Village of
Westchester MAY
Ready, Set, (Westchester) Action! On March 30th the Westchester Action Committee held the 2nd Annual “Empty A Closet, Fill A Belly” event at the Village Hall from 9am-3pm. All the proceeds of this event went to the Westchester Food Pantry who serves 8 local communities. The Westchester Action Committee collected
5,461 lbs. of cloths and received over $1,000. The Westchester Action Committee would like to say Thank You to all of the residents who volunteered. There next fundraising event is June 7th,2019, 6:30 pm at Eden Bowling Alley. “Let’s Strike Up Some Fun”
Park District 2
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Fire Department MAY 2019
Police Department 4
MAY 2019
A Message from the Police Chief – Steven Stelter NATIONAL POLICE WEEK Back in 1962, President John F. Kennedy enacted May 15th as Police Memorial Day. Also, by a joint resolution of Congress, the week of May 15th was named National Police Week. National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others. National Police Week is a collaborative effort of many organizations dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial is located in Washington D.C. and is the nation’s monument to law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty. The memorial honors federal, state, county and local law enforcement officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the safety and protection of our nation and its people. The memorial sits on three acres of land in an area called Judiciary Square. The memorial features two curving, 304 foot long marble walls with more than 20,000 officer’s names carved into these walls. These officers were killed in the line of duty throughout U.S. history with the first name dating back to 1791. A number of commemorative ceremonies are held at the memorial each year, and the site is visited by nearly a quarter million people annually. When you see our police vehicles with a blue ribbon tied to their radio antennas during the month of May, know that this is our way of honoring all police officers who have been killed in the line of duty. __________________________________________ ________________________________ “Cop on Top” – Dunkin Donuts Rooftop Event It is that time of year again!!!!! May 17th is the annual Cop on Top Dunkin Donuts fundraiser for Illinois
Special Olympics. This year’s event will mark the 16th year that Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run has participated with the Cop on Top – Dunkin Donuts. The Westchester Police Department began holding this event two years ago year and it has been a huge success. The Department raised nearly $6,000.00 between the two Dunkin Donuts shops in town last year. The Cop on Top event is a fun, easy and unique way to raise money for the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois. State-wide there were 299 locations that participated last year and the goal is 300 for this year. Please mark your calendars for May 17th and come on out between 5:00am and 12:00pm to either location – 31st / Wolf Road or Mannheim Road just south of the I-290 and donate to Special Olympics Illinois, Law Enforcement Torch Run. You will be greeted by your friendly Westchester police officers and there are plenty of free gifts for those who donate. __________________________________________ _________________________________ On April 26th Chief Stelter was sworn-in as the 71st President of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) at the annual conference held at Oakbrook’s Double Tree Hotel and Conference Center, April 24, 25 and 26, 2019. Chief Stelter has been in law enforcement for 40 years and is deeply honored and humbled with this position and representing all law enforcement officers in the State of Illinois. Part of Chief Stelter’s responsibilities will be to promote the business of the association and to work closely with our law makers in Springfield in regards to laws that will positively or negatively affect law enforcement and the communities we serve. This position is a one year commitment; Chief Stelter has served on the board for the past three years and been a member of ILACP since 2007.
POLICE BLOTTER 1) At 8:23pm on March 20, 2019 a Retail Theft was reported at Mariano’s located at 3020 Wolf Road. A 30 year old male was arrested and charged with retail theft after exiting the building without paying for $30 in merchandise. 2) At 4:26pm on March 28, 2019 a Criminal Damage to Vehicle was reported at the European Auto Care located at 11125 Roosevelt Road. The business owner reported that a vehicle was damaged due to unknown person(s) scratching the side of a single vehicle. The vehicle had been inspected the prior day and did not show signs of damage. 3) At 12:56pm on April 1, 2019 a Criminal Damage to Property report was taken at the Shell located at 11200 31st Street. It was reported that unknown person(s) damaged the screen on the pump by scratching it with a key. 4) At 7:06am on April 4, 2019 a Burglary to Motor Vehicle was reported
on the 10300 block of Wight. The residents vehicle was parked in the driveway unlocked and money was taken sometime during the previous evening. 5) At 10:57am on April 6, 2019 a Criminal Damage report was taken on the 700 block of Hull Ave. It was reported that unknown person(s) broke the rear window of their vehicle. 6) At 5:52pm on April 11, 2019 a Residential Burglary was reported on the 800 block of Hull Ave. The owners of an unoccupied house reported that unknown person(s) gained entry by force to the house, with nothing reported as missing. 7) At 2:52pm on April 13, 2019 a Theft of Package was reported on the 1800 block of Mannheim Road. Unknown person(s) removed a package that was photographed as having been placed at the rear door.
Anniversaries I would like to recognize the following police department employees who are celebrating a work anniversary this month: Officer Kristina Tountas Officer Matthew Sosnowski
10 years May 12th 16 years May 30th
Commerce MAY 2019
Library 6
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Public Works Public Works- May 2019 Newsletter Branch Pick-up: Branch pickup for May will be the week of May 6-10, 2019 Branch pickup for June will be the week of June 3-7, 2019 Branch pickup for July will be July 8-12, 2019 The Public Works Department will pick up branches the first full week of every month. (April-November) All brush must be put out on the front parkway no later than 7:00 a.m. on the designated pickup day. Branches can be up to 7 ‘in length and stacked with the butt ends facing the street in the same direction. If not stacked properly, a “restack” notice will be left. Public Works Crews will only pass through a designated pickup area once due to time schedule and other workload responsibilities. Thursday and Friday are Open Load days for pickup of any brush that will not fit through the chipper, such as logs, stumps, and large limbs. These must be cut for one man to lift. Dirt must be removed from the root ball for pick-up. Landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pickup and disposal. Please note the following schedule for branch pickup:
Public Works
MONDAY: From Mannheim Road west to Wolf Road and from Canterbury south to W i n d s o r- i n c l u d i n g both sides of Windsor Drive. Also, Waterford, Waverly, Camelot and Concord. TUESDAY: Roosevelt Road south to Cermak Road-from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road.
Memorial Day Holiday Garbage Schedule There will be no garbage pickup on Monday, May 27, 2019 due to the Memorial Day Holiday. Monday’s pickup will be Tuesday May 28, 2019 Tuesday’s pickup will be Wednesday, May 29, 2019 Thursday’s and Friday’s pickup will remain the same-no change
WEDNESDAY: F r o m Roosevelt Road north to the expressway and from Gardner Road west to Mannheim Road. Also, Roosevelt Road south to Canterbury from Haase west to Heidorn.
Construction season has started. Please drive carefully in all work zones.
THURSDAY: From Belleview west to Wolf Road, Martindale Drive to 31st Street
Pothole Repair The Public Works Department repairs potholes throughout the Village, weather permitting. Please call Public Works at 708-345-0041 to report potholes.
********************************* ********************************** *** Remember….. Waste Management will also pick up your branches if they are bundled no more than 4’ in length. These will be picked up on your regular garbage day every week. Free yard waste stickers for reusable yard waste receptacles are available at the Public Works office and the Village Hall.
Parkway Restoration: The Public Works Department is now repairing parkways damaged by sewer and water excavations and snow plow damage, weather permitting.
The vac and jet machine will continue to clean out storm sewer inlets, as weather permits. As Always….. Village residents are asked to call Public Works at 708-345-0041 or the Police Non Emergency number after hours at 708-345-0060 if an unusual amount of water is visible in the street or parkway. This could be a main
MAY 2019
break or water leak that requires our immediate attention. 50/50 Shared Cost Replacement Program
The Village offers a shared cost sidewalk replacement program. If the sidewalk in front of your residence is in poor condition and you would like to replace it, the Village will share the cost with you. Please call Public Works at 708345-0041 for more information or to register. The work done for this year’s program is projected for the summer season and is done on a first come first serve basis. Sprinkling Ban Reminder We have water use restrictions in effect every year, May 15-September 15, from 12pm to 6pm. This includes: (1) (2) (3) (4)
Outdoor Watering Cleaning Outdoor Surfaces Cleaning Buildings Pool Filling
Sprinkling during unrestricted hours (before noon, after 6pm) shall be allowed on even numbered days for those even numbered addresses, and on odd numbered days for those residents having odd numbered addresses. If we have a dry summer, further restrictions may be necessary.
MAY 2019
School District MAY 2019
St. Joseph 12
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St. Joseph MAY 2019
School District 14
MAY 2019
Calendar DIVINE INFANT …… DIVINE PROVIDENCE SENIOR CLUB Our next meeting will be Wednesday, may 1st 2019. Doors open at 1PM and the meeting will begin at 1:30PM. We will be having a special speaker at this meeting, Along with our coffee, tea and donuts. Also we will have the opportunity to sign up for our free summer baseball outing. Come join us for an afternoon of fun, laughter and friendship. May 03 Westchester Bible Church AWANA every Friday during the school year. Grades K-6 @ 6:30pm – 8:00pm Register online at westchesterbiblechurch. org Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 May 05 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 , Communion will
be served. All Are Welcome! May 11 11:00 am, Pet Blessing! All people and pets are Welcome!! Contests and prizes awarded. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. Westchester Library Special Event: Escape Room at 5:30 PM at Library. Patrons must be selected through the lottery to participate. Contact Youth Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573. May 12 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Coffee Hour to follow worship service. Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! May 16 A Few Red Drops: The Chicago Race Riot of 1919 with author Claire Hartfield at 7:00 PM at Library. Book signing and
raffle to follow. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573. May 19 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282 All Are Welcome! May 23 Wright Brothers, Wrong Story with author William Hazelgrove at 7:00 PM at Library. Book signing and raffle to follow. Registration requested. Contact Adult Dept for more information at (708) 562-3573. Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Westchester Bible Church Picnic in the Yard – BBQ, Bags, and
MAY 2019 15 BBall @5:00pm -7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 Worship Service, 10 am, Westchester Community Church, 1840 Westchester Blvd., 708/865-1282. All Are Welcome! Library will be closed for the Memorial Day holiday May 27 Library will be closed for the Memorial Day holiday June 02 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 June 09 Westchester Bible Church Adult Bible Fellowships & Sunday School @ 9:30am, Bible study for all ages. Morning Worship Service @ 10:45am Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040 “Fusion” Youth Ministry, Grades 7-12 @ 6:00pm – 7:30pm Cermak & Sunnyside, 708-562-3040
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Nominated Resident: Colman and Finn Kuzniar 2922 DOWNING
Residents Mike, Trish & Anna Connelly 2926 Downing Why are they good neighbors? Colman and Finn are 9 and 6 and they are the best neighbors in the world! They have their own landscaping and public works business, and paying them is optional! Along with their dad, Jason, they snow blow most of our block. They cut down some pesky weeds, helped with landscaping, bring in our garbage cans and any other jobs big or small. Once they helped us take care of a skunk problem! These two guys are friendly and know all the Downing news, too. We are so grateful for all they do for us. We can always count on Colman and Finn and they make living on Downing Avenue so much fun!
Westchester Accepting Applications for Police Officer Eligibility List The Westchester Police Department is currently accepting applications for the position of police officer. Application and required documentation due by 2:00 p.m. on Friday, May 17, 2019. For requirements, an online application, and release forms go to: Call 1-800-343-HIRE with questions. Police Officer Minimum Requirements: • $25.00 non-refundable application processing fee; • U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident Status; • High School Diploma or GED AND one of the following; • Successful completion of at least 30 semester hours (or their equivalent in quarter or trimester hours) of credit from an accredited college or university (copy of official transcripts due at deadline) OR • At least 12 months of active service in any branch of the United States military (Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard) with an honorable discharge or medical discharge; • Valid Driver’s License; • 21 to under 35 years of age as of June 15, 2019 unless otherwise exempt by Statute; All portions of the testing process are mandatory. Failure to attend and successfully complete any portion of the process will result in elimination from employment consideration. The Village of Westchester is an EOE.
MAY 2019
Community votes for official flower of Westchester The Grassroots Garden Group, a spirited collection of green thumbs in Westchester, announced today a community-wide vote to select the official flower of the Village of Westchester. Village officials, led by President Paul Gattuso, enthusiastically approved this event that will enable residents to decide which flower represents Westchester. The Grassroots Garden Group, active in the Westchester community since 2015, will handle all logistics associated with selecting the official flower. Four flowers are on the “ballot”: ALLIUM, CONEFLOWER, MILKWEED and VIRGINIA BLUEBELL There are three places to vote. Residents may vote at the Grassroots Garden Group’s Facebook page at grassrootsgardengroup; by sending an email to grassrootsgroup2015@; or by logging on to Residents may vote beginning May 1, 2019 through May 31, 2019. “Inviting the community to vote for the official flower of the Village of Westchester shows how the Grassroots Garden Group positively impacts Westchester in a fun way,” said Bethanny Alexander, founder of the Grassroots Garden Group. “And this summer, our commitment to the village will also include Westchester’s first-ever garden walk!” The Grassroots Garden Group is a not-for-profit volunteer group that supports the Westchester Food Pantry, with initiatives such as its annual spring plant sale, this year on Saturday, May 18th. The inaugural Westchester Garden Walk will take place Saturday, July 20th. The group meets the last Monday of each month to work on fun projects and plan its events. Anyone interested in gardening or giving back to the community is welcome. For more information about the flower vote, email us at g rassrootsg roup2015@gmail. com; follow us at facebook. com/g rassrootsg ardeng roup; or log onto our website at www.
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