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Village sticker contest winners announced
The Village of Westchester and Westchester Ecological Commission (GROW) would like to congratulate the three winners that participated in the 2023 Village Sticker Contest.
The contest was opened to all students in District 92 1/2 and three were chosen for each age group. We would like to thank are two Judges, Bethany Alexander and Bill Ernst both Westchester Residents who are involved in nature their entire lives. We would also like to thank Dig Right in Landscaping out of
Westchester who donated Target Gift Cards to each of the three winners.
The Winning Entry in the 6th - 8th Grade art was titled: “The Beautiful Summer of Westchester”. The description she gave was, “this shows what summer feels like in Westchester”. It has dogs, butterflies, birds, bees, plants and trees of Westchester.
Congratulations Milena Schoff.
The Winning Entry in the 3rd - 5th grade art was titled: “Nature is Always Beautiful”. The description she gave was, “nature
Village sticker prices
Residents who own an antique vehicle and have a State of Illinois antique license plate will now be able to purchase a $11 annual village license fee rather than paying the $37 passenger vehicle fee. The Village Board decided vehicles with State of Illinois antique plates are meant to travel infrequently on the streets and should not be required to pay the same fee as regular passenger vehicles that frequently use the Village’s streets. Residents are reminded that they must purchase a vehicle license for all vehicles housed in Westchester, as well as for all vehicles that are registered through the State of Illinois with a Westchester address. For example, vehicles that may be used at a second residence that are registered to their Westchester address are required to have a Westchester vehicle license. All vehicles on Pelham St and Gardner Rd an additional “P” Parking Sticker - no additional charge. Commercial Parking $75.00 (one per address) in this artwork is represented by the tree which is very beautiful in every season.
Congratulations Diana Lepak.
The Grand Prize Winner whose drawing will be the 2023 Village of Westchester Village Sticker, his art was titled, “My Friends at the Park”. The Description he gave was, “This is a picture of me and my friends, enjoying the weather and playing in the park.”
Congratulations Sebastian DeGuzman.