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Vehicle stickers can be purchased
Vehicle stickers may be purchased at any time throughout the year. They are valid for one year, from May 1 through April 30. Vehicle sticker fees double after April 30.
Residents are reminded that they must purchase a vehicle license for all vehicles housed in Westchester, as well as for all vehicles that are registered through the State of Illinois with a Westchester address. For example, vehicles that may be used at a second residence that are registered to their Westchester address are required to have a Westchester vehicle license.
Residents who own an antique vehicle and have a State of Illinois antique license plate will now be able to purchase an $11 annual village license fee rather than paying the $37 passenger vehicle fee. The Village Board decided vehicles with State of Illinois antique plates are meant to travel infrequently on the streets and should not be required to pay the same fee as regular passenger vehicles that frequently use the Village’s streets.
All vehicles on Pelham St and Gardner Rd an additional “P” Parking Sticker - no additional charge.
Residents are reminded that they must purchase a vehicle sticker for all vehicles housed in Westchester, as well as for all vehicles that are registered through the State of Illinois with a Westchester address.
If you cannot make it during weekday Village Hall hours, we will be open Saturday April 15th and Saturday 29th from 9:00a.m. – 1:00p.m.