Quarter of the Northeast One-Quarter of Section 28, Township 17 South, Range 12, East of the Willamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 2 inch Brass Cap on pavement marking the Northeast One-Sixteenth corner of said Section 28; thence South 89º22'22" East, following the East - West centerline of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 28 a distance of 30.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod in concrete marking the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING for this description; thence North 00º08'00" East, following the Easterly right-of-way line of Jones Road a distance of 26.85 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a plastic cap; thence North 54º23'29" East a distance of 155.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a plastic cap; thence South 13º27'03" East a distance of 122.14 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod with a plastic cap on the East - West centerline of the Northeast One-Quarter of said Section 28; thence North 89º22'22" West, following the said East - West centerline, a distance of 154.50 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, the terminus of this description. 10-105297 COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 2684 N.E. Jones Rd., Bend, OR 97701 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,260.97, from June 1, 2010, and monthly payments in the sum of $1,263.88, from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $209,608.51, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.125% per annum from May 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 7, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105297 ASAP# FNMA3838581 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
To place an ad call Classiied • 541-385-5809
THE BULLETIN • Wednesday, February 2, 2011 F5
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Legal Notices
eficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/12/11 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105786 ASAP# 3836644 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 09-101996 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Nancy L. Cleveland, as grantor to AmeriTitle, as Trustee, in favor of Long Beach Mortgage Company, as Beneficiary, dated June 30, 2006, recorded July 10, 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2006, at Page 47147, beneficial interest having been assigned to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor in interest from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank, as covering the following described real property: Lot Two (2), in Block Two (2), of Replat of Blocks 1 and 2, of Riverside Addition to the City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 2089 N.W. Harriman Street, Bend, OR 97701 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,732.11, from December 1, 2008, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $248,675.18, together with interest thereon at the rate of 7.2% per annum from November 1, 2008, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 14, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt.
Dated: 01/11/2011 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 09-101996 ASAP# 3848758 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105834 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Serena M. King, a married woman, as grantor to First American Title, as Trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Coldwell Banker Mortgage, as Beneficiary, dated June 30, 2006, recorded July 5, 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2006, at Page 45895, beneficial interest having been assigned to Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as Trustee for GSAA Home Equity Trust 2006-16, as covering the following described real property: Lot 77 of Juniper Glen North, City of Redmond, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 2805 S.W. Indian Avenue, Redmond, OR 97756 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,412.87, from September 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $186,471.31, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.75% per annum from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 21, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/12/2011 By:KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105834 ASAP# 3855363 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: 0030364855 T.S. No.: 10-12466-6 Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, FRED GOLDFARB as Grantor to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., as Beneficiary, recorded on December 22, 2004, as Instrument No. 2004-76430 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Deschutes County, OR to wit: APN: 15 13 08AD00208 THE LAND REFERRED TO HEREIN BELOW IS SITUATED IN THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT 86, RED HAWK UNIT TWO, RECORDED OCTOBER 18, 1994, IN CABINET D, PAGE 8B, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: BEGINNING AT A 1/2 INCH PIPE AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT EIGHTY-SIX (86); THENCE SOUTH 88º 42' 00" WEST ALONG SAID RED HAWK UNIT TWO BOUNDARY AND ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 86, 115.90 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH PIPE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 86; THENCE NORTH 79º 00' 00" EAST 96.66 FEET TO A 1/2 INCH PIPE ON THE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID LOT 86; THENCE SOUTH 53º 00' 00" EAST ALONG SAID NORTHEAST LINE, 26.28 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Commonly known as: 1936 NW IVY PLACE, REDMOND, OR Both the Beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s): failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; defaulted amounts total: $4,127.65 By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $114,225.26 together with interest thereon at the rate of 3.00000% per annum from August 1, 2010 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, the undersigned trustee will on May 20, 2011 at the hour of 11:00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the said Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of said Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, 17592 E. 17th Street, Suite 300, Tustin, CA 92780 714-508-5100 SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-730-2727 In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: January 19, 2011 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Juan Enriquez, Authorized Signature ASAP# 3888816 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011, 02/09/2011, 02/16/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-104189 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Morris L. Aron and Shirley Aron, husband and wife, as grantor to First Land Trustee Corporation, as Trustee, in favor of First Banc Mortgage, Inc., as Beneficiary, dated July 8, 2004, recorded July 20, 2004, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2004, at Page 42738, beneficial interest now held by First Bank, successor by merger to First Banc Mortgage, Inc., as covering the following described real property: A leasehold as created by that certain lease, by and between Golfside Investments,
L.L.C., an Oregon Limited Liability Co., lessor, and Morris & Shirley Aron, lessee, dated July 12, 2004, a memorandum of which was recorded July 20, 2004, as Document No. 2004-42737, Official Records, for the term and upon and subject to all terms and provisions thereof, of the following described property: Lot 90, GOLFSIDE PARK P.U.D., Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 20161 Lyon Court, Bend, OR 97702 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $702.18, from December 1, 2009, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $75,307.85, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.5% per annum from November 1, 2009, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on March 24, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/12/2011 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-104189 ASAP# 3823223 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105747 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Damien M. Daniels, an unmarried man, as grantor to First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon, as Trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for American Home Mortgage, as Beneficiary, dated April 10, 2006, recorded April 18, 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2006, at Page 26574, beneficial interest having been assigned to Bank of America, National Association successor by merger to LaSalle Bank NA as trustee for Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates WMALT Series 2006-6 Trust, as covering the following described real property: Lot 1 in Block UU of DESCHUTES RIVER WOODS, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 18933 Shoshone Road, Bend, OR 97702 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $2,443.91, from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $342,925.76, together with interest thereon at the rate of 7% per annum from July 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 14, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt
to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/12/11 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105747 ASAP# 3848919 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Edgar King and, Carolyn King, Husband and Wife, as grantor to First American Title, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, FA, as Beneficiary, dated November 24, 2006, recorded November 30, 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2006, at Page 78646, as covering the following described real property: Lot 219 of River Canyon Estates No. 3, City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 60990 Snowbrush Drive, Bend, OR 97702 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $2,263.43, from April 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $329,702.06, together with interest thereon at the rate of 4.21% per annum from March 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 14, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information
obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 1/12/11 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105802 ASAP# 3849116 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105315 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Bruce K. Harmon, as grantor to Western Title, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, as Beneficiary, dated April 12, 2004, recorded April 16, 2004, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2004, at Page 21394, beneficial interest now held by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor in interest to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank as covering the following described real property: THE NORTHERLY 110.43 FEET OF THE WESTERLY 100 FEET OF LOT 28, SOUTH MORELAND ACRES, CITY OF REDMOND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1054 S.W. 17th Street, Redmond, OR 97756 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $655.59, from June 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $73,851.00, together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.375% per annum from May 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 7, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of
the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/12/2011 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105315 ASAP# FNMA3838783 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105798 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Bend Asset Management, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, as grantor to Western Title, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, as Beneficiary, dated March 28, 2005, recorded March 31, 2005, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2005, at Page 19293, beneficial interest now held by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor in interest to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank as covering the following described real property: Lot Two in Block 34 of Northwest Townsite Company's Second Addition to Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 1211 N.W. Ithaca Avenue, Bend, OR 97701 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,703.55, from April 1, 2010, and monthly payments in the sum of $1,650.27, from September 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee,
their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $223,782.90, together with interest thereon at the rate of 2.813% per annum from March 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 11, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: By: Kelly D. Sutherland Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 wa Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105798 ASAP# 3843822 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
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LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705 et seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et seq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-FMB-105120 NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, CHRISTOPHER T. MCGAHAN, as grantor, to AMERITITLE, as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR BELL HOME LOANS, INC., as beneficiary, dated 7/3/2007, recorded 7/10/2007, under Instrument No. 2007-38240, records of DESCHUTES County, OREGON. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as Trustee of the IndyMac INDX Mortgage Trust 2007-FLX6, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2007-FLX6 under the Pooling and Servicing Agreement dated July 1, 2007. Said Trust Deed encumbers the following described real property situated in said county and state, to-wit: LOT ONE (1), AWBREY BUTTE HOMESITES, PHASE THIRTY THREE, DESCHUTES COUNTY OREGON. The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1959 NORTHWEST BALITCH COURT BEND, OR 97701 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: Amount due as of January 5, 2011 Delinquent Payments from July 01, 2010 7 payments at $2,998.53 each $20,989.71 (07-01-10 through 01-05-11) Late Charges: $899.58 Beneficiary Advances: $189.00 Suspense Credit: $0.00 TOTAL: $22,078.29 ALSO, if you have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $1,028,483.55, PLUS interest hereon at 6.500% per annum from 6/1/2010, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee fees, attorney fees, sums required for the protection of the property and additional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on May 6, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at FRONT ENTRANCE TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 1164 NW BOND STREET, BEND, County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. DATED: 1/5/2011 REGIONAL TRUSTEE SERVICES CORPORATION Trustee KAREN JAMES, AUTHORIZED AGENT 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206)340-2550 Sale Information: ASAP# 3874595 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
F6 Wednesday, February 2, 2011 • THE BULLETIN
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LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105855 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Jessica R. Dickinson and R. Eric Duhn, as grantor to Western Title & Escrow Company, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, a Washington Corporation, as Beneficiary, dated November 22, 2005, recorded November 28, 2005, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2005, at Page 81600, as covering the following described real property: Lot 17, Mason Estates, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 715 N.E. Mason Road, Bend, OR 97701 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,037.30, from December 1, 2009, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $154,354.36, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.625% per annum from November 1, 2009, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 18, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: - By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105855 ASAP# FNMA3852733 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105764 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Linden A. Gross, an unmarried woman, as grantor to AmeriTitle, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, FA, as Beneficiary, dated April 18, 2006, recorded April 26, 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2006, at Page 28730, as covering the following described real property: Lot 9, Lava Ridges, Phase 1, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 63116 Desert Sage Street, Bend, OR 97701 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon
Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $2,145.34, from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $371,477.90, together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.775% per annum from July 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 7, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 wa Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105764 ASAP# 3838697 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105915 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Rachelle A. Bays and Eric L. Bays, as tenants by the entirety, as grantor to AmeriTitle, as Trustee, in favor of Wilmington Finance, a division of AIG Federal Savings Bank, as Beneficiary, dated December 24, 2003, recorded December 30, 2003, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2003, at Page 88213, beneficial interest having been assigned to MorEquity, Inc., as covering the following described real property: Lot One Hundred Fifteen (115), Larkspur Village, Phases V-VI, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 61126 Brookhollow Drive, Bend, OR 97702 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $880.07, from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $139,134.14, together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.5% per annum from July 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee,
their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 21, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/11/2011 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105915 ASAP# 3855433 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105709 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Gary E. Gunville and Katherine E. Gunville, as grantor to AmeriTitle, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, as Beneficiary, dated March 31, 2005, recorded April 18, 2005, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2005, at Page 23173, beneficial interest now held by JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, successor in interest to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, as Receiver for Washington Mutual Bank as covering the following described real property: Lot One Hundred Forty-Seven (147), Awbrey Village, Phase 5, City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 3467 N.W. Cottage Place, Bend, OR 97701 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,737.32, from June 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $371,923.72, together with interest thereon at the rate of 2.821% per annum from May 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 4, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or
his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: - By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105709 ASAP# 3834762 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105750 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Randy Kemnitz, as grantor to Old Republic Title, as Trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Taylor, Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., as Beneficiary, dated November 16, 2007, recorded December 10, 2007, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2007, at Page 63282, beneficial interest having been assigned to Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC, as covering the following described real property: All that certain land situated in the State of OR, County of Deschutes, City of Redmond, described as follows: Lot Two Hundred Thirty Seven of Cascade View Estates Phase I, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 2917 S.W. 37th Court, Redmond, OR 97756 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust
deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,713.22, from August 1, 2009, and monthly payments in the sum of $1,790.28, from October 1, 2009, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $233,670.59, together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.875% per annum from July 1, 2009, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 11, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be
construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/11/2011 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105750 ASAP# 3843876 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011 LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705 et seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et seq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-UM-105288 NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE UNDERSIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, BERNIE L. ROBERTS AND A. DARLENE ROBERTS, as grantor, to AMERITITLE, as Trustee, in favor of UMPQUA BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS, as beneficiary, dated 3/28/2003, recorded 4/4/2003, under Instrument No. 2003-222064, records of DESCHUTES County, OREGON. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by UMPQUA BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND/OR ASSIGNS. Said Trust Deed encumbers the following described, real property situated in said county and state, to-wit: p LOT FORTY-SEVEN (47), IN BLOCK FOUR (4), OF PONDEROSA PINES SECOND ADDITION, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 14865 CURLLEAF LAPINE, OR 97739 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: ALSO, if you have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or Amount due as of January 25, 2011 Delinquent Payments from October 01, 2010 4 payments at $ 668.19 each $2, 672 .76 (10-01-10 through 01-25-11) Late Charges: $100 .20 Beneficiary Advances: $ 200 .00 Suspense Credit: 1 $ 0.00 TOTAL: $2, 972.96 encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $101,270.85, PLUS interest thereon at 5.750% per annum from 9/1/2010, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105751 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Elizabeth J. Hull, as grantor to AmeriTitle, as Trustee, in favor of Washington Mutual Bank, as Beneficiary, dated March 30, 2005, recorded April 8, 2005, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2005, at Page 21049, beneficial interest having been assigned to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as Trustee for WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates Series 2006-PR2 Trust, as covering the following described real property: A portion of Lots Four (4) and Five (5) in Block Six (6) of BROWN'S 2nd ADDITION, Deschutes County, Oregon, as follows: Commencing at a 3/4 inch pipe at the Northeast corner of said Lot 5, the initial pc thence South 40º 02'47" West along the Westerly line of the Dalles California High (SW Canal Blvd) and along the Easterly line of said Lot 5, 175.73 feet to the true point of beginning; thence South 40º 02' 47" West along the Easterly line of said L 108.16 feet to a 1/2 inch pipe, a point witnessed by a 3/4 inch pipe at the Southeast corner of said Lot 5 which bears South 40º 02' 47" West, 11.05 feet; thence North 48º 26' 50" West, a distance of 79.28 feet to a 1/2 inch pipe; thence North 16º 56' 02" a distance of 115.33 feet, a point which is North 49º 57'13" West, 22.23 feet from lot line common to said Lots 4 and 5; thence South 49º 57' 13" East, 124.53 feet to point of beginning. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 3431 S.W. Canal Blvd., Redmond, OR 97756 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $825.11, from June 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $140,968.77, together with interest thereon at the rate of 2.79% per annum from May 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 21, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest idder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 1/11/2010 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105751 ASAP# 3853827 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
fees, attorney fees, sums required for the protection of the property and additional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on May 27, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER, 1100 NW BOND STREET, BEND, County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, 'or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due {other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. DATED: 1/25/2011 REGIONAL TRUSTEE SERVICES CORPORATION Trustee By. SAMANTHA COHEN, AUTHORIZED AGENT 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 340-2550 Sale Information: ASAP# 3893997 02/02/2011, 02/09/2011, 02/16/2011, 02/23/2011
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 10-105752 A default has occurred under the terms of a trust deed made by Darin D. Vaughan and Melissa Vaughan, husband and wife, as grantor to First American Title, as Trustee, in favor of Coldwell Banker Mortgage, as Beneficiary, dated May 2, 2006, recorded May 2, 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, in Book 2006, at Page 30502, beneficial interest having been assigned to U.S. BANK, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR CITIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST INC., as covering the following described real property: Lot 7, Block 2, Pinebrook Phase I, Deschutes County, Oregon. COMMONLY KNOWN AS: 61187 Trailblazer Lane, Bend, OR 97702 Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly payments in the sum of $1,859.39, from August 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. By reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation that the trust deed secures immediately due and payable, said sum being the following, to-wit: $284,896.46, together with interest thereon at the rate of 6.95% per annum from July 1, 2010, together with all costs, disbursements, and/or fees incurred or paid by the beneficiary and/or trustee, their employees, agents or assigns. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will on April 14, 2011, at the hour of 11:00 AM PT, in accord with the standard time established by ORS 187.110, at the main entrance of the Deschutes County Courthouse, located at 1164 N.W. Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had power to convey at the time of the execution of said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given to any person named in ORS 86.753 that the right exists, at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure pro-
ceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by paying to the beneficiary of the entire amount due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligations or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's fees and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Also, please be advised that pursuant to the terms stated on the Deed of Trust and Note, the beneficiary is allowed to conduct property inspections while property is in default. This shall serve as notice that the beneficiary shall be conducting property inspections on the said referenced property. The Fair Debt Collection Practice Act requires that we state the following: This is an attempt to collect a debt, and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If a discharge has been obtained by any party through bankruptcy proceedings: This shall not be construed to be an attempt to collect the outstanding indebtedness or hold you personally liable for the debt. Dated: 01/12/2011 By: KELLY D. SUTHERLAND Successor Trustee SHAPIRO & SUTHERLAND, LLC 5501 N.E. 109th Court, Suite N Vancouver, WA 98662 Telephone: (360) 260-2253 Toll-free: 1-800-970-5647 S&S 10-105752 ASAP# 3845929 01/12/2011, 01/19/2011, 01/26/2011, 02/02/2011
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LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705, et seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et seq. Reference is made to that certain trust deed made, executed, and delivered by William F. Mitchell and Elisabeth M. Mitchell, as tenants by the entirety, as Grantors, to Amerititle, Inc., an Oregon corporation, as Trustee, to secure certain obligations in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ("MERS"), as Beneficiary, solely as nominee of HomeStreet Bank, a Washington state chartered savings bank, as Lender, dated June 17, 2005, and recorded on July 1, 2005, in the Mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, under File No. 2005-42147. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by HomeStreet Bank by assignment of deed of trust recorded on September 8, 2010, in the Mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon under File No. 2010-35235. Said Trust Deed encumbers the following described real property situated in said county and state, to wit: LOT SEVENTY (70) LAVA RIDGES PHASE 3, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON; The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 20962 Lava Flow Lane, Bend, Oregon 97701. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3). The default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: 7 Monthly payments of $1,841.49 due from April 1, 2010 through October 1, 2010: $12,890.43; 6 Late Charges of $77.21, due on each payment not paid within 15 days of its due date, for monthly payments due on April 1, 2010, through September 1, 2010: $463.26. Advances by Lender: Property Inspection Fees:$24.00. Sub-Total of Monthly Payments, Late Charges, and Advances in arrears: $13,377.69. ALSO, if you have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $256,023.57, AS OF MARCH 1, 2010, PLUS, FROM THAT DATE UNTIL PAID, ACCRUED AND ACCRUING INTEREST AT THE RATE OF 5.3750% PER ANNUM, PLUS ANY LATE CHARGES, ESCROW ADVANCES, FORECLOSURE COSTS, TRUSTEE'S FEES, ATTORNEYS' FEES, SUMS REQUIRED FOR PROTECTION OF THE PROPERTY AND ADDITIONAL SUMS SECURED BY THE TRUST DEED. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee will, on February 25, 2011, at the hour of 10:00 a.m., in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at the front entrance of Deschutes County Court, 1164 Northwest Bond Street, City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees. Notice is also given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of a default or any other defense to acceleration and sale. NOTICE TO TENANTS: IF YOU ARE A TENANT OF THIS PROPERTY, FORECLOSURE COULD AFFECT YOUR RENTAL AGREEMENT. A PURCHASER WHO BUYS THIS PROPERTY AT A FORECLOSURE SALE HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE YOU TO MOVE OUT AFTER GIVING YOU NOTICE OF THE REQUIREMENT. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A FIXED-TERM LEASE, THE PURCHASER MAY REQUIRE YOU TO MOVE OUT AFTER GIVING YOU A 30-DAY NOTICE ON OR AFTER THE DATE OF THE SALE. IF YOU HAVE A FIXED-TERM LEASE, YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO RECEIVE AFTER THE DATE OF THE SALE A 60-DAY NOTICE OF THE PURCHASER'S REQUIREMENT THAT YOU MOVE OUT. TO BE ENTITLED TO EITHER A 30-DAY OR 60-DAY NOTICE, YOU MUST GIVE THE TRUSTEE OF THE PROPERTY WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF YOUR RENTAL AGREEMENT AT LEAST 30 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE FIRST SET FOR THE SALE. IF YOU HAVE A FIXED-TERM LEASE, YOU MUST GIVE THE TRUSTEE A COPY OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A FIXED-TERM LEASE AND CANNOT PROVIDE A COPY OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT, YOU MAY GIVE THE TRUSTEE OTHER WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THE EXISTENCE OF THE RENTAL AGREEMENT. THE DATE THAT IS 30 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SALE IS JANUARY 26, 2011. THE NAME OF THE TRUSTEE AND THE TRUSTEE'S MAILING ADDRESS ARE LISTED ON THIS NOTICE. FEDERAL LAW MAY GRANT YOU ADDITIONAL RIGHTS, INCLUDING A RIGHT TO A LONGER NOTICE PERIOD. CONSULT A LAWYER FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS UNDER FEDERAL LAW. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO APPLY YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT AND ANY RENT YOU PREPAID TOWARD YOUR CURRENT OBLIGATION UNDER YOUR RENTAL AGREEMENT. IF YOU WANT TO DO SO, YOU MUST NOTIFY YOUR LANDLORD IN WRITING AND IN ADVANCE THAT YOU INTEND TO DO SO. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU NEED LEGAL ASSISTANCE WITH THIS MATTER, YOU MAY CONTACT THE OREGON STATE BAR AND ASK FOR THE LAWYER REFERRAL SERVICE. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR THE OREGON STATE BAR IS INCLUDED WITH THIS NOTICE. IF YOU HAVE A LOW INCOME AND MEET FEDERAL POVERTY GUIDELINES, YOU MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR FREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE. CONTACT INFORMATION FOR WHERE YOU CAN OBTAIN FREE LEGAL ASSISTANCE IS INCLUDED WITH THIS NOTICE. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. UNLESS YOU NOTIFY US WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIVING THIS LETTER THAT YOU DISPUTE THE VALIDITY OF THE DEBT, OR ANY PORTION OF IT, WE WILL ASSUME THE DEBT IS VALID. IF YOU NOTIFY US, IN WRITING WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS LETTER THAT YOU DO DISPUTE THE DEBT OR ANY PORTION OF IT, WE WILL PROVIDE VERIFICATION BY MAILING YOU A COPY OF THE RECORDS. IF YOU SO REQUEST, IN WRITING, WITHIN 30 DAYS AFTER RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE, WE WILL PROVIDE YOU WITH THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ORIGINAL CREDITOR IF DIFFERENT FROM THE CURRENT CREDITOR. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. DATED this 15th day of October, 2010. SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE: JULIE B. HAMILTON, Oregon Bar #092650, c/o Hillis Clark Martin & Peterson, P.S., 1221 Second Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, Washington 98101-2925, Telephone: (206) 623-1745.