PAID Permit No. 12 Bellwood, IL
Catherine M. Booth, Clerk Neil Boyle, Trustee Patrick Casey, Trustee Rick Fox, Trustee Walter J. Novak, Trustee Brian A. Sloan, Trustee Nicholas C. Steker, Trustee
The Village Newsletter is Published Quarterly By the Village of Westchester 10300 Roosevelt Road ~ Westchester, Illinois 60154 Phone: (708) 345-0020 ~ Fax: (708) 345-2873 E-mail: Website:
TAX PREPARATION Triton College RSVP Volunteer Services
V I L L AG E B OA RD TOWN HALL MEETING The next Westchester Village Board Town Hall Meeting will address:
There will be tax preparers available at the Proviso Township offices. Located at 4565 W. Harrison Street in Hillside.
Services are available by appointment only during February and March. Interested parties should make an appointment by calling the Triton College RSVP office: (708)456-0300, Extension 3895.
“Public Safety in Westchester” Tuesday February 2nd, 2010 7:00 pm Westchester Intermediate School 10900 Canterbury
Westchester Community News Briefs Sign up for the Village of Westchester’s Email E-Briefs Sign up at By registering to receive the Village of Westchester’s Community E-Briefs, you will be sent periodic emails from the Village. These E-Briefs will include information about upcoming Village events, services, meetings, and other friendly reminders of local happenings.
Phone: 708/345-0020 Fax: 708/345-2873 E-mail:
Winter 2010 THE VILLAGE
Stan Urban, Village Manager
Westchester Village Hall 10300 Roosevelt Rd. Westchester, IL 60154
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Name: ——————————————————————— Email Address:———————————————————— Home Address:————————————————————
The 2009 Holiday Season has passed us by and I hope your holidays were filled with great joy. Before we blinked another season was upon us as 2009 seemed to fly by. Last year we experienced many changes to our village. Several new board members, including myself were elected to represent your interests. A new Village Manager, Mr. Stan Urban was also hired and has been constantly working to provide all of our residents with excellent customer service. Your Village Board has met just about every Tuesday since May 13th 2009. “Committee of the Whole” meetings were instituted and held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, where the entire board meets to discuss topics to be brought forward to the Board meetings. An actual vote on those items occurs only on
our Regular Board Meeting nights on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. This gives board members and residents a chance to participate in the discussion of those items before they are voted on by the board. We held two “Town Hall” meetings at our public schools, one on the sanitary sewer back-ups, the other on the Building Department/ Permit process. We are planning the next one for FebINSIDE THIS ISSUE: ruary 2, 2010 at the Westchester Intermediate School (High Ridge School). The topics will include presentaPresident’s Letter 1-3 tions by both our Police and Fire Departments. The “Town 2010 Census 3 Hall” meetings are designed Municipal News 4 to bring additional information from village staff to you. We Department News 4-7 are in your neighborhood, and we look forward to your quesCalendars of Events 8-9 tions and comments. Two “Coffee with the President,” What’s Happening Now 10 events have also been held where I, and attending board members, had the opportunity to answer your questions on a more informal basis. I would like to thank the Westchester Library and Antonio’s coffee shop for hosting these events. Several initiatives have been implemented over the past several months. Some resurfacing equipment was purchased this season and several streets have been patched. The Public Works Antonio’s Ice Cream & Café’ grand opening with Trustee Novak, employees have made vast Co-owner Joe Christopher, Trustee Sloan, Co-owner Paul Gattuso, improvements to multiple Chamber President Bill Ernst, Village President Pulia, and Trustee streets with more planned to Boyle.
come in 2010. National Power Rodding Company did an extensive cleaning and camera inspection of the sanitary sewer system throughout the Village. The televised pictures will assist the Village in locating the pipes that have collapsed and need to be repaired or replaced. A section of Addison Creek has been cleaned and a host of dead trees and brush has been removed. Cleaning will continue this spring thanks to the help of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. The Roosevelt Road Street Improvement project is near completion with sidewalk paver bricks, additional lighting and signage for the village. The Village has applied for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency grants for money to replace our aging water pumping station that services W estchester, Broadview, Hines Hospital, Madden Health Center, and Loyola Hospital, with Lake Michigan drinking water. A similar grant was applied for to repair/ replace sewer lines in the High Ridge Area through our Congressmen Danny Davis and Dan Lipinski. The leaf bag distribution program was reinstated and with the help of volunteers, a bundle of leaf bags was delivered to over 6,000 individual homes. With the assistance