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Westchester JULY 2010 Newsletter From the Desk of The President
8 Mayor Pulia congratulates Jim McNally on his appointment to the Fire and Police Commission.
The 4th of July is more than just another day in the month of July. July 4th is a National Holiday celebrated by the United States of America. The significance of July 4th 1776 is that it is the date on which the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. That document legally separated the American Colonies from the Kingdom of Great Britain. The 13 original colonies went to war (the Revolutionary War), which lasted until 1783.The basis of that war was that the colonists rejected the legitimacy of the Parliament of Great Britain to govern them without any representation. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris being signed and the recognition of the sovereignty of the United States over territory bounded by Canada, Florida, and the Mississippi
River. The casualty figure for this war is estimated at 50,000. Many of the freedoms we now enjoy are due to the tenacity of our forefathers to stand up for what they believed was the right thing to do. Our forefathers forged ahead through numerous setbacks, even when the easier thing to do would have been to just quit. Our forefathers provided us with the foundation necessary so that we are able to live in the best country on earth. Our government was founded on the common person’s ability to have a voice even if that voice is a voice of one. And even though we may become frustrated with the process at times, at least each and every one of us has a voice that can be heard. The United States of America has become the melting pot for the world. The mix of immigrants from
other countries with different cultures had made us the most diverse nation in the world. Although we are not a perfect society, at the end of the day I believe none of us would choose to live anywhere else. So as we celebrate this very historic day with our barbeques, firework displays and even our own 4th of July Parade, please take a few moments to reflect on the risks our forefather’s took and what they sacrificed in order to make our America the land of the free and the brave. Please join us in Celebrating Westchester’s tribute to Independence Day on Monday July 5th at 9:30 am as the Westchester Chamber of Commerce kicks off their annual 4th of July Parade that will end with food and soft drinks, and an All Star Baseball Game at the Westchester Park District grounds at Community Park.