Village of
Westchester July 2015 Newsletter
From the Desk of The President FIRE DEPARTMENT
Mike O’Hagan was sworn in as the Deputy Chief of Police on Tuesday, June 9, 2015. Joining in the celebration were (from left) Sgt. Rich Stieber, President Sam Pulia, Officer Kristina Tountas, Officer Jerry Dildine, Deputy Chief Mike O’Hagan, Sgt. Mark Borkovec, Retired Lt. Kevin Keag, Police Chief John Carpino, Retired Lt. Jeff Mersch and CSO Cody Padalik. Where is Summer?? According to the experts, Summer Solstice begins on June 21st which coincidently is the longest day of the year as far as actual sunlight. For me, Summer has always begun when school let out; usually the first week of June. I may be in the minority but I like my summertime Hot, maybe not that Hot, but somewhere in the mid 80’s without rain for at least the majority of the month. I, like most of you, like to be outdoors attending Bar-B-Q’s, riding bikes without holding an umbrella while the water splashes up my backside. This June weather unfortunately seems like April. The worst rain day so far has to be Monday, June 15th. While sitting at my desk at the Village Hall reviewing data that day, the loud piercing tone and corresponding message at 4:52 pm alerted me that a tornado was approaching from Elmhurst at 25 mph. This did not provide a whole lot of time to react and to take cover and sent a panic message of what do
I do? And how am I going to get the information to residents who have not signed up for the alerts on their phone or electronic devices or more importantly how to alert the population that is as not so in tune with technology. As I got up from the chair, the power to the Village Hall went off for several seconds before our newly installed building generator could kick on. This delayed the power up to our 2 tornado sirens for a brief period of time, which for me seemed like forever. Since the Village Hall was open, staff and residents conducting business were ushered into our inner lobby before being put in our police cell block area that has been deemed the safest place in the building, until the threat had passed. Chief John Carpino led the impromptu tour of our guests and staff to the cell block. With the deluge
See PRESIDENT, page 5