April 2019 Village of Westchester Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester APRIL

















Coffee, Information and Conversation From Trustee Celestino Friday March 15th the Village hosted its Annual Senior Breakfast at St. Joseph High School. This annual event had over 100 residents coming together to enjoy a nice breakfast and being welcomed by Village President Gattuso. Presentations were made and questions were answered the Village Staff and members of the Board. The residents were given updates of Village projects, programs and services available to them. In addition to the Village presentations, the residents received information of special

programs and services available to them from the Staff of Proviso Township. Additional presentations were given by Waste Management, Com-Ed, the Westchester Food Pantry and a local business that specializes in programs to assist mature individuals. This event was made successful first by the continued support of the Staff of St. Joseph High School for the use of their facilities and are sincerely appreciated. A special thanks as well to the Village service providers and the Staff of Proviso Township.

Park District 2

APRIL 2019

From the Board

APRIL 2019


At the February 12, 2019 Village Board Meeting, the following items were approved under the Consent and Active Agendas: • Approval of the Record of Bills ending 01/08/19 in the amount not to exceed $1,210,039.18. • i. Minutes of the January 22, 2019 Village Board Meeting. • ii. Minutes of the January 22, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting. • An ordinance amending Chapter 11.68, entitled “Honorary Streets,” of Title • 11, entitled “Vehicles and Traffic,” of the Westchester Municipal Code in order • to designate “William Ernst Way” within the Village of Westchester.A Resolution • A resolution reappointing Bruce Horek to the Board of Trustees of the • Policemen’s Pension Fund • A resolution appointing Westchester resident, Angelica Monroy to the • Westchester Economic Development Committee. • A resolution authorizing the execution of a release and assignment of claim • on surety bond with Western Surety Company. At the February 12, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting the following was discussed. • Pro Champs - Foreclosure Management. - Discussion. • Resolution Approving a Proposed Cook County Forest Preserve License • Agreement for Fountain and Surrounding Land Use. • A request to amend Village of Westchester ordinance 11.24.040, One-WayStop Intersections. Specifically adding the location of 31st and Rosebrook Circle. • Façade Grant request 10526 Cermak • Request for a Modification to the Village Code for Liquor License in the • Village of Westchester, Illinois. • Brycer - Compliance Engine - Internet based fire inspection compliance tool • Discussion of Village Property - Trustee Celestino • Modifications to Westchester Ordinance 10.08, Entitled Poultry – Discussion • Vacant Building Ordinance – Discussion • An ordinance amending Section 14.01.110, entitled “Fees,” of Article II,entitled “Permits,” of Chapter 14.01, entitled “Administration,” of Title 14,entitled “Buildings and Construction,” of the Westchester Municipal Code. • Village Financial Report - GW & Associates At the February 26, 2019 Village Board Meeting, the following items were approved under the Consent and Active Agendas: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Approval of the Record of Bills ending Tuesday February 26, 2019 in the amount not to exceed $1,093,456.17. Minutes of the Board Meeting of the Village President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Westchester Tuesday February 12, 2019 Minutes of the Committee of the Whole of the Village President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Westchester Tuesday February 12, 2019. An ordinance amending Chapter 11.24, entitled “Stop Intersections”, of Title 11, entitled “Vehicles and Traffic”, of the Municipal Code of the Village of Westchester, Illinois. A resolution authorizing the execution of a Façade Improvement Grant Program Agreement between the Village of Westchester and Eric Rossi for the property located at 10526 W. Cermak Road. An ordinance amending Chapter 14.36, entitled “Fire Prevention Code”, of Title 14, entitled “Buildings and Construction”, of the Westchester Municipal Code and authorizing the execution of an agreement with Brycer ,LLC. An ordinance amending Section 14.01.110, entitled “Fees,” of Article II, entitled “Permits,” of Chapter 14.01 entitled “Administration,” of Title 14, entitled “Buildings and Construction,” of the Westchester Municipal Code. A motion to accept the resignation of David S. Plyman from the Office of Village Manager, in accordance with the terms of his letter of resignation, dated February 22, 2019. A resolution designating an acting Village Manager. An ordinance amending Chapter 10.08, entitled “Poultry,” of Title 10, entitled “Animals,” of the Westchester Municipal Code.

At the February 26, 2019 Committee of the Whole Meeting, the following items were discussed. •

Discussion of proposed MOU from Cook County - Electronic Ticketing

Police Department 4

APRIL 2019

A Message from the Police Chief – Steven Stelter Ah, once again we can say goodbye to old man winter and welcome in the spring. By the time you receive this newsletter, the boys of summer are back on the baseball field and if you are a Cub fan you are hoping for a second title. Personally, I say Go SOX!!! Be all that it may, I hope everyone has a wonderful spring and you get all your flowers, plants and vegetables in the ground. DISTRACTED DRIVING AWARENESS MONTH In a growing effort to stem the dangerous tide of texting and cell phone use while driving, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has designated the month of April as “National Distracted Drivers Month.” Nationwide, many people die needlessly each year because people continue to use their cell phones while driving. Technology allows us to make phone calls, dictate texts or e-mails and update social media while driving – all actions that are proven to increase crash risk. NHTSA observes April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month to draw attention to this epidemic. The National Safety Council wants to empower you to put safety first and JUST DRIVE. Examples of Distracted Driving are: Texting / Cell Phone Use, Eating or Drinking, Grooming, Reading, Using a Navigation System and watching videos. Home Safety Tips When is the last time you heard about a house being burglarized?

Maybe you yourself have been a victim of a burglary. Not a good feeling, is it? You do not have to be a victim of such a crime. While it is one of the most committed crimes, you can take steps to reduce the chances of becoming a victim through some simple steps. Most burglaries are done by opportunists who spot an open window, a faulty door lock or a home that appears to be unoccupied for several days or longer. Remember to lock your doors and windows when you leave your home, even for a short time. If you have an alarm, use it. If you don’t, you may want to consider purchasing one. Don’t become a crime statistic. Are you going on a trip?? If so, here are some simple steps to take before you leave: Have a neighbor pick up your mail and newspapers Notify a neighbor of your travel plans Keep your lawn maintained Have your lights on timers I wish to recognize the following employees of the police department and their upcoming work anniversaries: April 12th – Officer Joseph Motto service April 30th – Officer Jason Krejci service April 30th – Officer Adam Rauglas service

POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 1:34pm on February 19, 2019 a Retail Theft was reported at Goodwill located at 3054 Wolf Road. A 62 year old female was arrested and charged with retail theft after exiting the store without paying for merchandise. 2) At 9:10pm on February 21, 2019 a Retail Theft was reported at Walgreens located at 10345 Roosevelt Road. 2 males entered the store and took approximately $1500 in over the counter medications without paying. 3) At 4:36pm on February 24, 2019 a Theft was reported at the intersection of Norfolk and Roosevelt. A citizen noticed that a vehicle stopped at the intersection and two males removed a street sign from the pole and left the area in a Subaru.

4) At 5:50pm on March 3, 2019 a Theft of Package was reported on the 1900 block of Mayfair. The resident reported that a package that was delivered by UPS with a value of $500 was taken from their porch after it was reportedly delivered. 5) At 9:25am on March 5, 2019 a Residential Burglary was reported on the 11100 block of Boeger. Tools were reportedly taken from the home reported by workers who were doing work on the home. 6) At 8:49pm on March 11, 2019 a Burglary was reported on the 1800 block of Mayfair. The resident reported that they were away from the house for 2 hours and upon their return the rear glass door was broken in. Investigations is reviewing surveillance video from the area.

20 years of 16 years of 9 years of

Fire Department APRIL 2019


Library 6

APRIL 2019

APRIL 2019


Calendar 8

APRIL 2019

DIVINE PROVIDENCE & DIVINE INFANT SENIOR CLUB OUR NEXT MEETING WILL BE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3RD 2019. DOORS OPEN AT 1 PM AND THE MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 1:30PM WE WILL BE PLAYIG BUNCO AND THIS SHOULD BE A FUN TIME ALONG WITH OUR COFFEE TEA AND DONUTS COME JOIN US FOR A FUN AFTERNOON WITH LAUGHTER AND FRIENDSHIP Classes Resume 1 -No RE Classes/7:30 Mass – DP 2 -7:30 Mass /8:30 Lenten Reflection at DI 2- Teen Photography Club with Melissa 7:00 PM at Library. Registration required. Contact Teen Dept at (708) 562-3573. 3 -8:00 Mass/4:30p Tai Chi Chuan –DP April 3rd Lenten Service Noon (Morning Prayer Service) at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. 4 -7:30 Mass -DP 5 -7:30 Communion Service/8am Eucharistic Adoration/5p Simple Supper/7p Stations of the Cross @ DP 5 - Westchester Bible Church AWANA every Friday during the school year. Grades K-6 @ 6:30pm – 8:00pm Register online at westchesterbiblechurch. org Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 6 -3:15p Confessions /4:00p Mass -DP 7 -8:30 & 10:30 Mass -DP 7 - Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. -DP Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am – Westchester Bible Church Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 7- Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 April 7 - Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , Communion will be served. All Are Welcome! 8 -7:30 Mass /4:15p RE Classes -DP 9- 7:30 Mass/8:00 Lenten Reflection at DP/7:00p SVP Mtg. –DP 9- Teen Photography Club with Melissa 7:00 PM at Library. Registration required. Contact Teen Dept at (708) 562-3573. 10-8:00 Mass w/Students/4:30p Tai Chi Chuan –DP

April 10 Noon Lenten Service Noon (Morning Prayer Service) at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. 11-7:30 Mass/9:00 Quilters -DP 12 -7:30 Communion Service/7:00p Living Stations @DI 12- After Hours Movie for Teens Only. Avengers: Infinity War. 6:00 PM at Library. Registration required. Contact Teen Dept at (708) 562-3573. 13 -3:15p Confessions/4:00p Mass/6:00p-Midnight Spring Fling -DP 14 -8:30 & 10:30 Mass -DP 14- Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages.Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am – Westchester Bible Church Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 14- Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 April 14 –Worship Service, 10 am. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! April 14 Palm Sunday Worship service at 9 a.m. Hope, Healing and Consolation Service 10:05 am (A time to heal and reflect) Join us for prayers to heal our broken hearts, bodies and mind. Though we suffer, we cannot be crushed because Jesus loves us and stands by us. If you need prayers, please come. If you know a friend or family member who needs a healing touch and especially those without Christ, invite them. Bible Study on First Corinthians at 10:30 Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. 15 -7:30 Mass /4:15p RE Classes -DP 16 -7:30 Mass –DP 16- Teen Photography Club with Melissa 7:00 PM at Library. Registration required. Contact Teen Dept at (708) 562-3573. 17 -8:00 Mass w/Students/4:30p Tai Chi Chuan -DP 18 -Holy Thursday/7:30 Morning Prayer/7:30p Mass of the Lords Supper/8:30p Evening Watch –DP April 18 – Maundy Thursday Worship Service 7:00 pm., communion will be served. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! April 18 Maundy (Holy) Service 7 pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. 19 -Good Friday/No School/7:30 Morn-

ing Prayer/Passion of Our Lord-3pm, 7pm –DP April 19 – WCC Fish and Chicken Fry, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Fish, Chicken (fried or rotisserie), and Shrimp will be served. All dinners include choice of 2 sides, bread, condiments, dessert and beverage – all for $11. Tickets at the door. All are Welcome! 708/865-1282. April 19 – Good Friday Worship Service 7:30 pm., communion will be served. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All are Welcome!! April 19 Good Friday Service 7 pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. Zion Lutheran Church in Bensenville is hosting a Tre Ore service from noon to 3 pm Pastor Prentice of Faith preaches at 2:05 pm. 20 - Holy Saturday/7:30 Morning Prayer/Noon Blessing of Easter Food Baskets/7:30p Easter Vigil Mass -DP 21 -Easter Sunday/8:30 & 10:30 Mass -DP 21- Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am -Westchester Bible Church Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 21 - Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 21- Library closed for Easter holiday April 21 – Easter Sunday Worship 8 am and 10 am. Special music and communion will be served. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All are Welcome! April 21 Easter Service at 9 a.m. and Bible Study on First Corthians at 10:30 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. There will be a light Easter breakfast after service 22 -Easter Break-No School/No RE/7:30 Mass –DP 23 - Easter Break-No School/7:30 Mass –DP 23- Teen Photography Club with Melissa 7:00 PM at Library. Registration required. Contact Teen Dept at (708) 562-3573. 24 -Easter Break-No School/8:00 Mass w/Students 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan -DP 25 -7:30 Mass/9:30 Quilters/6:30p SVP Mtg -DP 26 April Scrapbooking and Cardmaking, please call for details 708/865-1282, Westchester Community Church, 1840

Westchester Blvd. 26 -7:30 Communion Service-DP 27 Scrapbooking and Cardmaking, please call for details 708/865-1282, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd. 27 -11:30a Sacrament of First Holy Communion/3:15p Confessions/4:00p Mass –DP 27 - Forgotten Chicago at 2:00 PM at Library. Jacob Kaplan and Patrick Steffes examine the overlooked legacy of Carson Pirie Scott. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573. 28 -8:30 & 10:30 Mass -DP 28- Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Westchester Bible Church Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 28 –Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 28- Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! 28 – 4:00pm- 3rd Annual fellowship Concert Music Extravaganza Featuring Rev Dr. Ozzie E Smith Jr. This is a free concert- all are welcome. Westchester Community Church – 1840 Westchester Blvd April 28 Worship Service at 9 a.m. Bible Study on First Corinthians at 10:30 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. 29 -7:30 Mass /4:15p RE Classes -DP 30 -7:30 Mass -DP May 5 - Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am – Westchester Bible Church Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 5 – Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 May 12- Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am – Westchester Bible Church Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 12- Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040

Public Works Village branch pickup will resume the week of Monday, April 1-5, 2019 The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month. (April-November) All brush must be put out on the front parkway no later than 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 ‘in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left. Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities. Thursday and Friday are Open Load days for pickup of any brush that will not fit through the chipper, such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. These must be cut for one man to lift. Dirt must be removed from the root ball for pick-up. Landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pickup and disposal. Please note the following schedule for

Public Works

branch pickup:

MONDAY: From Mannheim Road west to Wolf Road and from Canterbury south to Windsor-including both sides of Windsor Drive. Also, Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord. TUESDAY: Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. WEDNESDAY: F r o m Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn. THURSDAY: From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street

WESTCHESTER FOOD PANTRY ANNOUNCES “YOU DO” CONTEST In honor of National Volunteer Week (April 7-13), the Westchester Food Pantry is reaching out to village residents to see how YOU can creatively support the Westchester Food Pantry in the month of April. “We are calling it the ‘You Do’ contest,” says Bethanny Alexander, fundraising committee chairperson for the pantry. “There are lots of fun and creative ways people can raise awareness about the pantry, as well as raise funds. We want to see how our neighbors can help our neighbors in need. And being a contest, of course, there will be prizes!” To get those creative juices flowing, here are some ideas to consider as you put together your own personal “You Do” fundraiser for the Westchester Food Pantry. - Bake Sale: Bake some cookies and brownies and sell them at work, school, or church. - Office Contest: Divide your office staff into two or more teams and see who can raise the most money. A little competition never hurt anyone! - Swear Jar: At home or work, determine a value and when a bad word is uttered, the money goes in the jar. - Online Facebook Fundraiser: A simple plan if you’re short on time but

want to help. - Movie Night: Make up a simple dinner or some snacks, invite a group of friends over for the cost of a movie night out, and show a favorite movie of yours or the documentary “A Place at the Table” (contact the pantry for a copy). - Food Drive: Host a food drive at school, work, place of worship, or scout troop. Again, see if you can put a competitive spin on it to get participants excited! This is just the beginning! Have fun with it! Be creative! Get a group of friends together to make it more exciting! THEN…be sure to share your fundraising activities with the pantry. Share photos and stories about your “You Do” fundraiser by emailing them to westchesterfoodpantry@ gmail.com. “As entries come in, we will post them on Facebook and Instagram. At the end of the month, the pantry’s board will vote on the Most Creative Fundraiser, Most People Participating, and the Most Money Raised,” mentions Amanda Grant, Executive Director of the Westchester Food Pantry. Winners will be announced on Facebook on May 1st. Good luck and may the best “You Doers” WIN!!!

Remember….. Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled no more than 4’ in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week. *********************************** *************************************

APRIL 2019


Pothole Repair The Public Works Department continues to fill potholes throughout the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report potholes.

Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Public Works office and the Village Hall.

Possible Water Main Breaks/Leaks Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after hours at 708345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.

Parkway Restoration: The Public Works Department will begin repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting.

50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk Replacement Program The Village offers a shared cost sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front of your residence is in poor condition and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 for more information or to register.

Yard waste pickup by Waste Management will resume Monday, April 1, 2019


APRIL 2019

St. Joseph APRIL 2019


St. Joseph 12

APRIL 2019

School District APRIL 2019

A Letter from the Superintendent Dear Parents and Guardians, As I write this Superintendent’s Corner, I genuinely hope that the worst of the weather is behind us. I look forward to the day when we can start seeing students fill up our fields for Physical Education and other outdoor activities. I enjoy this time of the year because we really start to show off the many talented students we have. Whether it is in an assembly, in a classroom, or on a sports field, our students are truly exceptional. On Saturday, March 9th we had our annual WMS Fine Arts Festival. Some of our students’ best work was on display. Seventh grader Anna Galvan created this year’s poster. I want to thank all parents and community members that attended our State of the District presentation on Thursday, March 7th, at 6:00 p.m. in the WMS cafeteria. School Administrators, District Administrators and I shared information and updates on our Strategic Plan, facilities, budget, technology, and our most recent school data to the Board of Education and the public. We posted the entire State of the District to our District website in case you were not able to attend. I hope you have a great month. We look forward to seeing you at our events in the spring. As always, continue to look for updates via our District website (https:// www.sd925.org/) and our Facebook page. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at psalemi@sd925.org or call 708-670-1927.

included in the kindergarten registration packets. These forms must be completed and turned in prior to the first day of school. New Student Enrollment Packets will be available in the office March 1st. Verification of residency and fee payment will begin in July. If further information is needed, please call the School Office at (708) 562-1509. Kindergarten Screening - Screenings will be held at WPS by appointment on Wednesday, April 24, 2019 from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. and Thursday, April 25, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Both a parent and pre-registered child must attend the screening. Please check our website for more information. Please contact the School Office at 708-562-1509 to set-up an appointment. Congratulations to Holden Beedy who was named the School Citizen of the Year (SCOTY)! A SCOTY is a student that has a positive attitude, strong work ethic, good leadership skills, and are a superb role model among their peers. Holden is an outstanding student and great friend. His academic accomplishments are due to his hard work, positive school attitude, and eagerness to learn. Holden is always showing kindness and willingness to help others. His great attitude makes him a wonderful friend and a pleasure to have in class. Holden is always smiling. His excitement and happiness not only makes my day, but also his classmates. Holden’s love for writing has sparked so much joy in our classroom. Everyone is following Holden’s example and writing books for each other to read. Holden is consistently offering a compliment or something nice to say to someone whom he feels may need cheering up. Holden is a positive leader and sets a great example for other students at WPS. We are so proud of him and have enjoyed watching him grow into the bright student he is. We are proud to call Holden the Westchester Primary School SCOTY award winner for this school year. We would also like to congratulate the other nominees: Julian Avila, Katarina Cappel, Forrest Chapman, Mai-Yin Clark, Hayate Crone, Mikayla Lawson, Lantz Soto, and Charlie Stratis. Students are nominated and voted on by the entire WPS staff.

Sincerely, Philaip Salemi Superintendent

Westchester Primary School On April 3rd from 4:00-6:00 PM, WPS will be hosting their Kindergarten registration for the 2019-2020 school year. To register for kindergarten this fall, you will need to have the following: 1. Completed New Student Enrollment Packet 2. Official Birth Certificate - A child must be five (5) years old on or before September 1, 2019. 3. State or Government issued photo identification with your name and current address on it. The forms for the required school physical, dental, and vision examinations are


Pictured above: Holden Beedy

School District 14

APRIL 2019

In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, we were fortunate to have the following community members come to our school to read and discuss the works of Dr. Seuss with our children. A wonderful and enriching time was had by all. Pictured above: Westchester School District Finance Manager Dennis Gress, WPS Technology Specialist Christina Thomas, Follett Volunteer Siobhan Conroy, WIS Principal Shawn Barrett, Board Member Mary Pieniazek, Board Member Otis Randle, WIS Media Specialist Sandy Tyminski, Board Member Don Slager, Westchester School District Curriculum Director Kelly Baas, Westchester School District Superintendent Phil Salemi, WIS Reading Specialist Laura Tevere, Westchester School District Special Needs Coordinator Beth Malinski, Board Member Bryan Voegtle, and Westchester Fire Chief James Adams. Not Pictured: Westchester Police Chief Steven Stelter. Thank you Follett for supporting Westchester Primary School’s Dr. Seuss week! The students enjoyed the books that were donated and their volunteers who helped the students create Oobleck was absolutely amazing! The Westchester Primary School second graders did a month long study on habitats. Their focus was on researching information about where the habitat is found, the plants and animals located in the habitat and 3 interesting facts about the habitat. The students used read alouds, informational text and student-led research using online sources (i.e. Pepple Go, Brain Pop Jr, and World Book Kids). Each child created a diorama of their habitat chosen and as a culminating project, made a video presenting their newfound knowledge in front of a Green Screen which allowed them to be placed inside their diorama. Westchester Intermediate School We finished taking the Illinois Assessment for Readiness this month. Which is the new name for the PARCC test. All of our students took three tests for math and two for language arts. Even though we don’t get those scores until next fall, it was very important for our students to try their best and demonstrate their skill. We had some great things going on this past month. Our 5th Graders finished up their study of the Revolution with a Colonial Day Celebration including activities from that time period. Fourth grade did great research on people from history and developed presentations to display their biographies. Third grade did some great work learning about measurement by creating graphs measuring beanstalks. Thank you to the WPTC for the amazing support they have provided us. We were able to get some new playground equipment from their generous donations. We had our second trimester celebration as well. We are looking forward to our end of the year events next month and the exciting activities our students will be able to participate in. We have a number of events this month with our Chorus Concert, Fourth Grade Show, and Spring Band Concert. Keep an eye out for the reminders for those events as they get closer. As we approach the last month of school, we will work with all our students to keep them focused on their learning goals so they have strong finish for the school year. This has been a great year for us so far so let’s keep that momentum going. Go Huskies!

Westchester Middle School Congratulations to the following students who have been named Students of the Month at WMS for February. 6th Grade: Olivia Cameron and Sophia Loera. 7th Grade: Anna Connelly and Mckayla Williams. 8th Grade: Isabella Rentas and Ian Figueroa. We celebrate the announcement of our School Citizen of the Year (SCOTY). These 10 individuals were nominated for the award by the WMS staff: Julia Blumhagen, Ian Figueroa, Brian Hereford, Lily Komperda, David Lovera, Isaiah Lusk, Olivia Markey, Maya Perez, Isabella Rentas, and Natalia Sandoval. We congratulate Isabella Rentas on being selected as the SCOTY winner. Isabella is a motivated, bright, and conscientious young woman. Isabella is a hard working student who consistently exceeds expectations. Isabella is respected and admired by all her peers and teachers. Isabella is kind, friendly, empathetic, and she is always willing to help any and all students reach their full potential. Isabella will represent WMS at the West 40 award ceremony in April. Congratulations to our Destination Imagination team who took 1st place at the Regional Tournament. They move on to the State Tournament. Team members include: Max Bell, Fred Blumhagen, Jacob Sanchez, Johnny Sena, Fabian Valdez, Luke Voegtle.

APRIL 2019



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APRIL 2019


Alums shine on stage A lot of talent comes from Westchester Middle School Alumni as the cast of Montini Catholic H.S. production of The Little Mermaid From left to right: Lia Syilagyi, Frankie Caruso, Peyton Bogart, Dale Bacon, Ms. Gildow, Maddie McDowell, Ms. Bylica, Kaitlyn and Julia Donaldson, Angelina Gomez



APRIL 2019

APRIL 2019



APRIL 2019

A few tips to Prepare Your Home for Spring Spring Cleaning...Get rid of clutter and items you haven’t used in a awhile Easy Breathing...Clean vents and replace filters

Leaky Faucets...Check pipes for cracks and water leaks April Showers...Clean gutters and drainage paths to help water drain properly Keep Bugs Away...Check your screens, door thresholds and windows to make sure each fits snugly Turf Show...Aerating the soil to properly distribute nutrients and water

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