August 2014 Westchester Illinois Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester AUGUST 2014 Newsletter

From the Desk of The President SUMMER FUN





5 The “Blooze Brothers” with Officer Lo Coco, Chief Carpino, Officer Verber, and CSO Padalik at the BBQ and Blues Block Party.







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Here we are on August 4th and I can’t believe how fast this summer season is flying bye. As I’m writing this article on July 15th, I’m looking back to Memorial Day and wondering “What Happened?” Our newsletter is written 2 weeks before it is delivered which makes it harder to keep you informed in a more timely manner of what occurs after the newsletter’s submission to the printer. Several issues have developed after the July newsletter went to print which are important pieces of information I think you should know.

STREET LIGHT ISSUES One of those issues is the street light outages affecting the area east of Mannheim Road from Cermak Rd. to the I290. On or about June 24th, our area was hit with a torrential rain event with a great amount of lightning. The 2.5 inches of rain that fell that evening caused some flooding issues not only throughout our village but also at the Village Hall as well. Storm water came out through the sanitary sewer in the lobby of the Village Hall, police garage, PW drains,and even down the back stairwell into the kitchen at the Fire Station Number One on Roosevelt

Road. I know some of you experienced basement back-ups as the sewer system became charged (full of water) with no place to go until the system of sewers attached to the MWRD interceptors could accommodate the amount of drainage coming from all of Cook County. To make matters worse, lightning may have struck one of our light poles,or the ground,and sent a spike to the twenty green colored streetlight electrical control boxes located on parkways throughout the east side of town. Unfortunately, when the system was put in many, many years ago, there were no lightning arrestors, like a circuit breaker, inside the control boxes to trip when there was an overload to the system. I personally reported the following Thursday morning , that when checking on my son’s home on Portsmouth, one of the streetlights was out near the alley at Cermak Rd and another annoying one was flashing like a strobe light mid block. Pinner Electric, the Village’s electrical contractor, was contacted and checked a sampling of the

See PRESIDENT, page 5

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