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Catherine M. Booth, Clerk Neil Boyle, Trustee Patrick Casey, Trustee Rick Fox, Trustee Walter J. Novak, Trustee Brian A. Sloan, Trustee Nicholas C. Steker, Trustee
Stan Urban, Village Manager The Village Newsletter is Published Quarterly By the Village of Westchester 10300 Roosevelt Road ~ Westchester, Illinois 60154 Phone: (708) 345-0020 ~ Fax: (708) 345-2873 E-mail: Website:
Secretary of State Jesse White’s Mobile Driver Services Facility Tuesday, October 20th, 10 am til 2 pm Westchester Village Hall, Community Room Available services: Vision screenings, written exams, duplicate or corrected licenses, drivers license renewal, identification cards. License plate renewal stickers, (CDL and road tests not available.) Those wanting to secure an ID for the first time will need to present three forms of identification, such as Social Security card, a birth certificate, and a piece of mail showing
The Westchester Village Board will be holding yet another Town Hall Meeting.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009 7:00 pm Westchester Primary School 2400 Downing .
“Building Department Processes” Everything you should know about compliance inspections, and residential & commercial permitting.
Refreshments will be served.
The Village Board would like to express its gratitude to Westchester School District 92½ for their gracious offer to host the event. Check the Village website for details and updates. Extended Hours at Village Hall: Tuesdays: until 7 PM Saturdays: 8:30 - 12:00
Chai Yo Thai and Christopher’s Speakeasy restaurants are welcomed as new businesses to Westchester.
Fall 2009
New Meeting Schedule: Committee of the Whole Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Village Board Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesdays Meetings are open to the public. Comments are welcome at both formats.
President’s Letter
Municipal News
Department News
Vietnam Veterans
Calendar of Events
What’s Happening Now
Here we are in October, all saying “where did the summer go?” The summer of 2009 is a memory as we move forward into our Fall season. Many pleasurable moments are ahead as we enjoy the great outdoors, the changing tree colors, fall sporting events, Homecoming, and Halloween fun. School has been in full swing for over a month and hopefully parents and children alike have become familiar to their routines. The fall season is a very busy time for the Village as well. The changing temperature has the leaves falling from the trees in preparation for their winter hibernation. The Public Works Department is ready to tackle their leaf collection duties but we will need everyone’s help in removing the leaves from our streets to prevent our storm sewer system from being clogged up. Leaf collection has always been a challenge for all but I am confident by working together we can get the job done right. The village tree trimming program will continue with the section of town south of Roosevelt from approximately Westchester Boulevard to Gardner. The goal is to maintain safety and promote the health and beauty of our parkway trees. Safety… Safety …Safety... is always a concern for the village. October is Fire Safety Month and our Fire Chief Rich Belmonte reminds us to change the battery in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. The Fire Department is also hosting an open house on October 10th. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. Our Police Chief Matt Evans proudly reports the decrease of our property damage and personal injury vehicle accidents. Both are down 11 and 17 percent respectively. Hopefully this summer you were able to see and speak to our police officers who were walking the beat. Since July 1st officers have been out on foot in our neighborhoods in our community policing initiative. Their efforts along with the reminders to lock up our cars and homes and to be on the lookout and report any suspicious activities will lead to another reduction of our crime statistics for 2009. The village has welcomed several new businesses and restaurants to town. Cardinal Fitness, Christopher’s Speakeasy , Chai Yo Thai Restaurant, and Antonio’s Ice Cream. We wish you much success and thank you for opening up in Westchester. A thank you to all the village staff, members of the Fire and Police Department , as well as the Westchester Middle School Band, St Joseph H.S., Proviso West H.S. NJROTC , local clergy, and residents for attending our 9-1-1 ceremony. The show of respect for the people who lost their life in New York City shows our strength and resolve as citizens of Westchester “Not to Forget” the tragedy of 8 years ago. Presidents Obama’s signature on Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s Serve America Act in April officially recognized September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance reminding us that “United We Serve.” Flu season is on the way once again and the Cook County of Public Health reminds us to get our flu shots as soon as possible. I have been informed that later this month more information regarding the additional shot for the H1N1 virus will be out and all are encouraged to get that shot as well. Initially the number of vaccine doses will be based on the state’s population. Please consult with your doctor. Finally, I would like to express our sincere thanks to State Representative Karen Yarbrough who acquired $200,000 for the Village Emergency Operations Center. The check presentation was made at our August 25, 2009 Board Meeting.
State Representative Karen Yarbrough presents $200,000 check for emergency operations center on August 25, 2009.