Oakridge B4 Piero Lissoni

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We were introduced to Piero Lissoni by our frequent collaborators at B&B Italia. We started our relationship with B&B Italia, one of the world’s great furniture manufacturers, a dozen years ago starting with Shangri-La Vancouver and have continued to work with them ever since. As the planning and architectural typology of Oakridge began to take form we had this notion that at one scale the architecture should have a strong unifying presence that arose from the park but at another scale, have each building be unique. So we reached out to our friends in Milan with a simple request, “Please introduce us to the most accomplished designers that you frequently partner with and we will form a team together with B&B, the designer, and ourselves, to produce some of the best interior architecture that Canada has seen.” When we began examining Piero Lissoni’s work we knew that our first phase of Oakridge would set an extremely high standard for the rest of the project. The depth of his practise and strength of his team are of the highest calibre, which is why they are considered one of the most respected design firms in Italy. If you had to try and characterize his work it would be as a minimalist, but the influences of his heritage are unmistakable. If his overarching goal is simplicity, we know that in fact simplicity is very difficult and is often a contradiction as it requires great complexity. I came to the conclusion that perhaps one of Piero Lissoni’s advantages is that his practice is so varied. At once a designer of a host of products but also an accomplished architect and fantastic graphic designer – a renaissance man.


Piero Lissoni is a character, the epitome of what it means to be Italian. At our first workshop at Lissoni’s headquarters, tucked in an alleyway of a vine covered building in central Milan, Piero arrived in an impeccably tailored summer suit that was elegant but with a lightness to it that was not stuffy. Before he would allow the workshop to begin he enjoyed an espresso and a cigarette. The espresso arrived in a beautiful white cup on a perfect place setting. After taking his first sip, he announced he was ready to begin. It was in that moment, sitting in that beautiful building across from this elegant man, that I realized we and B&B had made a perfect choice for the designer of Building Four at Oakridge. Lissoni has operated out of the same building in Milan for over 30 years and designed everything from hotels, to super yachts, furniture, and homes. He is regarded amongst his peers as one of the most prolific designers and architects in Italy. His office building, a microcosm for his career, is covered in renderings and studies from his body of work. He showcases the breadth of his disciplines at the office, including an in-house model shop where each project is initially brought to life. There is a sample room of materials that is one of the most comprehensively curated in the world. Perhaps the most interesting place in the building is Piero’s office. Stark white and filled with a mix of his favourite furniture and objects collected over a lifetime, it is the perfect blend of elegance and whimsy and a physical manifestation of Piero’s unique charming personality. Piero has spent time in the Pacific Northwest with his first trip having been over 20 years ago. His style for the interiors of Oakridge was blending his personal sense of simplicity and elegance - less can be more - with a colour palette of the Pacific Northwest, all crafted in Italy. I hope this book conveys the sense of enjoyment we experienced working with Piero and his team to craft your home at Oakridge. From Ferrari’s, to clothes and furniture, Italy is known to produce the most elegant and sophisticated products in the world and Lissoni has done that for Building Four at Oakridge here in Vancouver.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge

ian gillespie



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


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italy to vancouver lissoni the firm portfolio the project kitchens by boffi and miele amenities penthouse pool villas dimoras furniture packages

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge

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Working in different disciplines is very Milanese, because it’s in our tradition to design everything from this spoon to the city itself. When you want to become an architect here, they teach you at the university to be a graphic designer, furniture designer or something else as well. Because achieving curiosity is a form of intellectual preparation. I’m completely against the Anglo-Saxon culture of specialisation. If you’re a doctor and you become a very good doctor for a specific field, I understand. But if you’re an architect, you have to be a poet, engineer, photographer and film maker all at the same time. You have to be a humanist.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge

piero lissoni



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


01. /

italy to vancouver


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


In Venice, when the weather is clear, it is possible to look out from the Fondamenta Nuove and glimpse the entire arch of the Dolomites in the Cadore region, looming high over the backdrop of the lagoon. It was to enjoy this view of the mountains where he was born that Tiziano Vecellio, better known to us in English as Titian, took up residence in this part of the city, living here from 1531 until his death in 1576. Less well known than the Zattere, which look out on the magnificent view of the Giudecca, Punta Dogana, and the island of San Giorgio, the Fondamenta Nuove offer a synthesis of the Italian landscape that juxtaposes apparently clashing elements in a stunning continuum: mountains, seas, islands, and the noble profiles of cities overlooking the water. Separated by an ocean and a continent, Vancouver and Italy appear distant, emblems of a North and a South that might seem to rule out any contact between the two. And yet, when you gaze at pictures of Vancouver, the overlapping layers, stratifying in a single view; sea, urban skyline, and the line of the snowy mountains, the twin image of Venice surfaces like a watermark, a city built on the traces of other cities and cultures. When Kublai Khan, emperor of the Tartars, scolds Marco Polo in Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities for never saying a thing about Venice, the Venetian explorer retorts: “What else do you believe I have been talking to you about?” The emperor did not turn a hair. “And yet I have never heard you mention that name.” And Polo said: “Every time I describe a city I am saying something about Venice.” Likewise, every city, as if in some game of Chinese boxes, conceals its innermost souls, the subterranean visions that underlie it, the affinities that allow it to outreach every distance and which, once revealed, throw open doors to infinite series of references. Aside from the sea, the mountains, and the streets overlooking the water, Vancouver shares other qualities with Italy that are intrinsic to these settings: openness to exchange and trade, encounter and melding of cultures, a multiethnic citizenry, a spontaneous inclination to curiosity, beauty, and pleasure.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Imagining a domestic homescape overlooking Vancouver’s English Bay therefore becomes an opportunity to tell a story through objects, colours , atmospheres, lights, and materials, narrating the ways in which different cultures, geographies, and histories interpenetrate, bringing to the surface traits of similar natures, constructing a bridge between the visual languages that the Old World and the New World use, respectively. An opportunity to inject into the crowded and high-speed development of contemporary cosmopolitanism methods and processes of the construction of space that are deeply rooted in the history of my country. The empty space that Italian piazzas teach us, the void of which architecture is the attentive demiurge and guardian, can be traced back to both high and low Italian culture: on the one hand, the missing furniture, present only as drawings on the wall of the miserable hut where a puppet was newly born, as described in the world’s best known Italian book, Pinocchio; and on the other hand, that magnificent moment of suspense made up of silence and absence that we find in Piero della Francesca’s Brera Madonna, where a crowd of saints and aristocrats gather beneath the majesty of an egg, perfect and tiny. A vocation for subtraction that runs throughout the history of Italian design, and which we might view as the capacity to develop an extraordinary complexity of design in forms of absolute simplicity, holding in careful balance chance and calculation, error and exactitude, the natural and the artificial. A balance that also pervades our everyday life and which can be glimpsed in our domestic spaces, where surfaces, objects, and settings are actors and silent witnesses. Every project is a meeting place of people who work together, driven by a shared intention, and yet becomes possible only when the alchemy of a common vision takes shape between colleagues, as was the case when I met with Ian Gillespie of Westbank. The Oakridge project came into being as a multicultural experiment, the construction of a future in which living spaces, both individual and shared, are born of the intertwining of different languages, the languages of those who designed them and those who will live there. And it is in this that I find the history of my country, it is here that I am able to fulfill it.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


A Venezia, nelle giornate limpide, dalle Fondamenta Nuove è possibile vedere stagliarsi sullo sfondo della laguna l’intero arco dolomitico del Cadore. Fu per godere di questa vista, le sue montagne natali, che Tiziano Vecellio, dal 1531 fino alla morte nel 1576, prese residenza in questa parte della città. Meno note delle Zattere, affacciate sullo splendore della Giudecca, di Punta Dogana e dell’isola di San Giorgio, le Fondamenta Nuove offrono una sintesi del paesaggio italiano che giustappone elementi apparentemente dissonanti in una continuità eclatante: montagne, mari, isole, nobilissimi profili di città affacciate sull’acqua. Separate da un oceano e un continente, Vancouver e l’Italia appaiono lontane, emblemi di un Nord e di un Sud che sembrano escludere ogni contatto. Ma osservando le foto di Vancouver, lo stratificarsi, nella medesima veduta, del mare, dello skyline urbano e di quello delle montagne innevate, in filigrana prende forma l’immagine gemella di Venezia, città cresciuta sui segni di altre città e culture, che nelle Città invisibili di Italo Calvino, il Kublai Khan, imperatore dei Tartari, rimprovera a Marco Polo di non raccontare mai: «E di che altro credevi che ti parlassi?» ribatte Marco Polo. «Ogni volta che descrivo una città dico qualcosa di Venezia.» Così ogni città, come in un gioco di scatole cinesi, nasconde le proprie anime, le visioni sotterranee che le sottostanno, quelle affinità che consentono di superare ogni distanza e che, una volta rivelate, aprono porte a serie infinite di rimandi. Oltre a mare, montagne, strade affacciate sull’acqua, Vancouver condivide con l’Italia qualità che queste caratteristiche portano, fatalmente, con sé: apertura agli scambi, incontro e incrocio di culture, multietnicità, un’attitudine spontanea alla curiosità, alla bellezza e ai piaceri.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Immaginare un paesaggio domestico affacciato sulla baia di Vancouver diventa allora un’occasione per raccontare, attraverso oggetti, colori, atmosfere, luci, materiali, il modo in cui culture, geografie, storie diverse entrano l’una nell’altra, portando a galla i tratti di nature affini, costruendo un ponte fra i linguaggi in cui si esprimono il Vecchio e il Nuovo Continente. Un’occasione per inoculare, nell’affollato e veloce prender forma del cosmopolitismo contemporaneo, modi e tempi di costruzione dello spazio radicati nella storia del mio Paese. Il vuoto che insegnano le piazze italiane, di cui l’architettura è attenta artefice e custode, si rintraccia nella cultura italiana alta e popolare: da una parte le suppellettili assenti e solo disegnate sul muro della miserabile casa di un burattino appena nato, di cui racconta il più celebre libro italiano nel mondo, Pinocchio; dall’altra, quella magnifica sospensione fatta di silenzio e assenza che è la Pala di Brera di Piero della Francesca, dove un consesso di santi e nobili si raccoglie sotto la maestà di un uovo, perfetto e minuscolo. Una vocazione alla sottrazione che attraversa la storia del design italiano e che si potrebbe leggere come capacità di elaborare una straordinaria complessità progettuale in forme di assoluta semplicità, tenendo in equilibrio caso e calcolo, errore ed esattezza, naturalezza e artificio. Equilibrio di cui è fatta anche la nostra vita quotidiana e che si rintraccia nello spazio domestico, del quale superfici, oggetti, ambienti sono interpreti e testimoni silenziosi. Ogni progetto è un incontro di persone che lavorano mosse da un’intenzione condivisa, e tuttavia possibile solo quando fra interlocutori prende forma l’alchimia di una visione comune, come è avvenuto durante il mio incontro con Ian Gillespie di Westbank. Il progetto di riqualificazione di Oakridge Center nasce come esperimento multiculturale, costruzione di un futuro in cui spazi abitativi, individuali e comuni, nascono dall’intreccio di lingue diverse, quelle di chi li ha progettati e quelle di chi li abiterà. In questo ritrovo la storia del mio Paese, e la possibilità di realizzarla.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


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lissoni the firm

Lissoni Inc. is the New York-based interior design practice of architect and designer Piero Lissoni. It is a part of Lissoni Associati, the interdisciplinary studio established in Milan in 1986. Throughout the years, Lissoni has built an international reputation for distinctive design anchored in thoughtful exploration with its diverse clients. The firm brings a rigorous approach to each assignment that results in authentic and exceptional design solutions for spaces that occupy unique environments. The practice is committed to a holistic approach to place-making that synthesizes global influences, context and innovation. Each project is approached as an opportunity for scholarship and innovation, and in keeping with the heritage of the Italian Renaissance, every element of the human experience is taken into consideration as the concept evolves.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


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1. Casa Fantini, Pella Italy exterior facade 2. Staircase

3. Materials details 4. Door handle detail 5. Bedroom

6. 7. 8. 9.

Private Villa, Tuscany Exterior facade detail Outdoor living Internal staircase











Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


1. Roomers Hotel, Baden-Baden exterior facade 2. Restaurant 3. Bar 4. Lounge

5. 6. 7.

Conservatorium Hotel, Amsterdam Exterior facade Lobby and staircase









Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


1. Private Villa, Tel Aviv- garden 2. Staircase

3. 4.

Exterior facade Swimming pool

5. 6. 7.

SX76 Sanlorenzo - main deck Flying deck Staircase detail









Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



1. The Middle House, Shanghai exterior facade 2. Staircase 3. Bar 4. Lobby

5. The Oberoi Al Zorah Beach Resort, Ajman- exterior facade 6. Swimming pool 7. Lobby

6 1

3 7




Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


1. 2.

Open, Boffi Frog, Living Divani

3. 4.

Long Light, Flos Sakè, B&B Italia

5. 6.

Formiche, B&B Italia Simple, Boffi


2 1

3 6



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


1. 2.

Piuma, Kartell Oscar, Glas Italia

3. 4.

Aprile, Boffi Extrasoft, Living Divani

5. 6.

Grasshopper, Knoll Wood-In, Boffi




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Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


2 1. 2. 3.

Bacaro, logo Tunes, logo Living Divani, invitation

4. 5. 6.

Boffi, advertising B&B Italia, advertising Venice Film Festival, corporate image

7. 8. 9.

Alpi, advertising Sanlorenzo, brochure Sanlorenzo, invitation










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Piero Lissoni x Oakridge

the project


Quadreal and Westbank, two of Canada’s leading real estate enterprises, have joined forces to reimagine Oakridge Centre. Adding nine market residential towers, a cultural institution and performance venue, a new library and an expansive public park atop an existing commercial centre, this redevelopment project is poised to create a dynamic, thriving new community within Vancouver. Central to an augmented and revitalized Oakridge is the integration of the verdant natural landscape of Vancouver and new, intelligently designed green spaces into the project’s urban planning. Here the built environment and the natural environment co-exist and lyrically play off it each other, creating a place where people can live, work and play in a city that celebrates nature while drawing on the benefits of an urban lifestyle. Lissoni was selected to do the interior design for Building Four at Oakridge. With 42 floors and 319 residential units, Building Four is one of the tallest residential towers within the Oakridge complex. Lissoni’s design approach for the lobby, the building amenities, the rooftop garden, and all the homes was entirely informed by the proximity and connectivity to the majestic beauty and singular topography of the Pacific Northwest – the dense forests, tree variations, and mountain tops visible on the horizon when the fog breaks. The stunning view that every home and public space in this building offers is the centrepiece around which Building Four is designed.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The residential lobby is a study of warm wood surfaces and dramatic lighting that creates a backdrop for an eclectic mix of Italian furniture.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The concierge area in the lobby appears as a sculptural mass within the larger space. It is completed with delicate, classically designed pieces that accentuate the scale of the space.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Daylight filters through dark wood louvers and reflects on the indoor water feature. Floating on the water is a stone plynth upon which a custom designed piano sits.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Providing a dramatic passageway to the residences, the elevator banks feature dark metal clad walls with a backlit ceiling.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The elevator interior is a mixture of varied stone textures in a light filled space.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Starting with the lobby, connectivity to the surrounding landscape is unbroken. For the space, Lissoni worked in conjunction with the landscape designers PFS Studio to create a common language for key elements on the exterior and interior. Along the length of the interior front wall is a water feature that appears to flow seamlessly from inside to the outdoors. Across the water rests a stone plinth with a custom Fazioli piano designed by Piero Lissoni. The light and airy feel of the lobby is contrasted with blackened steel walls in juxtaposition to a barisol backlit wall and unique furniture selections, including the Edamame sofa by B&B Italia and vintage collectible Italian pieces. The dramatic metal wall finish carries through the elevator banks and is offset and framed by the striking golden mailboxes for residents that peer out of the mailroom at the corridor’s end. In homes, large windows and interior glass walls are used to delineate space – creating an openness and integrating the view and the natural light throughout the entire home. Italian finishes and furniture are juxtaposed with locally abundant timber to create a style that places the natural surroundings at the vanguard of the design vernacular. Lissoni uses simple and sophisticated details and solutions like frameless doors, folding panel systems and architectural volumes to make the most out of compact urban living spaces. The Boffi kitchens designed by Piero Lissoni are within lacquer cabinets that appear to be metal and that can be opened or closed to reveal their existence and utility, all appliances throughout the kitchens are stainless steel. The bedrooms feature custom designed Italian closets. These see-through glass structures are metal framed and add to the openness of the interior plan. The master bathrooms are finished with Salvatori monolith vanities with stiletto basins. The same stone runs through the Salvatori Oyster tubs and custom showers but with a bamboo textured finish. Additional furniture selections and finishes by Lissoni for the homes are optional to buyers. One to three bedrooms are available with 585 to 2,062 square feet of living space and all units have private balconies. Continental oak flooring runs throughout every unit. Curated furnishing packages and additional finishes by Lissoni for the homes are an optional selection for purchasers. One to three bedroom dimoras are available, with expansive living spaces and private outdoor areas.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The one bedroom home entry corridor is a juxtaposition of mass and lightness, with a dark wood coat closet and a metal and glass entry door welcoming the resident.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The living room in the one bedroom home is designed for ease of living and to accentuate the views of Vancouver.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The one bedroom home features a kitchen designed by Piero Lissoni that lives within a self-contained unit. It can be completely closed, hiding the appliances and functionality when not in use.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The bedroom was designed to feel light and spacious, with an open closet and glass instead of traditional walls.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The one bedroom home bathroom contains natural textures with wooden floors and ribbed stone walls.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The living room in the two bedroom home offers a loft like feeling while providing many distinct functional areas within one larger open space.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The two bedroom living room and kitchen feel like a seamless space divided only by a metal and glass storage unit.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The two bedroom kitchen and dining room were intended to remain clean and quiet amongst the backdrop of the city of Vancouver.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The living room in the two bedroom home is flooded with natural light and provides a seamless connection to the world beyond its expansive windows.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The two bedroom home master bedroom is airy and uncluttered with glass storage closets designed by Piero Lissoni.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


05. /

kitchen design by boffi and miele


The kitchens in Building Four provide essential utility and functionality coupled with minimalist, elegant and modern design that embodies Lissoni’s approach. Each home features Boffi On/Off kitchens designed by Piero Lissoni. With seamless integration between the kitchen space and the main living space, the Boffi On/Off kitchen gives residents the ability to tuck away their kitchen or keep it open. All the functionality of the kitchen lives within a sleek lacquer cabinet that appears to have a metal finish, allowing the kitchen to be revealed or hidden simply by opening or closing a garage-like door. All appliances are stainless steel and by Miele. The kitchen is discrete and sculptural with finishes that enhance the overall flow of space. The design offers a clean, sophisticated space with the features of an elegant gourmet kitchen within a frame suitable for a compact urban loft.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi Headquarters, Italy


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi production site, Italy


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi production site, Italy


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi production site, Italy


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi production site, Italy


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi Code


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi Code


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi Code


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Boffi Code


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Miele Speed Oven & Microwave with SensorTronic Controls


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Miele Built-In Coffee Machine, Penthouses


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Miele MasterCool bottom-mount refrigerator


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Miele Built-In Coffee Machine, Penthouses


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Miele Direct Select induction cooktop with onset controls


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Miele MasterCool Wine Temperature Control Unit, Penthouses


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06. /


Half of Building Four’s seventh floor is dedicated to resident amenities. The floor contains a residential lounge with extraordinary views of the park below. The dominant focal point of the lounge is the fireplace clad in blackened steel around which residents convene on dePadova sofas and Italian inspired lounge chairs. The lounge includes a cinema room, a private dining area and kitchen facility for easy entertaining. The floors and ceilings in continental oak, and the design of the lounge uses atypical partitions including curtains, glass and book cases to keep the overall space as open and fluid as possible. Additionally, the seventh floor offers private study rooms, a music room for performing and listening that is clad in cognac coloured upholstered panels for acoustics, and a games room with a billiards table. A landscaped exterior amenity garden on the seventh floor connects Building Four to Building Three, which contains a wellness center, complete with cardio equipment and weight room, as well as space for yoga and personal training sessions.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The screening room is one of many inviting amenities provided onsite. Here residents can curl up in front of a warm fire and watch a film with friends and neighbors.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The communal kitchen and dining room offer spaces where residents convene for cooking classes, wine tastings and a family style meal.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The study room provides a quiet respite with breathtaking views of Oakridge Park. Custom white stained bookshelves flank the space creating a quaint residential library.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The billiards and games room was designed for socialization and fun. A welcoming and familiar feeling is created throughout the space with warm, dark wood and green accents.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The wellness center is clad with both light wood and stone in order to make the space feel light and ethereal.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The music room walls are covered with burgundy fabric panels to construct an intimate setting for listening to a collection of vinyl records placed within wood shelving.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge




Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


07. /

penthouse pool villas


The interiors designed by Piero Lissoni for Oakridge were conceived in such a way as to highlight to the greatest extent possible the natural and urban landscape— the water, the greenery, the earth, the light, the weather—interpreted through an exquisitely European gaze, rich in references to the design of past and present. Interior and exterior spaces interact in a dense interplay of references and correspondences, starting with the choice of materials—wood, iron, glass, stone, ceramics—selected in a range of colors with light and dark tones, and patches of brighter, more vivid hues—highlighting its aesthetic qualities and natural essence. Lines, surfaces, volumes, and forms are clean, essential, and simplified, the ultimate point of arrival of an elevated and complex idea of space and design. From the two-storey penthouses to the one bedroom homes, to the lobby and shared spaces, the underlying principles remain the same. Piero Lissoni’s overall design defines these residential spaces not as locations of an aesthetic perfection that is an end unto itself, but authentic homes, where the vast scale of the surrounding landscape corresponds with an interior space marked by a sense of breadth and expanse, giving those who inhabit it the possibility of feeling it and taking it as their own through details, objects, and personal marks.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


To make the Vancouver sky and its crystalline light washing over everything an integral part of the project, we eliminated or made invisible the interior divisions of the spaces, so as to ensure they would be as open as possible and swept by the different conditions of light throughout the day. This means that the rooms become unique and interconnected expanses, separated by glass walls that, in order to ensure privacy, can be screened by felt curtains. The furnishings feature a mix of items designed by Lissoni for well-known brands of Italian design: Boffi kitchens, B&B upholstered furniture, Salvatori bathtubs and stalls. Mixed in with the clean and unmistakeable lines of Italian design, in a tribute to the eclecticism of the place that sprang up as a cosmopolitan community made up of different languages, cultures, and styles, we find select furnishings sourced from China, India, Africa, Japan, and the Americas. The past makes itself felt not only in certain furnishings, in precious presences such as the Domenico Mori tiles, salvaged from old Neapolitan homes, and used in the open-air kitchens in the penthouses. The idea of scale and sharing that denotes every aspect of the design by Piero Lissoni can also be detected in the shared spaces, conceived so as to suggest an authentic community life: from the lobby laid out like an elegant living room where people can linger and relax, to the area devoted to fitness and the kitchen, which is also a workshop open to such other pursuits as gardening; from the study to the playroom, the music room, areas for rest and relaxation, the green area designed with native trees and bushes in keeping with a European idea of the garden: everything—forms, volumes, colors, and materials—suggest a casual style, cultivated, studied, friendly, designed to ensure that people can devote themselves to their desired pursuits, that they can meet, share space and time in accordance with an aesthetic that offers free rein to being human. Building Four features two penthouses on the 42nd floor each with its own rooftop terrace. The penthouses range from 3,709 to 3,734 square feet and have four bedrooms. The penthouses provide open like loft spaces that utilize the metal and glass systems conceptualized for the other residences in Building Four. The large kitchen, dining room and living room all have access to the balcony creating a seamless connection to the outside world. The rooftop space is designed to provide a garden in the sky for residents with lush greenery, lounge seating and large swimming pools.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The penthouse villa grand salon takes on a style all its own with a curated collection of Italian objects mixed with unique pieces that represent diverse cultures from around the world.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Immediately upon entering the penthouse villa visitors are struck by the magnificent views of Vancouver. While the living space flows openly, the entryway is delineated with terrazzo finished flooring.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The grand salon of the penthouse villa showcases two stars: the spectacular views of Vancouver and the dark metal fireplace that adorns its central wall.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Adjacent to a custom shelving unit designed to house a collection of objects is the glass corner of the kitchen. these two architectural elements create the scenography for a calming dining room.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The penthouse villa master bedroom is a generous open space, minimally furnished and oriented towards the city view.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The master bedroom in the penthouse villa is a study in spatial contrast with a dark wood feature wall opposite the natural light and airiness of a windowed faรงade.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


The penthouse villa rooftop features an outdoor kitchen and bar designed as a solid marble mass.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


For the penthouse villa rooftop, Piero Lissoni created a Mediterranean inspired paradise with lush landscaping, a raised wooden platform deck and custom designed outdoor furniture.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Equipped with a pool and hot tub, the roofdeck is elevated above the living spaces with wood platforms. stepping stones delineate the pool and hot tub.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Piero Lissoni designed furniture is situated throughout the rooftop creating mini outdoor living rooms for socializing, relaxing or just taking in the views.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


penthouse pool villa 01

Floor 42 Penthouse Pool Villa with Rooftop 7218 Total Square Feet Four Bedrooms and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


penthouse pool villa 01  rooftop

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and façade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


penthouse pool villa 02

Floor 42 Penthouse Pool Villa with Rooftop 7250 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms, Atelier and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


penthouse pool villa 02  rooftop

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and façade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


08. /

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



dimora 1802

Floor 18 1341 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1803

Floor 18 844 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1804

Floor 18 1359 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1805

Floors 18-20 1035 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1806

Floor 18 2087 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1807

Floor 18 1639 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1903

Floor 19 825 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1904

Floor 19 1306 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1906

Floor 19 1851 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 1907

Floor 19 1516 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2002

Floor 20 1224 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2004

Floors 20-22 1283 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2006

Floor 20 1629 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2007

Floor 20 1500 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2105

Floor 21 1708 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2106

Floors 21-22 849 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2107

Floor 21 1299 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2205

Floor 22 1636 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2207

Floor 22 1219 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2305

Floor 23 1462 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2307

Floor 23 1172 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2401

Floors 18-41 695 Total Square Feet One Bedroom and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2402

Floors 23-32 1197 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2403

Floors 20-35 700 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2404

Floors 23-32 1214 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2405

Floor 24 1412 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2406

Floors 23-24 706 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2407

Floor 24 1147 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2408 / 2807

Floors 18-27 / 28-41 699 Total Square Feet One Bedroom and Sanctuary

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2505

Floor 25 1325 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2506

Floors 25-27 689 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2507

Floors 25-26 1085 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2605 2006

Floor Floor2620 1293 1114 Total SF Square Feet Two Bedrooms

2 Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined renderings, with balcony layouts square footage and included in total advertised footage of thewithout homes. notice. Interior square footage is combined Dimensions, sizes, specifications, and materials are approximate only andsquare subject to change Exterior walls square and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens andof faรงade panel locations approximate and balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, with balcony footage and included in total advertised square footage the homes. Exterior are walls and glazing, screens and and faรงade panel locations approximate area and extent depending on E. the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E. vary in area extent depending on are the home. pleaseand askvary salesin representative for details. E.&O.

268 268

Piero Piero Lissoni Lissoni xx Oakridge Oakridge

269 269

dimora 2705

Floor 27 1268 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2707

Floor 27 1007 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 2805

Floor 28 1848 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3006

Floors 30-35 944 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3105

Floors 29-31 1802 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3305

Floors 32-33 1798 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3402

Floors 33-34 1212 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3505

Floors 34-36 1859 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3603

Floors 36-37 772 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3702

Floors 35-37 1280 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3704

Floors 36-37 1300 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3705

Floor 37 1926 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3803

Floor 38 799 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3804

Floor 38 1308 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3805

Floor 38 1986 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3806

Floors 36-38 1018 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3903

Floors 39-41 816 Total Square Feet One Bedroom

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3905

Floor 39 2069 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 3906

Floors 39-40 1033 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 4005

Floor 40 2149 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 4102

Floors 40-41 1333 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 4104

Floors 39-41 1389 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


* Kitchen Island upgrade selection

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 4105

Floor 41 2237 Total Square Feet Three Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora 4106

Floor 41 1099 Total Square Feet Two Bedrooms

Dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and faรงade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. E.&O. E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


09. /

furniture packages


Residents can opt to purchase homes furnished by Piero Lissoni, ensuring there is a consistency in the design language and presentation throughout the entire living space. The furniture packages created for Building Four pair European comfort with Canadian utility and emphasize the light, air and space of each home. Artistic pieces provide special flourishes throughout the home and showcase Lissoni’s eclectic style. Furniture packages feature chairs, tables, sofas, beds and cabinets designed by Piero Lissoni with key collaborators with whom he has worked with for decades.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora. /

one bedroom

1. 2.

Rod Bed, Living Divani Avio, Knoll

3. 4.

Neve, Porro Combine, Boffi

5. 6. 7.

194, Cassina Storage, Porro Groove, Porro



2 6





Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora. /

two bedroom

1. 2. 3.

Ferro, Porro Storage Air, Porro Family lounge table, Living Divani

4. 5.

Extrawall Outdoor, Living Divani Cafè, Living Divani

6. 7.

Reflection mirror, Porro Storage Air, Porro





7 2 3


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


dimora. /

three bedroom

1. 2. 3.

Moon side table, Living Divani Brompton, Boffi Materic, Porro

4. 5.

Storage, Porro Frog lounge chair, Living Divani

6. 7.

Jelly table, Living Divani Cafè, Living Divani








Piero Lissoni x Oakridge



dimora. /

three bedroom

1. 2.

606, De Padova Cafè, Living Divani

3. 4.

Avio, Knoll Rod Bed, Living Divani


Ex Libris, Porro







Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


penthouse pool villa. /

1. 2.

Rod Bean, Living Divani Nina, Living Divani

3. 4.

Sundance chair, De Padova Rod, Living Divani


5. 6. 7.

Modern, Porro Tiller, Porro 606, De Padova




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Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


penthouse pool villa. /

1. 2.

Rod, Living Divani Sistem, Porro

3. 4.

Edamame, B&B Italia Track, Living Divani

5. 6.

Iceland, Boffi Ferro, Porro







Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


Among many signature Lissoni furniture pieces offered are the Neve chair by Porro, the Avio sofa by Knoll, the 194 tables by Cassina that come in both marble and wood finishes and the Rod bed by Living Divani. Common areas in Building Four also showcase Lissoni’s furniture design with his Edamame sofa by B&B Italia taking center stage in the main lobby.

Piero Lissoni x Oakridge






B&B Italia is a leading group in the highend design furnishing sector. Founded in 1966 by Piero Ambrogio Busnelli, B&B Italia has always stood out for its strong orientation towards research and innovation, which has allowed it to give life, in collaboration with the masters of design, to iconic and timeless products. Headquartered in Novedrate (Como) - in a building designed by Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers in 1971 - the company has built its success on the ability to represent contemporary culture, to sense and anticipate trends, to respond to changes in taste and living needs. B&B Italia’s call to research and innovation is mirrored in its collections of furnishings that represent an essential segment of Italian design history, based on a unique union of creativity, innovation and industrial know-how, and focused on producing timeless products that last a lifetime. The heart of the company is its internal R&D Centre, which is a real forge of cultural meetings and experiences, strongly fuelled by partnerships with international designers such as Antonio Citterio, Piero Lissoni, Mario Bellini, Gaetano Pesce, Naoto Fukasawa, Patricia Urquiola, Barber & Osgerby, Jeffrey Bernett, and many others. The Group, which since 2015 has been controlled by Investindustrial - a leading independent investment company in Europe - operates through B&B Italia and Maxalto brands, both indoor and outdoor, alongside the archives of the renowned architect and designer Luigi Caccia Dominioni and his cofounded brand, Azucena, and the high-end kitchens of Arclinea, a company that has been acquired the majority in 2016. With B&B Italia and Maxalto, the Group, whose export share exceeds 80%, is present in 80 countries through 8 agship stores, 40 single-brand stores and over 800 specialized sales points. Arclinea is present in over 40 countries through 22 single-brand stores and over 200 multi-brand quali ed points of sale. The Group, which also operates in the contract sector in hospitality, retail, of ces and boating, counts 600 employees.

Since its foundation in 1934 Boffi has become an icon of innovation and design for kitchen and bathroom. Internationalisation has lead the company to have 25 direct and more than 30 non direct flagship stores, with over 80% of the company’s turnover abroad. In 2010 the company enlarged its activities further into storage systems. The acquisition in 2015 of DePadova has developed the company’s internationalisation both in retail sales and in contract projects. The 2018 is characterized by the opening of several Boffi De Padova MA/U Studio stores in domestic and international markets.

A different view and an ever growing desire of renewal are the generating values of the company founded in 1956 by Fernando and Maddalena De Padova, characterized by a strong focus on the modern, an instinctive taste for beauty and a care for projects that can stand on their own. The great leaders masters/ visionnaires all brought together in a single catalogue: Achille Castiglioni, Pierluigi Cerri, Michele De Lucchi, Charles and Ray Eames, Vico Magistretti, Ingo Maurer, George Nelson, Patricia Urquiola, Nendo…were all responsible for choosing a new and extraordinary direction. They are the inspiring tunes of a big symphony, to which the notes of other talented emerging designers followed and enriched the catalogue in the 2000s. The merger with Boffi in 2015 has emphasized this attitude, starting from the launch of the current showroom, in Milan (Via Santa Cecilia 7) which is a new beginning. Under the art direction of Piero Lissoni, The iconic historical collection, has been renewed and enriched with innovative items, designed by Lissoni himself, together with designers as Naoto Fukasawa, GamFratesi and many more brilliant minds. In 2017, De Padova signs a new partnership with Danish design company MA/U Studio, strengthening the association between Italy and Denmark that has always been a distinctive trait of the brand identity. In 2018 De Padova opens new Flagship Stores in Paris and in NYC. London is coming beginning next year.

In 1938, Hans and Florence Knoll, along with their many collaborators, pioneered a new era of integrated design based on Modernist principles, which remains vital today. Their vision is carried forward by the world’s most talented contemporary designers, bringing order and beauty to life and work. The permanent collection of Knoll includes furnishings designed by some of the most famous designers of all time such as Franco Albini, Gae Aulenti, Harry Bertoia, Frank Gehry, Alexander Girard, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Marcel Breuer, Eero Saarineen, Warren Platner, Richard Schultz all the way to more recent contributions of David Adjaye, Barber & Osgerby, Piero Lissoni and Marc Newson. Knoll is still recognized all over the world as a leading player in the design of residential and office furnishings, thanks to products that are constantly inspiring, evolving and timeless.

CASSINA Founded in 1927, Cassina launched industrial design in Italy during the 50’s by taking a completely new approach which saw a shift from hand craftsmanship to serial production. The company was pioneering in the way that it showed a striking inclination for research and innovation, combining technological skill with traditional craftsmanship. For the first time important architects and designers were involved and encouraged to envision new designs to be transformed into projects, a characteristic that still distinguishes the company. Today Cassina continues to represent new ways of living, creating harmonious settings that bring together the best of contemporary design.

LIVING DIVANI From the early 1970s to the present day, this family-run firm has followed a clear course and has become a point of reference within the design scene. The strategic alliance with Piero Lissoni has been key, and he has led the firms’ unique style since 1988. Discretion and formal neutrality, lightness and dynamism, a balanced, essential design, combining clean lines and forms with ergonomics and comfort: these are the distinguishing features of Living Divani. Over the years, Living Divani progressively worked towards a complete living environment, centered around the upholstered pieces with their subtle shapes and volumes, complemented by a range of additional items: seats, fauteuils and occasional tables that suit and define any setting, from the essential and rigorous to the multifarious and highly decorative.

The developer reserves the right to make changes, alterations, modifications and substitutions at its sole discretion. Subject to change without notice. E. & O.E.


Piero Lissoni x Oakridge


PIERO LISSONI X OAKRIDGE Published October 2018 by Westbank and QuadReal AD+design: GraphX Interior Design Project: Lissoni Inc

Photos by: Giles Angel Simone Bossi Beppe Brancato Marco Brienza Santi Caleca Federico Cedrone Veronica Gaido Giovanni Gastel Kasia Gatkowska Amit Geron Edmon Leong Saverio Lombardi Vallauri Thomas Pagani Tommaso Sartori Gianluca Vassallo Joachim Wichmann Matthias Ziegler Courtesy of: The Oberoi Al Zorah Beach Resort 3D views: Lissoni Architettura Repro: Pan Image Print by: Metropolitan Fine Printers

Š 2018 Westbank. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior consent of the publisher, except for short passages in reviews. Although the authors and publisher have made every effort to ensure that the information in this book was correct at press time, the author and publisher do not assume and hereby disclaim any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident, or any other cause. Designed in Italy. Printed in Canada. This is not an offering for sale. Any such offering can only be made by way of disclosure statement. E. & O.E. Plans and renderings are not to scale and all features, dimensions, sizes, specifications, renderings, layouts and materials are approximate only and subject to change without notice. Interior square footage is combined with balcony square footage and included in total advertised square footage of the homes. Exterior walls and glazing, balcony configurations, fascia, guardrails, screens and façade panel locations are approximate and vary in area and extent depending on the home. Please ask sales representative for details. For certainty, the developer reserves the right to make changes, alterations, modifications and substitutions in its sole discretion. The developer does not guarantee that any of the items or services contemplated in this document will be provided and reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to elect not to provide any such items or services. E. & O.E.

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