October 2016 Village of Westchester Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester October 2016 Newsletter

From the Desk of The President POLICE DEPARTMENT





7 Fall has arrived! Take time to enjoy the beauty of nature. This scene was captured at the Wolf Road Prairie. Photo courtesy of Fedencio Marbella.





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REFERENDUM QUESTION ON NOVEMBER 8, 2016 BALLOT I am starting off this month with a reprint of an article originally put in September’s newsletter that is of utmost importance to you, our residents, and businesses. We, as the elected officials believe in the Democratic process and believe it is all of our duties to allow you to decide the destiny of the village and the way we receive and spend your hard earned tax dollars. As I had mentioned in prior newsletters, I was NOT in favor of the Home Rule Referendum. Not that the Village could not use the increased revenue, but I did not believe we had a substantive plan on what we were going to tax or where the increased dollars were going to be expended.

associated with that program. We did not have that type of specific program request in place at the time of the Home-Rule referendum. It is my belief that open-ended requests for additional funds is difficult to swallow. As an example, the passage and your approval of the additional 1% Non-Home Rule sales tax in 2014 is right on track collecting the additional $130,000 annually that we are utilizing for infrastructure replacement and repairs.

On the upcoming General Election on November 8, 2016,Westchester residents will see a Referendum Question on the Ballot. The Village Board approved an ordinance at our August 9, 2016 board meeting to submit the following question to you for your In contrast, neighboring Melrose Park, consideration: a Home Rule community by population, SHALL THE LIMITING RATE UNDER THE added a penny gasoline tax that their PROPERTY TAX EXTENSION LIMITATION officials earmarked for the repaving and LAW FOR THE VILLAGE OF WESTCHESTER, reconstruction of a majority of the alleys COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, BE INCREASED throughout their village. The tax collected BY AN ADDITIONAL AMOUNT EQUAL TO from their Costco gas sales, and other gas See PRESIDENT, page 5 stations, is being utilized to pay off the bonds

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