WesMag Winter 2023-24

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Meaghan Blight

President Seth Berkebile

Athletics Director

Ken Blair Director of Strategic Initiatives

Melody Blake Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Katina Cabiness Chief Diversity Officer

Julie Daniel Director of Human Resources and Chief Compliance Officer

Drew Davidson Vice President of Enrollment, Marketing and Communications

Carrie Ingoldsby Vice President for Student Affairs & Dean of Students

Timothy Klocko Chief Financial Officer

Sarah McCarthy Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Jessica Tucker Director of the President’s Office and Trustee Relations


Cathy Coxey Snow ‘71 Director of Alumnae Affairs

Susan Brown Allen ’17 (HON) Assistant to the PresidentAdvancement Officer

Ashley Childers Cleaver ‘89 Director of Annual & Leadership Giving

Millie P. Hudson ‘75 Director of Development

Julie Jones Senior Director of Advancement Operations and Research

Monty Martin Data Services Specialist

Erik Rayment Prospect Researcher


DESIGN: The Miner Agency

WRITING: Dr. Neil Brooks


To alumnae and friends for providing photos.

Wesleyan Magazine is published by the Wesleyan College Office of Communications

Designed for the driven, Wesleyan’s graduate programs provide flexibility and professional networking that lasts a lifetime. AS AN ALUMNA, ENJOY A 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL GRADUATE PROGRAMS OFFERED AT WESLEYAN COLLEGE.
4760 Forsyth Road Macon, GA, 31210-4462 (478) 757-5137 Contents may not be reprinted without permission from the editor.
Contents WESLEYAN MAGAZINE WINTER 2024 4 Flag Ceremony 5 Wesleyan Returns to Downtown Macon 7 Carol "Casey" Thurman In Memoriam 15 Howl Yeah! 24 Alumnae Section Alumnae Connections Class Notes Alumnae Weekend 2023 36 FY2023 Investors’ Report

From the President

In last year’s edition of WESMag, I spoke to you about a new strategic direction for Wesleyan College.

We discussed 2023 being a pivotal year in our 187-year history, leaning into our roots to lead in advancing opportunities for women through education, and engaging our alumnae network in this vital work.

Now, it is my pleasure to tell you about the year that was as we look back at all that has been accomplished – and look forward to the next phase of our plan.

Throughout this magazine, you’ll find stories from across a revitalized campus. You’ll see the capital project results ranging from refurbishing residences to more welcoming student spaces. You’ll meet new students, staff and faculty who are actively engaged in a more vibrant campus life. You’ll hear the stories of alumnae whose connections to one another remain strong years after graduation.

Each photo and story paint a picture of a historic college reclaiming its place in 2024 as a leader when it comes to accelerating equality for women around the world. We were the first in 1836. We continue that legacy now. We will protect those advancements forever

Enclosed with this magazine is a copy of our five-year strategic plan where we lay out our strategy for growing the school and solidifying our place as a leader in the education and advancement of young women. I hope that as you hear the stories of the year that was, and as you read about the next five years to come, you can find your place to contribute to Wesleyan College’s very exciting future.

I thank you for your continued enthusiasm and support,


Wesleyan College FLAG CEREMONY

is the first college in the world chartered to grant degrees to women - that’s a distinction that puts both Wesleyan and Macon on the map.

This is exactly the thought that Ken Blair, Wesleyan’s Director of Strategic Initiatives, had while standing in front of the U.S. Postal Services building on College Street.

“This spot is the original home of Wesleyan College and the place where our school’s first graduates studied,” he says. “What better way to mark that history than by literally planting our flag.”

That’s exactly what Wesleyan did this past April, just in time for Alumnae Weekend.

To mark our historic roots in Macon’s bicentennial year, Wesleyan College proudly returned to College Street with the addition of our school flags

to the stretch of road in front of the original business.

“Wesleyan College is a proud community partner in Macon,” says Blair, who leads community partnership initiatives on behalf of the College. “By coming back to the place that started our journey to advancing women’s education, we’re looking to double down on our mission and produce more strong women leaders who are going to accelerate equality around the world.”

At the ceremony marking the addition of the flags to College Street, SGA President Daebreon Buie reminded the gathered crowd of alumnae, Board Trustees and faculty of the

history behind the name of the street.

“Every year, we try to tell the students from the other schools in town that College Street is named for us, not them,” she said. “These flags really go a long way to proving us right!”

The ceremony was also attended by Macon Mayor Lester Miller who proclaimed Wesleyan College Alumnae Weekend in honor of the alumnae who would be gathering on our campus to celebrate their alma mater.

Wesleyan’s flags are now visible on College Street and Cherry Street in downtown Macon.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024


This September, Wesleyan College made its return to downtown Macon with the opening of the new Wesleyan College Leadership Lab.

Located at 522 Cherry Street, the Leadership Lab is the home of Wesleyan’s CEO Leadership Institute, allowing students to engage with programming to develop their skills, connect them with the community, and prepare them for leadership roles in the fields they are studying. CEO Leadership Institute participants hit the ground running early in the fall semester with an innovative designthinking workshop event held in the new space. The Leadership Lab also serves as a community hub for

women-centered leadership and entrepreneurship programming, provides lecture space for lectures and events, and houses a gallery for the College’s world-class art collection and student exhibits.

Most importantly, it allows Wesleyan students, faculty, staff, and alumnae to develop connections with local businesses and community organizations and reestablish the College as an anchor of Macon’s downtown.

“Part of the reason so many of our alumnae become successful is because of longstanding connections between the College, community partners, and businesses that create

opportunities for the next generation of young women,” said President Meaghan Blight at the ribbon-cutting ceremony held at the space on September 11. “Today, as we look towards the next 200 years of history, we’re reaffirming our commitment to seeing Wesleyan and Macon grow together as we continue working to accelerate equality for women.”

“This is the idea behind the Wesleyan College Leadership Lab – and I cannot think of a better place for it than here on Cherry Street in the heart of downtown Macon.”

The Wesleyan College Leadership Lab is being headed by Executive Director Alexis Gregg who takes


on this position after having served as associate professor of studio art at Wesleyan. An avid member of the Macon art community, Gregg has community connections that will help grow the reputation of the center while her faculty experience will ensure programming at the Leadership Lab complements the College’s academically rigorous curriculum.

“I’m thrilled to be in a role where I can continue my work in high-impact programming, innovative strategies, and community engagement. I look forward to collaborating closely with our faculty and staff to develop and nurture this program within our new

downtown space,” said Gregg. “We have a great opportunity to build a foundation for a dynamic program and establish meaningful partnerships that will benefit both Wesleyan and the Macon community.”

The Wesleyan College Leadership Lab is made possible by two grants from the Knight Foundation and The Peyton Anderson Foundation totaling over $1 million. This money will fund the space, staffing, and programmatic support for the next three years.

In its first two months of operation, the Leadership Lab has already made its mark on the downtown community. On First Friday, a monthly event to showcase downtown Macon,

Wesleyan has hosted sidewalk performances from music students as well a face painting event for children by arts faculty, among other First Friday events. On Halloween, Wesleyan students (including mascot Dakota), staff, and faculty handed out candy.

The Wesleyan College Leadership Lab is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for alumnae and community members to view the College’s art exhibitions.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024
Macon-Bibb Mayor Lester Miller addresses CEO Leadership Institute students Grace Lawson, Class of 2025, provides welcome remarks Amy Rauls, Board of Trustees Past Chair, Ashley Childers Cleaver ’89, Debbie Stevenson Moses '89, Board of Trustees Chair Wesleyan College Leadership Lab boardroom space


“A lightning rod” “A magnet for all things good” “A breath of fresh air all over campus”

These are just a few of the phrases Carol “Casey” Thurman’s friends used to describe a woman who proved herself to be a force of nature when bringing people together.

Casey arrived at Wesleyan College to study vocal performance. She said later that Wesleyan changed her profoundly and described the College as a “cornerstone” of her life.

As a Wesleyan student, Casey blessed everyone she met with her joyous spirit. The 1965 Veterropt describes her as “the girl who was born with a smile on her face and a laugh in her heart,” and she could often be heard shouting, “This is better’n grits!” about everything from a soccer victory to an excellent grade.

A gifted singer, Casey studied with Comer Professor of Voice Norman “Mr. Mac” McLean, and in 1964 won the Metropolitan Opera Regional/District auditions. “She had the most amazing voice,” said Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ’63. “She opened her mouth to sing and it was pure glorious artistic perfection.”

Following graduation, and a year with the American Red Cross in South Korea, and then traveling to 72 countries before coming home, Casey was invited to join Robert Shaw’s newly formed Chamber Chorus with regular performances at Carnegie Hall, summer festivals, and appearances at Aspen, Princeton, and Avery Fisher Hall in New York. Casey’s performances created more opportunities for her to make a mark on the music world. In 1974, she returned to Wesleyan College as an assistant professor of voice performance, directing the Wesleyannes and taking them to the White House.

In 1980, she performed at Guatemala City’s International Conference of the Familias of the Americas where Mother Teresa was the keynote speaker. After meeting and sitting with Mother Teresa on stage, Casey described the experience as “one of the most profound moments” of her life.

In 1980, Casey became the director of Camp Glen Arden in Tuxedo, NC, where she inspired young women and recruited many of them for Wesleyan. In subsequent years Casey stayed involved with the College and often visited her alma mater. In 2004, she planned and commissioned special music for President Ruth Knox’s inauguration. In 2015, the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association honored Casey as the recipient of its Distinguished Service to Wesleyan award.

Casey passed away peacefully on July 28, 2023, at Pisgah Manor near Asheville, NC. More than 250 people, including members of her family, camp family, and friends gathered at Camp Glen Arden to celebrate the legacy of this incredible woman on September 9, 2023.



There is a saying that if you educate a man, you educate an individual. But, when you educate a woman, you educate a generation.

While Wesleyan College is filled with stories of women who have gone on to change their communities, there’s no story more telling of this proverb than the story of “Camp Casey.”

Throughout college, Casey Thurman had spent summers with friends working at summer camps. This work connected her with Camp Glen Arden, a sleepaway camp for girls designed to help them grow as individuals, develop confidence and resiliency, and ensure their voices are heard. While post-college Casey’s incredible singing voice took her all over the world, in 1980 she found her calling as executive director of the camp where she had spent so many years.

In her new role at the camp, Casey thrived, her infectious role helping girls to develop as emotionally, spiritually, and physically strong individuals.

“The important thing is not just the influence she had on the camp: It’s the influence she had on people,” said Diane Lumpkin, Class of 1963. “She was just the kind of person who - if campers came in listening to music or had read a book that Casey didn’t know - she’d learn about it, so that she could speak their language.

“As far as Louisiana, New York, Minnesota, California – Casey would have former campers referring their daughters to her camp because of the influence she had on them.”

Casey’s influence at Camp Glen Arden continued for 20 years, as girls graduated from her leadership camp and even went on to Wesleyan College, which had influenced Casey so much. Then, it became clear that the woman who helped so many others find their voice might need some help herself.

Casey was approaching retirement, and the camp was at risk of being sold. “Casey was a talented woman, who was only concerned with helping young women reach their potential,” said Alexis Bighley, Class of 1967. “Unfortunately, she could not afford to buy the camp even though she would have loved to.”

Hearing Casey’s predicament, a group of Wesleyan classmates came up with an idea – if Casey couldn’t afford to buy the camp, maybe they could on her behalf.

The idea started off as blue sky comments. Here was a group of classmates who were successful in their own right. But not one of them was a real estate developer or land acquisitionist. Where were these women to begin? Then they thought, if men could use their college connections to rise up through the ranks of business or politics, surely they could use their connections to turn Camp Glen Arden into “Camp Casey” and empower and educate the next generation of young women.

The classmates began reaching out to those whom Casey had inspired –Wesleyan alumnae and past campers who had gone on to work in business, law, politics, and all other sectors. Soon, an investor group was formed.

“We didn’t really understand at that time that we had capabilities to put together a group of investors to buy a camp,” said Bighley. “In the end, 11 women provided the funds to buy the camp and give Casey majority ownership.

This was an opportunity for us to come together with a shared vision for something. This was about the network you create that allows you to go out there and create an impact on the world with a group of people behind you.”

And, for 16 more years, Casey retained ownership and brought even more young women to Camp Glen Arden for the experience of a lifetime.

Last July, at the age of 80, Casey passed

away peacefully in Asheville, North Carolina. In September, those who knew her gathered at “Camp Casey” to celebrate her life. While the group of investors who made the camp a reality had expected a large gathering, they were astounded to see over 250 people descend on the camp.

“I was thrilled to hear multiple generations of campers talk about the life-changing experience Camp Casey was for them,” said Bighley. “Sometimes we do things that we think are the right thing to do to help someone and no one realizes the impact it can have.”

That’s the legacy of Casey Thurman and the camp people so fondly associated with her.

For years, Casey inspired young women to hone their leadership abilities and pursue things they didn’t think possible. In turn, she inspired another group of women to go beyond their comfort zones and come together to help someone else.

For the investor group, that’s what they hope current Wesleyan students can take from Casey’s story. The education you get in college is not just about the grades you get: It’s the connections you make. When you make strong connections with strong women, you have the opportunity to achieve anything. The positive impact a group of women can make on the lives of today’s and future generations is limitless!

To read Casey Thurman’s full obituary, written by Helen Anne Richards ’80, and Memorial Service, scan the QR code.


"After being closed for almost a decade, Banks Hall is being renovated to welcome new students in the fall of 2024"


Wesleyan’s campus is a perfect reflection of Wesleyan’s mission. The traditional campus, with its Georgian Revival-style architecture, provides safe and inviting spaces for students to live, work, and learn and continues to evolve to meet the needs of current students. Since the completion of the Candler Alumnae Building renovation in 2022, Wesleyan has launched several other projects designed to make our campus, both indoor and outdoor spaces, more appealing and comfortable for our community.

New furnishings and fixtures will modernize Banks while maintaining the character so many alumnae remember fondly.


After being closed for almost a decade, Banks Hall is being renovated to welcome new students in the fall of 2024. The new Banks Hall will maintain its historic façade while new furnishings and fixtures will modernize the rooms, providing a comfortable and inviting environment where new students, like generations before them, will make the lifelong friendships that always have been a hallmark of the Wesleyan experience. Each of the other residence hall is scheduled to be renewed in the coming years as we catch up on maintenance and address the needs of incoming students.

Other physical spaces that have been restored recently include the Olive Swann Porter Student Center, which has been newly furnished, creating a more welcoming space for students and visitors. In response to a need for additional space for students to meet, study, and socialize, the Trice Student Center has been completely refurbished with a Wesleyan purple motif, making it a popular hub for student activities. We have improved indoor and outdoor lighting to enhance safety and comfort for students, and we will continue to create a that nurtures future leaders and encourages connections with others.

And, of course, all Wesleyan alumnae remember enjoying the outdoors on Wesleyan’s beautiful campus. Especially in the aftermath of the pandemic when many students experienced separation and isolation, we want to enhance our outdoor spaces so that they encourage community-building and camaraderie. One of the first steps President Blight took was to encourage activities that bring the campus community together outside. Whether walking through the Arboretum, having fun at our hugely successful block party, using the new outdoor game sets, or simply sitting and talking in the new Adirondack chairs placed across the campus, our students have multiple opportunities to thrive. With a revived commitment to events such as alumnae weekend, family weekend, and tailgates to cheer on our athletes, we hope to see as many alumnae as possible enjoying the relaxing and inspiring beauty of the Wesleyan campus.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024


Students entering college in the 2020s come with a much different set of needs and expectations than previous entering classes. At Wesleyan, staff are committed to providing students with the support and the tools to allow them to thrive while at college and in all their future endeavors. This also includes ensuring out-of-classroom experiences that create confidence, compassion, and camaraderie.

Many articles have been published recently questioning whether investment in a college education is a good “value proposition” and

students are increasingly anxious about what careers their degree can lead to. Our newly hired dedicated academic advisors ensure students meet all degree requirements by developing a personalized schedule based on each student’s strengths and goals. Each incoming student has summer orientation before entering Wesleyan to make certain they find themselves in the courses most valuable to them as individuals. This proactive model of student support includes our advisors regularly checking on every student and ensuring they are seen and known. The expanded Academic

Resource Center (ARC) offers many services including peer tutoring and appointments with professional math and writing skills experts.

With both dropout and transfer rates rising at colleges across the country, Wesleyan remains committed to giving our students the best fouryear campus experience. We have enhanced physical and mental health resources; leveraged the strength of our amazing alumnae to help create internship opportunities and career pathways; and have strengthened robust extracurricular programs to provide every student the chance to

"Inspiring Confidence, Compassion, and Camaraderie brings students to Wesleyan and remains our greatest strength in retaining students in an ever-changing college landscape."


follow their passions while developing relationships that will last a lifetime.

Dean of Students Carrie Ingoldsby says, We are working to ensure that all Wesleyan students are engaged both inside and outside the classroom. At Wesleyan, student learning and success are the focus.

We are creating a vibrant and connected campus through signature leadership programs, redesigned campus-wide events, enhanced academic supports and experiences, and newly renovated indoor and outdoor spaces.

Students at Wesleyan thrive in a tightknit community of women leaders preparing for a lifetime of success after college.

By renovating student meeting spaces, providing logistical support for student clubs and other initiatives, and connecting students with likeminded members of the community, we ensure that athletic, artistic, and other student passions are encouraged and recognized.

Alumnae consistently rave about the close friendships they formed as members of the Wesleyan community.

Forging similar personal relationships for students who spend a great deal of time in solitary online pursuits and had two of their years of high school interrupted by a global pandemic creates new challenges. Fortunately, the Wesleyan brand of community is stronger than any of the 21st Century barriers to authentic connection.

Inspiring Confidence, Compassion, and Camaraderie brings students to Wesleyan and remains our greatest strength in retaining students in an ever-changing college landscape.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024

Howl Yeah!




Wesleyan has a long history of students competing in athletic competitions both intramurally and as part of the Wolves teams that compete in a range of NCAA competitions. This year our teams are enjoying the convenience of traveling in new Wesleyan-branded buses generously donated by Butler Automotive and being cheered on by our new Wolves mascot. In addition to the benefits commonly associated with sports – like developing leadership skills, teamwork, and fitness – collegiate athletics bring even more advantages. Many studies have shown that retention figures are higher for college athletes and that they graduate at a higher rate than the general student population. Further, there is a strong correlation between participation in college sports and career advancement in many sectors. Our teams benefit not only from the talent and dedication of our student-athletes but also from the leadership of our remarkable coaching staff. Get to know the coaches who are helping our Wesleyan women to reach their potential in sport and life:




I love the creativity and freedom that soccer allows. We have no plays or set movements so the athletes are free to explore different solutions and come up with their own ideas based around our system.


The most rewarding part about coaching at Wesleyan is seeing our small, tight-knit community support our athletes. From alumnae to students to faculty and staff, everyone here is behind us and pushing for our success and that means the world to our coaches and athletes.


I hope that my athletes learn how to be contributing members of a team and how to lead no matter what their role is. I want them to leave this program with the knowledge and experience to be a leader in their families, communities, and careers.


Watching my athletes walk across the stage and receive their diplomas and then celebrate with their families and teammates is my fondest memory every year. The pride on their face and their motivation to graduate and make an impact is what we’re all ultimately here for and to see that payoff is worth every sacrifice we make.


The freedom it gives and the lessons it teaches about adversity, resilience, integrity, accountability, discipline, and work ethic.


For me, it’s showing my athletes the level they need to perform at to be successful. It’s also helping them understand the things off the court that will separate them in a positive way in life.


I hope they learn to care about the little things that will help them be successful in life, such as the proper way to write an email, having a planner and being organized, making the right decisions, and understanding the importance of time management and how to work through adversity.



So far my favorite moment was when I surprised my team with a season kickoff party of Sip (sparkling cider) and Paint! They were surprised and excited to do that!



I love how competitive and intense it is. It’s such a mental sport. Physicality matters but having the right mindset to win as a team supersedes everything else.


What I find most rewarding about coaching at Wesleyan is being able to see my players grow from year one to year four. Not just on the court but off the court as well. So far, each of them has been successful student-athletes.


I hope my athletes gain life lessons from their experience on the team. Although there are many factors that play into being a successful athlete, my hope is that they take what worked for them and what didn’t. Share their knowledge with people beyond college.


When my family came to visit to watch a couple of our matches.


I most love the team aspect and lack of a clock in softball. In our game, one person is not able to carry a team through a season. There might be instances

where a batter has a great game and drives in a few runs, or a pitcher has a great game and doesn't allow any runs. But in any game, there is an opportunity for whoever is on the field to affect the outcome. I love that there isn't the ability to run out the clock. In order for the game to end the ball has to be thrown over the plate and the batter gets a chance to do something to help their team.


I love watching my athletes grow and develop. Being at Wesleyan and having the young ladies who decide to join the softball team for four years is a new experience for me coming from the Junior College level where I had them for one or two. I have been very impressed with the improvement in my returners from season one to season two.


If my athletes play for four years, learn something about what it means to work hard, work as team, and be a good person, and graduate with their degrees from our prestigious college – I believe that is a win.


My favorite Wesleyan moment so far was being in the building for Volleyball's win on their first Senior night in five seasons.

Porter Gymnasium was loud, the crowd was supportive, and the building was full of love and appreciation for the young ladies who had spent four years helping Coach Malae bring the program back to Wesleyan.




The ability to teach and educate student athletes to understand their ability to reach their full potential.


Being able to create a program from the ground up and start a tradition.

WHAT DO YOU HOPE YOUR ATHLETES MOST GAIN FROM THEIR EXPERIENCE ON THE TEAM? They can do it if they commit to it. Prove it or Improve it.


The day I was hired.

Photos below: Mae Fiaseu, Ryan Bliss and William Ayears


A Warner Robins woman is now pursuing a Wesleyan College Master’s Degree thanks to the Working Warriors Scholarship.

The Working Warriors Scholarship was announced as part of Meaghan’s Million Dollar Match in order to give back to the Macon community. Made possible thanks to the generous support of donors to the initiative, local women have the opportunity to receive a full scholarship to continue or start the journey towards furthering their education.

Latasha Walker-Hall was officially named the inaugural recipient of the scholarship and is now attending Wesleyan College with intentions to graduate in 14 months with a Master’s Degree in Non-profit Management.

Walker-Hall plans to use her education from Wesleyan to help her open her own nonprofit providing wraparound services for local people who are undergoing rehabilitation. These services would include treatment, counseling, housing assistance, and help obtaining the “bare necessities” that are required for re-entering society.

A working mother of four with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, Walker-Hall began her career in corrections, working her way up to become the first female CERT officer and later, a trainer. Walker-Hall later ended up back in corrections as a substance abuse counselor, where she says she found her passion - helping others in their recovery process.

Walker-Hall currently works as the substance abuse program coordinator at the Oconee Center, where she works to assist individuals with sobriety and the opportunity to “build a better life.” In continuing to move toward growth and further opportunities, Walker-Hall recently accepted a new position as Program Director of Georgia Treatment Services, where she says her experience will tie in directly with her master’s degree program and further her knowledge on the ins and outs of running a facility.

Walker-Hall originally began taking online courses towards a master’s degree over 10 years ago and had only a few classes left when she says the money eventually ran out.

“I would not be able to pursue a degree without this opportunity because I had exhausted all other avenues,” she said.

Walker-Hall says she found out about the scholarship when it was dropped into a group chat of one of her previous sororities.

“At first I didn’t think much about it… then I saw it again and thought ‘hmm,’” said Walker-Hall. “I decided to go back to it again later and figured the worst thing that could happen is they say no.”

“It was breathtaking when I found out that I had been chosen and this is truly a blessing.”

Walker-Hall says she started her classes in the Fall semester and is enjoying her courses and learning a lot.

“I want to know that when I see people struggling in the community, I can play a part in helping them,” she said.



WESmag Winter 2023/2024


If you’ve spent any time in Macon, then you’ve likely attended a fun-filled baseball game featuring the Macon Bacon. Wesleyan College is now a Founding Partner of the team, highlighting the shared vision for empowering young women and bettering the community.

The partnership includes a 10-by90-foot sign promoting Wesleyan along the back wall in left field, as well as a mural painted on top of the dugout. The goal of the sponsorship is to familiarize locals with Wesleyan’s many offerings and to showcase the school as an option for students seeking a higher education environment that emphasizes a healthy professor-

to-student ratio and fosters mentorship both inside and beyond the classroom.

“When we first met President Blight a few months ago, we really understood the College’s values and morals and what they bring, not just to the Macon area...but the Middle Georgia area and beyond. Right away, we knew that those values were in line with what the Macon Bacon have here in the community as well.”

- Brandon Raphael, President, Macon Bacon

The culinary-themed Minor League Baseball team plays on a field with a long and important history. The Luther Williams Baseball Field dates back to 1929, making it the second oldest minor league baseball field in the world. In 1836, Wesleyan College became the first college in the world charted

to grant degrees to women. These unique histories make Wesleyan and the Bacon a terrific hometown match that everyone can support.

As part of the partnership, the Macon Bacon will host events in association with incoming and current Wesleyan students and alumnae, faculty, and staff. These events will allow community members to experience one of the many things that Macon has to offer while also exposing local residents to the history and opportunities that a women’s liberal arts institution provides.

“I want us to be a household name in Macon, Georgia. I want to go into local high schools and ask ‘who is interested in Wesleyan College?’ and see hands flying up.” – Meaghan Blight, President, Wesleyan College



Geovette Washington

Geovette Washington, class of 1989, is a dedicated Wesleyan alumna who has supported the College in many ways including serving on the Board of Trustees. Her journey after Wesleyan includes attending Duke Law School, a very successful legal career, serving in several roles with the federal government including General Counsel of the Office of Management and Budget from 2013-2015, and her current role as Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Legal Officer of the University of Pittsburgh. She entered Wesleyan with a very clear life plan to complete her education and have a career in a law firm but as she says, “I have been very lucky to have people knock me off my plan.” When asked about her commitment to Wesleyan and the ongoing need to value and support women’s colleges, she replies succinctly “they are the right place for the right person.”


There are two stories about how I chose Wesleyan. My best friend from high school’s older sister went to Wesleyan, she is still on the Board of Trustees, Bryndis Roberts '78. So I had heard about Wesleyan as a great college not too far from home. But my dream was to go to Georgetown. My parents realized I could be bribed and said we will buy you a car if you agree to go to Wesleyan for two years and after two years you can go anywhere. Of course, I loved it and after two years it never occurred to me to transfer anywhere else.


Beautiful campus, beautiful buildings. But mostly really friendly people who were interested in learning about you and seeing how you could succeed and become part of the community. What was especially great for me at Wesleyan was I was able to develop strong relationships with people in my class and in my sister class, so it really did become a family. To this day, some of my strongest relationships are with people whom I went to Wesleyan with.


I think that the perception of women’s colleges is that they don’t provide you with the same experiences as you would get at larger institutions. For me, that was a plus because I was able to be in student government, was a student on the Board of Trustees, and got all kinds of experiences I don’t think I would have gotten at a large research institution or even if I weren’t at a single-sex school. I believe the confidence I got from having all those roles and having all those opportunities set me up well to do the things I do today.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024



When I attended Wesleyan, it was often the only choice for some women to get a quality education. Now Wesleyan provides a unique opportunity for some women who may have opportunities to go other places but need that special, personalized attention or need that environment to grow and learn and to get the confidence to go to the next place.


Again I think that confidence that you could do almost anything that is put in front of you. My parents gave me the foundation, but it was definitely nurtured and supported when I was at Wesleyan. I still remember Dr. Taylor, my advisor in the history department who was always a great mentor to me, saying “You can do this, I have confidence in you.” Having relationships with professors who knew you and knew what you were capable of and were very involved in pushing you to do that thing you were a little on the fence about was transformative.

In another interview, you spoke of being introverted and that singing in a small ensemble at college helped you to gain the confidence to speak in public and to move outside your comfort zone. Was that at Wesleyan?

Yes, it was! I was in The Wesleyannes for at least three years. We sang in different places around town and we did a tour every summer for at least a week where we would go and sing at different churches and civic organizations. It was a really great bonding experience that I continue to have very fond memories of.


I was the number two on the committee my junior year and the Chair my senior year. It was a great sisterly activity that brought people together as a class to do things that most people weren’t usually involved in at all. Putting the dialogue and songs together really helped the classes to bond. It also gave people who were math majors a chance to be performers. It was always one of my favorite times of the year.


Actually one of my greatest regrets is that I gave up singing when I went to law school. That was a mistake because I needed that creative outlet. My advice to young people today is not to give up on those creative activities because you need that other part to stimulate you, especially when you are going through stressful times.


Your alma mater is only as good as the support it gets from its alums so don’t forget to give and give back.




Alumnae Weekend

A Message from the WCAA president

Dear Wesleyan Alumnae,

It was great seeing so many of you on campus in April. There is nothing quite like the coming home feeling of being on Wesleyan’s campus. It was our first opportunity as Wesleyan alums to meet and spend time with President Meaghan Blight (even though she admitted to a drive-by last year). The energy and enthusiasm fueled by the new administration’s love for the College is contagious. Some highlights from reunion weekend included: a 360-degree photo booth at the Presidents' Reception, the reopening of the Candler Building after some much-needed renovations, seeing the Wesleyan flags lining College Street, catching up with old friends and making new ones, and enjoying a fun reception at the Equestrian Center on Saturday evening before class parties.

Before I close, I would like to remind you to follow Wesleyan on social media and keep your email address current with the College. There are so many new and exciting things happening that you won't want to miss, including the opening of the Wesleyan College Leadership Lab in downtown Macon that will provide opportunities for partnerships with various organizations in Middle Georgia.


ALUMNAE WESmag Winter 2023/2024



Christine Nicholas






Susan Thigpen McDuffie


Row 1: (L-R) Nina Beth Sheppard Terrell, Temple Wilson Ellis, Medra Lott Wallace Keyser, Gloria Barwick Szokoly Row 2: (L-R) Jane Howard Reinmuth, Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird, Martha Carter MiddlemasBryant, Nancy McCook Spence


Row 1: (L-R) Tommie Sue Montgomery, Karen Connor Shockley, Diane A. Lumpkin, Sally Irwin Williams, Sylvia Hutchinson Bell Row 2: Susan Taylor King, Ann Ewing Shumaker, Sylvia Maxwell Brown, Joyce Brandon Starr, Bitsy Wingfield Dick, Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer


Row 1: (L-R) Katherine Wilson Johnson, Betsy Martin Bunte, Beth Rogero Bowen, Judy Floyd Bywater, Pris Gautier Bornmann, Carolyn Curtiss Higgins Row 2: (L-R) Peggy Ray Sichveland, Gail Fulton Murphy, Ruth Ann Gray Randolph, Susan Cobleigh, Marian Pointer Row 3: (L-R) Virginia Hiers Roebuck, Marsha Fernald Sichveland, Patty Pearce Cardin, Cheryl Maund Page, Ina Davis Temple, Peggy Graham Holland, Ellen Beard Martin Row 4: (L-R) Helen Jackson Burgin, Babs Battson Ferrell, Sara Walters Ingram, Ginna Larson Schneider, Jenny Crapps Johnson Row 5: (L-R) Judy Davis Powell, Lynn Hays Davis, Jane Kappel Ashley, Bunny Eddy Lancaster, Vicki Page Jaus, Jana Witham Janeway, Jane Price Claxton Row 6: (L-R) Mary Jo Fincher Plowden, Leila Kight, Susan Swain Goger, Mary Ann Ward Dudley, Beverly Mitchell, Jean Barkley Russell


Row 1: (L-R) Connie Burkhalter Hood, Anne Thornton Reynolds, Carroll Ricketson Bolton, Nannette Coco, Linda Brown Walker, Miriam McElheney Jordan, Kathy Olson, Janice Mays Row 2: (L-R): Susan Harris Tibbitts, Natalie Ryan Gemmill, Mary Harter Bailey, Becky Read Sullivan, Carol Bacon Kelso, Elizabeth Lilly, Deb Monds Davis Row 3: (L-R) Caron Griffin Morgan, Kathy Amidon MacGregor, Mary Graham Ponder Foster, Marsha Lynn Christy Row 4: (L-R) Hale Coble Edwards, Margaret Mathews, Ginger Volosen Jennings, Susan Paul Tyler, Adriane Kelly Wood, Marsha Brown Thomas.


Row 1: (L-R) Julie St. John Thornton, Nancy McDonald Terhorst, Darla Grinstead McKenzie, Patilee Tate, Mary Dunn Griffin, Kathy A. Bradley Row 2: (L-R) Leigh Lambert Goff, Mary Lou Pratt Taff, Megan Brown Phifer, Beverly Burd Fetner, Millie

Smith Beverly, Janet Keys Row 3: (L-R)

Becky Tatman Klase, Janet Ort, Connie Newman Allen, Candice Muehlbauer

Shockley Row 4: (L-R) Janet Rumler Brooks, Cathy Bradach Rockoff, Janet Williams Sills, Kathy Harvin Gibbs, Bryndis Roberts, Pam Risi


Row 1: (L-R) Peggy Jones Hall; Beth Proudfoot Johnson, Beth Mercer Haley Row 2: (L-R) Barbara Stout Hallinan, Ellen Futral Hanson, Ginger Caldwell Musser, Beth Koon Spiwak


Row 1: (L-R) Terri Henry Parker, Lynn Abney, Kecia Whitlock Cawthorne, Ana Fernandez, Beth Herndon Row 2: (L-R) Jody Bethea Riggs, Veronica Hicks Jones, Margaret Baldwin Ligon, Ricky Rogers-Randall, Verah Dorsey Turner, Deana Carlisle Carson, Jackie Lawson McLeod, Row 3: (L-R) Kathy Lawrence Spada, Dawn Christian Stevens, Susan DeBay, Mary Cobb Dugan, Ginger McQueen Reeves (NP) Amanda Blakey Jacobsen, Donna Groover, Cecilia Underwood Kovacs. Lysa Desnoyers


Row 1: (L-R) Cindy Migeot Schumann, Cheryl Kirk Burns, Eileen Gray Booth, Heidi Hacia Suydam, Jennifer Monjeau Sweat, Barbara Summers Blevins Row 2: (L-R) Emily Adams Mowery, Daphne Nobles Markham, Hallie Suber Prince, Ruth Powell Storts, Melanie Filson Lewis, Alison Charney Hussey, Beth Hastings Hoover Row 3: (L-R) Jane Arthur, Shawna VanPelt, Paige Getty, Lisa Theiling Stamey


Row 1: (L-R) Stacy Reynolds Forehand, Brandy Hayes, Melinda Caspers Thompson, Kenithe Biggs Row 2: (L-R) Susan Wilson Toler, Jennifer Allen Edwards, Kimberly Benoit, Lynn Shaver, Lora Tolley Peppard, Emily Carr Heath.


Row 1: (L-R) Rachel Garcia, Jennifer Duello, Tracy Baker, Brandy Heineman Steffensen Row 2: (L-R) Tara Hatfield Crooms, Lindy Donahue, Toosdhi Danielle White Hill, Regina Wright-McRae Row 3: (L-R) Lindy Minore, Nessa Cruthirds Griffin, Jennica Schenck Cornine, Elaina Winter, Aliscia Pitts


(L-R) Missy Poole, Faith Sumpter (center), Tanya Parker


Row: (L-R) Aaminah Hassan, Joi RaushanElder, Beth Randolph, Krissy Dennard, Gianna Kim

Not shown: Class of 2013 & 2022

WESmag Winter 2023/2024


ENERGY. EXCITEMENT. ENGAGEMENT. Words inspired by a brand new academic year at Wesleyan as students, faculty, and alumnae celebrate 187 years of educating women. As alumnae we are energized by President Meaghan Blight’s vision, we are excited by improvements on campus, and we are eager to engage in new ways to compliment the College’s expanding global reach to young women who want to become effective leaders in a challenging world. As an active member in the WCAA, you can secure Wesleyan’s future by helping to recruit students, mentor students, and retain students. There are many ways to enhance the Wesleyan student experience and it starts with YOU: Refer a prospective student to Wesleyan, participate in a virtual career event with students, connect with students at a campus tailgate or at an alumnae-student social, start an area alumnae club and help raise funds for scholarships, or commit to The Wesleyan Fund with a goal of making Wesleyan stronger as we work together to accelerate equality for women. Contact the Alumnae Office at csnow@wesleyancollege.edu (478) 757-5173 or the WCAA Board of Managers at WesleyanBOM@gmail.com for more ways to engage.

Alumnae Weekend 2024. We hope YOU are making plans to return to campus for Alumnae Weekend on April 19, 20 and 21, and join special reunion year classes in celebrating the ties that bind us together. Remember, Alumnae Weekend is not just for reunion classes!



In June, members of the Atlanta Club enjoyed getting together for a fun Celebrate Women Walk in Blackburn Park. In July, the group’s executive board met to plan activities for the 2023-2024 year. Fall events included a virtual Book Club Chat in September, a Meet & Sign at the home of alumna author Cheri League Dennis ’68, and a Cheer-On for the Wolves at the Wesleyan vs Oglethorpe soccer game in October. Members also were invited to campus to participate in a soccer tailgate and Athletic Showcase Day. In December, area alumnae enjoyed a musical production of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas at City Springs Theatre Company. Sarah Shearouse ’04 is president of the Atlanta Club. For more information about upcoming Club events, contact atlanta@ wesleyancollege.edu.


Macon alumnae and guests turned out for Alumnae/ Alumni Night at the Macon-Bacon Baseball Game in June, participated in community and campus service projects during the annual fall WOW-A-Day in September, and attended a tailgate to support prospective student athletes during Alumnae Day @ Wesleyan College in October. Area alumnae met in December for the Macon Alumnae Holiday Coffee. The annual event was held at Wesleyan’s new Leadership Lab in downtown Macon, where Wesleyan President Meaghan Blight was on hand to greet alumnae. Local alumnae also decorated Wesleyan’s campus for the holidays. Macon’s Pioneer Book Club members continue to meet on campus in the Porter House.

North Carolina

North Carolina Triangle Club (Raleigh/Durham)

The NC Triangle Book Club met in December at the Fearrington House Inn in Pittsboro for a Christmas Dutch Treat Tea and book discussion. The group’s annual meeting took place in January 2024 at The Carolina Country Club, where President Meaghan Blight was the featured speaker. Pamela Henry Pate ’71 and Linda Brown Walker ’73 serve as co-leaders of the group.

Sisterhood in Action: Connecting with Students

ALUMNAE WELCOME NEW STUDENTS ON MOVE-IN DAY. In August, new students received special tote bags, luggage tags, and other Wesleyan swag from the WCAA and alumnae office. Macon-area Young Alumnae also served lunch and dinner to new and current international students. In September, the WCAA Board of Managers hosted ice-cream socials for student athletes. WCAA Treasurer Judy Whitaker ’75 spearheaded the Wolf Pack socials.

SENIOR CELEBRATION BREAKFAST. Anderson Dining Hall served as the venue in November for this annual “Welcome Back” event honoring Seniors. Sponsored by the alumnae office and the WCAA, Seniors were treated to special late night breakfast fare. Dr. Vida Olivares ’02, WCAA board member, previewed alumnae-student spring events that focused on mentoring, “life after Wesleyan,” Candlelighting and Senior Toast traditions, and keeping in touch with the College after graduation.

Got Sisterhood?Get Social! For current updates on news of classmates and friends, check www.facebook.com/WesleyanCollegeAlummnaeAssociation. Wesleyan College @wesleyancollege and @wesleyancollegeAA @WesleyanCollege wesleyancollegega

Facebook CLUB

1. Walking for Women. Atlanta Club members at Blackburn Park in June.

2. Meet & Sign. Atlanta Club members support author Cheri Dennis ’68 (seated) and her book entitled Dear Mr. Ellamae, which chronicles the life of her grandmother and one of the first female architects, Ellamae Ellis League, Class of 1921.

3. Go Wolves! Macon and Atlanta alumnae met up on campus in October to enjoy a soccer tailgate and an Athletic Showcase Day.

4. Alumnae Night @ Macon-Bacon. In June, Macon and Middle Georgia alums, their families, and guests enjoyed a baseball game and tailgate for Macon’s home team - the Macon-Bacon.

5. Move-In Day. (L-R) Judy Whitaker ’75 and Hannah Allen ’80 welcome new students with special Wesleyan swag on behalf of the WCAA and the alumnae office at registration in August.

6. Athletes and Ice Cream. Wolf Pack student athletes enjoy time-out from practice at several ice cream socials sponsored by the WCAA and alumnae office.


9. Sisters and Dames Meet-Up. (L-R): Wesleyannes Jane Curry Hinson ’64, Virginia Barber Perkins ’63, Bootsie Laslie Brinson Bird ’58, Judy Woodward Gregory ’63, and Susan Woodward Walker ’70 at a Colonial Dames meeting in Jefferson County, Florida.

10. It’s a small Wesleyan world! Carolyn Field Hall ’76 and Anna Clare Williams Allen ’55 (CONS) at Greensboro Opera, where they first crossed paths while serving on the board of directors. (See Class Notes 1976.)

1 2 3
7. You Made it, Seniors! 2024 Green Class Seniors smile for the camera at the Senior Celebration Breakfast. 8. Wow-A-Day Workers. Alumnae student volunteers at the All About Animals shelter in Macon.
10 9 8 4 6 6 6 5 7


The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association extends sympathy to:

Elaine Wood Whitehurst ’53, on the death of her husband, James “Jim” Whitehurst, on April 10, 2023.

Bootsie Laslie Brinson Bird ’58, Eleanor Laslie Griffin ’60, Harriet Laslie Reynolds ’62, on the death of their sister, Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ’54, on September 7, 2023.

Gloria Barwick Szokoly ’58, on the death of her son, Steve Rivers, on June 22, 2023.

Stella Tidwell Avert ’59, on the death of her husband, Dr. Edwin Thomas “Bud” Avert, on October 7, 2023.

Barbara Betts Tuck ’60, on the death of her husband, Frank Kenneth Tuck, on August 7, 2021.

Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ’61, on the death of her sister, Patricia Loflin Phillips Blanchard, on April 7, 2022.

Fann Dewar Greer ’66, on the death of her husband, William Thomas “Billy” Greer, Jr., on August 30, 2023.

Kathy DeBerry Brungard ’67, on the death of her mother, Kathleen Lazar DeBerry Baskin, on November 3, 2023.

Ellen Beard Martin ’68 and Ann Beard Shahid ’69, on the death of their brother, Joseph Roderick “Rick” Beard, Jr., on October 10, 2023.

Mary Beth Taylor Keys ’69, on the deaths of her mother, Virginia Taylor, on July 24, 2023, and her husband, The Reverend Joel Thompson Keys, on June 22, 2023.

Kathy Arnold Hale ’70 and President Emerita Ruth A. Knox ’75, on the death of their cousin, Elizabeth Virginia “Ginny” Mason ’65, on August 10, 2023.

Nancy Barnes Huppert ’71, on the death of her sister, Florence Barnes ’72, on June 23, 2023.

Kay Barfield Lee ’73, on the death of her mother, Martha Ann “Ann” Barfield, on June 10, 2023.

Kathy Amidon MacGregor ’73, on the death of her mother, Alice Catherine Kennedy Amidon, on September 20, 2023.

Pam Dorminey-Uros ’73, on the death of her mother, Betty Ramona McAlhany Dorminey, on February 11, 2022.

Ruth Norman Solomon ’74, on the death of her cousin, Peggy Persons Fox ’70, on October 29, 2023.

Kay Hickman Beasley ’75, on the death of her mother, Virginia Pait Hickman, on May 4, 2023.

Ginna Pritchard Ashby ’76 on the death of her father, Dr. Claudius H. “Claude” Pritchard, Jr., on June 27, 2023.

Amy C. Blackmarr ’78 and Jennifer Willis Payne ’82, on the death of Amy’s mother and Jennifer’s aunt, Sydney “Syd” Willis Blackmarr ’54, on July 25, 2023.

Janet Leslie Keys ’78, on the death of her brother, The Reverend Joel Thompson Keys, on June 22, 2023.

Lauretta Elliott Garrett ’79, on the death of her husband, Charles Edward “Charley” Garrett, Jr., on January 20, 2023.

Eileen V. Begin ’80, on the death of her mother, Winifred Clements Begin ’52, on July 7, 2023.

Lisa Sloben ’80, on the death of her father, Hadley Edward Sloben, on September 8, 2023.

Anne Woodward Ahrendt ’81, Adrianne Woodward Glass ’14, Jane Woodward Wilkinson ’70, and Ann Laslie Bevis ’80, on the death of Anne’s mother, Adrianne’s grandmother, Jane’s aunt, and Ann’s cousin, Martha Jean Laslie Woodward ’54, on September 7, 2023.

Jeanon M. Massien ’84, on the deaths of her mother, Dixie Jeanne Phillips Trammel, on November 8, 2023, and her brother, Leslie Allan Davis, on April 30, 2023.

June Jordan O’Neal ’90, on the death of her mother, Marcia Futch Jordan, on June 14, 2023.

Maleia Barry ’99, on the death of her father, Willie Fred “Beau” Curry, on October 22, 2023.

Sherrie Randall ’03, on the death of her father, Glenn Mason Randall, on June 9, 2023.

Mary Kathryn Borland ’04, on the death of her brother, William Robert “Will” Borland, on September 26, 2023.

Doneshia Starling ’06, on the death of her grandmother, Laura Mae Brown, on April 16, 2023.


Kristi Peavy, library director, on the death of her sister, Laura Guy, on June 3, 2023.

Charlotte Bowen Bogle, Wesleyan trustee, on the death of her mother, Lois Fouts Bowen, on November 17, 2023.

Marvin R. Schuster, former Wesleyan trustee, died on October 1, 2023.



Congratulations to:

Annabel L. Fowler ’11 and Kyung Min, who were married on April 29, 2023.

Quiana “Qui” Mobley ’18 and Keon Burnette, who were married on October 10, 2022.

Joi Raushan ’18 and Eldra Elder, who were married on October 11, 2023.

Anna Latimer ’19 and Robert Blake, who were married in July 2022.

Births and Family Additions

Congratulations to:

Sarah Shearouse ’04 and Cory on the birth of a daughter, Louisa Catherine “Lula” DeBord, on September 25, 2023.

Kathryn Vann Correia ’12 and Keith, on the birth of a daughter, Kelsey Ann Correia, on November 18, 2022.

Auburn Davidson Saulmon ’17 and Will, who welcomed their first baby, Fisher Rainier, on July 31, 2023.

In Memoriam

1940 Katherine Carroll Talley

1945 Winifred Bosch Titterton

1946 Virginia Rushing Trapnell

Sue Lott Clark

1948 Mary Elizabeth Quillian Johnson

Anice Willcox McArthur

1950 Rhea von Lehe Ashley

1951 Dorothy Russell Leggett

1952 Winifred Clements Begin

Nancy King Flanders


Margaret Smith Peet

1954 Sydney Willis Blackmarr

Marjorie McCarty Massenburg

Leah Wallat Odden

Martha Jean Laslie Woodward

1956 Martha Kennedy Gay

1957 Rosemary Wood Dodd

1958 Helen Stowers Tabor

May Morgan Ackerman

(June 1, 1933 – November 3, 2023)

The Wesleyan College family was deeply saddened by the death of May Morgan Ackerman, Wesleyan’s First Lady and spouse of the late Robert Kilgo “Bob” Ackerman, who served as president of Wesleyan College from 1984 to 1997. Together they worked to build a special community spirit on campus with their “open door” policies.

Students and faculty knew that Dr. Ackerman’s office was always available to them. May’s domain was at Bradley House, where she served as a gracious host and opened the President’s home for many campus events and to Macon community groups, especially Methodist groups. From trustees and faculty to students, staff, and alumnae, May served as a dedicated Wesleyan volunteer, who engaged students with her love of family and made them feel at home.

May also traveled the country with Dr. Ackerman, visiting with alumnae groups, promoting the college at Methodist conferences, supporting him at academic forums and conventions, and serving as an ambassador for the Oldest and Best

Playing tennis and playing bridge were two of May’s favorite pastimes. She enjoyed competition, and it was said she enjoyed winning. At Wesleyan, she also enjoyed being with her many friends, including members of the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association, who recognized her service to their alma mater and made her an honorary alumna of the Class of 1994.

The Wesleyan College Alumnae Association sends our condolences to the Ackerman children: Mark Ackerman, Roxanne Spencer, Bettye Ackerman and to May and Bob’s grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and to May’s sister, Jeaneene Wise.

1960 Anna Nancy Reeder Akins

Virginia Moody Holland

1961 Charlotte Milor Laurens

Jacquelyn Smith Lineberger

Martha Kinsey Skirven

1962 Jill Jayne Read

1963 Judyth Davis Connell

Gail Lewis Murchinson

1965 Elizabeth Virginia Mason

Casey J. Thurman

1968 Virginia Pat Campbell

Margaret Mahler Wadleigh

Andgelia Proctor Kelly


Emoryette McDonald

Peggy Persons Fox

1971 Martha Yates Thomas

1972 Florence Barnes

1973 Blair Bergstrom

1974 Dorothy Robuck Christy

1976 Anita Hester Teipel

1978 Kayoko Shinzato-Kitamura

1983 Kim Barksdale Tyson

1990 Alis K. Jones

2009 Bryanna Rupe Bedingfield

2012 Jawendalyn Rutherford-Hughes



Recognized at the Golden Belles Luncheon for being the alumna from the earliest class to attend reunion, Louise Chapman Orr ’41 (103 years old) accompanied her daughter-inlaw, Jenny Agnew Orr ’68, to the luncheon as Jenny celebrated her own 55th reunion. Louise graduated from the Wesleyan Conservatory, majored in music, and has shared her love of music as a music teacher for many years. Luncheon attendees enjoyed seeing a table filled with Louise’s special Conservatory memorabilia and treasures.


Martha Bielmann Hastings ’52 shares that “I met Ann Lee (Alley Earnshaw ’59) at my first job after I graduated in 1952. I was the Education Director of Youth, and her dad was the senior minister at Southside Methodist Church in Jacksonville, FL. She heard a lot about Wesleyan, as it became her college of choice. She still supports Wesleyan and we stay in touch.”

1953 (70th Reunion)

Pianist Susan Thigpen McDuffie ’53 brought the audience to its feet at the Celebration Concert held during Alumnae Weekend. In addition to her classical repertoire, the nationally known music teacher’s jazz renditions are always a hit whenever she plays. Susan also served as Reunion Chair for Class of 1953.

“I am happy to be turning 90 this year! Celebrating by going on a trip to Scotland with my family. Happy birthday to my former classmates,” writes Ann Hunter McCandless ’55.

1958 (65th Reunion)

The WCAA thanks Reunion Chair Nina Sheppard Terrell and her committee members

Emily Hardman Dickey, Friday class party hostess, and Medra Lott Keyser and Nina for planning a night class party in memory of their classmate Eleanor Adams Lane

Medra Lott Keyser ’58 reports, “Family still growing. I have three children, seven grands, and 12 greats!”

Jane Howard Reinmuth ’58 is retired and she has been spending time with her husband’s cousins since his death in 2021. She is interested in traditional Dixieland jazz and attends jazz events and festivals. One of her jazz organizations provides music scholarships, lessons, and instruments to young people. “I contribute to Wesleyan, food banks, some military charities, and have renewed my membership in AAUW.”


Kay Carroll Barnes ’60, a high school math teacher at Flint River Academy, was presented a special award by the Page Foundation in recognition of being named a STAR teacher (Student Teacher Achievement Recognition) for the 20th time. She is one of two teachers in the state to achieve this level in the 45 years of the STAR program. Says Kay, “I am forever grateful to Wesleyan for the fine education I received and for the lifelong friends I made. I still teach math, play the organ at church, and have four grandchildren and gained three great-grands in the past year.”

Ernestine “Teena” Cole Fulmer ’61 reports, “Soon Preston and I will be celebrating our 63rd anniversary. We love Newnan and enjoy our four grandchildren who live here. We also visit Cape San Blas on the FL panhandle as much as possible.”

1963 (60th Reunion)

Many thanks to Reunion Co-Chairs Karen Connor Shockley and Diane A. Lumpkin,

along with help from committee members Sylvia Hutchinson Bell, Sylvia Maxwell Brown, Bitsy Wingfield Dick, Judy Woodward Gregory, Susan Taylor King, Charlotte Thomas Marshall, and Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer who made their 60th reunion a very special one for classmates.

"In spite of owning more years than I like to count, my life is fairly active. I live alone for the first time as Ed died in 2017. I run my household and enjoy my family and friends. I stay busy with church and other activities. Best wishes and love to my Golden Heart sisters,” says Becky Bullard Powers ’63.

“I regret not being with my classmates for reunion but I have interesting reasons. My son, Admiral Keith Davids, a top Navy Seal, and his wife, Yvette, also an Admiral, find their duties take them to places in the US and throughput the world. Someone must be with their 13- year-old twin boys, so I have found myself living in a Navy Base in Key West. Now I am often at a Navy Seal Base on Coronado Island, CA – a rare privilege, indeed. Wish I could be in two places at once. News flash: Yvette, "who became the first Hispanic woman to command a Navy warship in 2007," has been nominated to become the first woman to serve as superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD. See you in five years,” writes Renate Butler Ryan ’63

“A delightful conversation with Judy Woodward Gregory ’63 today reminded me of the wonderful years we spent at Wesleyan. May the new President guide and strengthen Wesleyan for the future,” writes Linda J. Withrow ’63

Linda Maria Willson ’64 shares, “I am happily retired and I don't miss the work world at all! My two daughters are happy and very successful in their careers. I have five grandchildren, all of whom are doing well.


None are married. I would really like to have a great grandchild! Green Knight classmates, I love you all!”

“In May ’23 my granddaughter, Sarah, graduated from Vanderbilt University and has been accepted at the New England Conservatory in Boston, where she will work towards a M.M. degree in violin performance. In August, her youngest brother, Daniel, will be the roommate of his brother, Matthew, a sophomore at Liberty University!” writes Peggy Shoemaker Gordon ’65

Margaret “Dee” Thompson Monahan ’67 reports, “Retired to Ohio to be close to Jim’s family. Good move, lots of relatives to help with mobility. We have a small garden, small bungalow of a house, and enjoy the zoom class meetings – Thanks, Marilyn V.”

1968 (55th Reunion)

year in 2024,” shares Dell Hitchcock Bailey ’69

“We have recently moved to be nearer to our son’s family. Tyler is 3 1/2, Cameron is 13 months, and baby sister is due in late October,” reports Ann Beard Shahid ’69

Barbara Marble Tagg ’69 continues to serve as chair of Women’s Choirs - FL ACDA. She also serves on the development committee for Chorus America and chairs the Syracuse University Alumnae Group of Sarasota. In addition, she adjudicates for the World Stripes Choral Festivals. Barbara is a board member of The Gregg Smith Singers.


Christine Everett ’72 shares, “I have been seeing wonderful things happening at Wesleyan and I am thrilled to see all the progress and awesome improvements that President Blight

with Conservatory alumna Anna Clare Williams Allen ’55 since they first met while serving on the board of directors for the Greensboro Opera in North Carolina. Anna Clare’s Conservatory days were filled with music and friends including her roommate, the late Neva Jane Langley Fickling (Miss America 1953). Anna Clare had her wedding reception in the parlor of the Conservatory – a fabulous memory, indeed! She has served as president of the Bel Canto Company, and served as president of Greensboro Opera three times. “Music connects people and Anna Clare and I are Wesleyan sisters connected through our love of music and opera,” says Carolyn.

1978 (45th Reunion)

Still “Purple to the Bone,” 1978 classmates rallied to the PK call to return to campus led by Janet Keys and Kathy Bradach Rockoff (Reunion Co-Chairs). Committee members Pam Risi and Kathy Harvin Gibbs made sure


GKs turned out in record numbers for a fun and fabulous 55th! Reunion Co-Chairs Beth Rogero Bowen and Cheryl “Motor” Maund Page along with Class Party host Mary Ann Ward Dudley were ready to get the parties started!

Jenny Agnew Orr ’68 brought an extra special guest with her to reunion. Her mother-inlaw, Louise Chapman Orr ’41 (103 years old), made quite a splash at the Golden Belles Luncheon, where Jenny’s classmates and others honored her as the alumna from the oldest class to attend reunion.

“Officially retired December 31, 2022, after 51 years as a teacher, mostly high school math! I continue to enjoy teaching Children’s Church!” writes Ginny Hiers Roebuck ’68

“I am looking forward to my 55th reunion next

has put into place. LeMarcus has graduated from high school and received the Principal’s Award for Outstanding Achievement. I am so proud of him! I’m looking forward to reunion in 2024.”

1973 (50th Reunion)

“As the class officer responsible for planning our Golden Belle reunion, I want to recognize and thank my outstanding Class of 1973 Reunion Committee members: Marsha L. Christy, Deb Monds Davis, Hale Coble Edwards, Mary Graham Ponder Foster, Connie Burkhalter Hood, Carol Bacon Kelso, Elizabeth Lilly, Kathy Amidon MacGregor, Margaret Mathews, Janice Mays, Caron Griffin Morgan, Anne Thornton Reynolds, and Susan Paul Tyler,” writes Linda Brown Walker ’73

“It’s a small Wesleyan world,” writes Carolyn Field Hall ’76, who has become fast friends

that PKs were still #1.

The WCAA sends sympathy to Janet Keys ’78 on the death of her brother, The Reverend Joel Thompson Keys, on June 22, 2023. (See Sympathy)

Janet L. Ort ’78 writes, “Inspired by professor Pat Hardeman ’68, I have been back to the Amazon Rainforest in Peru many times. I participated/taught in workshops, and have taken students; now I work with the Morpho Institute workshops for North American teachers as well as in partnership with Peruvian NGOs. I returned in July ’23. I am still a soloist in the Independent Presbyterian Church (PCUSA) choir. Summer 2022 found us singing in France. I teach AP environmental science and biology research/design at Hoover High School in Birmingham, AL. As the STEMperess, I sponsor teams and individuals

in science competitions of all sorts. In 2021, I was the AL Secondary Science Teacher of the Year and a Presidential Award for Excellence in Math & Science state winner. I see Janet Keys ’78 at church. Still “Purple to the Bone” and looking forward to our 45th!”

Proud grandmother Laura E. Perdue ’78 reports, “Son Patrick and wife Sarah married in 2022 and they had a son, Lachlan, on November 18, 2022.”


Allison McFarland Wilcox ’80 was featured in an article in The Midland Daily News. The article focused on Allison’s volunteer work in the community and her interest in politics. After she received her master’s degree in chemical engineering from Texas A&M, Allison worked for IBM printed circuit board manufacturing, met and married her husband, Neal, and started a family. When her children graduated from high school she got involved in politics. She serves on the leadership team of the Women of Michigan Action Network (WOMAN) and is involved in other women’s organizations - Zoe Club, PEO, and in Moms Demand Action for gun sense in America. She ran for county commission last year and lost by 176 votes. Says Allison, “I got involved in politics as a volunteer. I volunteered to help people but (also) to make changes, big changes. To make structural changes to improve people’s lives, you have to get involved in politics.”

1983 (40th Reunion)

Many thanks to Ellen Futral Hansen and to the late Kim Barksdale Tyson who called the GHs back to campus for their 40th. Reunion was bittersweet as Kim passed away a month before reunion but classmates celebrated her life while together.

Barbara Hallinan ’83 provides an update, “I am an attending pediatric neurologist at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical

Center. I am a regular platelet donor giving 24 donations / year for the past two years. My son, Johnny, is a medical lab scientist at University of Kentucky Hospital Blood Bank, and my daughter just completed her collegiate golf career at the University of Cincinnati, and is currently working on her master’s degree in public health at UC with plans to attend med school.”

Peggy Jones Hall ’83 is married with four children and one grandchild. She is on the board of directors for Sentry View Systems in Melbourne, FL, and also serves on the executive board of the Central Florida Council, Boy Scouts of America.

“I continue to live in the Cotswolds of England but visit Jekyll Island, GA, often to be with family. My first grandchild, Laurel Harriett Elizabeth, was born on April 10, 2023!” writes Beth Proudfoot Johnson ’83

“It was great to attend our 40th reunion! It was my husband’s first visit to Wesleyan and he fell in love with the campus and Macon. We still love our lives in Winter Haven, FL, where I remain an active community volunteer. My term as President of the Humane Society of Polk County is coming to an end, but I still serve on a number of not-for-profit boards,” emails Beth Koon-Spiwak ’83

About-to-be-author Ginger Caldwell Musser ’83 has been retired since 2022 and is in the midst of publishing her first book, The Music Box Legacy, this year. Stay tuned!

1988 (35th Reunion)

Beth Herndon, reunion chair, kept classmates engaged with party plans as they proudly displayed their “green.”

Lynn Abney ’88 stays busy as a licensed professional counselor. Her 18-year-old daughter, Katelynn Palloto, entered Belmont University this fall, where she is studying

commercial music with a focus on voice performance.

Susan DeBay ’88 has been a teacher for 24 years. For the past seven years she has taught at The Charter School. Selected to be one of the teachers to open a new location of the school, Susan was up for the challenge. “It’s been an exciting year,” she says. "I have three children all in college, including daughter Isabelle, who is a first-year at Wesleyan (!) in the purple class. She finishes the class colors in our family.” Susan received a master’s degree in elementary education in 1991 from Florida Atlantic University.

Mary Cobb Dugan ’88 moved to Brunswick, GA, recently. She returned to full-time work with a marketing/communications agency on St. Simons Island. “Our three children are adults now, and we’re enjoying a new lifestyle!”

In summer 2022, Ginger McQueen Reeves ’88 and her family moved back to Moultrie, GA, where Ginger is the CTAE director for Thomasville, GA.

Maricka “Ricky” Rogers-Randall ’88 works as a continuous improvement engineer. She has a Wesleyan FIRST – as the first Wesleyan student to earn a dual degree (with Mercer) in industrial engineering. Ricky also earned an M.B.A. at Regis University, and is a Lean Six-Sigma Master Black Belt. Ricky’s daughter, Emily Schwinabart, died in 2020, and Ricky and her husband have been raising their grandson. They hope to adopt him soon.

Congratulations to Malika Ghosh Garrett ’89 who was a finalist in the 2023 WIT (Women in Technology) Awards held in Atlanta. WIT awards recognize outstanding women in STEAM fields who empower girls and women to excel in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math from the classroom to the boardroom.



Wendy Newingham Stanley ’90 was on a plane to the UK in December ’22. “I decided it was long past time to visit my friends in England. We were all so over COVID restrictions!”

1993 (30th Reunion)

During Alumnae Weekend, Reunion Chair Ruth Powell Storts and her committee members Eileen Gray Booth, Melanie Filson Lewis, Emily Adams Mowery, and Jennifer Monjeau Sweat showed why “red” is still their favorite color.

Hats off to Cheryl Anderson Ciucevich ’93 who started work as vice president for institutional advancement at Augusta Technical College in Augusta, GA, on February 1, 2023.

Alison Charney Hussey ’93 is the executive director of Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) at Sanibel Island, FL. A former attorney, she brings her professional and legal background to the organization, overseeing the day-to-day operations. She is also involved in community outreach for CROW.

Emily Adams Mowery ’93 is in demand. She serves as an AP English Lit reader and was selected by the College Board to serve as an advanced placement mentor to teachers nationwide in AP English Language. She works also with Georgia teachers through GADOE to present webinar trainings for AP language teachers. In July 2023, she presented at the National AP Conference. Emily earned a master’s degree in secondary education from Berry College.

“Paul and I look forward to welcoming our first grandson and our first grandchild in November 2023! Our daughter Abbie is expecting,” reports Heidi Hacia Suydam ’93

“After 18 years with the Florida Department of Children and Families, I was promoted in July 2019 to Chief Legal Counsel of the Suncoast Region that encompasses 11 Florida counties,” writes Cheryl Kirk Westmorland ’93. Cheryl’s one and only daughter, Sydney Moore Westmoreland ’21, graduated with a Wesleyan degree in psychology - all while completing basic combat training (boot camp) and AIT to become a full-fledged U.S. Amy reservist.

Cheryl earned her juris doctorate from Florida State University College of Law.

Congratulations to Blythe Buchanan ’95 who writes, “I am excited to share that I recently started a new position as vice president, head of regulatory affairs, at Corium, Inc.”

1998 (25th Reunion)

Kenithe Biggs (Chair) and Tori Houlberg (Co-Chair) planned for a fun 25th and classmates were wowed by all the new things happening on campus.

Alumnae author Kimberley Benoit ’98 owns her own business as a leadership coach and consultant, partnering with leaders and teams to tackle toxic and drama culture. Armed with a M.A. in criminal justice and an M.S. in clinical psychology, check out her books: (1) We’ve All Done It: Getting Real About the Role We Each Play in a Toxic Workplace and (2) Entrepreneur Secrets. Kim also has a podcast – We’ve All Done It.

“My family and I live in Central Mexico and serve with Wycliffe Bible translators. I am a literacy specialist and we work with an indigenous community. Our team has completed the books of Genesis, Exodus, Jonah, and Mark,” writes Susan Wilson Toler ’98. Susan earned a Wycliffe Bible Translator certificate in linguistics from Dallas International University and a master’s degree in teaching English as a second language from American University.


2003 (20th Reunion)

Kudos to Rachel Garcia and Elaina Winter for serving as co-chairs for the Class of 2003’s reunion.

Tara Hatfield Crooms ’03 is an autoCAD specialist at Thiele Kaolin Company in Sandersville, GA.

Kudos to Lindy E. Donahue ’03 who shares that “she is the 2022 -23 Teacher of the Year at JH House Elementary in Rockdale County.”

Rachel Garcia ’03 is a transplant cardiologist at Sanger Heart & Vascular Institute in Charlotte, NC.

2008 (15th Reunion)

The WCAA thanks Jessica Kendrick Thomas and Faith Sumpter for working on reunion plans!

Congratulations to Faith Sumpter ’08, who started graduate school this fall at The University of North Georgia. She is working on earning a doctorate in higher education.

Congratulations to Lucy Guy Harrelson ’09, whose February 2023 children’s book, Cash: The Gavel that Became an Auctioneer, was an Amazon #1 release in children’s books about careers.


Best wishes to Annabel L. Fowler ’11 who writes, “Happy to share that I got married on April 29th, 2023, to my husband, Kyung Min, of Philadelphia. I also graduated with my master’s degree in public administration from Villanova University on May 20th, 2023.” (See Marriages)

Congratulations to Keith and Kathryn Vann Correia ’12 on the birth of a daughter, Kelsey Ann Correia, born November 18, 2022.

2018 (5th Reunion)

The WCAA thanks Qui Mobley for chairing the Class of 2018’s reunion.

Anna Latimer Blake ’19 is pursuing a master’s degree in library science at Texas Woman’s University. Anna works at the Houston Public Library in Texas as an assistant manager.

2022 (1st Reunion)

The WCAA sends special thanks to many members of the Class of 2022 for serving as Candlelighters to the Senior Class of 2023 during Alumnae Weekend. That’s sisterhood!

WESmag Winter 2023/2024
WESmag Winter 2022/2023 REUNION CLASSES 1944 1974 2004 1949 1979 2009 1954 1984 2014 1959 1989 2019 1964 1994 2023 1969 1999 Make your plans to return to campus and join in a weekend of celebration! www.wesleyancollege.edu/reunionregistration Please mark your calendar and join us in April. ALUMNAE WEEKEND APRIL 19, 20, & 21, 2024 35


WESmag Winter 2023/2024

Since 1836, Wesleyan College has been blessed year after year by alumnae and friends who have an innate desire to make a difference. As investors in Wesleyan College and in her future, you have demonstrated a keen sense of pride in knowing your gifts, both large and small, make a remarkable difference in the lives of our students, women who are learning how to become tomorrow’s leaders. Our accomplished students and alumnae are everyday examples of our continued success and of our far-reaching contributions to communities around the world. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your immense kindness and generosity this past year – and every year!


$25,000 or more

Hannah L. Allen '80


Beloco Foundation, Inc.

Alexis Xides Bighley '67

Stanford M. Brown

Sylvia Maxwell Brown '63

Betsy Martin Bunte '68 and Louis E. Bunte

Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.

Patricia Stewart Burgess Family Foundation, Inc.

Thomas C. Burke Foundation

Jane Johnson Butler '65 and G. Marshall Butler

Butler Automotive Group, Inc.

Butler Real Estate Investments, LLC

Susan Lott Clark '46 * Bequest Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Betty Turner Corn '47

Cushman & Wakefield PLC

Fickling Family Foundation, Inc.

Trudie Parker Fickling '65 and William A. Fickling, Jr.

Ronald M. Finch, Jr.

Joan Shapiro Foster '56

Georgia Independent College Association, Inc.

Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education

Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc.

Judy Woodward Gregory '63

Mildred Roads Griffith '49

SFH Family Fund of the BNY Mellon Charitable Gift Fund

The Hall-Knox Foundation

Betty Upchurch Hasty '55 * and John C. Hasty * Bequest

Georgia W. and Bob Hatcher

Betsy K. and Robbo Hatcher

Sharon and Cal Hays, Jr.

Mary Ann Pollard Houghland '60

Toni L. Jennings '71

Carla DuBose Kalec '57 * Bequest

Ruth A. Knox '75

Knox Foundation

Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr.*

Anne and Andrew H. Knox

Eleanor Adams Scott Lane '58 * and William A. Lane * Bequest

Margaret T. MacCary

Margaret T. MacCary Gift Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Janice A. Mays '73

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill '60

Dana L. Mitchell '68 * Bequest

Debbie Stevenson Moses '89

Casey and Wilds M. Ogie

The Wilds M. Ogie Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley

Nancy C. Panoz '03 (HON) and Donald Panoz *

Donald Panoz * Bequest

Stephanie E. Parker '81

Elizabeth H. and George F. Pickett, Jr.

William I. H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation

James Hyde Porter Charitable Trust

Amy V. and Tyler J. Rauls, Jr.

Tena N. Roberts '60 * Bequest

Carla Ruiz-Ney '08

Marjorie Perkins Squires '51 and William H. Squires

William H. and Marjorie P. Squires

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Suelle M. Swartz '67

Nina Sheppard Terrell '58

Melissa Lane Thomas '69

Susan Woodward Walker '70 and J. Otey Walker III

Watkins Christian Foundation, Inc.

Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson '64

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.

Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.


$10,000 - $24,999

William H. Anderson II

Elizabeth Mackay Asbury '49 * and Frank L. Asbury III * Bequest

Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation

Julia G. and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr.

Leslie B. Bean

Bearings and Drives, Inc.

Eve L. Birmingham '68

Charlotte B. and Brian E. Bogle

Patricia Grogan Borders '70 and Alan C. Borders

Priscilla Gautier Bornmann '68

Lois F. and Robert A. Bowen, Jr.

R. A. Bowen Trust

Brown & Watson, Inc.

Charlotte Knox Canida '68 and Robert R. Canida

Eloise Upchurch Carter * Bequest

Anne Purvis Church '51 * Bequest

Anne P. Church Charitable Endowment Fund of the East Tennessee Foundation

Jane Price Claxton '68 and Joseph E. Claxton

The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program

E. J. Grassmann Trust

Robert J. Edenfield

Katherine L. McArthur and Waldo E. Floyd III

Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation, Inc.

Courtney Knight Gaines '51 *

Kathleen Hill Goddard '77 and Robert C. Goddard III

Goddard Foundation

Eris M. Hall

Mary Lucy Cline Huie '41 * Bequest

Rosalind Turner Jeter '70 and James M. Jeter

Suzanne Woodham Juday '69

Elizabeth Rogers Kelly '72

Janet M. Lawrence '80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis '80

Ligon Foundation

Margaret M. Mathews '73

Beverly F. Mitchell '68

37 Gifts made between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 * deceased
ANNUAL REPORT Gifts to Wesleyan College FY2023 CURRENT FUND CURRENT FUND SOURCE UNRESTRICTED RESTRICTED CAPITAL Trustees $107,198.37 $58,031.03 $246,127.43 Alumnae Trustees $310,019.63 $23,700.00 $38,155.00 Alumnae $488,710.38 $63,113.34 $151,028.93 Corporations $47,568.33 $5,000.00 $52,501.86 Estates, Trusts, and Bequests $266,432.15 $45,081.25 $0.00 Faculty, Staff, and Students $13,523.95 $415.00 $400.00 Foundation $185,178.34 $841,590.43 $1,038,473.00 Parents and Friends $140,811.93 $49,818.27 $150,905.00 Church $90,019.98 $848.18 $0.00 Grand Total $1,649,463.06 $1,087,597.50 $1,677,591.22
Thanks to you

Claire Michaels Murray '52 * Bequest

Andy H. Nations

Linda Chance Newiger '72

Elizabeth C. and W. Michael Ogie

The W. Michael & Elizabeth C. Ogie Fund of the Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley

Lori Reese Patton '90 and Macon Patton

Robert Ross

Joyce Reddick Schafer '55

Nancy Peterson Shaw '58

Glenn Shaw

Marsha Fernald Sichveland '68

Mary Beth Brown Swearingen '89

Marilyn A. Vickers '67

Kay B. and Wayne J. West

Cynthia D. Wright '75

Dorothy Smith Yandle '55 and T. Bruce Yandle, Jr.


$5,000 - $9,999

The Elam Alexander Trust

Virginia Pritchard Ashby '76

Ashcourt Family Foundation Inc.

Martha Gragg Bates '45

Cadence Bank

Marsha Lynn Christy '73 and John D. Christy

Emily Hardman Dickey '58

Mary Ann Ward Dudley '68 and Sherman L. Dudley

Beverly Ellars

Charlotte Babcock Ellis '67

Mary Graham Ponder Foster '73

Janet Mewbourne Genest '65

Georgia Power Company, Atlanta

Georgia Power Company, Macon

Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.

Peggy Jones Hall '83 and Kirk Hall

Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins '70

Susan Taylor King '63

Melvin I. Kruger

Steven L. Kruger

L.E. Schwartz & Son, Inc.

Diane A. Lumpkin '63

Sally Moffett McKenna '75 McNair, McLemore, Middlebrooks & Co., LLC

Margaret Thompson Monahan '67

Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer '66

Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer '63

Ninfa M. and James Saunders

Dr. Ninfa & James Saunders Charitable Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund

Yehudi B. Self-Medlin '96

Deidra West Smith '96 and Taylor W. Smith

Spillers Design and Construction

Jessica Kendrick Thomas '08

Geovette E. Washington '89

Kirsten Johansen Welch '71


$2,500 - $4,999

Elsa George Antony '02 and Syam Antony

Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club

Lorinda Lou Beller '64

Birdsey Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Melody and Christopher Blake

Kathleen DeBerry Brungard '67

D T McNeill Foundation

Delta Air Lines Foundation

Mary Sue and Michael Despeaux

Gayle Attaway Findlay '55

Amy M. Fletcher '06

Juliette Adams Hawk '57

C. Terry Holland

Andgelia Proctor Kelly '68 *

Law Offices of John D. Christy, P.C.

Betty Hood Lydick '69

Donald T. McNeill, Jr.

Ruth McNeill

Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley '72

Pamela Henry Pate '71 and Barry Pate

Stephen A. Reichert

Stephen A. Reichert Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Mary Langel Stults '81



$1,000 - $2,499

Nancy Reeder Akins '60

Susan Brown Allen '17 (HON) and William H. Allen



Endowment 9.0% Capital 22.7% Restricted Wesleyan Fund 14.7% Unrestricted Wesleyan Fund 22.3% Strategic Initiatives 13.1% Gifts-in-Kind 0.1% Church 1.2% Alumnae 16.9% Alumnae Trustees 8.6% Trustees 6.7% Corporations 1.8% Estates, Trusts, and Bequests 27.1% Friends and Parents 5.5% Faculty, Staff, and Students 0.3% Foundations 31.8% TOTAL WITH ENDOWMENT TOTALS GIFTS-IN-KIND GIFTS-IN-KIND $0.00 $491,006.83 $7,250.00 $498,256.83 $2,600.00 $636,924.63 $0.00 $636,924.63 $263,110.00 $1,248,099.04 $0.00 $1,248,099.04 $0.00 $131,770.19 $0.00 $131,770.19 $377,287.22 $2,004,635.96 $0.00 $2,004,635.96 $0.00 $19,258.95 $0.00 $19,258.95 $17,500.00 $2,353,741.77 $0.00 $2,353,741.77 $8,050.00 $403,685.20 $3,060.00 $406,745.20 $0.00 $90,868.16 $0.00 $90,868.16 $668,547.22 $7,379,990.73 $10,310.00 $7,390,300.73 WESmag Winter 2023/2024

Deborah Wedgworth Altman '72

Carla T. Asbell Dennis '87

Anne Swetnam Barton '59

Melissa Bell '93

Susie Black '75

Loyd H. Black, Jr.

Carroll Ricketson Bolton '73

Sandra Lumpkin Bryan '66

Barbara A. Bryant '67

Martha Carter Bryant '58

Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter

Linda Goulding Camp '70

Kathleen and J. Cannon Carr, Jr.

Louise Williams Chapin '60

Daphne Murph Chapman '67

Charities Aid Foundation of America

Jo An Johnson Chewning '66

Carolyn and F. Bradford Clifton

Walter Clifton Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc.

Mary N. Cobb '50

Nannette Coco '73 and Karlyn A. Sturmer '75

Barbara Roland Colwell '70 and Robert F. Colwell

Victoria Buxton Cork '77

Cornercap Investment Counsel

Julie Daniel

Betty N. Darby

Manita Bond Dean '59

Cheryl League Dennis '68

Berta Dodd-Marbut '58 * Bequest

Annetta Zimmerman Elliott '67

Temple Wilson Ellis '58

Natalie Puckett Evans '02 and Dave Evans

Betty Battson Ferrell '68 and Thomas P. Ferrell

Lisa Hullender Filkins '96

Leesa Akins Flora '87 and Roger L. Flora

Evelyn LeRoy Fortson '52 and Norman J. Fortson

Gena Roberts Franklin '71 and George W. Franklin

Carol Broome Fraune '69

Ruth White Fruit '54

Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard '88

Karen D. Garr '69

Susan Swain Goger '68

Carol A. Goodloe '75

Selma Middlebrooks Gore '75

Herbert S. Greenwald, Jr.

Susan Reynolds Gregory '70

Joan B. and Warren Griffin, Jr.

Barbara Stout Hallinan '83

Lura Harrell Hammock '89

Norma D. Hanley

Elizabeth W. Hardin

Salina Metts Harkleroad '71

Emily Sawyer Hart '56 and Howard R. Hart, Jr.

Olivia Lopez Hartenstein '65

Martha Bielmann Hastings '52

Peggy Parrish Hasty '71

Sally Anderson Hemingway '79 and Tim D. Hemingway

Rita Mitchell Higgins '88 and Thomas F. Higgins

Dawn Gochnour Hoffman '95 and Christopher Hoffman

Susan L. Holloway '82

Virginia Ann Daniel Holman '75 and Calvin M. Holman

Cal and Virginia Ann Holman Funding Trust of the Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.

Houghland Foundation

Julie E. Houston Trieste '98

Millie Parrish Hudson '75 and W. Quinn Hudson

Ann McDonald Hurt '64

Janet Friberg Jarrett '78

Martha V. Johnson '74

Virginia Crapps Johnson '68

Suzanne Jones Kahn '61

Robert H. Kahn, Jr. Family Foundation

Mary Dale and Donald M. Kea

Kea Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Ann Kinnick Keane '69

W. Moffett Kendrick, Jr. *

Leila K. Kight '68

Susan Mann Kimbrell '72

Nancy C. Kinzer

Frances Y. and Thomas F. Knight, Jr.

Kara J. Kostiuk and Alex Blazer

Abbie Smoak Lacienski '01

Betty Sweet Simmons Ladson

The Lamback Family Donor Advised Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Virginia Harshbarger Lamback '66 and Sam P. Lamback, Jr.

Dana Flanders Laster '86 and Scott Laster

Kay Barfield Lee '73

Melanie Filson Lewis '93

Martha Bell Lewis '60

Lucille A. and Joseph W. Little

Margaret Strickland Lovein '75

Paula Flannery Lytle '80

Kathleen Amidon MacGregor '73

Nan G. Maddux '75

Charlotte Thomas Marshall '63

Hazel Mims Mathis '73

Florence Mauboules Charitable Trust

Bert Maxwell Furniture Company

Margery B. and Bertram Maxwell III

Ann Hunter McCandless '55

Sarah McCarthy

Carolyn Martin McCrea '65

Susan Thigpen McDuffie '53

Rita Parker McGarity '75

Elizabeth Hodges McKeever '96

Marybelle Proctor Menzel '62

Glenna D. and J. Patrick Meyer, Jr.

Middle Georgia Chapter of GSCPAs

Tommie Sue Montgomery '63

Anne McGee Morganstern '58

Susan M. and B. Douglas Morton III

Lynn Boswell Moses '77


Russell E. Nolan

Susan Kirvin Ogburn '67

Stephen B. O'Kelley

Katharine Johns Olson '73

Oluwatoyosi Fatunase Onwuemene '03

Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. '61

May Powell Parks '70

Virginia Barber Perkins '63

Mary Jo Fincher Plowden '68 and W. Warren Plowden, Jr.

Lynn Golson Priester '72

Emmaline Haddle Pursley '69

Harriet Laslie Reynolds '62 and John D. Reynolds III

Jody Bethea Riggs '88 and Damon R. Riggs

Bryndis W. Roberts '78

Virginia Hiers Roebuck '68

Julie Benge Rogers '16

Kathryne Meeks Sanders '65

Judith Kuhn Schlichter '64 and Ralph Schlichter

Harriet Holland Schmitt '62

Jane Courtenay Shockley '56

Karen Connor Shockley '63

Betty Westmoreland Shuster '66

Simmons Charitable Trust Fund of the Community Foundation of Central Georgia, Inc.

Felecia Pearson Smith '74

David B. Smith

Betsy Palmer Smith '60 and Bridges W. Smith, Jr.

Jennifer L. and Dana L. Smoak

Cathy Coxey Snow '71

Mary Ann Bateman Spell '68

Bonnie and Joe Starr

Joyce Brandon Starr '63

Starr Electrical Contractors, LLC

Linda McElroy Steed '58

Sally Plowden Stevenson '68 and John H. Stevenson

Ruth Powell Storts '93

Kathryn and Matthew T. Strickland

Julie St. John Thornton '78

Carol J. Thurman '65 *

Reba Thurmond '57

Ashling Thurmond Osborne '05

Robert M. and Lilias Baldwin Turnell Foundation

Deborah C. van der Lande

Allyn Ballou Veatch '68

Linda Brown Walker '73

The Walker Family Charitable Giving Fund of the Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.

Willett Pearson Waller '86

The Walt Disney Company Foundation

Watson Family Charitable Fund of The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina, Inc.

Kate Stickley Watson '60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr.

Jane Powers Weldon '59

Wesleyan Academy for Lifelong Learning

Susan C. Wheelis '95

Judith L. Whitaker '75

Allison McFarland Wilcox '80

Almonese B. and Ralph W. Williams

Patricia Jaeger Williams '64

Andrea G. and Lawrence B. Williford

Beth Milstead Wilson '96

Katherine C. Wilson

Jiarui Xu

Virginia Sumerford York '60


$500 - $999

Alumnae listed in the class giving section.

Robert K. Ackerman *

Amazon Smile Foundation

Debbie and Paul H. Anderson, Jr.

AT&T Foundation

Automatic Data Processing, LLC

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Patricia Thrower Barmeyer Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta, Inc.

Patricia T. Barmeyer

Patricia W. Bass

The Blackbaud Giving Fund by YourCause

Holly L. Boettger-Tong

Booz Allen Hamilton

Madeline and Edward S. Brewton

William A. Burns

Brad Busbee

Whitney A. Davis

J. David Deck

Jeffrey A. Dick

Martha Kimbrough Donner

Glenda K. Ferguson

The Forsythe Law Firm, LLC

David W. Graves

Ann and J. Ellsworth Hall III

Quintress L. Hollis

Jane W. and James L. Jackson, Jr.

Jackson Automotive Group, Inc.

Benjamin Kantor

G. Bryan Leskosky

Lucile Mathews Charitable Fund of the Schwab Charitable Fund

Emily and Michael D. McCord

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Sidney E. Middlebrooks

R. Stephen Morgan

Morning Music Club

Susan M. and G. Robert Parkerson III

Kristina Peavy

South Georgia Conference of the United Methodist Church

Ernst Takacs

Katherine B. Thomas

Deana C. Trott

N. Benjamin West, Jr.

Catherine Whitaker

1836 CLUB

$250 - $499

Alumnae listed in the class giving section.

Albany First United Methodist Church

Allen Gifting Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund


Catherine T. Baker

Robert W. Batten

Veronica W. and William P. Brooks

Joanna Buffington

Sarah and Sean Christy

Charles M. Cook

Christopher B. Duncan

Svend Egholm

Charles L. Ellison

Carlton S. Faulk

James B. Ferrari

James Fleenor

Sirena S. Fritz

Harry W. Gilmer

William L. Hammond

Eugene T. Harrison III

HCA Florida Palms West Hospital

HCA Healthcare Foundation

Karen E. Huber and Nicholas Steneck

Robert C. Hughes, Jr.

Julie A. Jones

Huichun Liu

Mightycause Foundation

39 Gifts made between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 * deceased ANNUAL REPORT

Robert J. Murphy, Jr.

Cathleen O'Connell

William W. Oliver, Jr.

Beverly K. and Edmund E. Olson

Thomas E. Phillips

Bebe and Albert P. Reichert, Jr.

Sarah B. Rogers

SAP Software

Alan J. Schneider

Ronald D. Stubbs

M.E. Thompson Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

Elizabeth G. and John N. Tripp

Wesleyan College Alumnae Association

Mary Jane M. and Pat M. Woodward


Up to $250 Alumnae listed in the class giving section.

Theresa A. Abercrombie


Katharine Anderson

Suzie and Fletcher C. Anderson

James Eade Anderson

Dennis L. Applebee, Jr.

Asbury United Methodist Church

Charles E. Atchley, Jr.

Sonya and William L. Ayears II

Libby Bailey

Kathleen P. Ballou *

John H. Barnes

Jane C. Barwick

Bettie M. Bedell

Brooke Bennett-Day

Seth Berkebile

Kenvoris Blair

Virginia Blake

Cynthia Blunt

Susan M. Bond

Frances A. and Thomas T. Bosley

Raymond Boyd

Karen Bray

Thanesha Brezial

Neil Brooks

Betty F. Brown

Rhiannon Bruner

Laura H. and David T. Bryan

Candice Cagle

Helen Carter

Sergey Chernokov

Robin Chisolm-Seymour

Scott Christy

Holly Cole

Verda M. Colvin

Ann F. and John W. Copeland Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Mary C. and Vincent J. Coughlin, Jr.

Cathy Cox

William J. Cutler, Jr.

Tammy M. Davis

Russell Davis

Ann Day

Saralyn H. DeSmet

Melanie Doherty

Jane A. Dolan

Deidra D. Donmoyer

Kevin Duke

Rebecca Duke-Barton

Ann H. Dunwody

M. Boyd Edwards

M. Paul Efland III

Kel-Ann S. and James W. Eyler

Harriet M. Forbis

Vi Ann S. and Paul R. Foster

Whitney Foster

Friendship United Methodist Church (Cairo Charge)

Stephanie and Thomas D. Gaither, Jr.

Samuel Gandy

Charles F. Gattis, Jr.

Nancy G. Hall

Ann and F. Kennedy Hall

Alexis Hall

James W. Halloran

Hamilton Chapel United Methodist Church

Carolyn B. and Robert J. Hargrove

James W. Hart

Tonya Harter

Kortney Hatcher

William A. Hawkins

Hays Service, LLC

Martha E. and John L. Helgerson

Christy and Russ Henry

Creede Hinshaw

Sandy and Paul Hollis

Carolyn R. and C. Curtis Holmes

Melodie L. and Jerry T. Hood

Mary Ann Howard

Trish and Danny Howell

Charles V. Hughes

James W. Hughes

Katherine J. and Richard J. Hutto

IBM Corporation

Barbara D. Jenkins

Thomas H. Johnson

Cedrella C. Jones-Taylor

Girim Jung

Mark L. Kelley

Hilary Kight

Aaron Kirkwood

Alice Knierim

Loy R. Knight

Karl R. Kortemeier

Cathy and John B. Lafitte

Kim M. and Rick Lanford

John Laska

Troy D. Lawson

Laura K. and Joseph Lease

Lee Street United Methodist Church

Linton United Methodist Church of Sparta

Frazer B. Lively

Fred W. Livezey

Karen Lockwood

Mark R. MacMahon

Kathy L. Malone

Monty T. Martin

Marcus Mason

Dennie L. McCrary

Michael C. McGhee

Arden A. McKenzie

Megan McMahon

Microsoft Rewards/Give with Bing

Brandi Miller

Donna and Dutton Miller

Suzanne Minarcine

John Mitchell

Virginia Moore

Mildred M. Moore

Leslie M.B. Morris

John H. Morrison, Jr. and Margaret Knox Morrison Fund of the Cabarrus

County Community Foundation

Peg K. and John H. Morrison, Jr.

Ann and James L. Moses

Mulberry Street United Methodist Church

Anthony M. Nardotti

Network for Good

Suzanne Newman

Cindy and George Campbell Oetter, Jr.

Regina B. Oost and Joseph A. Iskra, Jr.

Chris E. Orlie

James A. Payton

T. Leonard Perkins, Jr.

Yasmin Pineda

William A. Pointer

W. Alan Randolph

Mary Anne B. and Tom Richardson

Robert G. Robbins

Alex W. and Andrew M. Roberts

Barbara and James D. Rowan

Alain R. Sappi

Carole Seegert

Seth D. Selke

Raphael B. Semmes

Shelton Chapel United Methodist Church

Christopher Sims

Marguerite H. and Elliott H. Sisson, Jr.

Tina Smith

Teresa P. Smotherman

Kara Sowell

William Sperow

St. Mark United Methodist Church

St. Peters United Methodist Church of Fitzgerald

Margaret and Nicholas Steneck

Barbara J. Stickel

Laura Strausberg

Kayla Stroud

Edward E. Surber

Deonna S. Tanner

Sandra S. Tharpe

Theo Thevaos

Dr. Theo G. and Artemisia D. Thevaos Family Fund of the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

John G. Thompson

Carol and Jerome P. Tift

Carol A. Treible

Stella Tsai and Kenneth Deaton, Jr.

Jessica L. Tucker

UK Online Giving Foundation

Elizabeth A. and David J. Ulfik

Brandi T. Vorhees

Katharine Warner

Cuyler Warnock

LaTeshia Warren

Donna Webb

Gail E. Webster

Morris L. Weinman

Wesleyan Class of 1973

Westtown United Methodist Church

Andrew Wheeler

Howard Wilcox

Jane D. Willingham

Stephanie Q. Wilson

Woodland United Methodist Church of Cairo

Barbara S. Woodson

Hang Xia

Robert Young

Ying Zhen


We are grateful for these companies and corporate foundations who matched their employees‘ gifts to Wesleyan during this last fiscal year.

AT&T Foundation

Automatic Data Processing, LLC

Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Booz Allen Hamilton

The Coca-Cola Foundation Matching Gifts Program

Delta Air Lines Foundation

HCA Florida Palms West Hospital

HCA Healthcare Foundation

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program


SAP Software

The Blackbaud Giving Fund by YourCause

The Walt Disney Company Foundation


Many thanks to alumnae and friends who generously donated in-kind gifts or services to Wesleyan in the last fiscal year.

Stanford M. Brown

Mary Sue and Michael Despeaux

Robert J. Edenfield

Howard I. Scott III

David B. Smith

Frances Bruce Van Horn '53 *

Kay B. and Wayne J. West


Wesleyan College is grateful for these legacies we received from donors during the past year.

Elizabeth Mackay Asbury '49 and Frank L. Asbury

Eloise U. Carter

Anne Purvis Church '51

Susan Lott Clark '46

Berta Dodd-Marbut '58

Betty Upchurch Hasty '55 and John C. Hasty

Mary Cline Huie '41

Carla DuBose Kalec '57

Eleanor Adams Scott Lane '58 and William A. Lane

Dana L. Mitchell '68

Claire Michaels Murray '52

Donald Panoz

Tena N. Roberts '60

WESmag Winter 2023/2024


Chartered in 1989, the Forever First Society (formerly the Society for the Twenty-first Century) recognizes alumnae and friends who make estate plans or life-income gifts benefiting Wesleyan College. Through their generous commitments, Society members will sustain and strengthen Wesleyan well into the College's third century.

May Morgan Ackerman '94 (HON) * and Robert K. Ackerman *

Betty Smith Addison '51

Anna Nancy Reeder Akins '60 *

Hannah L. Allen '80

Susan Brown Allen '17 (HON)

Debra McGee Ambrose '84

Linda G. Anderson '71

William H. Anderson II

Ruth Wong Arnow '56 *

William E. Baird, Jr.

Julia and Cecil A. Baldwin, Jr.

Kathleen P. Ballou *

Patricia W. Bass

Martha Gragg Bates '45

Edwina Hall Beall '53 *

Lorinda Lou Beller '64

Alexis Xides Bighley '67

Loyd H. Black, Jr.

Georgann Dessau Blum '47 *

Priscilla Gautier Bornmann '68

Kathy A. Bradley '78

Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird '58

Barbara A. Bryant '67

Patricia Sterling Brzezinski '84

Betsy Martin Bunte '68 and Louis E. Bunte

Margaret and Mark S. Burgessporter

Cynthia Costello Busbee '92

Carol Hindman Butler '78

Jane Johnson Butler '65

Jo An Johnson Chewning '66

Susan A. Cobleigh '68

Susan Lott Clark '46 *

Nannette Coco '73 and Karlyn A. Sturmer '75

Frances Oehmig Collins '47

Barbara Roland Colwell '70

Anne M. Cordeiro '92

Gloria Boyette Corker '60

Betty Turner Corn '47

Pamela Davis Corvelli '98

Peggy Chesnutt Daniel '91

Mildred Taylor Dennis '57

Emily Hardman Dickey '58

Eloise Maxwell Doty '68

Jo Duke '84

Beth Mason Duncan '61

Ann Lee Alley Earnshaw '59

Robert J. Edenfield

Mildred Fincher Efland '42

Annetta Zimmerman Elliott '67

Glennda Kingry Elliott '65

Bee Seckinger Epley '58

Morgan L. Felts '07

Trudie Parker Fickling '65

Ronald M. Finch, Jr.

Gayle Attaway Findlay '55

Amy M. Fletcher '06

Leesa Akins Flora '87 and Roger L. Flora

Joan Shapiro Foster '56

Vivia L. Fowler

Gena Roberts Franklin '71

Jean Cain Gaddis '61

Tina D. Gann '94

Ashley Garrett '90

Maria Shackelford Gause '90

Jackie Herron Gilmer '76 and Harry W. Gilmer

Caroline Oliver Goff '92

Lisa DiMuro Gosnell '82

Judy Woodward Gregory '63

Eleanor Laslie Griffin '60

Charlotte Jolly Hale '62 and Floyd C. Hale

Mary Pierpont Riley Hall '57

Laura Lowe Harmon '72 and

Barrie H. Harmon III

Robyn Harmon '77

Carol Anne Rollins Harrison '62

Betty Upchurch Hasty '55 *

Pamela Lohr Hendrix '88

Cynthia L. Hershey '91

Carol Inman Heyward '60

Nancy Hill-Bates '61

Betty Smith Hipps '68

Sally Blake Hodo '69

C. Terry Holland

Susan L. Holloway '82

Virginia Ann Daniel Holman '75 and Calvin M. Holman

Julie Houston Trieste '98

Anne Scarborough Hughes '78

Mollie Elizabeth Hughes '06

Anita Stern Isaac '76

Jessica L. Jarman '99

Janet Friberg Jarrett '78

Parrish Smotherman Jenkins '06

Suzanne McNatt Johnson '60

Catherine Gibbons Jost '70

Dana Karstensen-Bryan '99

Elizabeth Rogers Kelly '72

Carol Bacon Kelso '73

Julia Stillwell Ketcham '58

Kari Goellner Kitchens '91

Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr.*

Ruth A. Knox '75

Abbie Smoak Lacienski '01

Nancy L. Lamb '95

Eleanor Adams Scott Lane '58 *

Kayron McMinn Laska '87 (HON) and John Laska

Janet M. Lawrence '80 and Lindsay Lemasters Lewis '80

Melanie Filson Lewis '93

Betty Kemper Lhotka '57

Betty Jordan Lippitt '74

Betty I. Lo '95

Nancy Middleton Lucia '65

Diane A. Lumpkin '63

Margaret T. MacCary

Beverly Hinely MacMahon '74

Nan G. Maddux '75

Patricia Shriver Mancuso '60

Nancy Van Aken Marti '64

Elizabeth Virginia Mason '65 *

Jane Silverman Mason '66

Jeanon M. Massien '84

Lucile Adams Mathews '66

Elizabeth N. Mathis '96

William M. Matthews

Harriett E. Mayo '71

Carolyn Martin McCrea '65

Michele L. McDuffie '99

Rita Parker McGarity '75

Sally Moffett McKenna '75

Barbara Bird McLendon '60

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill '60

Sally Griffie Mehalko '67

Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen '80

Sally Eisen Miller '65

Beverly F. Mitchell '68

Mary Ainsworth Mitchell '47

Tommie Sue Montgomery '63

Elizabeth Gibbons Montis '66

Mary Jo Moody '64

Caron Griffin Morgan '73

Anne McGee Morganstern '58

Deborah Stevenson Moses '89

Lee B. Murphey

Gail Fulton Murphy '68

Claire Michaels Murray '52 *

Sherry V. Neal '96

Linda Chance Newiger '72

Diane Bridges Nix '81

Laura Ruth Norris '77

Mary Catherine Collins O'Kelley '72

Leah Wallat Odden '54 *

Sara Lee Lane Ogilvie '56

Vidal E. Olivares '02

Patricia Davis Oliver '66 and William W. Oliver, Jr.

Cacia Morris Orser '70

Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. '61

Joyce Paris '54

Stephanie E. Parker '81

Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby '76

Heather Peebles-Bradley '90

Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer '66

Linda Vogel Pfleger '61

Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope '84

Harriet Laslie Reynolds '62

Shirley Wise Richardson '63

Gayle Langston Ricklefs '61

Bryndis W. Roberts '78

Julie Benge Rogers '16

Meredith Young Rogers '60

Kelly M. Russell '80

Joan Maddox Sammons '57

Ann Harrell Saunders '53

Kenlyn G. Sawyer '86

Joyce Reddick Schafer '55

Muffy Gordy Schladensky '83

Harriet Holland Schmitt '62

Jeanette Loflin Shackelford '61

Susan McDonald Sheehan '72

Sandra Bell Shipp '66 and Robert Shipp

Susan Moses Shropshire '72

Sally Husted Shuford '61

Marsha Fernald Sichveland '68

Martha Kinsey Skirven '61 *

Melissa Spradley Slaughter '01

Amy-Christine Vinson Smith '99

Joyce Hussey Smith '53

Betsy Palmer Smith '60

Rowena Dawson Smith '63

Sarah Turnbull Snow '74 and Claude H. Snow, Jr.

Marjorie Perkins Squires '51 and William H. Squires

Preston Stevens, Jr.

Willard E. Summers, Jr.

Ann Scott Terry '70

Martha Clower Thomas '64

Betty A. Thompson '47 *

Mary E. Thompson '79

Casey J. Thurman '65 *

Eileen Vickery Thurmond '72

Virginia Rushing Trapnell '46 *

Kathryn Smith Vinson '99

Marianna Patton Walker '79 and Carroll A. Walker

Charlotte Little Walker '49

Susan Woodward Walker '70

Geovette E. Washington '89

Katherine Stickley Watson '60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr.

Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson '64

Susan C. Wheelis '95

Judith L. Whitaker '75

DeSira Palmer Williams '17

Beth Milstead Wilson '96

Linda J. Withrow '63

Janet Eidson Woods '75

Sandra Grist Woods '66

Martha Jean Laslie Woodward '54 *

Cynthia D. Wright '75

Dorothy Smith Yandle '55 and T. Bruce Yandle, Jr.

Georgiana Hsueh Yang '49



In 2021, Wesleyan’s Board of Trustees established the Julia Munroe Woodward Lifetime Giving Society to recognize those alumnae and friends of the College whose total lifetime gifts have sustained and strengthened Wesleyan College. The founding members of the Julia Munroe Woodward Lifetime Giving Society, whose cumulative gifts total $250,000 and above, were recognized in May 2022 at a special dinner held in their honor. The Society’s name is a lasting tribute to Wesleyan’s beloved “Miss Julia,” whose extraordinary generosity, service, and steadfast support of her alma mater set the standard for others to follow.

$5,000,000 and more

Anonymous Anonymous

The Peyton Anderson Foundation

Bradley-Turner Foundation, Inc.

Elizabeth Turner Corn '47 and Lovick P. Corn *

Georgia United Methodist Commission on Higher Education

William I. H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation

Margaret Munroe Thrower '35 * and Randolph W. Thrower *

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc.

Julia Munroe Woodward '34 *

$2,500,000 - $4,999,999


Sarah Turner Butler '41 * and Clarence C. Butler *

Mary Gray Munroe Cobey '34 * and William W. Cobey *

Lettie Pate Evans Foundation

Anna Persons Hill '23 *

Dorothy M. and Robert E. Knox, Jr.*

Ruth A. Knox '75

Eleanor McDonald Storza '29 *

Robert W. Woodruff Foundation

$1,000,000 - $2,499,999

Clara Carter Acree '19 * and Maurice M. Acree *

Nancy S. * and Maurice M. Acree, Jr. *

Beloco Foundation, Inc.

Alexis Xides Bighley '67 and John A. Bighley *

Stanford M. Brown

Mary Lockwood Curry '47 *

Cushman & Wakefield PLC

Arline Atkins Finch '56 * and Ronald M. Finch, Jr.

Gayle Attaway Findlay '55 and Cuyler W. Findlay *

Georgia Independent College Association, Inc.

Goizueta Foundation

Jane Mulkey Green '42 *

Beverly J. Held '85 * and Gilbert Held *

Mildred Goodrum Heyward '31 *

Knox Enterprises, LLLP

Knox Foundation

Anne and Andrew H. Knox

Ruth Hall Knox '40 * and Robert E. Knox *

Eleanor Adams Scott Lane '58 * and William A. Lane *

Linda Harriet Lane *

George W. Mathews, Jr. *

Catharine Elizabeth Neylans '51 *

Nancy C. Panoz '03 (HON) and Donald Panoz *

James Hyde Porter Charitable Trust

Ruth and Marvin R. Schuster *

Marjorie Perkins Squires '51 and William H. Squires

Margaret Taylor Tarver '37 *

Mamie Annette Gardner Taylor '38 *

Annie Lou Hardy Weber '13 *

Mildred Boothe West '32 *

$500,000 - $999,999

Hannah L. Allen '80

William H. Anderson II

Sylvia Maxwell Brown '63

Candy * and Malcolm S. Burgess, Jr.

Fuller E. Callaway Trust

Margaret K. * and Robert J. Edenfield

Glennda Kingry Elliott '65 and A.V. Elliott, Jr. *

Fickling Family Foundation, Inc.

Dorothy Royal Gower '34 *

Judy Woodward Gregory '63

The Hall-Knox Foundation

Carol Inman Heyward '60 and Andrew H. Heyward III *

Mary Ann Pollard Houghland '60

Bettye I. and Fleming L. Jolley *

Annie Anderson Jones '48 * and Frank C. Jones *

Arnell Lewis Land '33 *

Dorothy V. and N. Logan Lewis Foundation, Inc.

Margaret T. MacCary

Elsie Lowden Maxwell Hambright '34 * and William B. Hambright *

Frances Parker McCrary '62 and Dennie L. McCrary

Mary Knox McNeill '68 * and Donald T. McNeill *

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill '60

MidSummer Macon

Betty Nunn Mori '58 *

Elizabeth C. and W. Michael Ogie

Elizabeth H. and George F. Pickett, Jr.

Charles E. Roberts, Jr. *

Betty Jean Cone Snooks '45 * and Bartow R. Snooks, Jr. *

Martha Groover Staples '49 * and James C. Staples *

Reginald R. Trice *

Wesleyan College Alumnae Association

Julia Brantley Willet *

Frances Wood Wilson Foundation, Inc.

$250,000 - $499,999

Nellie * and Willis I. Allen *

ARAMARK Corporation

Atrium Health Navicent Foundation

Atrium Health Navicent Medical System

Clark and Ruby Baker Foundation

R.A. Bowen Trust

Sallie T. * and Isaac H. Boyette *

Patricia Stewart Burgess Family Foundation, Inc.

Thomas C. Burke Foundation

C.C. and Sarah T. Butler Foundation

Jane Johnson Butler '65 and G. Marshall Butler

Annette Richardson Chappell '29 *

Martha Worsham Clance '47 *

Neva Jane Langley Fickling '55*

William A. Fickling, Jr.

Joan Shapiro Foster '56

John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc.

Courtney Knight Gaines '51 *

Courtney Knight Gaines Foundation, Inc.

Anne H. and J. Harper Gaston IV *

Georgia Power Company

Georgia Power Foundation, Inc.

Georgia United Methodist Foundation, Inc.

E. J. Grassmann Trust

Martha B. Haynes '47 *

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation

Ligon Foundation

Wendy Coffman MacMahon '78 *

June Cason Mayer '54 *

Katherine John Murphy Foundation

Nancy Stephenson Powell '58 *

Hazel E. Rogers *

Sydney H. and T. Alfred Sams, Jr.

Ninfa M. and James Saunders

Paul F. Thiele *

Tull Charitable Foundation, Inc.

D.A. Turner Charitable Trust

Sue Marie Thompson Turner '50 * and William B. Turner

Susan Woodward Walker '70 and J. Otey Walker III

Delma Findlay Watson '52 *

Kate Stickley Watson '60 and H. Mitchell Watson, Jr.

Gail Thompson Webster-Patterson '64

Odessa Louise McKenney Winbigler '17 *

WESmag Winter 2023/2024

Class Giving

Giving Levels


$25,000 or more



$10,000 - $24,999


$5,000 - $9,999


$2,500 - $4,999



$1,000 - $2,499


$500 - $999

1836 CLUB

$250 - $499


Up to $249

1941 Participation: 50.00%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $0.00

Total All Gifts: $20,292.00

Porter Society

Mary Cline Huie * Bequest

1945 Participation: 8.33%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $5,000.00

Total All Gifts: $5,000.00

Pierce Society

Martha Gragg Bates ✮❤

1946 Participation: 11.11%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $50.00

Total All Gifts: $41,098.19

President's Council

Susan Lott Clark * Bequest


Virginia Rushing Trapnell * ✮

1947 Participation: 8.33%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $75,483.20

Total All Gifts: $150,483.20

President’s Council

Betty Turner Corn ✮❤


Mary Ainsworth Mitchell


Participation: 7.41%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $700.00

Total All Gifts: $700.00

Fountain Club

Pauline Phelps Deck ✮❤


Jane Clapp Anderson


Participation: 10.53%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $3,125.00

Total All Gifts: $115,900.00

President's Council

Mildred Roads Griffith ✮❤

Porter Society

Elizabeth Mackay

Asbury * Bequest ✮❤


Betty Jo Watson Bowdre * ✮❤

Patricia Johnson Childs ✮❤


Participation: 3.57%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,000.00

Total All Gifts: $1,000.00

Benson Society

Mary N. Cobb ✮❤

1951 Participation: 13.89%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $5,140.00

Total All Gifts: $1,226,604.33

President's Council

Marjorie Perkins Squires ✮❤

Porter Society

Anne Purvis Church * Bequest ✮❤

Courtney Knight Gaines *


Robin Chesney Hopkins ✮❤

Mary Baldwin Woodland ✮❤


Participation: 15.15%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,200.00

Total All Gifts: $22,200.00

Porter Society

Claire Michaels

Murray * Bequest

Benson Society

Evelyn LeRoy Fortson ✮❤

Martha Bielmann Hastings ✮❤


Patricia Berry Faust ✮❤

DeRon McCurdy Senna


Participation: 20.00%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $3,143.00

Total All Gifts: $3,143.00

Benson Society

Susan Thigpen McDuffie ✮❤

Fountain Club

Helen Blackmarr Outler ✮❤ 1836 Club

Merrilyn Welch Eastham ✮❤

Kathryn Parsons Willis Contributors

Virginia Eidson Robertson

Julianne Withers Roland ✮

Ann Harrell Saunders

Gary Still Suters ✮❤

Frances Bruce Van Horn * ✮❤


Participation: 14.81%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,275.00

Total All Gifts: $2,275.00

Benson Society

Ruth White Fruit ✮❤ Fountain Club

Elizabeth Gaunt Bryan ✮ Contributors

Natalie Brewton Barfield ✮❤

Bonnie Gardner Barnes

Harriett Willis Bevil

Athelyn Wade Buttrill ✮❤

Leah Wallat Odden * ✮

Virginia Whiteman Robinson


Participation: 25.58%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $29,610.00

Total All Gifts: $68,011.29

President's Council

Betty Upchurch Hasty * Bequest ✮

Porter Society

Dorothy Smith Yandle ✮❤

Joyce Reddick Schafer Candler Circle

Gayle Attaway Findlay ✮❤

Benson Society

Ann Hunter McCandless ✮❤


Jeanie Denton Anderson

Phyllis Clough Davis ✮❤

Gerda Paul Goodrich ✮

Frances Moulthrop Gordon ✮

Judith Fuller Johnson ✮❤

Mary Webb Lockhart


Participation: 13.21%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $24,912.08

Total All Gifts: $34,912.08

President's Council

Joan Shapiro Foster ✮❤

Benson Society

Emily Sawyer Hart ✮❤

Jane Courtenay Shockley ✮❤


Jo Ann Copeland Chapple ✮❤

Lloyd Young Flanders ✮❤

Mary Tappan Mabry

Cynthia Clark Quillian


Participation: 9.86%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $5,300.00

Total All Gifts: $50,531.25

President's Council

Carla DuBose Kalec * Bequest

Candler Circle

Juliette Adams Hawk ✮❤

Benson Society

Reba Thurmond ✮❤

Fountain Club

Eleanor Thompson Futch Rosen 1836 Club

Joan Maddox Sammons ✮❤


Sally Thorp Heath

JoAn Bloodworth Nunnelly

Marguerite Malcolm Yarboro ✮❤


Participation: 20.00%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $80,650.00

Total All Gifts: $258,837.76

President's Council

Eleanor Adams Scott

Lane * Bequest ✮❤

Nina Sheppard Terrell ✮❤

Porter Society

Nancy Peterson Shaw ✮❤

Pierce Society

Emily Hardman Dickey ✮❤

Benson Society

Martha Carter Bryant ✮❤

Berta Dodd-Marbut * Bequest

Temple Wilson Ellis ✮

Anne McGee Morganstern ✮❤

Linda McElroy Steed ✮❤

Fountain Club

Julia Stillwell Ketcham ✮❤

Jane Howard Reinmuth 1836 Club

Gifts made between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 * deceased

Beulah Laslie Brinson Bird ✮❤

Jensene Godwin Payne

Lorena Campbell Piper Contributors

Nancy Doss Holcombe

Medra Lott Keyser

Sarah Duncan Kinsey ✮

Nancy McCook Spence


Participation: 18.18%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $6,450.00

Total All Gifts: $6,450.00

Benson Society

Anne Swetnam Barton ✮

Manita Bond Dean ✮❤

Jane Powers Weldon ✮❤ 1836 Club

Elizabeth Blalock Butler ✮❤

Lee Brenaman Holmes ✮❤

Mary Terrell Mitchell ✮ Contributors

Carolyn Wade Barry ✮

Marcia Adams Cashin ✮❤

Charlotte Getz Gerken

Carmella Christopher Kelsey ✮

Yvonne Grant Lindsey ✮

Carol King Pope ✮❤


Participation: 20.16%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $9,895.00

Total All Gifts: $221,538.84 President's Council

Mary Ann Pollard Houghland ✮❤

Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ✮❤

Tena N. Roberts * Bequest ✮ Benson Society

Anna Nancy Reeder Akins *

Louise Williams Chapin

Martha Bell Lewis ✮❤

Betsy Palmer Smith ✮❤

Kate Stickley Watson ✮❤

Virginia Sumerford York ✮❤ Fountain Club

Margaret Welborn Adams

Gloria Boyette Corker ✮❤

Patricia Shriver Mancuso ✮❤

Doris V. Manning ✮❤

Barbara Betts Tuck ✮❤

Carol Sibley Wideman 1836 Club

Margaret McCready Cornell ✮❤

Ann Lavender Faulk ✮❤

Lydia Jordan Hickam ✮❤ Contributors

Kay Carroll Barnes ✮❤

Anna Carol Astin Bobo

Juliet Singletary Coleman

Marcilla Jacobs Heath ✮❤

Barbara Bird McLendon ✮❤

Nan Millwood Solomon ✮❤ Neva King Thompson

1961 Participation: 23.33%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $4,600.00

Total All Gifts: $4,700.00 Benson Society

Suzanne Jones Kahn ✮❤

Ermine M. Owenby, Jr. ✮❤ 1836 Club

Mary Jo Porch Floyd ✮❤

Jo Anne Miller Gaede ✮❤

Norma Mullings Hunt ✮❤

Jeanette Loflin Shackelford ✮❤

Nancy Bowden Wiley ✮❤ Contributors

Ann Frost Copeland ✮❤

Janice McCord Doe ✮❤

Jean Edwards Dukes ✮❤

Ernestine Cole Fulmer ✮❤

Andrea Morris Gruhl ✮

Kay Watkins Hanson ✮

Sandra Combs Lewis ✮❤

Bebe Blalock Littles ✮❤

Muriel Decker Mortensen ✮

Linda Vogel Pfleger ✮❤

Gayle Langston Ricklefs ✮❤

Sheila Leto Scott ✮❤

Janice Boland Smith ✮❤

Lynn Cochran Thompson ✮

Linda Lee Belford Turek ✮❤


Participation: 25.00%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,350.00

Total All Gifts: $6,550.00

Benson Society

Marybelle Proctor Menzel ✮❤

Harriet Laslie Reynolds ✮❤

Harriet Holland Schmitt

1836 Club

Jane Flemister Batten * ✮❤

Ellen Weldon Dukes ✮❤

Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ✮❤

Dorothy Hendrix Hope


Eleanor Hagins Bradwell ✮❤

Janella Sammons Brand ✮

Sherry Staples Hubbard ✮

Rhoda Morrison Joyner ✮

Ellen Cone Lynn ✮❤

Frances Parker McCrary ✮❤

Jill Jayne Read * ✮

Sarah Calhoun Savage ✮


Participation: 25.96%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $56,240.70

Total All Gifts: $134,965.70

President's Council

Sylvia Maxwell Brown ✮❤

Judy Woodward Gregory ✮❤

Pierce Society

Susan Taylor King ✮❤

Diane A. Lumpkin ✮❤

Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer ✮❤

Benson Society

Charlotte Thomas Marshall

Tommie Sue Montgomery ✮❤

Virginia Barber Perkins ✮❤

Karen Connor Shockley ✮❤

Joyce Brandon Starr ✮❤ Fountain Club

Sylvia Hutchinson Bell

Marian Carter Clark

Elizabeth Wingfield Dick

Anne Valentin Hutcherson ✮

Shirley Wise Richardson ✮❤

Ann Ewing Shumaker ✮❤

Linda J. Withrow

1836 Club

Ann Lyn Lightner Allen ✮❤

Wesleyan Star

Established in 2014 to recognize those alumnae just beginning to support Wesleyan in consecutive years, the Wesleyan Star honors alumnae who have given for two, three, or four consecutive years. Special recognition of Wesleyan Stars includes a ✮ following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section and special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Love X 5

For the past 29 years, the Love X 5 program has been recognizing our faithful alumnae who have made a gift to Wesleyan for five or more consecutive years. In recognition of their loyalty to Wesleyan, these faithful donors are honored with a ❤ following their names in the alumnae Class Giving section. When attending Alumnae Weekend, Love X 5 faithful are also presented with a special pin honoring their continued support of their alma mater.

Winner’s Circle

A 2014 addition to our recognition of consecutiveyear donors includes the Winner’s Circle. These faithful alumnae have supported Wesleyan with gifts for ten to nineteen consecutive years. To recognize this loyalty, Winner’s Circle faithful are honored with a following their name in the alumnae Class Giving section, as well as special recognition during Alumnae Weekend.

Stanback Society

Established in 2001, the Stanback Society recognizes alumnae who have given to Wesleyan for twenty or more consecutive years. These faithful donors are honored with a following their names in the alumnae Class Giving Section. The Stanback Society is named in honor of Florence Elizabeth Cawthon Stanback who contributed to the Annual Fund faithfully, giving every year from her graduation in 1925 until her death in 2002.

Forever First Society

Because we are forever grateful for those who remember Wesleyan with a planned gift, these alumnae are now recognized in the Class Giving section. The names of current Society members will appear in bold typeface and those from whom we have received a legacy gift will appear in italics.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024

Beverley B. Butler

Linda Quinn Hickman ✮❤

Barbara Johnston Plaxico ✮❤

Rebecca Bullard Powers ✮❤

Renate Butler Ryan ✮❤

Sally Irwin Williams ✮❤ Contributors

Sandra Tally Coolik

Ann Tison Holliday

RoxAnna Arrington Sway ✮


Participation: 30.91%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $9,980.00

Total All Gifts: $110,180.00

President's Council

Gail Thompson

Webster-Patterson ✮❤ Candler Circle

Lorinda Lou Beller ✮❤ Benson Society

Ann McDonald Hurt ✮❤

Judith Kuhn Schlichter ✮❤

Patricia Jaeger Williams Fountain Club

Diana P. Jeffreys ✮❤

Suzanne Gosnell Joye ✮❤

Harriette James Simmons ✮

Martha Simmons Woodall ✮❤ 1836 Club

Nancy Van Aken Marti ✮❤

Martha Clower Thomas ✮❤ Contributors

Emelyn Arnold ✮❤

Madelaine Mackoul Cosgrove ✮❤

Dorothy Groh Cutler ✮❤

Mary Helen Pope Daniel ✮❤

Elizabeth Hartley Filliat ✮❤

Rosalyn Moye Forsyth ✮❤

Willanna Anderson Gibbs ✮❤

Elaine Kaloostian Hall ✮❤

Ann Lichtenwalter Hernandez ✮❤

Mary Helen Johnson Johnson ✮❤

Robin Hickman MacCurdy ✮❤

Frances Strickland Masse ✮

Carolyn McDonald Parham ✮❤

Margaret Freeman Patterson ✮❤

Suzanne Whidden Pennington ✮❤

Mary Helen Hall Ringe ✮❤

Lucy Guggenheimer Ross ✮❤

Frances White Skoglund ✮❤

Eileen Mullings Smith ✮❤

Sally Hutchinson Vermillion ✮❤

Nancy Filer Waite ✮❤

Linda Maria Willson ✮

Pamela Watkins Young ✮❤


Participation: 14.89%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $20,740.00

Total All Gifts: $106,731.86

President's Council

Jane Johnson Butler ✮❤

Trudie Parker Fickling ✮❤ Pierce Society

Janet Mewbourne Genest ✮ Benson Society

Olivia Lopez Hartenstein ✮❤

Carolyn Martin McCrea ✮❤

Kathryne Meeks Sanders ✮❤

Carol J. Thurman *

1836 Club

Sharon Harp Campbell ✮❤

Margaret Shoemaker Gordon ✮❤


Ann Crum Barnes

Mary Jane McCarren Brantley ✮

Helen Kendall Elder ✮

Glennda Kingry Elliott ✮❤

Silvia Gonzalez Kenneweg ✮❤

Gloria Dollar Knight ✮❤

Barbara Chapman Kortemeier ✮

Brenda Freeman Manucy ✮❤

Sally Eisen Miller ✮❤

Mildred E. Neville ✮❤

Katherine Champion Smelley ✮❤

Julia Stancil Sparks Stepp ✮

Carol Banks Wilburn ✮


Participation: 13.38%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $9,725.00

Total All Gifts: $14,725.00

Pierce Society

Charlotte Smith Pfeiffer ✮❤

Benson Society

Sandra Lumpkin Bryan ✮❤

Jo An Johnson Chewning ✮❤

Virginia Harshbarger Lamback

Betty Westmoreland Shuster ✮❤

Fountain Club

Marion Spencer Bluestone ✮❤

Lucile Adams Mathews ✮❤

Elizabeth Gibbons Montis ✮❤

1836 Club

Beth Childs Brooks ✮❤

Mary Thrift Chambers ✮❤

Joy Lewis Martin

Patricia Davis Oliver ✮❤

Sandra Grist Woods ✮❤


Joann Roark Arneson *

Elizabeth Girlinghouse Bernard ✮❤

Barbara Clinton

Carol Adams Garland ✮

Fann Dewar Greer

Becky Gleaton Mynatt ✮❤

Lindsley Carter Puster

Dona D. Vaughn ✮❤


Participation: 14.09%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $78,650.00

Total All Gifts: $156,243.42

President's Council

Alexis Xides Bighley ✮❤

Suelle M. Swartz ✮❤ Porter Society

Marilyn A. Vickers ✮❤

Pierce Society

Charlotte Babcock Ellis ✮❤

Margaret Thompson Monahan ✮❤ Candler Circle

Kathleen DeBerry Brungard ✮❤ Benson Society

Barbara A. Bryant ✮

Daphne Murph Chapman ✮❤

Annetta Zimmerman Elliott

Susan Kirvin Ogburn ✮❤ Fountain Club

Anne Hilger Manley ✮❤

Karen Moore McDonald ✮❤

Susan Rau Middlebrooks ✮❤

Jane Manley Wheeless ✮❤

Janie Hudson Williams ✮ 1836 Club

Sally Farren Benoy ✮❤

Maribeth Wills Lowe ✮

Sally Griffie Mehalko ✮❤

Kay Williams New ✮❤

Jean Widney Wynn ✮


Anne Johnson Conover

Carolyn Lansing Gunn


Participation: 34.27%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $95,659.93

Total All Gifts: $326,772.94

President's Council

Betsy Martin Bunte ✮❤

Dana L. Mitchell * Bequest Porter Society

Eve L. Birmingham ✮❤

Priscilla Gautier Bornmann ✮❤

Charlotte Knox Canida ✮

Jane Price Claxton ✮❤

Beverly F. Mitchell ✮❤

Marsha Fernald Sichveland

Pierce Society

Mary Ann Ward Dudley ✮❤ Candler Circle

Andgelia Proctor Kelly * ✮❤

Benson Society

Cheryl League Dennis ✮

Betty Battson Ferrell

Susan Swain Goger

Virginia Crapps Johnson ✮❤

Leila K. Kight ✮❤

Mary Jo Fincher Plowden ✮❤

Virginia Hiers Roebuck ✮❤

Mary Ann Bateman Spell

Sally Plowden Stevenson ✮

Allyn Ballou Veatch Fountain Club

Beth Rogero Bowen ✮❤

Helen Jackson Burgin ✮❤

Susan A. Cobleigh ✮❤

Lynn Hays Davis ✮❤

Betty Smith Hipps ✮❤

Jana Witham Janeway

Katherine Wilson Johnson ✮❤

Ellen Beard Martin ✮❤

Judith Davis Powell

Barkley M. Russell

Martha Pafford Schindhelm ✮❤

Nancy Lowe Taylor ✮❤ 1836 Club

Patty Pearce Cardin ✮❤

Marian Pointer Clements ✮

Lynda Ogburn Hathorn ✮

Vicki Page Jaus ✮

Geranne Hutchinson Mills ✮❤

Gail Fulton Murphy

Virginia Larson Schneider ✮

Martha Herring Stubbs ✮


Rebecca Mathews Beal ✮

Nina M. Brewer

Judy Floyd Bywater

Cheryl Grantham Fee ✮

Nancy McMeen Freeman ✮

Robin Hood Geisler ✮❤

Kristina Cross Hawkins

Carolyn Curtiss Higgins

Easter Eddy Lancaster

Suzanne Sebring Moncrieff ✮

Cheryl Maund Page ✮

Ruth Anne Gray Randolph ✮❤

Susan Jones Shulman ✮❤

Peggy Ray Sichveland ✮❤

Sally Duskin Speckels

Annabelle R. Spring

Ina Davis Temple

Mary Abbott Waite ✮

Diane G. Walker ✮

Ginger Sanders White ✮❤

Lash Lawton Woodcock


Participation: 17.98%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $25,905.00

Total All Gifts: $92,105.00

President's Council

Melissa Lane Thomas ✮❤

Porter Society

Suzanne Woodham Juday ✮❤ Candler Circle

Betty Hood Lydick ✮❤

Benson Society

Carol Broome Fraune ✮❤

Karen D. Garr ✮❤

Ann Kinnick Keane ✮❤

Emmaline Haddle Pursley ✮ Fountain Club

Alice Peninger Beasley ✮❤

Jean Meacham Crowe

1836 Club

Dianne Brannen Adams

Sharon Malone Boyd ✮❤

Lou Ellen Semler Boyes ✮❤

Ann Reaves Burr ✮❤

Linda Smith Gregg ✮❤

Janet Burkhalter Haworth ✮❤

Pat Ondo Snyder ✮


Ann Brown Austin ✮❤

Dell Hitchcock Bailey ✮❤

Sandra Eversole Bowman ✮❤

Dale Parker Craig ✮❤

Susan Isaacs Dodson ✮❤

Judith Haisten Gattis ✮❤

Angela Fulton Kirby ✮

Susan Ewing Maddox ✮❤

Susan Byrd Mathews ✮

Linda Harper Mattern

Gwynn Johnson Polidoro ✮❤

Linda L. Rich ✮❤

Diana Hall Richardson ✮❤

June Shiver

Dorothy Smith Stewart ✮❤

Barbara Marble Tagg ✮


Participation: 14.20%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $28,401.19

Total All Gifts: $75,701.57

President's Council

Susan Woodward Walker ✮❤

Porter Society

Patricia Grogan Borders ✮❤

Rosalind Turner Jeter ✮

Pierce Society

Wanda Saltmarsh Hopkins ✮❤

Gifts made between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 * deceased ANNUAL REPORT

Benson Society

Linda Goulding Camp ✮

Barbara Roland Colwell

Susan Reynolds Gregory ✮

May Powell Parks ✮❤ Fountain Club

Jane Ward Gault ✮❤

Ann Scott Terry ✮❤

Martha Jane Thompson ✮❤ 1836 Club

Jan Bull Burgess ✮❤

Emily Chase Cook ✮❤

Catherine Gibbons Jost ✮❤

Shirley L. McFadden ✮

B.J. Molpus Posey ✮❤

Patricia L. Voyles ✮


Kathryn Nettles Clark ✮❤

Jan Drury Cox ✮

Margaret Lane Evans ✮

Lana Tygart Griner

Charlene Payne Kammerer ✮❤

Brenda Witham McGinn

Terry Ivey Vawter


Participation: 20.73%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $17,743.55

Total All Gifts: $43,856.36

President's Council

Toni L. Jennings

Pierce Society

Kirsten Johansen Welch ✮ Candler Circle

Pamela Henry Pate ✮❤ Benson Society

Gena Roberts Franklin ✮❤

Salina Metts Harkleroad

Peggy Parrish Hasty ✮❤

Cathy Coxey Snow ✮❤ Fountain Club

Harriett E. Mayo ✮❤

Louise Cross Stewart ✮

Helen Ferguson Zachry ✮❤ 1836 Club

Rebecca Edenfield Lingerfelt ✮❤ Contributors

Janice Moody Cayton ✮❤

Deborah Smith Kelly

Carolyn Berger Krutoy

Derrill Dunn McRae ✮❤

Linda Sheffield Shepherd ✮

Ellen Cobleigh Tomter ✮


Participation: 27.42%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $33,575.00

Total All Gifts: $34,125.00 Porter Society

Elizabeth Rogers Kelly ✮❤

Linda Chance Newiger ✮❤ Candler Circle

Mary Catherine Collins

O'Kelley ✮❤ Benson Society

Deborah Wedgworth Altman ✮❤

Susan Mann Kimbrell ✮❤

Lynn Golson Priester ✮❤ Fountain Club

Nancy Jackson Osmundsen ✮ 1836 Club

Joyce Rice Ellison ✮❤

Deborah Dye Gigliotti

Eileen Vickery Thurmond ✮

Susan Wyllys Wallace ✮ Contributors

Kasse Andrews-Weller ✮

Jane Farmer Fastje ✮

Marianne Graeme Fortuna ✮

Elizabeth Walker Heckman ✮

Judith Rutledge Neal

Susan McDonald Sheehan ✮❤


Participation: 54.84%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $39,630.52

Total All Gifts: $87,461.59

President's Council

Janice A. Mays ✮❤

Porter Society

Margaret M. Mathews ✮❤

Pierce Society

Marsha Lynn Christy ✮❤

Mary Graham Ponder Foster ✮❤

Benson Society

Carroll Ricketson Bolton ✮

Nannette Coco ✮

Kay Barfield Lee

Kathleen Amidon MacGregor ✮

Hazel Mims Mathis ✮❤

Katharine Johns Olson ✮❤

Linda Brown Walker ✮❤

Fountain Club

Deborah Monds Davis

Sharon McDonald Gibson

Connie Burkhalter Hood

Miriam McElheney Jordan

Caron Griffin Morgan

Adriane Kelly Wood ✮ 1836 Club

Betsy McPherson Farr ✮


Mary Harter Bailey

Ramona A. Baker

Betty Sours Calder

Hale Coble Edwards ✮❤

Natalie Ryan Gemmill

Debra Henderson Hoobler

Ginger Volosen Jennings

Lisa T. Kuhn ✮❤

Elizabeth Lilly

Anne Thornton Reynolds ✮❤

Patricia H. Ryan ✮❤

Marsha Hamrick Slade

Jill Gerber Smith ✮

Rebecca Read Sullivan

Marsha Brown Thomas

Ann Wright Wansley


Participation: 14.47%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $5,950.00

Total All Gifts: $6,100.00

Benson Society

Martha V. Johnson ✮❤

Felecia Pearson Smith ✮❤

Fountain Club

Lisa McKinney ✮❤ 1836 Club

Susan Powers Champion ✮❤

Gail Murphy Oden ✮❤

Margaret Andrews Willis ✮❤


Deborah Gardner Green

Marian Elliott Lewis ✮

Kathleen Russell Leysath ✮

Beverly Hinely MacMahon ✮❤

Debra Maund ✮

Cristina Farkas Williams


Participation: 28.09%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $80,305.00

Total All Gifts: $160,005.00

President's Council

Ruth A. Knox ✮❤ Porter Society

Cynthia D. Wright ✮❤ Pierce Society

Sally Moffett McKenna ✮❤

Benson Society

Susie Black ✮❤

Carol A. Goodloe ✮❤

Selma Middlebrooks Gore ✮❤

Virginia Ann Daniel Holman ✮

Millie Parrish Hudson ✮❤

Margaret Strickland Lovein ✮

Nan G. Maddux

Rita Parker McGarity ✮❤

Karlyn Sturmer ✮

Judith L. Whitaker ✮❤ Fountain Club

Susan Lovette Dobbyn ✮❤

Bonnie Hunter Hunt ✮❤ 1836 Club

Lisa Sherman Hammond ✮❤

Beth Sullins Hughes ✮❤

Sandra Davis Townley ✮❤ Contributors

Kay Hickman Beasley ✮❤

Jean Bargeron Bender ✮

Catherine L. Hinman ✮

Gloria McIntosh McDonald ✮

Betty Snooks Moses ✮❤

Douglas Ponder Suto

Jacalyn Street Wilson ✮


Participation: 16.85%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,750.04

Total All Gifts: $9,050.04 Pierce Society

Virginia Pritchard Ashby ✮❤ Fountain Club

Patricia A. Henry ✮❤

Carrie Anne Parks-Kirby ✮❤ 1836 Club

Melissa Worley Callahan

Jackie Herron Gilmer ✮❤

Elizabeth O'Donnell Menkhaus ✮❤ Contributors

Linda Wing Duckworth ✮❤

Barbee A. Dyer ✮

Cynthia H. McMullen ✮❤

Jane Gardner Preston ✮

Joye Mims Preston ✮

Mary Knight Robinson ✮❤

Henrietta Craddock Schoonover ✮❤

Jenny Gatliff Smith ✮

Delia Tinnell Spinks

Nancy Williamson Witek ✮❤


Participation: 7.41%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $7,125.00

Total All Gifts: $13,625.00

Porter Society

Kathleen Hill Goddard ✮❤

Benson Society

Victoria Buxton Cork ✮❤

Lynn Boswell Moses ✮ Fountain Club

Lauren Drinnon Leskosky ✮❤


Lucia Chapman Carr ✮

Berylanne Miner Crutchley ✮


Participation: 28.30%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $8,189.96

Total All Gifts: $8,189.96

Benson Society

Janet Friberg Jarrett ✮❤

Bryndis W. Roberts ✮❤

Julie St. John Thornton ✮❤ Fountain Club

Laura Shippey Gafnea ✮❤

Janet L. Keys ✮❤

Darla Grinstead McKenzie

Catherine Bradach Rockoff ✮❤

Patricia L. Tate ✮❤ 1836 Club

Jeanne Anthony Gibbs ✮

Lucy F. Lee ✮❤

Laurinda Murphy Norris ✮❤

Pamela J. Risi

Janet Williams Sills ✮❤


Constance Newman Allen

Kathy A. Bradley ✮❤

Janet Rumler Brooks ✮

Carol Hindman Butler

Beverly Burd Fetner

Katherine Harvin Gibbs ✮

Leigh Lambert Goff ✮❤

Mary Margaret Dunn Griffin

Anne Scarborough Hughes ✮❤

Becky Tatman Klase

Mary McMillan Mancin ✮

Janet L. Ort

Laura E. Perdue ✮❤

Candice Muehlbauer Shockley

Mary Lou Pratt Taff

Dawn Sapp Taylor ✮❤

Nancy McDonald Terhorst


Participation: 15.91%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,335.00

Total All Gifts: $2,335.00

Benson Society

Sally Anderson Hemingway 1836 Club

Rebecca Tuten McClain ✮❤

Mary E. Thompson


Nadine Cheek ✮❤

Gail Bacon Ford ✮❤

Margaret Dilbeck Garland ✮❤

Lynne Anthoine Hueglin ✮❤

Denise Sarver Jewell ✮❤

Anita E. Marchman ✮❤

Theresa L. McKenna ✮❤

WESmag Winter 2023/2024

Sarah Johnston Miller ✮

Catherine Haye Sauter ✮❤

Patricia Gingold Weinman ✮

Linda I. Young ✮


Participation: 19.05%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $36,595.00

Total All Gifts: $67,045.00 President's Council

Hannah L. Allen ✮❤ Porter Society

Janet M. Lawrence ✮❤

Lindsay Lemasters Lewis ✮❤ Benson Society

Paula Flannery Lytle ✮❤

Allison McFarland Wilcox ✮ Fountain Club

Bonny Denton McGarity ✮

Helen Anne Richards ✮❤

Kelly M. Russell ✮❤ Contributors

Eileen V. Begin

Marcia A. Bronson ✮❤

Deena Harrell Cherry ✮❤

Susan Robertson Jaeger ✮

Mary L. Johnson ✮

Janet A. Leininger ✮

Linda Carey Nardotti ✮❤

Wanda Maynard Schroeder

Susan Snider ✮❤

Patricia R. Varela Koblensky ✮

Myna Hamans Walton

Katherine E. Weekes ✮❤


Participation: 9.23%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $8,150.00

Total All Gifts: $33,150.00

President's Council

Stephanie E. Parker ✮❤ Candler Circle

Mary Langel Stults ✮❤ 1836 Club

Patricia Chapman DuBose ✮ Contributors

Colleen Brown ✮

Trudy Clark Landis

Caroline Thomas ✮


Participation: 11.25%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $4,362.00

Total All Gifts: $5,012.00 Benson Society

Susan L. Holloway ✮❤ Fountain Club

Suzanne L. Colter ✮❤

Lisa DiMuro Gosnell ✮❤

Rhonda Helton Hambright ✮

Mona M. McLean ✮

Jennifer Willis Payne ✮ Contributors

Leslie Buice Carson ✮

Karen A. Martin ✮❤

Rebecca Moore Robbins ✮❤


Participation: 20.83%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $7,320.00

Total All Gifts: $12,320.00

Pierce Society

Peggy Jones Hall ✮❤

Benson Society

Barbara Stout Hallinan

Fountain Club

Cynthia E. Bell-Lee ✮❤ 1836 Club

Ellen Futral Hanson ✮❤

Anne Elizabeth Koon-Spiwak ✮❤ Contributors

Mary Ann Aiken Fitzgerald ✮❤

Beth Mercer Haley

Beth Proudfoot Johnson

Mary Lisa Boyer Millican ✮

Katharine Thompson Peacock


Participation: 12.77%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $600.00

Total All Gifts: $1,100.00

Fountain Club

Jo Duke ✮❤ 1836 Club

Loretta L. Pinkston-Pope ✮


Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ✮❤

Amanda S. Jacobs ✮❤

Jeanon M. Massien ✮❤

Connie Evans McKinney


Participation: 12.96%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $800.00

Total All Gifts: $900.00

1836 Club

Sara King Pilger ✮❤

Lisa Ahl Duncan ✮❤


Lori Alcorn Campbell ✮❤

Betty Bivins Edwards ✮❤

Holly T. Heath ✮❤

Karen Toner Mixon

Stephanie Van Pelt


Participation: 13.04%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,949.00

Total All Gifts: $2,949.00

Benson Society

Dana Flanders Laster ✮❤

Willett Pearson Waller

1836 Club

Janie Chien Golden ✮❤


Dana Grinstead Tanner ✮❤

Patricia Potts Wells ✮❤

Merri Hart White


Participation: 10.96%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,365.00

Total All Gifts: $3,965.00

Benson Society

Carla T. Asbell Dennis ✮❤

Leesa Akins Flora ✮❤

Fountain Club

Barbara Roe Wallace ✮❤

1836 Club

Jill Amos ✮❤


Lisa Morgan Edwards ✮❤

Kayron McMinn Laska (HON) ✮

Margaret H. McKnight ✮

Lynn Lasseter Prater ✮

Lisa D. Shiveler ✮❤


Participation: 36.07%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $7,632.00

Total All Gifts: $7,632.00

Benson Society

Gwen Futral Gallagher-Howard ✮❤

Rita Mitchell Higgins ✮❤

Jody Bethea Riggs ✮ Fountain Club

Beth A. Herndon ✮❤

Verah Dorsey Turner ✮❤ 1836 Club

Marian Lynn Abney

Ana N. Fernandez ✮

Donna F. Groover

Lorie Patterson Lanier

Karen Melton Soeltz ✮


Susan E. Baynes

Susan Deana Carlisle Carlson

Kecia Whitlock Cawthorne

Susan K. DeBay

Mary Cobb Dugan

Linda Gay Eubanks

Veronica Hicks Jones

Margaret Baldwin Ligon

Jackie Lawson McLeod

Terri Henry Parker

Maricka H. M. Rogers-Randall

Kathryn Lawrence Spada ✮❤


Participation: 13.85%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $32,050.00

Total All Gifts: $54,200.00

President's Council

Debbie Stevenson Moses ✮❤

Porter Society

Mary Beth Brown Swearingen ✮❤

Pierce Society

Geovette E. Washington ✮❤

Benson Society

Lura Harrell Hammock

Fountain Club

Julia Huskey ✮❤ 1836 Club

Denise Cheek Brown ✮❤

Kristin N. Claus ✮❤

Pamela Hissing Jacobson ✮


Robin Blue Wilcox ✮


Participation: 12.94%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $11,625.00

Total All Gifts: $16,675.00

Porter Society

Lori Reese Patton ✮❤

Fountain Club

Kym Preuss Lukosky ✮❤ 1836 Club

Hayley Burch Goldhagen ✮

Ashley Garrett ✮❤


Melissa Adkins Brown ✮

Sarah Moseley Gardner ✮❤

Theresa Castruccio Hurst ✮❤

Kathryn Reumann Mullen ✮

Karene Harron Nebel ✮❤

June Jordan O'Neal

Virginia Bowman Wilcox


Participation: 14.08%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,139.00

Total All Gifts: $1,139.00 1836 Club

Lara Blanchett Carlton ✮❤ Contributors

Katherine S. Compain ✮❤

Felisa Hicks Cooper ✮

Catherine Lee Harp ✮

Cynthia L. Hershey ✮❤

Beth A. Kargel ✮❤

Robyn Miller Schopp ✮

Hope Hahn Shields ✮❤

Lizzie Wahab ✮

Jeanmarie Desmond White ✮


Participation: 5.38%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $990.00

Total All Gifts: $1,490.00 Fountain Club

Cynthia Costello Busbee ✮❤

Katie S. Garrett ✮❤


Anne M. Cordeiro ✮

Mariana dos Santos Furlin ✮❤

Kelley R. Southerland


Participation: 22.97%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $7,225.84

Total All Gifts: $7,275.84 Candler Circle

Carrie Melissa Bell ✮

Melanie Filson Lewis ✮❤

Ruth Powell Storts ✮❤ Fountain Club

Alison M. Charney Hussey

Lyubena Savova Smith ✮ 1836 Club

Cynthia Paige Getty ✮


Eileen Gray Booth

Elizabeth Morrison Burch ✮

Cheryl Anderson Ciucevich ✮

Ginger Holmes George

Elizabeth Hastings Hoover

Daphne Nobles Markham

Emily Adams Mowery

Hallie Suber Prince ✮❤

Lisa Theiling Stamey

Heidi Hacia Suydam ✮

Jennifer Monjeau Sweat

Cathy Lee Taylor


Participation: 8.45%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,375.00

Total All Gifts: $1,375.00 Fountain Club

Gifts made between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 * deceased ANNUAL REPORT

May Morgan

Ackerman (HON) * ✮❤

Michelle Smith Green ✮❤


Cara Carroll Baity ✮❤

Jill Hauver Celeste

Melissa McKenzie Crowder ✮❤

Tiffany M. Gordon ✮

Lee Twombly Olson


Participation: 7.04%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,450.00

Total All Gifts: $2,600.00

Benson Society

Dawn Gochnour Hoffman ✮❤

Susan C. Wheelis ✮❤


Catherine H. Atchley ✮❤

Keena Hammond ✮

Lori Downie McPhee


Participation: 21.79%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $17,280.00

Total All Gifts: $19,380.00

Pierce Society

Yehudi B. Self-Medlin ✮❤

Deidra West Smith ✮❤

Benson Society

Lisa Hullender Filkins ✮❤

Elizabeth Hodges McKeever ✮

Beth Milstead Wilson ✮

Fountain Club

Chiebonam Ezenwugo

Ezekwueche ✮❤

Patrenice Guthrie Thomas 1836 Club

Laura Meyer McAvoy ✮❤


Sharon Brim Chappelle ✮❤

Heather Goodwin Grahek ✮

Katherine Worley Hammes ✮❤

Michelle McCluney Horgan ✮❤

Denisse A. Lemos

Elizabeth N. Mathis ✮❤

Sherry V. Neal ✮❤

Monica M. Santamaria ✮

Susan M. Selensky ✮


Participation: 8.47%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,340.00

Total All Gifts: $1,340.00

Fountain Club

Teresa A. Lawson ✮❤ Contributors

Sherry L. Boyd ✮❤

Kara Bollmeier Jagger-Miller ✮

Mary Mitchell McKinnon ✮

Elisabeth A. Waterman ✮❤


Participation: 12.50%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $2,064.48

Total All Gifts: $2,064.48

Benson Society

Julie E. Houston Trieste ✮❤


Amelia Armstrong Carmichael ✮

Anita Maynard Curtis

Stacy Reynolds Forehand

Brandy M. Hayes ✮❤

Emily Carr Heath

Jessica Bay Morgan

Lora Tolley Peppard

Melinda Caspers Thompson ✮❤


Participation: 10.26%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,055.00

Total All Gifts: $1,055.00 1836 Club

Kathryn Smith Vinson ✮❤ Contributors

Amy Maleia Barry ✮❤

Carrie Walker Dumm ✮❤

Danielle Fleming Fanning

Yvonne Wiggins Jones ✮❤

Tausha Kennedy

Daphne Ristau Stellato ✮❤

Lachrisha D. Swafford ✮


Participation: 9.09%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,810.00

Total All Gifts: $1,810.00

Fountain Club

Jessica D. Salter ✮ 1836 Club

Kelly P. Baete ✮

Amanda Driggers Grau ✮❤

Lisa A. Sloben ✮❤


Lindsay C. Abernethy ✮❤

Lareine Danforth Archer ✮❤

Amy R. Stone

Erin E. Young ✮


Participation: 11.84%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,745.08

Total All Gifts: $1,945.08

Benson Society

Abbie Smoak Lacienski ✮❤ 1836 Club

Sophia N. Hall ✮❤


Adrianna P. Cooper-Jones

Jywanya Smith Dillinger ✮❤

Julia Tolley Harris

Brandy Morris Kirkwood ✮❤

Stephanie Dunda Owens ✮❤

LaTonya S. Parker ✮❤

Emily Helmick Parr ✮❤


Participation: 12.63%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $6,905.00

Total All Gifts: $7,250.00

Candler Circle

Elsa George Antony ✮

Benson Society

Natalie Puckett Evans ✮❤

Fountain Club

Sarah E. Chandler ✮

Crystal Rogers Cheyne ✮❤

Chenny Q. Gan ✮❤ 1836 Club

April L. Prince ✮


Erin McGavin Dalton ✮❤

Jody Swink Miles ✮❤

Lorry Izula Mpindu

Vidal E. Olivares ✮

Patricia Deal Perry ✮

Barry C. Quesnel


Participation: 22.09%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $4,285.00

Total All Gifts: $4,285.00

President's Council

Nancy C. Panoz (HON)

Benson Society

Oluwatoyosi Fatunase

Onwuemene ✮❤

Fountain Club

Rachel A. Garcia ✮❤

Namita Mohanty ✮


Jennifer Jenkins Cobb

Abbie Brannon Covenah ✮❤

Tara Hatfield Crooms

Lindy E. Donahue

Jennifer M. Duello

Emily Neal Duke ✮❤

Virginia Dicken Gracen

Nessa Cruthirds Griffin ✮

Toosdhi Danielle White Hill

Liubov Lazareva Kriel

Regina Wright McRae

Hope McMichael Pendergrass ✮❤

Aliscia L. Pitts

Venita Swain Ramirez

Brandy Heineman Steffensen

Elaina M. Winter


Participation: 11.40%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,965.00

Total All Gifts: $1,990.00

Fountain Club

Olumayowa Akintobi Fabode 1836 Club

Mary Kathryn Borland ✮❤

Anna Cornelious Martin ✮❤

Alexandra Aldica Willis ✮❤


Juliana S. Cabrales ✮

Jami Petersen Davis

Jodi Miller Hardee ✮❤

Jennifer C. Howard

Emily Dukes LeVan

Erin Zinko McKenna ✮❤

Joanne G. Patterson

Christine Harness Thompson ✮❤

Arletha P. Williams


Participation: 8.26%

Wesleyan Fund: $2,245.00 Total All Gifts: $2,995.00

Benson Society

Ashling Thurmond Osborne ✮❤ Fountain Club

Christine Saunders Forsythe

Megan A. Quinn ✮❤ 1836 Club

Ashley Wheelus McKenna ✮❤

















TOP TEN LISTS FOR CLASS GIVING 2022 - 2023 PARTICIPATION 1973 54.84% 1941 50.00% 1988 36.07% 1969 34.27% 1964 30.91% 1978 28.30% 1975 28.09% 1972 27.42% 1963 25.96% 1955 25.58% GIFTS
1975 $160,005.00 1967 $155,993.42 1947 $150,483.20 1963 $134,965.70 1949
WESmag Winter 2023/2024


Amy Gillis Carlson

Jyoti Danes Coffelt ✮

Kathleen Loski Cummings ✮❤

Elizabeth Santos Davidoff

Zenda D. A. Davis

Stephanie Samuels Glenn


Participation: 10.66%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $5,691.58

Total All Gifts: $6,991.58

Benson Society

Amy M. Fletcher ✮❤ Fountain Club

Mollie Elizabeth Hughes ✮❤

Parrish Smotherman Jenkins ✮❤

Jaime F. McQuilkin ✮❤

Lindsay Rosenquist Burns ✮❤ 1836 Club

Jennifer Shy-Coates ✮

Amy E. Smith


Lauren Hamblin Beaty ✮❤

Shelly Walden Gable ✮❤

Robyn Grimes Gobin

Stephanie Kanady Niave ✮❤

Heather Scott Miller

Melanie Reed Williams ✮


Participation: 4.35%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $620.00

Total All Gifts: $670.00 1836 Club

Morgan L. Felts ✮❤


Portia P. Blackwell ✮

Angela C. O'Neal ✮❤


Participation: 17.81%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $17,661.00

Total All Gifts: $49,501.00 President's Council

Carla Ruiz-Ney ✮ Pierce Society

Jessica Kendrick Thomas ✮❤ Fountain Club

Jan Giles Tedders ✮❤ 1836 Club

Pragna Halder ✮❤

Tanya S. Parker ✮❤

Missy L. Poole ✮❤ Contributors

Shih-Yu Chen ✮❤

Catherine E. Dermody ✮❤

Jessica Dermody Gibson ✮❤

Fatimah S. Green

Victoria L. Johnson - Rivers ✮

Leah G. Roberts

Faith Z. Sumpter ✮❤


Participation: 3.33%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $490.00

Total All Gifts: $490.00


April Orrell Buck

Kathy Reese McCollum

Ying Tang ✮


Participation: 2.11%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $950.00

Total All Gifts: $950.00

Fountain Club

Rachel A. Fullerton ✮❤


Kristen Ellsworth Applebee ✮❤


Participation: 5.75%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,790.84

Total All Gifts: $1,790.84

Fountain Club

Sherry G. Li-Frucher

Faith A. Richardson 1836 Club

Anh P. Le ✮


Shirley Mosher Blunk ✮❤

Georgia Belle Thomas ✮❤


Participation: 7.79%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $620.00

Total All Gifts: $4,202.68


Taylor Bishop Deal ✮❤

Hannah G. Doan ✮

Mary Katherine Dunn ✮

Suzzanne R. Griffiths ✮❤

Susan Yandle Middleton ✮❤

Marquita S. Tatmon


Participation: 3.85%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $70.00

Total All Gifts: $570.00

Fountain Club

Francesca Landsman Lore Contributors

Kendal C. Binion ✮❤

Najah Yasin Webb ✮


Participation: 2.30%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $150.00

Total All Gifts: $150.00


Blake M. Binion-Holliday ✮❤

Jennifer Eadie Hopkins


Participation: 3.13%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $40.00

Total All Gifts: $810.00

Fountain Club

Gabriela I. Urquilla Silber


Ekaterina Zaynullina Chernokov ✮❤

Kimberly Edgefield Hill ✮❤

Rebecca A. Parker


Participation: 2.02%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $1,150.00

Total All Gifts: $1,500.00

Benson Society

Julie Benge Rogers ✮❤


Mallory Jones Doan ✮


Participation: 2.73%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $270.00

Total All Gifts: $270.00

Benson Society

Susan Brown Allen (HON) ✮❤ @


Jayme L. Hitchcock ✮❤

Rut N. Leon-Kulak ✮

Keshika N. Marambe


Participation: 1.65%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $80.00

Total All Gifts: $105.00


Kristen O. Dennard

Mary Ann Steinbach ✮❤


Participation: 2.14%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $145.00

Total All Gifts: $160.00


Laura Harness Feltman

Abigail N. Price

Chelsea E. Robbins ✮


Participation: 1.01%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $50.00

Total All Gifts: $50.00


Madeline S. Schwab


Participation: 1.79%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $9.23

Total All Gifts: $129.23


Elspeth M. Hansen

Margaret O. Howard ✮


Participation: 2.50%

Total Wesleyan Fund: $110.00

Total All Gifts: $110.00


Erica L. Brown

Letitia R. Hughes

Lessie Z. Mitch


Total Wesleyan Fund: $25.00

Total All Gifts: $150.00

Fountain Club

Denise Welch Holloway (HON) ✮❤


Karen Williams Hix

49 Gifts made between July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023 * deceased ANNUAL REPORT


Alexis Xides Bighley '67

Meaghan Blight

Charlotte B. Bogle

Priscilla Gautier Bornmann '68

Stanford M. Brown

Betsy Martin Bunte '68

J. Cannon Carr, Jr.

Jane Price Claxton '68

Verda M. Colvin

Robin Dease

Amy M. Fletcher '06

Waldo E. Floyd III

Chenny Q. Gan '02

Robyn Grimes Gobin '06

David W. Graves

Robert F. Hatcher, Jr.

Ruth A. Knox '75

Margaret T. MacCary

Janice A. Mays '73

Michael D. McCord

Beverly F. Mitchell '68

Debbie Stevenson Moses '89

Wilds M. Ogie

Lori Reese Patton '90

Amy V. Rauls

Bryndis W. Roberts '78

Leah G. Roberts '08

Carla Ruiz-Ney '08

Yehudi B. Self-Medlin '96

Felecia Pearson Smith '74

Jennifer Stiles Williams '93

Mary Beth Brown Swearingen '89

Jessica Kendrick Thomas '08

Susan Woodward Walker '70

Kay B. West

Cynthia D. Wright '75


Hannah L. Allen '80

Julia G. Baldwin

Betty Turner Corn '47

Cathy Cox

Robert J. Edenfield

Gayle Attaway Findlay '55

Gena Roberts Franklin '71

Judy Woodward Gregory '63

Gene A. Hoots

Robert E. Knox, Jr.*

Dennie L. McCrary

Andy H. Nations

Samuel A. Nunn, Jr.

William W. Oliver, Jr.

Lynda Brinks Pfeiffer '63

Elizabeth H. Pickett

T. Alfred Sams, Jr.

Marvin R. Schuster *




Mary Kathryn Borland '04

Juliana S. Cabrales '04

Robyn Grimes Gobin '06

Abbie Smoak Lacienski '01

Janet M. Lawrence '80

Teresa A. Lawson '97

Anna Cornelious Martin '04

Vidal E. Olivares '02

Leah G. Roberts '08

Yehudi B. Self-Medlin '96

Jas'min Shy-Coates '06

Cathy Coxey Snow '71

Doneshia P. Starling '06

Najah Yasin Webb '13

Jane Manley Wheeless '67

Susan C. Wheelis '95

Judith L. Whitaker '75


Susan Brown Allen '17 (HON) Assistant to the President, Advancement

Ashley Childers Cleaver '89 Director of Annual and Leadership Giving

Millie Parrish Hudson '75 Director of Development

Julie A. Jones

Senior Director of Advancement Operations and Research

Monty Martin

Data Services Specialist

Sarah McCarthy Vice President of Institutional Advancement

Erik Rayment

Prospect Researcher

Cathy Coxey Snow '71 Director of Alumnae Affairs

The recognition extended to those listed in this publication is one small way to thank the many contributors to Wesleyan College between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.

An asterisk indicates a donor passed away prior to publication. Italicized names in the class giving section indicate the alumna gave to Wesleyan via a planned gift.

Although every attempt was made to ensure accuracy, it is possible that errors may have occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience such errors may cause. We encourage you to call any corrections to our attention by notifying Julie Jones, senior director of advancement operations and research, at jjones@ wesleyancollege.edu or 478-757-5130. Thank you.

Please note that publication of the names of contributors is strictly for the purpose of grateful acknowledgement by Wesleyan College; no other use of these lists is authorized.

WESmag Winter 2023/2024

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