Newsletter - 2010 Winter

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PAID Permit No. 12 Bellwood, IL



Catherine M. Booth, Clerk Neil Boyle, Trustee Patrick Casey, Trustee Rick Fox, Trustee Walter J. Novak, Trustee Brian A. Sloan, Trustee Nicholas C. Steker, Trustee

The Village Newsletter is Published Quarterly By the Village of Westchester 10300 Roosevelt Road ~ Westchester, Illinois 60154 Phone: (708) 345-0020 ~ Fax: (708) 345-2873 E-mail: Website:

TAX PREPARATION Triton College RSVP Volunteer Services

V I L L AG E B OA RD TOWN HALL MEETING The next Westchester Village Board Town Hall Meeting will address:

There will be tax preparers available at the Proviso Township offices. Located at 4565 W. Harrison Street in Hillside.


Services are available by appointment only during February and March. Interested parties should make an appointment by calling the Triton College RSVP office: (708)456-0300, Extension 3895.

“Public Safety in Westchester” Tuesday February 2nd, 2010 7:00 pm Westchester Intermediate School 10900 Canterbury

Westchester Community News Briefs Sign up for the Village of Westchester’s Email E-Briefs Sign up at By registering to receive the Village of Westchester’s Community E-Briefs, you will be sent periodic emails from the Village. These E-Briefs will include information about upcoming Village events, services, meetings, and other friendly reminders of local happenings.

Phone: 708/345-0020 Fax: 708/345-2873 E-mail:

Winter 2010 THE VILLAGE



Stan Urban, Village Manager

Westchester Village Hall 10300 Roosevelt Rd. Westchester, IL 60154


PRSRT STD U.S. Postage

Name: ——————————————————————— Email Address:———————————————————— Home Address:————————————————————

The 2009 Holiday Season has passed us by and I hope your holidays were filled with great joy. Before we blinked another season was upon us as 2009 seemed to fly by. Last year we experienced many changes to our village. Several new board members, including myself were elected to represent your interests. A new Village Manager, Mr. Stan Urban was also hired and has been constantly working to provide all of our residents with excellent customer service. Your Village Board has met just about every Tuesday since May 13th 2009. “Committee of the Whole” meetings were instituted and held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month, where the entire board meets to discuss topics to be brought forward to the Board meetings. An actual vote on those items occurs only on

our Regular Board Meeting nights on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. This gives board members and residents a chance to participate in the discussion of those items before they are voted on by the board. We held two “Town Hall” meetings at our public schools, one on the sanitary sewer back-ups, the other on the Building Department/ Permit process. We are planning the next one for FebINSIDE THIS ISSUE: ruary 2, 2010 at the Westchester Intermediate School (High Ridge School). The topics will include presentaPresident’s Letter 1-3 tions by both our Police and Fire Departments. The “Town 2010 Census 3 Hall” meetings are designed Municipal News 4 to bring additional information from village staff to you. We Department News 4-7 are in your neighborhood, and we look forward to your quesCalendars of Events 8-9 tions and comments. Two “Coffee with the President,” What’s Happening Now 10 events have also been held where I, and attending board members, had the opportunity to answer your questions on a more informal basis. I would like to thank the Westchester Library and Antonio’s coffee shop for hosting these events. Several initiatives have been implemented over the past several months. Some resurfacing equipment was purchased this season and several streets have been patched. The Public Works Antonio’s Ice Cream & Café’ grand opening with Trustee Novak, employees have made vast Co-owner Joe Christopher, Trustee Sloan, Co-owner Paul Gattuso, improvements to multiple Chamber President Bill Ernst, Village President Pulia, and Trustee streets with more planned to Boyle.

come in 2010. National Power Rodding Company did an extensive cleaning and camera inspection of the sanitary sewer system throughout the Village. The televised pictures will assist the Village in locating the pipes that have collapsed and need to be repaired or replaced. A section of Addison Creek has been cleaned and a host of dead trees and brush has been removed. Cleaning will continue this spring thanks to the help of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. The Roosevelt Road Street Improvement project is near completion with sidewalk paver bricks, additional lighting and signage for the village. The Village has applied for Illinois Environmental Protection Agency grants for money to replace our aging water pumping station that services W estchester, Broadview, Hines Hospital, Madden Health Center, and Loyola Hospital, with Lake Michigan drinking water. A similar grant was applied for to repair/ replace sewer lines in the High Ridge Area through our Congressmen Danny Davis and Dan Lipinski. The leaf bag distribution program was reinstated and with the help of volunteers, a bundle of leaf bags was delivered to over 6,000 individual homes. With the assistance

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Stan Urban, Village Manager

P RM ES U INDIECNITP’ AS LL ENT ET EWRS C O N T I N U E D of our Public Works employees, and a day, was honored at the Top 20 Cook County Sheriff Thomas Dart, for piece of equipment borrowed from the Luncheon by LifeSource Blood Ser- her volunteer service. Westchester Village of LaGrange Park, our streets vices as the most productive commu- Middle School Students participated in have never looked so good. We have nity group in the northeastern Illinois. “Make a Difference Day” where they expanded resident participation in our WBP finished 12th among all donor went into the community to rake leaves Plan Commission, Zoning Board of groups but first among community or- and spruce up our community. They Appeals, and a re-vitalized Economic ganizations. Over the past year the also participated in Government Day, Development Committee. A Citizen program has collected over 550 units where students acted and replaced Advisory Committee is also in the of blood. Since the founding of the elected officials and senior staff for a works and will be formed shortly. group in 1974 it has collected 22,000 day. These volunteer committees are a pints for area hospitals, more than The Relay for Life’s Annual Cancer good cross-section of our community, enough to save 60,000 lives. That is benefit was a huge success. Lisa Marwhich includes individuals with diverse the population of Westchester three tin, the group’s organizer, presented backgrounds and various employment times over! the Village Board with a banner that is credentials. Several of our service Following the Village Holiday Tree proudly displayed in the village hall organizations continue to assist our Lighting, the Westchester Police and recognizing the event’s two awards, community. The Westchester LIONS Fire Departments collected toys for the All American Award and the Relay Club held the judging for the annual Loyola Hospital Children’s Center, food All Star Award. Peace Poster Contest where students for the Westchester Food Pantry, and Projects planned for 2010, include entered their depiction of “The Power supplies for our overseas Troops in Gardner Road, which is scheduled to of Peace.” First Prize Winners of a Iraq and Afghanistan. Thank you, to be resurfaced in two phases, begin$100 Savings Bond were Julisa ning in the spring. Thanks to the Galvan, Westchester Middle help of our State Representative ST. JOSEPH HIGH SCHOOL School; Julia Nowicki, Divine Ms. Karen Yarbrough. WestProvidence; Amber Reese, Imchester Boulevard, from Roose“Breakfast with the President” manuel Lutheran and Omar velt to Canterbury and 31st Street David G. McCreery Paniagua, Divine Infant Jesus. from Wolf Road to 1st Avenue are Second Prize Winners of a “St. Joseph's High School Past and Future: Inspiring scheduled to be resurfaced this and Influencing Tomorrow's Leaders” $50.00 Savings Bond were Alspring as well. len William Bell III, Westchester The Village Board is in the procMiddle School; Alex Kwok, Diess of reviewing local street proSpecial guest: vine Infant Jesus School and jects based on a Street Survey Westchester Village President Tamron Morris, Immanuel LuReport done in 2006. Recommentheran School. Entries were dations are being brought forth Sam Pulia placed on display at the Westfrom our engineering firm. Prechester Library as well as sub- “Village-wide Senior Citizen Organization” liminary cost estimates on several mitted to the LIONS District 1A of the streets have been obtained with more to come. As you know, Governor, for District Judging. January 13, 2010 funding these projects is very The Scouts from Pack and 9 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. costly. Your Board is committed Troop 172 and 73 collected food and eyeglasses, as well as to formulating a plan to repair/ In Library/GRC replace/resurface as many of our worn and weathered American roads as we can afford. Please Flags for retirement. The food drive supports the Westchester keep in mind that we have not Complimentary breakfast provided, please Food Pantry and a sharing received any state money from RSVP by Jan.8th (708) 562-7488 or church in Chicago. The 550 the Capital Plan that was apcollected eyeglasses will go to proved last summer. Presently the LIONS of Illinois Foundation we are still awaiting for $700,000 for distribution. The Scouts also par- all those who contributed to these re- in promised monies. A total Zoning ticipated in our Veterans Day event by markable causes. Recognition is also map review and revision has been in posting the colors while escorting our deserved from our young adults who the works for several months. This uph o n o r e d g u e s t M a j o r T am m y have distinguished themselves through date is necessary and will provide Duckworth into the tent for her address hard work. Joseph Mills and Joseph regulations to maintain the character of at the Vietnam veterans “Moving Wall” Parenti attained the rank of Eagle our community as well as help to atceremony. The Westchester Blood Scout. Olivia Stanger received the tract desired businesses to WestProgram Drive, marking its 35th birth- Youth Service Medal Of Honor from chester.

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MUNICIPAL NEWS The continued tree trimming services are scheduled to begin in the Nixon Area: Roosevelt to Cermak, Gardner to Mannheim Rd. What can you do to help Westchester?" Please support our local businesses and try out our restaurants that have opened this year: Antonio’s Ice Cream and Café, Christopher’s Speakeasy, Chai-Yo Thai and the Signature Sports Bar. Remember, Westchester receives sales tax from our businesses. Please be mindful of making purchases within the Village, you may be sending tax dollars to a neighboring community.

As you can tell, your board is taking on several approaches with the ultimate goal of moving Westchester forward. At times I feel the pace is slow, but I do believe we are moving in the right direction. We cannot do it alone, thus we are always seeking your input and your help. Our continued partnership with the members of the Westchester Park District, Westchester School District, Westchester Library, Westchester Chamber of Commerce and you, the Thank you for giving us the chance to residents of Westchester, will make serve you. 2010 an exciting and eventful new Sam D. Pulia- President year.

The 2010 Census: Be Counted In February and March, the Census Bureau will be sending out census forms to every household across the country. The new form has only 10 short questions, making it the easiest form ever. The Village is pleased to join the village, park district, schools and businesses in Westchester to encourage all residents to participate in the 2010 Census. Our community deserves its fair share of $400 billion dollars of federal funds for infrastructure and services, but the distribution of those funds is determined by population — and the population is measured by the census. That's more than $3 trillion over a 10-year period for things like new roads and schools, and services like job training centers. Many of the grants for funding available to public entities rely on population data provided by the census. If only 80% of the population of Westchester is counted, this can have a serious impact on the amount of money the Village is eligible to request or eligible to receive. Here are other important ways an accurate count in the 2010 Census will impact you:

The 2010 Census will determine the number of representatives representing Illinois in Congress.

Businesses rely on census data when deciding where to locate new stores, office buildings and manufacturing plants.

School districts rely on census data in planning for schools and classrooms to meet the population changes in a community.

Social service organizations use census data to allocate support services for seniors, pre-school programs, mental health care and other programs.

Community groups use census data when advocating for environmental legislation, consumer protection, and a host of quality of life issues.

The U.S. Constitution requires the federal government to take a census every ten years. The information you provide on the form is confidential and protected by Title 13 of the U.S. Code. In fact, all Census Bureau employees take an oath and are sworn for life to protect the confidentiality of the data they collect. Please complete the census form when you receive it early next year and mail it back to the Census Bureau. Your participation will benefit everyone in Westchester. The Village Census Committee is chaired by Trustee Novak, you may contact him through email

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Matthew Evans, Police Chief


Richard E. Belmonte, Fire Chief

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F I R E D E PA R T M E N T The Westchester Fire Department hosted an Open House during Fire Prevention week; Sparky assisted the department in spreading the safety message, “Residential Fire Sprinklers Save Lives”


Neighborhood Watch is Homeland Security in your Hometown! Meet the Challenge! Get Involved! The Westchester Police Department is seeking residents to participate in the Neighborhood Watch Program. The Neighborhood Watch is a resident-involvement program designed to provide participants with instruction and participation in the detection and prevention of crime in your area. Those interested in participating or to request additional information regarding this Neighborhood Watch program email or call (708) 345– 0060 ext. 440

WESTCHESTER VILLAGE VEHICLE STICKERS Newly-acquired vehicles must be licensed within thirty (30) days of purchase. If vehicle stickers are not properly displayed by February 15, 2010 the owner is subject to a fine, in addition to fees being doubled. VEHICLE

FEE (2/15)

FEE (2/16)







Truck (B Plate)



Truck (C Plate)



IL Disabled Plate



Seniors: $20.00 to residents age 65 by 2/15/010. One per person. The Village Hall is open for your convenience, to help serve you better, every Saturday 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Village Hall office hours are Monday, Wednesday through Friday 8:30 am. to 5 pm. Tuesday the Village is open 8:30 am to 7 pm. Dog & Cat Licenses (Tags) are available in the Police Department free of charge. Rabies certification must be presented upon registration. Newly-acquired dogs and cats must be licensed within 30 days after receiving their first rabies vaccine. Thereafter, the registrations have to be renewed annually at the beginning of the year before February 15th. AFTER-HOURS PAYMENTS Use the drop box in the lobby of the Village Hall, located in the main lobby just to the left of the doorway into the Village offices after hours. BILLING LATE FEES Water and garbage fees are billed quarterly by section. If you do not receive the bill because of a post office error, you are still subject to late fees. Bills not paid by 5 pm on the due date will be charged a late fee.

From L-R: Village President Sam Pulia recognizes FFPM Matt Martin, FFPM Kevin Dotson and Loyola Paramedic student Dave Jenks, for their lifesaving efforts on a recent medical emergency. Loyola Hospital presented each of the Paramedics and student with commendations.

As winter takes hold on the commu- ducing devices. they may become buried under heavy snow. Be careful with your footing as nity, the Westchester Fire Department reminds residents that this is a poten- As we enjoy the holiday season, re- icy patches are frequently difficult to tially dangerous season. member candles are a leading cause of see. Dress in layers and limit your exhome fires, and those can be easily posure to the elements. The cold can The use of heating equipment inside of prevented by using common sense, kill! Please check on your family and the home must be handled with care never leave them unattended and keep friends during these next few months and caution. Fireplaces, space heaters the area near the candles free of mate- and show why Westchester is a “nice and even the furnace within the house rials which may ignite. place to live”. can cause a disaster. Now is the time to examine your home heating devices Take the time to discuss with your The Westchester Fire Department to ensure they operate properly. Check family, what to do in case of emer- would be happy to perform home fire when the last time your furnace was gency, such as a fire or carbon monox- safety surveys at your convenience, serviced and cleaned. This should be ide emergency, and please check your please call the department at 345-0433 done annually. A dirty or faulty fur- smoke detectors and carbon monoxide to schedule or for any other assistance nace can cause fire or the release of detectors for fresh batteries and func- we may offer. deadly carbon monoxide gas. tion. Remember, the law now requires that residences have The Westchester Fire Department does working smoke and carbon not recommend the use of space heat- monoxide detectors. ers. If you must use them, they must be UL listed for safety and should Winter can also take a severe never be left unattended. Be sure that toll on our health, with severe the area near and around the space cold and heavy snow. Please heater is free of any material that could look after each other and our Shoveling wet catch fire. Never leave the space neighbors. heater operating overnight. The same heavy snow will cause muscle information is true for fireplaces, make aches, injuries and could po- From L-R: FFPM Dan Prezyna, Capt. James Waters, sure the chimney and flue are clean, tentially cause a heart attack. FFPM Paul Groom, Lt. James DeBoer and Chief Richard and the damper operates properly. Take your time, take frequent Belmonte receive commendations from the Village for Keep combustibles clear and most im- breaks, and if it is too much, their lifesaving efforts on a vehicle accident that required extrication. FF Gary Padalik, not pictured, was also portantly, keep yourself and your fam- let it go. Please do shovel recognized. ily at a safe distance from all heat pro- around fire hydrants though, as

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Public Works

Dennis DiPasquale, Building Commissioner


VILLAGE SIDEWALK & TREE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM You may have noticed new trees on the parkway or sidewalks replaced in your neighborhood. These improvements are part of the Village shared cost programs. We offer 4-6 various types of trees to choose from and planting will begin in fall of 2010. If you are interested in participating in the coming year, contact Public Works 708-345-0041.

BRANCH PICK-UP The Village will begin regular branch pickup on Monday, April 5, 2010. Crews will pick up branches once a month on the first full week of every month from April through November. Watch for a schedule in the spring issue of the Village Newsletter. For a map of branch pick up schedule log on: Please remember that all landscaping contractors are responsible for their own brush pick-up and disposal.



WINTER WATER RULES The cold weather has arrived so please make sure the outside water spigots are turned off in the basement during the winter months to prevent pipes from freezing or cracking. If you are leaving town for warmer weather please inform the Public Works Department so crews can shut off the water at the buffalo box while you are away. Adopt a fire hydrant this winter season! Help keep the hydrant clear of snow so that the Fire Department can easily identify the hydrant. As always, residents are asked to call the Village at (708) 345-0041 Public Works or (708) 345-0060 Police (Nonemergency or after hours) if you see an unusual amount of water in the street or parkways. This could be a main break or water leak that requires our immediate attention.


Winter months are typically slow periods for construction. That makes this the perfect time to submit plans for your upcoming projects. Review time for plans submitted during this period typically are about half compared to plans submitted during prime construction season. So, get those plans turned in, reviewed and obtain your permits in advance and you will be set and ready to start as soon as spring weather arrives. Work must start within six (6) months of permit issuance and permits are normally good for one (1) year.

BUILDING DEPARTMENT SERVICES We are currently located in the front office of the Village Hall. Our hours of operation are 8:30 AM thru 5:00 PM, Monday thru Friday. The Building Department handles all new construction and remodeling along with a variety of other services including: Home Compliance Checks Building Permits Sign Permits Plan Reviews Contractor’s License and Registration Zoning Questions Flood Plain Questions Code Enforcement

We strongly recommend that you obtain at least three (3) quotations from contractors, review them to compare equal scope and check all references thoroughly. All contractors performing work within Westchester must have current registration with the Village. A simple phone call to the Building Department can verify if your contractor is registered or we can provide you with a list of currently registered contractors.


A permit shall not be required for ordinary repair work incidental to the upkeep of a building or structure. However, if such work involves any of the following a permit is required: ♦

The Public Works Department snow plan is in effect and plows and spreaders are ready to go on a moment’s notice. Please assist us by observing these suggestions: Place garbage cans behind the curb line-not in the street Observe the “No Parking” and “Snow Route” signs Do not throw or blow snow back into the cleared streets The following parking restrictions WILL be enforced: After a two-inch snowfall and except as otherwise posted, it is unlawful to park any vehicle, or to permit any vehicle to remain parked, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. on oddnumbered sides of the streets (south and east sides of streets) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on even-numbered sides of streets (north and west sides of streets) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Odd sides of streets are defined as the south side of east and west streets, and the east side of north and south streets. Even sides of the street are defined as the north side of east and west streets and the west side of north and south streets. The Public Works Department works long and hard to keep the Village streets clear and safe. We need and appreciate your cooperation.

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♦ ♦ ♦

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♦ ♦ ♦

Removal or installation of any external wall or the removal of any supporting wall, column, post, truss or beam; The installing or changing of any stair, stair-hall, fire escape, scuttle, skylight, window, door or other means of communication, ingress, egress, ventilation or the admission of natural light; The addition, modification or changing of the location or number of connections of the fixtures, traps, vents, waste, soil or drain pipes of the plumbing system; Any addition, change or modification to the electrical service or distribution system including changing of the number, location or connections of the fixtures of the lighting system or the number or location of the wall outlet receptacles; The changing to a different system of lighting or ventilation; Re-shingling or re-covering of roofs; Renewing or replacing exterior wood or siding of the frame portion of any building or structure; The installation or modification of any partition walls, or the covering of walls and/or ceilings in basements or areas partially below grade, such as the conversion of an open basement or cellar into a finished recreation room; Installation, modification or remodeling of kitchens and/or bathrooms; Installation or change of location of central air conditioning units and installation or change of location of heating units; Erection, replacement or relocation of fences.

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January February & March


January 2010 -Tuesday, January 5th Last day of voter registration. For more information about late voter registration go to -Saturday, January 16 First community blood drive of year. 8am to 3pm at Divine Providence School, 2500 Mayfair. -GLOW Preschool, Grace Lutheran Church, 1101 Manchester, Westchester has openings in the 3 Year Old Class. Call (708) 681-4569 for more information. -Saturday, January 16 Westchester Blood Drive, 8:15 am –3 pm Divine Providence School -January 23 8:30-9:30am Market Day Pick-up, Divine Providence School -Sunday, January 31, 2010, 8:00am until 1:00pmDivine Providence Athletic Association Annual Pancake Breakfast Adults: $6.00 per plate, Children: $4.00 per plate 2500 Mayfair Avenue, Westchester - Third Friday of Each Month: Taizé Ecumenical Prayer @ 7:30 pm January 15; February 19, March 19 Divine Providence (Church)

-Sunday, February 21: 1 pm at the LaGrange Park Library, 55 N LaGrange Road Prehistoric Elephants of the Chicago Region sponsored by Save The Prairie Society Contact R. McCabe at 708-354-5512 -Tuesday, February 23: Family Book Fair Night at Westchester Intermediary School, 6:30pm-8:30pm -Wednesday, February 24 Winter Choral Concert at Westchester Middle School, 7:00pm

March 2010 -Friday, March 5 - Fish and Chicken Fry - 4:30 - 7:30 pm Westchester Community Church -Saturday, March 6 - Scrapbooking Fundraiser - 9:00 am 11:00 pm Westchester Community Church

-Monday & Tuesday, March 15 & 16 2nd Grade Fine Arts Celebration at Westchester Primary School, 7:00pm

-March 20: Market Day Pick-up 8:30-9:30am Devine Providence School -Sunday, March 21: 2 pm at the LaGrane Park Library, 555 N LaGrange Road “Eco-friendly Landscaping Techniques” by Save The Prairie Society Call R. McCabe at 708-354-5512

-Tuesday, February 2 Election Day/Voting, 6:00AM7:00PM go to for more info

-Tuesday, March 23 Early Childhood Screening at Westchester Primary School, 9:00am-3:00pm

-Friday, February 5: Fish and Chicken Fry 4:30 - 7:30 pm Westchester Community Church

-Friday, March 26 Living Stations in Church at 1:30 pm – Contact person: Mr. Leonard Gramarossa 708-865-0122

-Friday, February 12: Valentine's Day Dance at Westchester Middle School, 7:00pm-9:15pm)

-Tuesday, March 30 Simple Supper at 5:45 pm - Contact person: Sr. Susan Majcen 708-865-8086

-Ash Wednesday, February 17, 2010; Distribution of Ashes (prayer service) 6:30 am, Noon Distribution of Ashes (Mass) 7:30 & 9 am, 7 pm Devine Providence

-Tuesday, March 30 Living Stations in Church at 630 pm Contact person: Mr. Leonard Gramarossa 708-865-0122

-Saturday, February 20 - Scrapbooking Fundraiser - 9:00 am 11:00 pm (come scrapbook with us - we supply: plenty of open space, meals, massages, fellowship and ideas from other scrap bookers) Westchester Community Church Big City Night - Hong Kong, a gala to benefit Aspire, will be held at the Hyatt Regency Chicago February 20, 2010. Reservations are $150 per person, and include dinner and drinks, live entertainment, a raffle, as well as silent and live auctions. All proceeds benefit the array of therapies, educational programs, clinics and other support Aspire provides to children with developmental disabilities and delays and their families. For more information about reservations or how to make a donation of an auction item or for information about sponsorship opportunities, contact Susan Ondreja at 708.547-3575 ext. 3558 or see

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Regular Meetings of the Village Board are held at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room

Regular Meetings of the Committee of the Whole will be held at 7:00 p.m. in the Community Room

January 5, 2010

January 12, 2010

January 19, 2010

January 26, 2010

February 2, 2010

February 9, 2010

February 16, 2010

February 23, 2010

March 2, 2010

March 9, 2010

March 16, 2010

March 27, 2010

All Village meeting agendas are posted on our website:

-Saturday, March 6 DISPA Talent Show – Devine Infant Rocks the House - Contact person: Mrs. Kathy Kulnig

-February 2010 - Monday, February 1: Kindergarten Registration for 20102011 at Westchester Public Schools, 6:30pm-9:00pm


January through December 2010

On behalf of the Westchester Food Pantry and our families in need, I would like to thank you for your generous donations of food, time, and thoughtfulness at this special time of year. With endless donations and services you have made the Holidays brighter for many families. Wishing you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year. — With warmest regards and thanks, Judy Saraceno-Swenson Aspire Calls for Volunteers Aspire, a non profit agency serving children and adults with developmental disabilities in the western suburbs operates a resale store (Aspire on Broadway) in Melrose Park. The proceeds from the sales benefit Aspire programs. We are in need on weekly volunteers to sort donations, steam clothing, assist customers and merchandise the floor. Volunteers receive on the job training, free parking and a store discount. Please contact Julie Gies, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator or checkout website at Thank you.

Westchester Chamber of Commerce Banquet

“Celebrate Westchester” Saturday, January 30, 2010 6:00 p.m. Cocktails 7:00 p.m. Dinner The Carlisle, Lombard $75 per person Entertainment by Pie in Your Face reservations required by January 15, 2010 contact Bill Ernst 708-243-9859

The WCIC will hold its fourth annual Cosmic Bowl Saturday, February 27, 2010, from 7:00 to 11 p.m. at Suburbanite Bowl in Westmont. Doors open at 7, with dinner at 8 and bowling at 9:30 p.m. Raffles are part of the evening. Reservations, which are $35 per person, are required by February 5. Any residents or businesses that would like to donate an item to raffle may call Genny Panek at 708.865-9977. See for more information.

LEAF PROGRAM A SUCCESS The Westchester Leaf Bag Program returned this fall in an effort to maintain the beauty of the Village and to reduce the amount of debris in our sewer system. The initiative was proposed by Trustee Sloan, and included use of a vacuum machine and leaf bags, which were funded 100% by private contributions. Trustees Novak and Sloan secured discounts of over $2,500 and contributions to cover the $9,000 net expense. Thank you to MacNeal Physicians Group, Menards, Gobber Real Estate, Law Offices of Randall R. Hribal and Thomas J. Spahn, Henry’s Hotdogs, Thomas Michael Hair Salon, Le Petite Café, Christopher’s Speakeasy, Preferred Plumbing, Antonio’s Ice Cream & Café, Wally’s Donuts, Paul’s Pizza, Minuteman Press, Sam Pulia, Cathy Booth, Wally Novak, Brian Sloan and Nick Steker. Please show your support of the businesses that funded the program by visiting their establishments and using their services. A special thanks goes out to the volunteers who delivered the bags throughout the Village: Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts of Packs 73 & 172, Proviso ROTC, Overall Home Inspector Timothy Hinsdale, Steve Battersby, Luigi Mazzei, Andy Natanek, and Village Officials Pulia, Booth, Novak, Sloan and Steker, as well as members of their families. This program could not have been a success without their involvement. If you would like to be a part of the program in the future, please e-mail Trustee Sloan at

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