Village of
Westchester APRIL
Covid-19 - How has it affected the Village of Westchester
The Village of Westchester, like the rest of the country, has had to learn to adapt to the Coronavirus that has affected everyone. We have been in constant contact with local, state and federal officials in order to combat this virus and stop the spread of it. Village hall has been closed to the public for several weeks now and we are learning to adapt, learning to use technology to conduct meetings, conduct day to day business and be there for our residents. The Village will back to normal hours April 6th with some minor changes to various departments. The Building department will have the following procedures for operations: Scheduling Information: Permit Applications: Just about all permits can be downloaded via our website and filled out. You can scan and email applications with your plans or drop off in the dropbox outside of the building department until April 6th. Staff will start the review and pricing process and contact you with the information or questions regarding your permit. You can pay your permit online through our website in the bill payment section now as well. Inspections: Please contact the Building Department at 708-345-0199 x 293 to schedule an inspection. If the permit was released, inspections may be requested by calling for an appointment as usual. Interior Inspection Protocol: Building and life safety inspections and for occupied residences/ businesses shall be done only after asking resident or builder if anyone in the structure is sick or has shown any symptoms of the cold or flu, then nobody can be in the same room as the Inspector while they perform their inspection. We will be complying with
all relevant social distancing protocols. Exterior Inspection Protocol: The contractor or resident are not required to be on site for the inspection. If contractor or resident are on site will be complying with all relevant social distancing protocols. Other Important Information A Contractor is responsible for having all village approved plans and related documentation onsite at all times and available for the scheduled inspection. A Contractor is responsible for allowing safe unsecured access to the jobsite for the inspector – if lock or key box is onsite providing access code as necessary. Inspection protocol as outlined above is subject to modifications and changes as the ongoing situation warrants at the discretion of the Village of Westchester. The Village will still be conducting final water meter reads so that people can close on their home purchases. Residents will need to make an appointment to come in and get their original deed’s stamped and pay any final bills before closing. Compliance inspections are temporarily suspended but please call the building department for requirements. The Community Development department is working on plans, along with the Village Board, to come up with some sort of assistance for our small business community who are the most impacted by this pandemic. More information will be posted when finalized and each business will receive a letter regarding explaining any relief the Village can give them. The Board has temporarily suspended the placed for eating tax from March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020 to also help give some relief to our restaurants in town. The Board and I are committed to working together to make sure the residents of Westchester make it through this pandemic. Thank you and stay safe, President Paul Gattuso
APRIL 2020
P olice D e partment APRIL 2020
A Message from Chief Daniel Babich Well as the days finally become longer and the sun is beginning to show through the cloudy days, people are becoming more active and getting ready for spring chores. As police officers and most people whom work at a job for years we wish our lives away, we spend our lives wishing each year go by faster than the last just to hit retirement. Then we hit that benchmark, and we say to ourselves, where did my life go? My point is that we need to live each day as if it was our last, and be thankful when our feet hit the floor every morning, and anything afterwards is a bonus. I have learned the hard way in life, that there are always others that have it worse than me, that when we die, we are not taking anything with us from this life. When all is said and done my final destination is chosen by God. Enjoy life and live life because tomorrow is promised to no one. God Bless The Westchester Police Department will be conducting Vehicle Village Tag sweeps three times throughout the year. The first sweep will be done during the month of May 2020. These sweeps will make sure that we are using a proactive approach to make sure everyone that resides in Westchester is treated fairly, and properly purchases their vehicle tag. If your vehicle plates are registered to the Village of Westchester
you need a Westchester Village Vehicle Tag attached properly in the front right side of your windshield, so officers can see it while making checks, and not just laying on the dashboard. As always if you ever see any questionable activity please contact our police department so we may investigate it, and continue to keep our quality of life.
POLICE BLOTTER 1) 1) At 10:07am on February 22, 2020 a Criminal Damage to Property was reported on the 10400 block of Cermak. The business owner reported that unknown individuals threw numerous eggs at the front window. Surveillance video was being reviewed. 2) At 12:09am on February 25, 2020 a Criminal Damage to Auto was reported on the 1800 block of Boeger. The homeowner reported that someone just damaged the rear window of their vehicle by smashing it with a baseball bat. 3) At 1:33pm on February 25, 2020 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 700 block of Hull. The resident reported that unknown person(s) entered their vehicle and appeared to have emptied the glove compartment and other storage areas. Nothing appeared missing from the vehicle.
4) At 11:15 on February 28, 2020 a Hit and Run was reported on the 1000 block of Bristol. The resident reported that their vehicle had received damaged while parked in the street. A neighbor came forward with video of the incident showing that it occurred the previous evening. 5) At 3:35pm on February 28, 2020 a Criminal Damage to Property was reported on the 1900 block of Balmoral. The vehicle owners advised that they carpool leaving two vehicles parked legally on the street. Upon returning from work, they observed that someone had used a key to scratch 2 of the vehicles parked there. 6) At 7:01pm on February 28, 2020 a Stolen License Plate was reported on the 1400 block of Waverly. The resident reported that one of their license plates was missing. The resident was not sure if it occurred in town or not.
Vehicle stickers will be on sale APRIL 1, 2020 We will be selling 2020 VEHICLE STICKERS starting APRIL 1, 2020 – April 30, 2020 Residences should receive Vehicle renewals thru the mail, please review the applications and if there are any errors please revise. If you should not receive an application please make sure that you NOTE when they are available, please come to the Village Hall at 10300 W. Roosevelt Road 8:30am-5:00pm. We require the Registration for all cars that you will be purchasing Vehicle Stickers, the registration must reflect Westchester address if they do not we cannot issue the sticker. If stickers are purchased after the April 30, 2020 date all fees will be doubled.
F ir e D e pa rt me n t 4
APRIL 2020
APRIL 2020
PUBLIC WORKS Public Works- April 2020 Village branch pickup will resume the week of Monday, April 6-10, 2020 The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month. (April-November) All brush must be put out on the front parkway no later than 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 ‘in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left. Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities. Thursday and Friday are Open Load days for pickup of any brush that will not fit through the chipper, such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. These must be cut for one man to lift. Dirt must be removed from the root
ball for pick-up. Landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pickup and disposal. Please note the following schedule for branch pickup: MONDAY: From Mannheim Road west to Wolf Road and from Canterbury south to Windsor-including both sides of Windsor Drive. Also, Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord.
Street Remember….. Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled no more than 4’ in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week. **************************************** Yard waste pickup by Waste Management will resume Thursday, April 2, 2020
TUESDAY: Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road.
Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Public Works office and the Village Hall.
WEDNESDAY: From Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn. THURSDAY: From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st
Parkway Restoration: The Public Works Department will begin repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting. Pothole Repair The Public Works Department continues to fill potholes throughout
the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report potholes. Possible Water Main Breaks/Leaks Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after hours at 708-345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention. 50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk Replacement Program The Village offers a shared cost sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front of your residence is in poor condition and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you. Please call Public Works at 708345-0041 for more information or to register.
APRIL 2020
APRIL 2020
Dr. Seuss Celebration at WPS was a success The kids were able to play 7 different games and we were able to send home 94 books to our winners! Again, thank you to all of parent/guardian volunteers. For this event we also had a few Follett employees that also came to help out for the day. Beginning of March, we had our WIS Celebration where we came in at lunch for each grade and the kids were able to play Bingo. The kids were very excited to play. At WPS, our Spring Book Fair will be
March 31st thru April 2nd. During this time, we will have our annual Mom and Muffins morning on Thursday, April 2nd. We are in the planning stages of our year end activities. We still have our upcoming WIS Scholastic Book Fair along with Moms and Muffins coming May 5th – 7th with Moms and Muffins on May 7th. May will be a busy month and we will be looking for volunteers to help out with all of our activities. We will are also currently working on
our committee lists for the next school year. We will have a couple of new committees as well, we will be sharing all of this great news with everyone at our meeting. As well as look for volunteers to sign up so that we can begin working on our plans after June! Our upcoming restaurant fundraisers for April are Panera on April 9th and Mattone’s on April 16th and then Paul’s on April 26th. Take a break from cooking and help
support the WPTC so that we can continue to provide all of these fun events for the kids. Please continue to check our website for updates: Our Facebook page is a great place to visit to stay up to date with activities. You are always welcome to contact any of the WPTC Board members at with any questions, concerns or feedback that you may have.
APRIL 2020
CALENDAR Divine Providence
Every Friday during the school year.
Every Friday during the school year.
Divine Infan Senior Club
Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
Our next meeting will be on Wednesday – April 1, 2020 Doors open at 12:30PM Police Chief Dan Babich and Fire Chief Jim Adams – guest speakers We will be selling tickets to our Mother’s Day/Father’s day lunch, Which will be at Q’s Restaurant in Hillside, IL - Wednesday 6, 2020 at 12 Noon (Members Only) Tickets are $ 15.00 - Join us for an afternoon of information and friendship
All are Welcome Here Westchester Community Church – 1840 Westchester Blvd Palm Sunday Worship – April 5 – 10am Maundy Thursday Worship – April 9-7pm Good Friday – April 10 – 10am – 1pm Sanctuary open for reflection Fish Fry – 4:30-7:00pm – 7:30 Worship Service Easter Worship – April 12 - Sunrise Worship 8:00am – Easter Worship Service 10:00am
April 1st Wednesday Lenten Service Noon (Morning Prayer Service) at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. April 1- “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church
April 3 - AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
April 5 Palm/Passion Sunday Worship service at 9 a.m. Hope, Healing and Consolation Service 10:05 am (A time to heal and reflect) Join us for prayers to heal our broken hearts, bodies and mind. Though we suffer, we cannot be crushed because Jesus loves us and stands by us. If you need prayers, please come. If you know a friend or family member who needs a healing touch and especially those without Christ, invite them. and Bible Study on Liturgy at
April 5 – Palm Sunday Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , Communion will be served. All Are Welcome!
April 5- Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church April 8 - “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside 708-562-3040 – Westchester Bible Church
April 12 Easter Service at 9 a.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd. Reception to follow service.
April 12 –Easter Worship Service, 8 am & 10am. Communion and special music. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome
April 12 - Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church
April 9 Maundy (Holy) Service with communion 7 pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 15 “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church
April 9 – Maundy Thursday Worship Service of Tenebrae, 7 pm, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , Communion will be served. All Are Welcome!
April 17 -AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm,
April 9: Stock & Bond Investing with Tim Lambert 7:00 PM at Library. Registration requested.
April 19 Worship Service at 9 am at Faith Lutheran Church, Bible study on Liturgy at 10:30 1124 Westchester Blvd.
Contact Adult Dept at (708) 562-3573.
April 19 –Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome!
April 10 Good Friday Tenebrae Service 7 pm at Faith Lutheran Church, 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 10 – Good Friday Reflections 10am – 1:00 pm, Sanctuary open for personal prayers and meditation. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , All Are Welcome!
April 10 – WCC Fish and Chicken Fry, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Fish, Chicken (fried or rotisserie), and Shrimp will be served. All dinners include choice of 2 sides, bread, condiments, dessert and beverage – all for $11. Tickets at the door. All are Welcome! 708/865-1282.
April 10 - AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm,
Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
April 19 - Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church April 22 - “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 – Westchester Bible Church April 23: Un-American – The Incarceration of Japanese-Americans During World War II with Richard Cahan 7:00 PM at Library. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept at (708) 562-3573.
April 24- AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm,
April 26 Worship Service at 9 am at Faith Lutheran Church, Bible study on Liturgy at 10:30 1124 Westchester Blvd.
April 26 - Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 All Are Welcome!
April 26 –WCC’s 4th Annual Fellowship Music Extravaganza, 3:30 pm, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome!
April 26 - Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church April 29 - “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church May 1- AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 May 3 - Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church May 6- “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church May 10- Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church May 13 - “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church
S chool D i strict APRIL 2020 9
S ch o o l D ist r i ct 10
APRIL 2020
St. Joseph APRIL 2020 11
St. Joseph 12
APRIL 2020
APRIL 2020 13
Building Department’s New Home Well, we are now situated in the new home of the Building Department on the East side of the Bldg. across the street from the post office. All Bldg. matters will be conducted at this location and the hours are 8:30 5:00 Mon – Fri. but are currently being evaluated for adjustment. We are ready to help in all your Bldg. and Permit needs along with any compliance issues you may have as well.
APRIL 3 and APRIL 5 Join us on the deck of the Prairie House to observe the daring flight of the male Woodcock as he competes with other males trying to impress the watching females. Wolf Road Prairie is one of the few places in Cook County where this courtship can still be seen. Free event, starts at dusk. 11225 Constitution Dr., 708-354-5512,
AARP driver safety course This course is intended to help drivers live more independently as they age and remain safe on today’s roads. Since the program’s inception in 1979, more than 14 million participants have completed the course. More than 6,000 AARP-trained volunteers conduct our classroom course each year. The AARP Smart Driver Course covers defensive driving techniques and the normal changes in vision, hearing, and reactions time associated with aging. The course also provides practical techniques for adjusting to these changes to ensure the driver’s own safety and that of others on the road. During the course, participants learn about current rules of the road and how to operate their vehicles more safely in today’s increasingly challenging driving environment. Topics include: • Maintaining proper following distance • Minimizing dangerous blind spots • Limiting driver distractions such as eating, drinking and conversation • Properly using modern car features • Effects of medications on driving • Maintaining physical flexibility • Monitoring the driving skills and capabilities of yourself and others. Participant Cost: Members of AARP - $15 Non-Members of AARP - $20 There are 2 classes scheduled for 2020. Please call Village Hall to schedule yourself into a class. Both days of the class are required for completion. Classes run 9am to 1pm on both days. Food and beverages are NOT provided. April 21 & 22, 2020 (Tuesday & Wednesday) June 15 & 16, 2020 (Monday & Tuesday) Class Instructor: Richard Josd Location: Village Hall Community Room (entrance on east side of building) 10300 Roosevelt Rd Westchester, IL 60154 Register by calling Village Hall at 708-345-0020
COVID-19 14
APRIL 2020
NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT As many residents are aware, the Village recently entered into an agreement with Kane, McKenna and Associates, Inc. to study the eligibility of a Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district along Roosevelt Road and the St Joseph High School Site near Cermak Road and Oxford Street. As we adopt the two TIF districts, the future land use map and our stated goals in the TIF eligibility studies need to match each other. The Village needs to revise the future land use map to be consistent with our stated redevelopment goals. The Village’s Plan & Zoning Commission will be holding a public hearing on Monday, April 27, 2020 at 7 pm in the Village Board Room of Village Hall (10300 Roosevelt Road) to discuss the map amendment. The public is invited to attend the meeting. Choose Westchester Businesses First Did you know that all the businesses that hold a current business license are listed on the Village’s website? You can search for businesses by name or by category. Just go to under the business tab choose “Local Businesses”. Are you a business owner in the Community and don’t see your business listed? Give us a call 708-345-0199 or email at and we’ll make sure to include you.
APRIL 2020
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APRIL 2020