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Back to School News 2013
Celebrating Our Local Schools Brought to you by The HomeTown News and the LMU Family of Schools
A message from Shane Martin, LMU’s Dean of Education There are both challenges and great opportunities for the education of the students in our Westchester/Playa community, across Los Angeles and the greater United States. As a lifelong educator, I remain optimistic that through collaboration and dialogue we can achieve success for all learners. Through our Family of Schools (FOS), Loyola Marymount University is proud to partner with 13 public, charter and Catholic schools to promote student success and educational equity in our community. Our goal is to foster an open partnership that is mutually beneficial to both the PreK-12 and university students, faculty and staff we work with. The FOS was developed to be the conduit between the university and our local schools, and we remain committed to that vision. In a companion article in this “Back to School” issue, Darin Earley, director of the LMU Family of Schools, highlights recent achievements for the students and schools in the partnership and identifies three areas the collaboration will focus on in the upcoming school year: academic achievement, school culture and climate, and college and career readiness. I would like to address each of these areas so critical to student and school success here locally and in communities across the country. Improving the academic achievement of students, as measured by both test scores and more holistic, qualitative methods, is paramount. We live in an interconnected, global society where our students compete for jobs and opportunities with students in China, Brazil and beyond. A very important factor in student success is having a quality teacher in every classroom. Quality teachers reinforced by strong school site leadership, parental involvement and community support can make all of the difference for our students. We embrace the diversity in our schools because of the value this adds to the learning experience. We also acknowledge the inequity
September 2013
Shane Martin, Ph.D.
that some students face, whether based on ethnicity, language, socioeconomic background, disability or other factors, and continue to put special supports in place for these students so that all learners can achieve and go on to be college and career ready. It’s also important to recognize the value that those from more fortunate backgrounds bring to the learning environment. It’s this diversity of experience, culture and values that make our classrooms such exciting places for students to learn and grow. In looking at academic achievement, there is great opportunity in California’s adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS). The CCSS are a set of national standards that are robust and emphasize real world, 21st century knowledge and skills. As schools introduce new forms of technology, from mobile apps to digital textbooks, these clearly articulated standards that set high expectations for our students are something we should all embrace. Oftentimes school culture and climate can be overlooked or undervalued as a factor in student success. Yet, as a university based in the Jesuit/Marymount traditions, we know the importance of educating the whole person and developing students who are lifelong learners. This type of education must happen in safe, reaffirming schools where teachers (continued on page 10)
Back to School
Clockwise from above: 1. Principal Cynthia Hoepner cuts the ribbon in celebration of the school’s recent renovations. 2. The school’s renovations include a new library, which overlooks the football field. 3. Hoepner addresses students, alumni and guests at the ribbon cutting ceremony. 4. Students get ready for the first week of classes. 5. Students lead the crowd in the school’s song.
St. Bernard starts school year with new facilities, updated campus St. Bernard High School students, faculty and staff were treated to a renovated campus when they returned to classes for the first day of school on Monday, August 19. On August 20, the school welcomed guests and alumni to a celebratory ribboncutting and school tour to share with the community the changes that are taking place on the Playa del Rey campus. Under the leadership of principal Cynthia Hoepner, the school received one million dollars in funding from a variety of sources including the William H. Hannon Foundation, which have allowed the school to make critical changes to the campus. Improvements include a new library, new Hannon College Center and a new student union, as well as renovated science labs, new paint and updated lighting. For Hoepner, the changes mark an exciting time in the school’s history. Said Hoepner, “While selecting carpet, paint, cabinets and furniture has been fun, I am most proud of the complete vision
for student success. I believe schools must give students all of the tools and resources they need to succeed and the new spaces represent this philosophy.” One of the highlights of the school’s recent renovations include the Hannon College Center (HCC). Located strategically in the middle of the academic hallways and right in front of the school’s main staircase, students will walk by the HCC at least three times a day. Said Hoepner, “You cannot be a student without the reminder that St. Bernard is a college preparatory environment and our teachers and staff are here to encourage your child’s dreams.” The school has also revamped its daily schedule to the “block” format, meaning all classes will meet Mondays and then periods 1-3 will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays, while periods 4-6 will meet Wednesday and Fridays. The school day will now begin at 8:30 a.m. and end at 1:50 p.m. Hoepner points out changes to the schedule have been made to maximize quality instructional
time, reduce the number of classes students have to prepare for each night and allow students to take advantage of more leadership opportunities with a seventh period class. These classes will include student council, newspaper, art, athletics and student choir. “When I walk into school each morning and see students utilizing the library and student union, I cannot help but smile,” said Hoepner. “Last week I peeked my head into the computer lab after school and there were four seniors working on college applications. This is what school is all about: giving students all of the resources they need to succeed and having students who take advantage of those resources.” On Monday, September 9 from 6-8 p.m. the LA Sparks (which use the SBHS gym as their training location) will hold an exhibition game at the campus. The community is invited to attend the event, which is meant to help raise money for a new scoreboard. The cost is $7. For more info, please call (310) 823-4651.
Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News
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Cele br ati ng o ur l oca l s c h o o l s • Ba ck t o S chool 2 0 1 3 Back to School Season brings new beginnings and hope
Darin Early, MS.ed Director, LMU Family of Schools.
By Darin Early, Ms.ed
too often what goes unnoticed in our busy Southern California lives are the seasons. With an average temperature in the 70s, the seasonal changes that occur annually around the nation are a mere calendaring formality for us. However, there is one season that never goes unnoticed. Cloaked in traditions, the “Back to School” season is a time for new beginnings, with hope springing eternal for parents, teachers and students alike.
The return to school brings a farewell to the relaxing days of summer and a welcome to new educational challenges, experiences and opportunities. Over the past four years, schools within the LMU Family of Schools (FOS) have experienced a steady increase in academic performance, teacher development, and overall community engagement and support. The Westchester/ Playa community is replete with high performing schools and the LMU Family of Schools remains committed to promoting student success and educational equity amongst our 13 partners. Last year, the LMU Family of Schools office provided more than 16 teacher training workshops, engaged almost 700 LMU students in FOS-related activities and brought more than 1,300 FOS students to campus for a variety of events, including college readiness programs, science field days, student symposiums and mentoring programs. Our goal to engage LMU
A message from your HomeTown News There are so many great things going on all year-long at our local Westchester/Playa area schools and we are honored to help share some of these stories through the pages of the HomeTown News. In our inaugural “Back to School” section, we invited local schools to share with us some of the successes the schools have had in the past year, as well as their goals for the 2013-2014 school year. What you see in these pages is proof that our local schools are thriving and working hard to
provide a quality education to their students. At the HomeTown News we are proud supporters of our local schools through sponsoring such causes as The Race for Success, the Kentwood Retro Prom, donating to silent auctions, supporting the Teacher Eddy Awards and, of course, inviting all of our local schools to contact us about their achievements, so we can share them with you, our readers! Here’s to a great 2013-2014 school year!
Shane Martin (continued) (continued from page 9) and staff alike are attuned to the individual needs, desires and dreams of each student. It’s very important to promote college and career readiness so that students of all ages see college or a meaningful career as an achievable goal. For students who have the opportunity to be the first in their family to attend college, we must foster the idea that this is attainable for everyone. By bringing students onto the LMU campus, educating them about community and technical college options and explaining the intricacies of funding and loan
programs, students can both aspire and reach the college or career of their choice. Together– students, teachers, school leaders, parents, the community and university partnerships like the LMU Family of Schools– we can further strengthen all schools and put all students on a pathway to lifelong success. I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and I wish everyone the best as we start a new school year. Shane Martin, Ph.D. is the Dean and a Professor for Loyola Marymount University’s School of Education.
September 2013
Back to School
faculty in projects that directly impact student learning was realized via the StreetRead poetry program at St. Bernard High School and the Athletic Training program at Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets High School. These two projects, headed by Holli Levitsky and Sarah Strand respectively, allowed LMU students to develop specific skills and strategies via their university coursework and implement these strategies using a co-teaching model. Both of these programs were very successful and greatly benefited the students of LMU and the Family of Schools. This season, as always, welcomed new changes in our family of schools. Orville Wright Middle School, which converted to a school-wide magnet focusing on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics), has been joined on campus by WISH Charter Elementary. St. Anastasia Catholic Elementary School has opened the doors to its first ever Pre-Kindergarten program, while Cowan Avenue Elementary
enters its second year with a K-6 gifted magnet. Four of our schools will be piloting tabletbased instruction, which will support the implementation of a new curriculum based on the Common Core State Standards. Additionally, while we have said goodbye to some talented and beloved school administrators, we welcome newly seated principals at Orville Wright MS and Westport Heights Elementary. Amidst these changes, the Family of Schools’ goals for this year include developing and designing strategic supports aimed at improving academic achievement, strengthening school culture and climate, and providing opportunities that promote college and career readiness. In 2013-2014 our focus is to actively help our schools: • Address the “achievement ” and “preparation” gap that exist for students, particularly African American males • Train teachers and students to effectively implement technology into daily teaching and learning practice
• Implement a Restorative Justice discipline model, which is student-centered and based on the idea of personal responsibility • Provide opportunities for all students to engage in activities that promote college awareness and exposure to post-secondary career options • Improve school-to-school collaboration “Back to School” is a season when our hearts and minds eagerly look forward to what lies ahead. It is a season that provides the opportunity to build on past successes and benefit from lessons learned. Moreover, we hope it is a season where each of the students served in the LMU Family of Schools is supported and encouraged to, in the words of Nelson Mandela, “use their education as a tool to change the world.” If you are interested in joining our work, I invite you to connect with us at Darin Early, MS.ed is the Director of the LMU Family of Schools.
Calendar of School Events 2013-2014 September 2013
Sep. 6- Anniversary of the installation of Ed Massey’s “Syncopation” murals @ WNS Sep. 8- School Support Sunday and Pancake Breakfast @ St. A’s Sep. 20-27- Food Drive @ Playa Vista Elementary Sep. 21- Retro Prom with Kentwood Sep. 29- Parish Picnic @ St. A’s
October 2013
Oct. 3- Hannon Library Tour 3:30 pm @ LMU Oct. 4- HR & Realtor Breakfast @ Westside Neighborhood School Oct. 5- Blessing of the Animals @ St. A’s Oct. 8- Admissions Tour @ WNS Oct. 9- High School info night @ St. Jerome Oct. 18-19- Carnival @ St. Jerome Oct. 19- Boo Fest 11 am to 3 pm @ Playa Vista Elementary Oct. 19- Fall Festival @ Open Magnet Oct. 20- Book Fair @ St. A’s Oct. 22- Magnet Tours 9 am @ Loyola Village Oct. 24- Admissions Tour @ Westside Neighborhood School Oct. 29- Admissions Tour @ Westside Neighborhood School Oct. 29- School Tour @ Open Magnet Oct. 30- FOS College application night for SBHS & WESM students
November 2013
Nov. 5- America Recycles Day @ St. Jerome Nov. 5- School Tour @ Open
Magnet Nov. 7- Magnet Tours 1 pm @ Loyola Village Nov. 9- Casino Night @ Visitation Nov. 8- Veteran Tributes 12:30 pm @ Loyola Village Nov 17- Holiday Boutique @ Playa Vista Elementary Nov. 23- Westchester ESM Casino Night Nov. 25- Homecoming game @ Westchester ESM
December 2013
Dec. 4- Open House 6 p.m. @ WISH Charter School Dec. 6- Deck the Hall & Dinner with Santa @ Visitation Dec. 8- Giving Box Collection @ St. A’s Dec. 10- Winter Concert 12:30 & 1:30 pm @ Loyola Village Dec. 13- Winter Concert 7 pm @ Orville Wright Dec. 19- Winter Concert 10:45 am & 1:15 pm @ Loyola Village Dec. 19- Christmas Program @ St. A’s Dec. 19- Christmas Program @ Visitation
January 2014
Jan. 22- Open House 9 am @ WISH Charter School Jan. 26- Open House @ St. A’s Jan.. 29- Career Day @ St. A’s Jan. 30- Open House @ Visitation
February 2014
Feb. 1- Shake, Rattle and Bowl for Gateway to Art with Visitation Feb. 8- Musical Production @ St. A’s
Feb. 19- Open House 9 am @ WISH Charter School
March 2013
March 1- Academic Decathlon & Parish Ball with St. A’s March 8- Race for Success @ LMU March 12- Open House 6 p.m. @ WISH Charter School March 17-21- Book Fair @ Playa Vista Elementary School March 19- Jog-a-thon @ Playa Vista Elementary March 29- Spaghetti Bingo @ Visitation
April 2014
April 12- 14th Annual Spring Gala @ Visitation
May 2014
May 12- Annual Golf Tournament for Westside Neighborhood School May 15- 3rd Annual Art and Music Festival @ Visitation May 18- Mass on the grass and chili cook-off @ St. A’s May 23- Food Truck Friday Nights @ Visitation May 29- Open House @ WNS
June 2014
June 13- Food Truck Friday Nights @ Visitation
July 2014
July 18- Food Truck Friday Nights @ Visitation
August 2014
August 22- Food Truck Friday Nights @ Visitation
* Dates are subject to change. Please check with each school to confirm dates. Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News
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C e le br ati n g o ur Lo c a l S ch ool s • Ba c k t o S chool 2 0 1 3 Orville Wright is STEAMed up and ready for success The Loyola Village campus contains murals and artwork/
Loyola Village “wows” with performances, art Loyola Village Elementary School/Fine and Performing Arts Magnet Center is a California Distinguished School that provides students with a strong academic and social foundation. Our students engage in lessons that develop critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills. In addition, they express their creativity through our arts program. This program includes painting, ceramics, chorus, orchestra, guitars, ballet, and African drum and dance ensemble. Our beautifully landscaped campus features a renovated auditorium, “Wonder of Reading” library, wireless iMac computer lab, art, music
and dance studios, plus a student garden. Our collegial faculty and staff collaborate with our families to enrich our curricular program in a welcoming and caring environment. Our goal is to motivate, nurture, and challenge each child to fully develop their potential. Other School Features: • Total enrollment: 400 • Grades: K – 5th • “Character Counts” school-wide • STAR Education, before and after school child care and enrichment • Outstanding Booster Club and PTA
Wright Middle School STEAM Magnet would like to thank the community for a successful launch. On August 13, we opened our doors as a new school and welcomed our students and our new faculty back to the 20132014 academic year. Leading up to our launch, we organized over the summer months to develop a school-wide intention that truly speaks to who we are as a school and staff. As we opened, students, faculty and staff participated in a Week of Welcome (WOW). During this week, we spent time building school pride, improving student morale, creating a safe environment and promoting civic duty within our school and community. In addition to opening with a new purpose, we launched with an instructional program
focused on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics), projectbased learning and an expanded electives program. The electives offered this year include the history of music, instrumental music, choir, Spanish, horticulture, aerospace education, our global world and science exploration. Our outstanding teachers are collaboratively developing curriculum with each other, our university partner, Loyola Marymount University, as well as The Energy Coalition and The National Equity Project. Through these partnerships our students will have an opportunity to apply their learning and practice 21st century skills to positively impact their communities. Please join us on-campus throughout the year for various
Orville Wright is celebrating its first semester as a STEAM Magnet.
events, campus tours or just to say hi. We welcome all community members to partner with us as we work together to impact the lives of our students. Meet the STEAM team! The STEAM Team is under the leadership of Principal Christina Wantz who has been a staple of the school community for 15 years as a teacher, coordinator and administrator. In addition to Mrs. Wantz, the STEAM Team is led by Ms. Augustus, Assistant Principal; Mr. Davis, Magnet Coordinator; Mrs. Gardner, Data Coach; Ms. Pennington, Special Education; Mrs. Le Duff, School Administrative Assistant; and Mr. Nielsen, Dean of Students. However, the true treasures of our school community are our teachers!
Orville Wright STEAM Magnet’s School-wide Intention:
At Wright our intention is to foster belonging and make possible transformation for every child who walks into our school while promoting diversity and pride in self and school.
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Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News
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At Visitation School, “Respect Life” is a “Way of Life”
Westchester ESM students took home the top prize at the 2013 Aspen Challenge. PHOTO PROVIDED BY WESM.
What’s new at Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets? Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnets (ESM) has a lot to celebrate! Here are just a few of the school’s recent accomplishments: • Westchester ESM has been identified as a Phase 1 school for LAUSD’s 1:1 iPad initiative. Beginning this September, every student in our school will receive an iPad, loaded with textbooks, learning apps and interactive curriculum. • A team of students from Westchester ESM recently won a competition called the Aspen Challenge. As a result, Westchester students received a free trip to Aspen, Colorado to make a presentation at the Aspen Ideas Festival, the annual conference of the Aspen Institute. • Westchester’s CST scores increased again in 2013, for the
6th year in a row. Proficiency in English increased by 7% this year, while proficiency in math increased by 4%. • Students in Westchester’s Environmental & Natural Science Magnet are almost finished building an “Urban Farm” on our campus. Our new greenhouse uses aquaponics to grow organic vegetables and houses fresh fish, which we plan to sell at the local farmers’ market. • WESM recently finished installation of a new flight simulation lab for its Aviation & Aerospace Magnet. • Westchester’s Health & Sports Medicine Magnet just hired a certified athletic trainer, Mr. Arnold Figueroa, to teach Sports Medicine and Athletic Training classes.
In determining what to communicate as a few of our recent accomplishments, the events that are most significant and those that we are most proud of, are all faith driven and “Respect Life” related. At the end of June, we were able to rally the entire community for Dr. Greg Crawford’s, Dean of Science, University of Notre Dame, annual cross country bike ride to raise funds for research to find a cure for the Neiman Pick Type C disease that Westchester’s own and Visitation alumnae, Jessica Leoni, “Fight for Jessica,” has been battling for 16 years. July began with the LAX Coastal Area Chamber’s July 4th Parade celebrating “Red, White and Blue goes Green,” and Visitation students, athletes and parents participated in our “Go USA-Go Meteors-Go Green” and sports themed “One Spirit-One Team-One Win-Meteors Play Green” parade entry. At the July 19 Food Truck Friday Night, along with the Knights of Columbus, Visitation students raised money for “Team Christy” Hughes as she was battling cancer in the hospital. At 9 p.m, Dick Laner, Christy’s 8th Grade teacher at Visitation, led a special recognition and prayer for Christy and the Hughes family. Christy passed away at 10:02 p.m. that evening, surrounded by the prayers and love of the community. May our beloved Christy rest in peace. On August 16, at our award winning Food Truck Friday Night, Visitation hosted over 200 soldiers (387th QM Co. - Serving the Fallen) and their families for dinner and fun. Both Visitation parish and school families, The Asari Family,
Dr. Greg Crawford, Dean of Science, University of Notre Dame, with his team at the Leoni home. Community members and friends joined the Leoni family to celebrate the kick- off of Dr. Crawford’s annual cross country bike ride to raise awareness and funds for a cure for Neiman Pic Type C disease. Jessica Leoni is battling the disease and Visitation is a year-round supporter of “Fight for Jessica.”
The Drucker family, dmrossihomes. com/Shorewood Realtors, The Saienni and 2 anonymous donors contributed sponsorship funds to purchase more than 200 dinners for the troops. Our 15 food truck partners also donated 4 dinners each for the troops. At the end of August, BJ Cooney, Visitation parent and Gateway to Art Director and Aurora Talavera, united school families to join in the “Art for Aurora” Tapia (grandmother of both students and alumni) fundraiser to help raise money for treatments needed by Aurora to battle cancer and a brain tumor. We continue praying for Aurora and the Tapia family. As we enter into the month of September, alumnae, Jessica Leoni’s (Fight for Jessica) family is again in need of our prayers and support as Jessica recovers from yet another hospital stay. We asked our school families and neighbors to help the Leoni family, by delivering dinners to the Leoni home on Tuesdays and Thursdays. As a parish and school
community, we pray for Jessica and the Leoni family year-round. Moving toward the beginning of another school year at Visitation, under the direction and leadership of Principal, Christopher Watson, we have already planned our year-round “Respect Life” events. Some new, and many time honored traditions of service and involvement for worthy causes are on our 2013-2014 school calendar. During the course of each school year, as life unfolds, we remain open and ready to respond to additional “Respect Life” opportunities that present themselves and call us to action. We are thankful for our many friends, neighbors, partnering organizations and community leaders who orchestrate and participate in these “Respect Life” involvement opportunities. Thanks to Principal Watson, “Respect Life,” is a “Way of Life” at Visitation Catholic School.
We invite YOU to come experience the bold new look of St. Bernard High School. A new education for the brave and brilliant Bernard student!
New Hannon College Center • New Library • New Science Labs • Renovated Sports Facilities...and More!
St. Bernard High School is changing and growing! We recently celebrated one million dollars in renovations. Call our campus today for a tour and to find out what everyone is talking about.
Call us today! (310) 823-4651 • 9100 Falmouth Ave., Playa del Rey • September 2013
Back to School
Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News
WISH Charter continues to grow, celebrates move to new campus It’s been a tremendous year for WISH Charter, which is now entering their fourth year as a standout school, not only in our community, but in the nation. In April of this year, WISH was named a SWIFT Knowledge Development Site by the University of Kansas– one of only 6 schools in the US selected for this auspicious designation. SWIFT, an acronym for Schoolwide Integrated Framework for Transformation, identified WISH as a Knowledge Development Site for its exemplary parent partnerships, multi-tiered systems of support, academic achievement, strong teacher support systems and inclusionary practices.
As part of the SWIFT Center study, several members of the WISH faculty had the opportunity to spend a week in Washington, D.C. attending the SWIFT summer professional learning institute, sharing ideas and experiences with other educators from across the nation. As WISH begins their 20132014 academic year, they are adjusting to their new home on the Orville Wright middle school campus. WISH made the big move on July 31 from their former location on Sepulveda Eastway to co-share the Wright campus with the newly inaugurated STEAM Magnet middle school. Always key to the WISH community is the
involvement of all families, who came together in the last month to assist with the campus move and help beautify the new space to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for the students. Teachers, parents and students were awed by the large classroom size, and the children are reveling in the large grassy play yard now available to them. WISH charter is grateful for again being voted “Best Charter School” in the Westchester, Play del Rey, Playa Vista and Marina del Rey area by the readers of the Hometown News. We owe this recognition to the commitment of WISH families, faculty, staff and the Westchester community who
Peters WISH student art.
unfailingly support our efforts. WISH will be hosting 4 open house sessions for prospective families during the year. We hope you will join us at one of these events to learn more about our school and consider becoming part of the WISH community!
Westside Neighborhood School creates community of lifelong learners At Westside Neighborhood School, its mission is to create a community of lifelong learners that nurtures students from diverse backgrounds to reach their full potential and inspires them to contribute to the world with confidence, creativity, curiosity, conscience and compassion. WNS highlights from the past year and upcoming events for the 2013-2014 school year include: • Second School Bus Addition: This summer, Westside Neighborhood School added a second school bus to its fleet. With the addition of a new, larger, full-size bus, WNS is expanding its morning bus service to more communities and families throughout Los Angeles County
September 2013
including the South Bay, West L.A. and more! The second bus will also be used to provide transportation for our growing after school sports program and class field trips. • 1:1 iPad Program Expansion: WNS has also expanded its 1:1 iPad program for the entire middle school. Starting this year, all middle school students in grades 6-8 will receive an iPad to use throughout the school year. • After School Athletics: WNS continues to grow our after school athletics program to offer multiple opportunities for our students to learn about and compete in several sports each season. In addition to our existing after school athletics, this year, fall
Back to School
flag football has been added to the roster of sports available to fifth grade boys. Sixth grade boys and girls will now have the same opportunities as seventh and eighth graders to play soccer and basketball in the winter. • Choral Program: In its inaugural year, the WNS choral team participated in its first competition at the Southern California Vocal Association choir festival in May. The WNS choir was judged on seven different categories and earned a “Superior” accolade, the highest rating given. • Robotics: Competing in the First Lego League, WNS’s first robotics team, which consisted of students in grades 4-8, participated in several tournaments, where
Ask Ms.
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WNS will celebrate the one year anniversary of the installation of its “Syncopation” murals during September.
teams research, design and build robots. The team attended competitions in November and December, as well as attended the Windward Spring Friendly, in which the WNS robotics team placed second.
Dear Ms. Peters, I want to make sure my child does their very best academically this school year. Any suggestions? –Reaching for the Stars in Playa del Rey
Dear Star Reacher, There are a number of things you can do to really set your child up for maximum academic gains. First, start with the end in mind. Get the overall picture by finding out what subjects and skills your child is required to master by the end of the school year for their grade level. For our precious ones in California, go to st/ss. I would print a copy for his/ her grade level, so you always have it handy. Next, set up a communication system with the teacher to find out which area of the standard is being targeted each week. There are a number of ways to accomplish this: email, automated calls, letters sent home or on a teacher’s webpage on the school’s website. Use whichever way works to be able to get the most current information on a weekly basis. This allows you to partner with the teacher and support your child by reinforcing what is being learned each week and the essentials to be learned by year’s end. Genevieve Peters is an award winning teacher, behavioral consultant and creator and founder of Peters Procedures: A Protocol of Conduct. She lives in Playa del Rey. Have a question for “Ask Ms. Peters?” Please send your questions to:
Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News
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PVES inspires students to excel in science, technology, engineering
Kentwood to start school year with iPads for students
Playa Vista Elementary School (PVES) is located in Playa Vista below Loyola Marymount University (LMU) and near the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve. PVES is a demonstration school and a collaboration of working partnerships between LAUSD, LMU and the local community. PVES is a learning environment where all students are inspired to learn science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) from the moment they begin their educational career. Through a creative, inquirybased, inter-connected thematic curriculum at PVES, students are
Kentwood is back in session for another wonderful year of academic and social activities. The school celebrated its Back-toSchool Picnic on Sunday, August 25 at Nielsen Park in Westchester, and it was a huge success with an awesome turnout of friends and families. On September 3, the school held its Back-to-School Night for parents. Kentwood is also slated to be one of the schools in Phase 1 of LAUSD’s Common Core Technology Project where students in grades K-5 will be receiving iPad tablets in the classroom. Last year, in 2012 we celebrated a 28 point increase in API to 878. This year our API score grew to 892! Our Third Annual Retro Prom for parents and adults will be held on Saturday, September 21 from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Westchester Elks Lodge. It’s a night of dancing, costume contest, retro music, snacks, beverages and more. Tickets may be purchased online at All proceeds benefit the Kentwood Education Fund and the event is open to the community.
Nestled in Playa del Rey, Paseo Del Rey Natural Science Magnet is a thriving public school in Playa del Rey. The diverse population of approximately 510 students’ offers an opportunity for students to learn and share their different perspectives in a multicultural, multi-ethnic positive environment. The staff and administration is committed to providing quality education and continuous student growth. Paseo Del Rey Natural Science Magnet Highlights: • A Natural Science Magnet • Mad Science After School Enrichment • Wonder’s Reading Library w/ a 6-hour library aide • Gifted and Talented Literature
Programs • Orchestra • STAR Psychomotor Program • STAR After School Program • Computer and Science lab • Youth Services After School Program • Elementary Art and Dance • Intervention Programs • Part of the LMU Family of School • Part of the Cotsen Foundation • Eight teachers participate in the Cotsen Foundation for the Art of Teaching Fellowship. The mission of the program is to develop gifted teachers through mentoring to promote high quality teaching.
WISH student art.
Paseo Del Rey students pose during the first week of school.
Westchester welcomes its newest school: Westchester Secondary Charter • REY PLAYA EL D
VISITATION SCHOOL Thanks The Community For Awarding Us TWO “BEST OF THE BEST” FAVORITE WINS For 2013...
A FAVORITE Private (Religious) School And A FAVORITE Community Event: FOOD TRUCK FRIDAY NIGHTS September 2013
and LMU faculty co-collaborate to increase student engagement and achievement in STEM. As a future teacher residency site, extensive professional development will create a pipeline of new STEM teachers and provide valuable research for teaching innovations in STEM fields. PVES Interesting Facts: An artist rendering of the PVES playground. • Kindergarten - 5th Grade • Transitional Kindergarten Beyond the Bell, Children’s • Science, Technology, Music Workshop, Coach Derek, Engineering and Math (STEM) Discovery Park, Friends of the emphasis Ballona Wetlands, Jelly Bean Jamz, • LMU Partnership Music Rhapsody, Planet Bravo, • Science & Technology Lab Playa Vista Brookfield Homes, • Community Garden Playa Vista Sports Park, Sports • Collaborative Partners: Belkin, Mania, STAR and YouTube.
Playa del Rey’s Paseo Del Rey
Did you know? LMU provides FREE admission to members of the LMU Family of Schools to select sporting event. Register for your tickets on the “resources” link of
inspired to develop a passion for math and science. The curriculum also serves to increase student confidence in STEM and inspire current and future generations to fulfill an exponentially growing global demand for more scientists, engineers and mathematicians. PVES students will emerge as active learners who are “globallyminded” and able to think critically, reason and problemsolve, communicate effectively, work collaboratively in diverse groups and persevere through challenges. As a professional learning community, PVES students, teachers, administrators, parents
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Tuesday, September 3 marked the opening of Westchester’s newest school, Westchester Secondary Charter School (WSCS). The school began its inaugural year with 222 students. The HTN spoke with principal Janet Landon to discuss the goals for the 6-9 charter school, which has plans to grow a grade level each year until it serves grades 6-12. HTN: How does it feel to see the dream of opening WSCS school come to fruition? Landon: I would say that it is still a little mystical. It still doesn’t seem quite real when it is just the adults here. When the kids come on campus to get their PE clothes or get their assessments, it is beyond belief! Knowing that there are so many kids that really need us and really need and want what we are offering is really gratifying. We have worked so hard to get here and now that we are actually doing it is a whole another level of work and pleasure. Connecting eager teachers with kids who really need them is a dream come true. HTN: What can students and parents expect from WSCS? Landon: They can expect academic achievement, a very rich artistic experience and I think they can expect a very warm and caring place. I think they can expect a very supportive environment and a very personalized approach to the whole family, in the sense that parents can be very involved in the school. I
think they can expect a lot of community involvement in the school. There will also be a lot of development for young leaders. HTN: What sets this school apart from other schools? Landon: A lot of things. The unique component of our school is that it is very community centered and it really is about bridging the gap between the community to the school and creating authentic relationships…I think that our school is different. We have students coming from over 75 different schools. This is an opportunity for us to create a very unique culture. HTN: How do you think the implementation of Peters’ Procures will affect student behavior? Landon: This will really develop children into being very professional and perhaps more sophisticated to align with their private school peers. It’s a public school, but it is going to model a private school setting in terms of expectations and character development. It [the program] is not oppressive, its empowering. It gives students the tools to get what they need in a moment to moment basis and also in life. Sadly, we don’t give our children much of that any more…I think that it is a really a leadership component and empowering students with the skills to get what they need, whether it’s a pencil or a friend. For more information, please visit
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What is the essential ingredient in a Westchester Lutheran education? What is the essential ingredient in a Westchester Lutheran education? Is it a curriculum that blends classic and contemporary learning with cutting-edge technology? An administration that believes in the importance of the arts in addition to core subjects? A faculty dedicated to building character while opening minds? While we provide all these things, what sets us apart is joy. The joy of students discovering their strengths and talents in a setting where they are nurtured and celebrated. The joy of teachers sharing their passion for learning. The joy of parents working together to encourage and support their children as they grow and learn. WLS educates children from preschool (beginning at age 2.5) through eighth grade. Throughout
their journey here, our students delve into an academically rigorous program with great results; on average, they score two and a half years above grade level on standardized testing. Over ninety percent of our middle school graduates are accepted by their first-choice high school. Every year, our students receive marvelous opportunities to explore beyond core studies, with docent-led enrichment programs to supplement their art and science classes, multiple performing arts and public speaking programs during the year and field trips to a wide variety of cultural centers and historic sites. Our extra-curricular activities also encourage exploration and self-expression, from our nationally-ranked cheerleading
squad to our award-winning middle school sports teams to our choirs, bands and musicals. We are invested in the community as well. Our middle school students devote hundreds of hours in community service each year. We sponsor troops for Boy and Girl Scouts and offer meeting space to a variety of other groups, such as AYSO. During the Sepulveda Beautification Program, we replaced the city sidewalk in front of our property and replanted the trees at our own expense. While the school is a mission of Westchester Lutheran Church, we welcome students of all faiths. Our motto is “Believing and Achieving.” Our desire is that all students will be inspired and equipped to believe in themselves and to achieve their full potential.
St. Jerome creates leaders through education St. Jerome School, a Catholic parish elementary school in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, is committed to educating Christian leaders for our world, and to serving the needs of a culturally diverse Catholic community. We pride ourselves in knowing that we have prepared each and every student who walks across the stage to receive a graduation diploma from St Jerome’s. This is evident by the high percentage
of our graduates who received acceptance letters from top-tier schools in the area. It is the mission of the school to create a strong faith community, to teach children the doctrine and traditions of the Catholic faith and to nurture students through integrated, standards based curriculum. We work in partnership with parents, whom we recognize as the primary educators of
their children. We provide an excellent Catholic education that will prepare our students for the future. We believe that all St. Jerome children are called to be Christian leaders within their families, in their local communities, in the workplace and in the world and will excel in whichever path life takes them. For additional information or to schedule a tour of the school, please call (310) 670-1678.
Stay up-to-date with news and events by liking at Don’t forget to like your school on Facebook too!
Westchester Lutheran School’s motto is “Believing and Achieving” and the school’s goal is to help all students achieve their full potential.
Visit us and learn more about the joy your child will find at Westchester Lutheran School.
School tours are available by calling us at (310) 670-5422 or you can visit us at
Open Magnet Charter hosts school tours Open Magnet Charter School tours will be held on Tuesday, October 29 and Tuesday, November 5. Sign-ins will begin at 8 a.m. and the tour will conclude at 9:30 a.m. The tours will include an overview of the school philosophy, guided tour of the campus and a Q & A session. No RSVP is needed. All interested families are welcome to attend either tour. Please note that the online Magnet Choices Application will be available on starting October 1. The deadline to apply is November 15.
THANK YOU! Loyola Village Elementary School says THANK YOU to our Westchester community and surrounding areas for your support of our 3rd annual ARTS ALIVE FESTIVAL on August 24. You helped us keep the love in LoVE with your tremendous community spirit, and we can’t wait to share more quality fine and performing arts events with you soon!!!
Loyola Village Elementary School and Fine and Performing Arts Magnet 8821 Villanova Ave., Westchester • (310) 670-0480 •
September 2013
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St. Anastasia service projects inspire lifelong “giving back” At Westchester’s St. Anastasia, giving back to the community and stewardship is a large part of the curriculum. With guidance from the PTO, students are encouraged to participate in various school and parish stewardship services throughout the year including: • A school supply drive for Alexandria House • Thanksgiving food and toiletry drives and the Westside Thanksgiving dinner at St. Margaret’s Center • A monthly collection for St. Joseph’s Center • 100th Day of School toiletry drive for St. Margaret’s Center • “Giving Boxes”– for children at Ascension Parish at Christmas • Adopt-a-Family– a classroom
collection of money, decorations, gift and food staples for Christmas • Boxes for soldiers • Easter baskets for St. Margaret’s • Several collections including funds for victims of natural disasters and special needs • Coin collections in baby bottles for the Westside Pregnancy Center In addition, at the beginning of the school year, eight grade teacher, Mrs. Krank, requires her students to pick a service project. Students work in pairs and find an organization or community/city project they would like to work with. Each student is required to commit 10-20 hours of volunteer time to the project that includes hands-on assistance. Each team is also required to give a final
presentation to the school that documents their journey, what inspired them and their reflection upon “giving back.” This is a great program that inspires lifelong “giving back” as these children grow to become contributors to the world at large. Last year’s service projects included collection of board games to be donated to area park programs; volunteering at the Veterans Hospital; volunteering for Los Angeles Children’s Pediatric Center; collecting vases and flowers to put in senior centers; collecting prom dresses to donate and tutoring at St. Margaret’s Center. St. Anastasia’s recent accomplishments:
Students share what they are learning on their iPads with Principal Mike Muir.
• “Best of 2013” Hometown News honoree • “Outstanding Board Award” from the WCEA • Opening of the Junior-K
program • Enriched science program • iPad/technology program • Academic Decathlon team
Local school 2013 API results Cowan Ave Elementary School 7615 Cowan Ave., Westchester (310) 645-1973 2013 API: 829 2012 API: 840 Kentwood Elementary School 8401 Emerson Ave., Westchester (310) 670-8977 2013 API: 892 2012 API: 878 Loyola Village Elementary School 8821 Villanova Ave., Westchester (310) 670-0480 2013 API: 816 2012 API: 861 Open Magnet Charter 5540 W 77th St., Westchester (310) 568-0735 2013 API: 917
September 2013
Orville Wright STEAM Magnet 6550 W. 80th St., Westchester (310) 258-6600 2013 API: 737 2012 API: 775
Westchester Enriched Sciences Magnet 7400 W. Manchester Ave., Westchester (310) 338-2400 2013 API: 704 2012 API: 702
Paseo Del Rey Natural Sciences Magnet 7751 Paseo Del Rey, Playa del Rey (310) 823-2356 2013 API: 864 2012 API: 883
Westport Heights 6011 W. 79th Street Westchester (310) 645-5611 2013 API: 821 2012 API: 843
Playa Vista Elementary 13150 W Bluff Creek Drive, Playa Vista (424) 228-1800 2013 API: 900 2012 API: Not Available
WISH Charter 6550 W. 80th Street Westchester (310) 642-9474 2013 API: 895 2012 API: 838
2012 API: 913
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Face Painters for Hire! Bring something new to the party! We are three Otis alumnae who share a passion for art and a love of fun. Invite us to your next event and we will make sure to leave a smile (and design!) on your face. Give us a call! Call Kirby: 818.471.8134 Visit Us:
Westchester • Playa del Rey • Marina del Rey• Playa Vista HomeTown News