Village of
Westchester JUNE 2010 Newsletter
From the Desk of The President PRESIDENT’S LETTER
Community Calendar
News from District 92½
Lauren Wajda, 8th grade, poses with President Pulia after the May 11, 2010 Board Meeting for Divine Infant School Government Day.
Water Quality report
Construction news
Board Profile: Neil G. Boyle
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Summer is nearly upon us and it appears we have survived the Spring Showers . . . at least for now. For several weeks in May the rain kept coming. That, combined with the “whirly bird “ seeds dropping from the maple trees, and the high winds that broke off some tree limbs, our Public Works Department had their hands full cleaning and vacuuming the storm sewer inlets located at the curbs. As I drove around town with my trusty rake the morning of May 13th cleaning some of the sewers myself, I also saw our residents doing the same. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our residents who take time to pitch in. As I travel the neighborhood I also see residents sweeping the street in front of their homes as well as those of their neighbors, cutting their lawns, and tending to their gardens and homes. Thanks to all of you for keeping WESTCHESTER BEAUTIFUL. And a special thanks to those of you who also lend a helping hand to your neighbors.
WESTCHESTER CLEAN UP DAY . . . A SUCCESS I would like to thank Carl Celestino, the Westchester Image Council, and all of the volunteers who helped with their Clean Up Day held May 1st. Crews were sent to several locations in the village where they removed leaves, paper, bottles, and weeds. Additionally, I would like to thank the Cook County Sheriff’s S.W.A.P. program for sending a crew of 11 people to lend a helping hand. Last, but not least, a special thanks to our Public Works Department who assisted all of us on that day. We couldn’t have done it without you. A SMOOTHER RIDE IS ON THE HORIZON As many of you may have noticed, the rain has delayed, and at times played havoc on, the re-paving of Westchester Blvd, 31st Street, and the Gardner Road project. Hopefully, by the time you read this some of these projects will be near completion. Our Project Manager, Hope Garrett, is keeping a watchful eye on the construction and will keep us all informed of the construction timeline.