March 2021 Village of Westchester Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester MARCH, 2021
















MARCH 2021

P olice D epartment


MARCH 2021


Please always remember to reduce your speed while driving your vehicles on any major roadways, side streets or parking lots. Speeding is the number one major killing factor for vehicle accidents and vehicle deaths throughout the United States of America. As our lives become more stressful and our schedules become more filled with numerous additional tasks. While compounding all this with family demands, our minds begin to wonder as cell phones begin to distract our daily agendas and driving abilities, as we begin to push down on the gas pedal, putting others in danger. We can never turn back time but we surely can change the future by slowing down, leaving earlier, keeping clam, and let your common sense be your guide and not your stress level, making it much safer for all of those whom must walk or drive throughout their daily lives. Sincerely Chief Daniel Babich

POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 12:08pm on January 21, 2021 a Theft was reported on the 800 block of Portsmouth Ave. A resident reported that 2 juveniles were observed taking paver bricks from a yard and were throwing them into the nearby creek. 2) At 3:37pm on February 1, 2021 a Retail Theft was reported at Mariano’s located at 3020 Wolf Road. A female was stopped by employees after taking alcohol from the store without paying. Officers located the subject and her companion in the parking lot. 3) At 4:25pm on February 1, 2021 an Attempted Burglary was reported on the 10300 Block of Canterbury. The resident reported that there were pry marks next to their deadbolt lock that was broken. At this time it does not appear that anything was taken from the home.

4) At 2:43pm on February 2, 2021 a Theft was reported on the 10300 Block of Pelham. The resident reported that the front license plate of their vehicle was taken. 5) At 5:38pm on February 4, 2021 a Retail Theft was reported at 10201 Roosevelt the Dollar General. An employee reported that a subject just ran out of the store after being shown a prepaid cellular phone. 6) At 10:15am on February 7, 2021 a Criminal Damage to Property was reported on the 11100 block of Boeger Ave. The resident reported that unknown person(s) used spray paint on the house and their vehicle. Additionally, the driver’s side rear tire was flattened.


MARCH 2021

MARCH 2021


PUBLIC WORKS Village branch pickup will resume the week of Monday, April 5-9, 2021 Yard waste pickup by Waste Management will begin Thursday, April 1, 2021. Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Village Hall. • The Public Works Department will

begin repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting. The Public Works Department continues to fill potholes throughout the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-3450041 to report potholes.

Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after hours at 708-345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention. 50/50 Shared Cost Sidewalk Replacement Program

The Village offers a shared cost sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front of your residence is in poor condition and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you. Please call Public Works at 708345-0041 for more information or to register.

Prepare for severe weather this spring With spring around the corner, the Village wants to remind residents to be prepared for severe weather. To prepare for severe weather you should do the following: The following are things you can do to protect yourself, your family and your property before severe weather: • Build an Emergency Supply Kit, which includes items like non-perishable food, water, a battery-powered or handcrank radio, extra flashlights and batteries. You may want to prepare a portable kit and keep it in your car in case you are told to evacuate. This kit should also include a pair of goggles and disposable breathing masks for each member of the family. • Make a Family Emergency Plan. Your family may not be together when disaster strikes, so it is important to know how you will contact one another, how you will get back together and what you will do in case of an emergency. • Continually monitor the media – Be aware of storm’s which could impact your area. • Know how you will be warned in an emergency (NOAA Weather radios with a tone alert are a good option). • Know if you live or work in a flood prone area. Check with your local emergency management for details.

• Know where to shelter (ie: basement, interior room/hall, bathroom, closet, etc) if conditions warrant and where shelters in your area are located. • Ensure your home is ready – Elevate items in the basement which could be flooded. Bring in outdoors items such as children’s toys, patio furniture, garbage cans, etc which could be blown around and damaged. Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage. • Know how to shut off utilities, including power, water and gas, to your home. Have proper tools (i.e.: wrench) ready and nearby. • Find out what types of events and kinds of damages are covered by your insurance policy. Keep insurance policies, important documents and other valuables in a safe and secure location. • Keep fire extinguishers on hand and make sure everyone knows how to use them. Information above was prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). For more tips on what to do during and after severe weather, check the FEMA’s website at


MARCH 2021

MARCH 2021

Girl Scouts get creative

This past February, three Westchester Girl Scout troops joined creative forces to bring love and cheer to some of our Westchester neighbors. Junior Troop 45436, Brownie Troop 45933 and Daisy Troop 47147 used their virtual meeting time to make Valentine’s for the residents of Westchester Health and Rehabilitation Center on Wolf Road. Thanks to the work of all three troops, all 87 residents of the center were able to receive a hand-made card on Valentine’s day. One of the key tenets of Girl Scouts is being a good neighbor, this was one way to work towards that goal. On February 22, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides across 150 countries celebrated World Thinking Day. Since 1926, Girl Scouts and the World Association of Girl Guides have observed this day to celebrate what it means to a peacebuilder and recognize what it means to be part of a global sisterhood of Girl Guides and Scouts. Many Girl Scout troops, including the ones mentioned in this article, participated in activities that helped build on their understanding of what peace means and how they can be peacebuilders in their community. In addition, our troops were busy making their cookie sale deliveries in early February. But don’t worry, there is still time to get cookies if you missed out. Watch for troop 47147 in front of Paul’s Pizza on March 6. The girls will have all your favorites on hand, especially Thin Mints and Samoasthe two top selling girl scout cookies. We look forward to meeting our Westchester neighbors at the cookie booths!



MARCH 2021

Junior Girl Scout Troup 45148

The Westchester Junior Girl Scout Troop 45148 has been busy this year! January began our cookie sales that will go thru the end of March. The girls have had to find other ways to sell their cookies and they all have been very creative. We have been utilizing our new digital cookie platform that allows our customers to place their orders online and pay online. Then they have the option of having the cookies shipped or delivered by our girl scouts. We have been very successful by delivering our cookies for porch drop offs so that everyone can remain safe. For our virtual meetings, the girls are currently working on their Drawing Badge. We have found that this is a very fun idea to be able to do online together as a troop in our virtual meetings. We have many talented girls right here in Westchester!

S chool D i strict MARCH 2021


S ch o o l D ist r i ct 10

MARCH 2021

S t . J ose ph MARCH 2021


S t . J o s ep h 12

MARCH 2021

MARCH 2021

WPTC thanks Valentine’s Day volunteers On behalf of the board members of WPTC, we hope everyone is staying safe and all families are healthy. We would like to thank all of the volunteers that we had for our Valentine/Kindness Day Celebration last month at WPS and WIS. It was not our usual classroom parties, but we were able to do a virtual event for the kids! We had our volunteers join the class remotely and read a story to the class. The students at WPS also made cards/ pictures while the students at WIS wrote kindness letters. They were made for local senior citizens that due to the pandemic have not been able to see their families and friends. These are have been shared with the residents at Plymouth Place in LaGrange. Everyone really enjoyed this celebration! We have been continuing our restaurant fundraisers this year, so that we can continue to raise funds for the schools as well as help our local businesses. We worked with two new restaurants this year and we had a great turnout for both! We would like to thank Q’s Restaurant and Pizzeria and Mattone’s Restaurant for giving back to our schools! Please continue to check out Facebook page for other local restaurant fundraisers this year. You can reach the WPTC via email: We are happy to be serving as your WPTC Board and encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Please continue to check our Facebook page and website for any updates. h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / WPTC92.5


L ib r ary 14

MARCH 2021

L ibrary MARCH 2021


Thursday, March 11: Live Irish Folk Music with Gavin Coyle. 7 pm via

Zoom. Registration Required. Adult Dept. for more information at askus@ com/gcoylemusic


Register at tinyrul.


MARCH 2021

Time to check the caulk around your tub and sinks! Leaky sinks mean higher water bills! Replace your furnace filter

for a better air flow. Give the Proviso Handyman office a call to schedule an appointment or to register for our

program 708 547-4001. The Proviso Township Handyman Program serves homeowners over the age of

60 and disabled homeowners who are residents of Proviso Township.

MARCH 2021



MARCH 2021

VEHICLE STICKERS ON SALE 3/1/2021 Beginning March 1st, 2021, Vehicle stickers will be available for purchase online and at the village hall. Renewal forms will be mailed out on MARCH 28, 2021.

By ordinance, each vehicle (including regular passenger vehicles, motorcycles and trucks) registered to an address in Westchester, OR housed in Westchester, are required to display a Westchester Vehicle Sticker.

MARCH 2021



MARCH 2021

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