Art and Poetry Side by Side 2016

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April 10th, 2016

We hope you will enjoy this booklet that features Art & Poetry Side by Side created by people with and without disabilities. The art featured was selected from gallery265's April 2016 Artist's Choice Exhibition. The poetry shown was submitted to a committee in response to these art pieces. gallery265 is an art gallery that focuses on inclusion by providing opportunities for all artists, particularly those living with disabilities to exhibit their works along side community artists.




Dance Theater of Harlem by Hubert Williams

Together We’ll Face The World Take a breath, Take my hand, Together we’ll face the world. Let your light shine bright, Embrace your true self, Together we’ll face the world. Believe in your smile, Laugh full-heartedly, Together we’ll face the world. Take a breath, Take in these moments, Together we’ll face the world.

By Anonymous 4



Cowboy Lone Ranger Mask Gun Horse Lone Ranger Cowboy


Hollywood Theater 1930’s by Lorraine Trovato Cantori


Right There In The Painting Her image popped out to me if it is really her that the artist put there in the middle of the painting. Yet that beautiful blue had to signify her there, nestled between two cylindrical towers with twisted mosque-like tops Why not cathedrals? She has a effervescent glow in this painting, that I once saw in a dream, when she comforted me that I would forever sleep well and deeply. A brightness I envisioned in the foot-tall statue on my grandmother Nonnie’s bureau when I was a child and slept in the bedroom across from hers. I heard her rhythmic slur of the Hail Mary ten times, then an Our Father, then ten more Hail Marys, and on. Grandpa died that month, suddenly. As Nonnie’s fingers worked through the beads on her rosary dangling in front of the bed mattress she lay on facing my room, I knew the Blessed Virgin cared for her and cared for me. “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou, among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” rang in my head telling me it was her, returning in this painting but why there amid the sparkle and bustle Further looking showed the marquis had related words, hell and angel, and she often negotiates the two And why not would her glistening figure be just feet away from the “Hollywood” sign, She too is omnipresent she too vies for our attention. If only we would love more to honor her and her son who gave way back then and still gives today so much to us all, no matter the buildings, no matter the signs, no matter the lights.

By Fran Sisco




Untitled by John D. Alton

I Am Crimson I am the color red, undiluted, rich and clear and true. I am red hot and intense, uncompromising, yet surprising… bold, unexpected. You’ll find me in cartoons and in landings on moons. I am in a rocket’s blast-off, or in the striking of a match. I can warm the heart and hearth as I burn down forests and erupt from volcanos. I herald the rising and setting of the sun. I demand attention. I command respect. I am controversial. I’m old hat. I am the wing of a ladybug and a stripe on the body of a transcontinental jet... I am the velvet curtains you draw across your windows to hide or to shut out noise and chill. I am part of the horror of war, and in the flags and flowers that celebrate its end. I am bleeding and transfusion. I am there when a heart breaks or when a woman menstruates.


I have witnessed the skinning of knees, the birth of a child, the slashing of wrists and the crushing of a rose. I am the color of crisp apples, and old wine, royalty, whorehouses, Santa Claus, valentines, bicycles and cherry pie. I am long flannel underwear, childrens’ mittens and rosy cheeks; a red pickup truck with kids and a black lab in the back, a clowns’ nose and the polish on a seductress’ toes. I can careen through streets with my siren wailing to put out fires…some of which I started. Sometimes I careen through streets just for the hell of it! I know how to lead the parade as well as mark the end of the road… how to soar like a bird, and float like a feather; and, as a caboose I know I’ll see the same sights, and reach the same speeds and destinations as the engine, as long as I’m part of the train. I am molten rage and outrage, the meltdown of despair, but I would never miss a party, and I could dance like a coral snake to rythms I’ve never heard… I know I could. I am a red laser beam poking holes in hypocricy… the red tape of chaos and procrastination; the red ink of overpromising and underplanning. I am the red face of shame and anger paled by the flame of my courage and spirit… the brightest jewel on the artist’s palette; the most insignificant speck on the head of a pin. I am the mystery of Mars, the fire sign Aries, a pioneer, headstrong, impatient, burning with ideas and enthusiasm, loyal, charismatic, overbearing, but understanding. I am the color red. I was there in the spark of creation, and I will be the crimson in the last burning ember.

By Pat Lavin 13




San Francisco Cable Car Far from our home in Westchester Cable cars in San Francisco move around the city passing stores and sites. In the sky above a rainbow appears with boats speeding below in the bay passing the shore. Up above a woman drives the cable car. Customers inside having fun reading their smart phones, magazines and maybe a book and looking at the pretty scenes.

Poem and Illustration By Daniel Kabakoff 17




Bird On Hand by Sine Hjort

Consider The Birds The sound of the early morning dove Brings such joy to the new day The comfort of the same sound That I have felt since a child I do not know how old he is But I imagine he been outside all these years If only I could hold him and let him know That he is a part of my heart I never want to let go By Anonymous 21








Hollywood Theater 1930’s by Lorraine Trovato Cantori

The City The lights, The glamour, The tallest of all! “The buildings,” said Mr. L. McSmall. The shine, The honking, The street full of cars! “I’m late! I’m late,” said Mrs. Pzars. The song, The dancing, The telling of story! “Hollywood oh Hollywood,” said Korie.

By Jenna Shaiken 29






Hugs & Kisses by Kelly Sisco

"Lots of Love Underneath Her Art" Her collage proclaims a zest for life and love with an abundance of pleasing images of luscious lips and lush flowers with large uppercase letters declaring HUGS and KISSES together with pieces of rainbows and lipsticks, blue sky and swirling candy and decorated finger nails. The amalgamation of colors floats on a gray textured background and two seductive blue eyes pull in the viewer to a fantasy world of hopefulness of love of life and people. Is the piece a statement of her present state or a fanciful objective, yearned for? Underneath this happiness I believe is her profound understanding that the outward presentation of glee and celebration can indeed propel a person forward into a more joyous world, despite the angst along the rocky path of life's journey that for some people would lead to a collage despondent and dreary. How blessed to have this artist as my daughter, brightening my life and others around us as she brightens her own.

By Fran Sisco 34


Television When I am home I watch television Bonanza or nature I really like nature on television


Perplexed by Priscila Schott

Purple Rain Lost in the land of purple rain, Trying to find my life again. An old friend meets me one sad day Who patiently helps me understand How to be happy in this purple land. How friends heal friends along the way.

By Anonymous


Compiled 1st poem line HANDOUT Original Word ball Prompt Poem [Zork Tweaks and framework added] written by Arc of Westchester Gateway Lounge Fall 2015 Zork Slam Workshop* Participants ====

These sounds are in my summer SOUL with amazing AIR GUITAR righteous riffs I was ACTING that i was daily DREAMING i was acting in this summer song show I dream of happy hot hot dogs I’m HAPPY to get married at midnight Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul when i come hurridly home from weekly work I find constant CHAOS and plenty of PARTY I talk to my friend and family about programs My dream is of boy BANDS and barking babys Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul And i ring ALARM for the silent servants who bring CHILI DOGS cravings When i PARTY hard Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul FROSTY THE SNOWMAN carries a big broom And I sing all day and sing all night too Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul I like to eat Apples always while a fantastical funny girl DREAMS Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul I don’t like constantly craving COFFEE yet, I am very ALARMingly ALERT Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul I’m HAPPY but SAD and good year is you since I have mighty MOUSE and magical music on my mind Yes, these are the sounds of my summer soul 38

Arc of Westchester Gateway Lounge Fall 2015 Zork Slam Workshop* Participants (*This project was made possible by ArtsWestchester, with funding from Westchester County) Katherine A. Xavier D. Matthew D. Amanda D. Kelly D. Shenise E. Grimaldo F. Kristen G. MaryKate H. Paul H. Stefanie I. Samira J. Yuria K. Anna K. Patrick N. Jennifer M. Brian S. Tim S. Michael S. Nao Y.


SPECIAL THANKS TO Robert Miss Harriet Shenkman Eric “Zork” Alan gallery265 committee Arc of Westchester staff and volunteers and our artists and poets for their work on this project.

Our art gallery provides opportunities for all artists, particularly those living with disabilities, to express themselves through visual and performing arts. gallery265 is a unique enhancer of the human spirit. Learn more at

The Gleeson-Israel Gateway Center • 265 Saw Mill River Road • Hawthorne, NY 10532

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