April Newsletter

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Village of

Westchester Spring 2010 Newsletter

From the Desk of The President


President’s Letter

Community Calendar


News from the Fire Department


Park district happenings


From the schools


Public Works Department


From the Village Board


Since being elected last April, residents approach me on a regular basis wanting more information about what is going on in the Village. In speaking with my fellow elected officials they have also reported that they are approached on a regular basis with the same requests. Many of you, like I, remember when the “Westchester News” was delivered on Thursdays, the “Suburban Life,” on Wednesdays and Saturday, and the “Westchester Herald” on Wednesdays. And who can forget the Family Shopper with its host of ads highlighting the special sales of the week on Friday. Unfortunately, only one of these publications is in print and information about what is going on in Westchester seems harder and harder to come by. In an effort to reverse this trend, we will be issuing a monthly newsletter solely dedicated to what is going on within the Village of Westchester. Included in this newsletter will not only be information regarding the state of our Village, but also information pertinent to our partners in the business community, park district, school districts and library. Our goal is to have this monthly newsletter delivered to your doorstep the first week of each month. The newsletter will take the form of a regular newspaper, and several of the pages will be in full color. Additional copies will be strategically placed at other locations throughout

the village. This newsletter will also be available on line at our web site www.westchester-il.org We have partnered with our public school District 92 ½, The Westchester Park District, Westchester Library, St. Joseph High School, Triton College, and the Westchester Chamber of Commerce to provide you with timely news about this village and the programs and events planned for by our partners. The business community will be subsidizing our efforts and helping to defray the costs by placing advertising in the newsletter. Businesses will be able to place advertising in the newspaper at a reasonable cost. Take time to look through the ads. I am sure you will find new businesses that you knew never existed in Westchester. And the best way to keep these businesses in Westchester is to patronize them whenever possible. Keeping these businesses in Westchester will ensure that we as a community continue to meet the needs of our citizens. This first issue will be a work in progress, but I’m confident you will be impressed with our sincere effort to keep you up to date and informed. Any suggestions you have for the newsletter are welcome. Please forward any suggestions to newsletter@westchester-il.org. “Believe in and Buy Westchester” Thank You, Sam

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