Village of
Westchester JANUARY
P ar k D i st r ic t 2
P olice D e partment JANUARY 2020
A Message from the Police Chief – Steven Stelter Well can you believe it, we are already into 2020. My hope is that 2020 is a better year for each of you than 2019 was. I just want to remind everyone that the men and women of the Westchester Police Department are dedicated individuals who work very hard in providing the best possible service for you, and I want to personally thank the citizens of this community for their support through the shaking of hands, cards, baked goods and e-mails received throughout the year. It is truly appreciated and we will continue to go out every day regardless of what the circumstances and serve and protect those in this community. ___________________________________ ** REMINDER ** Crime Cameras – A Community Camera Partnership Do you have a home surveillance camera system on the exterior of your home? If you do, the Westchester Police Department is looking for your help. The Police Department is asking any resident or business owner to register their privately owned surveillance camera system in order to assist in solving crime when it occurs. If a crime occurs in the vicinity of a registered camera, an investigator from the Westchester Police Department may contact the registered owner and ask to review and/or copy the recorded footage relevant to the date and time of the incident. This program is completely voluntary, and any one registered may remove themselves from it at any time and for any reason. If you are interested in registering you
home video system, please visit the Village website under the Police Department and click on the link to the left marked Camera Partnership. ___________________________________ Parking Regulations – Snow Removal The snow has already fallen and parking enforcement is in full swing. I would like to remind everyone that after a snowfall of 2 inches or more to be mindful of the parking restrictions the Village has in place. It is imperative everyone follows these laws in order for our public works snow plows to clear the streets as best as they can. It is also important to know the difference between a “snow emergency route” and “alternate side of the street parking.” Both of these are spelled out plain and clear on the Village website within the municipal code section. The section numbers are as follows: Snow Emergency Route – 11.30.020 Times / Alternate Side of the Street – 11.32.160 I wish to recognize the following members of the police department for their work anniversaries during the month of January: January 2nd – Officer David Mode 9 years January 3rd – Sgt. Russell Newton 34 years January 3rd – Officer Joseph Rizzo 7 years January 5th – Sgt. Mark Borkovec 24 years January 24th – Detective Jerry Dildine 20 years
POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 4:46pm on November 18, 2019 a Retail Theft was reported at Walgreens. 2 males came into the store and left with over $250 in cosmetics without paying. 2) At 5:26pm on November 20, 2019 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 2100 block of Westchester Blvd. Police officers from another jurisdiction were following 2 suspects wanted for questioning in a burglary when they observed the subjects burglarize a motor vehicle. 2 subjects were apprehended. 3) At 9:46am on November 22, 2019 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported on the 1400 block of Mannheim Road. A resident reported that the rear window on their vehicle was damaged to gain entry to their vehicle and various items valued at $200 was taken. 4) At 3:03pm on November 25, 2019 a Theft was reported at 3054 Wolf Road. A customer of the Goodwill store
was shopping when their purse was lost in the store. A subsequent review of store video observed the purse fall from the shoppers cart and an unknown male finding and leaving the store with the purse shortly after. 5) At 7:42am on December 2, 2019 a Burglary was reported at 2 Westbrook Corporate Center. A business advised that unknown persons made entry to a desk containing money collected during a recent fundraising event. Taken was over $2000 in cash. 6) At 2:11pm on December 5, 2019 a Retail Theft arrest was made at the Jewel Foods located at 2128 Mannheim. Detectives that were on patrol observed a suspicious vehicle moving from various parking spots in the parking lot during a short period of time. Detectives followed the driver who was subsequently arrested for leaving the store with $60 in liquor without paying.
The Recreational Cannabis Act and what it means for you Beginning January 1, 2020, the use of marijuana or cannabis infused products will be legal for individuals 21 years of age or older. A person 21 years or older will be allowed to possess the following: • 30 grams of raw cannabis flower; • Cannabis infused products containing up to 500 milligrams of THC; • 5 grams of cannabis concentrate No person under the age of 21 is allowed to purchase, use, possess, transport, grow, or consume cannabis except where authorized by the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act or the Community College Cannabis Vocational Pilot Program. The Westchester Police Department would like to remind residents that the only lawful place to consume cannabis or cannabis infused products is in your private residence or on your personal private property outside of public view. It is illegal to consume cannabis products or smoke cannabis in a public place. It is also illegal to transport cannabis within a motor vehicle unless the
cannabis is in a sealed, odor-proof, and child resistant container. The Village of Westchester has not approved on-site consumption of cannabis or cannabis infused products in any business or retail tobacco stores, but does allow for cannabis dispensaries in the Village, meeting certain parameters with prior Village approval. It is also illegal to use cannabis or a cannabis infused product in a motor vehicle. The Westchester Police Department urges those individuals wishing to consume cannabis to be smart and not to get behind the wheel and drive impaired or intoxicated. We would also like to remind residents to be respectful of their neighbors while ingesting cannabis or cannabis infused products.
F ir e D e pa rt me n t 4
L ibrary JANUARY 2020
CALENDAR January 2020 Calendar- Mary, Mother of Divine Grace Catholic Parish 1- Mass 8:30am DP, Mass 10am DI New Year’s Day-No School 4:15p NO RE Classes DP Wednesday, January 1: Library closed for New Year’s Day. 2- No School, 8:00 Mass (DI) 3- No School, 8:00 Mass (DI), 9:00 Eucharistic Adoration - DP Ministry Center Westchester Community Church- Fish and Chicken Fry, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Fish, Chicken (fried or rotisserie), and Shrimp will be served. All dinners include choice of 2 sides, bread, condiments, dessert and beverage – all for $11. Tickets at the door. All are Welcome! 708/865-1282. 4- 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 4:00p Mass (DP), 5:00p Mass (DI) 5- 8:30 Mass (DP), 10:00 Mass (DI) Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/8651282 , Communion will be served. All Are Welcome! 6- 8:00 Mass (DP 7- 8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP), 6:30p Liturgy Mtg. - Ministry Center 8- 8:00 Mass (DP), 12:30p Over 50 Club - Ministry Center, 4:15p RE Classes DP 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Church Narthex Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 9- 8:00 Mass (DI), 9:00 Quilters - Ministry Center, 7:00p SVP DI - Rectory Annex DI 10- 8:00 Mass (DI) AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunny-
side, 708-562-3040 11- 8:00 Westchester Blood Program - Mayfair Room, 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 4:00p Mass (DP) - DP Church, 5:00p Mass (DI) Friends of the Library Annual Meeting. 1:00 PM at Library. Meeting segues into program. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept at (708) 562-3573. Chicago Motor Coach Company with author Jack Doyle. 2:00 PM at Library. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept at (708) 562-3573. 12- 8:30 Mass (DP), 10:00 Mass (DI), 11:15 Confirmation Parent Mtg. (DI) Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Coffee Hour to follow worship service. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! 13- 8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 St. Peregrine Devotion 14- Late Arrival 9am, 8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP), 7:00p SVP Mtg (DP) 15- 8:00 Mass (DP), 4:15p RE Classes DP, 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Church Narthex Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 16- 8:00 Mass (DI) 17- 8:00 Mass (DI) AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/8651282 All Are Welcome! 20- MLK Day-No School, 8:00 Mass (DP) 21- 8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP) 22- 8:00 Mass (DP) Holy Hour of Prayer - Ministry Center Chapel 4:15p RE Classes DP 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Church Narthex Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 23- 8:00 Mass (DI), 9:00 Quilters - Ministry Center 24- 8:00 Mass (DI) AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 25- 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 4:00p Mass (DP), 5:00p Mass (DI) 26- Catholic Schools Week, 8:30 Mass (DP), 9:30 Open House – School, 10:00 Mass (DI) Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/8651282. All Are Welcome! 27- 8:00 Mass (DP)
18- 8:00 Mass (DI), 8:30 Confessions (DI), 9:00 Diaconate Meeting DP, 4:00p Mass (DP) 5:00p Mass (DI) Martin Luther King, Jr. Special Event. 2:00 PM at Library. Registration requested. Contact Youth Dept at (708) 562-3573. 19- 8:30 Mass (DP), 10:00 Mass (DI) Westchester Bible Church
28- 8:00 Mass (DP), 8:30 Confessions (DP) 29- 8:00 Mass (DP), 4:15p NO RE Classes DP, 4:30p Tai Chi Chuan - DP Church Narthex Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm
Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 30- 8:00 Mass (DI) 31- 8:00 Mass (DI) AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 February 2 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 February 5 Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 February 7 AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchesgter Community Church - Fish and Chicken Fry, 4:30 – 7:00 pm. Fish, Chicken (fried or rotisserie), and Shrimp will be served. All dinners include choice of 2 sides, bread, condiments, dessert and beverage – all for $11. Tickets at the door. All are Welcome! 708/8651282. February 12 Westchester Bible Church “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:30pm – 8:15pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 February 9 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 February 14 AWANA Register online at Grades K-6, 6:30pm – 8:00pm, Every Friday during the school year. Westchester Bible Church, Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
Street Dedicated to a Remarkable Couple
he weather could not dampen the spirit and love that was present on Saturday, November 30th. The Village President and Board of Trustees approved the dedication of the 1400 block of Newcastle Avenue to Jerry and Irene Spahn. The corner of Newcastle Avenue and Chaucer Street was surrounded by so many family members, friends and neighbors, members of the Chamber of Commerce, President Gattuso, Trustee Perry and Past President Pulia. Village President Gattuso presided over the occasion after a heartfelt speech was given by Tom Spahn, the couple’s eldest son. The ceremony concluded with the new addition to the sign posts on Newcastle
Avenue at both Chaucer and Dickens Streets. Jerry and Irene’s love for Westchester was truly inspiring. They built their home in Westchester in 1954 on Newcastle Avenue, when you could see all the way to Wolf Road. Not only did they make a difference in the lives of their four children, Tom, David, Mary and Barbara, but to many people of Westchester through their hard work and monetary contributions. They were the foundation to so many things in town that we still benefit from today. They were instrumental in building Divine Infant Church with Father Langan, and were even asked to donate the tabernacle that still exists in the church today.
Whether it was sponsoring a Westchester Baseball team or Girls Softball team and numerous Veterans Day Runs, donating for the Veteran Memorial at the Park District, supporting scholarships to St. Joseph’s and IHM, supplying the neighboring food pantries, and donating to so many needy families during the holidays, they were always there to help. They truly believed that real happiness comes from helping others. Jerry was a dedicated Chamber of Commerce member, who honored him with a lifetime membership because of his service to the community. In 1993, the Chamber also named him Person of the Year. He was President of the Rotary Club, whose motto was “Service above Self.” That is how they lived their lives, asking
nothing in return. They were members of Divine Infant’s St. Vincent de Paul, Holy Name Men’s Club, Eucharist Ministers, Women’s Guild, Medical Missions, to name a few. Jerry served his country faithfully in the Army during World War II, while Irene cared for people working for the American Red Cross. The couple was devoted to each other in marriage for 61 years, to their four children and to their six grandchildren, to their parish and to their Church and their town. How appropriate to honor this unforgettable couple that exemplified what it means to be pillars of faith, strength, love and generosity to the Village of Westchester and its residents. Congratulations!
JANUARY 2020 9
PUBLIC WORKS VILLAGE SNOW RESTRICTIONS Public Works crews work hard to keep our streets free of snow and ice during the winter months. Please assist us by observing the following: • Place garbage cans and bins behind the curb line- do not place them in the street • Do not throw or blow snow back in to the cleared streets • Please observe the “ NO PARKING SNOW ROUTE” signs The snow portion of the signs will be enforced only after 2 inches of snow have fallen and will be enforced between December 1st and March 31st. If you reside on a Primary designated SNOW ROUTE, after 2 inches of snowfall you must remove all of the vehicles from the snow route. The cars and trucks must stay off the street until the streets are cleaned thoroughly by the plows by Public Works. If the snowfall is continuing the restriction is in place until Public Works completes the plowing for the day. Please check the signs at the corners of your block. AFTER 2 INCHES OF SNOW, on a
secondary route, there is no parking Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the even numbered house side and no parking Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the odd numbered house side. Please check the signs at the corners and center of your block for guidance. (This includes ALL side streets not designated a Primary snow route) *************************************** The Public Works Department has been filling potholes with cold patch throughout the winter months, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report a pothole. Restoration of parkways that have been damaged by sewer and water excavations and/or snow plow damage will resume next spring, as weather permits. Adopt a Fire Hydrant this Winter Season! Help keep the hydrant clear of snow so that the Fire Department can easily access the hydrant in case of an emergency and so that the snow plows can easily identify the hydrants while plowing snow. As always, Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041
or the police non-emergency number (after hours) at 708-345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in
the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.
Junior Girl Scout Troop 45148 news
Skills today. Success tomorrow. Junior Girl Scout Troop 45148 has been busy skill building and they have a spring schedule that will be jam-packed with badge and Journey work. The troop’s fall activities have included both community work and educational opportunities. The badge program at Double J Riding Club brought them up-close and personal with animals at the farm. Lessons on animal habitats, animal care, pets and farm painting were all part of the day long event. What day at the farm would be complete without a little hard work? Our girls continue to be active at school and in the larger community. The Juniors participated in the WIS Veteran’s Day assembly by assisting in the flag ceremony and sharing special veteran connections. Some of our Juniors also participated in the Scout Food Drive in November. They passed out flyers and canvassed the village to pick up donations before sorting at the church. The Juniors celebrate the holiday season with a decorated tree at the Community Center. Their concept of “Milk and Cookies” included a sash complete with custom badges, milk cartons and deliciously crafted cookies – complete with lots of glitter. Council Girl Scout cookie sales begin January 1. Our Juniors have grown into talented cookie salespeople and they would ALL be happy to help you place an order. Please be on the lookout for Troop 45148 and all the Westchester Girl Scout troops at their upcoming booth sales. We couldn’t do all the wonderful skill building and activities if were not for the support of our community. Here’s to a happy 2020 filled with lots of fun activities for the girls!
St. Joseph JANUARY 2020 11
St. Joseph 12
School District JANUARY 2020 13
Westchester Middle School students win Lions Club Peace Poster Contest For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity. In 2019, the Westchester Lions Club participated in the contest, with children from the Westchester Middle School. This year’s theme is “Journey of Peace.” Club members judged the entries and recently presented prizes to the following students: 1st Prize of $100 was awarded to Josephine Rentas (left frame) with WMS Art Teacher Mrs. Theony Demakis (middle) and Westchester Lions Club member Matt Duff (right). 2nd Prize of $50 was awarded to Kennedy Joe (second frame) 3rd Prize of $25
1st Prize of $100 was awarded to Josephine Rentas (left frame) with WMS Art Teacher Mrs. Theony Demakis (middle) and Westchester Lions Club member Matt Duff (right). 2nd Prize of $50 was awarded to Kennedy Joe (second frame) 3rd Prize of $25 was given to Sue Dionela (third frame). Westchester Lions Club member Matt Duff presented the awards. was given to Sue Dionela (third frame).
Westchester Lions Club member Matt
Duff presented the awards.
Westchester native doing well on and off screen
JANUARY 2020 17
Laura Orrico was born and raised in Westchester where she resided for 17 years before moving to Los Angeles. She has made a name for herself as an actress in television and film. In addition to her successful acting career, she also owns a prestigious public relations firm, Laura Orrico Public Relations, LLC, which is based in Chicago. She and her team represent high-profile clients across the country. During her childhood, Laura spent many days performing her own Saturday Night Live-style skits in her backyard for family. She attributes her strength to her mother, Sandy, who also has a wicked sense of humor! Sandy grew up in Westchester, as well. Laura also credits her sense of humor to her father, who passed away when she was 9. Laura’s grandmother lived in Westchester for over 60 years and, during that time, she and her husband (Laura’s grandfather) helped raise money to build Divine Providence Church. Laura attended Westchester Elementary School, Westchester Middle School, and Immaculate Heart of Mary High School. Laura went to Columbia College Chicago where she earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Television Writing and Producing, with a minor in Acting. Continuing with her love of the entertainment industry - and idolizing the likes of Lucille Ball, John Ritter, Gene Wilder, and Gilda Radner - she began attending classes and performing at The Second City Chicago. She credits
this experience as what led to much of her success. With this, she also began runway and print modeling, as well as appearing in TV commercials. Wanting to take her career to the next level, Laura made the move from Chicago to Los Angeles where she would reside for 12 years. She quickly found success with a variety of films and television shows, with roles on: The King of Queens, That ‘70s Show, and a memorable role as Mia Graham on CBS’s CSI: Miami. She then continued honing her comedic prowess by becoming a series regular on TBS’s Frank TV with Frank Caliendo. Her sense of humor also found fame on the Internet, as her self-produced videos went viral and she was often featured on top notch programming, including Will Ferrell’s Funny or Die. Her most successful Internet sketch was developed by Airplane! director, David Zucker. It starred Laura, who was aged 40 years to play Senator Barbara Boxer, in a video titled “Call Me Senator”. You can still catch Laura making special guest appearances on network TV, like her recent appearance on CBS’s Kevin Can Wait. You can also see Laura in another soonto-be-released Internet spoof by David Zucker and occasionally on Chicago’s WGN Morning News comedy sketches! Gracing headlines, you may recognize her from being featured in publications including: GREY Journal,, Hollywood In Toto, Forbes, mentioned in Vanity Fair, and having appeared on shows such as Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld. She has also been
a regular guest on multiple radio shows across the country and has guest co-hosted with Mancow on WLS and Art “Chat Daddy Sims” on WVON. Laura returned to the west suburbs of Chicago in 2013 to be near family when
her husband, Ryan Cosgrove, became ill. After Ryan’s passing in 2015, Laura made the move to Darien. She spends a lot of her time in Westchester, as her mother, Sandy, still resides in Laura’s childhood home, and some of her extended family lives nearby.
Westchester parents and teachers wish everyone a Happy New Year The WPTC would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! We are looking forward to what 2020 brings to us. Our first WPTC meeting of the year will be on Wednesday, January 6th. The meeting takes place at WIS in the cafeteria and we start at 6:30 pm. We hope to see many of you there. We will having a raffle for anyone that attends. We will pull the lucky winner at the end of the meeting. The kids at WMS had a wonderful time at their Winter Dance. Let us not forget about all the kids at WPS & WIS who had their fun classroom parties on the final day of school before break. What a fun way to end 2019! Our restaurant fundraiser this month will be at Chuck E Cheese on Thursday, January 2nd. This will be from 11 am to 9:00 pm. Something to do with the kids during the break before they go back to school. Then our two-week fundraiser with Nothing Bundt Cake in LaGrange starts on January 27th. These are great treats to order for your upcoming Super
Bowl parties or for Valentine’s Day. You are also able to pre-order/pay at this time and pick up later. So, if you have a birthday, anniversary, communion, etc. party this is a great time to place, pay for your order, and pick up when you need it! We know the kids will be very excited for our next popcorn day, which will take place on Wednesday, January 15th. Please continue to check our Website for Updates www.Wptc. Our Facebook page is also useful to stay up to date with us. You are always welcome to contact any of the WPTC Board members at wptc925@gmail. com with any questions, concerns or feedback that you may have.
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Miracles In Progress hold annual Christmas Party On Friday, December 6, 2019, Miracles In Progress held their Very Merry Disney-Inspired Holiday Party. It was held at the Mayfair Recreational Center. This annual event is designed to celebrate the holidays serving those with brain injuries and other special needs. Families had the opportunity to enjoy dinner, desserts, decorate gingerbread houses, create ornaments, sing along with holiday tunes, meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse and take pictures with Santa Claus. Santa gave each special attendee a gift bag full of great surprises! The MIP holiday party was a huge success again this year! Thank you to Derek & Lisa Gordon & family for sponsoring this event in memory of the late Wilda Gordon. Thank you to Paul & Andrea Gattuso from Paul’s Pizza and Hot Dogs for generously catering our event again this year in memory of the late Joseph K. Woss, who was a dedicated MIP volunteer. Everyone raved about dinner! Thank you to our donors and sponsors: Culvers in Lyons, Martha Santoyo from Avon, Blistex, Incorporated, Paisan’s Pizzeria & Bar, Tony’s Fresh Market, Berwyn, Ty, Inc., Buddy Bear Carwash, Buona Catering, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Chicago Zoological Society/Brookfield Zoo, Ferrara Candy Company, Garrett Brands, Morton Family Dental and the Michels Family. Thank you to Nancy Kosiek for sharing your decorating skills with us! You outdo yourself every year! Thank you to Karen DiStefanoYounan for your expertise. Thank you Megan Strama for our event photography. Thank you Patricia Hylard, Barbara Hylard Akkeron, Rebecca Watson, Mary Murray, Tyler Swenson, Leah Banda, Parker Swenson, Sandy Tapia, Bridget Rowan, Dorothy Ryan, Pat Millett, Cathie Jahaske, Ava Franklin, Frankie Caruso, Mary Lah, Sally Saraceno, Bill Jirek, Nicki Antes, Febie Cabanlit, Sheila Cunningham, Sharon Henk, Steven Saraceno, Tessa Saraceno, Nancy Mihel, Gabby DiBrizzi, Sean O’Hara, Melissa Wojcik, Christian Pacheco, Charlie Wampler, Sarah, Josh and Jackson Fields. Thanks to the Nazareth Academy Baseball Team - You hit a homerun with MIP! Nazareth Baseball Coaches: Lee Milano and Rudy Luna, Players: Jonathon Biel, Billy Brown, Matthew Calderon, Jacob Castanada, Wylder Guido, Justin Gutierrez, Tristan Head, Isa Hernandez, Anthony Milano, Joseph Milano, Gianni Moran, Nico
Milano, Andrew Ortiz, Jack Ryan, Jack Seastrom, Lucas Smith, Ryan Smith and Danny Trujillo. Always a big thank you to Mary Bakas! You do so much for MIP! Thank you to John Watson and Judy Saraceno-Swenson for everything
you do - which is too much to mention. And, this year, Steven Saraceno stepped in for MIP Santa Claus, Bill Buikema who could not attend this year. Steven, we thank you for your love and patience with the extra time needed for our MIP kids who look forward to
seeing Santa every year! Steven always lends a hand with MIP wherever needed. Thank you all! Those who attended had a wonderful evening thanks to all of you!
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The 2019 Holiday Party was held on December 4th and 5th of this year. The event kicked off with the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus by firetruck. Over 400 children took their turn on Santa’s lap and many enjoyed all of the festivities the two day event had to offer.