Village of
Westchester May 2014 Newsletter
From the Desk of The President POLICE DEPARTMENT
6 Chamber of Commerce President Lloyd O’Brien, Tony Manzo, Mike Manzo and President Pulia at Anna’s Place Café ribbon cutting held in early April.
Keep Your Fingers Crossed This is the Chicago area ... if you don’t like the weather just wait a few minutes and it will change! It appears that the roller coaster effect of the weather which has had its ups and downs since January 2014 is continuing. Having 60 degree days in early April, followed by a snow event mid April, just seems implausible. The reality is that we live in Chicago and our motto should be “Every Day is an Adventure.” I guess we should be glad and actually ecstatic when we string together two days of nice weather. Hopefully the month of May will bring us the green grass, beautiful flowers and trees coming into full bloom. They say “time heals all wounds” and we tend to forget those difficult times of the past as we move on. I’m sure we all want to forget the past winter forever. Being the positive half full glass guy that I am, I’m looking forward to a very nice, not too hot, not too cold summer, with minimum to moderate rain not affecting any of our summer events. Do you think we have a chance??
May 5th, or Cinco de Mayo, has often been confused with the day Mexico obtained its independence from Spain. It is NOT. Cinco de Mayo is the date that Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguin’s army of about 4 thousand men defeated twice as many French forces in the battle of Puebla in 1862. The French invasion was a result of Mexican President Benito Juarez issuing a moratorium that suspended foreign debt payments for two years to France, Britain, and Spain. Britain and Spain negotiated the debt payments with Mexico, however, France sent naval forces to Veracruz to demand reimbursement. France, ruled by Napoleon III, used the opportunity to establish a Latin empire in Mexico favoring French interests that invaded Mexico, forcing President Juarez and his government into retreat. The French army encountered heavy resistance from Mexicans near Puebla. The lesser Mexican forces were able to defeat decisively the much better equipped French Army. The victory represented a significant morale boost to the Mexican people. In Westchester we held our 2nd annual Cinco de Mayo Special Event at Gladstone Park on Saturday,
See PRESIDENT, page 4
Police Department 2
MAY 2014
How to avoid stranger danger By John M. Carpino
Teach your children not to talk with strangers. Don’t approach a motor vehicle for someone asking directions. Set up a code word with your children in the event of an emergency. A friend may have to pick up your child/children somewhere other than school and you need a plan. Your child should know the code word and understand the importance. Your child should be prepared to respond to anyone who knows the code word. Make the word meaningful to your family so a real Stranger Danger would not be able to figure it out. If a stranger does approach your child tell them to remember the license plate number of the
motor vehicle and to report this information to you immediately. Don’t assume it was nothing and discount what your child has to tell you. Call your local police and report any suspicious activity Teach your child how to use the telephone and how to Dial 911 for the police. Kids don’t take candy from a stranger and your kids need to know you never approach a stranger to see his or her nice puppy dog in the car. You are the eyes and ears of your community. The police can’t be at all places at all times. Get involved and report suspicious activity and not just to your neighbor, unless she/he happens to be a police officer. SEE IT ~ HEAR IT ~ REPORT IT ~ DIAL 911
Westchester Police Department to hold an Open House In recognition of National Police Week, the Westchester Police Department will be hosting an open house on Saturday, May 17, 2014, from 10:00am – 2:00pm at 10300
Police blotter
1) At 6:44 pm on March 21, 2014, a Retail Theft was reported at the Goodwill Store located at 3054 Wolf Road. A store employee advised that a male subject was placing items into his pockets and changing the pricing of other items prior to checking out. Subject was stopped and arrested for theft. 2) At 4:42 am on March 28, 2014, a Theft was reported at the BP Amoco located at 825 Mannheim Road. An unknown male subject removed two bottles of beer from store without paying. 3) At 2:02 pm on April 1, 2014, a Burglary to Auto was reported at the Jewel Foods Store located at 2128 Mannheim Road. A subject reported that between 11:00pm and 11:45pm on March 29th, an unknown person broke out their car window in the parking lot and removed a purse. 4) At 8:27 am on April 4, 2014, a Theft was reported on the 1200 block of Bristol. A person reported that unknown person(s) removed the catalytic converter on their
W Roosevelt Rd Westchester. The department building and vehicles will be open for public tours and offer demonstrations of various activities including: Evidence and
work vehicle while parked in a parking lot on the 1200 block of Bristol. 5) At 2:13 pm on April 5, 2014, a subject was arrested for Unlawful Use of a Weapon on the 1500 block of Newcastle. While investigating the area due to a suspicious person complaint, a male was stopped and a loaded hand gun was recovered from the subject. 6) At 1:25 pm on April 10, 2014, a Retail Theft was reported at the Walgreens store located at 10345 Roosevelt Road. A male subject reportedly left the store after placing a pair of headphones into his pocket without paying. The subject was stopped by Westchester Police officers and returned to the store where he was positively identified by store staff and merchandise was returned. 7) At 2:10 am on April 11, 2014, a subject was stopped and cited for Possession of Cannabis on the 1100 block of Mannheim after being stopped for traffic violations.
Fingerprint collection, Traffic and Alcohol Enforcement, Explosive detection K9 “Deja” from Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms Unit and Taser demonstration.
Come meet the Community Relations/Crime Prevention Officer and more! Free “Mug” shots to children under 10.
Fire Department MAY 2014
APRIL 2014
PRESIDENT Continued from page 1
May 3rd. We started the traditional event as a way to celebrate Spring. At the time of this writing the event had not occurred however, if it turned out anything like last year’s event it was a great success. We will update you on the event in our June issue.
TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY May brings several notable holidays. Tuesday May 6th is TEACHER APPRECIATION DAY. Please make every effort to support the teachers and administrators who are charged with molding and shaping the minds of our children. A little thank you goes Thank you to the Boys Scouts of Troop 1 who volunteered on Saturday, April 12 at the E-Waste Kick Off event for 2014. a long way. Students often show appreciation for their teachers with gifts or writing thank you cards.The National Education Association describes National Teacher Day as “a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives”. The NEA gives a history of National Teacher Day: The origins of Teacher Day are murky.Around 1944,Wisconsin teacherRyanKrugbegancorresponding with political and education leaders about the need for a national day to honor teachers. Woodbridge wrote to First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt who in 1953 persuaded the 81st Congress to proclaim a National Teacher Day. NEA, along with its Kansas and Indiana state affiliates, and the Dodge City (Kan. ) local lobbied Congress to create a national day celebrating teachers. Congress declared March 7, 1980, as National Teacher Day for that year only. NEA and its affiliates continued to observe Teacher Day on the first Tuesday in March until 1985, when the National PTA established Teacher Appreciation Week as the first full week of May. The NEA Representative Assembly then voted to make the Tuesday of that week National Teacher Day. Source Wikipedia
TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK May 5th through May 9th is TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK. I’m sure each one of us has a fond memory of one or two special teachers that impacted your life. I know for me there were a few. I recall my first day in the 1st grade at Divine Providence Grammar School. Other than being a stowaway on the bus that took kindergarten kids to Nixon School when I was a preschooler,it was my first day of attending a formalized all day school. Sister Mary Dorothy dressed in her black and white nun’s habit pacing in front of the class scared the heck out of me and I’m sure most of the class. I recall
that if someone dropped a pin it would have sounded like a hand grenade. She started the role call in which everyone had to raise their hands. Suddenly she called out “Dorian Pulia.” I began looking around for the person with my same last name wondering what “girl” would raise her hand. Much to my surprise, after she called out the name several times and no one answered, she looked at me and said “it’s you.” Oh, no! My name is Sam, not some girl’s name, I replied. Well, of course you could imagine all the kids laughing and making fun of me that day. I do remember telling her that if she called me that name again I would pull off her head piece, which necessitated a trip to see Father MacInerny. I recall my Mom picking me up and the ensuing “discussion” regarding what Sister Mary Dorothy called me. Needless to say I did not EVER want to go back to school and endure the ridicule and name calling with hearing that name again. It took about a week or so for the kids to call me Sam. However, I did hone some skills that can be compared to the WWE wrestling and in some cases MMA Cage fighting in defense of my good name. I can tell you I won a few and lost a few, but at the end of the day everyone called me Sam, even Sister Mary Dorothy. Throughout the year I came to find Sister Mary Dorothy to be a very well organized disciplinarian. She taught me how to care about being on time and having my homework complete and checked for accuracy. She also taught me about being compassionate to others, and to always do your best.
are taught are different and for the most part you have to get socially acquainted with a whole new group of kids. The kid thing was not a problem as I already knew many of them. The curriculum is where I had the most difficulty. My grades were not the best and nothing I seemed to do succeeded in raising them. I can honestly say Ms. McGinley worked with me almost constantly on all of my subjects so I could at least pass and move on to 4th Grade. Many afterschool tutoring sessions were held. Thinking back, I often wondered why she would spend all those hours with me, as well as other students, when I’m sure she would rather be at home doing anything else. I came to realize that teachers are very special people. It is a calling that not many of us could do for any period of time. Teachers who do the things like Sister Mary Dorothy or Ms. McGinley did to mold kids and allow them to reach their potential with discipline, kindness, and follow through, will always be remembered by the kids they touched. To this day Ms. McGinley communicates with me by phone and I send her a copy of this newsletter in hopes for her to contact the District 92.5 Superintendent to change my grade from a 4 to at least a 3. I can tell you she expended quite a bit of energy with a very rambunctious boy, and I thank her for that. It is amazing what you can remember about your school experiences and teachers, and I often wonder what happened to some of them. I know it would be naive of me to think that they are all enjoying retirement, but I want every one of them to know, wherever they are, that I appreciate all the effort they put into shaping me. I may not have seen it like that back in the day, but I want them all to know that I truly thank them for the effort.
My parents transferred me to the Mary Jane Kennedy School in 3rd grade.I was lucky enough to have Ms. McGinley as my teacher. I can honestly say that she was the teacher I remember the most. Coming from a different school is WESTCHESTER EDUCATIONAL FOUNalways challenging. Curriculums that DATION
On Friday, May 2nd, the Westchester Educational Foundation held a fundraiser to celebrate its first anniversary. The Westchester Educational Foundation was formed to raise funds to support public school education at our School District 92.5. Their mission is to enhance the quality of education and provide District 92.5 students inWestchester with expanding learning opportunities. This year the Westchester Educational Foundation sought families and businesses alike to “Adopt a Classroom.” A tax deductible gift of $250.00 designated to a classroom of your choice helps provide classroom tools for grammar school students that might not otherwise be available. More information is available at WestchesterEducationalFoundation, or by calling fundraising chair Eric Schmidt at 630-207-4505. More information about their fund raising efforts will be profiled in our June Newsletter.
MOTHER’S DAY Sunday May 11, the 2nd Sunday of May, has been designated as Mother’s Day. In 1868, Ann Jarvis created a committee to establish “Mother’s Friendship Day”, designed to reunite families that had been divided during the Civil War. The tradition of Mother’s Day was originally established by Anna Jarvis, Ann’s daughter, and was first celebrated on May 12, 1907 in the Andrew’s Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia. The first “official” service was May 10, 1908. Many states adopted the date throughout the following years. On May 8,1914,the U.S.Congress passed a law designating the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day, with President Woodrow Wilson declaring the first national Mother’s Day as a day for American citizens to show the flag
See PRESIDENT, page 5
MAY 2014
Continued from page 4
The final Monday in May, May 26th,is Memorial Day. A federal holiday, it is a day established to remember the men and women who died while Carnations have become the flower serving in the United States Armed dedicated to Mother’s Day. On May 10, Forces. Memorial Day is not to be 1913, the U.S. House of Representatives confused with Veterans Day. Veterans passed a resolution calling on all federal Day celebrates the service of all U.S. government officials,from the president Military veterans. On June 28, 1968, down, to wear a white carnation in Congress passed the Uniform Monday observance of Mother’s Day. Anna Holiday Act which moved Memorial Jarvis delivered 500 of them on the Day from its traditional May 30th date first official celebration in 1908. The to the last Monday in May. For more carnation was the favorite flower of her information regarding Memorial Day mother. Over time, the florists decided (also previously known as Decoration to expand their sale of carnations Day) visit to include the idea of wearing a red For as long as I can remember, the carnation if your mother is living and a Westchester Park District has always white one if she is deceased. had a Memorial Day Ceremony. This year, all Westchester residents are Today, there are many people that can invited to join elected officials from be considered mothers that may not be the Westchester Park District, the the biological ones. Stepmothers and Westchester Public Library,Westchester Step Grandmothers who have taken an School District 92.5 and the Village active role in raising children need to of Westchester as we pay homage to be recognized as well. More often than those soldiers who have died while not, we don’t realize what we had until serving our country. it is gone. Those of you whose mothers All residents are encouraged and are still alive should make sure you pay reminded to fly the American Flag special attention to them on Mother’s on Memorial Day as a strong show of Day. If financially able, do not let them support for our dearly departed heroes stand over a hot stove and cook for who have made the ultimate sacrifice you. There are many fine brunch type for all of us. restaurants where I’m sure they would enjoy a taste of Champagne or at the least a little Mimosa to wet their palate. BIRTHDAY OF JOHN F. KENNEDY If she insists on cooking and not going Many of us know when President out, do NOT let her do the dishes. Kennedy was assassinated, but how Absolutely NOT! For those like me who have lost their many of us know when he was born? Mom, stop by the cemetery and say President Kennedy was born on May a prayer, thanking her for being the 29, 1917 in Brookline, Massachusetts to person who was always there for you Joseph and Rose Kennedy. He grew up through thick and thin, right or wrong, in a wealthy family with 8 brothers and sisters. He attended Harvard University no matter what. and graduated with honors. He served in the U.S. Navy as a Lieutenant during ARMED FORCES DAY World War II and is considered a war hero for leading his crew to safety Armed Forces Day this year is after his ship was destroyed by the celebrated on May 17th,the 3rd Saturday Japanese. in May. The day was first observed He married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier on May 20, 1950, after its creation on Kennedy and was the father of 4 August 31, 1949. Armed Forces Day children, two of whom died. One was intended to replace the separate child was stillborn and the other died celebrations of the 5 U.S. Military at 2 days old. Kennedy was the 35th branches- Army, Navy, Marine Corps, President of the United States. He was Air Force and Coast Guard, following a member of the Democratic Party and the consolidation of all the services defeated Republican candidate Richard into the Department of Defense. Nixon in the November 1960 election. National Guard and Reserve Units His religion was Roman Catholic. He have different training schedules and served our nation from 1961- 1963 celebrate Armed Forces Day/Week at when he was assassinated in Dallas, various periods in the month of May. Texas on November 22, 1963 while All residents are encouraged and riding in an open car. During Kennedy’s reminded to fly the American Flag or short term, he asked Congress to create a flag representing a branch of service the Peace Corps. , and ramped up the you may have served in on Armed “Space Race” with the Soviet Union. Forces Day. Kennedy’s profile appears on the U.S. in honor of those mothers whose sons had died in World War I.
Mayor (Director) Stephens of PACE Bus presents Mayor Pulia with the Shelter Revenue Check at the April 8, 2014 Board Meeting.
Half Dollar.
WESTCHESTER RECYCLING EVENT On Saturday, April 12th, the Westchester Environmental Sustainability Commission sponsored the season opener for electronic recycling. With the help of volunteers from Westchester Boy Scout Troop number 1, a group from the Divine Infant Youth Ministry,and others,we collected several hundred pounds of electronic devices. Many large, heavy old style televisions were dropped off and will be sent to a facility to be recycled for other uses. Volunteers also collected non- perishable food items for the Westchester Food Pantry. Thank you to the people who participated in the event either as a helper or donator.
Lastmonth,Icameuponanopportunity for our Seniors that I thought I would share. Aging Care Connections offers senior citizens 60 years of age or older to enjoy lunch Monday through Friday from 11:30 am until 12:30 pm for a $2.00 dollar donation each day. The lunch is held at the Salerno Pincente Ristorante located at 9310 W. 63rd Street in Hodgkins. The restaurant is located just west of the Quarry movie theatre behind the Hodgkins Menards. Reservations must be made before NOON the preceding business day by calling 708-354-1323. The program is operated by Aging Care Connections in partnership with Salerno’s Pincente Ristorante and funded in part by Age Options and Title III-C of the Older Americans Act. An example of the SHREDDING EVENT menu one day last month was a stuffed chicken breast, stuffing, green salad On Saturday, May 10th, we will be w/dressing, green beans, wheat roll, adding a shredding event to our mandarin oranges and milk followed electronic collection and food drive. by a Blowout Bingo Game. All for a The event will start at 9am and end $2.00 fee! More information is available promptly at NOON. Entry to the event at 708-354-1323. is to be made north bound on Municipal Drive and exit south bound through 8TH ANNUAL CANTERBURY STREET the east side of the Fire Department NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE driveway near the post office drop On Saturday, May 31st, from 9am to boxes. In addition to getting rid of your old paper documents, please 3pm the 8th Annual Canterbury Garage bring a non-perishable food item Sale will be held. If you would like to that does not have an expired date participate, please contact Ms. Diane stamped on it as those items cannot Meyer at 630-222-0235, home 708-562be given out. Volunteers are always 1196 or e-mail dianecards@comcast. welcome. For further information net . A $5 dollar fee per household contact Chairperson Carl Celestino at is required to defray the costs of
See PRESIDENT, page 9
Calendar 6
MAY 2014
Flea Market registration has begun, for Rain or Shine Flea Market that will be held on Saturday, June 7th, 2014 at Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., Westchester. Rent space to sell your own items, $35, $20 or $15. Call the church office 708-865-1282 for more information.
Sunday, May 4 GLOW Preschool Open House, from 1:30-2:30 PM,Come and meet Clifford! Prospective Preschool students and their families are welcome to tour our school and meet Clifford the Big Red Dog! GLOW Preschool, 1101 Manchester Avenue Westchester, IL. 708-681-4569 Morning Worship Service/Evening Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. / 6:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org Sunday School – “Experiencing God” Series from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154
Monday, May 5 Monday Matinee featuring “Casablanca” 2:00 PM at Library. Contact Adult Dept or call 708-5623573
Tuesday, May 6 LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Proverbs 31 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org School May Crowning, 1:30 PM, Divine Providence Church, 2600 Mayfair Board of Education Committee of the Whole at WMS begins at 6:30 PM
Wednesday, May 7 BAR-W (Grades 1ST-6TH) & AMBASSADORS (Grades 7th–12th) from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org Adult Bible Study/Pray Meeting from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. Table Grace Ecumenical Discussion between Grace Lutheran and Divine Providence, Trip to Peabody Mansion, 12:15- Depart from Grace Lutheran (1101 Manchester); Cost$8.00,Reservations due May 4--Call
Chris at 708-562-3422 or divprovdre@ Tai Chi Class, 4:30 PM, Divine Providence Narthex, 2600 Mayfair All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122
financial educator with the Heartland Institute will discuss key concepts and strategies that will help you improve your financial wellness. Please register in advance. Contact Adult Dept or call 708-562-3573
Friday, May 9
Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. / 6:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org Sunday School – “Experiencing God” Series from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154
“Oklahoma” performance at Westchester Middle School, 1620 Norfolk Ave, Westchester, IL 60154, Monday, May 12 Divine Providence Over 50 Club’s at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $7 (Available Monday Matinee featuring “Rocky” next meeting will be held on May by calling the Westchester Primary 7th. Make note that it will be our School 708-562-1509, Westchester 2:00 PM at Library. Contact Adult Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Luncheon. Intermediate School 708-450-2735 or Dept or call 708-562-3573 Monday, May 12 through Friday, May This year it is being held at Stimac’s Westchester Middle School main 16 (Butterfield,west ofWolf Road). Doors office 708-450-2735 WMS 8th Grade to Washington D.C. Reformer’s Unanimous – RU from open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at Noon. Members $17 and Guests $19. We 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., at Westchester are limited on the number of people Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Tuesday, May 13 the Restaurant can accommodate so Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Proverbs call Ruth @708-947-9020 as soon as 31 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at possible.The Divine Providence Over Westchester Bible Church, 10600 50 Club’s June meeting will be held Saturday, May 10 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL on the 11th. Come join us for our “Oklahoma” performance at 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. Annual Box Lunch Picnic. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and lunch at Noon. Westchester Middle School, 1620 org Bilingual PAC Meeting at WPS begins Tickets will be available at our May Norfolk Ave, Westchester, IL 60154, outing. You will have your choice of at 2:00 PM. Tickets are $7 (Available at 6:30 PM The Divine Infant Jesus School Ham,Turkey or Italian Sub. Members: by calling the Westchester Primary $8 and Guests $9. You may call Ruth School 708-562-1509, Westchester student body will be Praying the @708-947-9020 no later than June 4th Intermediate School 708-450-2735 or Rosary -12:30 pm at Divine Infant to obtain a ticket. No exceptions will Westchester Middle School main Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more be made. If you have any questions office 708-450-2735 Westchester Park District’s Spring information, contact the school office please call Corrine @708-531-9496. I hope you all have an enjoyable Dance Recital at 10:00 AM and 1:00 at 865-0122. Divine Infant Jesus School Advisory summer. Mayflower Tours has a PM at the Community Center First Communion for 2nd graders of Board Meeting at 7:00 pm at the trip to Mackinac Island September 25-October 1 2014. Two nights will Divine Infant Jesus Parish - 1:30 pm Rectory, 1601 Newcastle Avenue. For be spent at the Grand Hotel on the Mass at Divine Infant Jesus Church, more information, contact the school Island. A visit to Frankenmuth and a 1640 Newcastle Avenue. Contact Sr. office at 865-0122. train ride is also included. A passport Susan Majcen at 708-865-8086 for Village Board Meeting at 7:00 PM will be required. Call Marianne for more information Saving Energy at Home 10:00 AM at in the Village Hall Court Room with additional information @708-562Library. Megan Visk of Elevate Energy the Committee of the Whole Meeting 3766. will discuss smart meters, easy home immediately following. Thursday, May 8 improvements and pricing options available to help residents save Wednesday, May 14 “Oklahoma” performance at energy and money. Please register in WIS Spring Band Concert & Band Westchester Middle School, 1620 advance. Contact Adult Dept or call Parents Meeting at 7:00 PM Norfolk Ave, Westchester, IL 60154, 708-562-3573 BAR-W (Grades 1ST-6TH) & at 7:00 PM. Tickets are $7 (Available Electronics Recycling/Paper by calling the Westchester Primary Shredding/Food Drive held at Village AMBASSADORS (Grades 7th–12th) School 708-562-1509, Westchester Hall, 10300 West Roosevelt Road, from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Intermediate School 708-450-2735 or from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM. Sponsored Westchester Bible Church, 10600 Westchester Middle School main by the Environmental Sustainability W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL office 708-450-2735 Commission. This year, please bring 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. Field trip to the Chicago Symphony a donation for the food pantry along org Adult Bible Study/Pray Meeting from at 9:00 am for Band students at Divine with your recycling items. All nonInfant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle perishable items will be donated to 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Westchester Ave. For more information, call the the Westchester Food Pantry. This Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak school office at event is intended for the recycling Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. 865-0122 household items, business related Table Grace Ecumenical Discussion Field trip to the Art Institute at 9:30 items may be refused. Any questions, am for 7th grade students at Divine or to help volunteer, please contact between Grace Lutheran and Infant Jesus School, 1640 Newcastle Carl Celestino at cwolves94@yahoo. Divine Providence, Trip to Morton Arboretum, 11:30-Depart from Ave. For more information, call the com. Divine Providence (2600 Mayfair), school office at Sunday, May 11 Cost $18.00(admission, tram fare and 865-0122 Financial Wellness 7:00 PM at See CALENDAR, page 24 Morning Worship Service/Evening Library. Mario Cinardi, a certified
MAY 2014
Village of Westchester earns Awards for Let’s Move! The National League of Cities (NLC) has recognized the Village of Westchester for recent completion of key health and wellness goals for Let’s Move! Cities, Towns and Counties (LMCTC). LMCTC is a major component of First Lady Michelle Obama’s comprehensive Let’s Move! initiative, which is dedicated to solving the childhood obesity epidemic within a generation. LMCTC calls upon local elected officials to adopt sustainable and holistic policies that improve communities’ access to healthy affordable food and opportunities for physical activity through five goal areas. “We congratulate and commend Westchester for your efforts to improve the health of your community’s children and families,” said NLC President Chris Coleman, mayor of Saint Paul, Minn. “Through the leadership and dedication of local elected officials in cities, towns and counties across the country, we are beginning to see a measurable decrease in obesity rates and a cultural
shift towards health.” Three medals were awarded to Westchester for action taken to improve access to healthy affordable food and increase opportunities for physical activity. These medals (Gold, Silver, and Bronze) were awarded because of Westchester’s achievements in promoting the best possible practices for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in early care and education settings. All LMCTC sites have the opportunity to earn up to five gold medals, one for each actionable goal to which they commit to as part of the initiative. Medals are awarded to local elected officials based on achievements in each of the following five goal areas: Goal I: Start Early, Start Smart: Promoting best practices for nutrition, physical activity, and screen time in early care and education settings Goal II: My Plate, Your Place: Prominently displaying MyPlate in all municipal or county venues where food is served
Goal III: Smart Servings for Students: Increasing participation in school breakfast and lunch programs Goal IV: Model Food Service: Implementing healthy and sustainable food service guidelines that are aligned with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans Goal V: Active Kids at Play: Increasing opportunities for physical activity NLC is working in partnership with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and with the support of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Association of Counties and other nonprofit organizations, to assist local elected officials who join LMCTC as they implement policy and environmental changes to prevent childhood obesity. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation has awarded NLC a grant to provide technical assistance to local elected officials working to create healthier communities and prevent childhood obesity, including those participating in LMCTC.
More than 420 cities, towns and counties are participating in LMCTC. Each month, NLC recognizes local elected officials who achieve key benchmarks for the five LMCTC goals. Since July 2012, NLC has awarded 1,518 bronze, silver, and gold medals to recognize local elected officials across the country for their LMCTC progress. The Let’s Move! Initiative is being promoted in Westchester by the Citizens Advisory Board, headed by Trustee Tom Yurkovich. For more information about LMCTC and Westchester’s accomplishments, visit www. HealthyCommunitiesHealthyFuture. org. The National League of Cities is dedicated to helping city leaders build better communities. NLC is a resource and advocate for 19,000 cities, towns and villages, representing more than 218 million Americans. Good Job WESTCHESTER, Keep up the Healthy Work.
MAY 2014
Meet the May 2014 Good Neighbors Nominees: George & Marilyn Musil, 2900 block of Downing Ave. Nominated by: Marie Corso, 2900 block of Downing Ave. Why they are good neighbors: Being elderly in a wheelchair, it’s hard to get around. My “guardian angels” and “lifeline” are Marilyn and George Musil. They have medical issues themselves and yet call me everyday to check on me. Put their plans on hold to take me to all my doctor appointments. They help me around the house when problems arise and are always there when I need them.
Nominee: Ken, 700 block of Westchester Blvd. Nominated by: Dawn & Jon, 700 block of Westchester Blvd. Why they are a good neighbor: Ken has lived next door to us ever since we moved in. From the very beginning, Ken has always been willing to gives us a helping hand and a hello. An avid gardener and all-around handyman, he is the ideal person to have next door. That alone makes our neighbor a good neighbor, and yet he goes above and beyond that! In the winter, Ken keeps the sidewalks and driveways safe for pedestrians. He can be found clearing the snow of not only his own property, but of his neighbors as well. On a few occasions, we have woken up to finding our front steps cleared of snow and Ken making his way down the block with his snow blower. In the summer, Ken loves to share the vegetables he has grown with us. We have often tried to show our appreciation with cakes and pies, but he is always one good deed ahead of us. Ken is very easily the nicest neighbor we have ever had and we hope to have him as part of this community for a long time!
Nominate Your Good Neighbors Do you have a Good Neighbor you would like to nominate to be recognized in the Westchester newsletter? Praise the efforts of local residents, organizations, and businesses by nominating them as a good neighbor. We are looking for those friendly folks, good deeds and special neighborly touches that make living in Westchester special. A nomination form is included in this issue below. Nominations for the next newsletter must be received by the 15 th of this month by sending them to (Subject Line: Good Neighbor Nomination) or 10300 W.
Good Neighbor Nomination Form Your Name:________________________________________________________________________________ Your Address:__________________________________________________________________________ Name and Address of the person/organization/business you are nominating________________________________ Why are they a Good Neighbor to you? ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________
MAY 2014
different areas of the Village picking up trash, and doing their best to spruce up the town. The Village’s lawn Continued from page 5 maintenance contractor, Alliance Turf Management, teams up with the Village advertising in local papers. to help clean up the community. In MWRD RAIN BARREL PROGRAM addition, volunteers from local Boy Scout and Cub Scout troops and the MWRD AGREEMENT Just a reminder that the MWRD is Westchester Kiwanis Club were on making it easier for residents residing hand to help beatify the town. Comcast On April 17th, I was informed that in their service area ( that includes Cable joined in the effort by celebrating the MWRD Board of Commissioners Westchester) to purchase rain barrels. the nation’s largest single day corporate approved an Intergovernmental Homeowners can collect and reuse volunteer effort by assisting clean- up Agreement with the Village to expand storm water by installing a rain barrel efforts at the Midwest SOAARING the Mayfair Reservoir to mitigate on their downspouts. The rain barrels Foundation grounds located at Hickory flooding. The work contemplated are now available for purchase year Lane and 31st Street. by this Agreement will include round. The cost is $58 dollars each plus design, construction, and perpetual tax. The price includes an installation maintenance of the expansion of kit and home delivery for all residents X-MAS LIGHT DISPOSAL Mayfair Reservoir and the installation living in the MWRD service area. For While checking the pharmaceutical of an additional storm sewer in the more information please contact THE Village. mwrd web site at or drop off bin, I noticed that the X-Mas light recycling bin was full to capacity Under the terms of the agreement, call 312-751-5650. and even overflowed into a large box. MWRD will reimburse the Village in The lights will be dropped off at the an amount not to exceed Two Million, DuPage County “SCARCE” collection One Hundred Twenty-One Thousand PHARMACEUTICAL PILL DISPOSAL site located at 799 Roosevelt Road and No/100 Dollars ($2,121,000.00).As On April 26th, the Village of Building 2, suite 108 in Glen Ellyn, I mentioned last month we have been working on this project for several Westchester participated in the DEA Illinois. For more information, and years and it appears to be coming to Drug Take Back program. For the a more complete list of recyclable fruition. MWRD will be paying 82% of last 3 years we have been collecting items you can visit the Scarce web expired prescription site at Thank the project with Westchester coming unwanted up with the 18% match. Design medicine 24/7 in a receptacle in the you to all those who took the time to engineering is being completed by V3 Village Hall lobby. We have collected drop these off so they can be properly Engineering who has been selected to over 1 thousand pounds since we disposed of. oversee the project with MWRD Staff. started collecting. I am both anxious and pushing hard Why are we involved in such a CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLYto get a shovel in the ground as soon WEDS as possible. Unfortunately, the wheels program? of government move way too slowly Congratulations go out to Mr. Charles Unused or expired prescription for me. I will keep you apprised as the medications are a public safety issue, Corella and Lindsey Carpino who tied project moves forward. leading to accidental poisoning, the knot in a lovely ceremony at the MWRD CONCERNS Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas on Saturday, overdose, and abuse. Pharmaceutical drugs can be just as April 12. Lindsey is the daughter of I came across an interesting dangerous as street drugs when taken Police Chief John Carpino and Patti article from the Metropolitan Water without a prescription or a doctor’s Carpino. The ceremony was attended Reclamation District. A tiny product supervision. by 60 close friends and family who is causing big environmental concerns The non-medical use f prescription thoroughly enjoyed the nuptials in the in the Great Lakes. Plastic exfoliating drugs ranks second only to marijuana 80+ degree weather and atmosphere microbeads, described as a pin head as the most common form of drug that only Las Vegas can bring. FYI sized spheres suspended in hundreds of abuse in America. -John and Patti Carpino, Lindsey’s facial scrubs, toothpastes, and shaving The majority of teenagers abusing parents, celebrated their 40th wedding creams are silting fresh water lakes, prescription drugs get them from anniversary on Easter Sunday, April biologists say. There is some evidence family and friends, and the home 20th. Congratulations and best wishes that the microbeads are flowing into medicine cabinet. to the entire Carpino Family! the Chicago River. Unused prescription drugs thrown in The microbeads are deemed safe for the trash can be retrieved and abused SERVICE LINE WARRANTY health and beauty products. Microbeads or illegally sold. Unused drugs that are PROGRAM can be an environmental danger flushed contaminate the water supply. Residents will be receiving because they are roughly the size and Proper disposal of unused drugs saves information in the mail from SERVICE shape of fish eggs, which other fish eat. lives and protects the environment. The large fish eat smaller ones and the Take-back programs are the best way LINE WARRANTY OF AMERICA. The information is asking if you would like plastic microbeads get incorporated to dispose of old drugs into the flesh of the fish and ultimately Formoreinformationpleasevisit www. to join the program that has been in the fish can end up in our fish dinners. , www.getsmartaboutdrugs. place for the past two years. There are two separate warranty programs. The The microbeads are not biodegradable com , first covers the lateral sanitary sewer and the petroleum in the plastic serves line from your home to the Village as a magnet for toxins such as motor VILLAGE WIDE CLEAN-UP DAY owned main sanitary serviceVillageline. oil and insecticides. The cost of the warranty is $59 dollars A single tube of a cleanser such On Saturday, April 26th, Westchester per year if you make one payment as a face scrub can contain more than 300,000 particles and products volunteers were out and about at yearly. The second separate warranty is containing plastic are not limited to drug store aisles. For more information about microbeads please visit http://
for you drinking water service line as it attaches to the resident side of the “Buffalo Box” and your home. The cost for this warranty is $52 dollars per year if paid on a yearly basis. I have heard several success stories from residents who have used the service. The Village of Westchester has endorsed this service but does not generate any revenue from it. Participation is strictly voluntary on the part of homeowners. Please call Service Line Warranty of America at 866-922-9006 for more information.
MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC AGGREGATION For the past several years,Westchester residents, by being part of the Municipal Aggregation Program, have received lower electric bills than prior to the Village opting into the aggregation program. This year our brokers will again be going out to bid in late May as a result of the expiration of our contract. Based on what we are being told by several independent brokers, communities like Westchester will probably be in for a rate increase from our current rate of 4.86 cents per kilowatt hour to a rate ranging from 7-8 cents per kilowatt hour. We have been told there are a number of factors creating this increase, none of which are controlled by any municipality. The Illinois Commerce Commission is the regulatory authority that controls electric utilities. ComEd will be bidding on the rate as well. I will have more information as the bid process becomes a reality in mid to late May. For those who wish to follow the rates available from competitive vendors
BRANCH PICK-UP Just a friendly reminder that the Village branch pick-up will only occur during the FIRST week of the month. If you put branches out mid month there will be a very good chance that they will stay there until your scheduled day pick-up during the first week of the month. Please make sure the branches are out on the parkway before 7am on your designated pick-up day. Branches can be 7 feet in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street. This makes it easy for the public works employees to place them into the chipping machine.
GARBAGE CANS, RECYCLING TOTERS, AND YARD WASTE Please place the aforementioned containers and bags on the Village parkway and not out in the street.
See PRESIDENT, page 10
MAY 2014
annuals in the spring, which fade and die around Labor Day, and then replace them with annuals that last until the Continued from page 9 first frost. General rules for flower beds consist of fertilizing, mulching, Village code prohibits to the containers deadheading, and proper spacing. being placed on the street. Additionally, For complete text, go to: http:// please do not put the refuse out for pick up too early. You can place it out improvement/lawn-garden/in-bloom-4no earlier than 3pm the day before keys-to-great-flower-beds your pickup day, and you must bring the containers in by 8 am the day after pickup. Placing the refuse containers DEALING WITH SEASONAL ALLERout early or taking them in after these GIES- 5 Tips That Work By Debbie Davis times is a violation of Village code. You Seasonal allergies are triggered by would not believe how many calls this office and the Village receive regarding various irritants in the spring, summer, this issue. To avoid code violations, and fall but the solutions for dealing with them have much in common. please comply. Here are 5 simple suggestions that won’t cure the problem but will make BEAUTIFUL WESTCHESTER living with your allergies easier. Shut Out Allergens----Pollens are the I think most of us can agree that number one culprit for those who Westchester is a beautiful town. This suffer seasonally. Make sure that you can only continue to happen if each keep home doors and windows closed. one of us makes it happen. Planting Choose to use air conditioning rather colorful flowers, trees and shrubs can than a whole house fan to cool. Keep go a long way in curb appeal. We may the windows in your car rolled up, and not have a lot of expendable cash to choose to re-circulate the air rather make wholesale replacements of doors, than using the vent that would bring in windows and the like but we can take unfiltered air. some time to do some scrubbing and If possible, park in a garage (great painting, as well as maintaining your motivation to clean it out) where you urban landscape. For those of you, and your car can escape the thick coat and you know who you are, that I see of pollen during the peak of the season. sweeping the curb in front of your Parking in the garage will also allow you home or cleaning off the storm sewer to avoid the outdoor air which is likely grates, THANK YOU, your efforts to have way more pollen the garage. have not gone unnoticed. Keeping Choose Outdoors Time Wisely---Pollen up our property is one small way that levels tend to be highest (unfortunately) our property values will continue to on beautiful, sunny, dry, and windy increase instead of decrease. days. They are lowest after a good rain because the rain literally clears the air. To those of you that think it is cool The lowest levels are generally early or fashionable to dump garbage in the in the morning and late in the evening. street or throw bottles on front yards, Late morning through afternoon hours please STOP. I’m sure you would not are peak times for airborne allergens. appreciate it if your property or that of Wear A Mask---If you must go out your parents were targeted in similar when you know levels are high, wear fashion. By the way, for those of you a mask to limit your exposure. Yes, it who toss cigarette butts out onto the may look a little funny, but better to street, a new state law went into effect take err on the safe side and feel good January 1, 2014 with penalties up to the rest of the day. Masks are relatively $1500 ...that’s right, one thousand five inexpensive and can be obtained at a hundred dollars, for something that is well-stocked hardware store. certainly avoidable. Wash Them Away---Pollen is light weight and sticks easily to anything.As a result, hair clothes, skin, and packages FLOWER BED PLANTING 101 are all fair game. Get in the habit of taking off outdoor clothes and putting As a subscriber to Popular Mechanics them in the washer immediately, if I came upon an article regarding 4 not to wash immediately, to keep the Keys to Great Flower Beds by author irritants contained. Joseph Truini. Shower or bathe to remove pollen In the article I learned that flower from skin and hair. Use eye drops to beds typically contain three types of keep down irritation, inflammation, plants: perennials, which bloom every and itchiness. year for several years, annuals which Control Allergens Indoors---Regardless bloom, seed, and die all in a single of how hard you try, pollen will get season; and biennials, which bloom for indoors. Opening and closing doors as two years and then die. you come and go allows it to blow in, Many gardeners plant early blooming and pets, packages that are delivered
and left at the door are just a few of the thousands of ways it invades indoor air. Select an air filter that is specifically designed to remove seasonal allergens such as pollen and mold and mildew spores is an effective, low maintenance and non-invasive way to keep the level of airborne allergens to minimum. High efficiency particle arresting (or HEPA) filtration has been proven to be best for removing airborne particulates such as these. By definition it must be able to remove 99,997 out of 10,000 particles that are.3 microns or greater in size. As always, seek medical advice from your doctor for the proper treatment of any medical condition.
WELCOME TO THE ETSB BOARD It has been brought to my attention that I have neglected to announce the newest member of the Westchester Emergency Telephone System Board. My appointment for the vacancy was given to Mr. Jay Dalicandro. Mr. Dalicandro, who resides in Westchester, was the former Village Manager of the Village of Elmwood Park for 23 years. He is uniquely qualified for this post which was evident by the unanimous vote of the Village Board for his confirmation. I apologize for not recognizing the appointment back in January.
has stated that automated red-light enforcement using cameras has shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of red-light running and the number of red-light running crashes. The primary motivation for installation of the red light cameras is to improve and enhance safety at each of the intersections and reduce the incidents of crashes occurring there. Guy Tridgell, Communications Manager of IDOT, has stated “red light cameras have been an effective tool in deterring angle and t-bone accidents, which usually happens when a driver runs a red light. Those kinds of crashes cause the most fatalities and severe injuries.” Your safety, and that of the motoring public is of utmost concern. Please drive accordingly.
At an Easter get together at my home, my brother- in- law John and I had a conversation about bicycles on the road. More and more bicyclists, whether recreational or enthusiasts that bike 45 plus miles a day, are out on the road. John resides in Villa Park and he was telling me how he and his group biked into Westchester and was driving around our streets . One of the most dangerous things that can happen to bicyclist is the event of “Dooring.” “Dooring” occurs when a RED LIGHT CAMERA motorist opens the car door into traffic without looking to see if a a bicyclist, At a recent Board meeting,I was asked whether alone or in a group, is passing a question regarding our Red Light by. Bicycles must ride with the flow of Photo Enforcement System. The person traffic, and ride as close to the right as believed the camera system was put up possible. If motorists don’t look before to capture only right turn violators not opening their car doors a collision making a complete stop at the red signal. with a bike, or even another vehicle This is NOT the case. The cameras, passing by can occur. The practice regardless of what municipality they is especially dangerous to bicyclists. have been installed in, are capturing Please make every effort to look before all red light traffic violations. Failure to exiting the driver’s side of your vehicle. make a complete stop before turning It only takes a second, and yes, you may right is only one capture the camera have to wait until the lone bicyclist, or makes. The camera will capture those possibly group, passes by. Sharing the vehicles making a left turn through road and watching out for the other a red arrow, as well as those driving guy, will certainly make Westchester a straight through a red light. Ample safer community. warning signs appropriately posted before reaching the intersection are in place. Additionally, Westchester has FROM THE BOARD installed voluntary signs indicating we At the March 24, 2014 Village Board are a Red Light Community at entrances to the Village. The only thing we can’t Meeting, the following items were do for you is control your vehicle. approved by the Board. The record Making a complete stop, (Cessation of of bills ending 03-20-2014 in the Motion) before turning right or trying amount not to exceed $ 493,691.83. to beat the light by driving through, The Minutes of the March 4, 2014 or by tagging on the end of vehicles Special Board Meeting, March 11, 2014 turning left on the left arrow after the Village Board Meeting and Minutes light turns red will result in the camera, of the March 11, 2014 Committee (now without a flash), taking a video of the Whole Meeting. An Ordinance of your driving action several seconds Amending Section 5.36.130, Entitled before and after your vehicle passing “Number of Licenses”, of Chapter 5.36, through the intersection. See PRESIDENT, page 14 The Federal Highway Administration
MAY 2014
Get smart and save 20% on your energy costs Energy bills are up across the state due to our recent extreme weather, and many people are looking for ways to save energy and money. Elevate Energy, a local non-profit, can help you navigate these options. Get more information about alternative electricity rates, and find the best one for you. One option is ComEd’s Residential Real
Time Pricing program, which takes advantage of smart meters to provide hourly pricing. It has saved its customers an average of over $100 each year since 2008, and signing up just takes a few minutes. Go further by making practical and lasting improvements to your home. Most houses waste too much energy,
resulting in discomfort and high bills. Schedule a $99 assessment to learn how to fix it, or host an energy house party and get your assessment for free. Our qualified contractors will find the most cost-effective approaches, and Elevate Energy will ensure the work gets done right. Join the 4000+ homeowners who have made
improvements and are reducing their energy bills by 15% or more. For these and other opportunities, contact your local Elevate Energy advocate Megan, at (708) 408-7155 or Come see us at the Westchester Environmental Sustainability Commission meeting on May 8th at 7 pm at Westchester Village Hall.
MAY 2014
Remember Home Improvement Projects Require Village Permits Now that the weather is finally starting to warm up, you may be starting to think about spring projects. Just a reminder many home improvement projects require permits. Some typical items that require permits are:
• Fences • Patios • Sidewalks • Driveways • Pools • Decks • Porches • Windows • Doors • Roof • Siding • HVAC • Interior Remodels & Additions If you have a project in mind, please call Community Development at 708-345-0199 to inquire if a permit is required and get the application requirements. This information can also be found on the Village’s website under “Community Development/Building Department”.
MAY 2014
School District 14
MAY 2014
the Transactions Contemplated by this Resolution. Under the Active Agenda, the following two items were Continued from page 9 approved; an Ordinance Amending Section 5.102.220, Entitled “Number Entitled “Liquor Sales” of Title 5, Entitled of Licenses,”of Chapter 5.102, Entitled “Business Licenses and Regulations” “Video Gaming,” of Title 5, Entitled of the Westchester Municipal Code. “Business Licenses and Regulations,” An Ordinance Amending a Planned of the Westchester Municipal Code.An Unit Development for Parcel 3 of the OrdinanceAuthorizing the Issuance of Property Commonly known as the a Joint Purchasing Requisition for the Schorsch Farm (Westbrook Commons) Purchase of Rock Salt for the Village in the Village of Westchester, Illinois. of Westchester. An Executive Session A Resolution Authorizing the was held under the exemption 5 Execution of an Economic Incentive ILCS 120/2(c)(1) -The appointment, Agreement by and between the employment, compensation, Village and Regency Centers where discipline, performance, or dismissal the New Mariano’s Grocery store will of specific employees of the public be built. A Resolution Approving and body. Ratifying the purchase of a Huskie 1000lb. Striker Hammer from Burris At the March 24, 2014, Committee Equipment. A Resolution Authorizing of the Whole Meeting, the following the Execution and Delivery of a Master items, under Old Business, were Equipment Lease-PurchaseAgreement discussed by the Board. Language with PNC Equipment Finance, LLC,As surrounding the Liquor License Class Lessor, and Separate Lease Schedules Definitions, presented by President thereto for the Acquisition, Purchase, Pulia and Manager Matthys and a Financing and Leasing of Certain Leak Detection Contract proposal, Equipment Within the Terms herein presented by Ms. Matthys. Provided; Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Other Documents At the April 8, 2014 Village Board Required in Connection therewith; Meeting, a check in the amount and Authorizing all Other Actions of approximately $21,000 was Necessary to the Consummation of presented by Director Bradley
Stephens, (also known as the Mayor of Rosemont), of Pace Suburban Bus for the Advertizing Shelter Revenue that was earned last year to the Village. Following the presentation, the following items were approved under the consent agenda; The Approval of the Record of Bills ending 04-04-2014 in the amount not to exceed $ 876,639.40, The Minutes of the March 18, 2014 Special Board Meeting, Minutes of the March 24, 2014 Village Board Meeting, Minutes of the March 24, 2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Approval of Departmental Monthly Reports, An Ordinance Authorizing the Acceptance of a Proposal from M.E. Simpson Co., Inc for the Performance of a Water Distribution System Leak Survey. Under the Active Agenda, the following two items were approved; A Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement by and Between the Village of Westchester and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago For Construction and Maintenance of the Expansion of Mayfair Reservoir. A Resolution Accepting a Bid and Authorizing the Execution of a Contract with J. Nardulli Concrete Inc. for the
Concrete Component of the 2014 Street Improvement Program . At the April 8,2014 Committee of the Whole Meeting, the following items were discussed by the Board. Under New Business; Ms. Potempa and Ms. Matthys proposed a Supplemental Annual Contribution to Fire/Police Pension Plans. Ms. Headley and Trustee Perry presented the Naming of Business Districts,recommendation by the Economic Development Committee. Ms. Matthys presented the Phase III Engineering Agreement for the Enterprise Drive Collector and an Arbor Day Proclamation was proposed by Trustee Calcagno. Ms. Matthys presented a Memorandum of Understanding with the Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management for the use of equipment during emergency situation and later presented the 2013 Water Main Improvement Contract Close-Out. Finally, Ms. Potempa proposed the removal of E-Checks as an acceptable payment method for Utility Bills. Under Old Business, the Board discussed the following three items; A Water Management Ordinance Update, A DCEO Grant Update and the 2014-2015 Proposed Budget
Park District MAY 2014
St. Joseph 16
MAY 2014
St. Joseph MAY 2014
Chamber 18
MAY 2014
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MAY 2014
MAY 2014
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MAY 2014
Miracles In Progress is a not-for-profit, W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. 501(c)(3) organization. org Continued from page 6 Saturday, May 17 Adult Bible Study/Pray Meeting from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Westchester transportation)-Lunch on your own, Vegetable Gardens from Field to Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Reservations due by May 8.--Call Fork 10:00 AM at Library. Jackie Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. Chris at 708-562-3422 or divprovdre@ Riffice of the Prairie Godmothers will explain how to plant big gardens in Table Grace Ecumenical Discussion, small spaces using vertical gardens, 11:30 AM, Grace Lutheran Church, Tai Chi Class, 4:30 PM Divine raised beds and windowsills. Please 1101 Manchester. Providence Narthex, 2600 Mayfair register in advance. Contact Adult Scholastic Book Fair 6:30 p.m. Dept or call 708-562-3573 Tai Chi Class, 4:30 PM, Divine Divine Providence School, 2500 Teetering Tots Playgroup 9:30-10:30 Providence Narthex, 2600 Mayfair Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258, www. a.m. Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258, www. All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Thursday, May 15 Westchester Police Department Avenue. Come join us. For more Open House from 10 AM until 2 PM, information, contact the school office Board of Education Meeting at WMS 10300 W. Roosevelt Rd. Westchester, at 865-0122 begins at 7:00 PM IL 60154. May Crowning at 9:30 am at Divine Market Day pick-up from 5:30 – Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Sunday, May 18 6:30 pm in Langan Hall at Divine Avenue. Ribbon and Award Ceremony Infant Jesus, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. Morning Worship Service/Evening Contact Toni Podock at 708-865-8071 for graduating 8th graders following the mass. For more information, Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. / 6:00 for more information contact the school office at 865- p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 0122. Behind the Scenes with the 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. Westchester Civic Theatre 7:00 PM at Thursday, May 15 through org Library. A candid “behind the scenes’ Sunday School – “Experiencing view with members of their recent Wednesday, May 18 God” Series from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., production sharing video clips, props Softball Tournament of Champions at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 and stories of what went on backstage at Mayfair Park, Westchester Park W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 as well as onstage. Please register in District advance. Contact Adult Dept or call 708-562-3573
Friday, May 16
Monday, May 19
Reformer’s Unanimous – RU from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. Miracles In Progress, MIP Golf Outing & Dinner Friday, May 16, 2014 at Carriage Greens Country Club, 12:00 p.m. Golf check-in and lunch, 12:45 p.m. $1,000 Putting Challenge, 1:00 p.m. Shotgun Start, 6:00 p.m.Cocktails & hors d’oeuvres, 7:00 p.m. Dinner, open bar, silent auction, music & more, $125.00 for all-day fun, $50.00 for dinner and all evening events. Donations are welcome -Sponsorships opportunities are still available! Miracles In Progress assists individuals with brain injuries and other special needs acquire the resources necessary for treatment, both conventional and alternative, so that they can achieve their highest potential. Your participation and donations will help make MIP’s mission possible! The proceeds from this event will support our specialized programs including MIP Pool Pals, MIP Yoga Pals, Sibshops, therapeutic horseback riding, as well as our other scholarships and endeavors. Register for this event or make a donation by using Paypal - www. Questions - please call us at 708-531-1616.
The Divine Infant Jesus School student body will be Praying the Rosary -12:30 pm at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122 Monday Matinee featuring “Rear Window” 2:00 PM at Library. Contact Adult Dept or call 708-562-3573
Tuesday, May 20 LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Proverbs 31 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org Eighth Grade Awards Ceremony, 1:30 PM, Divine Providence Church, 2600 Mayfair 5th Grade Parent Meeting at WMS begins at 7:00 pm 8th Grade Awards Ceremony 1::30 Church Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258,
Wednesday, May 21 BAR-W (Grades 1ST-6TH) & AMBASSADORS (Grades 7th–12th) from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600
60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org Sunday School – “Experiencing God” Series from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154
Sunday May 25 through Monday, May 26 Library closed for Memorial Day holiday
Monday, May 26 Memorial Day Service at 10:00 AM at Mayfair Park Memorial Day-Village Hall Offices closed. Memorial Day – No School, Westchester Public Schools Memorial Day - No School Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258, www.
Tuesday, May 27
LADIES BIBLE STUDY – Proverbs 31 from 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org 2nd Grade Parent Meeting at WIS begins at 7:00 PM The Divine Infant Jesus School Half Day Inservice, Westchester Public Schools (see school calendar student body will be praying the rosary – 12:30 pm at Divine Infant for dismissal times) Last Day for PreSchool Divine Jesus Church,1600 Newcastle Avenue. Providence School, 2500 Mayfair For more information, contact the Avenue, 708-562-2258, www. school office at 865-0122 Library begins summer hours: Monday-Thursday 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM, Thursday, May 22 Friday 9:30 AM – 6:00 PM, Saturday 9:30 AM – 5:00 PM, closed Sundays. Last Day for Prekindergarten Summer hours in effect until Labor Divine Providence School, 2500 Day weekend in September Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258, www. Village Board Meeting at 7:00 PM in the Village Hall Court Room with Friday, May 23 the Committee of the Whole Meeting Reformer’s Unanimous – RU from immediately following. 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., at Westchester Wednesday, May 28 Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak BAR-W (Grades 1ST-6TH) & Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. AMBASSADORS (Grades 7th–12th) from 6:45 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at All school picnic on school grounds Westchester Bible Church, 10600 for students of Divine Infant Jesus, W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 1640 Newcastle Avenue. For more 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. information, contact the school office org at 865-0122 Adult Bible Study/Pray Meeting from Kindergarten Promotion 9:30 a.m. 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m., at Westchester Divine Providence School, 2500 Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258, www. Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. Table Grace Ecumenical Discussion, Sunday, May 25 11:30 AM, Divine Providence Ministry Center, 2540 Mayfair Morning Worship Service/Evening Tai Chi Class, 4:30 PM Divine Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. / 6:00 Providence Narthex, 2600 Mayfair p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, See CALENDAR, page 25 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL
MAY 2014
Mayfair Reservoir Expansion Project The Village of Westchester recently entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District for a flood mitigation project that includes the expansion of the Mayfair Reservoir and the installation of an additional storm sewer along Carlisle Avenue in the Village. The Mayfair Reservoir is located in Mayfair Park, which is north of 31st Street and west of Mayfair Avenue. During the 2010 and 2013 storm events, this area was subject to severe flooding which damaged basements of over 120 homes and first floors of over 30 homes in each of the storm events. Water surface elevations and depths at the Mayfair Reservoir and in the depressional area between Carlisle and Bedford Streets are controlled by a combination of storage capacity of the Mayfair Reservoir, storm sewer capacity, inlet capacity, elevation of the receiving water body (Salt Creek) and overland flow route elevations and capacity. The Mayfair Expansion Project (Project) will provide flood mitigation
improvements within the depression between the Mayfair Reservoir and Salt Creek. The Project will include expansion of the storage volume in the Mayfair Reservoir, increasing the conveyance within the storm sewer on Carlisle Avenue, modification of inflow structure elevations at the Mayfair Reservoir, modification of pump house controls at the Mayfair Reservoir, installation of backflow preventers on storm sewers in lateral streets to Carlisle Avenue and possibly a flood protection wall at Sunnyside Avenue to hold back inflow from Salt Creek. Our engineers estimate that the expansion of the Mayfair Reservoir will provide an additional 27 acrefeet of storage which should result in a lowering of water surface elevations downstream of the Mayfair Reservoir of approximately 2-feet with beneficial, but diminishing, reductions along the corridor to Salt Creek. The storm sewer systems for the residential streets including Mayfair, Kensington, Downing,
Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www. Eighth Grade Graduation, 7:00 PM, Divine Providence Church, 2600 Mayfair
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All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122 Pre-Kindergarten Graduation will be at 9:30 am, at Divine Infant Jesus School’s Langan Hall, 1640 Newcastle Avenue.For more information,contact the school office at 708-865-0122 Aging Well of Westchester invites you to: “The Blue Zones” - What the world’s oldest living people have to teach us about living long, happy, healthy lives? Presented by Jamie Lee Silver from Cantata Adult Life Services begins at 1:00 PM at the Mayfair Recreation, 10835 Wakefield.
WMS 8th Grade Dinner begins at 5:30 PM WMS End Of Year Dance (see school calendar for time schedule), Westchester Public Schools 8th Grade Graduation 7:00 p.m. Church Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair Avenue, 708-562-2258,
Saturday, May 31
Spring Fling Dance at Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd. Doors open at 6:30 p.m, Dancing is from 7p.m. to 10p.m. Cost is $12.00 per person, hor d,oeuvres will be served. Live music played by Matt Geraldi Ensemble will provide a variety of dancing and easy listening Thursday, May 29 music. Contact the church office for more details, 708-865-1282. Kindergarten Graduation will be at Divine Providence Golf Outing, 9:30 am,at Divine Infant Jesus School’s 12:00 Noon - 5:00 Dinner, Oak Brook Langan Hall, 1640 Newcastle Avenue. Golf Club, 2606 York Road, Oak Brook, For more information, contact the Call Divine Providence Parish 708school office at 708-865-0122 562-3364 for more information
Friday, May 30 Reformer’s Unanimous – RU from 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m., at Westchester
Immanuel Christian Academy Open House Evening from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Bedford, Buckingham and Sunnyside drain to the 48-inch storm sewer along Carlisle Street. Stormwater will accumulate in this depressional area if the 48-inch storm sewer is surcharged due to the elevation of the receiving water body (Salt Creek). The internal streets are all lower in elevation than Sunnyside Avenue, and surcharged sewers in this area will result in first floor flooding unless the Mayfair Reservoir is expanded to relieve the pressure on the 48-inch trunk sewer draining this area.The tributary sewers within the north-south streets which connect to the Carlisle Street 48-inch storm sewer would be evaluated for potential backflow preventers to block surcharged flows from the Salt Creek from entering this depressional area. The cost of the Project is estimated at $2,586,650. MWRD will finance construction costs in an amount not to exceed $2,121,000. The Village will finance the remaining cost of the Project. The Village of Westchester has
entered into an engineering services agreement with V3 Companies for the engineering of the project. Part of this project is the identification, survey location, and assessment of the stormwater manholes and low openings on private property in the project area. V3 will have representatives surveying in the area from 4/29/2014 – 05/23/2014. It will be necessary to survey low openings (window wells) on private property. The Village asks that residents grant permission to V3 representatives conducting this project to enter their private property to locate and collect the required data for the project. The surveyors will have photo ID’s verifying that they are employees of V3. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in helping make this a successful project for our Village. Construction is expected to begin by Fall 2014. If you have any concerns, please contact Village Manager Janet Matthys at 708-223-3052 or by e-mail at
Sunday, June 1
All School mass at 8:00 am at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 1600 Newcastle Avenue. Come join us. For more information, contact the school office at 865-0122 Last day of school for students at Divine Infant Jesus, 1640 Newcastle Monday, June 2 Ave., Dismissal at 11:35 Last Day of School Divine Providence 8th grade graduation will be at 7:00 School, 2500 Mayfair Avenue, 708-562pm, at Divine Infant Jesus Church, 2258, www.divineprovidenceschool. 1600 Newcastle Avenue. For more org information, contact the school office Saturday, June 7 at 865-0122 Registration begins for Summer Saturday, June 7, 8:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m. Reading Programs for kids at Library. Contact Youth Dept at (708) 562- Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd, Westchester. 3573 Registration begins for Teen Summer Food will be served from 8:30 a.m. – Programs at Library. Contact Adult 1:30 p.m. Proceeds will go to special projects in the church. For more Dept at (708) 562-3573 Registration begins for Page Turners information call the church office at Reading Club for adults at Library. 708-865-1282. Event occurs rain or Contact Adult Dept at (708) 562-3573 shine. A Baccalaureate Mass for 8th grade graduates of Divine Infant Jesus School, will be held at church @ 9:30 am, 1601 Newcastle Ave. Contact the rectory at 708-865-8071 for more information
Thursday, June 5
Sunday, June 8
AMERICAN LEGION” - The Col. A.L. Brodie, Westchester Post 1437 of the American Legion meets the first Thursday of each month.The meetings take place in the Community Room of the Village Hall. The meetings start at 7:00pm. All veterans are welcome. For further information please contact Stan Kolodziej at 708-790-9640.
Morning Worship Service/Evening Worship Service at 10:45 a.m. / 6:00 p.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154 www.westchesterbiblechurch. org Sunday School – “Experiencing God” Series from 9:30 – 10:30 a.m., at Westchester Bible Church, 10600 W. Cermak Rd., Westchester, IL 60154
Friday, June 6
MAY 2014
Aidan Walton and Boy Scouts from Troop 1 show off Easter baskets they wrapped for delivery.
Eagle Project Continues to Give Last year for his Boy Scout Eagle Project, fifteen year old Aidan Walton coordinated the purchase and delivery of handmade Easter baskets for children experiencing financial hardships who are serviced by Divine Infant’s St. Vincent DePaul Society. Instead of his Eagle Project being a “one time” event, Aidan put a documented plan in place for his project to continue on a yearly basis. With the combined efforts of Boy Scout Troop 1 and Divine Infant Youth Ministry Group, beautiful baskets were once again assembled, wrapped, and delivered making the children’s Easter morning a little brighter. All items in the baskets were
hand-picked to be age and gender appropriate while maintaining the confidentiality of the recipients. Aidan is on his final steps to achieving the rank of Eagle, the highest rank a Boy Scout can earn. Aidan is a member of Troop 1, Chartered by Westchester Middle School PTO. He is grateful for the support of his fellow Scouts and Divine Infant Youth Ministry Group so that his project will be continued every Easter for many years to come. This project is a wonderful example of youth leaders giving back to the community and helping the residents of Westchester.
Public Works MAY 2014
MAY 2014