Willmar Reminder | August 20, 2023

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Big Book AA: Peace Lutheran Church, door 5, New London, 6 p.m.

Women’s A.A: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 2 p.m.

A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.

Alanon: Peace Lutheran Church, door 4, New London, 6 p.m.


Veterans and Active Duty Military: Willmar Community Center, 9:30 to 11 a.m.; informal coffee time for veterans and spouses; 320-894-7840

Hand & Foot Cards: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 9 a.m.

Walking club: Atwater Community Center, 9:45 a.m.

A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, noon

Mahjong: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 1 p.m.

Parkinson’s Disease support group: CCM Health Wellness Center, Montevideo, 3:30 p.m., 320-321-8240

TOPS: Assembly of God Church Encore, 3821 Abbott Drive, 6:15 p.m., 320-796-2280

A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.


A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7:30 a.m.

SAIL exercise: Atwater Community Center, 9:45 a.m.

SAIL exercise: Willmar Community Center, 10:15 a.m.

SAIL exercise: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 10:15 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Hand & Foot Cards: Willmar Community Center, 12:30 p.m.

Bingo: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 1 p.m.

Caregivers Support Group: Park View Village Assisted Living, Olivia, 5 p.m.

A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.

Alanon: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.


Coffee and conversation: Dethlefs Community

1805 E. Hwy. 12, 6:45 p.m. A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.

Alanon: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.

Thursday A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7:30 a.m.

SAIL exercise: Atwater Community Center, 9:45 a.m.

Dementia Support Group: Park View Village Assisted Living, Olivia, 10 a.m.

LSS Caregiver: Willmar Community Center, 10 a.m.

SAIL exercise: Willmar Community Center, 10:15 a.m.

SAIL exercise: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 10:15 a.m. and 3:30 p.m

Hand & Foot Cards: Willmar Community Center, 12:30 p.m. 500 cards: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, noon

Parkinson’s Support Group: Park View Village Assisted Living, Olivia, 2 p.m. A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.


Alanon: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 11 a.m.

Whist: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 1 p.m.

Senior Dance: Willmar Community Center, 1 to 4 p.m., $2 non-dancers, $7 dancers, both includes lunch; music by Jerry’s Band.

Farkle Fridays: Willmar Community Center, 1-4 p.m. A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 2 p.m.

A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.


A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 10 a.m.

A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m. Open meeting A.A.: 1805 E. Hwy. 12, 7 p.m.

This calendar will run each week in the Sunday Reminder and as space permits in the West Central Tribune e-edition, Monday through Saturday. To have your event included please email news@ wctrib.com or mail it to Kit Grode, West Central Tribune, PO Box 839, Willmar, MN 56201. Include all information and the name and phone number of the person submitting it. You

Center, Spicer, 9 a.m. Mahjong: Dethlefs Community Center, Spicer, 9:30 a.m. Walking club: Atwater Community Center, 9:45 a.m. Rotary: The Oaks, noon Cribbage corner cards: Willmar Community Center, 12:30 p.m. Whist: Willmar Community Center, 12:30 p.m. Willmar Area Senior Citizens Club: Willmar Community Center, 2 p.m. entertainment by Gig Noonan, 3 p.m. meeting. Women’s A.A.:
will be called to confirm the information. Community Calendar The Reminder is published every week of the year by The West Central Tribune, Industrial Park, 2208 Trott Avenue SW, P.O. Box 839, Willmar, MN 56201. This newspaper shall not be held liable for failure to publish any form of advertisement or for typographical errors in excess of the cost of space occupied by those errors. All adjustments for errors shall be limited to the portion of the ad affected and shall in no circumstances exceed the total charge for the first day’s insertion. Business Office: (320) 235-1150 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F Circulation: (320) 235-1154 Hours: 6:30 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F; 6:30 a.m.-10 a.m. Sat Classified Ads: (320) 235-6766 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F Display Ads: (320) 235-1150 Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. M-F Fax Number: (320) 235-6769 2 | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | RemindeR, willmaR minn. wctRib.com Bryant.com Scheduleanappointmenttoday. 320.222.HEAT magnusonsheetmetal@gmail.com www.magnusonsheetmetal-heatingandcooling.com CoolerTempsAre AroundtheCorner MAINTAINYOURCOMFORT WHATEVER THE TEMPERATURE OUTSIDE. YOUR COMFORT FOOTWEAR SPECIALISTS! DON’T MISS OUR HUGE SAVE 30-60% Summer Clearance! 208 5th St SW • Downtown Willmar Weekdays 9-5:30 Saturday 9-2 WWW.PETERSONSSHOES.COM OVER 800 PAIR OF WOMEN & MEN’S SHOES & SANDALS Farmland Professionals Since 1978 For More Information go to: www.FladeboeLand.com Our Family Serving Families for Over 45 Years! For more information call Kristine: 320-212-9379 Glen: 651-208-3262 Dale: 320-894-9392 Services We Offer: Auctions • Listings • Private Sale Negotiations Complimentary Consultations • Appraisals Thefuture of home comfort. TheInfinity 26 Air Conditioner with Greenspeed intelligence delivers outstanding efficiencyand quiet operation, with r-the-air updates to help maintain optimum performance with fe temperature swings. So ho ry yo home,y count Carrier makeitc fortable. YO UM AKE ITHOME. WE’LLMAKEIT COMFOR TA BLE. 320-281-1647 1950 Trott Ave SW, Willmar 56201 www.chappellcentral.com Your local provider since 1939! Heating • Cooling • Plumbing • Manufacturing Contact Chappell Central to learn more. WANTED Great Recipes Send in your favorite recipe for a chance to win a valuable gift certificate from an area merchant. Send to: Reminder Recipes P.O. Box 839 • Willmar, MN 56201 or email news@wctrib.com Word 1 Word 2 Word 3 Word 4 Word 5 Word 6 Word 7 Price Phone FREEBIES Advertise one item $150 or less for FREE! Ads run 4 days in the Tribune, online and one Reminder. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE  Mail Coupon to: West Central Tribune PO BOX 839 Willmar, MN 56201 Ads will be published when space premits. *Some Restrictions Apply. START YOUR AD THE NEXT DAY! Go to www.wctrib.com/classifieds click on place an ad and have your Freebie start the next day and get 15 words of descriptions. SteffesGroup,Inc. 24400MNHwy22South,Litchfield,MN55355 | 320.693.9371 AshleyHuhnMN47-002 SteffesGroup.com REDOR GREEN? Yellow,Blue,&Landtoo! SteffesGroup,Inc. 24400MNHwy22South,Litchfield,MN55355 | 320.693.9371 AshleyHuhnMN47-002 SteffesGroup.com REDOR GREEN? Yellow,Blue,&Landtoo! www.south71vet.com Best Care for your Four-Legged Friends! Schedule your visit today! A Full Service Veterinary Clinic Willmar 320-235-7396 Granite Falls 320-564-1888 Montevideo 320-321-1142 LOOK FORWARD TO PROTECTING WHAT MATTERS What matters most to you matters to us. We offer a home and auto insurance bundle, so you can trust that the things you care about are covered with comprehensive protection. Contact us today. Matson Insurance Agency, LLC Colleen A. Thorpe, Agent (320) 403-5300 1102 South 1st Street Willmar, MN 56201 Mitch Baker, Agent (320) 995-6111 16 Main St Blomkest, MN 56216


Justin updated the group on the whereabouts of Victor’s plane. Shawn worried about his grandfather. Brady and Chloe came to an agreement. Li and Melinda debated starting over. Abe tried to take back his job as mayor. Chanel confided in Paulina. Johnny confessed his feelings for Chanel. Dimitri’s honeymoon didn’t go as planned. Gwen made a honeymoon discovery. Chad apologizes to Alex. Gabi tried to learn Rachel’s secret. Victor’s fate was revealed. Abe and Paulina made a plan. Steve and Kayla mourned a loss. Kate struggled with the sad news. Chloe had reservations about Xander. Wait to See: Brady and Xander come to blows. Kate makes a shocking discovery. Shawn struggles in the wake of Victor’s death.


Olivia confided in Dante. Sonny set a trap. Carly debriefed with Josslyn. Anna was dismissive. Betty issued a progress report. TJ and Molly hosted an important meeting. Portia put all her cards on the table. Gregory put Chase on the spot. Ava sought reassurance. Dex had to scramble. Willow received some welcome news. Michael observed Dex. Trina confided in Spencer. Gladys thwarted Cody. Sam launched a new investigation. Brook Lynn supplied Tracy with alcohol. Dante was wise to Cody. Felicia pondered her next act. Finn and Liz had a heart-to-heart. Molly shared some big news. Sam was concerned. Sonny made an offer. Wait to See: Finn receives some shocking news. Anna is rocked. Tracy and “Eddie Maine” bicker.

Waste bowls

I saw a beautiful antique Chinese porcelain bowl at an auction. It was blue and white with painted dragons, and it had an unusual shape rounded with a flared rim. The description called it a “zhadou,” but did not say what that meant.

A zhadou is a bowl for discarding used tea leaves and other table scraps. They usually have a globular body, shoulders, a flared rim and a short foot. The shape resembles a squat vase. They are often porcelain, but some are made from pottery or cloisonne. Some auctions may list them as spittoons. In the early 20th century, the word


Victor and Nikki strategized about their latest mergers and acquisitions, while Ashley and Tucker walked down the aisle.

Victor lost patience with Adam.

Victoria forced Nate to come clean.

Jack gave Ashley and Tucker an unusual wedding gift. Nick found

Sally in a compromising position. Victoria changed the rules. Audra saw a new side to Kyle. Victor delivered bad news to Sally. Nick and Sharon made an important decision. Nate caught Victoria off guard. Wait to See: Ashley and Tucker plan their future. Chelsea’s parenting skills are tested. Diane proves herself to Jack.

© 2023 King Features Syndicate, Inc.

may be more elaborate, with features like a pedestal base, flared rim or side handles. Slop jars are not part of a table setting. They usually have handles and often have lids. They are used in a bathroom.

Q: Advertising for beer and other alcoholic drinks is everywhere. I have a lighted (it still works) Budweiser King of Beers sign with pheasants eating corn on the cob. It has a curved plastic cover. Is it valuable?

ARIES (March 21 to April

19) This is a good time for the usually outspoken Lamb to be a bit more discreet. You can still get your point across, but do it in a way that is less likely to turn off a potential supporter.

TAURUS (April 20 to May

20) Good news: All that hard work you put in is beginning to pay off. But you need to watch that tendency to insist on doing things your way or no way. Be a bit more flexible.

GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) You might want to delay making a decision on the future of a long-standing relationship until you check out some heretofore hidden details that are just now beginning to emerge.

CANCER (June 21 to July

22) Your reluctance to compromise on an important issue could backfire without more facts to support your position. Weigh your options carefully before making your next move.

LEO (July 23 to August 22) This is a good time for ambitious Leos or Leonas to shift from planning their next move to actually doing it. Your communication skills can help persuade others to join you.

VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Relationships -- personal or professional -- present new challenges. Be careful not to let a sudden surge of stubbornness influence how you choose to deal with them.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You might need more facts before you decide on a possible career

between $190 and $225.

* * *

TIP: Use an old nylon stocking bunched into a ball to clean a roughsurfaced mirror frame, carved wooden piece, or other irregular surface.


Pottery, plate, Mashiko, stylized fruit tree, speckled ground, tan and brown triangles around rim, Sakuma Totaro, 10 inches, $25.

change. On the other hand, you should have no problem making a decision about an important personal matter.

SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You’re respected by most people for your direct, no-nonsense approach to issues. But be careful you don’t replace honest skepticism with stinging sarcasm.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) A newly emerging situation could require a good deal of attention and some difficult decision-making. However, close friends will help you see it through.

CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Ignoring changes in a relationship could create problems later on. Get involved now while there’s still time to work things out and reach an understanding.

AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Of course you deserve to indulge yourself in something special. But for now, tuck that bit of mad money away. You’ll need it to help with a looming cash crunch.

PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A temporary setback in your financial situation is eased by changing some of your plans. You’ll be able to ride it out quite well until the tide turns back in your favor.

BORN THIS WEEK: You have a gift for understanding people’s needs. You have a low tolerance for those who act without concern for others.

© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

“zhadou” was translated into English as “leys jar” from a Dutch term. Now, it is usually translated as “waste bowl” or “slop jar,” but these are not the same thing.

European and American waste bowls, often part of 19th century silver or porcelain tea sets, are shaped like conventional bowls with straight sides and a round base. Some

A: Breweriana is very popular these days, especially signs. While neon signs are the most popular and getting very high prices, yours is a popular brand, Budweiser, and is in working condition. It is worth

Toy, Road Grader, driver, orange paint, cast iron, nickel plated grader blade, white rubber tires, Kenton, 1920s, 7 1/2 inches, $125. Trivet, horseshoe shape, three legs, shoe shaped feet, early 19th century, 2 x 5 x 6 inches, $160.

Majolica, urn, on pedestal, relief grapevine

around rim, relief lion’s masks on pedestal, fourlobed base, multicolor, 22 x 9 inches, $190. Peking glass, vase, white, carved, high relief dragon scrolls, low relief leaves on neck, flared rim, round foot, engraved mark, Chinese, 10 1/2 inches. pair, $340. Rug, Navajo, Storm pattern, two overlapping center diamonds, geometric border, tan, brown, black, Ella Henderson, 2001, 68 x 54 1/2 inches, $2,585. Advertising, poster, Levi’s, denim, two cowboys lighting cigarette, “Without A Match,” multicolor, painted, stenciled, Velvetone Poster Co., 72 x 29 inches, $4,305. © 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

wctrib.com reminder, willmar, minn. | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | 3 • 3 Bedroom, 4 Bath • Architectural design • Lakeside Patio • Separate Cozy Cottage for Guests • 30x30 Shed Across the Road MLS# 6414453 $1,897,000 Stunning Waterfront Property on Green Lake Jane Vikse Broker/Owner® Office: 320.796.1000 Cell: 320.979.0632 jvikse@tds.net Call today for more details 13778 Indian Beach Road Spicer, MN SEEKING APPLICANTS FOR A 3 BEDROOM HOME IN SPICER NOW-AUGUST 29, 2023 For an application packet, visit Habitat for Humanity 4722 Hwy 71 NE, Willmar or call 320-231-2704 For more information visit www.habitatwcm.org No Downtime | No Side-effects | No Problem Life got crazy Fat Loss is Easy Dr. Kendall Boline Fenstra 320-235-0515 • Caregivers • Dementia • Parkinson’s Disease Supportgroupsarehosted at Bethesdacampuses in: Willmar, New London,and Olivia FORMOREINFORMATIONGO TO: MNCAREGIVERS.ORG Caregiver Support Groups This project is made possible in part under the Federal Older Americans Act through an award from th Mi ta Ri Area Ag Aging under Area Pl app ved by th Minnesota Board Aging. 3 5 Dream without limits! With Woodland Cabinetry Sat. 8-Noon Interior Design Studio Downtown Willmar AREA RUG SALE! Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 12pm 320-235-6381 www.interiordesignstudio.net 501 & 505 28th Ave SW, Willmar The Manor - 55+ Living Gracious; Upscale; Great Social Activities The Court - all ages; Spacious units; quiet, clean; Both-Market Rate rents. Lori Martin - Manager 320-235-2685 Sterling Apartments The best place to call home! Westview Village Patio Homes 1425 19th Ave. SW, Willmar 55+ Living One level with private entrances, Free laundry & basic cable. Julie Rustad - Manager 320-235-2600 Call and schedule your tour today. SALOME’S STARS  SOAP UPDATES  KOVELS ANTIQUES AND COLLECTING 
Aimee Santos & Kayla Landrum Sharon Case is “Sharon” on “The Young and the Restless.”
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Kovels.com A zhadou is a bowl for discarding table scraps. This one sold for $7,680 at Nadeau’s Auction Gallery.

Savor the Flavor: Delight in Peak Season Veggie Lasagna

Why make veggie lasagna? The obvious answer is “why not?” This time of year, our gardens are abundant, farmer’s markets are bountiful and the end of summer produce in the grocery store is divine. These peak season veggies are begging to be the star of the show!

Lasagna is versatile and can be customized to suit individual preferences. You can select your favorite vegetables, such as zucchini, peppers, mushrooms and onions (as I used), or add other options like eggplant, summer squash, chard and spinach.

To save on costs, opt for vegetables that are on sale or use just one or two veggies instead of a larger variety.

For added flexibility, you can replace ricotta cheese with cottage cheese or even add meat such as cooked hamburger crumbles, Italian sausage or Italian turkey sausage.

On the other hand, if you prefer a vegan version, simply omit the eggs and use vegan cheeses. For those following a gluten-free or low-carb diet, zucchini slices make a great pasta substitute.


3 medium zucchinis

1 yellow onion

2 red or green bell peppers

8 ounces mushrooms, sliced

4 garlic cloves, or more to taste

1/4 cup olive oil

2 teaspoons Italian seasoning, divided

8 ounces lasagna noodles, 10 pieces

15-ounce tub ricotta or cottage cheese

2 large eggs

1 cup grated Parmesan cheese, divided Salt and freshly ground black pepper

3 cups (24-ounce can) or jar pasta sauce

1 14.5-ounce can Italian-style diced tomatoes, drained

4 cups shredded mozzarella cheese, divided Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Roasting the vegetables caramelizes them, bringing out natural sweetness and depth of flavor. Rough chop the zucchini, peppers, onion and mushrooms. Dice the garlic cloves and add to the veggies. Place the vegetables in a single layer on a large baking sheet. Use two pans if necessary. It’s going to look like a lot, but they cook down significantly. Drizzle with oil and season with 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, salt and pepper. Toss to coat. Roast the vegetables for 30 minutes, then toss and continue to roast 15 minutes more, or until softened and beginning to brown. Remove from the oven and set aside. Reduce the oven temperature to 375 degrees. While the veggies roast, start water boiling and cook lasagna according to package directions. Drain the pasta and run under cold water until cool enough to handle. Separate the pasta and set aside.

3 Tablespoons Spanish paprika

1 Tablespoon pepper

1 Tablespoon salt



2 lbs medium carrots or baby carrots, cut into

1-inch pieces

1/2 Cup packed brown sugar

1/2 Cup orange juice

2 Tablespoons butter

3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg




1 frozen banana

1 orange, peeled or 2 clementines, peeled

1/2 Cup plain Greek yogurt

1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

In a medium bowl, mix ricotta, eggs, 1/2 cup of the Parmesan, 1/2 cup mozzarella, 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste until well combined. In another bowl, mix the pasta sauce and tomatoes.

To assemble, coat a 9-by-13-inch baking pan with cooking spray; spread 1/2 cup sauce mixture on the bottom of the pan. Place a layer of pasta over the bottom of the pan. Spoon roughly a third of each; the veggies and ricotta mixture. Sprinkle 1/2 cup mozzarella evenly over the mixture and top with a scant cup of sauce. Repeat layers until you have four layers of pasta and three layers of filling. The top layer will be pasta topped with the remaining 1 cup sauce, 1 cup mozzarella and 1/2 cup Parmesan cheese. I decorated the top of the lasagna with vegetable scraps because we’re Divas.

Cover the pan with aluminum foil and bake for 40 minutes. Uncover and continue to bake until golden and bubbly, about 15 minutes more. Rest for 15 minutes before serving.

Enjoy your cheesy, gooey, satisfying and perfectly glorious late summer meal.

Lifestyle expert Patti Diamond is the penny-pinching, partyplanning, recipe developer and content creator of the website Divas On A Dime -- Where Frugal, Meets Fabulous! Visit Patti at www.divasonadime.com and join the conversation on Facebook at DivasOnADimeDotCom. Email Patti at divapatti@divasonadime. com (c) 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

P.O. Box 839

MN 56201 sales@wctrib.com

3/4 Tablespoon chili powder

3/4 Tablespoon onion powder

3/4 Tablespoon garlic powder

3/4 Tablespoon sugar

Marinate pork in mixture for at least one hour.

4 teaspoons cornstarch

1/2 Cup cold water

In a 3qt. slow cooker, combine carrots, br. sugar, juice, butter, cinnamon, salt, nutmeg. Cook covered on low, until carrots are tender; 4-5 hours.

In a small bowl, mix cornstarch and water until smooth.

Gradually stir into carrot mixture until sauce is thickened; 1-2 minutes.

1 cup unsweetened milk (nut, soy, animal) Honey or maple syrup, to taste

Combine all ingredients except the maple syrup/honey in a blender and blend until smooth. Sweeten to taste.

4 | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | RemindeR, willmaR minn. wctRib.com
Send Recipes
Sarah E. Grosland, New London PORK DRY RUB

— While publicity-hungry politicians condemn the film “Barbie,” she’s cleaning up at the box office.

“Barbie” recouped more than twice of its cost in the first three days of its release. “Barbie” definitely has legs!

Created in 1959 by Ruth Handler, Barbie thrived for 50 years as many little girls’ favorite doll. In 2009, her parent company, Mattel, signed a deal with Universal Pictures to produce a film, but they failed to come up with a screenplay.

In 2014, Sony Pictures tried and also failed to come up with a script.

In 2016, comedienne Amy Schumer was cast as Barbie, but dropped out a year later because what she described as “scheduling conflicts.”

(Or was it no workable script?)

Two years later, Margot Robbie persuaded Warner Brothers to bring Barbie to big screens.

Finally, in 2021, Oscarnominated screenwriter Greta Gerwig, who wrote and directed “Lady Bird” (2017) and

Q: When is “Chicago Med” returning with new episodes? How much will the strikes in Hollywood delay it? — L.E.

A: All three “Chicago” dramas have been renewed another season, but won’t be returning with new episodes until sometime in 2024. The ongoing WGA (Writer’s Guild of America) and SAG (Screen Actors Guild) strikes have put a freeze on filming, and that includes season nine of “Chicago Med,” season 12 of “Chicago Fire” and season 11 of “Chicago P.D.”

“Little Women” (2019), wrote a script for “Barbie” (along with her

partner, Noah Baumbach) and signed on to direct.

When Robbie first read Gerwig’s script, she thought, “This is so

season on Sept. 25, while “America’s Got Talent” airs its season finale on Sept. 27. While the strike presumably goes on, NBC has two brandnew drama series that are ready to air. “The Irrational” premieres on Sept. 25, and “Found” will debut on Oct. 3.

According to People magazine, “The Irrational” stars Jesse L. Martin (“The Flash”) as a “world-renowned professor of behavioral science” who lends his expertise on government and corporate cases.

good. What a shame it will never see the light of day because they are never going to let us make this movie.” Thankfully, she was wrong, and shooting started in early 2022. Ironically, even though Ken is anatomically incorrect, Ryan Gosling is receiving the Oscar buzz. The politicians were wrong ... “Barbie” is now Billionaire Barbie!


Greta Gerwig wrote the screenplay (with Erin Cressida Wilson) for Disney’s upcoming live-action film “Snow White,” due March 22, 2024. Twenty-twoyear-old Rachel Zegler will star as “Snow White,” and Gal Gadot as her Evil Queen. The prince has been replaced with a character named Jonathan, being played by 32-year-old Andrew Burnap, who is a Tony Award winner for “The Inheritance.” Burnap recently played King Arthur in “Camelot” on Broadway as well.

Zegler, who was Maria in Steven Spielberg’s “West Side Story,” is Hispanic and native to

make a vampire movie with Count Dracula and his daughter, Lilith?


New Jersey, and she will be the first-ever Latino actress to play Snow White. Zegler also took on playing Lucy Gray Baird in “The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes,” which is due for release this Nov. 17. ***

“America’s Got Talent” judge Sofia Vergara (51) and “True Blood” star Joe Manganiello (46) have ended their marriage after seven years. Friends speculate some of the reasons for their divorce were because Manganiello has been practicing sobriety for 17 years, while Vergara still continued to be a social drinker. He wanted to start a family, but Vergara already has a 32-year-old son from her first marriage. Then, there was that lawsuit with ex-boyfriend Nick Loeb over their two fertilized embryos produced through in-vitro fertilization. But, after a long, drawn-out eggshausting trial, things came out sunny-side up for Vergara.

© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

character hasn’t been officially announced.


NBC’s Wednesday night schedule for the upcoming fall season will start off with a rerun of one of the “Chicago” series, perhaps on a rotating basis, followed by new episodes of both “Quantum Leap” at 9 p.m. ET and “Magnum P.I.” at 10 p.m. ET starting on Oct. 4. The competitive sing- ing show “The Voice” will return for its new

“Found” stars Shanola Hampton (“Shameless”) as a “public relations specialist” who has a “chilling secret” to hide while looking out for the “forgotten who have gone missing.” Be sure to check back with NBC.com for updates on when your favorite shows will resume. ***

Q: Will Marvel ever

A:While there doesn’t appear to be a movie in the works yet about Dracula and his daughter, Lilith, the latter of the pair is rumored to be a character in the upcoming “Blade” remake. You may remember Wesley Snipes played the title role in the “Blade” trilogy of films beginning in 1998. Marvel is rebooting the vampire slayer in a new film featuring Oscar-winning actor Mahershala Ali (“Green Book”) in Snipes’ role, which is scheduled to hit theaters in February 2025. It will be the final film in the fifth phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Mia Goth (“Pearl”) has also been cast for “Blade,” in what is rumored to be the role of Lilith, daughter of the infamous Dracula; however, the identity of her

Q: Is the “Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” going to return now that Jen Shah is in federal prison? Who will replace her? — K.K.

A: Jen Shah is currently in a federal prison in Texas until 2028, but “The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City” are gearing up for a new season without her. Returning cast members include the entire set of squabbling moms from season three, plus the return of Mary Cosby, who left the show after two seasons. She was the one at the center of the drama when Shah wasn’t, so she will likely make up for Shah’s absence in the years to come. Send me your questions at NewCelebrityExtra@gmail.com, or write me at KFWS, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803.

© 2023 King Features Synd., Inc.

wctrib.com reminder, willmar, minn. | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | 5 7Weekendsof Huzzah &Cheers! Open Weekends Aug. 19 -Oct.1 PlusLaborDay, Sept. 4& FestivalFriday, Sept.29 9am-7pm•R ainorShine Park &RideRecommended Prepaid Parking PassRequired ForOnsiteParking See Websitefor More Information 952.445.7361|RenaissanceFest.com EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED IN HOME IMPROVEMENT Offering Design Services, Sales & Estimating 320-857-2031 • 201 Pacific Ave Grove City, MN 56243 201BUILDINGSUPPLY.COM ¿Quieres aprender a leer y escribir? Centro Cristiano Siloe estara dando classes de alfabetizacion para la comunidad de habla hispana, conoces a alguien que quiera aprender a leer y escribir comparte este anuncio. Las classes empezaran septiembre 5. Inscripciones abiertas todo el mes de agosto llamando al telefono 320-979-1498 con el Pastor Mario Abraira. Las classes seran todos los martes y jueves de 5:30 pm a 6:30 pm. No te pierdas esta bendicion y comparte este anuncio con alguien que necesite aprender a leer y escribir. Bendiciones. 214 4th St SW Willmar MN 56201 Full Time Opening Starting wage 50,000-100,000 per year DOE, 401k plan with company match and paid time off. Join our team today! To apply, stop in and pick up an application @ 1312 West DePue Ave, Olivia MN or call 320-523-1621 or e-mail ERVINWELLMN@YAHOO.COM Ervin Well Company Is An Equal Opportunity Employer Serving customers since 1956 Thank you for voting us Best Of the Best 2023! BEEN IN A CAR ACCIDENT? DON’T WORRY! WE’RE HERE TO HELP! 320-848-2020 79446 485th St. | Hector, MN 55342 Rachel Orsten Real Estate Agent 320-905-9951 Rachel@LegacyLandAndHome.com LegacyLandAndHome.com Your Legacy building Agent! 302 Sunrise Lane N Atwater, MN 56209 $147,000 One level living with a beautiful gazebo and an attached garage on a large corner lot with garden space and apple trees. The 2 bed ‘ 2 bath home has been beautifully updated with all new flooring, fresh paint, & new roof.
Courtesy of NBC Jesse L. Martin stars in “The Irrational” on NBC. Depositphotos Director Greta Gerwig (“Barbie,” “Little Women” and “Lady Bird”)


Hiring Seasonal




is seeking applications for a Full Time, Unlimited Human Resource Assistant This position provides a welcoming environment for visitors/customers to the HR division – in person, on the phone and via e-mail; assists visitors and callers by providing information regarding HR services.

Interested applicants must apply online at ridgewater.edu/jobs Online applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

AA/EEO employerA member of Minnesota State JOBSHQ.COM


6 | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | RemindeR, willmaR minn. wctRib.com 320-235-6766 | 800-450-1150 | classads@wctrib.com PO BOX 839 | 2208 Trott Ave. SW | Willmar | 8 a.m.-5 p.m. weekdays Place your ad online at www.wctrib.com/classifieds Employment ads: call 888-514-4473 or email jobs@jobshq.com Classifieds As good as gone! SUNDAY DIRECTORY SERVICE YOUR GUIDE TO GREAT SERVICES! CONSTRUCTION GUTTERS HANDYMAN LAWN CARE PAINTING SMALL ENGINE CARPET CLEANING HOUSEKEEPING MECHANIC ELECTRICAL AND MORE! Call: 888-857-1920 or Email: classifieds@classifiedsfcc.com for details. HANDYMAN No job too big or too small! •Siding Repair •Exterior Painting/Staining •Refurbished Decks •Window Repair/Installation •Drywall Repair HEATING/ AIR CONDITIONING Heating & Cooling By Sam Furnaces, AC, in-floor heat, boilers, garage heaters & duct work. 214-9562 Thinking about a new JOB? Start here. MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES WATER SOFTENER REPAIR Service on ALL brands! Call Dale 320-796-6020 Ms. Kay’s Services LLC Professional Cleaning Commercial and Residential Call for a free estimate 320-212-6126 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Tree Removal & Trimming Call the experienced professionals for safe and easy tree trimming or removal. 1209 Atlantic Ave, Kerkhoven, MN, 56252 (320) 894-2691 Commercial & Residential Never too late to go after your dream JOB! Find it here. PLUMBING Sales & Service Drain Cleaning 24 Hr. Emergency Service Furnace & A/C Repair & Replacement Trenchless Sewer Replacement (320) 354-2281 NEW LONDON, MN PLUMBING * Heating Air Conditioning * Drains ROOFING STORM DAMAGE REPAIR We Fix Leaky Roofs Water/Hail Damaged Roofs A+ ROOF COATINGS 320-492-8264 TREE SERVICE/ STUMP REMOVAL HURLEY’S TREE SERVICE Tree trimming and removal. Free estimate. Insured. 320-995-1426. Tree Cutting Branch Removal Experienced & Reliable Free Estimates 320-894-5246 LANDSCAPING/ GARDEN LANDSCAPING/ GARDEN HILLENBRAND LANDSCAPING Landscape Contractor | Residential & Commercial • Pavers • Shore Restoration • Trees • Shrubs • Rock • Mulch We are a design to installation contractor Call Gary Today! 320-905-0655 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AUTHORIZED DEALER for Docks and Boatlifts (320)-796-5481 Tree Work • Stump Grinding Lawn Care • Land Scaping Sprinkler Systems • Pressure Washing Shoreline Renovation Mowing-Thatching-Core Aeration • Weed & Feed Landscaping A to Z Tree & Stump Removal Mobile Pressure Washing • Dock & Lift Installs Shoreline Renovation & Rip-Rap MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES Call Kurt at 320-894-4956 Insured • Lic# BC680736 RESIDENTIAL REMODELING INTERIOR & EXTERIOR FINISHING • Siding • Windows & Doors • Soffit & Fascia • Basement Finish • Decks • Remodeling & MORE! MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES SALES GARAGE GARAGE PUBLIC/GARAGE SALES Spicer, 56288 NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALES! Multiple homes on Long Lake Road & Decathelon Drive! Friday, August 25, 8-6; Saturday, August 26, 8-? Willmar, 56201 3 SISTER GARAGE SALE! 1221 Quincy Ave SW (S of Vinge Church) Fri. Aug. 25, 7am-6pm Sat. Aug. 26, 8am-Noon Young adult clothing, home decor, linens, room size rugs, pictures, Christmas trees, suitcases, TV’s, men’s activewear, 22ft aluminum extension ladder, garden accents, hosta & pink astilbe plants & much more! HELP WANTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES is seeking applications for a Full Time, Unlimited Human Resources Generalist The HR Generalist, under the leadership of the Director of Human Resources, is accountable for providing on-site human resource services to employees and provides strategic and hands-on support for the HR function in the area of recruiting, onboarding, employee relations, compliance, benefits, compensation, and training for Ridgewater College. Interested applicants must apply online at ridgewater.edu/jobs AA/EEO employerA member of Minnesota State
(Part Time). Schedules, hires, and trains staff as needed. Responsible for memberships, monthly billing reports, and Medicare compliance. May have emergency after hour calls if doors aren’t working. Fitness center membership included with the position. High School graduate or GED required. Start ASAP. Open Until Filled. For more info and to apply visit: nls.k12.mn.us/employment
OFFICE AND  ADMINISTRATION New London-Spicer Schools Fitness Center Manager
Help For the Wild Rice Processing Season. Please Call Deerwood Rice at 218-534-3762 DSP’S & SUPERVISORS Divine House Inc is currently accepting applications in the Willmar area for Direct Support Professionals and Supervisors. Starting Wages $15-$18.50/hour Asleep $10.59 -$14/hour Apply online today at divinehouse.org or in Person 320 SW 4th St, Willmar MN .com HELP WANTED HEALTHCARE is seeking applications for a Full Time, Seasonal Vet Tech Lab Assistant This position performs technical duties and responsibilities within the Vet Tech department at Ridgewater College assisting students and faculty with labs and providing support to the program. Interested applicants must apply online at ridgewater.edu/jobs Online applications will be accepted until the position is filled. AA/EEO employerA member of Minnesota State HELP WANTED  AGRICULTURE SUGAR BEET HARVEST HELP Truck & Tractor Operators Wanted Pay DOE Located near Ada, MN. Call Bill 218-850-0245 HELP WANTED  AUTOMOTIVE is seeking applications for a Part Time, Seasonal Transportation Lab Assistant This position exists to support the student learning experience within the transportation related programs of Autobody & Auto Service Technology Interested applicants must apply online at ridgewater.edu/jobs Online applications will be accepted until the position is filled. AA/EEO employerA member of Minnesota State HELP WANTED EDUCATION New London-Spicer Schools PALS Childcare Assistant Responsible for supervision, implementation, and support for childcare programming. Also responsible for attendance charting, snack distribution, supervision of children before school and after school and developing activities. Ability to work from 6:45am - 8:00am and 2:45pm - 5:45pm. Start ASAP. Open Until Filled. For more info and to apply visit: nls.k12.mn.us/employment CARS • RVS • BOATS POWERSPORTS
AGRICULTURE Location Manager Canby Farmers Grain Dawson MN Duties include but not limited to management of 2million bushel grain facility, Feed mill, 7 full time employees, and equipment. 401k, Health insurance. Wages DOE. For more info call Doug at 507-223-7236 or email cfgrain@cfgrain.com jobshq.com Don’t wait. Search today. CLICK | SEARCH | DONE .com


6 HP self-propelled lawnmower. Runs good $65 (612) 283-2718

Hunter Douglas window shade. Excellent 56.5”W x 60”H $150 (320) 231-1833

New in box, Delta bathroom faucet. 2 handles. $45 (320)



1974 Mercury outboard motor, 7.5HP, long shaft, runs great. Motor & tank. $450. 320-212-0983


Toddler Ride On Toy Yellow/blue scooter, VTECH educational talks/sings, excellent shape, $6. 320-905-1741

Thinking about a new JOB?

Start here.

Roller Blades Schwinn, girl’s adjustable 1-4, ABEC5 wheels, excellent shape. $6. Roller Derby, girl’s adjustable 3-6 pink/white/purple. excellent shape. $6. 320-905-1741

Toddler bed metal, white, mattress included, like new, $20. 320-905-1741


Bike, Trek Black Verve 2 Disc Women’s $400, 320-444-9007.


AKC American Cocker Spaniel Puppy 6 week old chocolate male. $1,000. 218-232-7245

Miniature Aussie Pups Shots & wormed, care package. $400. Will meet. Text for pics: 218-851-6219

hunter pointers & great family pets! Call or text: 605-467-1207 NE SD

wctrib.com reminder, willmar, minn. | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | 7 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES Local. Trusted. Experts. Helping you find your new home. .com AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES e s oca ed at 500 B idge S e t, Re oo a s MN Ending Monday, August 28 at 5:00 pm It m l t 1 r tr e d w d F ll , 1500E.BridgeStreet RedwoodFalls,MN56283 Office -507-644-8433 Doug Kerkhoff -507-829-6859 Zac Kerkhoff -507-829-3924 WWW.KERKHOFFAUCTION.COM MEMBER AUCTION 100+well-maintainedfirearmstoinclude Rare Firearms,Ammo,Reload Equipment, John WayneCollectiblesandmanyother Sportsman’s items. LoadOut August29and August30from 9:00amto3:00pm. ONLINEONLYSPORTSMAN Get it here. That new JOB feeling. DOGS Yellow Lab Puppies Dewormed, current shots, dews removed, health cert. $400. 218-831-7960 (MN#829895) German Shepherd Puppies Shots, wormed, vet checked, health certificate, $500. 218-831-7975 (MN#829895) German Wirehaired Pointers NAVDHA, 3M, 1F. Ready now! Tails docked, dews removed. $250. 320-290-6594 Siberian Husky Puppies Shots, wormed, vet checked, health certificate, $400. 218-831-7975 (MN#829895) com Lhasa Apso Puppies Shots, API reg., health guarantee, M $400; F $600. Text for pics: 320-368-3793 Vizsla Shorthair Pointers Ready to go! M & F, $1,000. Great
Registered Lab Puppies Shots, dewormed, vet checked. Black/Yellow. $200 218-536-1613 MN103286
905-4256 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE www.armarservices.com GREAT UTILITY VEHICLES WARM & QUIET! VERY FUEL EFFICIENT! All trucks are 4-wheel drive! Great for farming, hunting, campgrounds & anywhere else you need a utility vehicle! Current trucks in stock! Regular, Jumbo Cabs, Dumps, Scissor/Dump & Deck Vans available! Starting at $9,800 up to $26,000 We also have lift kits, tracks, tires & wheels & other accessories available! Call Arlen at 763-234-9118 Lake George, MN Scott at 701-308-0101 Lisbon, ND HELP WANTED  TRANSPORTATION  AND LOGISTICS CDL Class A Driver for yard spotter position. Sign on bonus. $21/hr. starting negotiable. Paid holidays and PTO. 1-2 years driving experience preferred. Call Mike at 507-340-3683 DEALS & STEALS TV Stand $15 (612) 283-2718 14” table fan. Like new. $12 (320) 905-4256 3 HP push mower. Runs good $35 (612) 283-2718 4 brown low back chairs $20 (612) 283-2718 Dog House $20 (612) 2832718 Dog Kennel $20 (612) 2832718 Kitchen table with chairs $20 (612) 283-2718 Minnesota Grain Binder 7 ft for parts $100 (612) 283-2718 New bed sheets. 2 sets, full size. $20 (320) 905-4256 HELP WANTED  TRANSPORTATION  AND LOGISTICS Class A Delivery Driver - Marshall We Pay for Experience! Up to $33/hr! We value our team members and the experience they bring to our customers and company! Class A CDL Drivers start at a minimum rate of $28/hr. Years of exp. are considered at the time of hiring & you could earn up to $33/hr! Along with a 4-day work week full-time team members are eligible for: • Co. Sponsored Health Ins. • 401k w/up to 4% company match • Company Paid Life Ins. • Company Paid Short-term Disability Insurance • PTO and Paid Holidays • Supplemental Dental, Disability, Hospitalization, Accident & Cancer Policies available at a group rate • Well Maintained Fleet • Employee Discount • Monthly cell phone allowance We are looking for reliable & professional drivers who have a passion for providing excellent customer service to deliver to convenience stores, restaurants, schools, hospitals & other food service entities. Apply online at henrysfoods.com or send completed applicaton to: Henry’s Foods, PO Box 1057, Alexandria, MN 56308 jobshq.com Start your career here. jobshq.com Start your career here.


TheNortheast Quarter except building site Section26, Township 117, Range 35

LANDLOCATION: From theintersectionofHwy 71 &Hwy 7, take Hwy71South 1mileto210th AveSE (CoRD78),goeaston210th AveSE(Co Rd 78)0.5 milestothe NW corner of theland. Watchfor signsonthe southsideofthe road.


•ThisLand HasTile

•CPI =94.7(Tillable Acres)


apply. Finalprice will be calculated by thenumberofdeededacres as perthe survey.Closing will be executed on or before October 30th,2023, with attorney SpencerKvaminGranite Falls, MN. Announcementsmadeauctiondaytakeprecedence over printed material.For info packet call Kristine at 320-212-9379 orby emailto Kristine@FladeboeLand.com. www.FladeboeLand.com Sellers,auctioneersandbrokeragearenotresponsibleforaccidents.

8 | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | RemindeR, willmaR minn. wctRib.com Difficulty: ★★★★★ 8/20 ©2023 King Features Syndicate, Inc. SPICER,WILLMAR,PENNOCK, RAYMONDAND LITCHFIELD 320.796.2169 WWW.PIONEER-HERITAGE.COM SPICER,WILLMAR,PENNOCK, RAYMONDAND LITCHFIELD 320.796.2169 WWW.PIONEER-HERITAGE.COM Pioneer Heritage Insurance AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES VISITOURWEBSITEFOR ADDITIONALINFORMATION! (800)937-3558 |www.bigiron.com FARM EQUIPMENT AUCTION UNRESERVED THURSDAY, AUGUST24,2023STARTING AT 10:00AM EQUIPMENTLOCATED: VARIOUS LOCATIONSINMINNESOTA &WISCONSIN HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: COMBINES,H EADS ,P LATF ORMS TRA CTO RS,F ORAGE HA RV ESTER S&M OR E! INDEPENDENTSALESREPRESENTATIVES: DEWAYNERICKLEFS(712)830-9105 QUINNBJORNSON(701)840-3501,RHEAYEADON(605)370-1423, JEFFRUPRECHT(320)293-5038,DANSTINAR(701)741-6752, DAN PATE(715) 853-7240 EQUIPMENTQUESTIONS: MIDWEST MACHINERYCO. (320)365-1638 Di anePor athand Ma rdet te Tr et tin, Owners THE FA RM OF Ken&Ethel Johnson AuctionTerms: Thesuccessfulbidderwill paydown$40,000 as earnestmoney on auctiondayinthe form of acashier’s check. The non-refundable checkshouldbemadeout to FladeboeLandTrust Account. Thesuccessful bidder will enterintoanon-contingent, AS-ISpurchase agreementonauctionday. Buyer’spremiumwill apply. Fi lpri will be lculated by th berofd ded acresasper thesurvey. Closingwill be executed on or before November 8th, 2023, with attorney Sene ZupkeinOlivia, MN Announcementsmadeauctiondaytakeprecedence over printed material.For info packet call Kristine at 320-212-9379 orby emailto Kristine@FladeboeLand.com. www.FladeboeLand.com Sellers,auctioneersandbrokeragearenotresponsibleforaccidents. KristineFladeboeDuininck -Broker -320-212-9379 Kristine@FladeboeLand.com GlenFladeboe651-208-3262 Glen@FladeboeLand.com DaleFladeboe320-894-9392 75 Surveyed Acres, 73.9 0+/- Tillable Acres, CPI-88.8, locatedinCosmos Township,Meeker Count y ount LiveAuctionwith OnlineBidding Option 75 Surveyed Acres 73.9 0+/- Tillable Acres ThisLand HasBeen Surveyed ThisLandisTiled,DrainsWell& HasanOutle t CPI-88.8 LEGALDESCRIPTION: TheS1/2ofthe SE1/4exceptthebuilding site,Section 7, Twp 117, Range 32 LAND LOCATION From Cosmos: At thejunctionofHwy 7&Hwy 4goweston Hwy7for twomiles to 515thAve,turnnorth (right)and drive onemiletothe SE corner of theland. Watchfor auctionsigns AUCTIONLOCATION: Cosmos Community Center,220 MilkyWay St S, Cosmos,MN •ThisLandisTiled, Drains Well &Has an Outlet •Drainage from SW Corner of theLandtoCoDitch No 52 •Ownersare Paying theFull Cost of theDitch Outlet Fee &all Real Estate TaxesDue andPayable in 2023 Auctioneer ’s Comments: We arehonored to presentthe farmlandofKen &Ethel Johnsonfor sale by auction.This farm hasbeenintheir family since1941. It offers73.90+/tillable acresand is locatedinCosmosTownship, in Meeker County,Northwest of Cosmos.Thislandistiled drains well &has an outlet.The southwestcorner of the land hasbeenstubbed into LateralNo. 1, Co DitchNo.52 Kandiyohi&MeekerCounty. Theownersare paying the full cost forthisimprovement.Hereisyouropportunity to addprimetillable acrestoyourfarmingoperation or investment portfolio. Youwillnot want to miss this auction! Call or text Kristine with anyquestions youmay have at 320-212-9379 or emailher at Kristine@FladeboeLand.com. Wednesday, September 27,2023• 11:00a.m. AUCTION FA RMLA ND IN MEEKER COUNTY AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALES AUCTION –EASTLUND FARM –Julie& JimHonzay,
ners Auctioneer ’s Note: We arepleased to presentthe Eastlund Farm forsalebyauction Thislandhas been proudlyowned by theEastlundFamilysince 1897.Thishighquality farmland hasanimpressiveCPI of 94.7.Ithas aprime location just southofthe intersection of Highway71 &Highway 7nearBlomkest. This farm offers138.08+/- tillable acres, 12+/-acres of possible pastureand is locatedinRoseland Township,inKandiyohi County.Possessionwill be afterthe 2023harvest andsuccessfulclosing.Here is your opportunit ytoadd primetillable acrestoyourfarming operationorinvestmentportfolio Youwill notwanttomissthisauction!Call or text Kristine with anyquestions youmay have at 320-212-9379 or email heratKristine@FladeboeLand.com AuctionTerms: Thesuccessfulbidderwill paydown$75,000 as earnestmoney on auctiondayinthe form of acashier’s check. The non-refundable checkshouldbemadeout to Fladeboe Land Trust Account. Thesuccessful bidder will enterintoanon-contingent, AS-ISpurchase agreementonauctionday. Buyer’spremium will
Location in Roseland Twp. •Land WasNotUsed forSugar Beet Production KristineFladeboeDuininck -Broker -320-212-9379 Kristine@FladeboeLand.com GlenFladeboe651-208-3262 Glen@FladeboeLand.com DaleFladeboe320-894-9392 PRIMEFARMLANDINK ANDIYOHI COUNTY Monday,September 18,2023•11:00 a.m. 157.01Surveyed Acres,138.08+/- Tillable (FSA)Acres,CPI=94.7, locatedinRoselandTownship, KandiyohiCount y. •157.01Sur veyedAcres •138.08+/- Tillable (FSA)Acres •CPI=94.7(Tillable Acres) •ThisLandHas Tile •LandWas NotUsedforSugar Beet Production Thi l d h b LiveAuctionwith OnlineBidding Option AUCTION CALENDAR 08/26/2023 WILLMAR, MN; 10:00: Ziemer Auction Service. www.ziemerauctions.com, L&M Grain Auction. Caterpillar 120 Road Grader Cat Diesel Engine, Trailers, Vehicles, Bobcat snow plow, topper, 08/27/2023 KANDIYOHI, MN; 11:00: Ziemer Auction Service. Kandiyohi Auction Center. www.ziemerauctions.com, Antiques & Collectibles, Coins, Tanning Bed, Sporting Goods, Tools & Misc.. jobshq.com Don’t wait. Search today. VEHICLES WANTED Buying Cars & Trucks, Running or Not. Top Dollar Paid. $100 minimum. Call Tim, 320-295-8444. AUTOMOBILES 18 ft bayliner boat 85 hp, force engine, on a trailer, with ski equipment & life vests $3,000. 320-295-2531. www.apartmentsHQ.com TRACTORS 2018 340 Row Trac C.V.T. with 926 hours. All options. 6-hyds., 18” tracks, 120” spacing. Excellent condition. All records. Morris, MN. 320-808-5723 .com FARM EQUIPMENT Wheel Packer with water tanks and sprayer on back to water track for tractor pulls. $7900.00. Call 320-905-4674. CARS • RVS • BOATS POWERSPORTS FARM EQUIPMENT 15ft. x 8ft. Portable Electronic Scale complete with ramps and wheels. $8750.00. Call 320-905-4674 DOGS AKC Chesapeake Bay Retriever Puppies First shots, dewormed, dew claws removed & full registration. $900. Call/text: 218-689-3939 German Shorthair Pups AKC, parents health tested, health guarantees. Vet checked, UTD shots. Excellent pedigrees. M/F $800. 320-360-2071 Goldendoodle Puppies Very sweet & good natured! Many colors. Great with kids! Vet checked, shots, dewormed. $1,200. Call/text: 320-894-5883 AKC LAB PUPPIES All colors. Call or text: 605-999-7149 Mitchell, SD southdakotayellowlabs.com HOUSES FOR RENT Eagle Lake Home for Rent 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, double garage. Beautiful lake view! $1,500/mo. Available Sept 1-June 1. 320-979-7605 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 2 BD Apt for Rent Spicer A Apartments 188 Lakeview Dr, Spicer Sewer, water, & garbage incl Available Immediately 320-269-6640 x224 Equal Housing Opportunity AGRICULTURAL WANTED Wanted Wanted Wanted Walk behind brush cutter billy goat or DR or another brand, do not want a POS, call or text 701-330-0085. Text is best. FARM EQUIPMENT FARM RETIREMENT SALE 70ft Brandt 1070 grain auger, PTO drive, hyd. lift; Buhler 836 grain auger, electric motor drive; Case IH soy bean heads: 1020 25ft, 1020 22.5ft, 1010 25ft grain head, 810 13ft pickup head; NH 1003 small bale pickup trailer; Small bale 40ft hay elevator on wheels, electric motor drive; Minnesota 250 bushel gravity box on 810 wagon. Call 218-849-2363
wctrib.com reminder, willmar, minn. | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | 9 Firstinthe Region to UtilizeMako® Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology forJoint Replacement Mako robotic-armassisted technologyenablesoursurgeons at AlomereHealth to provide totalknee replacement, totalhip replacement,orpartialknee replacementpatientswithapersonalizedsurgical experiencebasedonhisorherspecificdiagnosisandanatomy. Eric W. Nelson,M.D. EmilyJ.M.Monroe,M.D. Aaron J. Balgaard,M.D. Dennis P. Weigel,M.D. OurMakoSpecialists: Appointments: 320.214.7355 Paul A. Dale, M.D. BE A PART OF OUR Award Winning Magazine Line Up 2023 fun Summer Best Area Magazine! Runner Up Best Area Magazine! Contact our Marketing department today! Our Services: • Print/Digital Ad Creation • Video Creation & Production • Website Creation & Management • Content Creation & Production • Social Media Creation & Management Hannah Dahl t:320.214.4375 e: hdahl@wctrib.com Madison Mickels t:320.214.4328 e: mmickels@wctrib.com Christie Steffel t: 320.214.4317 e: csteffel@wctrib.com Christine Riemersma t: 320.214.4310 e: criemersma@wctrib.com We are a 5th generation family-owned company, that strives on bringing news to our communities and bringing up-to-date effective advertising campaigns to small, medium, and large businesses. We invest in our sales, our products, and our employees by providing top-notch training and helping our community businesses with the best advertising solutions for all budgets. YOUR ONE-STOP-SHOP MEDIA COMPANY Serving Chippewa, Kandiyohi, McLeod, Meeker, Renville and Swift Wewillmatchyou withone of ourmore than30non-profit organizations JoinAmeriCorps Seniors! WEempower adultsovertheage of55toservetheir communities It’seasytoVolunteer Contactusat1-800-669-6714! Find suppor t foryour substance use and mental health needs Call 320-441-5202 for same or next day appointment. Is alcohol or substance use af fecting your life? PAYNESVILLECHEVROLET.COM SALES • SERVICE • AUTOBODY •All rebates go to dealer. Must finance with GM Financial for all rebates to apply. See dealer for details. Tax, title and licensing additional. 28601 State Hwy. 55, Paynesville 320-243-3716 2018 Chevrolet Equinox Stock# 16465 Mileage 135,961 Heated Seats, Auto Start, Power Lift Gate, LT FWD 6-Speed Automatic Electronic with Overdrive 1.5L DOHC $12,495 2014 Ford F-150 Stock# 18629 Mileage 200,275 Navigation, Sunroof, Heated Seats, Platinum 4WD 6-Speed Automatic Electronic 3.5L V6 $13,895 2008 Cadillac Escalade Stock# 18379 Mileage 195,035 Heated and Cooled Seats, Sunroof, Ebony/ Ebony Leather, AWD 6-Speed Automatic HD Electronic with Overdrive Vortec 6.2L V8 SFI $10,495 2010 GMC Acadia Stock# 9470 Mileage 156,184 Dual Sunroof, Rear Entertainment, Bose Audio, SLT-1 FWD 6-Speed Automatic Electronic with Overdrive 3.6L V6 SIDI $7,495 localnews youneedtostayinformed. SUBSCRIBE TO DA Y Allthe UnlimitedDigitalNews: 3monthsfor99¢/month! Print +Digital: $5 foryour1st month! wc trib.news/s ta rt Exterior lighting, an invitation to your home... Like us on 310 Cty. Rd 9 SE, Willmar, MN 320.231.1620 Hrs: Mon.-Fri. 9:30-5, Sat. 9:30-3 CompetitivePay Signonbonus(2+yearsexperience) Excellentbenefits MeritorandARCTrainingprovided Diesel/TruckMechanics Bepartofsomethingbigger! driveteamgreen.com Applynowat: Callnow:320.329.3400


Are you experiencing pain, numbness, burning, tingling or loss of feeling because of neuropathy? Are you losing your balance and need to use a cane, walker or moving towards a wheelchair? It’s estimated that 42.5 million Americans suffer from neuropathy with few good solutions.

Common causes of peripheral neuropathy are:

Diabetes • History of chemotherapy

Alcohol abuse

• Autoimmune diseases

• Liver and kidney disease

• Degenerative changes in the spine (spinal stenosis)

• Sharp Pain • Numbness

Common Symptoms

• Loss of Coordination and Balance

• Loss of Feeling

• Idiopathic (cause unknown)

• Burning and Tingling

• Extreme Sensitivity to Touch

Don’t Ignore Your Neuropathy!

Peripheral neuropathy is a progressive disease.

Our Treatment Package:

Our treatment package consists of an assortment of protocols that treat more than just the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy.

Included are:

• Summus Medical Laser—Proven 90% Effective at treating the symptoms of neuropathy

• Chiropractic Adjustment

• ART (active release technique) to ensure that the nerve is flossing and not entrapped as it passes through soft tissue from your spine to feet and hands.

• Balance and Coordination Retraining

• Nutritional Counseling

Get Twin Cities comparable peripheral neuropathy treatment… for a much lower cost and closer to home!

Call us today for a free 30-minute consultation!


From La Nae, Peripheral Neuropathy patient:

“Dear Dr., As my oncologist, you are aware of the side effects that I developed after chemo and radiation therapy. The recent one, neuropathy, mainly targeted my toes. The daily pain was excruciating. At times it was unbearable. Frankly, I didn’t know how long I could withstand the pain.

The Reminder published an advertisement for the Nelson Clinic and Rehabilitation Care in Willmar, MN stating they provide laser therapy for neuropathy. Respecting the clinic as a previous patient, I set up an appointment.

For three weeks, three times a week, I received laser therapy on my feet and lower legs. It worked; the horrific pain disappeared. It was miraculous to me! If the pain reoccurs, I will return for additional treatment. At this point, I don’t need to.

Would you please recommend laser therapy to other cancer patients who suffer from neuropathy? It was a God-sent for me. Being diagnosed with breast cancer was disheartening but the various side effects of chemo and/or radiation therapy are devastating to one’s quality of life.

Hopefully others with neuropathy can be spared the agony. Thanks for caring.”

10 | Sunday, auguSt 20, 2023 | RemindeR, willmaR, minn. wctRib.com Nelson Clinic and Rehabilitation Care 1604 1st St S Suite 290 • Skylark Center • Willmar, MN 56201 320-235-2720 • www.nelsonchiro.net www.Facebook.com/NelsonClinicandRehabilitationCare
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