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Join the Chamber today
The Westchester 2023 Chamber of Commerce is ready to SPRING into action! New President Laura CatramboneGerace will lead the organization along with Treasurer, Mary Ann Kelley, and Parliamentarian, Pastor Joe Mills. Alongside the officers, newly hired administrative assistant, Nora Griffin, joins the team. The officers and Board of Directors are committed to help promote and grow the businesses in Westchester.
The Westchester Chamber of Commerce has been helping members for over 65 years. Do you want to market your brand for free? This year the Chamber is committed to doing more free advertising in the Westchester Newsletter, through member E-Blasts, and social media. If you are interested in FREE advertisement to help grow and promote the success of your business, networking opportunities, and being involved in community events, join today by calling the President directly at 708-212-4905 or email info@westchesterchamber.org Together we will continue to develop a thriving business community.
• Please join us for our next business networking luncheon on Tuesday, April 25th, at the Village Pub at 8839 Cermak Road at 12:00 p.m. The Westchester Chamber of Commerce and the Village Pub will host a guest speaker on small business benefits. Come meet with business owners for a fabulous networking opportunity! Cost is $20 payable at the door.

complaining about a neighbor’s fence, and you just want to buy some milk, can be a regular occurrence. Phone calls about people parking in front of someone’s house, and why don’t they park in front of their own house complaints seem to always coincide with dinner time. These examples we can laugh about but the list goes on and on. They add up, and they take away a lot of time from your family. The spouses of your elected leaders often are overlooked and never recognized, however without them, we would fail. Balance is something I have always struggled with. Work has always been life. Family has helped to teach me otherwise. Our daughters are only five and six. Time is something I am looking forward to getting back and giving back to them.
Faith Lutheran Worship Schedule
April 2 Palm/Passion Sunday Worship service at 9 a.m. Hope, Healing and Consolation Service 10:05 am (A time to heal and reflect). Join us for prayers to heal our broken hearts, bodies and mind. Though we suffer, we cannot be crushed because Jesus loves us and stands by us. If you need prayers, please come. If you know a friend or family member who needs a healing touch and especially those without Christ, invite them. Bible Study on Prayer at 10:30 Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 6 Maundy (Holy) Service with communion 7 pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 7 Good Friday Tenebrae Service 7 pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 9 Easter Service at 9 a.m. and Bible Study on Prayer at 10:30 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. Reception to follow service.
April 16 Worship Service at 9 am, Bible Study at 10:15 at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 23 Worship Service at 9 am, Bible Study at 10:15 at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 30 Worship Service at 9 am, Bible Study at 10:15 at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.