Village of Westchester April 2022 Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester From the desk of Acting Village President Nick Steker

APRIL, 2022

At this point in time, we have no update on the St. Joe’s property accept that everybody involved is working towards something that would be an asset to the community and enhance our community. Nothing will be done without community involvement as evidenced by the open meetings, so thank you for your input. The Roosevelt Rd. Development is still in progress working towards a ground breaking. As you may or may not know, the soil in that area north of Roosevelt on Mannheim is marshy land which makes it more difficulty to build on. The Village knew this going in and anticipated the additional costs it would take to develop. It is actually a very interesting engineering project that will have to use casons to build on. We will keep everyone posted as we move forward with phase I of the redevelopment.


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The “fun committee” has met and we have come up with our plans for the year. We are working closely with the Park District and all of the non-profits to have another 4th of July parade. We will most likely start earlier this year at 10:00 a.m. and we estimate to finish about 2:00 but more details to follow. We will also be holding our Westchester Fest August 26, 27 and 28th at the same location on Enterprise Drive. More details to follow, but we’ve already locked in most of the talent and many food vendors. We are also considering a fall fest this year in late September or early October, as well as Farmers markets. We have been working now for over a year on developing some senior programs that include the Senior bus program, snow plowing, lawn maintenance, and events. We’ve held 4 senior outings so far this year, 3 to the Four Winds Casino and an upcoming trip to Drury Lane Theatre. We’ve also implemented a snow shoveling program that was very well received and we are hoping the lawn maintenance program will be the same. When we get into our new Village Hall, there is a 2,500 square foot space dedicated to senior programs and we will invite all senior clubs to utilize the space. Speaking of the new Village Hall, progress is a little slower than we anticipated. We initially hired a General Contractor to do what’s called a design build project and when they came back with the estimates, we were not happy with the numbers.We changed the method of engaging a contractor and when to a“Bid Spec” type of project where we had drawings done by an architect and we sent out an Request for proposal based off the drawings. We were anticipating getting those bids in but we had to extend the bid timeframe due to lack of participation. Once the construction starts, we anticipate it only taking 120 days as we saved approximately 70% of the layout of the main building and the other building is going to be the public works garage. We are as anxious and excited as you to get in our new facility but we want to be prudent with your money and get the best prices possible.

P ark D istrict 2

APRIL 2022

APRIL, 2022


Village branch collection the week of April 4-8th May’s collection will be the week of the 2nd – 6th June’s collection will be the week of the 6th – 10th

Yard waste collection by Waste Management resumed Friday, April 1st Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Village Hall. The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month. (April-November) All brush must be put out on the front parkway by 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 feet in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left. Again, please put ALL brush out on your designated pickup day and Public Works crews will determine what constitutes an open load, which will be picked up later in the week. An open load would include any brush that will not fit through the chipper such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. These must be cut for one man to lift. Dirt must be removed from any root balls for pickup. Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities. Landscapers & tree services are

responsible for their own brush disposal. Please note the following schedule for branch pickup: MONDAY: From Mannheim Road west to Wolf Road and from Canterbury south to Windsor-including both sides of Windsor Drive. Also Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord. TUESDAY: Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. WEDNESDAY: From Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn. THURSDAY: From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street. Remember… Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled & no more than 4 feet in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week. Waste Management – 1-800-796-9696 • If your garbage or recycling was not picked up on your regular day, please call Waste Management directly. • If you would like to request a new garbage or recycling receptacle, please call Waste Management directly. • If you have large items that will not

fit in you receptacle (i.e. couch, chairs, tables, etc.,) please call Waste Management directly and request a special collection. The Waste Management’s “At Your Door Special Collection” service will pick up unwanted-potentially hazardous and hard-to-recycle items from your home. That number is 1-800-449-7587. The full list of items may be found at

restrictions will go into effect. Please look at the signs, or check the Village website, so you don’t receive a ticket!!

50/50 Shared Cost Parkway Tree Program The Village offers a 50/50 shared cost program that includes the purchase and planting of a new parkway tree. Residents who have registered will be sent a list of trees indigenous to the area to choose from, as well as pictures and a general description. The first round of planting will be in Spring 2022. Please call Public Works at 708.345.0041 to register.

3. The vac and jet machine will be cleaning out storm sewer inlets, as weather permits. With rainy weather around the corner, please help us to keep the storm drains clear of debris, little by little, so they don’t become a huge issue resulting in flooding.

50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk Replacement Program The village offers a 50/50 shared cost program sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front and/or on the side of your residence is in poor condition, and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you. Please call Public Works at 708.345.0041 to register for squares. Also of note… 1. As of April 1st snow parking restrictions are lifted and street maintenance parking


2. The Public Works Department will be repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations, and snow plow damage, weather permitting. Stump grinding will also take place for those whom have had trees removed.

4. Tree trimming by Sinnott Tree Service will continue this month. Construction Notices have been sent out to residents affected on Boeger Ave between Canterbury St & Roosevelt Rd, as well as on Hawthorne Ave between Dorchester & Canterbury St. Everyone is strongly reminded to obey all notices and posted signs to avoid ticketing, towing, and damage to vehicles.

As always, residents are asked to call Public Works at 708.345.0041 or the Police (after 3:30pm M-F & on weekends) if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.

WESTCHESTER COMMUNITY CHURCH • Westchester Community Church Crafter will hold a Spring Craft/Rummage Sale on Saturday, April 30th from 9am - 2pm. This event will be held in the Field Fellowship Hall, 1840 Westchester Blvd., Westchester. Features homemade crafts, raffle prizes, vendors and outside crafters. Crafts for sale include: Vintage Buttons, Disney collectables, cosmetic bags, recycled bags, greeting cards, doll clothes, masks, fleece blankets, beanie babies, angel ornaments and house plants, etc. Admission is Free. If you are interested in having a table of your own at the sale, contact the church office, 708-865-1282. • Westchester Community Church Music Board Presents!! Dueling Pianos fundraiser event Friday, May 13th doors open at 6:30 pm. Event starts at 7:00 pm. It is a 21+ Event BYOB and snacks in Field Fellowship Hall, 1840 Westchester Blvd., Westchester Cost is $20—Featuring Raffle and Split the Pot. You will not want to miss the “Faceoff of the year: Tim Gant vs Simon Tiffin”. We are raising monies to enhance our music program and to put air conditioning in our sanctuary. For tickets contact the church office, 708-865-1282.

P ol i c e D e pa rt me n t 4

APRIL 2022

Tips to prevent you from being a carjacking victim Being I have served so many years protecting people in so many different capacities I have become accustomed to always preparing my mind on what to do if something seriously happens in front of me, which may create a life and death situation for me, or others. Now everyone has his or her own levels of survival skills from screaming, crying, running away, or driving away, or fighting like hell. However, the best thing you can do to survive is to be mentally prepared long before something may ever possibly come to be. Always, have a plan worked out in your mind how far are you willing to go on any type of situation such as a carjacking, or arm robbery. Simple things to think of is locking your car doors and not exiting your car and driving safely to an area with great lighting and other people present. Be careful how you park preventing being boxed in by offending vehicles and limiting your escape routes to safety. Keep your phone in your pocket and not in your purse, or handbag. Use ATM machines located in well-traveled areas or located inside an open business. Always check your surroundings before withdrawing your cash especially as you walk away. Be careful of individuals that will bump your vehicle with their vehicle to get you to exit your vehicle. They may take your car, or force you to go with them to take out money from your bank. Stay in your vehicle until the police come on scene if you feel unsafe and uncomfortable. If you have any doubt pull over to the next available business and call 911 advising them that you where just involved in an accident. Always try to avoid verbal/ physical confrontations and keep important items like cash and credit cards in a smaller wallet in your pocket and not in your purse, which they will most likely take with them. Always try to remember all that you can regarding the offenders license plates, make of vehicle, clothing and any other physical descriptions like tattoos. Always remember let carjackers know if you have children in the car and get them out first. Always run away to safety and contact police so they can get to your location fast. Always remember that your safety, life and love ones are the priority and not the personal items that could be always replaced in time. Always try to stay calm so the offender(s) and situation remains calm! Chief Daniel Babich

POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 6:37am on February 17, 2022 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 1300 block of Mandel. The resident reported that unknown person(s) entered their vehicle sometime during the previous evening. Video obtained from the front of the residence is being reviewed. 2) At 1:40pm on February 20, 2022 a Criminal Damage to Property was reported at Kitchner and Norfolk. Officers observed a sign that was vandalized by graffiti. 3) At 12:20pm on February 23, 2022 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 1500 block of Balmoral Ave. The resident reported that unknown person(s) appeared to have entered the vehicle sometime during the previous evening. 4) At 7:32pm on March 2, 2022 a Retail Theft was reported at the Jewel Foods located at 2128

Mannheim Road. A subject was observed exiting the store without paying for merchandise and was stopped by police. Subject was arrested for theft. 5) At 4:50pm on March 9, 2022 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported at the Highlands Golf Club located at 2 Bluebird Trail. The club manager advised while reviewing security footage he observed two subjects that had entered multiple vehicles in the parking lot 4 days earlier. 6) At 3:14pm on March 11, 2022 an Attempted Residential Burglary was reported on the 11100 block of Shelley Street. A resident called advising that two men came to the door to change a water meter and entered the house. The resident contacted the police, at which point both men fled the scene.

APRIL, 2022



APRIL 2022

S couts APRIL 2022

Westchester Girl Scout News TheWestchester Girl Scouts have wrapped a challenging, yet successful cookie season. Between issues with our digital cookie platform and supply shortages of the new and very popular Adventureful cookie, we managed to sell more than ever. We thank all our Westchester neighbors for coming out and supporting us. It was great meeting all of you! We especially wish to thank Paul’s Pizza for always being so supportive of our local troops and allowing us to sell in front of his business and letting the girls come in to warm up. Recently the troops celebrated World Thinking Day and the 150th Birthday of Girl Scouts. World Thinking Day is celebrated by all Girl Scout and Girl Guide Troops around the world in late February. The goal is for girls to think about global issues and to think and act on ways to solve these problems. This year’s issue to solve is addressing climate change. March 12th marked the 150th anniversary of the first Girl Scout meeting held by Juliette Gordon Low. To celebrate and live by the tenets of the girl scout law which includes making the world a better place; Brownie Troop 47147 made ‘birthday in a bag’ kits for the Westchester Food Pantry. The bags donated included cake mix, frosting, candles and anything else a client may need to celebrate a birthday.



APRIL 2022

APRIL 2022


Join the City Nature Challenge April 29 to May 2 and share your nature observations Whether you look for wildflowers in the forest preserves, bird-watch at the Wolf Road Prairie, or wonder what type of butterfly flew past as you walked through the park, you might have the makings of a citizen scientist! You can share those nature sightings in this year’s City Nature Challenge, from April 29 to May 2. Sponsored by iNaturalist, one of the world’s most popular nature apps, the event invites participants to share their observations of wild plants and animals in their communities. Started in 2016, the City Nature Challenge (CNC) has grown into an international event, motivating people around the world to find and document wildlife in their cities. The annual four-day bioblitz encourages nature lovers in cities around the world to see which city can gather the most observations of nature, find the most species, and engage the most people in the event, while working collaboratively. Your nature sightings will become data that helps scientists, researchers and land managers better understand and protect nature for all of us. Why participate in the City Nature Challenge? There is nature all around us, even in our cities! Knowing what species are in our city and where they are helps us study and protect them, but the ONLY way to do that is by all of us – scientists, land managers, and the community – working together to find and document the nature in our area. By participating in the City Nature Challenge, not only do you learn more about your local nature, but you can also make your city a better place – for you and other species!


APRIL 2022


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S chool D istrict APRIL 2022


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S eniors APRIL 2022


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APRIL 2022

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