Summer Programs 2013

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WHAT IS LIFE IN 3D? At Westbury Christian School, we focus on nurturing the whole child through our three dimensional philosophy of education. Academics. Activities. Spiritual Life. Student involvement in a variety of Academic, Spiritual and Social activities defines “Life in 3D.” Healthy experiences in these key areas contribute to our success in growing balanced, well-rounded, Christian leaders. Through our summer programs, we provide a multitude of courses that aim at students’ hearts and minds, in a Christian environment, with nurturing, experienced instructors. All courses provide lessons in teamwork, responsibility and self-discipline. We hope to challenge and encourage participants while helping shape their mind, body and spirit. Our faculty and staff apply and believe in the value of Kingdom Education as we are “Preparing Youth for Here and Eternity.” Whether you are a first-time guest, a regular visitor, or a current member of the WCS family, I appreciate your interest in joining our summer programs. I encourage you to explore our 2013 course offerings and experience the benefits of “Life in 3D.”

Westbury Christian School exists in order to provide each student with the opportunity to acknowledge and respond through faith to the word of God while participating in an educational program, which stresses academic, social, emotional and physical development. If you have questions about any of the summer program offerings, contact:

SUMMER PROGRAMS COORDINATOR Lindsey Loxterkamp 713-551-8100, ext. 1042

WESTBURYCHRISTIAN.ORG/ SUMMERPROGRAMS WESTBURY CHRISTIAN 10420 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 713-551-8100 713-551-8117 (FAX)

In His Service, ADMISSIONS 713-551-8100, ext. 1018


ATHLETICS 713-551-8100, ext. 1068




Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

PAW PRINTS Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 3rd – July 26th (Mon-Fri) 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM $175 1st – 6th Grade

LIL’ PAW PRINTS Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 3rd – July 26th (Mon-Fri) 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM $160 PreK4 – Kindergarten

Paw Prints is a full day summer camp for children entering PreK4 – 6th Grade. Our counselors fill the week with a variety of games and fun activities. Time for reflection and fellowship is implemented with daily Bible lessons. Each week has a different theme and will take campers in 1st6th grade on a new adventure with exciting field trips like Space Center Houston and The Children’s Museum. Paw Prints campers will also swim three days each week! Weekly themes include: Wild About Animals; Inventions & Robotics; Sports Center; Lights, Camera, Action!; Silly Science; Under the Big Top; and Fun Finale. Space is limited! *K4 – K will not attend field trips **There will be no camp the week of July 1-5. ***Extended Care will be available until 6 PM each day



June 4 – 6 (Tues-Thurs) 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM $120 5th – 10th Grade

Babysitter Training leaves participants skilled and ready to start a business as a responsible, certified American Red Cross babysitter! Campers will be provided with a manual of lessons, hands-on training, group discussions, and other resources to give them confidence to care for infants and schoolage children. Red Cross certified instructor Lisa Berglund will lead students through the steps to creating a resume and discuss how to safely market their new babysitting business. Each camper will leave with an American Red Cross Certificate of Completion and a completed resume. *Reading preparation is required before first day of camp. Training materials are included in camp cost and will be available for pickup May 30 in Mundy Hall.

BLUESTAMP ENGINEERING S1 Date/Time: Ages: Cost/Information:

June 24 – July 26 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM 9th – 12th Grade

S2 Date/Time: Ages: Cost/Information:

June 24 – July 26 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM 9th – 12th Grade

This 6-week summer program helps students build projects they find personally interesting. Examples include robotics, solar powered electronics, and medical devices. Each student keeps their projects and will receive full documentation of their work featured on the BlueStamp website under a personal link. The program is supplemented with speakers such as local entrepreneurs who have started their own companies and field engineers. The program features a 3:1 student to instructor ratio and they often write college recommendations for our students. Full application and overview information is available on the website at: *Financial assistance is available through BSE.

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM $240 1st – 6th Grade

Led by local educators, the week-long Camp Invention program immerses Elementary School children in exciting, hands-on learning disguised as fun, summer activities. Children will explore alternative energy to power robotic creatures, investigate the capacity of their creative minds, and help save avatars by rebuilding a virtual world! Discounts available – register today at - 800.968.4332.

CHECKMATE CHESS CAMP S1 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM $220 4th – 8th Grade

S2 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $220 K – 3rd Grade

Checkmate Chess Camp is perfect for students new to the game of chess as well as competitive players looking to learn new tricks and strategies. United States Chess Federation (USCF) Life Master Jeffrey De Jesus has 7 years of experience teaching thousands of children in groups and private lessons from their very first pawn moves to winning State and National Championships. Mr.. De Jesus will enlighten students on the fundamentals of chess, as well as the key tactical ideas and checkmating patterns in this exciting, week-long camp. Every camper will receive a tournament regulation size chess set to take home at the end of the week!

CHESS WIZARDS Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 3 – 7 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM $270 1st- 7th Grade

The Mission of Chess Wizards is to improve our students’ abilities to focus and think ahead in various aspects of life and learn a game they can play for a lifetime. While introducing students to the Magical World of Chess, Chess Wizards teaches the student many important life concepts such as the ability to win graciously and accept defeat with dignity and sportsmanship. Each day consists of an array of games and activities led by the most energetic members of our staff. Activities include: Chess, Lessons, Puzzles, Wizard Says, Bug House, Mirror, Fisher, Take Me, Charades, Basketball, Soccer, Dodgeball, and More! More information at:


June 17 – 21 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM $165 5th – 10th Grade

Calling all future Top Chefs! Give your child the opportunity to explore their potential to be effective, helpful, and creative in his or her own kitchen! Through this week- long course, students will get supervised instruction in learning their way around a commercial kitchen and local grocery store and discover the elements needed to create and serve a meal with whimsy and organization. Lessons will also review traditional and unconventional table setting techniques, table manners and kitchen etiquette, savvy shopper tips, healthy snack construction, and the planning and preparation of a Meal-A-Week for the family. Students will make their own lunch to enjoy each day. This class incorporates a cup of Martha Stewart with a dash of Dr. Seuss and a pinch of Van Gogh!


June 10 – 14 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $125 1st – 3rd Grade



Date/Time: Cost: Ages:


June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $125 1st – 3rd Grade


S1 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 17 – 27 (Mon-Thurs) 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM $340 6th – 10th Grade

Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

S2 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 15 – 25 (Mon-Thurs) 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM $340 6th – 10th Grade

July 8 – 12 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $125 1st – 3rd Grade

LEGO Junior Engineering Camps provide great hands-on engineering experience for 1st – 3rd Grade students. Campers are introduced to basic engineering principles while working with LEGO kits to creatively build and modify machines. Some of the concepts covered include simple machines, forces in motion, friction, gears, and more. Some of the models constructed include a race car, Ferris wheel, motorcycle, semi-truck, and a ping-pong ball thrower. Our young engineers will learn while having a blast!


June 10 – 14 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM $125 4th – 8th Grade

VEHICLE ENGINEERING™ (VE) Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM $125 4th – 8th Grade

COLLISION CARS™ (CC) Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 8 – 12 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM $125 4th – 8th Grade

4th – 8th Grade students are invited to attend one of our Intermediate LEGO Camps to learn a variety of engineering principles. Vehicle Engineering campers will be introduced to lessons on friction, electric motors and energy, and more to build up to 13 different motorized vehicles. Collision Cars is a class of exploration, problem solving, and risk-taking, with a goal of learning and experimenting with how machines work and compete. Students will use LEGO kits to construct a variety of different battling machines (BOTs).

ALGEBRA II Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 17 – 27 (Mon-Thurs) 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM $340 10th – 12th Grade

GEOMETRY Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 15 – 25 (Mon-Thurs) 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM $340 9th – 12th Grade

MIDDLE SCHOOL MATH Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 15 – 25 (Mon-Thurs) 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM $340 4th – 6th Grade

Through a blend of traditional classroom methods, crafts, and games, instructors will implement creative exercises to introduce and review important Math concepts in this two-week course. Repetitive guidance and practice will allow students to strengthen and reinforce their math skills for the coming year. For more information on these classes, please call Gayle Tanenbaum at 713-417-6867 or email


July 15 – 19 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM $100 2nd – 4th Grade


July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM $150 5th – 8th Grade


July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $150 9th – 12th Grade

Participants will work with a partner building their very own devices and compete against other campers in Friday’s WCS Science Olympiad! Elementary students will create a Spaghetti Bridge, Middle School students will construct a fully functioning helicopter, and High School students will build gliders. Camp activities will introduce students to methods and techniques in the areas of Experimental Design and Forensics.


June 17 – 20 (Mon-Thurs) 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM $195 1st – 3rd Grade

LEGO MINDSTORM NXT Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 17 – 20 (Mon-Thurs) 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM $195 4th – 8th Grade

TECH IT OUT Robotics is a high tech summer robotics camp where kids and teens learn to build, program and compete with a robot of their own design in small teams. While having fun, youth are engaged in teamwork, as well as computer programming, problem solving using math, robot engineering, design concepts, and critical thinking. The Instructors are

committed to using the motivational value of robots to offer challenging yet fun hands on, minds on learning experiences that increase learner’s skills and content in science and mathematics.


July 8 – 11 (Mon-Thurs) 9:30 AM – 12:00 PM $150 7th – 8th Grade

HIGH SCHOOL WRITING Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 8 – 11 (Mon-Thurs) 1:00 PM – 3:30 PM $150 9th – 12th Grade

The WCS Summer Writing Skills Workshop will strengthen students’ foundation skills of writing. Instructors will teach sentence structure, elimination of sentence fragments and run-on sentences, and grammar concepts essential to produce well-written compositions in high school and college. Students learn to analyze their own writing for strengths and learn strategies to correct their weaknesses. This workshop contains a combination of handouts and technology, so students may bring a laptop for class each day (not required). For more information on these classes, please call Gayle Tanenbaum at 713-417-6867.


CHARLIE WARD FOOTBALL CAMP Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

July 1 – 3 (Mon-Wed) 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM $120 3rd – 6th Grade WCS Practice Field

Heisman Trophy winner and WCS Varsity Football Coach Charlie Ward, will lead campers in a variety of drills to improve fundamental skills and knowledge of football, while also training students in spiritual wellness, teamwork, and self-discipline. Campers will get 3 days of extensive position work through QB, D-line, O-line, Secondary, RB, and WR drills. Parents are invited to join Coach Ward and his staff for a BBQ Cookout at camp’s end Wednesday, July 3. *Required Gear: Cleats, Gloves, Water Bottle

S4 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 10 – 14 (Mon-Fri) 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM $120 5th – 12th Grade


June 17 – 21 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM $120 K – 4th Grade

S6 Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

June 17 – 21 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 3:45 PM $200 5th – 12th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)


FOOTBALL SKILLS & DRILLS TRAINING Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

June 3 – 27 (Mon-Thurs) 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM $120 / week or $200 / month (save $280) 7th – 12th Grade Males Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)

The Football coaching staff at WCS have designed a comprehensive summer workout program for student athletes preparing for the fall football season. Each session will implement intensive speed, strength, and agility training, football position development, and an afternoon devotional led by Heisman Trophy winner Charlie Ward and members of his staff.


June 3 – 7 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM $120 K – 4th Grade


June 3 – 7 (Mon-Fri) 12:45 PM – 3:45 PM $120 5th – 12th Grade

S3 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 10 – 14 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM $120 K – 4th Grade

S7 Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $120 5th – 12th Grade

The 20+ year tradition of WCS All-Star Basketball Camp provides premiere basketball instruction and lessons in Attitude, Effort, Discipline, and Tenacity. Through proven drills, detailed instruction, and training techniques, led by our coaching staff and current and former WCS players, campers are guaranteed to improve their game, enhance fundamentals, and become a more versatile player, all while having fun! *S6 consists of skill work in the morning and tournament play in the afternoon. Morning sessions will be held at the Wildcat Athletic Complex and afternoon sessions will be held at WCS. We will provide transportation from the WAC to WCS between sessions. Lunch and snacks can be purchased at the camp store. Campers may also bring a lunch.

VOLLEYBALL CAMP Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

July 15 – 19 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $120 5th – 12th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC) Gymnasium

Volleyball camp will help students develop and sharpen key elements of the game; passing, serving, setting, blocking, and attacking, with team play implemented daily. The WCS varsity coaching staff will lead campers through a variety of fun drills to introduce new students to the game, help seasoned players enhance skills, and prepare participants for fall try-outs. *Recommended Gear: Kneepads


July 15 – 19 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM $102 PreK 3

A unique and creative program that introduces very young players to the game of soccer through fun games, stories, and skill building activities. Parents are encouraged to join in!

MINI SOCCER Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

Young players learn and practice the fundamental skills of the game through a series of fun soccer challenges, skill-building activities, and small sided games.

HALF DAY July 15 – 19 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM $152 1st – 12th Grade

Feature’s Challenger’s new 1,000 touch curriculum: Individual Foot Skills, Fakes, moves & turns, Freestyle Soccer, dribbling, Passing/Receiving, Shooting, Heading, Tackling/Defending, and the Camp World Cup!

FULL DAY Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

The mission of the Theater Arts Academy is to provide enrichment involving mind, body, and spirit by fostering an open, process oriented experience resulting in the development of individual and group creative expression. *Evening performance for family and friends on Friday, July 19 at 6:00 PM.


July 15 – 19 (Mon-Fri) 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM $118 PreK 4 – K

Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

Hither forth as thy heart, mind, and body conjoin to the favor of an astute encounter with the works of Shakespeare. Participants will be introduced to the language, rhythm, works (plays and sonnets), actions and movements (including stage combat) of one of theatre’s greatest dramatist.

July 15 – 19 (Mon-Fri) 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM $215 5th – 12th Grade

A more advanced camp for competitive players; Full-Day Camps focus on game-related techniques, tactical development, and coached match play. *Full day campers must bring a lunch. Over the past 20 years Challenger’s vast army of British coaches have helped hundreds of thousands of boys and girls learn, improve, master and fall in love with the sport of “soccer.” The British Soccer Camp program will contain Challenger’s own brand of innovative practices, coached games, camp world cup, cultural education, character building, and FUN! *Sign up online before May 31st to claim your free British soccer jersey!

Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM $155 5th – 8th Grade

Turn your own drawing or painting into a pair of beautiful earrings in this unique, creative arts camp. This camp is ideal for aspiring artists, fashion, and interior designers. Students will learn basic art and jewelry techniques, while exploring and experimenting with the color wheel. Let’s make jewelry together!

CELESTIAL MURALS Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM $155 9th – 12th Grade

Jumpstart your room décor with an original removable mural painted by you! Together, we will explore and discuss famous artists like Van Gogh, who found the night sky a worthy subject. Students can expect to learn painting techniques used by theatre artists who paint murals for productions. Each student will create their own unique palette (paint colors) to express the night sky of their choice and will take home their original night sky mural.

DRAWING CAMP Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 8 – 12 (Mon-Fri) 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM $85 6th – 10th Grade

Discover your inner-artist and learn how to reproduce objects you see onto paper! Students will study the basic techniques of contour drawing and line design. Mrs. Sherrie Loxterkamp, an Art Teacher for over 28 years, will guide students in creation of a still-life, self-portrait, and a name drawing.



July 8 – 19* (Mon-Fri) 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM $250 1st – 3rd Grade

Come take a walk in Moses’ shoes as this Drama Camp explores the many ways he tried to convince Pharaoh to let God’s people go. In this two week camp, participants will make their own props and put together a short presentation using music from The Prince of Egypt.

WISE WITNESS NEWS Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 8 – 19* (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $300 4th – 8th Grade

Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 10 – 13 (Mon, Tues, Thurs) 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM $175 2nd – 12th Grade

Have you ever wished you could create your own personalized pillow or sew two pieces of fabric together to make something you could wear? If so, this camp is for you! In this 3 day camp, students will learn proper sewing techniques, to distinguish types of fabrics, and to use patterns to cut and create their own clothing. Projects include an embroidered pillow case, original apron, and pajamas. This is fun you can wear home!

DRUMLINE CAMP Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

July 22 – 26 (Mon-Fri) 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM $200 7th – 12th Grade (WCS students only)

Drumline camp is for WCS students in grades 7-12 who are going to be members of the 2013-14 Band. The camp will cover sticking and counting, and preliminary assignments of instruments for the 2013-2014 school year will be made. The camp is open to all band students - regardless of the instrument they play - who desire to play with the drumline during the football and basketball seasons.

Participants will prepare for a small production of an A. D. Player Theater Arts Academy signature piece, Wise Witness News.




Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

July 8 – 19* (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $300 9th – 12th Grade

June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 8:45 AM – 9:30 AM $60 K – 4th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)

BEGINNER LYRICAL / CONTEMPORARY Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 9:45 AM – 10:30 AM $60 K – 4th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)

INTERMEDIATE JAZZ Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM $60 5th – 8th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)


June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM $60 5th – 8th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)

ADVANCED JAZZ Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM $80 9th – 12th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)

ADVANCED LYRICAL / CONTEMPORARY Date/Time: Cost: Ages: Location:

June 24 – 28 (Mon-Fri) 3:15 PM – 4:45 PM $80 9th – 12th Grade Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC)

Jazz classes will explore body isolations of the head, shoulders, rib cage, feet and arms; encourage individual expression and the development of personal style. Contemporary dance is characterized by versatility and the natural alignment of the body: it can be danced to almost any style of music, or combined with other dance forms to create new styles of movement. *Sign up for 2 Sessions for $100 and save $20! - Excludes Advanced Classes)

SUMMER SCHOOL OF ROCK Date/Time: Cost: Ages:

June 10 – 14 (Mon-Fri) 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM $175 5th – 7th Grade

Summer School of Rock teaches the style of Rock and Roll. Students will bring their preferred instrument and amp, or use the provided keyboard or drum set, and learn to be rock star guitar players, drummers, keyboard players, or vocalists. Fun is the aim and Rock is the game! Students should have a basic working knowledge of how to play. There will be a jam session concert at the end of the event. Come Rock with us!

REGISTRATION INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION All camps are located at Westbury Christian School unless noted in the camp description. Those camps not located at WCS will be held at the Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC) at 10402 Fondren Rd, Houston, TX. Registration is on a first come, first served basis, however all courses must meet minimum enrollment figures established by program instructors. Westbury Christian School reserves the right to cancel programs that are under-enrolled. On the first day of each camp session, please enter through the WCS gymnasium for check-in. Camps taking place at the Wildcat Athletic Complex (WAC) will conduct check-in, dropoff, and pick-up at the WAC facility. Campers may be dropped off, in the gymnasium, no earlier than 30 minutes before applicable camp start time. Lunch and a variety of snacks will be available for purchase at the camp store during the weeks of June 3-21. Campers staying through lunch time during the weeks of June 24-July 26 must bring a lunch. Extended Care will be available until 6:00 PM each day for an additional fee. Violation of the pick-up deadline, will result in charges of $3.00 per each minute of time exceeded.

FEE SCHEDULE: A non-refundable, $30 deposit is required for each child, per session at the time of registration. This will be applied toward your total camp tuition. This fee must be paid at the time of registration in order to reserve a space for your camper. Balance is due in full by the first day of camp.

REFUNDS: Tuition paid, less the $30 non-refundable deposit, may only be refunded through a written request to Lindsey Loxterkamp, Summer Program Coordinator. We reserve the right to revoke the registration of any camper who consistently disrupts normal activity. Refunds are not issued if a child is dismissed due to disciplinary action based on behavior or misconduct.

REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete both sides of the Registration Form on the insert page. You may return it to the WCS Business Office or send by mail to the address listed below. You may also complete registration and make payments online at: Children should be registered based on the grade they are entering in the 2013-14 school year. Once we have received your completed form and deposit, confirmation will be transmitted via email. Please ensure contact information is printed legibly in blue or black ink. Registration forms and $30 deposit must be received two weeks prior to the applicable camp start date. Balance in full is due by the first day of camp. Payment by cash or check will be accepted with checks made payable to: Westbury Christian School 10420 Hillcroft Houston, TX 77096 If you have any additional questions, please contact Lindsey Loxterkamp (713) 551-8100 ext. 1042

2013 SUMMER CAMPS CALENDAR MORNING Basketball : Fundamentals

WEEK 1 June 3 - 7

WEEK 2 June 10 - 14

WEEK 3 June 17 - 21

Football Strength & Conditioning

AFTERNOON Basketball : Hard to Guard

Babysitter Training Camp Chess Wizards PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Wild About Animals Basketball : Hard to Guard

Football Strength & Conditioning

Basketball : Skill & Position

LEGO : Elementary Engineering

Sewing Camp

LEGO : Jr. Engineering 1

School of Rock

PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Inventions & Robotics Basketball : Shooting/Competition

Football Strength & Conditioning

BlueStamp Engineering

Robotics : WEDO Robotics

Math Prep : Pre-Alg/Algebra 1

Robotics : Mindstorm NXT

BlueStamp Engineering

Math Prep : Algebra 2 Basketball : Shooting/Competition Kitchen Kapers for Kids PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Sports Center


BlueStamp Engineering

Football Strength & Conditioning

BlueStamp Engineering

Dance : Jazz (A)

LEGO : Vehicle Engineering

Dance : Jazz (B)

LEGO : Jr. Vehicle Engineering

Dance : Lyrical/Contemporary (A)

Math Prep : Pre-Alg/Algebra 1

Dance : Lyrical/Contemporary (B)

Math Prep : Algebra 2

Dance : Jazz (I) Dance : Lyrical/Contemporary (I)

June 24 - 28

PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Light, Campera, Action!

July 1-- 5

WEEK 5 July 8 - 12

BlueStamp Engineering

Charlie Ward Football Camp

BlueStamp Engineering

BlueStamp Engineering

Theater : Let My People Go!

BlueStamp Engineering

Theater : Wise Witness News

Writing Skills Workshop (MS)

Drawing Camp

LEGO : Jr. Engineering 2

Theater : Shakespeare

Writing Skills Workshop (HS) LEGO : Collision Cars PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Silly Science


BlueStamp Engineering

Theater : Let My People Go!

BlueStamp Engineering

Theater : Wise Witness News

Math Prep : Pre-Alg/Alg 1

Science Olympiad (Elem.)


Theater : Shakespeare

Math Prep : Geometry

Soccer : First Kicks

Math Prep : Middle School

Soccer : Mini Soccer Soccer : Half Day

July 15 - 19 Soccer : Full Day

PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Under The Big Top

WEEK 7 July 22 - 26

BlueStamp Engineering

Science Olympiad (MS)

BlueStamp Engineering

All-Star Basketball

Math Prep : Pre-Alg/Alg 1

Checkmate Chess

Checkmate Chess

Science Olympiad (HS)

Math Prep : Geometry

Celestial Murals

2D Art to Earrings

Math Prep : Middle School Camp Invention Innovate Drumline Camp PAW PRINTS / LIL’ PAW PRINTS Day Camp : Fun Finale

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