P arK D iStrict 2 AUGUST 2022 S E R D O N ' T M I S S O U T - S T A Y C O N N E C T E D @ W P D P A R K S @ W P D P A R K S W W W . W P D P A R K S . O R G @ W P D P A R K PS * c o m b i n e d e v e n t w i t h t h e BACK TO SCHOOL BASH EDNESD YS IN UGUST M F IR P RK SOFTB LL FIELD / E ST 7:00 9:00 PM e r i e sONUS: 6:10pm (40 min S) alsa Lesson session provided Mby onique Maldonado s poonnssoor e by : ommissioner Daniel Maldonado u m m e r 0 2 2

3. The vac and jet machine will be cleaning out storm sewer inlets, as weather and scheduling permits. Please help us to keep the storm drains clear of debris, little by little, so they don’t become a huge issue and result in flooding.
2. The Public Works Department will continue repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations, and snow plow damage, weather and schedule permitting. Stump grinding will also continue for those who have had trees removed.
• If you have large items that will not fit in you receptacle (i.e. couch, chairs, tables, etc.,) please call Waste Management directly and request a special collection. The Waste Management’s “At Your Door Special Collection” service will pick up unwanted-potentially hazardous and hard-to-recycle items from your home, including electronics.Thatnumber is 1-800-449-7587. The full list of items may be found at
MONDAY : From Mannheim Road west to Wolf Road and from Canterbury south to Windsorincluding both sides of Windsor Drive. Also Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord.
We have water use restrictions in effect every year, May 15-September 15, from 12pm to 6pm. This includes: (1) Outdoor Watering (2) Cleaning Outdoor Surfaces (3) Cleaning Buildings (4) Pool Filling Sprinkling during unrestricted hours (before noon, after 6pm) shall be allowed on even numbered days for residents with even numbered addresses, and on odd numbered days for residents with odd numbered addresses. If we have a dry summer, further restrictions may be necessary.
4. If you are interested in hosting a block party, please fill out a permit application.Construction Notices & Signs are all around the village. Please read notices if you receive them, and remember to obey all signs, permanent or temporary.
2022 Micro-Surfacing DELAYED Due to the ongoing local 150 strike, the intended August start of MicroSurfacing in the Village has been delayed, until further notice. Also of note…
Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled & no more than 4 feet in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week.
TUESDAY : Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road.
1. Street maintenance parking restrictions are still in effect. Please look at the signs on your street so you don’t receive a ticket!!
There will be no garbage collection on Monday, September 5th Monday’s collection will be Tuesday, September 6th Tuesday’s collection will be Wednesday, September 7th Thursday’s and Friday’s collection will remain the same- no change.
Sprinkling Ban Reminder
• If your garbage or recycling was not picked up on your regular day, please call Waste Management directly.
THURSDAY : From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street.Remember…
WEDNESDAY : From Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn.
Waste Management – 1-800-7969696
As always, residents are asked to call Public Works at 708.345.0041 or the Police (after 3:30pm M-F & on weekends) if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.
• If you would like to request a new garbage or recycling receptacle, please call Waste Management directly.
AUGUST 2022 3 Village branch collection the week of August 1st – 5th September’s collection will be the week of the 12th – 16th October’s collection will be the week of the 3rd – 7th Yard waste collection by Waste Management will be on your regular garbage day every week. Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Village Hall. The Public Works Department will collect branches the first full week of every month (April-November). All brush must be put out on the front parkway by 7am on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 feet in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left.Again, please put ALL brush out on your designated pickup day and Public Works crews will determine what constitutes an open load, which will be picked up later in the week, usually Friday. An open load would include any brush that will not fit through the chipper such as logs, stumps, and larger limbs. These all must be cut for one man to lift. Dirt must also be removed from any root balls for collection.PublicWorks Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workloadLandscapersresponsibilities.&treeservices are responsible for their own debris disposal.Pleasenote the following schedule for branch pickup:

2)Pool.At 11:28pm on June 25, 2022 a Theft was reported at the Jewel Foods located at 2128 Mannheim Road. An employee stated that indi viduals were entering and exiting the store with large amounts of liquor without paying. Security video is be ing reviewed.
P olice D e P artment 4 AUGUST 2022
Please make every attempt to keep your vehicles up to code and report any vehicles to the police department if you see vehicles unattended, broken down, or in
7) At 12:51pm on July 17, 2022 a Theft was reported on the 1600 block of Mannheim Road. The resi dent reported that a package that was delivered, valued at $261, was taken from the front porch.
5) At 12:53pm on July 7, 2022 a Retail Theft was reported at the Walgreens located at 10356 Roosevelt Road. The store employees advised that 2 subjects left the store without paying for $476.00 in merchandise. Security footage and fingerprints were collected from the scene.
4) At 8:49pm on July 3, 2022 a Criminal Damage to Property was reported on the 1800 block of Hull.
Police Department looking for abandoned vehicles
3) At 6:53pm on June 26, 2022 a Theft of Motor Vehicle parts was reported on the 10000 block of Roosevelt Road. An employee of a business in the area reported that their catalytic converter was taken off their vehicle sometime during the day. Security footage of the parking lot was being reviewed.
1) At 6:02pm on June 15, 2022 a Theft Report was taken on the 700 block of Norfolk. The resident reported that their child’s cell phone was taken while at the Park District
The Westchester Police Department is in the process of canvassing our entire village boundaries and alleyways looking for abandoned vehicles that are in a state of disrepair. We have received many complaints lately regarding vehicles abandoned with expired plates, flat tires, no current vehicle tags, vehicles with missing parts, creating an unwanted look of a salvage yard especially on private property. If you have an abandoned vehicle on private property you will be served a certified letter through the police department to get the vehicle fixed and in full compliance within seven days, or the vehicle could be towed from the property by village ordinance 7.60.030
6) At 9:19am on July 14, 2022 a Bur glary was reported on the 900 block of Norfolk. A resident reported that their house was burglarized. Pry marks and a damaged lock was observed on the sliding window.
“Junk Vehicles Declared a Nuisance.”
The resident reported that a group of juveniles were observed damaging the front door glass.

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• Note: Your homeowners’ association cannot block you from going solar in Illinois For more information, contact Elizabeth “Liz” Wiseman-Chase at ewchase@ westchester-il.orgAsarenewablesource of power, solar has an important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change, which is critical to protecting humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Solar energy can also improve air quality and reduce water use from energy production.
This is also the third year that a group purchasing program, Grow Solar Chicagoland, is being offered by the partnership of non-profit organizations, Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) and Citizens Utility Board (CUB).
A Look at Solar Energy Incentives
14 AUGUST 2022 GroW
Incentives that would apply regardless of the vendor you select are:
By: Elizabeth Wiseman-Chase, GROW CommissionerSolarenergyaccounted for 46% of all new electric energy generating capacity additions in 2021, more than any other energy source for the third year in a row! At this time of increasing energy costs, you may have given some thought to placing solar panels on your home or business. Costs of solar panels have come down, and this year there are incentives that can reduce your total cost by as much as 60%.
• Utility Net Metering credits (help you pay back your system faster)
It is estimated that, depending upon the number of group buy participants, a 6.5 kW system will provide you with a rebate of $325 - $975. The program is open to those living in Cook, Will, DuPage & Kane Counties. The GROW Commission will be co-hosting Solar Power Hour educational sessions on the basics of solar, its financial implications for a household, and how the solar group buy program works on Saturday, August 27th and Sunday, August 28th @ 9:00 am at the Westchester Village Hall. After attending one of the sessions, you will have the opportunity to get a free no-obligation site assessment from the installer vetted and selected by MREA. Participants will have until September 30, 2022, to decide whether to go solar through the program or may utilize the information provided to prepare for negotiating a purchase on their own.
• State Solar Renewable Energy Credits (SRECs) – can cover around 30% of cost • 26% Federal Tax Credit (will drop to 22% in 2023, and slated to go away in 2024)
• The Illinois Solar for All program (provides assistance to households with earnings below 80% of the area medium income)

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